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Published by SCM, 2019-10-14 21:20:10

August 2019 Bucket Sheets

August 2019 Bucket Sheets


Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 NEWSLETTER


Edition 49 Issue 11 August 2019

from 1970 to 2019

The purpose of the club shall be the maintenance of the highest standards of courtesy
and safety on the road; the enjoyment and sharing of the goodwill and fellowship
engendered by owning a Chevrolet Corvette, engaging in social activities and
competitive events and encouraging favorable interest in the club and the Corvette;
the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the
Marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information; the
establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relations with manufacturers,
dealers and service courses to the end that the Marque will prosper and enjoy
continuity and prominence; to have, exercise, and enjoy all the powers and purposes
which may be exercised by a non-profit organization.

Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota, Inc. will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on the third
Tuesday of every month until further notice at:

1132 East County Road E
Vadnais Heights, MN 55110
(651) 482-1100

Interested owners of Corvettes are welcome to attend meetings or club
functions. Family membership, $85; Single, $65; Associate, $20; Lifetime, $55.
All include NCCC membership. Additional information can be found on our web

Page 1

Report from our President

Hi folks,
Despite the slow start of the driving season, we are having a good turn-
out for our events. It’s been a rainy spring and summer; we just need to
remember how to use the windshield wipers. Thanks to our event chairper-
sons and volunteers we have enjoyed many club outings. Only a few more
rain free days and we can mark this year as a success.
In our club, we have over 225 members but just can’t seem to get enough
volunteers to staff our club events. It seems as though it’s the same group
to volunteer and I am so grateful for these members’ devotion to the club.
So, please if you can find the time, come out and join us and pitch in to
make our sponsored events a success. Recently, our IT Officer resigned
from the board and we are in need of a member to take his place. I have
currently assumed those duties as interim webmaster but be aware that the
website functionality will not be as efficient until we find a replacement. We
have board election in less than 90 days and our nomination committee
chair is Lynn Steenblock. Contact Lynn to help mold the future of our club.
Following Cars Under the Stars, we have two more major public facing
events for our club and I am hoping to see many of our members come
out to join us for Driver’s School and the Fall Color Run. Let’s make these
fall events a huge success. If you are wondering what you can do to help,
please contact the event chairs.
I hope to see you out there,
Drive Safe,
Dave Benner

Page 2

Hamburger, Fries and Catch-up

Saturday, September 7th 5:00 P.M.


1294 Promenade Place
Eagan, MN 55121
Hosted by

Roger & Barb Dahlquist
Phone 612-730-7020
[email protected]

Saturday, October 5th 5:00 P.M.

To be determined
Plymouth , MN
Hosted by

Trygve & Diane Svard

Page 3

Board Meeting Minutes

August 6, 2019

The August SCM Board Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by President
Dave Benner. Dave announced that the September Board Meeting would be
held in the Oakridge room and that Vice President Sue Griffin would be conduct-
ing the meeting.

Board Members Present: Dave Benner, Sue Griffin, Barb Stattman, Gloria
Weeks, Jim Bodin, Dave Olson, Ron Weeks, Marty Buck, Roger Dahlquist,
Dave Scherf, Marie George, Dave Juhl, Steven Mael, Lynn Steenblock.

Board Members Not Present: Sandi Scott, Roger Scott, Mark Orfield

Guests Present: Butch George, Timm Hendrix

Secretary’s Report: Gloria Weeks reported,
The July Board Meeting minutes were presented. A motion to approve the min-
utes as published was made by Marty Buck with a second by Lynn Steenblock;
motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Barb Stattman reported,
● Withdrawals were attributed to Bucket Sheet newsletter expenses.
● Deposits were attributed to Driver’s School and Cars Under the Stars

Treasurer’s reports are available for review.

Membership Report: Sue Griffin reported,
● SCM members =226, Lifetime members = 97, and NCCC members =

Public Relations: Dave Olson reported,
● Dave is now sending invoices 30 days in advance of renewal date –
Ziebart has been invoiced.
● Kiss’s has been invoiced. He has also moved to a new location so Dave
will be discussing updating his ad.

Editor’s Report: Ron Weeks reported. Deadline for this month is Friday, August
9, next month is Friday, September 6.

