Community Grants Report
November 2019
Cloud County Health Center, CPR Mannequins
Gelvin-Ingersoll Medical Education Fund, $650, Awarded 6/25/2018
Project Summary: Update the CPR mannequins in compliance with the American Heart Association Guidelines.
Use of Funds: Grant money purchased mannequins that were in compliance with the American Heart Association.
Impact & Results: All community members certified in CPR will have adequate knowledge of how to perform
adequate chest compressions.
The feedback devices within the mannequins have given participants a better perspective of how adequately
they are performing compressions. We have noticed in increase in the number of patients who are in need of
CPR outside of our facility in where bystanders begin performing CPR. Early CPR is one of the most important
interventions for cardiac arrest.
North Central Kansas Saddle Club, Inc., Shade Project
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $4,280, Awarded 8/21/2018
Project Summary: The Saddle Club is looking to obtain two portable shade structures. The structures will be used
for shade around the arena for saddle club functions. If the grant is given, we will be willing to loan them to other
community organizations.
Use of Funds: The funds were used to purchase a portable sun shade for use at the saddle club arena and to also be
used for city and community events.
Impact & Results: Our main goals are to reduce the incidences of heat stroke and to help other organizations do the
same by providing shade in the hot summer months and to create a cooler environment for our animals.
The shades have been a big success. They have been borrowed by three different organizations throughout the
year and have been met with great compliments on the shade that they provided for the people. They have also
provided the needed shade for the animals during several events held at the NCK Saddle Club Arena.
The tractor pull committee came to the saddle club asking for use of the shades the first year that we had them
and they placed them for the spectators to sit under. We were told by many of how much cooler and better it made
attending the tractor pull. They used them again this year with great success.
Neighborhood Initiatives, Inc.,
Reading with Friends
Cloud County Economic Development
Fund, Dane G. Hansen Community Grant
Fund, $3,160, Awarded 8/21/2018
Project Summary: Neighborhood Initiatives
provides a variety of means for furthering
the mission and purpose of the Sisters of St.
Joseph. We request funds for the Reading
with Friends program operated by the sisters
at Neighbor to Neighbor in Concordia.
Use of Funds: The funds from this grant
were used specifically to purchase books for
each of the Reading with Friends sessions,
as well as snacks and drinks for the children
and their caregivers.
Impact & Results: Our main goal with Reading with Friends is to get children excited about reading and to develop
an appreciation for it at an early age. Reading with Friends introduces children to wonderful stories and since the
children get their own copy of the book, parents can easily make reading a regular activity they do at home as a
family. Parents and caregivers who bring the children also enjoy the opportunity to meet new people and socialize.
Mental health professionals in the area have indicated that isolation is a common issue they see in rural areas so this
helps address that problem in adults as well.
Neighbor to Neighbor hosts the Reading with Friends program once per month between the months of August
and April. The results of the program depend mainly on attendance. Between the months of August 2018 and April
2019, Neighbor to Neighbor had over 170 children attend the reading sessions. That is an average of 22 kids per
month. During the program, 172 books were distributed, free of charge, to the children who attended. Not only did
the children receive a free book, but they were also served a healthy snack and beverage after the book was read.
A few quotes from visitors:
“My child has so much fun, we’ll be back for sure!”- Mother of child who attending Reading with Friends.
“Most humbling experience of my life. I can’t wait to do it again!”- Dr. Bruce Douglas, April session reader of “The
Wonky Donkey”.
“I like the place. We got to hear a story, play in a huge room and get a book with a treat!”- five year old Reading with
Friends attendee.
Concordia Area Chamber of Commerce, Harness replacement for snowflakes
Impact Fund for Cloud County, $5,250, Awarded 10/17/2018
Project Summary: Replacement of Christmas snowflake wiring harnesses.
Use of Funds: Labor to Light Displays to refurbish 20 snowflakes.
Impact & Results: The Snowflakes are a delight for the community to see and with the renewal of the wiring will be
for years to come. It lights up the downtown and the highway for all to enjoy including travelers.
