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Published by vicpabpile, 2015-10-30 20:07:23

Israel Defense Directory 2013-14



Know-Think-Move 19 Wisburg St.,
Tel-Aviv 6935831, Israel
Tel: 972-3-6482182
Fax: 972-3-6481635
E-mail: offi[email protected]
Web Site:

Hoshen-Eiiav Systems Engineering Ltd. (ISRAEL) is a System Analysis & System Engineering Consulting Company, active
mainly in the defense market. The company employs 80 highly qualified engineers, operational experts and analysts. It has
developed in-depth knowledge and expertise in a wide range of fields. The company has acquired a strong reputation in the
defense community for its ability to innovate and initiate new products and programs for Israel's defense industries, Israeli
Ministry of Defense and the Israel Defense Forces.

Hoshen-Eiiav's major strength is the ability to perform an End-to-End process: starting from a comprehensive Operational
Analysis, leading to systematic identification of Operational Gaps and definition of Future Required Capabilities. The next
phase is to create a set of Candidate Solutions and perform a comparative analysis, resulting in the Most Promising system.
The implementation phase include system Architecture Design, Development Monitoring and Control, System Integration and
Operational Activation.

A brief sample of projects:

Upper-Tier Ballistic Missiles Defense

• Client: Israeli Ministry of Defense
The need: To augment the current Arrow system in order to counter
advanced long Range Ballistic Missiles

• H-E Mission: Carried out an operational & technical analysis in order to
recommend the "Most Promising" architecture: Interceptor, long range
detection systems, tracking & fire control sensors and enhanced C2 center.

This was achieved by using a specific methodology developed by H-E, employing
a multi-agency analyst team, using simulation tools to analyze the effectiveness
of candidate architectures to counter a massive ballistic missiles salvo, and
performing LCC analysis.

Joint Staff C2 System (ICCS)

• Client: IDF C4I Directorate
• The need: To provide the IDF senior command and decision makers (down

to division commander level) with multi-discipline, multi-service data and
knowledge required for decision making, planning operations and to maintain
Command & Control over the campaign.
• H-E Mission: Carried out an operational & technical analysis in order to
recommend the “Most Promising” architecture: Interceptor, long range
detection systems, tracking & fire control sensors and enhanced C2 center.

Israel National Crisis Management Center

• Client: Prime Minister Office
• The need: Center for the management of national crisis situations, both at the

senior political level and operational level
• H-E Mission: Operational Needs Analysis, characterization of information

required for decision-making, Concept Definition, definition of organization
structure and working processes, Pilot System - construction & testing,
detailed design, planning and management of system operational activation,
professional training and training exercises.

Services z Design, Engineering and Planning 451


P.O.Box 8220, Tel Aviv 6108102, Israel
Tel: 972-77-5354513
Fax: 972-3-7617077
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:

Versia Military Design is a leading complexity, customer requirements and the
international industrial design bureau, development budget.
specializing in the defense sector.
Versia Military Design offers a variety of
Headed by award winning designer Tamir services including:
Porat, Versia Military Design has more
than 20 years experience in designing ŏ Design Concepts
Small arms, Automotive, Robotics, Optics, ŏ Engineering
Training Aids and HLS products. ŏ Models & Prototypes
ŏ Research
Our methodology allows maximum ŏ Marketing aids
flexibility taking into account the product

452 Services z Design, Engineering and Planning


P.O.Box 1044, 64 Bialik Blvd.
Ramat Hasharon 4711001, Israel
Tel: 972-3-5485222
Fax: 972-3-5486125
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:

TEST CENTER professionals are constantly Main activities include: conversion
focusing on creating the most of operational ammunition for
IMI's Test Center is the largest diverse and rigorous test training purposes, disassembly
and most advanced test site in capabilities, guaranteeing the and reuse of components and raw
Israel. The Test Center performs customer’s systems and munitions materials ("like new" status) and
comprehensive evaluations meet the test requirements of disposal of ammunition through
and testing of various kinds advanced militaries. detonation or burning. IMI’s safe
of explosives, propellants and and highly-reliable demilitarization
gun-fired ammunition ordnance, AMMUNITION facilities have a proven
ranging from small caliber to REUTILIZATION, zero-casualties track record.
8” projectiles, mortars, rockets, DEMILITARIZATION & In addition, IMI’s Mobile Demiling
missiles and aircraft armament DISPOSAL Recycling Plant (MDRP) offers
warheads, as well as land based customers a unique cost-effective
ammunition, grenades, mines, and IMI offers advanced solution for overcoming the need
pyrotechnic devices. Testing within environmentally-friendly solutions of transporting munitions to
the Test Center is carried out in for obsolete munitions and demilitarization and disassembly
labs and on open firing ranges. explosives. sites.
The live firing ranges are operated The solutions include reuse,
at the IMI Proving Ground, offering recycling and disposal of
live testing of artillery and tank High-Explosives (HE), propellants,
ammunition, at ranges of up to pyrotechnic products, metal parts
40 km. and other materials.
IMI’s highly-experienced

Services z Test Center 453



FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES SIBAT - Israel Ministry of Defense

International Defense Cooperation

Quality Assurance Division
Hakirya, Tel Aviv 6473424, Israel
Tel: 972-3-6084548
Fax: 972-3-6084529
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:

The Quality Assurance Division at IMOD-SIBAT provides Government Quality Assurance services
for foreign contracts placed by foreign governments in the Israeli industries.

Ammunition Reviewing the contract and
Automotive associated technical requirements.
Communication Generating a Quality Assurance
Electronics Surveillance Plan based on
Materials identification and classification of
Chemicals risks.
Computer Software Performing QA Surveillance - Floor
Others level process audits, support
process audits and product audits.
Quality Assurance tasks and activities are based on IMOD/SIBAT Quality Reviewing Supplier Quality
Assurance Directives as well as on NATO Standardization Agreement, Management System
STANAG No. 4107, and ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System. Documentation.
Establishing and maintaining QA
The QA personnel rely on I.D.F, and on civilian Q.A. specialists. They are surveillance records.
well trained, with many years of experience in performing Q.A. functions. Collect and Analyze Data.
Initiating and processing quality
Periodic Audits are performed by first line supervisors on the QARs Q.A. deficiency reports, including
activities. validation of corrective and
preventive actions.
Technical support is provided (when required), by experienced engineers Providing risk information
and specialists. feedback.
Conducting Post-award meetings
All of the QARs are certified engineers and technicians, trained and with the supplier.
qualified in various QA systems skill areas, like: Verifying and validating supplier's
quality evidence.
Non Destructive Tests. Verification of prime contractor
Soldering. controls over subcontractors.
Software Quality Assurance Preparation of product release.
Preservation, Packing, Packaging and Marking.
Statistical Process Control.
Statistical Sampling.

454 Services Quality Assurance



PRINTING & PHOTOANODIZE 7 Golda Meir St., 17 Kaplan St.,
4 Volfson St., Science Park Tel-Aviv 6473418, Israel
Neve Itamar Nes Ziona 7403650, Israel Tel: 972-3-6961099
Netanya 4237404, Israel Tel: 972-8-9313600 Fax: 972-3-6966343
Tel: 972-9-8823456 Fax: 972-8-9404317 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 972-9-8624683 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: C.E.O: Dr. Elkana Rooz
Web Managing Director: C.T.O: Dr. Vladimir Brotskey
C.E.O: Mr. Ori Ackerman L.T. Col. (R) Gaby Peretz V.P Marketing & Business Development:
C.O.O: Mrs. Orit Ackerman Number of Employees: 30 Mrs. Maerav Rooz Michaelson
Date established: 1953 Date Established: 1987 Number of employees: 30
Ownership: Private Date established: 1988
Areas of activity Ownership: Private
Areas of activity A.D. Consultants has been dealing in
Ackerman Printing and Photoanodize military and security supplies of new and Areas of activity
specializes in the manufacture of surplus equipment, as well as consultancy Aerodan has since 1988 become an R&D
anodized aluminum labels,U.I.D Data services. source and an established provider of
Matrix, using metal-photo technology, Our worldwide network of agents and high-end engineering based software and
screen printing, pad printing & R.F.I.D suppliers enable us to provide special hardware integrated solutions for
Tags. deliveries either by sea or air, to all aerospace and avionic applications to
The company’s production processes are destinations. customers worldwide. Aerodan
performed in accordance with the highest specializes in systems engineering and
international standards. See page: 443 integration. Initially providing aerospace
The company has ISO 9001:2008 engineering support for the Israel MOD,
certification. the company provides aerospace
Ackerman Printing and Photoanodize was development services and solutions for all
founded in 1953 and we offer our the major defense industries in Israel.
customers the perfect blend of new and Today Aerodan is mainly involved in the
old: state- of- the- art- technology development of avionic modules,
combined with years of tradition, products and systems such as flight
knowledge and experience. systems and fire-control computers.

See page: 30 See page: 59

456 Indices Companies

Tel: 972-3-6095003 68 Amal St,. 5 Nahum Hefzadi St.,
Fax: 972-3-6095033 Petah-Tikva 4951368, Israel Jerusalem 9548401, Israel
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-3-9215720 Tel: 972-2-6595539
Web Site: Fax: 972-3-9215434 Fax: 972-2-6541221
C.E.O: Mr. Yaniv Gadish E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
V.P. Sales & Marketing: Mr. Eli Avivi Web Site: Web Site:
Marketing Manager: Mr. Marc Steinberg C.E.O: Mr. Roei Itshakov C.E.O: Dr. Arnon Arbel
Number of Employees: 90 Director: Mr. Eldad Golstein V.P. Progrmas: Mr. Yitzhak Yoselis
Date Established: 1980 Number of employees: 6 H.R & Licenses: Mrs. Yudit Nechmad
Ownership: Private Date established: 2012 Number of employees: 70
Ownership: Private Date established: 2005
Areas of activity Ownership: Aeronautics Ltd.
- Internal & External Lighting Areas of activity
- Illuminated Panels Electronic Controls AeroTactiX unmanned solutions develops Areas of activity
- Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) and provides high end mini UAV systems Al Cielo specializes in the research,
that are compact, simple to operate, and development, manufacturing and
Compatible Products highly capable. integration of laser technologies and
- NVIS Cockpit Upgrades The systems are developed according to navigation & control inertial sensors.
- Joysticks & Handgrips the experience and knowledge With over 40 patents, world class
- Bezels/Display Bezels accumulated in thousands of operational facilities and a decade of experience in
- Keyboard Bezels missions. development and manufacturing of electro
- MFD Bezels Designed for use in military and and fiber optical systems, Al Cielo brings
- LED, EL & Conventional Lighting homeland security missions, AeroTactiX's measurable advantages to Fiber Optic
systems excel in every ISTAR mission. Gyroscopes (FOG), Inertial Measurement
Technologies Units (IMU) and Inertial Navigation
See page: 276 Systems (INS).
See page: 45 Al Cielo is the prime local supplier in
Israel for closed loop FOGs with sensors
AERONAUTICS LTD. engaged in a variety of navigation and
P.O.Box 169 control applications.
Yavne 8110101, Israel
Tel: 972-8-9433600 See page: 376
Fax: 972-8-9328912
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
C.E.O: Mr. Sami Totach
V.P. Marketing: Mr. Dany Eshchar
Number of employees: 750
Date established: 1997
Ownership: Private

Areas of activity
Aeronautics Ltd. is a global leader in the
area of unmanned systems (UAVs). With
core technologies in the areas of C4I,
navigation, communication, and electro-
optics, Aeronautics offers its customers a
full spectrum of superior ISTAR solutions
at air, sea and on the ground.

See pages: 57, 208, 263, 268, 269, 270,
271, 272, 273, 274, 275

Indices Companies 457

P.O.Box 21 P.O.Box 3351 Israel Office:
Ashkelon 7810001 Kiryat Arie 5 Hatzoref St.,
Tel: 972-8-6721366 Petach-Tikva 4951207, Israel Industrial Zone
Fax: 972-8-6721711 Tel: 972-3-9251555 Holon 5885633, Israel
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-3-9251550 Tel: 972-3-5572436
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 972-54-655 9137
President & C.E.O: Mr. Dan Katz Web Site: Fax: 972-3-5572472
V.P. Marketing & Business Development: General Manager: Mr. David Ronen E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Yaron Gilboa V.P. Business Development: Web Site:
Marketing Manager & Business Mr. Jeahezkel Hoch Athena R&D center:
Development Manager, Defense Products: Naval Programs & Business Development Kibutz Nahal OZ
Mr. Yigal Kelman - Avni Director: Mr. Eli Avraham M.P Hanegev 8514500, Israel
Number of employees: 400 Airborne Systems & Business Tel: 972-8-6805441
Date established: 1967 Development Manager: Fax: 972-8-6610097
Ownership: Government 85%, Mr. Menahem Donner Chairman: Mr. Shabtai Shavit
Public 15% Ground Systems & Business C.E.O: Mr. Omer Laviv
Development Manager: Mr. Eli Avraham Number of employees: 40
Areas of activity Number of employees: 100 Date established: 2002
Ashot Ashkelon - Drive Train, Date established: 1971 Ownership: Mer Security &
Suspension and Mobility solutions for Ownership: Private Communications Ltd.
Tanks & APC's; Tungsten based Armor
Penetrators and Fragments Manufacturer. Areas of activity Areas of activity
Ashot provides Built to Print & Built to Advanced high-technology systems for Athena is a security and intelligence
Spec. Capabilities of Suspensions Airborne, Naval and Land applications. solutions provider delivering a wide range
Systems, Main Automatic Transmissions, Main Products: of proactive services and systems. Athena
Final Drives, Transfer Boxes, PTO's, Naval: was established by Israeli security
wide range of Gear based assemblies and Advanced Naval Navigation systems for veterans, headed by Mr. Shabtai Shavit -
Shafts for Main Battle Tanks. surface vessels and submarines, Naval Former Director of the Israeli Mossad.
Ashot is AS 9100B & ISO 9001:2008 Multi Function Consoles and Athena provides Advanced Software
certified. Computerized Displays, Ring Laser Gyro Solutions, Consulting, HR services, and
based solutions and advanced Project Management for Governmental
See page: 131 MEMS/GPS INS Systems, Wireless Intelligence Agencies as well as financial
Broadband Communication System. and commercial clients worldwide. The
Airborne: company works with its clients to upgrade
Full Glass Cockpit Upgrade Solutions, each of these aspects, as well as
Airborne Mission and Display integrating them for streamlined, effective
Computers, Tactix - Tactical Mission solution.
System, EICAS-Engine Indication &
Crew Alert Systems, EFIS- Electronic See page: 319
Flight Instruments Systems, Displays &
MFCDs, Smart Displays, EW Displays,
Digital Air Data Computers, Digital
Moving Map (2D/3D), Airborne Mission
Management systems, Cockpit
Instruments (Electro-mechanical and
Electronic - EHSI/EADI/EFI).
Tactical Computers and Displays, Ground
INS/GPS Ring Laser Gyro based
Navigation and Fire Control Systems for
artillery and heavy rockets launching
systems (MLRS), Instant Network-
Centric System (INCS).

See pages: 46, 47, 98, 196

458 Indices Companies

INDUSTRIES LTD. 11 Hartom St., Kibbutz Merom-Golan
P.O.Box 535 Har Hotzvim 1243600, Israel
Nazareth Iliit 1710501, Israel P.O.Box 45049 Tel: 972-4-6960199
Tel: 972-4-6558104/147 Jerusalem 9777511, Israel Fax: 972-4-6960187
Fax: 972-4-6558103 Tel: 972-2-5329888 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-2-5822522 Web Site:
Web Site: E-mail: C.E.O: Mr. Shmuel Mandel
General Manager: Mr. Noam Kishinovski [email protected] C.M.O: Mr. Moshe Poolat
Marketing & Sales Coordinator: Web Site: V.P. Marketing & Sales:
Mrs. Chen Shitrit President & General Manager: Mr. Moshe Poolat
Number of employees: 88 Mr. Yaron Kulas Director of Development & Engineering:
Date established: 1966 Director, Marketing & Business Mr. Moti Nitzan
Ownership: Mr. Tzvi Neta Development: Mr. Nir Lavi Marketing Manager:
Finance Director: Mr. Roi Levy Mr. Moshe Yeshouroon
Areas of activity Number of employees: 150 Marketing Comm.: Mrs. Naama Yehudai
Founded in 1966 Automotive Industries Date established: 1981 Number of employees: 114
Ltd .(AIL) is a manufacturing and Ownership: BAE Systems North America Date established: 1983
assembly plant for vehicles, specializing Ownership: 70% TAT , 30% Merom-Golan
in 4 x 4 all terrain tactical vehicles for Areas of activity
military and commercial use. Main BAE SYSTEMS Rokar specializes in the Areas of activity
products include the "Storm 3" development, production, maintenance
4 X 4 light utility vehicle and the "Abir" and technical support of electronic Bental industries specializes in design and
and the all new "Abir II" 4 X 4 combat countermeasures dispensing systems, GPS manufacture of innovative power and
support vehicle. All vehicles are available navigation and guidance systems and land design motion systems integrated into
in armored versions. vision systems. Rokar serves the armed various ground and aerial platform and
forces and defense industries of Israel and applications:
See page: 209 of customers around the world as a - Electric Motors
leading provider of combat-proven - Servo Actuators
products. - Alternators and Starter Alternator
The products of BAE SYSTEMS Rokar The company's ability to tailor cutting
meet the highest standards of quality edge technology and innovative design to
assurance in accordance with ISO specific project requirements enables it to
9001:2008 specifications, as well as the welcome the most challenging demands.
standards set by the Israel Defense
Forces, the Standards Institution of Israel, See pages: 31, 132
and the relevant authorities of the U.S.
and many European customers.