Page 4

IT Report: Dave Benner reported,
● Dave advised that he has had no volunteer step forward to fill the vacant
IT position. Dave is attempting to fill in for the website and IT func-
tions. There is a learning curve and he has limited time available to
spend on IT.
● Event pre-registrations are functional. 22 have registered for Cars un-
der the Stars and 2 have registered for the driver’s school. Dave will try
to change the cut off time from 10 pm to midnight for Cars Under the
Stars pre-registration.
● Suburban’s website is managed by Bluehost and expires 09-11-19.
Dave Juhl made a motion to take to the general membership for ap-
proval the 3 year payment for renewal in the amount of $503.28. This
renewal includes a backup function. Roger Dahlquist seconded the
motion. Motion passed.

Governor’s Report: Jim Bodin reported,
● Insurance certificates are current with the exception of the Autumn
Cruise September 28th. Jim is chairing that event and he will take care
of it.
● Jim reported that the United Car Council for the single plate legisla-
tion project has obtained 4,000 signatures on petition. The United Car
Council is now in need of money. $500 was approved by the general
membership at the November 2018 meeting and Jim requested a check.
Jim will set up the MINNUCC tent, if available, at Cars Under the Stars
and would like to do a pitch at the August membership meeting looking
for additional donations if there are no objections.

Vice President’s Report: Sue Griffin reported,
Sue reviewed past and future club and non-club sponsored events for July, Au-
gust and September.
● Sue had a request for payment to cover $112 banquet room expense in-

curred at the Chevy to Levee Steel and Plastic event July 12-14. Ron Weeks
made a motion to cover the expense with a second by Marty Buck. Motion
● Sue still has no volunteer to chair the Spina Bifida Picnic on September 22.
She has been in contact with Shawn Hanna obtaining details of how it has
been handled in the past.
● September 16th Drivers School at Brainerd. Sue is being advised that room
reservations must be made by August 18th. The hotel is full and they will
not hold rooms beyond that date.

Please see the Vice President’s calendar for a full list of both club sponsored and
non-club sponsored events in the Bucket Sheets or visit the website.

Continued on Page 6

Page 5

Old Business:
● Dave Benner announced that electronic payment for the 2019 Member-

ship dues will not be functional and will be deferred to 2020. There is not
enough time to set up the process.
● Membership dues increase proposal. NCCC dues will be split out so that
the proposed membership dues only will be published in the August Bucket

New Business:
● Dave Benner reported on the IT Officer resignation/vacancy. He advised

this is a highly skilled position and we need someone to fill the position. He
has looked into a quote received from a person outside the club to maintain
the website. It was too expensive to consider so Dave will continue in his
attempt to handle some functions.

● C8 Corvette Logo – Jim Bodin reported. Suburban can use the C8 Logo as
part of our club logo but we will need to get approval from General Motors.
NCCC will help with this process. This club logo change will be reflected
on the website only. We will continue to use our current Suburban logo for
everything else.

● Events and Volunteers – Dave Benner announced that his August President’s
report in Bucket Sheets will be on volunteerism.

● Non-member Volunteers – Dave Benner reported that Paul Hauschildt had
contacted him with an idea to utilize high school kids to augment his short-
age of workers for Cars Under the Stars. The Board discussed and felt that
this is not a good idea since we could be open to liability. Dave will talk to

● Dave Olson reported that no tee shirts have been ordered for Cars Under the
Stars and now there is not enough time to order. He noted that the tee shirts
were in our contract with Matt Saxe. Matt Saxe had agreed to pay for half
of the expense to order shirts. Dave Benner will talk to the dealership.

● Ron Weeks made a motion to appoint Lynn Steenblock to be the committee
chair for nominations with a second by Marty Buck. Motion passed and
Lynn accepted. Marty Buck volunteered to help Lynn with nominations.

A motion to adjourn was made by Dave Olson with a second by Ron Weeks.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Gloria Weeks, Secretary

NOTE: Membership Meeting Minutes start on Page 22

Page 6

Chevy to the Levee
Steel and Plastic Cruise
19 Corvettes and 2 Steel
cars participated

Pictures - Sandy Reibel &
Ron Weeks

Page 7

The BBQ was
hosted by Brent &
Sandy Reibel. 65
members & guests
enjoyed BBQ, side
dishes, & deserts.

