P.O. Box 270584
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
Edition 49 Issue 7 April 2019
from 1970 to 2019
The purpose of the club shall be the maintenance of the highest standards of courtesy and safety on the road; the enjoyment and sharing of the goodwill and fellowship engendered by owning a Chevrolet Corvette, engaging in social activities and competitive events and encouraging favorable interest in the club and the Corvette; the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the Marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information; the establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relations with manufacturers, dealers and service courses to the end that the Marque will prosper and enjoy continuity and prominence; to have, exercise, and enjoy all the powers and purposes which may be exercised by a non-profit organization.
Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota, Inc. will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month until further notice at:
1132 East County Road E Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 (651) 482-1100
Interested owners of Corvettes are welcome to attend meetings or club
functions. Family membership, $85; Single, $65; Associate, $20; Lifetime, $55. All include NCCC membership. Additional information can be found on our web page:
Page 1
Report from our President
Dear SCM Members,
As I mentioned in my previous letters, the stars have aligned for all of our events. Our first corvette cruise “The Spring Cruise” chaired by John and Elaine Garley is May 5th. I am anxious to get the car out and give it a wakeup call. I’m sure everyone is also feeling the urge to get the driving season started.
Diane and I recently returned from the Ron Fellows Corvette Owners Driving School. It was truly an exciting experience to drive the ZR1 on the track for 2 days. After leaving the school, I feel much more confident with the handling and performance of the car. Related to that, our club just made the deposit for the SCM Brainerd International Raceway (BIR) Driving School and are gearing up for our two drivers school events.
The SCM BIR Drivers School is an opportunity to get in touch with your driv- ing skills. Whether you’re a novice or experienced driver this is an event you don’t want to miss. This is such a good deal for the price which includes some classroom time, driving and braking exercises, and lots of track time. Very few of our members take advantage of this event so I want to encourage you to check it out. See the flyer on our website or get in touch with one of the event chairs if you have any questions.
As we close out this winter with a sigh of relief, I want to welcome back our friends that escaped to Florida and other warm places. We should be able to recognize them by their terrific suntan and accomplished golf swing. Looking forward to seeing a full house at the meetings.
Take care and drive safe when you get the car out on April 13th. Cheers.
Dave Benner
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Hamburger, Fries and Catch-up
Saturday, May 4, 2018 5:00 P.M.
The Machine Shed
8515 Hudson Blvd N Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Hosted by
Jim & Pat Bodin Phone 612-940-5275 [email protected] www.machineshed.com
Saturday, June 8, 2019 5:00 P.M.
Bonfire Grille
1555 Cliff Road Eagan, MN 55122
Hosted by
Randy Walker
Phone 612-819-7370 [email protected] www.bonfirewoodfirecooking.com
Page 3
Board Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2019
The April SCM Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Dave Benner. Opening remarks: Dave announced he had participated in the Ron Fellows Performance Driving School last week. He said he was 3rd out of 12 in the Autocross event.
Board Members Present: Dave Benner, Barb Stattman, Gloria Weeks, Jim Bo- din, Dave Olson, Sandi Scott, Ron Weeks, Roger Dahlquist, Dan Collins, Marie George, Steven Mael, Roger Scott, Lynn Steenblock.
Board Members Not Present: Sue Griffin, Mark Orfield, Tony Harris, Marty Buck, Dave Juhl
Guests Present: Joan and Terry Wigginton, Butch George, Paul Hauschildt
Secretary’s Report: Gloria Weeks reported,
The March Board Meeting minutes were presented. A motion to approve the minutes with the correction of the Public Relations report SCM is now our new sponsor to Saxe Chevrolet is now our new sponsor was made by Dave Olson with a second by Barb Stattman; motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Barb Stattman reported,
● Withdrawals were attributed to: Bucket Sheets newsletter expenses and
NCCC dues for new members.
● Deposits were attributed to first half of the Matt Saxe annual sponsor
● One outstanding check.
Treasurer’s reports are available for review.
Membership Report: Sandi Scott reported,
● SCM members =222, Lifetime members = 97, and NCCC members =
Public Relations: Dave Olson reported,
● It is the season for renewals. Renewals have been invoiced.
Editor’s Report: Ron Weeks reported, Deadline for this month is Friday, April 5, next month is Friday, May 10.
