Community Grants Report
November 2019
Smoky Hills Public Television, Literacy
Leadership for Children in Mitchell County
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $500,
Awarded 9/4/2018
Project Summary: Smoky Hills Public Television requests
$1,000 to provide books to children enrolled in preschool
at Beloit Elementary School and purchase broadcast
rights to children’s educational television programs.
Use of Funds: We provided 3 books to each of the 58
children enrolled in the morning and afternoon preschool
classes at Beloit Elementary School in fall 2018 and the
59 children enrolled in winter 2019 and spring 2019.
These books cost $505.76.
Impact & Results: Without your grant, we would not have
been able to give any books to the children enrolled in
preschool at Beloit Elementary School. It is a challenge
for Smoky Hills Public Television to raise sufficient
funds for our core work, broadcasting public television
programming to the 400,000 residents of all ages in
central and western Kansas. Providing books to children
enrolled in Head Start and preschool is something we
love to do, but requires grant funding to do so.
Because of grants like yours, we were able to give
at least one book to nearly 2,400 children enrolled
in Head Start or public preschool in central and
western Kansas.
In addition to these books, we also provided for free the
finest children’s educational television programs (e.g.,
“Sesame Street”, “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood”, and
“Dinosaur Train”) to over 40,000 children ages 2 to 12,
including 8,000 children living in poverty.
Mitchell County Communities That Care, Inc.,
Missoula Traveling Children’s Theater Camp
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $3,500,
Awarded 9/4/2018
Project Summary: This is a musical theatre camp, that
provides a week long full theater experience for kids 1st-
12th grade. Includes auditions (all kids are given role up to
75) rehearsals, 2 shows, and all costumes, sets, ect. Whole
camp is Free to participants
Use of Funds: Missoula Traveling Children’s Theater Cost $3500--included funding for 2 directors, costumes, lighting,
sets, makeup, and audition materials
Impact & Results: The Missoula Traveling Children’s Theater Camp made a big impact on the community. The
musical theater camp gave many children the chance to try something new and the opportunity to be involved in
musical theater when they might not have had the chance to do so otherwise due to cost or experience limitations.
Many kids who were initially hesitant or scared about trying out were brought out of their comfort zone, and after
the performance they had a new found confidence in themselves and discovered that they really enjoyed it. There
were 72 children who participated in the musical theater camp.
The musical theater camp also provided entertainment to the community at large through the two public
performances. There were 251 community members in attendance between the two performances. The public
performances gave parents who may not be as involved the opportunity to come watch their children perform and
show how proud they were of their children. The musical theater camp brought several new families to the Summer
Kids Cafe. This provided an opportunity for families who have not interacted with the Summer Kids Cafe program
before the chance to see what the program is all about as well as receive a nutritious lunch while they were there.
Lastly, the musical theater camp brought many community entities together who helped make the project happen
and run smoothly. None of this would have been possible without the funding from the Solomon Valley
Community Foundation grant.
Mitchell County Community Development, New Media Marketing Training in Rural Kansas
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $2,800, Awarded 9/4/2018
Project Summary: We would like to bring quarterly training to the area that could help our businesses maximize
their time and marketing dollars. The training would be provided by marketing experts from K-State Center for Rural
Enterprise Engagement.
Use of Funds: The Solomon Valley Community Foundation grant dollars were used to pay the fees for Dr. Cheryl
Boyer from the Center of Rural Enterprise and Engagement to lead our 2-day seminar.
Impact & Results: We were thrilled to host the New Media Marketing Workshop in Beloit. We took advantage of the
opportunity to bring a marketing expert to town so our business owners could receive high-level training right at
home. We took two days to provide the training and were very pleased with the attendance. We had over 25 people
attend either one or both days of training. We covered many outlets of new media marketing, including various
forms of social media, email marketing and also e-commerce.
We have enjoyed seeing our attendees try various techniques in their social media marketing strategy. We have also
been pleased to see our attendees support each other via social media. We were even surprised with “shout outs”
from the Center for Rural Enterprise and Engagement. We measured our success by keep track of social media
growth. While the growth is a little subjective, we specifically focused on the increase of Facebook followers after
they attended our training. Every single attendee had an increase of Facebook followers for a total of 1,056 new
followers. We studied the growth rate and our businesses had an average of 15% growth rate in followers after going
through our training. We feel this number will continue to grow as our businesses continue to use the techniques
they have mastered.
We appreciate the support of Solomon Valley Community Foundation and look forward to hosting more
trainings in the future.