Page 8

Page 9



JUNE 10, 2019
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019

Presented by


Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota will have Two Driver School and Lapping Days at Brainerd International
Raceway in 2019. These driver schools will provide you with the opportunity to develop your driving
skills in the controlled environment of a closed circuit and then they can be used for normal street driving,
autocrossing or racing. It’s also a chance for the experienced racer to get lots of track time.

Whether the sun shines or it rains, the Driver School and Lapping goes on. If the sun shines, it is a great
time to practice the racing line, braking points or just different corner entry or exit points. If it rains, you
will really learn handling techniques for adverse conditions.

There is classroom and braking exercises for the beginner, novice or semi-experienced driver. It is your
chance to learn the basics and also how your car reacts to driver inputs. Ride with Driving Instructors and
see how they handle their car. The Driving Instructors will ride with you and work with you to be more
confident while you drive your car. You should take full advantage of the opportunity to use these
Instructors and gain some of there knowledge.

Lunch is included with your registration. The Wheelie Bar will be open for lunch at 11:00 AM. We will
not break for lunch, so you will need to eat when you can.

There will be a dinner on Sunday night at Arrowood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes for all drivers,
instructors and other volunteers. The dinner starts at 6:30 PM. No reservations are required. We will be
previewing the day at the track events. Great time to meet your instructor and other drivers/volunteers!

June 10, we will be running the 3 mile Donnybrook Track.
Sept. 16, we will be running the 2.5 mile Competition Track.
Come join the EXCITEMENT of the long, fast straight away.

Rooms are blocked for “Suburban Corvettes” ($79, 2 beds, 2people) at
ARROWWOOD Lodge At Brainerd Lakes
6967 Lake Forest Road
Baxter, MN. 56401
877-687-5634, 218-822-5572


If you check on the cost of other driver schools or with other clubs, you will find that this is a very
inexpensive way to get up to 4 hours of track time per day. It is an exceptional value!

There is a limit of 60 drivers for each school. Be sure you sign up early so that you don’t miss the

If you have any questions, call: Rick Ohland – (651) 206-8670, or E-mail: [email protected]
Or: Jon Thompson – (763) 263-9587, or E-mail: [email protected]

Please check with your auto insurance, you may not be covered while on the track.

We hope you take this opportunity to enjoy and use “Minnesota’s Premier Motorsports Facility” –

For Registration Form go to:

Page 10

Page 11

Hamburger, Fries, & Catchup

The August event was
hosted by Bill & Barb Price
at Pub 42 in New Hope
with 33 members and
guests attending

Pictures -
Ron Weeks

Page 12

2019 SCM Events Calendar

August 2019

10 - Cars under the Stars, Saxe Chevrolet – Event Chairs Paul Hauschildt, Paul
Capeder, and Dave Anderson

20 - General Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:30pm

September 2019

3 – Board Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:00pm

7 – HFC 5:00pm Hosted by Roger and Barb Dahlquist. Location: Houlihan’s
Eagan. Details on Page 3 and the web site.

16 - Driver’s School – Brainerd International Raceway, Rick Ohland. See flyer on
page 10 and web site for more information

17 – General Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:30pm

22- Spina Bifida Picnic – Long Lake Regional Park SCM arrive at 11:45am.
Lunch provided at noon with Corvette rides beginning around 1:30pm.

28 - Autumn Cruise – Hosted By Jim and Pat Bodin. See flyer on page 19 and
web site for more information

October 2019

1 – Board Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:00pm

5 – HFC 5pm Hosted by Diane and Trygve Svard. Location to be TBD.

11-13 - Fall Color Run Event Chairs Terry and Joan Wigginton. See flyer on page
20 web site for more information.