See page: 72

Indices Companies 459

1 Avshalom Road Western Industrial Zone 4 Hamaayan St.,
P.O.Box 166 Bet Shemesh 9905529, Israel (Ligad center 2)
Zikhron Yaaqov 3095101, Israel Tel: 972-2-9909486/7 Modi'in 7173001, Israel
Tel: 972-4-6299904/05 Fax: 972-2-9911970 Tel: 972-722504212
Fax: 972-4-6299900 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-8-9266413
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: President & C.E.O: Mr. Avner Shacham Web Site:
Managing Director: Mr. Albrecht Fuchs V.P. Marketing & Sales: Owner & C.E.O: Mr. Itzik Ben-Sasson
Export Director: Mr. Joachim Blind Mr. Avigdor Hirsch Number of employees: 36
Head of International Sales & Marketing: Number of employees: 500 Date established: 2002
Mr. Jehuda Fehlauer Date established: 1968 Ownership: Private
Number of employees: 1,000 Ownership: Company traded on Tel-Aviv
Date established: 1973 Stock Exchange Areas of activity
Ownership: Private BIKS team includes top ranking
Areas of activity intelligence and strategic planning
Areas of activity - Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of consultants in all aspects of the
Beth-El is a major supplier for combined Intelligence cycle: data-collection, multi-
ventilation & NBC filtration systems as gas turbine engines - PWA F100 series, discipline intelligence analysis, imagery
well as combined air conditioning, PWC PT6A, PT6T series, GE Aviation exploitation, actionable intelligence and
ventilation & NBC filtration systems, T700 series, Rolls-Royce 250 series and data-mining. BIKS teems suports detailed
Engine Air cleaners, blast valves, fuel Turbomeca's Marbore II/VI. design and characterization for the
pumps and other subsystems. - Manufacture of various jet engine development of C4I systems. BIKS also
Beth-El systems are installed in numerous parts; Spacers, Disks, Airseals. offers advanced training and intelligence
platforms like the Merkava MBT, Namer - Investment Casting of hi-temp alloys, courses.
APC, Piranha IIIC, Piranha V, Duro IIIP, mainly gas turbine engines blades and
Eagle IV, new Eagle, Dingo II, Boxer, vanes. See page: 422
VAB Mark II, Cobra, YAK and dozens of - Design, development and manufacture
other vehicle types. of small jet engines for UAVs and
Systems for containers, tents, shelters and missiles.
infrastructure are as well in the scope of
the Beth-El product line. See page: 32
Some of the key features of Beth-El
systems include: coarse and fine dust
filtration; toxic shooting fumes filtration;
CAN-bus control; compliance to all the
important military standards, such as:
NATO AEP-54, MIL – PRF – 321387,
AC 225 (PANEL VII) D/251, and
German TL Standards, amongst other
Beth-El’s systems are in service with
more than 60 armies worldwide.

See pages: 408, 409

460 Indices Companies

P.O.Box 4038 Offics: P.O.Box 5041
Herzelia 4614001, Israel 18 Hasivim St., Industrial Park
Tel: 972-9-9725700 Kiryat Matalon Kadima 6092000, Israel
Fax: 972-9-9579613 Petach-Tikva 4959376, Israel Tel: 972-9-8999335
E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Fax: 972-9-8999345
Web Site: P.O.Box 7782 E-mail: [email protected]
C.O-C.E.O: Mr. Ronen Factor Petach-Tikva 4934829, Israel Web Site:
C.O-C.E.O: Mr. David Dargucki Tel: 972-3-9210404 C.E.O: Mr. Ronen Nadir
V.P. Marketing: Mr. Shaul Mazor Fax: 972-3-9210405 C.O.O: Mrs. Hila Strick
Number of employees: 55 E-mail: [email protected] Number of employees: 30
Date established: 2001 Web Site: Date established: 2002
Ownership: Private C.E.O: Mr. Rafi Bivas Ownership: Private
E-mail: [email protected]
Areas of activity Engineer Manager: Mr. Yoav Koster Areas of activity
BIRD specializes in developing and E-mail: [email protected]
deploying of mission critical solutions Number of employees: 23 Bluebird Aero Systems specializes in the
including: Date established: 2004 design, development and production of
AMPS - Ownership: Private Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems
The Airborne Missile Protection System (UAS) and peripheral equipment, and
(AMPS) is an advanced 3rd generation Areas of activity delivers exceptional, unprecedented
self protection protects military and civil BL offers development, production, sales combat proven solutions for the Military,
aircraft against ground missiles. AMPS is and after sales service in two main areas: HLS and civilian markets. With our
certified by MIL-Moscow and - Advanced ground support systems patented technology, Bluebird's
EUROCOPTER and is the NATO - Advanced military products for ground operational UAVs surpass the capabilities
standard system selected and installed on and performance envelope known in the
US, Canadian, UN and NATO aircrafts. forces UAS market today.
ASIO - BL’s strength is comprised of its ability to
ASIO is a complete Special Mission develop new and smart solutions rapidly See pages: 14, 15
Aircraft Solution provided in cooperation and cost effectively.
with CASSDIAN (an EADS Company) Line of Products:
and Beechcraft Berlin. ASIO is installed - Bomb Loaders
on several aircraft including the KA-350 - Aircraft Towbarless Tug
and includes state-of-the-art sensors by - HPU - computerized hydraulic power
CASSIDIAN which are integrated by
BIRD's Mission Management system supply
(MSIS) that provides real time situational
awareness picture of military, See page: 87
paramilitary and civilian targets in the air
and on the ground.

See pages: 16, 73

Indices Companies 461

10 Rival St., Grand Netter Industrial Zone, P.O.Box 147
Tel-Aviv 6777845, Israel Intergama Building Industrial Park Ramat Gabriel
Tel: 972-3-6392911 P.O.Box 3521 Migdal Haemek 2310101, Israel
Fax: 972-3-6874853 Kfar Netter 4059300, Israel Tel: 972-4-6448888
E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-73-7172333 Fax: 972-4-6543570
Web Site: Fax: 972-73-7172323 E-mail: [email protected]
General Manager: Mr. Eli Ozalvo E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
General Manager: Mr. Zion Lachiano Web Site: C.E.O.: Dr. Robert Buckwald
Marketing Manager: Mr. Roy Salem C.E.O: Mr. Amir Beeri V.P. General Manager & Haed of
Number of employees: 20 V.P. Business Development: Electro-Optic Division:
Date established: 1989 Mr. Hagay Keller Mr. Efraim Tzafrir
Ownership: Private Number of employees: 30 C.F.O.: Mr. Tzvi Hardoon
Date established: 2004 Number of employees: 120
Areas of activity Ownership: Private Date established: 1977
Manufacturers and distributors of Hi- Ownership: Public, Tel-Aviv stock
capacity polymer frame single and double Areas of activity exchange
action pistols and accessories: Camero is a leading provider of Radar
BUL M-5: 1911 based. Models available based tactical through-wall imaging Areas of activity
for carry and competition use. All popular solutions. IR Sources - Blackbodies.
calibers available. The Xaver™ products have become the IR targets.
The New BUL Cherokee: Double action solution of choice for military and law FLIR testers.
pistols, extremely lightweight and enforcement agencies throughout the Visible sources.
ergonomic. Reliable and ideal for police, world, including: CCD testers.
military and self-defense uses. Xaver™ 800 - high performance 3D Laser range finder testers.
BUL Storm: All-steel Hi capacity double imaging solution for ISR applications Laser designator testers.
action pistol. Reliable and ideal for police, Xaver™ 400 - small and lightweight Multi-sensor payload testers.
military and self-defense uses. tactical tool providing mission-critical Spectro-radiometers and remote sensing.
High-Quality 1911 parts: User friendly, information Boresight equipment.
prepped and easy to install metal injection Xaver™ 100 - a compact handheld E-O guided missile testing.
molding parts. High-Quality Rifle & through-wall detector Missile warning systems - testers and
pistol polymer parts and accessories for simulators.
the pro Spec. Ops & Swat members. See page: 230
See page: 369

See page: 248

462 Indices Companies

P.O.Box 169 TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 3 Ma'ale Ha-Migdal St.,
Yavne 8110101, Israel P.O.Box 611 P.O.Box 761
Tel: 972-8-9433602 Hod Hasharon 4510502, Israel Or-Yehuda 6025603, Israel
Fax: 972-8-9433603 Tel: 972-9-7440661 Tel: 972-3-6326116
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-9-7440662 Fax: 972-3-6326115
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
C.E.O: Mr. Shai Palti Web Site: Web Site:
Purchase Manager: Mrs. Rachel Steiner C.E.O: Mr. Dror Sharon President: Mr. Amos Golan
Marcom & Marketing: Mr. Itay Sherman V.P. Marketing: Mr. Johnny Carni Vise President: Mr. Rami Shaul
Number of employees: 40 Director, Marketing & Communications: Number of employees: 15
Date established: 1991 Mrs. Lori Erlich Date established: 2003
Ownership: Aeronautics Ltd. Number of employees: 190 Ownership: Amos Golan
Date established: 1988
Areas of activity Ownership: Private Areas of activity
Commtact Ltd. specializes in developing Corner Shot is a weapon system that
and manufacturing state-of-the art Data- Areas of activity provides the ability to observe and shoot a
link and communication systems for Development and manufacture of servo- target from behind a corner.
defense, homeland security, and civil control and electro-optical systems: Corner Shot can change the course of
applications. - Electro-optical stabilized payloads events by providing security forces with
Commtact offers the following data link an effective tool to accurately pinpoint
solutions: for day-night observation on board of and engage a target, at minimal risk to
- UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) light aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, ships their personal safety.
- Fixed wing aircraft and helicopters and marine patrol aircraft.
- Naval platforms and USVs - Automatic intruder detection systems. See pages: 249, 250, 251
- Ground vehicles, UGVs - Thermal imaging cameras (FLIR) with
- Mobile Satellite Terminals continuous zoom lens. DEA
- Missile applications - Antenna pedestals and positioners for Research and Development Ltd.
communication and radar P.O.Box 34436
See page: 277 equipment (including satellite Jerusalem 9134302, Israel
communication). Tel: 972-2-6540878/9
CONTACT INTERNATIONAL - Reconnaissance film cameras. Fax: 972-2-6540885
(KALIA) LTD. E-mail: [email protected]
P.O.Box 18434 See pages: 176, 340, 359 Web Site:
Jerusalem 9118301, Israel General Manager: Mr. Reuven Fichman
Tel: 972-2-5354565, 5354057 Number of employees: 10
Fax: 972-2-5354566 Date established: 1980
E-mail: [email protected]
Managing Director: Mr. Zev Kaptowsky Areas of activity
Date established: 1979 DEA R&D specialized in research,
Ownership: Private development, management and design of
multidisciplinary Projects. Personal NBC
Areas of activity life support equipment for the civilian and
Supply of surplus military equipment for military markets, hood blower system,
Ground Forces, Air Force and Navy, ventilated garments and detectors. Our
including: capabilities are based on a blend of design
- Arms and ammunition. disciplines: human engineering, tooling,
- Weapons spare parts and accessories. production, assembly, testing and
documentation. DEA is carrying out
Personal equipment. theoretical and studies in human
- Combat vehicles and spare parts. engineering.

Optronics and communications See page: 407
- Aircraft spare parts and components.
- Own storage and processing facilities.

See page: 444

Indices Companies 463

12 Hamefalsim St,. Security & Defense Solutions Ashdod 7760049, Israel
Petach-Tikva 4951421, Israel P.O.Box 3896 Tel: 972-8-8681150
Tel: 972-3-7168383 Nazareth Illit 1752606, Israel Fax: 972-8-8681169
Fax: 972-3-7168484 Tel: 972-50-5901655 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-4-6561632 President & C.E.O: Mr. G. Arazi
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] Chief Q.A.R: Mr. M. Horn
Marketing Director: Mr. Omer Nissani Web Site: Number of employees: 5
Number of employees: 300 Date established: 1984
Date established: 2002 Ownership: Private
Ownership: DFNS - Group C.E.O: Mr. Tal Hanan
Head of Strategy Department: Areas of activity
Areas of activity Col. (Res.) Dr. Hanan Shai (Shcwartz) Supply of military and security equipment
DFNS-GROUP. is a leading defense Chief Instructor: Mr. Samuel Bashan to all military, police and special forces,
contractor of both personal and Date established: 1999 new or surplus equipment. Representation
automotive armored systems. Established Ownership: Private of foreign manufacturers.
in 2002, DFNS is a publicly traded
company on the NASDAQ exchange. Areas of Activity: See page: 445
Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, STRATEGY DEPARTMENT:
DFNS designs, develops and - Strategic Intelligence. DIGNIA SYSTEMS LTD.
manufactures, a broad range of products - Strategic, Multi-National, Financial 9 Shenkar St.,
for military and civilian markets Herzlia 4672509, Israel
worldwide. Investigations. Tel: 972-74-7200700
- Counter Terrorism Funding & Money Fax: 972-9-9612021
See page: 231 E-mail: [email protected]
Laundering. Web Site:
- Crisis Management and turning Risk into C.E.O: Mr. Itzhak Tzadik
Ownership: Private
- Rapid Decision-Making & Coping with Areas of activity
Dignia holds a large variety of products:
Uncertainty. - Border control integrated projects
- Operational Concepts & Operational - Forensic laboratories
- Cyber solutions
Field Solutions. - Command and control systems
- Intelligence solutions
SUICIDE TERRORISM & BOMB - Critical infrastructure
SECURITY DEPARTMENT: - Prison security solutions
- Special surveillience vehicalles
- Counter Suicide Terrorism in HLS - Etc...
environment (www.suicide- ) & Bomb Security See page: 450
Training & Consulting.

- Explosives Detection.
- Anti-Sabotage Awareness.

- Terrorism Awareness, and Countering

Terrorism Trends.
- Experience Sharing - Rapid Deployment

Security Training
- Executive Protection Training &

- Disaster security and logistical support

(Including Medical Support and
- Defense Systems & Security Supplies.

