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Published by Town & Country Club, 2019-07-12 14:18:42

July Newsletter 2019

July Newsletter 2019




TCC_CLUB st.paul_townandcountryclub


FRONT DESK: 651-646-7121


Club Hours of Operation Direct Dial Numbers Executive Management

Clubhouse Closed on Mondays Accounting 651-659-2544 Robert K. White
Catering 651-659-2556 General Manager
Breakfast [email protected]
Tuesday-Sunday 7:00am-11:00am The Pro Shop 651-659-2549
Kitchen-To-Go 651-646-7121 Taybin Tushaus
Lunch Main Clubhouse 651-646-7121 Food & Beverage Director
Tuesday-Sunday 11:00am -2:00pm Men’s Locker Room 651-659-2546
[email protected]
Bar Menu Pool Desk 651-659-2554
Tuesday-Sunday 2:00pm-9:00pm Tennis Pro Shop 651-659-2551 Tom Skoglund
Turfgrass Director 651-646-6743 Director of Golf
Dinner [email protected]
Tuesday-Sunday 5:00pm-9:00pm Board of Directors
William Larson, CGCS
Please note that last call for alcohol in Officers Turfgrass Director
the Clubhouse is 12:30am as the Club’s [email protected]
Brad Kahley President tcturf @
liquor license ends at 1:00am Philip C. Haan Vice President
Francisco Gonzales
The Pro Shop Linda M. Heuer Treasurer Executive Chef
7:00am - 7:00pm Nicole Lettner Secretary
Christine Meuers Ex-Officio [email protected]
Locker Room/Fitness Center
Tuesday-Sunday 5:00am- 9:00pm Directors Tim Traynor
Sunday/Monday 5:00am - 2:00pm Controller
Charles Callahan 2019
Locker Room Attendant Patrick Hickey 2019 [email protected]
Tuesday-Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Tiffany Anderson 2020 Tregg Hagen
Halfway House Piper Kenney-Wold 2020 Membership & Communications
Tuesday- Friday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Matt Winkel 2020 Director
Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Don Woessner 2020 [email protected]
[email protected]
Tennis Courts Connie Shea 2020
9:00 am - Sunset Megan Nash
Events & Catering Manager
Swimming Pool
11:00 am - Sunset [email protected]

John Koury
Chief Engineer
[email protected]



Welcome to summer! I hope you to please do your best to I want each and every one of
you all enjoyed the 3rd of July respect the course by fixing you and your families to enjoy
fireworks festivities at the your divots, fixing your ball the month of July and to
Club. The show was marks, and don’t forget about please take advantage of all
absolutely outstanding, the our wonderful restroom opportunities and events
food was great, and it was facilities on the course. available at the Club.
fun to hang out and visit with
friends at the Club. The porch bar and the pool See you at the Club,

Summer is in full swing at the have been extremely busy Brad Kahley
Club. The pool has been fun
and busy. The golf course this year. I hope that you all
also has been busy, and
tennis is in full swing. understand that our staff is

As the weather has been so doing the best they can during
cooperative, we are seeing
an enormous amount of play the busiest time of year.
on the golf course. We have
been fortunate this year as Please be courteous and kind
our course has been in great
shape. I would like to remind to our hard working

employees as they do their

best to serve you.

We are lucky enough to be
hosting the Women’s Golf
Association (MGA) Women’s
Amateur Championship July
23 – July 25. This will be a
great opportunity to come out
with your family and have a
chance to walk around and
witness some of the best
players in the state of MN
playing our course for the
State Amateur Championship.