15 - General Membership Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:30pm

November 2019

23 - SCM Annual Awards Banquet – Event Chairs Sandi and Roger Scott

Continue on page 16
Page 13


Held August 10th at the club sponsor
Matt Saxe Chevrolet in Belle Plaine
with 49 cars participating

Page 14

Pictures -
Roger Dahlquist

Page 15

2019 Non-Club Sponsored Events
August 2019
17 – 9am – 1pm Annual Corvettes at Stillwater. Stillwater Motors.
17 – 8am-3:30pm “Festival in the Park” 12th Annual Car Show Trophy presenta-
tion 2pm Silver View Park, Mounds View
18 – 9 am – 2pm Classic Corvettes: Vettes for Vets Car Show. www.classiccor- Tom Peters, one of the premier designers of
recent Corvettes will be available for a “meet and greet” during the show.
22 – 25 Corvettes at Carlisle, PA
31 – Cars and Caves at the Channhassen Autoplex An auto show plus garage
expo from 8am-noon. Location: 8150 Audubon Rd Chanhassen 55317 Contact
person: Marc Diers
September 2019
8 – Com SuperSunday Autocross II. A Met Council Autocross series (MCAS)
Dakota County Technical College, Co Rd 42, 3 miles east of Rosemount MN. See for details. Register online at
after Aug 10.
28 - 4th Annual Kiss’s Classic Car Show. 10AM – 4pm, St. Croix Casino, Dan-
bury, WI. Sponsored by Kiss’s Classic Cars
28 - Cars and Caves at the Channhassen Autoplex An auto show plus garage
expo from 8am-noon.

The Minnesota Car Club Association handbook is available
on the website. Met Council Website

Page 16


Attorney at Law

Estate Planning: Gift Planning &
Wills & Trusts Gift Tax
Powers of Attorney Personal Injury
Estate Tax Business Law

25% fee discount to Corvette Club Members

(763) 458-7752 [email protected]

Northstar Detail Supply, LLC

Randy Atwood

[email protected]

12111 278th Avenue
Zimmerman, MN 55398

When visiting our sponsor Matt Saxe Chevrolet Buick

present your 2019 NCCC identification card

for eligible parts and service discounts

Page 17

Proposed Dues Increase and By-Laws Change

Family dues increased to SCM NCCC TOTAL
$65 $35 $100

Single membership increased to $50 $25 $75

Family Lifetime increased to $55 $35 $90

Single Lifetime increased to $40 $25 $65

Associate - no increase $10 $10 $20

Results in $15 increase for family memberships and
$10 increase for single memberships.

Lifetime members with join dates prior to December 01, 1992
have the option of paying NCCC through an affiliate club

Page 18

New Members

Dan Drake
2000 Black on Black Coupe


Saturday September 28, 2019
Leave Jack Ruhr Baseball Parking Lot, Miesville, Minnesota

at 10 am
Cruise to The Bluffs at Coffee Mill Golf Course Wabasha, Mn

for a burger buffet lunch
Half Way Rest Stop at Frontenac, Mn

Cruise to last about 2 1/2 hours
Sign Up Sheet at August/September Meetings.

Cruise Directors: Jim & Pat Bodin
Cell: 612-940-5275
[email protected]

Page 19

Page 20

Corvette C8s at Road America

The SCM members who attended the August 2-4 IMSA race at Road
America, Elkhart Lake, WI had the opportunity to see two 2020 C8
Corvettes. In addition, there were C8 presentations given by Ed Platek,
Corvette Chief Engineer. He’s been on the C8 development team for
the past six years!
Submitted by Eric Kehle

Page 21

Membership Meeting Minutes

Date: July 16, 2019

The July Membership Meeting of Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota was called
to order with in excess of 68 members present at 7:30pm by President Dave

Opening Remarks from President: Dave Benner welcomed new people
attending the meeting. Dave also said he wanted to do a member spotlight on
Jay Randall who was celebrating his 65th birthday and retirement from Delta.
Congratulations. Jay has been in the club since 2004, his passion is racing, and
he has served as Governor for four years.

Secretary’s Report: Gloria Weeks reported
General Meeting minutes from June were presented. A motion was made to
approve the minutes as published in the July Bucket Sheets by Greg Stattman
and a second was made by Sandy Braccini; motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Barb Stattman reported
● Expenses were attributed to Driver’s School and Bucket Sheets.
● Deposits were attributed to Driver’s School.
● Barb reported on club cash flow for the period 12/1/2018 through

Treasurer’s reports are available for review.