Page 4
IT Report: Dave Benner reported for Tony Harris,
● Driver’s School pre-registration is on the Website, events calendar is
● Dave passed around a Website usage report that Tony had provided.
● Officer e-mails have been set up and are functional.
● Dave reported that Tony’s goal is to move toward on line registration
for all events. Board discussed.
Governor’s Report: Jim Bodin reported,
● Certificates are up to date with the exception of the Fall Color Run.
● Special Interest rear license plate update – Bills have been introduced
in both the House and the Senate. To read the bills go to the MIN- NUCC.com website and review file 1817 and 2694 on the Draft Special Interest Tab.
Vice President’s Report: Dave Benner reported for Sue Griffin, Past Club Events:
● Mar 17 – Chili Challenge. Upcoming Club Events:
● Apr 6 – HFC 5pm Hosted by Susan and Don Doty. Location: Lucky’s 13 in Plymouth.
● May 4 – HFC 5pm hosted by Jim and Pat Bodin. Location: The Ma- chine Shed in Lake Elmo.
● May 5 – Spring Cruise Event chairs John and Elaine Garley departing from Chaska Event Center.
Upcoming Non-Club Events:
• Apr 13-14 – GSTA’s 13th Annual Rod and Custom Spectacular.
MN State Fair Coliseum.
• Apr 27 – Cars and Caves. Location: Chanhassen Autoplex
Please see the Vice President’s calendar in the Bucket Sheets or visit the website for a full list of both club sponsored and non-club sponsored events.
Continued on Page 6
Page 5
Old Business:
Review of Events:
● On line registration for Driver’s School is active.
● The Plastic Fantastic committee will meet with the manager at Lucky’s
13 next week to firm up details.
● Paul Hauschildt reported on Cars Under the Stars. The DJ ‘Tunes to
Go’ that we normally use for car shows will not go out to Belle Plaine. Paul is looking for assistance in finding a DJ. Also, wanted guidance on preparing a budget.
● Event Distribution Lists – Judy Juhl will not be loading information into Member Planet. Sandi Scott and Barb Stattman volunteered to input data for the 2018 Cars Under the Stars show into Member Planet.
● Dave Benner will move the SCM trailer on Friday to Matt Saxe Chev- rolet. He is still looking for the trailer title.
● Member Planet – Sandi gave limited access to Board Members to test the ability to have them update their roster data. She will continue to work on access to Member Planet for club members so they can update their information.
● It was decided to use the club member’s NCCC cards as ID when visit- ing Matt Saxe Chevrolet.
● Dave Benner will be the alternate backup for IT Director Tony Harris.
New Business:
● Joan and Terry Wigginton presented a Fall Color Run budget to be tak- en to the membership at the April meeting. A motion was made by Ron Weeks with a second by Lynn Steenblock. Motion passed.
● Discussion around cost cutting efforts for the annual banquet. Sandi Scott will work on providing a detailed report breaking down estimated expenses for presentation to the Board.
A motion was made to adjourn by Ron Weeks with a second by Barb Stattman. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm.
Respectfully submitted by Gloria Weeks, Secretary
NOTE: Membership Meeting Minutes start on Page 22
Page 6
Garage Sale
Before I’m featured on “Hoarders-Buried Alive.” Hundreds of diecast model cars-Corvettes and muscle cars in several scales, ‘50’s cars/trucks, Matchbox/Hot Wheels, framed prints, unopened model kits, some foreign makes, etc.
Friday/Saturday April 12-13 9 AM-3 PM each day.
Cash/check only as I’m not a business.
Wally Grivna
5960 Ridge Creek Road Shoreview, MN 55126
Cell (612) 991-8099 with any questions
The 6th Annual Corvette &
Classic Roll-In
Saturday, May 11th 9:30AM-Noon
Matt Saxe Chevrolet
909 Enterprise Drive, Belle Plaine, MN 56011
Page 7
2019 Spring Cruise John Garley
Sunday, May 5, we are going to lake country. Not Crow Wing County (MN), nor Burnet County (WI). Rather two dozen named lakes between St Peter and Faribault. We depart at 10:00 from the Chaska Event Center/Chaska Curling Center on the northwest corner of MN 41 and County 61 (3210 Chaska Blvd). Best way to get there is; from I-494 & US 212 in Eden Prairie, drive west on US 212 for 9 1⁄2 miles. Exit MN 41, then turn left – south. If you need gas, Holiday is on the right at Engler, it’s about 80 miles to the next best refill location on the route. Two miles after the exit, turn right on Chaska Blvd/Co 61. Entrance to the Curling Center parking lot is one block later, on your right.