Pawnee Mental Health Services, Inc., Connecting Communities to Mental Health
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $6,600, Awarded 10/17/2018
Project Summary: Pawnee Mental Health’s current telephone system needs to be upgraded in order for Pawnee to
provide consistent responsiveness to community members calling for mental health treatment. Our current system
has limitations and has become unreliable.
Use of Funds: The funds were used to purchase phones, headsets and other hardware accessories. It was also used
to pay for the installation of the phones and internal hardware/software in the Concordia office.
Impact & Results: In July, the phone systems in Manhattan were down due to issues experienced by our local
internet provider. Because of the new phone system, we were able to divert the calls to another location. While this
specific issue occured in Manahttan, the same experience can and most likely at some point will be experienced
by the Concordia office. The new phone system helps keep people connected to mental health care regardless of
system outages.
Despite our delayed installation, Pawnee has been able to achieve the majority of our proposed goals. The new
phone system reduced the number of calls taken by the reception staff by allowing incoming callers to select
extensions and bypass the reception desk. Staff members are able to have calls to their office phone go directly to
their cell phones. This feature is exceptionally helpful for staff and clients who are involved with community services.
The majority of the community services work with children with Serious Emotional Disturbances and adults with
Severe and Persistent Mental Illness occurs outside of the staff members’ personal offices and often outside of
the Pawnee building and makes the ability to receive these calls a tremendous convenience and provides time
Pawnee is working on providing an interruption free check-in process for clients. The installation of the new
phone system revealed enhancements which need to be made to Pawnee’s IT infrastructure to fully support
all functionality available with the new phone system. Management is in the process of identifying the funding
necessary to improve the infrastructure so that we can implement the ability of offices to answer calls on behalf of
other offices.
The Nicol Home, Get Outside and Grow!
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund,
$900, Awarded 2/26/2019
Project Summary: The goal of this grant is to enhance the
lives of the residents at The Nicol Home, Inc. in Glasco, Kansas,
by providing fencing and raised garden beds for the facility.
Use of Funds: The Durabed Raised Planter was purchased
and installed on August 16th. We felt as though we had to
have the fence up to start working on this project because
there would be too many issues with wanderers. Thank you!
Impact & Results: We will continue to try to get students from Southern Cloud involved. Our staff and community is
very excited to be helping our residents set up their plans for the garden area. The golf tournament we held, was to
get the requested fencing in place so that the residents, with the required BIMS numbers can go out on their own
and still be safe. We will be using leftover monies from the golf tournament to continue to add to The Nicol Home
thereby enhancing the quality of life for our residents. The Residents of The Nicol Home thank you for rewarding
us with your grant.
City of Concordia - Broadway Plaza Committee,
Broadway Plaza Summer Movie & Concert Series 2019
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $3,925, Awarded 11/26/2018
Project Summary: We would like to continue into year three with our summer movie and concert series. Every
second Thursday we will show a movie and every fourth Thursday we will have a musical performer (except for
during fair week we will move the concert to the prior Thursday). The events will be free of charge and will start at
7:00 pm. Five non-profit organizations will be able to utilize the concession stand at no cost to use as a fundraiser
and they will be given the opportunity to discuss the ins and outs of their business on stage prior to the start of the
movie. We will try to incorporate another costume contest for one of the movies. Vendors will be able to purchase
spots in the southeast corner on concert nights and we hope to have another food truck during the concerts as well.
I will talk with local businesses to see if they would like to offer a discount to their customers the day of each event.
Use of Funds: The funds were spent on public performance licensing rights and on band fees.
Impact & Results: “I think this is something that the city of Concordia (and surrounding area) is very fortunate to
have. And probably isn’t appreciated enough when you look at what other communities have available.”
“Seriously, the selection committee is doing an AWESOME job when it comes to choosing the movies and concerts
being brought in to the Broadway Plaza. Keep up the variety and family-friendly atmosphere. We always enjoy the
show and we’re bringing new friends who are loving the events too. It’s a great space and we love the weekday
evening performances and films!” Our community is so very appreciative of the Thursday night shows and
concerts. Even when we have to reschedule due to weather they understand and we still have a good crowd!
Our attendance numbers were down this year compared to last year but I believe that was a mix of rescheduling
and conflicts with other activities/events within the community.