See page: 423

464 Indices Companies

P.O.Box 2 P.O.Box 41 LTD. (DJE)
2 Rechavam Zeevi St., Industrial Zone, 15 Abba Eban Blvd.
Givat Shmuel 5410001, Israel Ashkelon 7810001, Israel Herzliya 4672533, Israel
Tel: 972-3-5313333 Tel: 972-8-6750342 Tel: 972-9-9514731
Fax: 972-3-5313322 Fax: 972-9-9514733
E-mail: [email protected] 972-50-5236865 E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: Fax: 972-8-6751045 Web Site:
C.E.O: Mr. Benny Sela E-mail: [email protected] Persident: Mr. Shalom Lahat (Col. Res)
V.P Sales & Marketing: Web Site: V.P. & Head of Engineering:
Mr. Dan Ben-Dov General Manager: Mr. Shlomo Ringler Mr. Chanan Orpaz
Number of employees: 80 Date established: 1959 Head of Q.A. & Logistics:
Date established: 1985 Ownership: Private Mr. Shuki Abuav
Ownership: Ownership: Number of employees: 16
Acorn Energy 84%, Management 16% Areas of activity Date established: 2004
Manufacturer of anti-personal mine Ownership: Private
Areas of activity protecting shoes, (sapper platform for
DSIT Solutions develops and applies crossing mine field). MINEFIELD Areas of activity
state-of-the-art technology to create SHOES. DJE provides Upgrades, Modifications
advanced sonar and acoustic systems for The MFC CHECKMATE Safety Shoes and Conversions solutions. Its capabilities
defense, commercial, energy and (NSN: 8430-15-121-9857 ) are built on and performances, reflects decades of
homeland security markets. The the theory of air-cushions, which support experience and qualities, sustained by its
Company's systems are designed to bring the body while reducing the pressure in staff with extensive knowledge. It has
customers the latest technology in relationship to the minefield. The gained expertise and practical experience
acoustic measurement and analysis and in CHECKMATE is completely portable, in the aerospace industry in Israel and
sonar operation simulation and training as folds up into a small lightweight object abroad, allows the firm to provide tailored
well as in underwater security systems. and easily slipped into a regulation army solutions for most stringent requirements
The company is a subsidiary of the US pack. It has more than ten years of and needs on a variety of military and
company, Acorn Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: extensive use with IDF, the French army civil aircraft platforms.
ACFN). and most of NATO forces.
See page: 123 See page: 217 DJE is AS 9100 certified, recognized
contractor for international aerospace

See page: 17

Indices Companies 465

P.O.Box 21157 17 Hamasger St., 14 Shenkar St.,
Tel Aviv 6121101, Israel Old industrial zone Nolton House
Tel: 972-3-7265033 P.O.Box 13518 P.O.Box 12358
Fax: 972-3-6059592 Natanya 4237927, Israel Herzliya Pituah 4672514, Israel
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-9-8616103 Tel: 972-9-9601300
Web Site: Fax: 972-9-8847221 Fax: 972-9-9601301
Chief Executive Officer: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Lori Solberg M.B.A Web Site: Chairman: Mr. Niso Bezalel
Mobile: 972-52-8137883 Chairman: Mr. Dani Ginat C.O.O: Mr. Josef Fishman
Number of employees: 10 Managing Director: Mr. Roni Ginat Number of employees: 30
Date established: 2012 Marketing Manager: Mr. Adi Ginat Date established: 1995
Ownership: Private Date Established: 1976 Ownership: Private. Niso Bezalel
Number of employees: 40
Areas of activity Ownership: Private Areas of activity
Security of everything one values is EBONY is a Professional Entrepreneur,
paramount. DRD is focused on creating US Subsidiary (100% owned): working with leading Israeli and
centers of excellence for our customers. Yoland CORPORATION INC. International world-wide enterprises to
Our premier products are Cyber 235 36TH St., market, export and deliver solutions,
protection; Secure infrastructure and Brooklyn, NY 11232 products and services to countries in
software products Tel: 718-499-4803 Africa, Europe, South America and Asia.
including for cellular; Coastal and Fax: 718-499-4834 EBONY thrives to implement in those
Underwater protection; Space and President: Dani Ginat countries solutions that are up-to-date, on
Satellite training and nano satellite General Manager: Tal Ginat demand, and personalized to increase
mission design for turn-key projects; E-mail: [email protected] productivity and drive know-how.
UAV team practical and simulated
training and Urban/Open terrain warfare Areas of activity See page: 446
trainer; Special security electronics; Yoland manufactures military textile
Surveillance systems; Sensor-tech articles:
protective invisible Wireless Perimeter Parachutes for:
and Open Terrain Security; IMOD - Artillery illumination ammunition
authorized weapons reseller and armed - Mortar illumination ammunition
SSO logistics; Assisting foreign entities in - Air dropped illumination flares
setting up operations in Israel; Opinions - 40mm illuminating grenades
regarding Strategic business operations; - Other types
Offset; GIS programming and planning. Bags for artillery and mortar charges
Body armor.
See page: 89 Seats cover for airplanes, trains and buses.
Yoland also manufactures nonstandard
and mil-spec textile products which
require high quality production.

See page: 197

466 Indices Companies

P.O.Box 539 Advanced Technology Park 29 Hamerkava St.,
Haifa 3105301, Israel P.O.Box 1165 Holon 5885118, Israel
Tel: 972-4-8315315 Rehovot 7611101, Israel Tel: 972-3-5577335
Web Site: Tel: 972-8-9386211 Fax: 972-3-5577793
President & C.E.O: Fax: 972-8-9386237 E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Executive V.P. International Marketing & Web Site: Chairman of the Board: Joseph Ackerman
Business Development: Mr. Jacob Gadot E.V.P. & Managing Director: C.E.O: Mr. Edgar Maimon
Senior Director, Marketing Mr. Adi Dar V.P. Marketing & Business Development:
Communications: Mrs. Roni Ganani V.P. Business Development & Marketing: Mr. Irmin Mencher
Number of employees: 13,000 Mr. Roy Zentner V.P C.F.O: Mr. Nir Shani
Date established : 1966 Number of employees: 1,400 V.P. & G.M. Operations: Mr. Avi Elya
Ownership: Public Co. Date established: 1938 Number of Employees: 1,500
Major shareholder: Federmann Group Ownership: Elbit Systems Ltd. Date Established: 1967
NASDAQ Global Market: ESLT Ownership: Elbit Systems Ltd.
Areas of activity
Areas of activity An industry leader in all aspects of Areas of Activity
- Defense & Commercial Airborne electro-optic products and systems, - Complete, Integrated Self-Protection
offering a full spectrum of solutions
Systems & Simulators aimed mainly at the defense market: Suites including RWR, LWS, Jammer,
- Unmanned Systems laser and thermal imaging systems; and Passive IR Missile Warning System
- C4I - Command, Control, head-up displays; ISR systems, including for Fighters, Helicopters, Transport
payloads for space, airborne, naval and Aircraft, MPA and Combat Vessels
Communications, Computers and land-based missions; space and air - Intelligence, including ESM/ELINT
Intelligence IMINT systems; ground integrated sights, Systems for MPA, Reconnaissance
- ISR & Electro-optical Sysetms EO countermeasures (EOCM) and Aircraft and Helicopters
- Combat Vehicle Systems homeland security solutions. - ESM and COMINT for UAVs
- Naval Systems - EW, COMINT/DF, COMJAM and
- EW & Countermeasures See pages: 48, 49, 74, 90, 91, 134, 135, Integrated Communication Systems for
- Radio Communication & Data Links 162, 341, 342, 343, 352, 353, Modern Air, Ground and Navies
- Homeland Security 354, 355, 360, 361, 362, 363 - Search and Rescue Systems for the most
- Support & Services advanced combat and peacetime
See pages: 18, 19, 20, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, - Data Links for various types of UAVs,
60, 68, 69, 99, 110, 111, 122, Guided Weapons and Satellites
256, 278, 279, 280 - C2 for BMD (Theater Missile Defense,
including Test Bed and Battle
Management Center for the ARROW
Weapon System), C4I for Integrated
Intelligence, EW, and Land systems for
all operational levels.
- Network Centric Warfare
- Spectrum Management and Control
- Microwave Components and Sub

See pages: 75, 118, 226, 309

Indices Companies 467

2 Ha'machshev St., P.O.Box 9949 Ramat Gan 5252226, Israel
Netanya 4250712, Israel Haifa 3109901, Israel Tel: 972-3-7557000
Tel: 972-9-8898080 Tel: 972-4-8222279 Fax: 972-3-7527001
Fax: 972-9-8898231 Fax: 972-4-8327613 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E- mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Web Site: Web Site: N/A V.P. Marketing & Business Development:
Executive Vice President & General General Manager & Marketing Director: Mr. Meir Harel
Manager: Mr. Yehuda Vered Mr. Eli Cohen Business Development Director:
Vice President Marketing & Business Number of Employees: 2 Mr. Ariel Avrech
Development: Mr. Boaz Cohen Date established: 1996 C.E.O: Mr. Yotam Gadot
Number of employees: 2,450 Ownership: Private Number of Employees: 380
Date established: 2003 Date established: 1979
Ownership: Elbit Systems Ltd. Areas of activity Ownership: 50% Elul Tamarynd Ltd.,
ELIEL Security Technologies Ltd is 50% Malam Team
Areas of activity involved in Marketing, Consultancy
- Armored Vehicle Systems Import/Export of Technological Systems Areas of activity
- Artillery applicable in the Military and Security Eltel Technologistics Ltd. Is a leading
- Guns Fields. defense provider of technological and
- Mortars Company Specialization logistics solutions that specializes in the
- Ammunition Services: International Marketing, field of training and simulation:
- Unmanned Ground Vehicles Governmental Agencies Ties and - Advanced live fire training.
- Sensors Industrial Cooperation. - Digital shooting ranges.
- Robotics Technology& Products: Special and - Scenario simulation (urban combat
- Radio Communication common Electro-Optical Systems
- C4I - Command, Control, applicable in the Military and Security training, pyrotechnics, smoke, etc.).
Fields, Like: Day/Night Observation - Exercise monitoring, debriefing and
Communications, Computers and Integrated Systems, under water Cameras
Intelligence and Laser Gated & Illuminated Devices, performance analysis.
- Homeland Security Special EO System etc. - Synthetic Arena Simulation (SAS).
- Intelligence Countries of Export: Central & Eastern - Competence and Readiness Performance
Europe, Scandinavia and SADC (South
See pages: 136, 137, 138, 139, 198, 199, African Development Community). Management (CRPM) - an advanced BI
200, 201, 294, 298, 299, 300, system that supports the decision
301, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, See page: 447 making process along the chain of
312, 313, 320, 321 command.

See page: 257

One Azrieli Center Circular Tower
132 Menachem Begin Rd.
Tel Aviv 6702101, Israel
Tel: 972-3-5607711
Fax: 972-3-5607712
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Ran Gazit, Advocate
Date established: 1987

Areas of activity
Legal services.

See page: 448

468 Indices Companies

21 Yegia Kapaim St., Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS) LTD. MANUFACTURING
Kiryat-Arye 9 Einstien St., P.O.Box 3211
Petach-Tikvah 4913011, Israel Advaced Technology Park Kiryat Arie
Tel: 972-3-9252003 P.O. Box 4018 Petach-Tikva 4951601, Israel
Fax: 972-3-9213321 Nes-Ziona 7414001, Israel Tel: 972-3-9248990
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-8-9308402 Fax: 972-3-9243996
Web Site: Fax: 972-8-9308420 E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Officer: Mr. Amiram Levinberg Web Site: General Manager: Mr. Haim Frenkel
Number of Employees: 950 C.E.O: Mr. Yoav Hirsh Number of employees: 80
Date Established: 1987 V.P. Marketing & Business Development: Date established: 1952
Ownership: Publicly traded company on Mr. Gabi Davidson Ownership: Private
the TASE in addition to the NASDAQ V.P. R&D: Mr. Amram Yanai
Number of Employees: 35 Areas of activity
Areas of activity Date Established: 2008 Production, marketing and sales of
Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. is a leading Ownership: 50% Elbit Systems, 50% IAI armored vests of many different kinds,
provider of satellite communications battle vests for infantry units, armored
products and services. For more than 20 Areas of activity corps, demolition squads, medical units,
years, Gilat has been at the forefront of G-NIUS Unmanned Ground Systems Ltd. anti-terror units, naval commando, etc.
VSAT technology and services and is a pioneer in unmanned ground vehicle Winter gear - long and short cold parkas
continues to be an innovator and (UGV) systems for defense and security and overalls. Rucksacks, kitbags, sleeping
developer of new satellite technologies. applications. bags, stretchers, field cots, carriers,
Gilat's solutions serve the Founded in 2007, G-NIUS is a joint special personal gear. Unique, reinforced
communications needs of carriers, venture between Israel Aerospace PVC vehicle covers for all kinds of
enterprises, governments, service Industries Ltd. (IAI) and Elbit Systems trucks, jeeps, command cars etc. All kinds
providers and consumers around the Ltd. of tents, from personal tents to giant
globe. hospital and camp tents.
Gilat offers a full range of satellite See page: 293
communications products and See page: 166
- SkyEdge and SkyEdge II - Advanced

high performance cost-effective and
flexible VSAT systems supporting
diverse needs.
- NetEdge - Dedicated solution for multi
star networks, specifically designed to
meet the needs of corporations and
cellular backhaul applications.
- Value-added solutions for specific
markets and industries, integrating
SkyEdge and SkyEdge II with
other technologies and applications.
- Turnkey projects to help rapidly create
and implement fully functional
communications solutions.
- Outsourcing for cost-effective network

See page: 305

Indices Companies 469

LTD. 77 Herzel St., (General Microwave and Eyal)
22 Maskit St., Oasis Towers 20 Pierre Koenig St.,
Herzliya 4673322, Israel Ramat Gan 5244350, Israel Jerusalem 9346928, Israel
Tel: 972-74-7200800 Tel: 972-3-6722226 Tel: 972-2-5689444
Fax: 972-9-9549394 Fax: 972-3-6722193 Fax: 972-2-6782460
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: Web Site: Web Site:
C.E.O: Mr. Offer har President & C.E.O: Mr. Haim Ben-Ari General Manager: Mr. Yonah Adelman
[email protected] Vice President: Avi Golan Operation Manager: Mr. Ami Gorbat
Director Business Development: V.P Marketing & Sales: Sales and Marketing Manager:
Mrs. Rachel Wolstein Mr. Manuel Bar-Gil Mr. Koby Pinsker
Date established: 2002 Date established: 1979 Number of employees: 350
Ownership: Private Ownership: Private Date established: 1985
Ownership: A Kratos Company
Areas of activity Areas of activity
HarTech's products include: - EOD solutions - EOD Robots, Areas of activity
- Command and Control Systems Herley Israel is a recognized worldwide
- High fidelity simulation engine for the professional training leader in the design and manufacture of
- Logistic Solutions for Emergency high performance, State-of-the-Art
generation of high fidelity simulation Microwave components and
solutions Deployment - Hospitals, Military & subassemblies for the defense as well as
- Provision of Constructive Simulation Civilian camps non-defense markets. Herley Israel is one
and Training solutions - Unique non-lethal equipment & world of the largest international independent
- Geo Spatial Management System wide security consultation services microwave companies.
(GEM) - Integration of border crossing Herley Israel designs and manufactures a
- HarTech's Behavior Editor for checkpoints & marine cargo inspection high performance microwave sources,
Advanced Computer Generated Forces facilities and maritime protection Integrated Microwave Assemblies (IMAs)
- Smart Scenario Generation Technology - Security commercial trade and Microwave Control Components,
(SSG) - Explosives - Binary explosives and Millimeter Wave Modules (MWM) and
disrupters, electronic initiation system Beam Forming Modules (BFM),
See page: 70 - Forensics equipment providing catalog and custom solutions.
Herley Israel products provide a unique
See page: 220 combination of cutting edge technology at
a very competitive price. Its products are
HATEHOF LTD. used in a wide variety of demanding
P.O.Box 639 applications including airborne electronic
Ind. Zone Ziporit warfare (EW) systems, phased array radar
Nazareth Elite 1710502, Israel systems, missiles and EW simulators.
Tel: 972-4-6410641
Fax: 972-4-6418555 See page: 375
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
C.E.O: Mr. Alon Guttel
Number of employees: 120
Date established: 1947

Areas of activity
Design and Manufacture of Armored
vehicles, Aircraft Refuellers, Tankers,
Fire fighting and Rescue vehicles, Riot
Control vehicles, Comprehensive solution
of NBC vehicles,Tank transporter, Add-
on Armor design and solution, Palletised
load system (hook lift), Trailers and
We have the ability and capability to meet
the customer's needs while offering the
most cost effective tailor-made solution.

