North East ENglaNd,
lEadiNg thE way
iN offshorE wiNd
Cluster Capabilities
Delivered by
aN iNtroductioN from JamEs ritchiE, chair of ENErgi coast
The North East of England
has been instrumental in the development of the o shore wind industry since its inception and has developed a diverse cluster of innovative, technology-led suppliers that continue to be at the forefront of the industry.
This cluster is represented by Energi Coast, which champions North East England’s innovative and collaborative supply chain companies operating in the o shore wind sector.
Founded in 2011 by business development experts, NOF, Energi Coast was initially a steering group made up of 18 supply chain companies. It successfully demonstrated to the UK and international market the progression and diversi cation of the region’s supply chain, highlighting the capabilities and expertise that exists in North East England.
Since creating the rst o shore wind farm o the coast of Blyth in 2000, the North East supply chain has evolved through the development of innovative and e cient products and services, which have been applied to multiple
UK and international o shore
wind farms.
subsea services. It also has extensive port facilities and enviable infrastructure attracting interest from key players around the world keen to set up business in the UK.
Energi Coast has also evolved alongside
the industry, most notably following the announcement of the UK government’s O shore Wind Deal. It has undergone a major reconstitution as part of its role working with the O shore Wind Growth Partnership to support the sector deal’s targets of establishing regional clusters across the UK and developing supply chain opportunities in the region.
The 35-strong cluster, which is managed and delivered by NOF, now consists of developers, ports, supply chain, skills & academia, innovation & research organisations and the two local enterprise partnerships.
The group works to showcase the region’s vast supply chain capabilities and expertise promoting the region as a key hub for servicing both the UK and international o shore wind markets.
It is important to note that Energi Coast does not only support the activities of companies involved in the cluster industry group. It is a champion of all o shore wind supply chain companies in the region, for example Smulders, Maersk Training, Engie Fabricom, AV Dawson, Global Marine
Group, Lionweld Kennedy, and EEW OSB, which along with many others, make a signi cant
contribution to the o shore wind industry.
This abundance of expertise across the region demonstrates the cluster can and will continue to have a positive role in the
development and ongoing operations and maintenance of UK and
As a result, it has become
a mature, well developed
cluster able to deliver
the majority of what is
required for an o shore
wind farm, both at design, construction and O&M
phase. This expertise ranges from large fabrications, cables, installation, training and specialist
international wind farms.
James Ritchie
Chair of Energi Coast Chief Executive of Tekmar Group plc
ENErgi coast clustEr facts
• 40% of total turnover from the cluster is o shore wind related
• 10% growth in o shore wind related turnover expected
• 85% of the cluster expect to see their exports in o shore wind increase
• Over 3000 people are employed by the cluster, with 2500 based in the North East of England.
• Another 1200 jobs are to be created with a threefold increase in apprentices and a twofold increase in graduates.
• Over £160m has been invested in the o shore wind industry by the cluster in facilities, equipment, skills and innovation
• Main export markets for the cluster include Taiwan, Netherlands, USA, Belgium, China, Germany and Denmark.
• O shore Wind seen as key growth area by all businesses in the cluster
• Future focus areas
• Sharing of knowledge across sectors
• Technology transfer
• Floating wind
• Development of key infrastructure
• Growing a globally competitive supply chain
• Improved collaboration across the supply chain
• Skills development
• Using decommissioned oil & gas assets for O shore Wind
• Additional nance for investment in equipment and facilities
• Increasing UK content
wind farms off the coast of North East England
Blyth O shore Wind Farm
(decommissioned) Capacity 4MW
Teesside Wind Farm
EDF Renewables (operational) Capacity 62 MW
Blyth O shore Demonstrator Wind Farm
EDF Renewables
(operational) Capacity 41.5 MW
Dogger Bank Wind Farms
(Creyke Beck A and B, and Teesside A) SSE & Equinor
(under development) Total Capacity 3600 MW
• Teesside A
SSE & Equinor
(under development) Capacity 1200MW
• Creyke Beck A
SSE & Equinor
(under development) Capacity 1200MW
• Creyke Beck B
SSE & Equinor
(under development) Capacity 1200MW
So a O shore Wind Farm
(formerly known as Dogger Bank Teesside B) innogy
(under development) Capacity 1400 MW
JoaNNE lENg mBE, dEputy chiEf ExEcutivE Nof
We are entering an exciting new chapter in the story of o shore wind and the North East of England is well-placed to play a signi cant part.