City of Concordia, Heritage Trail Lighting
Impact Fund for Cloud County, Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund,
$10,000, Awarded 2/26/2019
Project Summary: The City of Concordia desires to install lighting along a
portion of Heritage Trail connecting to 20th Street. Compliance with DWR and
NEC standards increases the project cost significantly. A local donor desired
lighting to improve trail user safety.
Use of Funds: Five new LED light fixtures were installed along the Heritage Trail
leg from the 21st Street Dam to 20th Street.
Impact & Results: The trail leg from the 21st Street Dam to 20th Street where
the trail connects to Broadway Street is now lit, providing safe use of the trail
after dark. One of the City’s goals for recreation programming is to provide
access to wellness and recreation activities for all ages. Another City goal is to
provide a safe environment for our citizens. This goal has now been met with the addition of these lights. Providing
adequate illumination of this trail leg increased safe access to the trail and thereby increased wellness and recreation
opportunities for Concordia residents and visitors of all ages. Monitoring the metrics of increased usage via informal
public feedback, and by tracking the number of formal events at the trail will begin later this fall.
City of Jamestown,
Jamestown4th of July Celebration
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund,
$2,000, Awarded 4/3/2019
Project Summary: The Jamestown 4th of July Celebration
is a intergenerational event that brings together the
community of Cloud County and tourists for an evening of
food, music, games and a fantastic firework display.
Use of Funds: The funds were spent to assist in
the purchase of fireworks, food, refreshments, and
Impact & Results: The 2019 Jamestown firework display
was a great success. The firework display offered those that
are financially and even physically unable to purchase or
let off fireworks the ability to enjoy a firework display. The
4th of July celebration brought many people both local
and visiting together for a fun and peaceful event that
promotes fellowship and patriotism. There was a great
deal of community displayed by the individuals attending
this event, even in the extreme heat all that attended were
in great spirits and went out of there way to assist fellow
onlookers. Several times during this event attendees allowed elderly and disabled individuals to cut them in line for
the meal, and gave up there spots closer to the event for them to view the firework display. The grant awarded had
a great impact on this years display and potluck, without this years grant the firework display would have
been a great deal shorter and the potluck would have run out of food and refreshments.
Brown Grand Opera House INC, Missoula Children’s Theatre Presents The Snow Queen
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $4,000, Awarded 5/29/2019
Project Summary: We would like to once more bring Missoula Children’s Theatre in this summer to work with local
children to teach them about theatre and to perform a show at the end of the week.
Use of Funds: Missoula Children’s Theatre fees, piano accompanist and piano tuning by Sarah Jeardoe, advertising
KNCK and ticket and poster printing.
Impact & Results: We had 20 students participate from the area and all enjoyed it very much. We were down in
numbers due to the county fair moving weeks and so we competed with that. The kids however had a blast and
enjoyed learning their lines and songs along with the actions. They were highly impressed with the Missoula workers
Maggie and Griffin and the cool costumes they got to wear.
Several area businesses donated gift cards as prizes for the students working hard and selling tickets. We had a great
crowd and the kids performed well. They were excited to hear of future acting opportunities they may experience
here at the Brown Grand and hopefully with partnering with the college we’ll be able to offer acting workshops
throughout the school year for them to prepare them for next summer’s change in the children’s theatre offering.
We owe a huge thank to the community foundation for helping support this program with the grant because
without it we’d have a hard time bringing it in. We hope to spark more interest in the acting workshops and other
children’s theatre with using local talent to lead these at lower costs. This type of programming along with true
community theatre will bring all sorts of acting opportunities for these youth and others as well.
City of Jamestown, Mosquito fogger for Jamestown
Impact Fund for Cloud County, $2,000, Awarded 5/29/2019
Project Summary: The city of Jamestown has a horrible mosquito problem over the spring, summer and fall
months. Jamestown would like to purchase a fogger to distribute mosquito repellant.
Use of Funds: The grant funds were used to assist in the purchase of the mosquito fogger unit. The unit purchased
was a London Fogger M.A.G. (5.5 H.P).
Impact & Results: The purchase of the mosquito fogger made a big impact on the Jamestown community.