The Chaska/Curling Center opens at 10:00 am so there should be ample parking, but no shot for breakfast. For those who want to meet and eat prior to the ride, Cy’s Bar & Grill is a short block away.
At first the route will feel like déjà vu all over again for those who were on the 2017 Spring cruise, but not for long. We will drive through Carver, Belle Plaine, Blakely, Henderson, and Le Sueur to our first rest stop at a golf course overlooking Lake Emily. After that, it’s all lake views (no towns) until a brief (second) rest stop in Waterville. Lunch will be in Faribault.
Getting home is an hour-long drive on I-35 to I-494 in Bloomington. Looking forward to spring and getting back into our Corvettes.
Page 8
Live DJ playing music
Food vendors on site
Dash plaques to first 500 show vehicles
SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2019 • 8 AM - 2 PM
*General Admission: $5.00/Adult *Children under 12: FREE
www.gmcca.com www.facebook.com/GMCCAssociation
Show Vehicles: Gates open at 7am - Enter at intersection of Larpenteur Ave & Underwood. For Sale Vehicles: Gates open at 7am - Enter at intersection of Larpenteur Ave & Underwood.
Pre-register for guaranteed space (until 10AM) & reduced entry fee.
Swappers: Sunday gates open 6am - Enter Randall & Dan Elmer Way - All makes of parts are welcome!
Saturday Setup Available 9am-12pm only Spectators: Gates open at 7am to the show/swap area.
Please print legibly or use address label
Phone ( )
Car Club Affiliations (if any)
State Zip
SWAP SPACE - 15'x 20' Space
$10 each preregistered before 5/15 $15 each after 5/15
ST-19 Required
$15 per vehicle preregistered before 5/15 $20 per vehicle after 5/15
NO 'For Sale' signs allowed in the show area
Make checks payable to and send pre-registration form to: GMCCA 9632 Wyoming Terrace Bloomington, MN 55438
Make Year
Preregister before May 15th - $10 per vehicle Register after May 15th - $15 per vehicle
Includes Car, driver & one passenger per admission.
Page 9
Sunday, June 2, 2019 @ Minn. State Fairgrounds 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Pre-registration: Before May 15 - $10 (includes car, driver, and one pas- senger)
After May 15 - $15
General Admission: $5.00 (Children under 12 free)
SCM will be responsible for parking the vendors in the Swap Area again this year. We will be asking for workers to sign up for the following shifts at our April and May General Meetings:
5:45 AM to 8:00 AM
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
We need 4 people for each shift.
In addition, we need two members for set-up Saturday morning, June 1 from 9:00 AM to Noon, and two members for Clean Up Sunday afternoon (take down tents and assist with packing things up).
Please contact Eric Kehle ([email protected] or 651-770-5127) if you can work a shift or have questions. This is a great money making oppor- tunity for the Club.
Additional event information is available on our website or at www.gmc- ca.com
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Page 11
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Presented by
Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota will have Two Driver School and Lapping Days at Brainerd International Raceway in 2019. These driver schools will provide you with the opportunity to develop your driving skills in the controlled environment of a closed circuit and then they can be used for normal street driving, autocrossing or racing. It’s also a chance for the experienced racer to get lots of track time.
Whether the sun shines or it rains, the Driver School and Lapping goes on. If the sun shines, it is a great time to practice the racing line, braking points or just different corner entry or exit points. If it rains, you will really learn handling techniques for adverse conditions.
There is classroom and braking exercises for the beginner, novice or semi-experienced driver. It is your chance to learn the basics and also how your car reacts to driver inputs. Ride with Driving Instructors and see how they handle their car. The Driving Instructors will ride with you and work with you to be more confident while you drive your car. You should take full advantage of the opportunity to use these Instructors and gain some of there knowledge.
Lunch is included with your registration. The Wheelie Bar will be open for lunch at 11:00 AM. We will not break for lunch, so you will need to eat when you can.
There will be a dinner on Sunday night at Arrowood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes for all drivers, instructors and other volunteers. The dinner starts at 6:30 PM. No reservations are required. We will be previewing the day at the track events. Great time to meet your instructor and other drivers/volunteers!