See pages: 133, 418

470 Indices Companies

Tel-Aviv 6949218, Israel Ben-Gurion International Airport 100 Yitzchak Hanasi Blvd.
Tel: 972-3-6414306, 6418265 70100, Israel P.O.Box 330
Fax: 972-3-6415930 Tel: 972-52-3663023, 9353845 Ashdod 7710202, Israel
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-3-9354262 Tel: 972-8-8572410
C.E.O: Mr. Rony Lerner E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-8-8561872
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
V.P. Marketing: Mr. Ofer Lerner IAI Corp V.P. & General Manager Web Site: www. elta-
Number of employees: 8 Bedek Aviation Group: Mr. E. Hattem Chairman of the Board of Directors
Date established: 1988 Corp. Dep. V.P & General Manager President & C.E.O of IAI:
Ownership: Private - Rony Lerner Marketing & Business Mr. Joseph Weiss
Development: Mr. J. Gaber President & IAI Corp. V.P.:
Areas of activity Director, Marketing & Business Mr. Nissim Hadas
Riot control special equipment. Development: Mr. M. Scharf V.P Operations: Mr. Yacob Saraf
Ground Forces equipment. V.P. Finance: Mr. Moshe Lippel
Riot control vehicles equipped with most Areas of activity V.P. General Counsel: Mr. Tal Sagee
advanced pulse jet cannon system. Full service provider center for military General Manager/ELTA Ground & Naval
Equipment for elite military/police units. and civil aircraft. Local and offshore Radars & Systems Division:
Explosive disposal and demolition airline support, repair, overhaul, retrofit, Mr. Yosef Oren
equipment and vehicle. modification, upgrading, conversion and General Manager/ELTA Airborne
Offensive anti-terrorist SWAT demolition customizing of some 30 types of military Systems & Radars Division:
and disposal equipment and vehicle. and civil aircraft, 25 types of engines and Mr. Gideon Landa
Supply of military and paramilitary 13000 types of components, in three General Manager/ELTA SIGINT, EW &
equipment. Divisions: Communication Division:
Aircraft Division Mr. Eyal Danan
See page: 424 Engine Division General Manager/ELTA Microwave
Components Division Systems Division: Mr. Yosef Fouks
General Manager/ELTA Technologies
See page: 21 Division: Mr. Ronen Zagoory
ELTA Group Marketing Director:
HOSHEN - ELIAV Mr. Igo Licht
19 Weissburg St., Areas of activity
Tel-Aviv 6935831, Israel Military and Para-Military Systems House
Tel: 972-3-6482182 based on Electromagnetic Sensors (Radar,
Fax: 972-3-6481635 Electronic Warfare and Communication)
E-mail: [email protected] & Advanced Technologies, for
Web Site: Intelligence, Surveillance &
C.E.O: Mr. Gideon Hoshen Reconnaissance, Early Warning, Air
C.E.O: Mr. Jossef Eliav Defense, Weapon Location, Self-
C.O.O: Mr. Daniel Lederer Protection, Target Acquisition, Fire
Number of employees: 80 Control, Signal Intelligence, Electronic
Date established: 1986 Warfare and Home-Land Security
Ownership: Private Applications.

Areas of activity See pages: 22, 76, 80, 81, 109, 259, 281,
System engineering company. 306, 322, 323, 324
Hoshen Eliav plays an important role in
the research and development of national
mission critical projects, amongst them
the ARROW active defense system, AEW
systems, SIGINT systems and C2 systems.
The core capability of Hoshen-Eliav is in
the fields of system engineering and
consulting to government, defense
agencies and defense industries as well as
civilian industries.

See page: 451

Indices Companies 471

Military Aircraft Group Military Aircraft Group DIVISION
Ben-Gurion International Airport Ben-Gurion International Airport Systems Missiles & Space Group
7010000, Israel 7010000, Israel P.O.Box 105
Tel: 972-3-9353163, 9358198 Tel: 972-3-9358169 Industrial Zone
Fax: 972-3-9353687, 9357010 Fax: 972-3-9355781 Yehud 5610002, Israel
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-3-5315699
Web Site Web Site: Fax: 972-3-5315830
General Manager: General Manager: Mr. Shaul Shahar E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Yosef (Yosi) Melamed Marketing Director: Mr. Avi Bleser Web Site:
Deputy General Manager:
Mr. Jacob Rozmann Areas of activity Areas of activity
Director of Marketing: Mr. Netta Kerem IAI/MALAT specializes for over 38 years Point and area advanced air and missile
in the design, development, integration, defense systems from short to long ranges
Areas of activity manufacturing and support of UAS - low to high altitude targets fully net
Lahav provides innovative solutions for: (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems) for centric highly effective naval and land
- Military aircraft and helicopter upgrade, military, para-military and civilian based applications.
applications. IAI/MALAT’s systems have
refurbishment, overhaul, maintenance, accumulated over 1,000,000 operational See pages: 61, 92, 112, 260
repair, and life extension flight hours.
- Avionics system and software design, IAI/MALAT covers the full spectrum of IAI
development, integration, and testing UAV systems, providing solutions for MISSILES DIVISION
- Stand-alone and networked tactical urban warfare, tactical and strategic Systems Missiles & Space Group
simulators, trainer upgrades with missions and comprehensive maritime P.O.Box 105
embedded synthetic training, and pilot solutions by using its micro, mini, tactical Industrial Zone
evaluation systems close range, tactical short range, VTOL Yehud 5610002, Israel
- Design and production of aerostructures, systems and Medium Altitude Long Tel: 972-3-5315699
and electrical harnesses Endurance (MALE) systems. Fax: 972-3-5315830
- Robotic solutions for a wide range of IAI/MALAT provides comprehensive E-mail: [email protected]
operational fields and missions utilizing UAV systems with complete ILS Web Site:
cutting edge of robotics technology (Integrated Logistic Support) and General Manager: Mr. Ariel Malchi
customer support in order to ensure their
See pages: 23, 24, 25, 71, 295 smooth entry into operational service. Areas of activity
- Missile Systems and PGM
See pages: 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288 - Naval Systems
- Ground Systems
- Air Defense Systems
- Laser weapons

See pages: 61, 92, 112, 260

472 Indices Companies

Systems Missiles & Space Group Commercial Aircraft Group Systems Missiles & Space Group
P.O.Box 105 P.O.Box 323 P.O.Box 75
Industrial Zone Beer Sheva 8410202, Israel Industrial Zone
Yehud 5610002, Israel Tel: 972-8-6402250 Yehud 5610001, Israel
Tel: 972-3-5315699 Fax: 972-8-6402252 Tel: 972-3-5315205
Fax: 972-3-5315830 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-3-5315140
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: General Manager: Mr. M. Gilboa Web Site:
General Manager: Mr. Opher Doron General Manager: Mr. Shaul Shahar
Areas of activity Deputy General Manager:
Areas of activity Aluminium Fast Patrol Boats. Mr. David Dina
Space Systems, including GEO Minefield Breaching Systems. Director of Marketing: Mr. Igal Mevorach
communication and LEO EO and SAR Multipurpose armored vehicles.
imaging satellites, ground stations and Combat ground and naval robotic Areas of activity
related services. platforms and kits. TAMAM Division is an integral part of
Air and ground defense weapon Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI)
See page: 61, 92, 112, 260 subsystems. Systems, Missiles and Space Group.
Aircraft ground support equipment. Since its foundation in 1964, TAMAM
IAI Missilie Launchers. has been a leader in advanced
SYSTEMS MISSILES & SPACE Manufacture, overhaul and upgrade of electro-optical systems and inertial
GROUP aircraft structure. navigation technologies for use on air,
P.O.Box 105 Metal and composite material parts and land, sea and space platforms.
Industrial Zone subsystems in civil and military aviation. TAMAM leads advanced projects for the
Yehud 5610002, Israel B747 Cargo Door. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other
Tel: 972-3-5315699 armed forces around the world.
Fax: 972-3-5315830 See pages: 33, 104, 218, 219 Among the company's main products are
E-mail: [email protected] day/night electro-optical systems for
Web Site: unmanned air vehicles (UAVs),
Corporate V.P & General Manager helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, ground
Systems Missiles & Space Group: and maritime applications - such as
Mr. Boaz Levi LOROS, MOSP, POP, MiniPOP,
Director of Marketing: MicroPOP and GTADS.
Mr. Yoram Shimoni TAMAM supplies an array of land and
airborne inertial navigation and reference
Areas of activity systems such as NFS, TMAPS, ADNAV,
Defense Systems, Advanced Weapon RNAV-IPON and TNL-16, competitively
Systems and Space: priced strapdown systems for tactical
- Missile Systems and PGM weapons and smart ordnance such as
- Air and Missile Defense Systems TRF-90 as well as guidance and reference
- Naval Systems systems for space platforms.
- Ground Systems
- Intelligence, Surveillance and See pages: 344, 358, 377

Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense
- Space Systems - Satellites, Launchers

and Ground Stations
- Optronic Payloads

See pages: 61, 92, 112, 260

Indices Companies 473

Sensing Solutions Ltd. INTERNATIONAL N.V. 8 Hataasia St.,
Yagur 3006500, Israel 6 Yoni Netanyahu St., P.O.Box 188
Tel: 972-4-8216402 Or Yehuda 6037604 , Israel Tel-Hanan 3660102, Israel
Fax: 972-4-8216396 Tel: 972-3-7960600 Tel: 972-4-8213322
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-3-5163430 Fax: 972-4-8210508
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
C.E.O: Dr. Yossi Bushlin Web Site: Web Site:
C.T.O: Dr. Adam Devir C.E.O: Mr. Avi Winter C.E.O: Mr. Efraim Grimberg
Number of employees: 30 V.P Marketing & Sales: Mr. Noam Zafrir C.F.O: Mr. Dan Sraya
Date established: 1998 V.P Business Development: VP Marketing: Mr. Boaz Weiss
Ownership: Private Mr. Rani Helerman Number of Employees: 300
Number of employees: 60 Date Established: 1974
Areas of activity Date established: 1997 Ownership: Public Company traded in
Radiometry, E-O Systems Ownership: IAI, Elbit Systems, Private Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: IMCO)
Design and construction of unique E-O Share Holders US OFFICE
instrumentation for accurate radiometric 4820 Seton Dr.
measurements. Design, performance and Areas of activity Baltimore, MD 21215
analysis of complicated radiometric field- ImageSat International N.V. is a Tel: 410-358-1717
tests. commercial provider of Very High Fax: 410-358-7707
Signature Control Resolution (VHR), satellite earth-imagery SUBSIDIARIES
Multispectral signatures management from EROS constellation of satellites, ADT - ADVANCED DEFENCE
(measurement, evaluation, and principally for intelligence, homeland TECHNOLOGIES Inc. USA,
development of suppression measures) for security and national development Nir-Or (Israel) Ltd.
various platforms and installations. purposes worldwide. Atena Ltd.
Modeling and Simulation The Company also provides imagery to
Modeling and simulation of Electro- customers for a wide-range of civilian Areas of Activity
optical systems. Image processing and applications, including mapping, disaster
algorithms development. Analysis and assessment and monitoring, infrastructure Engineering and Manufacturing of
modeling of aero-optics and heat & mass planning, agricultural monitoring, military and commercial electrical,
transfer phenomena. environmental monitoring etc. electro-mechanical and electronic
assemblies, cable harnesses, for airborne,
See page: 370 See page: 325 land and naval applications.
LED Lights (interior & exterior) for tanks
and armored fighting vehicles
Slip-rings, fuel-gauges, smoke grenade

See page: 210

474 Indices Companies

Zihron Yaakov 3095203, Israel LTD. & ANTI-TERROR TRAINING
Tel: 972-77-5321622 P.O.Box 1044 P.O.Box 1044
Fax: 972-77-5356512 64 Bialik Blvd. 64 Bialik Blvd.
E-mail: [email protected] Ramat Hasharon 4710001, Israel Ramat Hasharon 4710001, Israel
Web Site: Tel: 972-3-5485222 Tel: 972-8-9357040/1
C.E.O: Mr. Nisim Zusman Fax: 972-3-5486125 Fax: 972-8-9357042
Office Manager: Mrs. Milla Ravzin E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Engineer: Mr. Shahar Choen Web Site: Web Site:
Number of employees: 30 Chairman of the Board: President & C.E.O: Mr. Amiram Maor
Date established: 1998 Adv. Nitza R. Posner V.P. Professional: Mr. Yigal Levin
Ownership: Private President & C.E.O.: Mr. Avi Felder V.P. Operation Manager:
V.P. Marketing: Mr. Avinoam Zafir Mr. Itzhak Agami
Areas of activity V.P. Finance & Control: Marketing Manager: Mr. Guy Lalush
Made and developed in Israel, as a result Mrs. Zmira Ganani Ownership: Israel Military Industries ltd.
of the need for the best quality Polymer V.P. Research & Development and (I.M.I)
Holster system for the military and Business Development: Dr. Dan Peretz
defense community, IMI Defense was Areas of activity
developed to fulfill this mission. Areas of activity The IMI Academy for Advanced Security
Specializing in producing of tactical Established in 1933 and fully owned by & Anti-Terror Training is a leading
polymer holsters and magazine pouches, the Israeli government, IMI specializes in integrated solutions provider for military,
as well as tactical accessories for rifles the development, integration and law enforcement, government agencies
and pistols. manufacture of offensive and defensive and commercial clients worldwide.
solutions for the modern battlefield, Established in 1999 by veterans of the
See page: 252 homeland security and terror threats. Israeli Security Forces, the Academy
IMI's state-of-the-art systems for land, air specializes in a wide range of
and naval forces, draw on the extensive comprehensive security training
experience of the Israel Defense Forces programs, including anti-terrorism, anti-
(IDF), most of them are combat- proven crime and homeland security.
and have been type classified by the IDF, It is a subsidiary of Israel Military
US Armed Forces (Army, Air Force & Industries Ltd. (IMI), a government
Navy) and various NATO members. owned company.
IMI provides full combat solutions, The Academy draws its strength from the
professional training and services, accumulated knowledge of the Israeli
designed to fully respond to specific security establishment. Its facilities,
customer requirements of survivability highly-experienced instructors and range
and protection, firepower and mobility on of courses and seminars, have positioned
the modern battlefield. the Academy as a model organization of
The company employs 3,400 professional, its kind, one that its competitors attempt
customer-devoted employees in five to emulate.
divisions. In addition to modern design
and development shops, IMI operates See page: 425
production facilities, supported by
advanced laboratories and test facilities
accounting for 30% of the company's
infrastructure. IMI's comprehensive
support for its customers includes end-to-
end product assistance, from training and
integrated logistics to maintenance, mid-
life upgrades to the transfer of technology
know-how and complete after sales

See pages: 62, 77, 93, 113, 140, 202, 232,
233, 425, 453

Indices Companies 475

P.O.Box 1044 P.O.Box 1044 P.O.Box 1044/6604
64 Bialik Blvd. 64 Bialik Blvd. 64 Bialik Blvd.
Ramat Hasharon 4710001, Israel Ramat Hasharon 4711001 , Israel Ramat Hasharon 4711001, Israel
Tel: 972-3-5486170 Tel: 972-3-5486243 Tel: 972-8-9242684
Fax: 972-3-5486633 Fax: 972-3-5485365
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 972-8-9277447/9
Web Site: Web Site: Fax: 972-8-9252896
V.P. & Division Manager: V.P. & Division Manager: E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Yuval Sharony Mr. Shemuel Moran Web Site:
Director of Marketing & Business Director of Marketing & Business V.P. & Division Manager:
Development: Mr. Shmulik Geler Development: Dr. Mordechai Ilovich Mr. Nathan Wechsler
Tel: 972-3-5486499 Director of Marketing: Mr. Israel Weinreb
Areas of activity E-mail: [email protected] R&D Director: Mr. Izhak Bagizada
ASD develops and manufactures Systems Directorate Manager:
advanced weapon systems, sub-systems Mr. Israel Latovitz Areas of activity
and ordnance for aerospace, land and Tel: 972-3-5485745 RSD develops and manufactures rocket
naval platforms. ASD offers a full range E-mail: [email protected] motors, from small motors to satellite
of innovative, combat-proven solutions, Land Munition Directorate: launchers, artillery rocket systems, anti-
including electro-optically guided Mr. Daniel Davidi tank weapon systems, pyrotechnic and
missiles, stand-off offensive weapons, Tel: 972-3-5486452 counter measure products, including IR
advanced decoys and aerial targets and E-mail: [email protected] spectral decoy flares, chaff products, as
very short range, low-level air defense well as protection suites (i.e. AIRMOR)
integrated systems (VSHORAD). Areas of activity for aircraft, ballistic armor for personnel,
MSD develops and manufactures a full aircraft and naval vessels.
range of ammunitions.
MSD is renowned for its innovative
developments in the fields of:
- Advanced tank ammunition
- Advanced artillery ammunition
- Mortar, aerial land and naval

- Smart, precise munitions
- Infantry combat systems, such as rifle

grenades, hand grenades, demolition
and breaching equipment, non-lethal,
engineering combat systems, ordnance
and ammunition components
- Homeland security products and
- Self-destruct warheads for various
platforms (artillery, tank, mortar and
- Insensitive Munition (IM) technology
MSD also specializes in:
- Refurbishment and upgrading of all
types of munitions
- Ammunition disposal, including a
Mobile Demiling and Recycling Plant
- Manufacture of all kinds of metal parts
and explosive materials

476 Indices Companies

SLAVIN - LAND SYSTEMS SMALL CALIBER Innovative Control Solutions
P.O.Box 1044 ("Yitzhak" PLANT) Holon 5885607, Israel
64 Bialik Blvd. P.O.Box 1044 Tel: 972-3-5586330
Ramat Hasharon 4711001, Israel 64 Bialik Blvd. Fax: 972-3-5588382
Tel: 972-3-5485790 Ramat Hasharon 4711001, Israel E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 972-3-5486797 Tel: 972-4-6500700/5 Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-4-6560686/6578058 President: Mr. Zvika Nave
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] C.E.O: Mr. Michael Armon
V.P. & Division Manager: Web Site: C.T.O: Mr. Ziv Nave
Mr. Eyal Ben-Haim Division Manager: Mr. Israel Shmilovitz Number of employees: 10
Director of Marketing & Business Director of Marketing: Mr. Paul Flaisher Date established: 2001
Development: Mr. Rami Sokolower E-mail: [email protected] Ownership: Private
Manufacturing Director: Mr. Avi Fuks
Areas of activity Areas of activity
Areas of activity IMI’s Small Caliber Ammunition (SCA) INNOCON Ltd. is a developer and
SLAVIN LSD specializes in: Division specializes in the manufacture of manufacture of UAVs (unmanned aerial
Upgrade programs and systems for MBTs high-quality cartridges, which are vehicles) ranging from micro-UAVs
& AVFs. supplied in accordance with NATO, weighing a mere 2.5kg to 650kg full-size
Development and Production of: MIL-SPEC, IDF, SAAMI and CIP UAVs, equipped with the company's
- Guns and Barrels: 120mm (Merkava, standards. These include 5.56, 7.62, 9, proprietary command and control
12.7mm and 0.388” cartridges. SCA is the systems. The company delivers either
M60),105mm (M60, T55), 90mm, leading supplier of small caliber complete systems or major sub-systems.
76mm, 60mm aircraft guns, 106mm ammunition to the Israel Defense Forces INNOCON's technological advantages are
recoilless guns (IDF). Other customers include the U.S. clearly demonstrated in the superior
- Ballistic armor protection for MBTs, Army, armed forces of major NATO performance of its core command and
AVFs and light combat vehicles members, law enforcements, special units control technology on all company UAVs.
- Active Protection Systems for vehicles and customers in commercial markets Combined and interoperable onboard and
and other applications worldwide. ground-based computers feature modular
- Remote Controlled Weapon Stations for software, enabling unprecedented levels
5.56, 7.62, 12.7mm/0.5” machineguns of flight, take-off and landing control
and 40mm grenade launchers capabilities.
- Assault logistic and infantry bridging INNOCON's UAVs are in service in the
systems U.S. and Israel as well as in numerous
- Training equipment, inbore sub-caliber Asian, African and South American
training device countries.