Zion Lutheran Church, Enhancing the Use of Zion Lutheran
Church for the Community
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $5,000, Awarded 9/4/2018
Project Summary: We would like to enhance the building to better serve the
Use of Funds: Installation and purchase of an elevator/chair lift
Impact & Results: The elevator/chair lift installation was an expensive project
for our church to undertake. Without the help from contractor labor donations,
congregational sweat equity, memorial donations, and Dane G Hansen
Foundation Community Grant Funds our church budget would have been substantially harmed. We experienced
some time delays due to timely availability of project material as we were firm about supporting our local businesses
for material and labor. The elevator/chair lift is now in operation and has been tested. Our property board has agreed
to put the finishing touches on it by staining and painting for eye appeal. It was enlightening to hear remarks of the
satisfaction of the finished product. The ease of loading carts from one floor to another will be greatly used as well
as an improved safety factor over using the stairs. Our handicapped audience has already remarked on the ease of
attending a function that begins in the sanctuary and concludes in the basement. We host many community events
that require use of both floors.
It is encouraging to hear the excitement as people peek inside the elevator/chair lift door and remark “Wow -
this is great!” On behalf of Zion Lutheran Church, we extend a heartfelt thanks to the Foundation.
Beloit Area Chamber of Commerce,
Chamber Networking Cocktail Tables
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley,
$750, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: Requesting funds for a dozen portable, lightweight,
bar height tables with covers to improve networking opportunities in our
community, such as Chamber coffees, After Hours, Annual Banquet and be
available to Chamber businesses for their events.
Use of Funds: To purchase 12 foldable, lightweight cocktail tables and 12
spandex black covers.
Impact & Results: These tables have made a very big impact in the community
already. They have been used a dozen times for several events, fundraisers,
networking events and community gathering. They enable guests to socialize and enjoy an appetizer and drink if
desired. We have also built upon relationships in the community by loaning them out and providing our community
with great tables for their events. We are very grateful for the addition of these tables in the Beloit Area.
Heart Choices, Smart Parents/Safe Kids
Equipment and Parenting Curriculum
Updates and Washer and Dryer Unit
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley,
$2,000, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: Purchase updated curriculum for pregnancy and parenting
education and cribs, car seats for the Smart Parents/Safe Kids program, and a
washer/dryer combination unit.
Use of Funds: Schnell & Pestinger GE 24” washer/dryer $1,399.00
Johnson Plumbing $1,979.98
Flooring and Paint $143.72
Total Cost of Project $3,522.70
Solomon Valley CF Funds $2,000.00
Heart Choices funds $1,522.70
Impact & Results: For many years, we have seen the need for a small washer/dryer combination unit at our Center
to be used for laundering infant and children’s clothing that have been generously donated by our community.
It is always our goal to assure every item be laundered and in good repair before a parent takes it for their child.
We have utilized volunteers in this area when available. With the recent addition of limited obstetrical ultrasound
services, we now are having more laundry associated with the medical services, such as towels, gowns, cloths, etc.,
that need to be laundered in a timely and sanitary manner. Although we had to wait patiently for our plumber to
fit our project into his schedule, having a washer dryer unit in the building has allowed us to assure the cleanliness
of these items and makes it unnecessary for staff to use their time at home doing the Center’s laundry. Preparation
for the placement of the unit in an unused bathroom/storage room included removal of an unworking shower,
toilet, and sink, painting, and installation of new flooring which was purchased locally and installed by a volunteer
(the director’s son). We are now very proud of our laundry room and the small unit fits perfectly! We are most
grateful for the funds to include this addition in our building and look forward to its usage in helping women
and families!
USD 273, BES LEGO Wall
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley,
$500, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: A LEGO wall that The LEGO wall will be part
of our school’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
math) program. LEGO plates will be placed on a wall where
students will be able to assemble projects.
Use of Funds: With the grant funds, I was able to purchase the
following items for the Beloit Elementary LEGO Wall:
Peel and Stick Baseplates: $329.55,
Lego Movie Maker: $39.99,
Lego Classic Creative Brick Boxes: $95.98,
4 castor wheels for stand: $40.00
Impact & Results: Beloit Elementary is so excited to offer a
portable LEGO board to teachers and students. Parents and
educators are recognizing the learning opportunities these little
interlocking bricks can bring to kids. We are anticipating the
LEGO board will help in areas of math, spatial activities, and
early engineering skills. We also think it will help with social
skills. The Solomon Valley Community Foundation made this
project affordable and possible for BES. We would probably
would not have the LEGO board if we did not have the grant
money. We are hoping all grades at BES will use the board
throughout the year either for a lesson or free play. Thank you
again for helping us making this project possible.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church / School,
St. John’s Student Council Flowerbeds Beautification
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley, $500,
Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: In order to make the school entrance more inviting and appealing, we are wanting to clean out
the old flower-bed planters, replace soil, and then plant new foliage.