June 10, we will be running the 3 mile Donnybrook Track. Sept. 16, we will be running the 2.5 mile Competition Track. Come join the EXCITEMENT of the long, fast straight away.
Rooms are blocked for “Suburban Corvettes” ($79, 2 beds, 2people) at ARROWWOOD Lodge At Brainerd Lakes
6967 Lake Forest Road
Baxter, MN. 56401
877-687-5634, 218-822-5572
If you check on the cost of other driver schools or with other clubs, you will find that this is a very
inexpensive way to get up to 4 hours of track time per day. It is an exceptional value!
There is a limit of 60 drivers for each school. Be sure you sign up early so that you don’t miss the opportunity.
If you have any questions, call: Rick Ohland – (651) 206-8670, or E-mail: [email protected] Or: Jon Thompson – (763) 263-9587, or E-mail: [email protected]
Please check with your auto insurance, you may not be covered while on the track.
We hope you take this opportunity to enjoy and use “Minnesota’s Premier Motorsports Facility” – BRAINERD INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY.
For Registration Form go to: WWW.suburbancorvettesofminnesota.com
Page 12
2019 Events Calendar
April 2019
6 - HFC 5:00PM, Hosted by Susan LaCour-Doty and Don Doty. Location Luckys 13 Pub Plymouth, MN
16 - General Meeting - Jimmy’s 7:30pm
May 2019
4 - HFC 5:00PM - Hosted by Jim and Pat Bodin. Location: The Machine Shed 8515 Hudson Blvd. N., Lake Elmo, MN 55042 www.machineshed.com
5 - Spring Cruise –Hosted by John and Elaine Garley – Depart from Chaska Event Center. See flyer on page 8 and on the web site for more information.
7 - Board Meeting - Jimmy’s 7:00pm
21 - General Meeting - Jimmy’s 7:30pm
June 2019
1 - 18th Annual Lunch & Show and Free Ice Cream Social chaired by Shawn and Jan Hanna 2-4pm at Park River Estates Care Center in Coon Rapids.
2 - GMCCA Car Show – MN Fairgrounds 8:00am-2:00pm. Eric Kehle. Flyer and details on Page 9 and 10.
4 – Board Meeting - Jimmy’s 7:00pm
8 - HFC 5:00PM – Hosted by Randy Walker. Location: Bonfire Grille, Eagan, MN. Details on Page 3.
10 - Driver’s School – Brainerd International Raceway, Rick Ohland. See flyer on Page 12 and on the web site for more information.
15 – Plastic Fantastic – Event chairs Greg Stattman and Ron Weeks. Location: Lucky’s 13 in Bloomington. Flyer on Page 25.
29 - Firecracker Cruise – hosted by Roger and Barb Dahlquist. Details TBD.
Continue on page 16
Page 13
Hamburger, Fries, & Catchup
The event was held with 52 members and guests attending.
Page 14
The April event was hosted by Don Doty & Susan LaCour Doty at Lucky’s Plymouth location
Pictures - Ron Weeks
Page 15
2018-2019 Non-Club Sponsored Events
April 2019
13-14 GSTA’s 62th Annual Rod and Custom Spectacular. MN State Fair Coliseum. www.gstarod-custom.com
27 - Cars and Caves at the Channhassen Autoplex An auto show plus garage expo from 8am-noon. Location: 8150 Audubon Rd Chanhassen 55317 Contact person: Marc Diers
May 2019
25 - Cars and Caves at the Channhassen Autoplex An auto show plus garage expo from 8am-noon. Location: 8150 Audubon Rd, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Contact person: Marc Diers
June 2019
6-8 Corvette Adventures, Wisconsin Dells. www.corvetteadventures.com 6-8 Vettes in the Midwest, Joplin, MO www.4statevettes.com
15-16 Father’s Day Auto Cross, NCCC Sanctioned, Mad City Vettes, Madison College Public Training Facilty. Contact Joan Thomas [email protected]
20 – 22 Bloomington Gold – Indianapolis, IN www.bloomingtongold.com 21 – 22 Back to the 50’s – MN Fairgrounds www.msrabacktothe50s.com
29 - Cars and Caves at the Channhassen Autoplex An auto show plus garage expo from 8am-noon. Location: 8150 Audubon Rd Chanhassen 55317 Contact person: Marc Diers
The Minnesota Car Club Association handbook is available on the www.autoswalk.com website. Met Council Website is met-council.org
Page 16
RONALD G. MARKS Attorney at Law
Estate Planning: Wills & Trusts Powers of Attorney Estate Tax
Gift Planning & Gift Tax Personal Injury Business Law
25% fee discount to Corvette Club Members
(763) 458-7752 [email protected]
Page 17
Page 18
2019 Chili Challenge
Well the 2019 Corvette Chili Challenge is over and from the comments I received it was the best yet!! This our 30th year, we had approximately 135 registered people attending from Classic Corvettes of Minnesota; Corvettes of Minnesota, Suburban Corvette Club of Minnesota, Minnesota Renegades, FOM, Fast Glass, North Country and independent Corvette owners.