See page: 282

Indices Companies 477

PROMOTION LTD. Israel Product Research Co. LTD.
International Security & Defence Systems 1 Lishansky St., 16 Galgalei Haplada St.,
New Industrial Zone P.O.Box 2086
P.O.Box 173 P.O.Box 500 Herzeliya 4672220, Israel
Nir-Zvi 7290500, Israel Rishon-Lezion 7510401, Israel Tel: 972-9-9555464
Tel: 972-8-9227699 Tel: 972-3-9513333 Fax: 972-9-9559146
Fax: 972-8- 9235104 Fax: 972-3-9514444 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Site
Web Site: Chairman of the Board: General Manager: Mr. Jacob Bialy
President: Mr. Leo Gleser Mr.Ariel Goldman V.P. Marketing: Mr. Alon Slonim
CEO: Mr. Tomer Fulman Sales Manager: Mrs. Smadar Goldman Export Manager: Mrs. Chana Michaeli
Vice President: Mr. Ron Shafran Sales Manager: Mr. Ori Yovel Quality Assurance Manager:
Number of employees: 25 Number of employees: 8 Mr. Yohanan Stein
Date established: 1982 Date established: 1977 Number of employees: 30
Ownership: Private Ownership: Ariel Goldman Date established: 1969
Ownership: Dr. A. Jacobson
Areas of activity Areas of activity
- ISDS Ltd. specializes in planning, - Aerospace Systems and components Areas of activity
- Weapon Systems and components Development, manufacturing, export of
integrating, and managing large scale - Small arms, artillery and ammunition less-lethal ammunition, riot control, anti-
security and defense systems/projects. - Spare parts for aerospace and military terror equipment, police gear, and
- ISDS Ltd. specializes in the personal protection devices.
development, procurement, integration equipment Tear gas devices for short, medium and
and implementation of security - Overhaul and repair of aviation and long range operation.
technology. The company provides
special services and operations and military systems See pages: 168, 169
supplies military and defense equipment. - Upgrading programs
- ISDS Ltd. specializes in setting up - Border defense projects
programs and training special units.
- ISDS Ltd. specializes in the design, See page: 34
integration, and implementation of
Security Systems for Major Events and

See pages: 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431,
432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437

478 Indices Companies

Haifa Bay 2611702, Israel 5 Droyanov St., (IWI) Ltd.
Tel: 972-4-8460246 P.O.Box 11035 64 Bialik Blvd.
Fax: 972-4-8418744 Tel-Aviv 6111001, Israel P.O.Box 63
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-3-6200611 Ramat-Hasharon 4710001, Israel
Web Site: Fax: 972-3-5283280 Tel: 972-3-7606000
Chairman of the Board: Mr. Samy Katsav E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-3-7606001
General Manager: Mr. Avi Shahaf Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
V.P for Marketing: Mr. Oded Breier Chairman of the Board: Mr. Danny Biran Web Site:
Number of employees: 500 President: Mr. Gad Hitron V.P. Marketing & Sales:
Date established: 1959 Number of employees: 25 Mr. Ronen Hamudot
Ownership: Private Date established: 1968 Number of employees: 400
Ownership: Private
Areas of activity Areas of activity
Experts in design and construction of Export of products, systems and Israeli Areas of activity
Naval and Coastal Defense vessels, know-how. Police and anti-riot Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) is a world
Commercial ships and Marine projects: equipment. Electronic systems. leader in small arms for the past 70 years.
- Fast Patrol Craft (SHALDAG Class) Telecommunications. Night vision IWI’s most-known products include the
- Offshore Patrol Vessels systems. Special vehicles. Command and TAVOR , X95 & GALIL ACE families
- Fast Missile Corvettes - SAAR 4, SAAR control systems (C4I). Intelligence of Assault Rifles, the NEGEV LMG, the
systems. Aircraft upgrading, and spare legendary UZI SMG (Mini, Micro and
4.5 and SAAR S – 72 Class. parts. Mobile hospitals and hospital UZI PRO) and the JERICHO family of
- Commercial vessels, Tugs, Floating equipment. Airborne and naval pistols – which have all been considered
surveillance, Electro-optic systems and weapons of choice by military units and
Docks and multi purpose boats. UAV'S. top law enforcement agencies around the
- Heavy engineering products - Container Wide experience in financing solutions. world. The company’s firearms are
developed in close collaboration with the
cranes, Cranes, desalination plants. Israel Defense Forces (IDF). IWI and the
- Ship repairs and maintenance. IDF joint forces in developing these
weapons, whose final configurations are
See pages: 100, 101, 102, 103 See page: 449 the product of ongoing interaction, field
tests, and modifications, resulting from
combat requirements and experience.

3 Hagesher St.,
Hod-Hasharon 4526603, Israel
Mobile: 972-50-3227997
Tel: 972-9-7493105
Fax: 972-9-7493834
E-mail: [email protected]
President: Mr. Israel Goren

Areas of activity
Isragor develops, produces and markets
all over the world protective military gear
such as bullet proof vests, battle
harnesses, covers and camping
Special department of the company
specializes in planing and establishing
dry storage systems for military and civil
The core business of the company
supplies all types of bullet proof vests.

See page: 167

Indices Companies 479

Ramat Gabriel Industrial Zone, 6 Maskit St., 1 Platin St.,
Migdal Haemek 2353002, Israel Herzliya 4614002, Israel New Industry Zone
Tel: 972-4-6547461 Tel: 972-9-9568212 Rishon Lezion 7565339, Israel
Fax: 972-4-6441065 Fax: 972-9-9568141 Tel: 972-3-9523540
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-3-9523511
Web Site: Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
General Manager: Mr. Shai Fine Senior V.P. & General Manager: Web Site:
Director & Business Development: Mr. Tal Yeshaya Technical Sales Manager:
Mr. Shachar Fine V.P Marketing & Business Development, Mr. Shahar Flex
Mobile: 972-50-2231729 Israel: Mr. Ran Ofer Date established: 1994
Number of employees: 138 Director of HLS: Mr. David Friesem Ownership: Private
Date established: 1986 Number of employees: 16
Ownership: Shai Fine Date established: 1996 Areas of activity
Ownership: Private KAVIT has been an accredited
Areas of activity MOTOROLA Partner for in excess of 10
Specializing in manufacturing, Areas of activity years.
combination and integration of composite Karil International Marketing a Member The company develops and manufactures
and metal products, Kanfit is a built to of the Mistral Group, providing professional jamming systems and
spec, aerospace engineering development innovative Defense and Security product industry leading radio encryption
and production company. A turn-key, one solution and services to the International modules.
stop shop solution provider with advanced market since 1996. Karil excels at KAVIT's battle-proven products are
capabilities in RTM and Hybrid aero- bridging gaps between urgent heavily used by government, police and
structures. requirements in the global Defense and armed forces throughout the world.
Kanfit QA system is AS9100C certified. Security markets with cost effective,
Kanfit manufactures aero-structures, state-of-the-art technological solutions. See page: 227
RTM chaff and flare magazines, Missiles
and bombs parts, Airborne and space See page: 187
antennas, tools, etc.

See page: 35

480 Indices Companies

22a Raoul Wallenberg St., Dora Ind. Zone, A subsidiary of Star Defense Systems (SDS)
Tel-Aviv 6971918, Israel P.O.Box 11 6 Hasadna St.,
Tel: 972-3-6497662 Shlomi 2283201, Israel Ziporit Industrial Zone 1789020, Israel
Fax: 972-3-6497665 Tel: 972-4-9808815 Tel: 972-73-2665800
E-mail:[email protected] Fax: 972-4-9808816 Fax: 972-4-6412118
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] E- mail: [email protected]
President & CEO: Mr. Doron Nevo Web Site: Web Site:
Chief Scientist: Dr. Moshe Oron C.E.O: Mr. Micha Atir
VP Marketing: Mrs. Karin Golding Marketing & Sales Manager:
Number of employees: 15 General Manager: Mr. Itshak Bookris Mr. Yair Schultz
Date established: 2001 Marketing Manager: Mr. Haim Avnaim Purchasing Manager: Ms. Gila Robinson
Ownership: Private Sales Manager: Mr. Lior Bookris Date established: 1934
Number of employees: 75 Ownership: Star Defense Systems Ltd.
Areas of activity Date established: 1976 (SDS)
KiloLambda's patented nano-technology Ownership: Private
based optical layer is designed to protect Areas of activity
the human eye as well as optical sensors Areas of activity Magam Safety Ltd. designs,
from damage, which may be caused by Developing, Designing, Manufacturing manufactures and distributes a wide range
high power destructive light sources, such and global marketing of protective of rescue, survivability and protective
as lasers. KiloLambda's layers can gear: equipment;
improve the dynamic range of imaging - Body armor for the army, police, special - Personal protection equipment
systems utilizing their limiting - Rubber fuel tanks & self-sealing
capabilities. units & jackets for civil & V.I.P use.
- E.O.D - Bomb Suits. solutions
KiloLambda's layers are used in - Inflatable tent & stretcher. - Rescue and survivability equipment
binoculars, sights, communication - N.B.C. protective suits for biological & - Inflatable equipment
systems etc. Magam Safety products are developed in
chemical threats. close relationship and constant feedback
See page: 345 - Fire brigade suits, Nomex pilot & tanker from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
The company is the sole supplier of
coveralls, underwear. parachutes, Anti-G suits and fuel tanks to
- Dry storage solutions. the IDF.
- Extended Cold Weather Clothing
See page: 88
System (ECWCS).
- Ballistic shields & plates.
- Ballistic helmets.
- Tactical Vests.
- Backpacks.

See page: 170

Indices Companies 481

Industrial Zone Alon Tavor TECHNOLOGIES LTD. P.O.Box 26
P.O.Box 1126 P.O.Box 5512 58 Hazait St.,
Afula 1800001, Israel Caesarea 3088900, Israel Or Akiva Industrial Park
Tel: 972-4-6400797 Tel: 972-4-6362360 Or Akiva 3060000, Israel
Fax: 972-4-6403074 Fax: 972-4-6362361 Tel: 972-4-6244111
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-4-6244123
Web Site: Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
C.E.O: Mr. Yariv Sagi Managing Director: Web Site:
International Marketing Manager: Lt.Col. (Ret.) Dov R. Magen, Advocate C.E.O: Mr. Eli Gold
Mr. Shlomo Baime V.P. Marketing: Mr. Golan Kalimi
International Marketing Manager: Areas of activity Number of employees: 160
Mr. Itay Benkuzary Suppliers of Israeli, Western and Eastern Date established: 1989
Number of employees: 45 manufactured military and law Ownership: Private
Date established: 1993 enforcement equipment and training -
from light arms and ammunition to Areas of activity
Areas of activity armored vehicles, tanks, naval vessels, Meprolight is an International Electro-
Since founded in 1993, Marom Dolphin aircraft - (sales, lease and upgrade) Optics company, developing,
has established itself as one of the leading missiles, electronics, electro optics, manufacturing and marketing systems for
companies for developing, designing, electronic warfare, NBC and rescue infantry, armed forces, law enforcement
manufacturing and marketing top quality equipment, special forces equipment, agencies and civilian markets since 1990.
tactical textile solutions such as: Tactical surplus equipment, police and anti-riot Meprolight provides a wide array of
Vests, Body Armor Vests, modular equipment, Anti Piracy Guards for combat-proven products; Electro-optical
carrying solutions, tactical backpacks and shipping. and Optical sights and devices, night
other accessories for armed forces, police sights, marking devices night sights,
units, security services and civilians See page: 234 marking devices, LRF- laser rangefinders,
around the world. hand held rangefinders and fire control
Among our customers are military, systems and LED illuminated products for
paramilitary, law enforcement and safety and security. The products are fully
security organizations across the globe. certified to ISO-9001:2008.
We are the main authorized supplier of
tactical textile solutions to the Israeli See page: 235
Military, the Israeli Ministry of Defense
and many other governmental and private
customers, worldwide.
Our products are manufactured and tested
in accordance to ISO 9001:2008
international standards as well as with the
Quality Assurance standards of military
forces worldwide, awarding them
worldwide recognition for their high
quality and durability.