Tuesday, July 9th
The 3rd of July Fireworks We are currently planning Co–Ed Tennis Event
Celebration was an incredible the ”Derby Days Party On
event with 955 people in The Hill” with a lobster and (Mixed Doubles)
attendance. Everyone steak buffet, cocktails,
enjoyed Chef’s fair food while passed hors d oeuvres and Thursday, July 11th
the kids enjoyed the carnival live music from Boogie 9 Hole Ladies Guest Day
games and rides. The Wunderland. This is an adult
fireworks were spectacular only party and the theme is Saturday July 13th
and was enjoyed by all. I’m Caddyshack so dress in Couples Twilight
sure everyone will be looking your favorite Caddyshack
forward to this event next character but not required. Wednesday, July 17th
year. Ladies Night Out
Lastly, Chef Francisco has (4:30pm Shotgun)
We started the summer with prepared new menus for
some wonderful events and lunch, dinner and at the Thursday, July 18th-20th
the programming committee pool. We are all looking Old Scot Invitational
will try to continue the forward to presenting the
summer with some more fun new menus within the next Thursday, July 26th
filled events. Please mark week. Interclub Swim Meet
your calendar for the
upcoming events and I am Have a wonderful rest of the Tuesday, July 23rd-25th
sure you will have a great season.. MGA Women’s Amateur
time with your fellow
members and friends. Saturday July 27th & 28th
Couples Club Championship

Tuesday, July 30th
18 Hole Ladies Guest Day

Saturday, August 1st
9-Hole Ladies Shootout Event

Saturday, August 10th
Couples Twilight

Thursday, August 15th
Derby Days Par 3 Tournament

Thursday, August 15th
Derby Days Party on the Hill

(Caddyshack Themed)

Friday, August 16th
Derby Days Golf Tournament

Saturday, August 17th
Derby Days Golf Tournament


After a long cool Spring, * Because your course has * Bug Spray use. Please
Summer has officially arrived! only 96 acres and many spray on hard surfaces
Warm weather has brought elevation changes, cart when applying. It can kill the
the soil temperatures up and traffic control can be grass.
we are growing grass! challenging. We have roped
Recent rains and a fertilizer and put wooded barriers out * Fescue/native areas are
application to the rough to assist us with providing off limits for cart use. When
accentuate the need to keep you with the best conditions in doubt, don’t drive in any
the ball in the fairway. possible. They are there for areas that the grass is overly
a reason! Please don’t drive long.
We are noticing the course is around them because others
receiving more play than it will follow suit, which will Please take pride in your
has in the past. We ask that compact the area and the course and help us make
you and your guests assist us grass will not be as your experience at Town
with some simple tasks in playable. It is also important and Country Club the best
order to keep the course to keep ALL four tires on the that it can be. Thank you in
looking great. cart path and don’t drive advance your cooperation.
next to greens.
* PLEASE take the time to fix
your ball marks. It is * DIVOTS…when in doubt,
extremely disappointing to no matter if you are on a tee
come out in the morning and or fairway, please replace
see your greens littered with them. Our variety of
ball marks. It is vital for all of creeping bentgrass is very
us to make a concerted effort hardy and will re-grow if you
to keep our surfaces the best put it back and step it down.
they can be!



The employment of caddies has the less the lad was paid per opportunity to become
been a tradition at Town & hole. acquainted with the game of golf,
Country Club from the club’s but also to interact with a variety
inception in the early 1890s. The T&C continues to have an active of adults. Try using a caddie.
minutes of the club’s Executive caddie program, which over time, You and your guests will enjoy
Committee (EC) provide periodic and currently, includes many the experience. At least early in
insight into this practice. The EC young ladies. The Evans Caddie each season the player may
minutes in 1902 state that Scholarship program was need to be a bit patient as his
caddies “shall not be paid more established in 1930 by Chick caddie is learning how to do his
than the amount fixed by the Golf Evans, an outstanding amateur job.
Committee”. What was the “evil” player during the first quarter of
that the Committee was trying to the 20th century. He won the In 1933 the Old Tyme Caddie
address? Unfortunately the U.S. Open at Minikahda Club in day was approved for a day in
records do not disclose the 1916 as an amateur. The Evans the second week of September.
answer to that question or the Caddie Foundation has been of It was open to fellows who
caddie rates at that time. It is great benefit to more than 10,000 caddied at T&C prior to 1915.
interesting to note that as caddies over time, including This tradition that continues to
recently as 1960 the Minutes many from T&C. The scholarship this day, although the “prior to”
state “That no member will be provides room, board and tuition date has been moved forward
permitted to add a tip to any at selected universities in the from time to time.
check issued for caddie fees.” At Midwest, including the UofM.
this time players are requested to T&C members are annually T&C History Committee, Rick
pay their caddies based on asked to make a voluntary Wilhoit, Chairperson
service and merit. contribution to this program,
whether or not they use caddies.
The Minutes of September 1931
state that caddie rates shall be As recently as the early 1980s, at
75 cents for singles and $1.25 for least recent in time to this writer,
doubles. However, before they all T&C players either employed
became effective, on March 15, a caddie or rode a golf cart. Over
1932, they were revised and time that has changed, and
reduced to 35 cents for nine although T&C continues to have
holes, 60 cents for 18 holes and a caddie program there are not
90 cents for 27 holes. It is as many loops available to the
interesting to note that the longer kids as there once were. The
the caddie’s assignment program is not only an