Countless residents contacted city hall, and the public works department to inform city employees of the enormous
decrease in mosquito activity this year. Jamestown’s elderly residents and children benefited immensely from the
decrease in mosquito activity. Many elderly residents and parents stated that they were able to spend a great deal
of time outdoors over the summer and fall months, without having to endure countless mosquito bites. The grant
received was detrimental in the purchase of the fogger, Jamestown would have been unable to purchase the
unit without the funds awarded by the community foundation. Jamestown employees will continue to spray for
mosquito’s every spring, summer and fall. Jamestown employees and council believe that the entire Jamestown
population; 298, were served with this project. The amount of positive feedback from the Jamestown community
has surpassed the expected project goal.
North Central Kansas Teens for Christ,
Teens for Christ Rally-Fight the New Drug
Seize the Moment Fund, Dane G. Hansen Community
Grant Fund, $2,000, Awarded 5/29/2019
Project Summary: Fight the New Drug, help us raise
awareness to “fight the new drung” of pornography. Teens
today don’t realize what harmful affects pornography has on
their brain. It’s as addictive and mind changing as nicotine or
alcohol. Help us raise awareness.
Use of Funds: We paid the contracted fee’s for Fight the
New Drug speakers.
Impact & Results: Fight the new drug presented two
amazing seminars. The first, for parents, teachers, and
youth workers in the afternoon. We had 25 in attendance.
The information presented was clear and to the point. Our
attendees asked great questions and I feel like we all came
away being much more informed about the dangers and
addictive natures of pornography and how to help our
teenagers and combat the increasing issue.
The evening presentation was geared toward teenagers, grades 6-12. We had 120 people in attendance. The
teenagers listened intently and were informed of the dangers and addictive natures of pornography and learned
what they can do to help avoid the addiction and what to do if they’re already in trouble.
Thank you for helping to make this event possible!
Cloud County Ducks Unlimited, Cloud County
Ducks Unlimited - LIfetime Youth
Hunting/Fishing License
Seize the Moment Fund, $500,
Awarded 8/13/2019
Project Summary: At our annual conservation banquet, our
group will give away to four greenwing attendees (under
age 18), a lifetime Kansas hunting/fishing license. Our goal is
to promote the outdoors and pass along that tradition to a
younger generation.
Use of Funds: We were able to award a lifetime hunting/fishing
license to Cade Anderson, a greenwing member in attendance.
Impact & Results: As always, we had more than 50+ youth in
attendance at our annual event. Our goal is to promote the
benefits of the outdoors to these young people in hopes that
we can pass along the tradition and responsibility to care for the
wildlife habitat in our area.
City of Concordia, Touch-A-Truck Free Books
Seize the Moment Fund, $500, Awarded 8/13/2019
Project Summary: We would like to hand out a free book called
Big Book of Big Trucks (from Usborne Books & More) to the first
50 families at a new event at the Broadway Plaza called Touch-
A-Truck. UBAM offers a 50% grant matching program to use
towards books.
Use of Funds: They were used to purchase books through
Usborne Books & More
Impact & Results: I am blown away by how successful the event
was! There were a lot of people in attendance and many of them
showed up early to stand in line to get a book, we did run out!
We had a surprise helicopter fly in from Salina around 9:50. That
was the coolest thing ever. Many members of the community
have either written on Facebook or stopped in my office to
tell me that their kids love the book and are still talking about
the event. The parents were even impressed. So many businesses
and organizations volunteered their time to make this event
possible for the little kiddos! I’ve heard zero complaints and only
appreciation for putting this event together thus far and I am
so excited to do this again next year. Many people experienced
FOMO (fear of missing out) and wish they could have made it.
With the funding that we received for the books, it did encourage
many members of the community to show up early. They
didn’t just come for the book, they stayed and checked out all
the activities, danced with Jammin’ Randy, and honked every
horn more than once. I ended up having more vehicles the
day of participating including the ambulance and two police vehicles. I have already been contacted by the State
Department to add their really big Snow Plow. I’m also thinking of contacting someone with a monster truck and a
fan boat. Hopefully, the helicopter can come back but with it being an emergency vehicle, we can’t count on it.