This year’s winners are:
Best Spicy Chili: 1. Gary Cooper (CCOM); 2. Classic Corvettes of Minnesota; 3. David and Michelle Schoening (SCCM)
Best Mystery Chili: 1. Minnesota Renegades; 2. Dick (Hoppy) Hopkins (North Country Corvettes); 3. Vern & Candi DeHoop (CCOM)
Best Overall Chili: 1. Classic Corvettes of MN; 2. Dick (Hoppy) Hopkins (North Country Corvettes); 3. TIE-Chris Antoine and Arlene Martin (CCOM) and TIE-Sandy Norgaard, Sandi Scott and Barb Dahlquist-The SCCM Banquet Committee
Many, many thanks to Classic Corvettes of MN, Corvettes of Minnesota, Minnesota Renegades, Suburban Corvettes of MN, David Kupka, Shawn and Jan Hanna for their monetary contributions. Thank you all so much for your generosity.
Much appreciation to our friends and sponsors who contributed prizes: Suburban Corvettes Fall Color Run (Terry & Joan Wiggington); Boos Performance (John Boos); Doug Rippie Motorsports(Todd Cleasby); Dave and Lu Kupka; Kiss Autobody and Restoration; Don Gettinger; Charley Hoffman; Scott Hegstrand; Riverside Sporting Gear (Jon & Marci Thompson); TPiS (Jim Hall), Paul Capeder, and Jan and Shawn Hanna. If I missed anyone, I apologize. Many in attendance won at least one prize. Over 100 prizes were given away.
This year we had our 7th year of aligning ourselves with our charity, Camp Anokijig through Dan Binks (Crew Chief) of the Pratt & Miller Corvette Racing Team. Through Raffle tickets sales and a silent auction of racing memorabilia from Pratt & Miller, we were able to donate $2,000.00 to our charity, Camp Anokijig. A huge thank you to Pratt & Miller for their generosity. And a special thank you to Dan Binks for taking time out of his busy racing schedule to help us.
Many thanks to Jimmy’s for renting us a banquet room, tables and outlets to plug in our crock pots. And let’s not forget that cash bar to help us cool down from some hot chili. Jimmy’s wait staff was, again, friendly, helpful and professional. Thank you Mary and the Crew at Jimmy’s, you are awesome.
Huge thanks to our professional and personable Chili Challenge volunteer team. Without these fine folks the event would not run like a clock! These people deserve creds: David and LuAnn Kupka; Brian and Vera Zenezek; Vern and Candy De Hoop; Linda Franke; Jack Strait; Jennifer Monson; Don Gettinger; Scott Hegstrand; Len & Sandy Geronomie; Sharon Koolmo and Bill Steinke. We had some terrific prizes this year. Jack Strait and Max Allers did an awesome job with the emcee and prize presentation. Big Fun!! Max, your good humor really helped the event. Jack your energy and focus kept us moving along at just the right pace (fast). We appreciate you both so much and thank you for making the event so much fun!! Finally, thanks to my wonderful wife Janet Hanna for all her decorating ideas, her constant organization and whipping me into shape. Jan we are so happy you are back with us in such good shape, you are an amazing person and an example for all of us (me especially).
This year we fed 135 people 12 different chili’s, gave away over 100 door prizes, held an awesome silent auction, awarded a Chili Challenge trophy and 9 cash prizes all in 3.5 hours. Wow! Superb job to all who helped this event continue its history of FUN!!! Thanks to everyone who attended, we hope YOU had fun and look forward to seeing you all next year for the 2020 Chili Challenge.