June has been a very busy month Search for a lost ball not more Take several clubs with you when
(over 4200 rounds) and the golf than 2-3 minutes. If you think the you approach your ball so you do
course is in great shape! Please ball you have just hit is lost, not have to return to the cart if the
remember to check your announce that you are hitting a lie or distance looks different than
e-mail for the weekly updates in provisional ball. Keep in mind that you originally thought.
golf as well as upcoming events. the first ball you hit is the one that
must be played unless it is lost. If Always carry a second ball in your
Season Long Matches your first ball is lost and you play pocket in case you have to hit a
the provisional ball, an additional provisional ball.
Please be aware of the timetable stroke count must be taken.
to complete your matches. Also, Plan your shot and select your
when making your t-times, contact Work with your cart partner to club as you approach your ball or
the proshop to be sure a keep the cart moving forward - you while you wait for other to play.
scorecard is ready. MATCH should never have to walk This allows you to set up and hit
PACE OF PLAY backward to get your cart. the ball without additional time.
POLICY…..Groups that fall behind
will be warned of slow play. If the Additionally, when approaching While on the putting surface the
gap between groups does not the green, park your cart slightly player furthest out putts first. You
close, the Pro Shop staff will move beyond the green. This ensures may consider putting continuously
your group back into position. you are not going backward to get until you hole out, unless you are
There is not a penalty, however, your cart. restricted by another player's line.
both teams would lose the The first player to hole out is
opportunity to win the hole Be courteous. Do not talk, or responsible for placing the flag
skipped. make any noise when someone is back in the hole once all players
hitting or putting. When you are have completed putting.
GOLF ETIQUETTE “DO’S & searching for the correct club(s)
DON’TS” and remove them from your bag, Mark your score after reaching the
do so quietly. next tee, not while you are on the
Pace of Play green or in the cart at the green.
You can play quickly, and have a Have your cart partner watch your
relaxing game! The following is a ball when you hit and vice-versa.
list of things that will help speed up Line the ball up with something on
play and hopefully make everyone the course to make it easier to
a more courteous golfer. locate.
Keep up to the group ahead of
you. Don’t think of it as staying If you believe your ball may be lost
ahead of the group behind you, or has been hit out of bounds, to
because they may be on a 5 hour save time, announce and hit a
pace. provisional ball.


Play "READY GOLF" on the tee Caddies Honor Caddie
box, fairways and green unless To ensure a caddie, please (in addition to A and B caddie
hitting your ball puts you or contact the Proshop at least 24 requirements)
someone else in a hazardous hours in advance; or simply make · Ability to read greens and offer
position. "Ready golf" requires your request in the note field of advice - "when requested”
you to be ready when it is your your t-time. · Can easily train younger caddies
turn to hit and to be prepared to hit · Leadership ability
if you are ready and another Caddie Expectations: · Plays some golf
player has not reached their ball or · Works with Caddie Master in
is not ready to play. Please see the below information supervising caddies
on what you should expect from · Help train new caddies
GOLF CARTS are to be kept on your caddie. Also, please · Excellent course knowledge
the cart paths when possible and remember that some of these kids · Know the yardage from
to remain a minimum of 30 feet are 13 years old and may have permanent markers
from tees and greens. never played golf. · Understand the rules and
etiquette of the game
By following the above etiquette B Caddie · Ability to run for a group of four
rules you, your partner and other · Handle the bag and clubs players
golfers on the course will have an without problems · Maintain control of a group
enjoyable round. · Keep pace with player
· Mark position of ball, keep clubs Senior Caddie
clean, clean ball on green (in addition to Honor requirements)
· Replace divots; rake bunkers, · Must be at least 16
· Position self properly - Remain · Can handle two bags easily
quiet · Offer yardage for every shot
· Minimum 3 years caddie
A Caddie experience
· Mastered B Caddie skills
· Be able to work as a team with
other caddies
· Handle the flag stick, understand
the game of golf.
· Ability to operate on green with
multiple players even if carrying
only one bag
· Ability to mark all four player's
balls forecaddie