Use of Funds: We beautified the main entrance of St. John’s Catholic High School with plants, mulch, and soil in the
flowerbed. We were able to really improve the entrance.
Impact & Results: This project impacted our Student Council. They prepared the beds and planted the plants. Many
of the students had forgotten about the project since we completed it the last day of school. It was rewarding to
hear their positive comments as they returned to school. They were really proud of how it looked after the summer.
Many people in the community have noticed and complimented.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church / School, Handicap Chair Lift
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley, $3,000, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: We are installing a handicap chair lift at our Grade School building to provide handicap access to
our whole building.
Use of Funds: The funds were used to successfully install a new handicap chairlift to our 2nd floor. In the summer
months the chair and rail system were installed using grant funds and funds from another private donor.
Impact & Results: This summer we were able to completely install a handicap chair lift between our 1st and
2nd floor. The ability to install this lift has allowed us to keep a student with special mobility needs with his class
throughout the day. Without the grant contribution by the Community Foundation we would likely not have been
able to get this project completed by the start of this school year. Our students needs have been provided for, and
our building is now more handicap accessible for anyone that would need access to the top floor. A quick example
is that we use our building for speech and drama meets. In the past some parents/grandparents have been unable
to watch their student compete due to the lack of upstairs classroom access. This lift will take care of those issues.
Thank you again for helping us meet the needs of our students, teachers, and stakeholders.
Port Library, NASA Speaker at Port
Library Summer Kid’s Programs
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley,
$500, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: The grant is to be used to fund the travel
expenses of a speaker from Johnson Space Center in Houston to
Beloit for a presentation to the participants of the summer library
Use of Funds: The NASA speaker backed w/o notice. We invited a
speaker from the Cosmosphere.
$195.00 Presentation Fee
$100.00 Hands-on Educator Fee
$100.00 Hands-on activity Fee
$147.32 Round Trip Mileage
Impact & Results: This special program at the end of summer
reading brought a lot more parents to the library who stayed with
their kids. The library is a place to have fun AND learn, and the kids
were fascinated by the presentation. The parents who attended were
impressed that the library could bring in such a special presentation.
Without the funding the library could not have guaranteed the funds
to bring in an outside speaker like this. We had at least 50 kids, plus
about 1 parent for every 2 kids - about 75 people. Because we don’t
have a public observatory or science museum nearby presentations
like these are the only way space-obsessed kids can learn in a live
setting about space.
USD 273, Rain or Shine, Kids Learn and Play
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund,
Community Impact Fund for Solomon Valley,
$2,000, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: The Early Learning Center (ELC) Parent Team wants to help encourage more outdoor activity
by making improvements to the ELC’s outdoor learning spaces by installing a large concrete slab, purchasing
equipment and installing hillslides.
Use of Funds: Due to the extreme rainy weather over the last 6 months, the grant funds have not been expended.
The project has officially broken ground and the grant funds will be used to pay a local contractor to install the
concrete slab at the ELC.
Impact & Results: I am happy to share a story and send pictures once the project is completed. The project should
have been very quick and completed by now but our contractor has been delayed trying to finish up other work he
previously committed to.
City of Glen Elder, Additions and Improvements to Waconda Baseball-(2nd request)
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley, $2,000, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: Baseball in Glen Elder has been in existence for over 60 years. Recently we have improved
the field to allow for an additional team and to provide baseball opportunities for all ages. This grant is to further
enhance the field.
Use of Funds: This grant allowed us to purchase materials for an outfield chain link fence.
Impact & Results: The fence has given the community a sense of pride in their baseball field. I feel that it has given
the Waconda baseball program a boost in that there are still people in the community that care about keeping
the program going for the next generation of kids. The fence was very much needed and the baseball program
would have not been able to afford it without the help of the Community Foundation. This project brought together
Cunningham Telephone and Cable and the City of Glen Elder to donate the manpower it took to install the fence.
City of Beloit, City of Beloit Fire
Department Prevention Equipment
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley,
$4,820, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: The request is for a thermal imaging camera
to be used by the City of Beloit Fire Department.