Following the UK government’s announcement of the o shore wind sector deal, the industry is increasing its momentum.
Most signi cantly the government’s awarding of Contracts for Di erence (CfD), gave the go ahead to six o shore wind projects including four o the North East of England coast; So a and Dogger Bank (Creyke A, Creyke B and Teesside A).
This marked a major step forward for the UK o shore wind industry, presenting tangible opportunities for UK suppliers, including those in the North East of England cluster, which have the experience and expertise to support the delivery and operation of these new developments.
Within weeks of the CfD awards, the joint venture developers of the Dogger Banks Wind Farms, SSE and Equinor, unveiled GE Renewable Energy as its preferred turbine supplier paving the way for its 12MW Haliade-X wind turbine to be installed at Creyke A, Creyke B and Teesside A.
It was a clear signal of intent from the Dogger Bank Wind Farms developers to get o the mark quickly, which should continue throughout the
lifespan of the project.
All of these developments will have an important impact on UK o shore wind, which is already a global leader, while also o ering bene ts to other
emerging markets around the world that are looking to the UK to support the development of their supply chains and o shore wind developments.
The North East of England has been at the heart of the o shore wind sector since its inception and has nurtured a well-developed and advanced cluster of supply chain companies that have been instrumental in providing technologies, skills, products and services to wind farm developments both in UK waters and in locations around the world.
NOF, as the energy sector’s business development experts, has worked exceptionally closely with companies that have diversi ed into the sector
as well as those that have been established to speci cally support o shore wind, supporting their development to further bolstering the North East of England’s integrated and diverse supply chain cluster.
This led to NOF creating Energi Coast in 2011, which itself has subsequently matured into a dynamic industry group that has a key role to play in driving forward the ambitions of the O shore Wind Sector Deal. The group also promotes the support available for suppliers to develop further to meet future technology requirements through the O shore Wind Growth Partnership.
The game changing innovation that businesses from our cluster continue to bring to the industry
will enable developers to deliver sustainable o shore wind generation
and ensure this amazing sector is at the forefront of decarbonising
the UK energy system.
Joanne Leng MBE,
Deputy Chair, Energi Coast & Deputy Chief Executive NOF
thE offshorE wiNd growth partNErship, dEvElopiNg thE supply chaiN
Milestone deal puts UK o shore sector in prime position to capitalise on growing global markets
The O shore Wind Sector Deal is a major milestone in the drive to ensure that the
full potential of this vital industry is realised through an increased manufacturing base and maximising the huge export opportunities.
The strengthening of the partnership between government and the sector is testament to the substantial contribution that o shore wind power already makes to the economic fabric of the UK.
The sector is renowned for creating highly skilled, well-paid jobs across the country, with more
than 430,000 people employed in low carbon businesses and their supply chains with 7,300 directly working on o shore wind projects.
Forecasts predict that o shore wind will contribute more than £40 billion worth of infrastructure spending in the next decade.
During this timescale, there also will be a huge expansion of o shore wind projects across
the globe and this deal positions the UK at the forefront to capitalise on this fast-growing market.
The landmark agreement will generate tens of thousands of highly skilled jobs and attract billions of pounds in investment to the UK.
It further propels the UK’s o shore wind capabilities on to the world stage with the aim of developing the country’s supply chain capabilities to secure more global exports.
The deal is underpinned by an industry investment of up to £250 million, which includes the establishment of the O shore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP), to help maintain the UK’s position as a world leader in the sector.
The OWGP’s main mission is to support productivity and increase competitiveness.
The ground-breaking deal also places the o shore wind sector and low carbon, a ordable and reliable electricity systems of the future, at the heart of the UK’s Industrial Strategy.
The cash injection will also be used to develop the UK’s supply chain, increase productivity, drive innovation and create more highly skilled jobs.
In addition, the cornerstones of the deal include:
• Growing the UK content in homegrown o shore wind projects to 60% by 2030.
• Boost exports vefold to £2.6bn by 2030.
• Aiming to achieve 30GW of o shore wind by 2030, providing about a third
of Britain’s electricity.
• Increasing the representation of women in the o shore wind workforce to at least a third by 2030.
The deal will help provide long-term certainty for this business arena and ensure that companies specialising in wind power innovations will win work throughout the world.
thE offshorE wiNd growth partNErship
The O shore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) is the driving force behind ambitions to maximise the bene ts of the UK’s world leading position in the o shore wind sector.