Repairing Ball Marks: The average unrepaired Ball Mark Here's How:
causes a “crater” the depth of 2
ALL PLAYERS MAKE THEM!! teaspoons of sand, and about the 4. Do NOT insert the tool under the
Repairing ball marks is a critical diameter of a Half-Dollar 50¢ coin. indented area and push up - a
practice that is a must for all players. common mistake. Think of it as
The reason for repairing ball marks Ten days later, those unrepaired pushing turf in from the edges toward
has 2 distinct reasons. Ball Mark craters were still the center.
obstacles to straight putts: 1 5. Tamp down the repaired area with
Maintaining a flat smooth putting teaspoon deep, and the diameter your putter so that the surface is
surface. of a Quarter 25¢ coin. even.
Maintaining the health of our

The Unrepaired Ball Mark- is a How to Repair a Golf Ball Divot Tips:
bump, ridge, hole or crater in the on the Putting Green
putting green, with a sunken center 1. If your ball mark has actually
and circular soil walls. It’s caused Each time a golf ball hits the putting displaced a piece of turf, do not
when golf balls hit the green, either surface, it leaves a mark. Proper golf replace it. Just work around the
from a lofted approach shot, or a fast etiquette dictates that you repair any edges with your repair tool as normal.
bouncing approach. USGA Rules of damage to the putting surface, The replaced turf will simply die,
Golf say: “A player should ensure especially damage due to a ball. delaying the healing process.
that…any damage to the putting Repairing a ball mark on a green 2. Pushing the tines of your repair
green made by a ball is carefully takes seconds, but can save weeks of tool under the indented area and
repaired.” When Ball Marks are not healing to the turf. It's an important pushing up simply damages the root
repaired, they make a significant thing to do for the course, and for the system.
impediment to every golfers putt for golfers who follow you. 3. You not only should always
weeks thereafter. Difficulty: Easy repair your ball marks, but, time
Time required: 15 seconds permitting, you should repair any
A golf course with an average 140 other ball marks you see, too.
players per day will develop 980 Ball Here's How:
Mark craters per week on each green. Here is a fresh ball
Several Club Superintendent Surveys 1. Use a ball mark repair tool (also mark on Hole-18
found over 600 visible Ball Marks on called a divot repair tool or greens
just the front 20 feet of many greens. repair tool) whenever possible.
In a study done by the Houston 2. Insert the repair tool at the edge
Chronicle in 2000, 26 local pros of the ball mark. Do NOT insert the
surveyed area courses, and found tool within the depression itself.
that only 38% of players fixed their 3. Push the tool forward from the
Ball Marks. Your observations may edge of the ball mark toward the
find better or worse performance on center. Do this around the edges of
our course. the indentation.

All classes are weekly sign-ups. Please Tennis
sign up 24 hours in advance. If no one
signs up, the court will be made available 2019 Drill Schedule
for other use. All drills are for men and
women unless specified. All classes will Drills
have class size limits so please sign up
Cost for 1-hour class is $15.00; cost for 1
in advance to secure a spot. ½-Hour class is $23.00.

Please call the Tennis Office at (651) Must register within a minimum of 24
659-2551 to sign-up. hours of the class.