Membership Report: Sandi Scott reported
SCM Members: 225, Lifetime Members: 97, and NCCC Members: 195

First Timers: None
Second Timers:
Bruce Dumke 2012 G S – Red
Third Timers:
George and Nancy Cossette 2017 GS Torch Red -Kalahari Int

Dan Drake 2000 Black on Black Coupe

A motion to accept Dan Drake as a member was made by Shawn Hanna with a
second by John Engstrom. A vote was taken and the motion passed.

Public Relations: Dave Olson reported
● Advertiser invoicing is current.

Page 22

Editor’s Report: Ron Weeks reported
● Deadline for articles next month is Friday, August 9th.

IT Report: Tony Harris reported
● July Electronic Bucket Sheets is on the website, new pictures from
the Firecracker Cruise have been loaded and the Cars Under the Stars
registration form is on the website and is available for pre-registration
● Terry Wigginton posed the question as to when the Fall Color Run reg-
istration form would be put on the website. Tony replied that it would
not be put on the website until next year when pre-registration goes
electronic. Terry Wigginton made a motion to have the Fall Color Run
paper registration form be loaded onto the website by midnight Satur-
day July 20th. Bill Price seconded the motion. Discussion took place
and a vote was taken. Motion carried.

Governor’s Report: Dave Benner reported for Jim Bodin
● Insurance certificates are up to date.
● Special Interest rear license plate update – Dave Olson reported that
a Pay Pal account has been set up for contributions. MINNUCC has
obtained a tent to use at events to promote single plate legislation.

Vice President’s Report: Sue Griffin reported
Club Sponsored Events:
Past Events:

● July 6 – HFC Mad Jack’s Sports Café Vadnais Heights. David
Schmuck reported. 38 members attended.

● Jun 29 – Firecracker Cruise – Roger Dahlquist reported. 27 cars.
● July 12-14 – Chevy to the Levee Steel and Plastic. Dave Anderson

reported. 21 cars (2 steels cars). Perfect weather.
Upcoming Events:
● July 20 – BBQ on Big Marine hosted by Brent and Sandy Reibel.

Sandy reported. One mile of dirt road. Bring appetizer/dessert and a
chair. Social hour begins at 4 pm. Dinner at 5:30 pm. Garage is air
conditioned so we will be able to get out of the heat.
● Aug 3 – HFC 5 pm at Pub 42 in New Hope hosted by Bill and Barb
Price. Bill reported. Signup sheet on back table.
● Aug 10 – Cars Under the Stars – Event chairs Paul Hauschildt, Paul
Capeder, Dave Anderson. Paul Hauschildt reported. 29th annual.
Signup sheet on back table. First car show occurrence at Matt Saxe so
wants this show to be a success. Needs workers. Dave Anderson re-
ported on planned cruise for the next morning following the car show.
We will meet at Matt Saxe at 9:30 am for driver’s meeting. Lunch will
be at a country club in Northfield.

Page 23

● Sep 22 – Spina Bifida Picnic Long Lake Regional Park – Sue Griffin
is still looking for a Spina Bifida Liaison volunteer to coordinate the

● Oct 11-13 – Fall Color Run – Signup sheet for volunteer workers is on
the back table.

Non-Club Sponsored Events:
Sue reviewed the list of future events (partial list below).

● Jul 17-20 - Hot Summer Nights/Black Hills Corvette Classic in Sioux
Falls, SD

● Jul 19-21 – Street Machine Nationals, MN State Fairgrounds
● July 27 – Cars and Caves at Channhassen Autoplex

Please see the Vice President’s calendar in the Bucket Sheets or visit the website
for a full list of both Club sponsored and non-Club sponsored events.

Old Business:
● Board Member at Large Position – Dave Scherf was appointed at the
July 2nd Board meeting. Thanks Dave for volunteering.

New Business:
● Greg Stattman suggested that the Board analyze the club’s need for two
car shows.
● Membership dues increase proposal. Proposed dues increase was
published in the July Bucket Sheets. It was brought up as a clarification
that NCCC dues were included in the published amounts. NCCC dues
will be split out so that proposed membership dues only will be pub-
lished in the August Bucket Sheets.
● Birthdays – Members with July birthdays were recognized.