Use of Funds: The funds were used to purchase a new thermal
imaging camera.
Impact & Results: The funds from the grant allowed us to purchase a new thermal imaging camera which will
allow our fire department to better serve our community and those surrounding. With this, we will be able to better
provide more accurate fire detection and diagnostic capabilities. This tool will also allow the fire department to help
minimize damage to structures by being able to accurately pinpoint the source of the fire. It will also increase the
ability to find and rescue people or animals trapped in a fire by detecting their thermal signature before being able
to see them with the naked eye. This camera has also increased the confidence of the firefighters using it. This tool
will allow us to serve the citizens of this community for many years to come.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Replacement of
Front Entry Doors of Hunter Trinity Lutheran Church
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley, $3,000,
Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: The church is needing to replace the original entry doors with a new bronze aluminum double
doors and glass.
Use of Funds: Original doors were removed and replaced with 36 inch aluminum double doors. The project was
started with removal on June 12 and completed June 13.
Impact & Results: This new entryway has improved the appearance of our church. It has also allowed the church to
have two 36 inch doors, instead of the 32 inch original doors for handicap accessibility. These doors are much better
when looking at energy efficiency. With this grant money it allowed the church to proceed with this project. Total
expense for this project was $6,275.00. Thank You and I think you will agree when you view the photos of before
and after that it truly was an improvement.
North Central Kansas Technical College, NCK Tech Beloit Campus AED Save Lives Project
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley, $4,902, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: Part of the College’s Strategic Plan is to “Foster a safe and respectful culture of inclusion and
engagement - increase campus security and emergency preparedness”. Having AED’s placed in every builiding will
help the college meet this goal.
Use of Funds: The grant funds were spent on 3 Cardiac Science G3 School/Church PKG with Audible Alarms - SKU:
AB 6240 @ $1,902.00 for a total of $4,902.00 spent.
Impact & Results: Out of the 30 building/areas on the Beloit Campus of NCK Tech, we are down to 5 areas now that
still need access to an AED. This grant helped with the placement of 3 more AED’s on the Beloit Campus of NCK
Tech! The college’s goal is to have access to an AED in every building.
NCK Tech has recently re-evaluated its Safety Plan. One of our goals is the college’s strategic plan is to “Foster a safe
and respectful culture of inclusion and engagement - increase campus security and emergency preparedness”.
Having AED’s placed in every building will help the college meet this goal. OSHA recommends that AED’s be placed
in areas where many people work closely together, areas where electric-powered devices are used, people are close
in a confined space, Cafeteria’s and in areas where the response rate is within 3 minutes. These 3 additional AED’s
are helping NCK Tech in getting closer to 100% coverage in all buildings on the Beloit Campus. The AED’s were
placed in the Nursing, Automotive and Carpentry/HVAC Building Common’s areas on the Beloit Campus of NCK
Tech. Thank you!!
Tipton Catholic High School, TCHS Science STEM lab equipment and supplies
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for Solomon Valley, $1,000, Awarded 2/15/2019
Project Summary: The grant would be used to bring the latest technology and software to our students.
Use of Funds: The funds were used to purchase the STEM lab equipment and supplies from Vernier Software
and Technology. The Tipton Catholic High School Board agreed to pay the additional $2,242.93 to purchase the
additional supplies as well.
Impact & Results: The technology will be used beginning in the fall to enhance learning in our Biology and
Chemistry classes.
USD 273, Beloit Jr/Sr High School
Weight Room Plyo Boxes
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund,
$2,071.71, Awarded 8/22/2019
Project Summary: The Beloit Jr/Sr high school weight room is
in desperate need of new plyo boxes for box jumps. These boxes
would be a tremendous help to the 120+ kids that go through
the weight room every day during the school year.
Use of Funds: The funds were uses to purchase 2 plyo boxes that
are used in the weight room every day.
Impact & Results: The plyo boxes that we were
able to purchase for our weight room have
made an immediate impact with our students.
The kids feel 100% more comfortable jumping
onto soft foam plyo boxes rather than the old
wooden boxes that we had had for the last 20
The kids also have more confidence to push
themselves to higher boxes because there is no
fear of hurting their shins any more.
The boxes themselves have allowed us to really
diversify the box sizes so that all our athletes
(who have varying athletic abilities) can use
I have also spoken with our volleyball coach
and she will also be using them at volleyball
practices! Thank you so much for this amazing
grant opportunity! It has made a tremendous
impact in our weight room and will impact
1000’s of kids over the years!