Sincerely, Shawn Hanna, Chairman 2019 All Corvette Chili Challenge
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Page 21
Membership Meeting Minutes
Date: March 19, 2019
The March Membership Meeting of Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota was called to order with 54 members present at 7:30pm by President Dave Benner.
Opening Remarks from President: Dave Benner will be driving a ZR1 next week at Ron Fellows Performance Driving School in Pahrump, NV
Secretary’s Report: Gloria Weeks reported
General Meeting minutes from February were presented. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Jan Hanna and a second was made by Judy Randall; motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Dave Benner reported for Barb Stattman
Expenses were attributed to: Bucket Sheets, Chili Challenge, and MCCA
Membership Report: Sandi Scott reported
SCM Members: 222, Lifetime Members: 97, and NCCC Members: 192
First Timers: Second Timers: Third Timers:
Steve Ploeckelmann
1956 Red Corvette
William (Bill) and Michele Haider, 2007 Victory Red Convertible None
Public Relations: Dave Olson reported
● Dave reported that March is the first month for our new sponsor and
noted that the Bucket Sheets back cover is now displaying the ad for
Matt Saxe Chevrolet
● Dave introduced Greg Simon from Matt Saxe Chevrolet who stated
that the dealership is looking forward to interacting with club members. He gave a history of the dealership. He invited all members to attend the Saxe Spring Show on Saturday May 11th for fun, community and hanging out.
● Suzanne at Wild Threads spoke regarding the opportunity to order apparel not in stock.
● Advertisers are up to date with the exception of one.
Editor’s Report: Ron Weeks reported
● Deadline for articles next month is Friday, April 5th.
Page 22
IT Report: Tony Harris reported
● The website has been updated to include calendar updates, Electronic
Bucket Sheets, and the new Logo for Matt Saxe Chevrolet. On line registration is on the web page for the Driver’s School events.
Governor’s Report: Jim Bodin reported
● Insurance requests are up to date.
● Special Interest rear license plate update – A bill has been introduced.
To read the full bill go to the MN House of Representatives website and review file 1817. MINNUCC.Com website is now up and work- ing.
● City Pages newspaper had a phone interview with Jim regarding the legislation.
Vice President’s Report: Dave Benner reported for Sue Griffin Past Events:
● March 2 – HFC Hosted by Dave and Bonnie Schmuck at Lakes Tav- ern and Grill in Woodbury – 35 people attended
● March 17 – Chili Challenge. Shawn Hanna reported. 135 people registered for the official 30th year event. See Shawn’s written report on the 2019 Chili Challenge in the April Bucket Sheets.
Upcoming Events:
● April 6 – HFC 5pm Hosted by Susan and Don Doty. Location: Lucky’s 13 in Plymouth.
● May 4 – HFC 5pm hosted by Jim and Pat Bodin. Location: The Ma- chine Shed in Lake Elmo.
● May 5 – Spring Cruise Event Chairs John and Elaine Garley. John gave an overview of the event and announced that this will be their last cruise because they will be moving to AZ. See Flyer in Bucket Sheets for more info on Spring Cruise.
● Dave announced that they are looking for HFC hosts for August 3 and October 5.
● June 15 – Plastic Fantastic event chairs Greg Stattman and Ron Weeks
Non-Club Sponsored Events:
● April 13-14 GSTA’s 63rd Rod and Custom Spectacular MN State Fair Coliseum.
● April 27 and May 25 – Cars and Caves at the Chanhassen Autoplex from 8-noon. Contact Marc Diers
Please see the Vice President’s calendar in the Bucket Sheets or visit the web- site for a full list of both Club sponsored and non-Club sponsored events.
Old Business:
● None
Page 23
New Business:
● Birthdays – members with March birthdays were recognized.
● Event online registration/payment – Ongoing effort
● Event Printing and Copying services – Dave Benner requested that
when purchasing printing services we pay attention to price break
quantities and utilize those to save money.
● SCM Trailer – Is still at Village Chevrolet, snow and iced in. It will be
moved to Saxe soon.
● HFC reminder – Sign-up sheets are available – Please sign up
● Chevy to the Levy cruise – Dave Anderson reported. He is planning
the Chevy to the Levy cruise with the Mercedes Club joining us. He has 45 rooms blocked. Green sheets are on tables – Please take a sheet and sign up/make room reservations.
