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Published by Greater Salina Community Foundation, 2020-07-01 13:29:26

Community Grants Report


Community Grants Report
June 2020

USD 110, Thunder Ridge Band Instruments

Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund-Smith, $12,000, Awarded 12/10/2019
Project Summary: The Thunder Ridge school district is seeking funding to purchase new band instruments for the
instrumental program. Tom’s Music House in Concordia will provide instruments at a discounted price.
Use of Funds: We purchased instruments with the grant funds and contributions from USD 110
Impact & Results: Jacob was so excited when he saw the new tuba. In fact, he is usually more excited about singing
in choir, but that day he just wanted to play in the band. Jacob came in several days before school just to practice
his tuba before class. The first day we had rehearsal with the new tuba, the sound was AMAZING! The students
noticed a difference and everyone was excited.
Our pep band received accolades this season from game officials outside of our community. They even reported
to the state that our pep band was the “BEST” ever. I really think the new instruments helped to contribute to the
impact of our sound and enthusiasm. Playing instruments that work and sound good truly add energy to our sound.
I have two students learning horn, which is essential to a balanced ensemble. They are on the road to being very
proficient on their new instruments and will really contribute to the overall impact of our sound.
Student excitement was high before spring break. Unfortunately, we have not been able to come back together to
share our music with our community. I am looking toward the fall when we can hopefully come together and share
our joyful sounds with others.


USD 110, Art with Heart

Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $854, Awarded 05/15/2019
Project Summary: We are looking to acquire art supplies to do Mosaics and Batiks. What our children become is
profoundly influenced by opportunities they have. Art helps students develop problem-solving skills, try new things,
manage risk, & handle failure.
Use of Funds: We used it to purchase art supplies for both Mosaic and Batik projects. For mosaics, we purchased more
glass cutters, grout, and pliers along with a wide variety of tile in multiple colors. For Batik we purchased more dye and
fabric for projects.
Impact & Results: With this grant money, I had 45 students who were able to do a mosaics. The students love mosaics
because you do not have to be extremely talented in Art to be able to make a nice project. The projects were good, and
the students attitudes were great. They did crosses, trivets, vases, hangings, and lots of other things.
The batiks projects turned out very nice too. I had 14 students do 1 or more, some did 3 or 4. They loved it. There’s
something about Batiks that just makes the students come back wanting more. I think they learn so much about the
technique in their 1st one that they want to try again and improve on their skills. My fifteen 8th graders unfortunately
never got to do them because the school year came to a screeching halt. I’ll still have supplies for next year’s 8th graders
though so it’ll still get used, I’ll make sure of it, so long as school doors do open. Several of my high school students
received awards for their completed art projects at the Northern Plains League Art Show. I am very proud of all these
students. They worked very hard on these things and it paid off. It takes a lot of patients to do some of the things these
students do. Thank you for your part in providing them this opportunity


Smith County, Smith County Stop the Bleed

Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $2,000,
Awarded 05/15/2019
Project Summary: If awarded, these funds will be utilized to
purchase supplies and Stop the Bleed kits to train Smith County
school staff and community members on how to Stop the Bleed
in the event of a bleeding emergency.
Use of Funds: Grant funds were spent to purchase 5 Stop the
Bleed wall cabinets that each contain 8 Stop the Bleed kits with
all needed supplies to aid in stopping a bleeding emergency.
These wall cabinets were given to each school district in Smith
Impact & Results: The Stop the Bleed project was considered a
success in that these funds allowed much needed training and
supplies to be brought to Smith County school districts. Smith
County as a whole is more equipped because they now have
the knowledge and the supplies to stop a bleeding emergency.
Without this funding the education could have been provided to
the schools, but the emergency kits would not have been able
to be purchased and without those the schools would not have
been fully equipped to handle an emergency if needed. This
funding allowed 5 kits to be purchased allowing for 1 kit to be
provided to each building in each school district. Trainings were
held in each district as well. On December 2, 2019 Smith County
Health Department, Smith County Family Practice, Smith
County Memorial Hospital, and Smith County EMS collaborated
to bring the training to 27 USD #110 facility. On February 27,
2020, the same partners collaborated to bring the Stop the
Bleed training to facility at USD #237. At this training, 41 facility
and staff were trained. Because of this funding, 68 people were
trained on how to stop a bleeding emergency and they were
given the proper equipment to aid in the emergency. That is 68
more people in Smith County that were given the tools that are
so greatly needed.


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