Door Prizes: (not eligible if won in the last 3 months)
● Trunk Organizer – Mike Neeley

Reminder for 1st, 2nd, 3rd timers to see Sandi Scott after meeting.

License Plate Frames – See Roger Scott after meeting. Roger also has club
business cards.

A motion was made by Dave Juhl to adjourn with a second by Larry Zmuda.
Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Gloria Weeks – Secretary

Page 24

Cars Under the Stars Trophies


1 Kristi Clayton 61 Vette

2 Gerry Gartner 66 Vette

3 Dave Benner 19 Vette

4 Jack Adams 71 Vette

5 Jim Nimsger 77 Vette

6 Michael Malecha 82 Vette

7 Ron & Brian Vycital 95 Vette

8 Paul & Ann Capeder 18 Vette

9             Jeff Daugherty                     17 Vette

10 Larry Craddock 14 Vette


1 Larry Lambert 38 Willys Sedan

2 Michael Jackels 68 Chevy

3 Brian Jackels 72 GMC

4 Tom Cox 40 Ford

5 Jeremy Schlicnter 09 Dodge Challenger

6 Roque Rodrique 70 VW

7             Jeff Lyter                              15 Dodge

8 Ron Lehmer 70 Chevy

9 Jon Foley 14 Dodge Challenger

10 Peter Hamek 15 Mustang GT

Best of Show Larry Lambert 38 Willys Sedan

Kids Choice Award Kristi Clayton 61 Vette
Page 25

Wheelin’ and Dealin’



Room reservation at American Inn during Fall Color Run.
Call John 612 275 6070 or Elaine 612 237 9580 to coordi-
nate when we cancel our reservation so you can swoop-in
to claim it as yours.

The Spina Bifida Liaison position is currently open.
The Information Technology position is also open.
If you are interested in either position and would like
more details please contact Dave Benner

All SCCM members are welcome to submit ads to the editor for Corvettes or Cor-
vette related parts that they want to see or acquire. These ads are run for 2 months
after which they will automatically be dropped. If the items are sold, please notify
the editor so that the ad can be cancelled. You may also renew the ad if the items
aren’t sold after 2 months. There is no charge to members for this service.

Page 26

Page 27

Behind the Scenes

President: Dave Benner OFFICERS
651-688-8505 [email protected]
Vice President: Sue Griffin 651-366-9824 [email protected]
Membership: Sandi Scott 651-459-4877 [email protected]
Treasurer: Barb Stattman 952-435-6657 [email protected]
Governor: Jim Bodin 612-940-5275 [email protected]
Public Relations: Dave Olson 612-245-4320 [email protected]
Secretary: Gloria Weeks 952-546-0434 [email protected]
Editor: Ron Weeks 952-546-0434 [email protected]
Information Technology: webmaster

GMCCA Liaison: Eric Kehle

Dave Juhl
Marie George Spina Bifida: OPEN
Mark Orfield
Roger Dahlquist
Steven Mael
Dave Scherf Met Council Rep: Scott Hegstrand
Marty Buck
Lynn Steenblock
Roger Scott
Hospitality Gloria Weeks - [email protected]

National Corvette Museum Ambassador

Greg Stattman - [email protected]

Bucket Sheets is published monthly by Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota. The publication
is free to Suburban Corvette club members. Nonmember subscription rate is $35 per year.
Please mail dues or subscription request to: Sandi Scott, 8343 68th St So, Cottage Grove,
MN 55016. All submissions are subject to editing as needed and must be received by the
Friday following the1st Tuesday of the month for publication in the next issue. Submissions,
comments, advertisements, articles, & pics can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Annual
Advertising rates:

1/2 page = $100.00, full page = $175.00, inside covers = $250.00.
Half page and larger ads qualify for display on website.

For advertising information call: Dave Olson: 612-245-4320

Suburban Corvettes thanks all our advertisers and sponsors for their support. As a Club,
however, we do not endorse the products or workmanship of any company. Any warranty or

guarantees must come from the company or manufacturer.

Page 28

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