Online reservations No class minimum, but 1 person = ½ hour private; 2 people = 1 hour private. Price
still is same as drill price.
Monday Account will be charged if drill or private
6:30 - 7:30 a.m. Tennis Cardio ($15) lesson is canceled without 24 hr. notice.
10:30 - 12:00 p.m. 3.0 + Drill ($23) Saturday and Sunday Private lessons by
arrangement with pro
6:30 - 7:30 a.m. Tennis Cardio ($15) Thursday
8:00- 9:30 a.m. 2.5 Drill ($23)
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 3.0 + Drill ($23) 6:00-7:30 p.m. 4.0+ Drill ($23)
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 2.5 Drill ($23)
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Drill Games ($23) Friday
6:30 - 8:00 a.m. 3.0 +Drill ($23)
Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Tennis Cardio ($15)
6:30 - 7:30 a.m. Tennis Cardio ($15) 9:00 -10:30 a.m. 3.5+ Drill ($23)
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 3.0 + ($23) Limit 5
7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Advanced Tennis Cardio

($15) Limit 6 players
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Tennis Cardio ($15)
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Stroke of the Day ($15)
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 4.0 + Drill ($23)



Summer is in full swing around the Hole Par 3 Contest. The theme jumpy house, snow cones and
cotton candy will be back! You
clubhouse! For those who this year is Caddyshack! So won’t want to miss the last official
pool party of the season! The pool
attended, we hope you enjoyed channel your inner Chevy Chase will still be open normal hours on
Labor Day.
the amazing Second Annual Town and “Be the Ball!” Immediately
We look forward to seeing you
and Country Club’s July 3rd following the Golf Contest is the around the clubhouse!

Fireworks Party!! It was wonderful Derby Days Party on the Hill! The

to see so many Members take part party will get underway at 6:00 pm

in the event. and the Minnesota favorite Boogie

Wonderland Band will perform! All

Live music at the pool is back this Members are welcome to join this

summer! On Friday, July 26 the adult only party! Costumes are

popular Backyard Band will encouraged – but not required!

perform and Chef will feature

some special BBQ specials to NEW THIS YEAR is the 1st

enjoy. Annual Cardboard Regatta on

Sunday, August 18. This family

NEW THIS YEAR is the Adult Only event will include 3 boat divisions

Party at the Pool on Saturday, July based on boat size – small boats

27. Chef Francisco will prepare a (1 person), medium boats (2

Mexican feast with all your people), large boats (3 people).

favorites along with fun and new The rules are simple! The only

margaritas! The pool will close to materials allowed to make your

children under 21 starting at 5:00 boat are cardboard and duct tape!

and the festivities get underway at Boat check in begins at 12:30 and

6:00. races begin at 1:00. All ages are

welcome to participate!

Camp Country Club returns on

Saturday, August 3. Tent pitching DATE CHANGE! Because of the

begins at 6:00 pm with dinner at overwhelming positive response to

7:00. There will be fun games for moving the Memorial Day party to

the kids, a campfire and breakfast Sunday, this year we are changing

served in the morning. You won’t things up a bit and the Labor Day

want to miss this annual favorite Pool Party will be held on Sunday,

event for families. September 1 from 4:00 – 8:00.

We will be featuring a new menu

Derby Days kicks off on Thursday, this year and of course the

August 15 with the all Member 9 traditional favorites including the

01 02 03 04
05 06

9 & 18 Hole League 3rd Of July Independence Day
8:30 am Shotgun Fireworks Party
07 08 09 10 11 13
14 15
Co-Ed Tennis Men's League 9-Hole Guest Day Couples Twilight
Doubles Event
18-Hole League 18 19 20

16 17

Outside Event 9 & 18 Hole League Ladies Night Out Old Scot Invite Old Scot Invite Old Scot Invite
12:00 pm Shotgun 8:30 am Shotgun Practice Round

21 22 23 24 25 26 27


Outside Event Men’s Tennis Guest Night Couples Club
8:00 am & 1:15 pm Championship


28 29 30 31

Couples Club Outside Event 18-Hole League Men's League
Championship 12:00 pm Shotgun Guest Day

1:00 pm Shotgun

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