See page: 171

482 Indices Companies

6 Josef Levi St., 8 Har Nevo St., 6 Ha'Choshlim St., 7th Floor
P.O.Box 1165 Ramat Hasharon 47225, Israel P.O.Box 12590
Ind. Zone Kiriat Bialik Tel: 972-3-5402403 Herzliya 4672406, Israel
Zur Shalom 2711101, Israel Fax: 972-3-5490931 Tel: 972-9-9574377
Tel: 972-4-8808800 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-9-9574370
Fax: 972-4-8745745 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] President & C.E.O: Web Site:
Web Site: Mr. Michael Itzhar Belachovsky C.O - C.E.O & Director: Mr. Ofer Bar
C.E.O & President: Mr. Amos Klein V.P Business Development: C.O - C.E.O & Director:
V.P. Business Development: Mr. Amichai Erez Mr. Sharon Botzer
Mr. David Noy Date established: 1983 Number of employees: 15
Number of Employees: 80 Ownership: Private Date established: 2002
Date established: 1962 Ownership: Private
Ownership: Private Areas of activity
- Homeland Security and Operations Areas of activity
Areas of activity M.L.M Protection is the leading
Mifram Security (from 1962) handles all Consultancy providerof turn-key security solutions
types of defense projects. - Security & Surveillance Systems for and one of the few companies able to
Mifram Security specializes in designing, supply a high degree of services and
manufacturing and supplying: Borders, Airports, Seaports, Safe & professionalism in all areas of security
Force Protection Equipment - Modular Secure City, Pipelines and Sensitive and assault, in both the private and public
Vehicle Barriers, Mobile Observation Installations sectors.
Towers & Posts, Shelters and Crowd- - Specialize in Intelligence and Law M.L.M Protection was founded by ex-
Control Equipment. Enforcement Consultancy and Israeli security service personal, who have
Ballistic and Blast Protection for Equipment served In the Israeli "Dignitary and
Infrastructure - (Meet the threat level of - Interception systems for all delegation protection unit" of the Israeli
direct impact by 122mm Katyusha communication technologies, cellphone "shen bet".
rockets). location tracking and data mining for
Indoor protection, External Building government agencies See page: 438
Cover, Self-Sustaining Protection - Advance Intelligence Inference Systems
Systems. - Surveillance and Counter-Surveillance
Dry Storage Solutions. including on-site checks to detect
All our products have been Combat- eavesdropping
Tested and Approved. - Advanced Biometric Identification
Among Mifram Security's satisfied Systems
customers are Military Forces (USMC, - Data Communications, Storage Security
US-Army, MFO, IDF, UN), and Major and Data Recovery
Integrators&Government Law - GPS Tracking and Fleet Management
Enforcement Agencies.
See pages: 326, 327

See pages: 154, 155, 216

Indices Companies 483

mPrest Systems LTD. MSE LTD. MTC
Azorim Park, Kiriat Arieh (Marksmanship, Sniper, Excellence) INDUSTRIES & RESEARCH
94 Em Hamoshavot Rd. CARMIEL LTD.
Petah Tikva 4970602, Israel A subsidiary of Star Defense Systems (SDS) P.O.Box 232
P.O.Box 3027 11 Granit St., Karmiel 2161102, Israel
Tel: 972-7-3216666 P.O.Box 3034 Tel: 972-4-9987772
Fax: 972-7-3216636 Petach Tikva 4951410, Israel Fax: 972-4-9981189
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-73-2324517 E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: Fax: 972-72-2448646 Web Site:
CEO: Col. (ret.) Natan Barak E-mail: [email protected] President: Mr. Yechiel Cohen
V.P R&D: Mr. Eli Arlazoroff Web Site: Vice President: Mr. Yair Avni
C.T.O: Mr. Alexander Arlievsky C.E.O: Mr. Mikey Hartman Vice President: Mrs. Jemy Gershonovich
C.F.O: Mr. Udi Schwartz Marketing & Sales Manager: Number of employees: 130
Manager of Sales & Marketing Division: Mr. Aviv Fastman Date established: 1977
Mr. Beny Shlomiy Date established: 2010 Ownership: Private
International Marketing Director: Ownership: Star Defense Systems Ltd.
Col. (ret.) Adi Bershadsky (SDS) Areas of activity
Number of employees: over 100 The development and manufacture of
Date established: 1996 Areas of activity gyroscopes, inertial sensors, actuators and
Ownership: 50% Private, 50% Rafael MSE (Marksmanship, Sniper, servo actuators, motors and servo motors,
Excellence) Ltd., develops, manufactures resolvers, RVDT, LVDT, slip rings, high
Areas of activity and markets innovative user-friendly day pressure vessels, solenoids, canard
mPrest Systems is a recognized market sights and a unique Night Vision sight to actuation steering units, tachogenerators
leader in the design, development and the military, paramilitary and civilian and other electro-mechanical components
implementation of high-performance C4I markets worldwide. for the Aerospace, Defense and UAV
solutions for the defense & aerospace, MSE offers tailored “Train the Trainers” industries. Services include engineering
homeland security and civilian arenas. theoretical and practical, shooting and thermal spray coatings. Scientific
mPrest proprietary software suite enables implementation courses, maximizing its instruments for the dental field.
the integration of large amounts of input clients shooting skills to their highest AS9100C, ISO 9001:2008 and MIL-STD
data from a variety of sources (sensors, level. compliant.
devices and other systems) and coherently
manages a wealth of applications on See page: 236 See pages: 289, 374
interactive displays. Seamlessly
integrating all C4I elements & sensors,
our software capabilities reduce the time
required for system development.
Our Defense solutions: Air Defense C2
System, Intelligence C2 System, Ground
C4I, HQ's C2 System and simulations .
Our HLS solutions: Disaster Management
System, Critical Facilities System, Border
Control, Detection and tracking.

See page: 314

484 Indices Companies

Factory: (Technologies & Systems Group ) North East Technologies Ltd.
Kiryat Shmona, Israel P.O Box 58180 Gamla House, Building A
Main Office: Tel-Aviv 6158101, Israel 34 Jerusalem St.
9th Lincoln St' Tel-Aviv Tel: 972-3-548-3518 Raanana 4350108, Israel
Mail: Fax: 972-3-548-3700 Tel: 972-9-7489038/9
P.O. Box 14233 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-9-7489066
Tel-Aviv 6114102, Israel Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 972-3-6244488 President: Michael Zinderman Web Site:
Fax: 972-3-6244499 Senior V.P. C4ISR Group: President & C.E.O: Mr. Yehuda Amon
E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Ofer Burin V.P. Marketing & Business Development:
C.E.O: Mr. Igal Hayoun V.P Marketing & Business development: Mr. Gil Elharar
E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Avi Berger Marketing & Business Development
C.F.O: Mr. Ilan Leybovich Marketing Directors: Mrs. Gal Kabakov, Manager: Mr. Nir Weisser
E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Roy Gordon, Mr. Yossi Refaelov, Operations Manager & Compliance
V.P. Business Development: Mr. Avishai Levi Officer: Mrs. Merav Zeewi
Mr. Arik Almog E-mail: Marcom Director: Mrs. Noga Alon Number of employees: 6
[email protected] Number of employees (Ness Date established: 1994
Number of employees: 90 Technologies): over 7,000 Ownership: Private
Date established: 1996 Date established: 1969
Ownership: Private Ownership: Private Areas of activity
North East Technologies Ltd. is
Areas of activity Areas of activity engaged with the following activities:
Myform is one of the leading companies Ness Technologies is a global provider of - Defense Projects Development,
in Israel, manufactures and provides advanced Command, Control,
unique protection gear and personal Communications, Computers, Marketing & Management
security solutions for combatants, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target - Supply of Law Enforcement & Security
Defense forces personnel and VIP's in Acquisition and Reconnaissance
Israel and overseas. (C4ISTAR) solutions. Equipment
Myform is producing and supplying: With over four decades of experience, - Setting-up Joint Ventures and
- Body armor and carrying vest. Ness specializes and has a proven track
- Concealable Protection vests. record in designing, developing, Partnerships
- Riot control suits, helmets and supplying and integrating advanced, - Supply of Firearms, Ammunition,
comprehensive and highly innovative
detachable visors. solutions and systems for the defense and Accessories, Optical and Electro-Optical
- Protection suits and equipment for Krav homeland security sectors. Dedicated to Devices
delivering cutting-edge, best-of-class - Setting-up Distribution Networks of
Maga training. solutions, Ness serves a diverse client Firearms Ammo & Accessories for the
- Personal protection gear for NBC base of governmental organizations Institutional & Commercial Markets
worldwide. The proven record of TSG’s Worldwide
(nuclear, biologic, chemical). deployed systems, combining command - Supply of Military Gear Tailor Made to
- Dry Storage solutions for deferent kinds and control with intelligence and the End User's Specs
surveillance systems, enables us to offer
and sizes of army vehicles. unique solutions that bridge effective See page: 253
- Customized equipment for combatants intelligence processing and operational
command and control, providing our
and security forces. customers with incomparable value.

See page: 172

See pages: 79, 106, 188

Indices Companies 485

Azrieli Circular Tower A subsidiary of Star Defense Systems (SDS) P.O.Box 4122
132 Menachem Begin Rd. 11 Granit St., Ra’anana 4362248, Israel
Tel Aviv 6701101, Israel P.O.Box 3034 Tel: 972-9-7753777
Tel: 972-3-6068100 Petach Tikva 4951410, Israel Fax: 972-9-7434282
Fax: 972-3-6068101 Tel: 972-3-9206004 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-73-2324598 Web Site :
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] President Security Group:
General manager & C.E.O: Mr. Gil Israeli Web Site: Mr. Yaron Tchwella
C.O & C.E.O: Mr. Ben Te'eni C.E.O: Mr. Lior Shalev General Manager, Intelligence Solutions:
V.P Marketing: Mr. Yallon Bahat V.P Business Development, Marketing & Mr. Mark Gazit
Number of employees: 70 Sales: Mr. Ilan Abramovich General Manager, Surveillance Solutions:
Date established: 1998 Regional Marketing & Sales Managers: Mrs. Adina Enden
Ownership: Private Mr. Yacov Galam- Israel & Africa Number of employees: 3,500
Mr. Tomer Snir- APAC Date established: 1986
Areas of activity Date established: 1987 Ownership: Public
Netline Communications Technologies Ownership: Star Defense Systems Ltd.
develops and manufactures cutting edge (SDS) Areas of activity
electronic countermeasures and spectrum NICE Systems is a global provider of
dominance solutions to the global defense Areas of activity homeland security and defense solutions.
and homeland security markets. New Noga Light (2000) Ltd. (NNL) Our portfolio includes:
- Counter IED & communication designs, manufactures and markets - Communications Interception and
electro-optic Day & Night vision systems;
jamming solutions with advanced - Night vision systems based on Image Analysis
features such as pre-initiation and hybrid - Web Intelligence
active/reactive capabilities Intensifying Tubes - 3D Mobile Location Tracking
- Tactical interception and SIGINT - Uncooled Thermal imaging systems - Real-Time Situation Management
solutions including spectral analysis, - Test and maintenance equipment - IP Video Surveillance
signal classification and demodulation, - Refurbishment and upgrade services - Integrated C4I systems
cell phone monitoring and - Operational and technical training - Incident debriefing and investigation
location/direction finding
- Prison cell phone control solutions services using complete event reconstruction
including cell phone jamming, detection NICE customers include leading
and managed access systems New Noga Light is the leading supplier of government and intelligence agencies,
- RF leakage detection & monitoring Night Vision and Thermal Imaging airports, critical infrastructure,
system and cell phone detection systems to the Israel Defense Forces transportation systems, smart/safe cities,
solutions for government and corporate (IDF). banks and enterprises.
sensitive facilities
- Emergency mobile communications & See page: 346 See page: 329
emergency victim location solutions for
search and rescue operations

See pages: 119, 228, 328

486 Indices Companies

North Industrial Zone 4 Hahagana St., Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha 4880000, Israel
Lod 7110604, Israel Or-Yehuda 6021204, Israel Tel: 972-3-9030150
Tel: 972-8-9781111 Tel: 972-3-6341175 Fax: 972-3-9030151
Fax: 972-8-9781137 Fax: 972-3-6341176 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Web Site: General Manager: Mrs. Ora Gilad
C.E.O: Mr. Nimrod Avni [email protected] Finance Manager: Mrs. Noga Polishuk
President: Mr. Arieh Semel Web Site: Number of employees: 50
V.P. Marketing: Mr. Isaac Pery C.E.O: Mr. Nir Shaul Date established: 1930
Number of employees: 100 V.P. Marketing & Business Development: Ownership: Kibbutz Einat & Kibbutz
Date established: 1972 Mr. Elad Tamir Givat Hashlosha
Ownership: Private Mobile: 972-57-7722222
Number of employees: 12 (+ 200 - 300 Areas of activity
Areas of activity Temporary workers) Noga-Einat Shoe Industries Ltd. is a
Turn-key programs for modernization, Date established: 1995 manufacturer and supplier of military-
integration and production of military Ownership: Private and safety shoes.
vehicles of U.S., British, French and Product lines include: army boots,
Russian origin. Upgrading of MBTs, Areas of activity products for unusual conditions and
APCs, amphibious armored vehicles, such - Counter Terrorism & Anti-crime special forces, police boots & shoes and
as T-72, M-60, T-55, M-41, M113, boots for anti-terror and anti-rioting units.
Shilka, BMP II, Achzarit HAPC, operational training
Puma Engineering MBT. - Armed forces training: Special Forces & See page: 173
Design and manufacture of power packs
and advanced automotive applications, regular infantry units.
assembly and installation of ground forces - V.I.P. & Executive Protection training.
Power Trains and marine propulsion - Supplier of various advanced technology
Advanced weapon systems integration systems & a variety of combat
modernize platforms for anti-tank and air equipment.
defense use. - Security consulting and training using
Building customer's local military shops most advanced techniques, technologies
infrastructure logistic centers and vehicles and combat experienced instructors.
production plants. - All aspects of Airport and Aviation,
Seaport & Maritime Security.
See page: 141 - Security in the private sector - Banking,
Public transportation, Public institutions
Petroleum & Natural gas pipeline
infrastructure Etc.
- Surveillance and counter surveillance
courses, training of police units for
special assignments.
- Prison enforcement, special units and
- Crowd control and event management.
- "K-9" supply & training.
- VIP & Delegations Security Escort.

See page: 439

Indices Companies 487

P.O.Box 462 New Industrial Zone,
A subsidiary of Star Defense Systems (SDS) Industrial Area 5 P.O.Box 8657
11 Granit St., Karmiel 2161401, Israel 8D Hatzoran St.,
P.O.Box 3034 Tel: 972-4-9953903 Netanya 4250608, Israel
Petach Tikva 4951410, Israel Fax: 972-4-9953900 Tel : 972-9-8922777
Tel: 972-3-9009600 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-9-8855944
Fax: 972-3-9017079 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] President & C.E.O: Mr. Amit Mattatia Web Site:
Web Site: V.P Defense Bu.: Mrs. Sylvie Dascalu Number of employees: 230
C.E.O: Mr. Lior Shalev Senior Director of Marketing Defense: Date established: 1950
V.P Business Development, Marketing & Mr. Liad Ben-Ishai Ownership: Mr. Zeev Stein - 45%,
Sales: Mr. Ilan Abramovich Number of employees: 130 Excellence + Phoenix - 5.5%,
Marketing & Sales Manager: Date established: 1983 Psagot - 6.5%, Migdal - 8.0%,
Mr. Or Melinek Ownership: 50% Elbit Systems Ltd., Public - 35.0%
Date of establishment: 1989 50% Rafael Ltd.
Ownership: Star Defense Systems Ltd. Areas of activity
(SDS) Areas of activity Orbit Communication Systems Ltd. is a
OPGAL Optronic Industries is a leading global leading provider of mission-critical
Areas of activity global manufacturer of innovative thermal communication systems and related
Oceana Technologies (2009) Ltd. is a imaging safety systems and infrared services in two target markets -
leading company in advanced tactical cameras. Its safety applications are used commercial and defense/homeland
maritime systems and solutions in the for detection of gas and hazardous security. Fulfilling the communication
areas of C4I, navigation and material leaks and for areal remote fire needs of commercial, defense and
reconnaissance in the underwater domain. detection. OPGAL offers the widest government customers for over 60 years,
The company offers combat proven, selection of infrared cooled and uncooled Orbit offers advanced solutions,
MIL-STD, diver navigation systems OEM cameras and engines for military, supporting applications in the areas of
including C4I and sonar. paramilitary, security and aviation satellite tracking (GEO and non-GEO),
Utilizing best-of-breed technologies of applications. Its products have been field earth observation (tracking LEO
Communication, Navigation and Sonar, tested worldwide for the past 30 years. satellites), aeronautical telemetry,
the company’s systems provide, for the The company’s creative R&D, cutting navigation, UAV Command & Control,
first time, total underwater control. edge technology, speed and flexibility Mobile Satellite Communications and
make us your best partner for IR Communication Management Systems.
See page: 107 applications.
OPGAL’s diverse product line includes See page: 307
fully-integrated thermal imaging systems
customized to specific applications, as
well as off-the-shelf thermal imaging
cameras and engines for private labeling,
OEM partners and other systems

See page: 364

488 Indices Companies

P.O.Box 156 Kibbutz Karmiya 7913500, Israel D.N. Harei Yehuda 9087000, Israel
Yavne 8110101, Israel Tel: 972-8-6749781 Tel: 972-2-5706109
Tel: 972-8-3770100 Fax: 972-8-6749779 Fax: 972-73-2752109
Fax: 972-8-3770101 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Web Site:
Number of employees: 65 C.E.O: Mr. Ran Naor C.E.O: Mr. Daniel Cohen
Date established: 2009 Number of employees: 20 V.P. Marketing: Mr. Assaf Karni
Ownership: Aeronautics Ltd. Ownership: Ran Naor C.F.O: Mr. David Yogev
Number of employees: 250
Areas of activity Areas of activity Date established: 1979
Orion Advanced Systems Ltd. Transportation, Land, Maritime & Ownership: Kibbutz Palmach Zova
specializes in the research, development, aviation Security – Armored Vehicles,
manufacturing and integration of Blast mitigarion, Cockpit protection, USA: Oran Safety Glass Inc.
advanced fuzes for aerial munitions and Missile countermeasures, Security 48 Industrial Parkway,
custom fuzing systems. Orion's state-of- Vehicles, Urban Surveillance, railway P.O.Box 126, Emporia, VA 23847, USA
the-art fuzes are compatible with modern security. Tel: 301-913-9366
guided bombs and hard penetrator Industrial Security – Ballistic Glass, Fax: 301-913-9369
warheads. Orion is the sole supplier of Ballistic walls, Blast Mitigation, E-mail: [email protected]
fuzes to the Israeli Air Force and has an Hazardous materials security, Pipeline Web Site:
outstanding reputation for safety and Security.
reliability. Orion also manufactures and Ballistic & Armor Protection – Representative Office EUROPE:
customizes fuzes for customers around composite materials, protective eyewear, IbA Industrieberatung Dirk Abrie
the globe. ballistic shields, helmets, protective Koblenzer Str. 33
visors, Bullet proof vests, lightweight D – 66115 Saarbrücken
See page: 63 Armor, transparent armor, ceramic armor, Tel: 49-681 9705 863-0
Mine protected vehicles, vehicles Fax: 49-681 9705 863-1
protections, Mobil D: 49-171 7613 467
Access control – Alarms, Barriers, E-mail: [email protected]
Ramps, Gates, Doors. Web Site:
Civil defence, Emergency & Response –
Dry Storage, Passive Ballistic Protection, Areas of activity
Protected structures (Blast & Ballistic). OSG Transparent Armor is a world
Explosives Ordnance & bomb Disposal leading fabricator of transparent armor,
(EOD – C – IED) – blast protection, for 30 years now, providing protective
ballistic protection – Shields Suites, glass to military and civilian customers
boots. Blast Resistant containers. worldwide.
Personal Gear – ballistic shields, OSG unique product line consists:
Helmets & Helmets mounted accessories, - Ballistic-resistant glass up to the highest
Personal protection Vests, Textile
products. threat levels , both flat and curved
Consulting & Advisors. - Blast resistant glass (FSP), both flat and

See page: 177 curved
- Forced entry-resistant glass (FE), both

flat and curved
- Heating elements (wire, grid, coating)
- Communications Attenuation of

electromagnetic emissions
- Special coatings
- Aluminum or steel frames
Based on decades of extensive field
experience, OSG R&D , engineering and
production departments is constantly
developing unique, innovated product line
that answer the highest threat levels, often
offer most thinnest and lightest solution
per threat. From our three state-of-the-art
production facilities, we supply cost-
effective and reliable transparent armor
solutions for armies and security services
all around the world.