● Cars Under the Stars – Dave Anderson reported. An idea was presented for the Cars Under the Stars event that members could get hotel rooms for Saturday night, have breakfast the next day and then do a run. Let the committee know if interested.
● Driver’s Schools – Shawn Hanna reported. Shawn and David Scherf had a phone conference with Rick Ohland and Jon Thompson to lay down a transition plan. Shawn and David will be shadowing Rick and Jon this year. They are actively pursuing club volunteers for the June 10th and Sept 16th events
● Greg Stattman requested a $2,000.00 budget for the 2019 Plastic Fantastic event to be held at Lucky’s 13 in Bloomington. A motion was made by Roger Dahlquist with a second by Jay Randall. Motion approved with no opposition.
● Greg Stattman reported that he has four tickets available for the Cor- vette Museum that are expiring soon. If interested see Greg.
Door Prizes: (not eligible if won in the last 3 months) ● $25 gift card – Larry Craddock
Reminder for 1st, 2nd, 3rd timers to see Sandi Scott after meeting.
License Plate Frames – See Roger Scott after meeting. Roger also has club business cards.
A motion was made by Greg Stattman to adjourn with a second by Roger Dahlquist; the meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.
Respectfully submitted by Gloria Weeks – Secretary
Page 24
33rd Annual All Corvette Show
Saturday, June 15th, 2019 Rain or Shine
Lucky’s 13 Pub, 1800 American Blvd
Bloomington, MN 55431 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awards for each Class C1 thru C7 and Best of Show
Based on ballots submitted by show participants and general public Open to all Corvettes with a factory VIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Plaques to the first 100 participants
Fantastic Raffle door prizes to participants
Food & Beverages will be available for purchase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrance Fee at the Gate $20.00
(Registration includes driver and passenger) Spectators = $3.00 -- Children under 12 free
Show hours 11:00 am to 2:30 pm Registration and exhibitor gate opens at 9:30 am
For more information call Greg Stattman@ 612-750-8722 or Ron Weeks @952- 546-0434;
email [email protected]
Matt Saxe Chevrolet is the Official Sponsor of Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota
Page 25
Wheelin’ and Dealin’
1980 Red Corvette C3 T top, New Red Leather Interior and new suspension. P/S, PDB Tilt Steering Wheel, Power Win- dows, 4 speed automatic transmission w/overdrive, engine has been rebuilt, $10,500 or best offer. Any question call Garry 651-459-1666 or 651-278-5744
Free C7 Interior Parts: Instrument surround panel, RH door panel, passenger dash pad, and passenger OMG grab handle (take-off parts when I converted from 2LT to 3LT). Black with Kalahari stitching – John 612 275 6070.
Page 26
Page 27
B e h i n d t h e
President: Dave Benner
Vice President: Sue Griffin Membership: Sandi Scott Treasurer: Barb Stattman Governor: Jim Bodin
Public Relations: Dave Olson Secretary: Gloria Weeks
Editor: RonWeeks
Information Technology: Tony Harris
S ce n e s
651-688-8505 651-366-9824 651-459-4877 952-435-6657 612-940-5275 612-245-4320 952-546-0434 952-546-0434 612-889-8045 webmaster
Bucket Sheets is published monthly by Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota. The publication
is free to Suburban Corvette club members. Nonmember subscription rate is $35 per year. Please mail dues or subscription request to: Sandi Scott, 8343 68th St So, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. All submissions are subject to editing as needed and must be received by the Friday following the1st Tuesday of the month for publication in the next issue. Submissions, comments, advertisements, articles, & pics can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Annual Advertising rates:
1/4 page = $50, 1/2 page = $100.00, 3/4 page = $135.00, full page = $175.00 inside covers = $250.00. Half page and larger ads qualify for display on website.
For advertising information call: Dave Olson: 612-245-4320
Suburban Corvettes thanks all our advertisers and sponsors for their support. As a Club, however, we do not endorse the products or workmanship of any company. Any warranty or guarantees must come from the company or manufacturer.
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Dave Juhl Marie George Mark Orfield Roger Dahlquist Steven Mael Dan Collins Marty Buck Lynn Steenblock Roger Scott
COMMITTEES GMCCA Liaison: Eric Kehle
Spina Bifida: OPEN
Met Council Rep: Scott Hegstrand
Hospitality Gloria Weeks - [email protected]
National Corvette Museum Ambassador
Greg Stattman - [email protected]
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