See page: 153

Indices Companies 489

En Harod Ihud 1896000, Israel TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 41 HaMeyasdim St.,
Tel: 972-4-6530700 68 Amal St., P.O.Box 6006
Fax: 972-4-6531904 Petah-Tikva 4951368, Israel Even Yehuda 4051113, Israel
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-3-9215720 Mobile: 972-544-335197
Web Site: Fax: 972-3-9215434 Fax: 972-9-8911298
C.E.O: Mr. Dov Brav E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
V.P. Defense Business: Mr. Gal Schwartz Web Site: Web Site:
Marketing and Bus. Dev.: C.E.O: Mr. Roei Itshakov V.P Business Development:
Mr. Reuben Fuchs C.M.O: Mr. Etl Har-Chen Mr. Moshe Haim
Number of employees: 100 C.T.O: Mr. Idan Itshakov Number of employees: 9
Date established: 1953 Number of employees: 30 Date established: 2011
Ownership: Kibbutz En Harod Ihud Date established: 1996 Ownership: Private
Ownership: Private
Areas of activity Areas of activity
PALBAM specializes in advanced metal Areas of activity PICSIX LTD. Designs, produces and sells
work manufacturing technologies. Ari-Phantom Technologies provides a a variety of unique solutions for
Missiles components: Canisters, variety of jamming solutions for all RF interception and counter-interception. Our
Launchers and High Pressure Vessels for based communications applications such solutions include:
missiles. as Cellular, Wi-Fi , tactical - Advance features Man In The Middle
Armored vehicle solutions: PALBAM communications and satellite phones.
supply fuel systems solutions both for The company develops and manufactures Systems for GSM and UMTS
new or upgraded tank or wheeled armor its systems in all sizes and in multiple - IMSI Catchers including DF capabilities
vehicle. configurations – from low power to - Smallest form-factor largest capacity
Aero Magnesium: PALBAM, through its extreme high power jammers, for
subsidiary Aero Magnesium, developed stationary, man pack, vehicular/convoy PASSIVE INTERCEPTION SYSTEMS
the world's most professional solution protection and complete compound area in the market facilitating 10s to hundreds
provider for Mg production of integrated coverage. The company offers both off of channels per system
aerospace UAV or future infantry parts. the shelf solutions and customized - Integrated solutions combining Passive
products to meet special client and Active Interception as well as
See pages: 64, 156 requirements. jamming and selective jamming.
The company's line of products includes - Counter Interception measures detecting
also internally developed digital receivers a blocking of-the-air interception
used for conditioned jamming systems, systems.
counter surveillance systems and SIGINT
applications. See page: 330

See page: 229

490 Indices Companies

PLASAN POLYCART Areas of activity
Kibbutz Sasa TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Treatment & Disposal of dangerous
M.P.Merom Hagalil 1387000, Israel P.O.Box 8 war remnants and other Explosive
Tel: 972-4-6809000 Shlomi 2283201, Israel Obstacles.
Fax: 972-4-6809001 Tel: 972-4-9858088 - Consulting ,Planning ,Management and
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-4-9858084
Website: E-mail: [email protected] Supervision of Humanitarian Mine
Number of employees: 700 Web Site: Clearance Operations.
Date established: 1985 C.E.O: Mr. Menahem Grinshpan - Disposal of all Explosive (EOD, IEOD's
Ownership: Kibbutz Sasa Number of employees: 30 and UXO) circumstances.
Date established: 1997 - Cleaning of "Contaminated Arenas".
Areas of activity Ownership: Private - Planning , Designing & Manufacturing
Plasan provides customized survivability of Training Aids, Models and Mockups.
and armor solutions for tactical wheeled Areas of activity - Assistance & Support in / of all
vehicles, aircraft and personal protection. Polycart Technologies LTD. specializes Ammunition Tests / Experiments.
A recognized global leader and industry in the design and manufacturing of - Mine & Explosives Detection Dogs
veteran, Plasan's survivability solutions various tailor made military and HLS Services.
offer the optimal combination of applications. The company offers wide Integrated Defense Technologies
protection, weight and cost by combining range of solutions to suit our customer’s Solutions.
in-house R&D, design, prototyping and specific requirements, including the - Traffic ability problem solutions .
manufacturing capabilities. designs of new models, or modifying and - Special infrastructure operations .
Land Systems improving existing models.Products range - Permanent disposal services for
- Military tactical vehicles (Light and covers areas like protective cases, anti- Government offices (consulting
riots shields, shooting targets, rescue planning & implementation)
medium) systems,weapon projects all under one - Documents identify recognition systems.
- APCs roof. - Consulting ,Tests ,Supply& Laboratory
- Commercial vehicles services of Safety systems for all land
Personal Protection See page: 158 Transportation / Vehicles ( Air bags ,
- Personal protection armor plates Belts )
- Ergonomic plate carriers Quadro Crisis Solutions / Emergency
- Modular light personal armor equipment Preparations.
Projects & Technologies Ltd. Homeland Security:
carrier systems 33 Yahadut Canada St., (Kaplan) - Integrated security systems for country
- Portable ballistic shields Or Yehuda 6037533, Israel Border lines and borders, boundaries
Airborne Armor Tel: 972-3-9413010 and crossing points.
- Fixed and rotary wing airborne Mobile: 972-50-8818886 - Detection and Identification of
Fax: 972-3-9410743 Explosives and Narcotics :Detection of
platforms E-mail: [email protected] Smuggling operations.
Web Site: - Planning ,conducting & supervision of
See page: 157 President & C.E.O: Mr. Pini Dagan all national and local emergency
E.O.D: Mr. Moshe Chaky exercises.
Number of employees: 12 Safety , Q.A [Quality Assurance] &
Date of established: 2000 Risk Analysis Services.
Ownership: Private Quadro are conducted under the
following standards:
ISO 9001:2008 - # 45248
ISO 14001:2004 - # 45247
OHSAS 18001:2007 - # 44794

See pages: 222, 223, 224, 225

Indices Companies 491

LTD. P.O.Box 2250 P.O.Box 668
7 Giborei Israel Blvd., Haifa 3102102, Israel Kiryat Shmona 1101502, Israel
P.O.Box 8606 Tel: 972-4-8794714 Tel: 972-4-6940072
Netanya 4250407, Israel Fax: 972-4-8794657 Fax: 972-4-6949782
Tel: 972-9-8921111 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 972-9-8855885 President: VADM (Ret.) Yedidia Yaari Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected] Executive V.P Business development & Plant Manager: Mr. Haim Segev
Web Site: Marketing: Mr. Oron Oriol Chief of Engineering:
President: Mr. Herzle Bodinger Number of employees: 7,000 Mr. Eliezer Zanovich
C.E.O.: Mr. Zvika Alon Date established: 1948 Number of employees: 100
Chief Business Development Officer: Ownership: Government of Israel (Since Date established: 1971
Mr. Dubi Sella 2002) Ownership: Koor Metals Ltd.
Number of employees: 105
Date established: 1970 Areas of activity Areas of activity
Ownership: Public company – Traded on Rafael designs, develops, manufactures - Portable environmental shelters per U.S.
NASDAQ (RADA) and supplies a wide range of advanced
defense systems. These leading edge specifications and NATO standards.
Areas of activity products include naval, air and ground - Production of high tension electric
RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. is a precision weapons, electro-optic systems,
Defense Electronics System House electronic warfare (EW) systems, C4I and towers.
specializing in advanced electronic unmanned systems, acoustic defense - Metal works, infrastructure and
systems for airborne and land systems, armored protection, breaching
applications. munitions and space technologies. construction projects.
RADA’s product lines include:
- Tactical Land Radars See pages: 28, 29, 36, 37, 54, 55, 65, 66, See page: 189
- Inertial Navigation Systems 67, 78, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 94,
- Avionics Systems and Upgrades 95, 105, 108, 114, 115, 116, RESHEF TECHNOLOGIES LTD.
RADA offers advanced Pulse-Doppler, 117, 120, 121, 142, 143, 144, 7 Haplada St.,
multi-mission, AESA radars for tactical 145, 160, 161, 164, 165, 174, P.O.Box 5035
applications. The company's INS 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, Or-Yehuda 6055001, Israel
solutions provide best value solutions for 184, 185, 186, 190, 191, 192, Tel: 972-3-5388604
aerial and land tactical vehicles. RADA is 193, 194, 195, 203, 204, 205, Fax: 972-3-5339223
a leading provider in the field of airborne 206, 212, 213, 214, 215, 237, E-mail: [email protected]
video and data recorders, and complete 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, Web Site:
avionic upgrade suits for combat and ISR 244, 245, 246, 261, 262, 290, Managing Director: Mr. Shlomo Manoach
aircraft. 315, 316, 317, 332, 333, 334, Plant Manager: Mr. Eitan Shemesh
335, 348, 349, 356, 357 R&D Manager: Mr. Ehud Lahav
See pages: 26, 56, 163, 378 Bus. Dev. Manager: Mr. Uri Woldiger
Number of employees: 80
Date established: 1984
Ownership: Aryt Industries Ltd.

Areas of activity
Reshef manufactures the most
sophisticated Electronic Fuzes for ground
forces units:
- Proximity, Time and Point Detonating

(PD) fuzes for Mortar bombs, Artillery
projectiles and Artillery Rockets.
- Time / Distance fuzes and Anti
Personnel Anti Material fuzing system
(APAM) for Tanks rounds.

See page: 207

492 Indices Companies

11 Gazit St., ROTEM Industrial Park, 10 Nahal Snir St.,
Peth Tikva 4927991, Israel D.N. Arava P.O.Box 9046 Yavne 8122447, Israel
Tel: 972-2-5862468, 972-52-2862428 Beer-Sheva 8419001, Israel Tel: 972-8-6433616
Fax: 972-2-5713241 Tel: 972-8-6564779 Fax: 972-8-6433607
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-8-6555984 E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: Web Site: Web Site:
General Manager: President: Mr. Dan Peer General Manager: Mr. Rami Shmueli
Mr. Yitshak Zuckerman Director, Defense Technologies: Number of employees: 25
Operation Manager: Mr. Moshe Shalev Col. (Res.) Mr. Dino Zeev Date established: 1996
Administration Manager: Number of employees: 170 Ownership: Private
Mrs. Yael Greiner Date established: 1980
Number of employees: 5 Ownership: Government of Israel Areas of activity
Date established: 1997 RT Ltd., is a world – class designer,
Ownership: private Areas of activity developer and manufacturer of the
- Radiation monitoring meters and SkyStar™ aerostat family proven for use
Areas of activity in intelligence, surveillance
- Aircraft modification: systems for HLS, NPP's, Environmental, ,reconnaissance, and communication
Nuclear Medicine & Cyclotron applications.
- Night vision capabilities applications. Users active in prevent-prepare-respond-
- Airborne armament systems - Crystal growth and fabrication, mainly recover settings requiring continuous and
- Armor protection sapphire domes and windows. compact aerial support are a natural fit for
- Systems installation and integration - Engineering & Computational Skystar™ products.
- Law enforcement systems Mechanics Center- system development, RT Ltd., delivers self-contained, versatile,
- Services: mechanical design, advanced numerical easily transportable, cost- effective
- Aircraft squadron establishment simulations and experiments. tactical system comprised of a mobile
- Establish customer's own maintenance - Green Energy Technological Center - control station, ground system module,
renewable energy test-field , seed project tether, lighter-than-air platform, stabilized
capabilities investment mechanism and R&D payload platform, and sophisticated
- Maintenance at customer's location Industrial Services. sensor suite. SkyStar™ systems are easy
- Consultants - Health & Safety- Import, export, to operate, rapidly deployed and
- Engineering marketing, development and distribution customized for a range of operating
- Production of safety products conditions worldwide in various military
- Pilot training and civilian missions.
- Products: See page: 368 Currently, systems are deployed in
- 2.75" Rocket Launchers countries such as Afghanistan, Israel,
- Spare parts production Mexico, Thailand, Canada, Africa and
See pages: 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43

Unmanned Aerial ISR and target
acquisition, Border and coastal security,
Crisis and emergency management, Law
enforcement and public safety, Search and
Rescue, Communication relay,
Offshore/Onshore business continuity
recovery, Event traffic/crowd control, VIP
protection, Environmental measurement.

See page: 264

Indices Companies 493

TECHNOLOGY LTD. Development & Manufacturer Ltd. P.O.Box 600
P.O.Box 4298 Special Operations Equipment - Industrial Park
Rosh-Ha’Ayin 4856156, Israel Explosive Entry Yokneam 2069207, Israel
Tel: 972-3-9382804 19 Harel St., Tel: 972-4-9935527
Fax: 972-3-9383702 Ashkelon 7864919, Israel Fax: 972-4-9935894
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-54-7886261 E-mail: [email protected]
C.E.O: Mr. David Reshef Web Site:
Operation & Administration 972-52-3843758 President & C.E.O: Mr. Jacob Dagan
Director: Mrs. Hadassa Reshef Fax: 972-8-6780986 V.P R&D: Mr. Avi Katz
Number of employees: 10 E-mail: [email protected] Number of employees: 26
Date established: 1999 Web Site: Date established: 2001
Ownership: David Reshef Ownership: private
Areas of activity
Areas of activity The SANSOLO Security Consulting, Areas of activity
RVTT (Reshef Visual Thermal Development & Manufacturer Ltd. Senso-Optics is a leader in R&D, design,
Technology) developed the “Visual Company is an Israeli company that production & delivery of innovative
Reality™” training concept and based on specializes in Security Consulting, thermal imaging technologies and
it, the Multi Spectral Technology (MST). Explosives, Demolition, Combat advanced electro-optical solutions for
Using MST in training enables all MST Pyrotechnics & new products military, law enforcement, search &
passive signatures: NVG, Thermal, Radar, development (Patent Protected). rescue, homeland security and
Laser etc. MST is used for targets Main products / services: commercial markets.
(realistic picture with 3D effect), Products Senso-Optics offers a wide range of
battlefield constructions, live fire MST - Custom design development. State-of-the-Art thermal sensing, visual
targets, recognition & marking MST - Defensive/Offensive demolition information & targeting solutions,
products. products and systems for day, night and
All RVTT MST solutions work without products. low visibility missions.
power supply and yet function day & - Variety of combat pyrotechnics products Senso-Optics is committed to be at the
night. Quick deployment and cost forefront of thermal Imaging technology
effective make the MST green products & development. such as the world first Thermal Camera-
very attractive for the modern forces. - Specializes in unique tactical marking on-Chip (ASIC).
Making armies training simple and
innovative is our goal! products. See page: 365
In use by the I.D.F. Consulting Specialist
- Bomb disposal expert.
See page: 258 - Writing procedures, guidelines and

safety instructions.
- Security & Special units consultant.
Training Specialist
- Courses on various aspects of

- Training on working methods for

defensive and offensive demolition.

See page: 221

494 Indices Companies

2 Hayetzira St,. INDUSTRIES LTD. P.O.Box 36637
New Industrial Park Yokneam Head Office: Tel Aviv 6136601, Israel
P.O.Box 621 2 Kaplan St., 10th Floor 41 Nachmani St.,
Yokneam 2069207, Israel Tel-Aviv 6473403, Israel Tel Aviv 6777603
Tel: 972-4-9894444 Tel: 972-3-6957191 Tel: 972-3-5604135
Fax: 972-4-9894446 Fax: 972-3-6957980 Fax: 972-3-5602179
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: Web Site: Web Site:
President & C.E.O: Mr. Israel Kasher Plant: President & C.E.O: Mr. Dov Cohen
V.P Sales & Marketing: 35/2 Israel Pollak Rd., Executive V.P: Mr. Jacob Baron
Mr. Gadi Bar-Ner Kiryat Gat 8202501, Israel Director, Head of Marketing & Business
V.P R&D: Mr. Uri Adar Tel: 972-8-6879111 Development: Mr. Nir Baram
Number of employees: 25 Fax: 972-8-6811115 Number of employees: 75
Date established: 1996 General Manager: Mr. Michael Barel Date established: 1980
Ownership: private Marketing Manager: Mr. Itai Barel Ownership: Private
QA Manager: Mr. Ken Samet
Areas of activity Number of employees: 210 Areas of activity
Seraphim Optronics Ltd., specializes in Date established: 1968 S.G.D Engineering Ltd. is a leading
electro-optical systems for covert Ownership: private provider of Airborne Mission Solutions.
surveillance in defense, military, Over the past 30 years the company has
paramilitary and civilians markets. Areas of activity successfully completed more than 140
Our products: MUGI - Mini Unattended Shalon Chemical Industries Ltd. is projects worldwide. S.G.D's vast
Ground Imager & Chameleon both internationally recognized as a leading experience allows it to deliver tailored
provide Real time digital video company specializing in the manufacture solutions for most stringent customer
communication and day/night covert and design of personal and collective requirements, needs and expectations, on
surveillance @ long duration missions. NBC protective equipment for the a variety of aircraft platforms. Among
military and civilian markets. The S.G.D's customers are governments,
Applications: company’s impressive record of leading aerospace industries and airborne
- Intelligence gathering innovations and achievements in systems providers.
- Special Operation respiratory protection is the result of Our main product lines:
- Border control applied state-of-the-art technology - Airborne Pods - from development to
- Force Protection together with a firm commitment to
- Forward Observer creative design and high quality. serial production. Our pods are generally
- Home land security Production is effected in a high-volume, deployed with ECS, wire harnesses,
- Law & drug enforcement extensively equipped, vertically integrated power management and power
- Securing strategic infrastructures (ports, manufacturing plant with research generation systems and sensors such as
laboratories employing the latest high- Recce Cameras, SAR, ELINT, etc.
nuclear sites, power plant, etc.) tech methods, and with comprehensive - Special Mission Aircraft - Upgrades
- Military operation in urban terrain quality control systems enhanced by and modernizations of special mission
application of Total Quality. aircraft and installations of airborne
(Chameleon) sensors and systems such as Recce
- Incrimination & apprehension of suspect See pages: 175, 410, 411, 412, 413 Cameras, SAR, ELINT, EW Jammers,
CMDS etc.
See page: 27
See page: 347

Indices Companies 495

International Defense Cooperation SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD. 37 Arbel St.,
Hakirya Tel-Aviv 6473424, Israel 3 Ma'ale Ha-Migdal St., Kohav-Yair 4486400, Israel
Tel: 972-3-6975585, 6977906 P.O.Box 761 Mobile: 972-57-7629393
Fax: 972-3-6976359 Or-Yehuda 6025603, Israel Office: 972-54-4629393
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 972-3-6326666 Fax: 972-77-9112393
Web Site: Fax: 972-3-6326099 E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Brig. Gen. (Res.) Shmaya Avieli E-mail: [email protected]
Principal Deputy Director: Web Site: [email protected]
Mr. Itamar Graff President & C.E.O: Mr. Amos Golan Web Site:
Deputy Director & Head of Defense Number of employees: 25 C.E.O: Mr. Tal Skornik
Inventory Marketing & Sales: Date established: 1995 Director of the Training Department:
Mr. Shlomo Alon Ownership: Mr. Amos Golan Mrs. Moran Skornik
Secretary: Ruth Bar-Ad
Areas of activity Areas of activity Number of employees: 33
SIBAT, the Israel MOD International An experienced, knowledgeable and Date established: 2008
Defense Cooperation agency is uniquely dynamic Israeli firm with an extensive Ownership: Private
positioned as an essential division within track record of various security and
the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD), defense-related projects worldwide, Areas of activity
while having a close, ongoing relationship offering a complete range of consulting, Skornik Tal Ltd. is a worldwide provider
with the defense industry. This planning, product development, system of Homeland Security, Counter-terrorism,
combination ensures SIBAT to maintain analysis, licensed weapon manufacturer operational training solutions and
in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of the for Assault Pistol Rifles and sniper's marketing of military equipment.
defense world’s relevant concepts, as well rifles, weapon system upgrading, Our main department is "Clear-Zone" that
as a clear understanding of the Israel equipment sales, training and instruction is operated by Tal Skornik.
Defense Forces' (IDF) operational needs. services. Clear-Zone is staffed with veterans of
Owner and staff are uniquely qualified Israeli Elite Military and Police Units.
SIBAT facilitates international and have impressive personal records. We will provide these services across the
cooperation through its various services. globe at the highest level of discretion and
- Generating Government–to-Government See pages: 255, 440, 441 confidentiality.

agreements See page: 442
- Initiating official foreign delegations
- Identifying industrial cooperation with

the Israeli defense industry
- Pinpointing the relevant technological

solutions for specific requirements
- Establishing of joint ventures
- Conducting advanced training seminars
- Managing the sales of IDF inventory
- Providing in-depth information on

Israel’s defense industry through
biennial directory and national pavilions

See pages: 128, 129, 130, 382, 383, 384,
385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390,
391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396,
397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402,
403, 454

496 Indices Companies

19 Yad Harutzim St., 11 Shoncino St., 12 Harei Efraim St.,
P.O.Box 8628 Tel-Aviv 6721611, Israel Or Akiva 3060000, Israel
Netanya 4250506, Israel Tel: 972-3-5622333 Tel: 972-77-3012063
Tel: 972-9-8658370\1 Mobile: 972-50-6659993 Fax: 972-77-3012064
Fax: 972-9-8658373 Fax: 972-3-5622345 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Web Site: Web Site: C.O - C.E.O: Mr. Yossi Zur
General Manager: Mr. Ron Klein General Manager: Mr. Yehuda Gescheit C.O - C.E.O: Mr. Sagi Unger
Vice President: Mr. Nir Klein Head of NBC Division: Mr. Golan Gilad President: Dr. Shalom Zilbershmidt
Number of employees: 70 Number of employees: 250 Date established: 2010
Date established: 1989 Date established: 1956 Ownership: Private
Ownership: shamrock Israel Ownership: Private
Growth fund, Adi Nir & Ruth Nir Areas of activity
Areas of activity SYS Technologies Ltd. uses extensive
Areas of activity Specialization in CBRN protective field knowledge and experience, as well
Main activities: equipment. Manufacture of high quality as cutting-edge production methods, to
A primary manufacturer and supplier of rubber, plastic and sealing products for develop, produce and distribute
Communication Headsets to the Israeli civilian, military and Industrial breakthrough products in the field of
Defense Forces. applications. clean air technology in order to provide
As well as a provider to US Special R & D and engineering department medical teams with handy tools and
Forces, Military, Police and Security support a wide range of standard and improve the quality of medical treatment
forces worldwide. custom made rubber and plastic products for patients and casualties.
As such, SOS has acquired considerable for highly diverse industrial and
expertise in combat proven automotive applications. See page: 406
communication in harsh conditions. - Rubber technologies: Injection
Reliable and proven communication in molding; Compression molding;
ruthless conditions. Extrusion: Die-cutling.
In Ear noise reduction headsets - Plastic technologies; Heat; H.F and U.S
Clear - Smart Tactical in-ear headset sealing; injection molding
system designed for infantry Military Certified to ISO 9000:2008, QS9000
heavy vehicles crew, Artillery etc.
Submersible See pages: 414, 415, 416, 417
20m waterproof for maritime operations.
Unconventional, innovative
communication in Special conditions,
VIP guards and miniaturized Secret
hidden communication.

See page: 308

Indices Companies 497

P.O.Box 1011 Southern Industrial Zone 5th Ma'avar Yabok St.,
Afula Elite 1855010, Israel P.O.Box 19 Tel Aviv 6744007, Israel
Alon Tavor Ind. Zone 6 Hacharoshet St., Tel: 972-3-6914564
Tel: 972-4-6408400 Migdal Haemek 2310001, Israel Fax: 972-3-6914567
Fax: 972-4-6408401 Tel: 972-4-6546735 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 972-4-6546738 Web Site:
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] C.E.O: Mr. Tomer Avnon
Owner: Mr. Eli Tayar Web Site: V.P Sales: Mr. Aviad Matza
Project Manager: Mrs. Zelevich Ornit President: Mr. Moshe Mazor Number of employees: 12
Number of employees: 60 C.E.O: Mr. Ronen Mazor Date established: 1990
Date established: 1982 Number of employees: 50 Ownership: Private
Ownership: Private Date established: 1988
Ownership: Private Corporation Areas of activity
Areas of activity - Military & Police Equipment and
Tal and Hadas. A privately owned Areas of activity
Company established in 1982. We Manufacturer of Turnkey Systems, Training
provide real time solutions according to Subsystems, Kits and Assemblies - Counter & Anti Terror
customers' specific requirements. From Production for Wheeled or Tracked - Riot & Crowd Control
the design of systems through Vehicles Prototypes, Low Series, Full - K9: Attack, Drugs / Explosive
development and testing to the Production.
manufacture of end products. Detection, Search & Rescue
We design, manufacture and market for TECHNOLOGY - CBRN Protective Gear & Detection
vehicle, railway, truck and military METALWORK
industries. Our engineering department - Multi-processes in-house Devices
provides top-standard quality design, RUBBER VULCANIZATION - EOD/IED
using error proof manufacturing methods. - Bonding of rubber and metal - Bulletproof & Ballistic Protection
Tal & Hadas Ltd. works in compliance - Rubber molding - Professional Consulting
with the TS16949 and ISO 9001 - HLS
standards. The company holds PRODUCTION - Perimeter Security
international patents on many exclusive - Traversing Machine Gun Mount - Intelligence
and innovative products, which have both
military and civilian applications. Systems See pages: 159, 247
Our unique designs and over 25 years of - Armored Hatches and Mechanisms
experience with both military and - Fuel Tanks and Water Tanks
transportation industries, allows us to - Equipment Compartments, External,
supply customers with systems, "tailored"
according to their requirements. Internal
Our key costumers include: GM, VW, - Structural Kits
Siemens, IDF, General Dynamics. - Wheels, Solid Rubber
- Track Shoe Parts and Track Assemblies
See page: 146 - Track Tension Adjusters
- Sprockets and Carriers
- Supporting Road Arms
- Hydraulic Bumpers
- Brake Systems

- U.S. Army TACOM

(Tank- Automotive and Armaments
Command) QSL-01, QSL-03, QSL-04
- NATO AQAP 2110
- ISO 9001:2008
- European and American Welding
Certifications and Compliance

See pages: 147, 148, 149

498 Indices Companies

International Ltd. 4 Faran St., P.O.Box 183
P.O.Box 72 P.O.Box 159 Yokneam 2069203, Israel
Hod Ha'Sharon 4510001, Israel Yavne 8110101, Israel Tel: 972-4-9937537
Tel: 972-9-7462518 Tel: 972-8-9438408 Fax: 972-4-9935546
Fax: 972-9-7462519 Fax: 972-8-9438390 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Web Site: Web Site: General Manager: Mr. Tal Dekel
Managing Director: C.E.O: Mrs. Tami Shimoni Commercial Manager:
Mr. Donald C.A Watson Number of employees: 90 Mr. Tomer Margalit
Operations Manager: Mrs. Yael Hurvitz Date established: 1973 Number of employees: 75
Head of R & D: Mr. Dan Ben-Ari Ownership: Gal- Shvav Group Date established: 1952
Number of employees: 6 Ownership: Private
Date established: 1992 Areas of Activity:
Ownership: Private Development and manufacturing of Areas of activity
Lenses for Thermal Imaging, TGL is leader in research, design,
Areas of activity for LWIR, MWIR and Multispectral development and production of
TCI-Technical Consultants International (combinations between SWIR, MWIR suspension and rubberized components
Ltd. designs and manufactures and LWIR) suitable for Cooled and such as armored vehicles road wheels,
sophisticated Night Vision Systems and Uncooled Thermal Imaging Detectors. sprocket wheels, track shoes and a vast
other electro-optical products for the In-house complex Optical, Mechanical variety of suspension components,
Military and Law Enforcement sectors Electronic Design and Manufacturing of polyurethane and rubber products.
around the world. Infrared Assemblies, in addition and Offering high quality and dependable
Surface and Underwater Systems for adaptations for customer's requirements. products, TGL is certified
observation or weapons applications. Specialization in High Precision Off-The- ISO-9001:2000. Scope: design and
Maritime Systems for observation & Shelf and Custom Built, continuous and manufacture for military and civilian
photography. discrete zoom lenses. purposes.
Infrared Markers, Laser Co-ordinators for TGL is a foremost supplier to major
above and below water. See page: 366 international customers including the U.S.
Day-Night CCTV systems for use in Army, NATO countries and the Israel
aircraft hijacking, coastal monitoring or Defense Forces.
covert anti-terrorist applications.
TCI also manufactures a lightweight See page: 152
Sniper Rifle for anti-terrorist operations
and promotes Hostage Rescue

See page: 350

Indices Companies 499

10 Heshvan St., 10 Amsterdam St., 25 Hathia St.,
Kiryat-Gat 8202366 Sderot 8714401 Israel Holon 5840245, Israel
P.O.Box 1312 Tel: 972-8-6496192 Tel: 972-3-9335469/6
Kiryat-Gat 8211202, Israel Fax: 972-8-6483494 Fax: 972-3-9339327
Tel: 972-72-2500690 Mobile: 972-54-4957184 Cell: 972-52-2686334
Fax: 972-72-2500691 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Web Site:
Web Site: C.E.O: Mr. Doron Labock C.E.O: Mr. Nir Shental
C.E.O: Mr. Avi Peer Number of employees: 7 Director Business Development:
Number of employees: 12 Date established: 2012 Mr. Amos Baruchin
Date established: 2003 Ownership: Private Number of employees: 12
Ownership: Private Date established: 1996
Areas of activity Ownership: Private
Areas of activity TOP CAR has developed the most
Thermal Beacon Ltd. is a leading advanced car armoring technologies. Areas of activity
company developing and producing TOP CAR is a company with the most Top I Vision Ltd. develops and
high-end innovative thermal IFF advanced know-how and experience in manufactures tactical high-performance
(Identification Friend or Foe) armoring of passengers cars with High- surveillance systems for customers
emitters and high power visible and Tech and Light Weight composite armor throughout the world.
infrared laser illuminators materials, (more protection and In an age of rapid and dynamic event,
and aimers. survivability) and supplies all where intelligence is vital, Top I Vision
international markets. provides the ability to detect, gather,
See page: 367 TOP CAR has unique knowledge and process, analyze and effectively react in
experience on international standards real time.
(USA, Europe and Israel) including Top I Vision major business activities
extensive knowledge in producing includes:
materials to get the best ballistic solution. - Unmanned air vehicle (UAV) systems
- Tactical Aerostat system (TAS)
See page: 211 - C4I systems
- Electro-optic systems and products
- Technology spin-offs for commercial

Our objective is to combine excellence
and cost effectiveness with outstanding
service and customer support, to deliver
high quality turnkey solutions and to
improve our Customer's technological and
operational capabilities within limited

See page: 291

500 Indices Companies

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