The OWGP has been established under the auspices of the O shore Wind Sector Deal, and delivered by ORE Catapult, highlighting the strengthening of the UK government’s relationship with this key sector.
During the next ten years, the OWGP will spearhead initiatives to help deliver increased productivity and competitiveness to further enhance the UK’s contribution to o shore wind projects in both domestic and global markets.
A national programme, it will promote greater collaboration, encourage innovation and research and development, help attract new entrants into the sector and help existing companies to grow.
Regional clusters, homing in on North East England, North West England and Wales, North of Scotland, Forth and Tay, the Humber, East Anglia, the Solent and The South West, developed as part of the O shore Wind Sector Deal, will form an important part of the Partnership’s engagement with the supply chain. In North East England the sector is represented by the Energi Coast cluster.
Its wide-ranging brief comprises four main components that are split into developer-led and OWGP-led activities.
Collaboration for Growth:
Delivered by developers, the focus will be on forging closer relationships with existing and potential supply chain companies with the aim of increasing competitiveness in UK projects and creating a better supply chain regarding developer requirements.
Business Competitiveness:
OWGP will provide a raft of support, including a structured business improvement programme, to help companies access delivery partners.
The aim is to help UK companies’ operational e ciency to enable them to expand in UK and global markets.
It will involve engagement with regional development agencies and the geographical business clusters to make sure that its strategies are in addition to and complement existing support programmes.
This strand of the OWGP’s aims will enable small- scale trials of new operational processes to keep the UK at the cutting edge of the sector.
Building New Capacity:
The emphasis will be on attracting new entrants into the industry supply chain. It will involve helping create signi cant opportunities for companies with the relevant capabilities to increase the breadth and depth of the UK supply chain.
The sectors that are expected to be able to make a substantial contribution include oil and gas, aerospace, automotive, and energy systems.
Supply Chain Futures:
Central to the long-term sustainability of rms involved in the UK supply chain will be the development of next generation technologies to meet the evolving needs of the global o shore wind sector.
This will encompass identifying areas for potential growth and the technical, product and skills innovations that will be required as well
as challenges and opportunities speci c to UK companies.
North East ENglaNd offshorE wiNd, opEN for BusiNEss
iNvEst North East ENglaNd
Invest North East England is the rst point of contact for companies looking to invest or locate in
North East England. Covering the counties of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and Durham, we help investors and businesses identify and understand the opportunities and optimum locations available in our region.
Our connected and knowledgeable team will guide you through the information, support and advice that is available for businesses looking to locate in North East England.
With access to the largest wind development sites in the North Sea - Dogger Bank, Hornsea, Firth of Forth - and over 400 hectares of riverside development land, it’s no surprise more and more o shore wind businesses are choosing to base themselves in North East England.
The region has capitalised on its strategic geographical position, the strength of its existing supply chain and fabulous infrastructure to become a global player in the o shore wind sector, attracting interest and investment from companies all over the world.
Boasting three major ports - Port of Tyne, Port of Sunderland, Port of Blyth – and 7km of quay next to deep water, major international companies including Siemens Energy, EDF Renewables, Tekmar, Smulders Projects UK, SMD and Royal IHC all call the region home.
North East England is unique in that it has all the skills, technology, sites and experienced supply chain to support every area of the o shore wind industry.
o shore wind components - such as foundations, transition pieces, cables - installing and commissioning new wind farms, and o ering a whole host of operations and maintenance (O&M) functions.
The region’s proud industrial heritage and ve
world class universities mean it has access to a talented pool of highly skilled engineers. The Wind Turbine Technical Training Centre at Port of Blyth and Newcastle College’s Energy Academy are two examples of how North East England is investing in skills to ensure businesses working in the o shore wind sector have access to trained sta both now and in the future. North East England also has one of the lowest labour turnover rates in the UK meaning companies retain experienced and quali ed sta .
Another of the region’s key selling points is its commitment to R&D and innovation across the sector. The UK’s agship technology innovation and research centre for advancing wind, wave and tidal energy - The O shore Renewable Energy Catapult
– is based in Blyth on the Northumberland coast. A world-class R&D and testing facility for the industry’s largest turbines and blades, ORE Catapult brings together industry and academia to drive innovation.
Its work is supported by the £7m Tyne Subsea: National Centre for Subsea and O shore Energy in Wallsend, North Tyneside, another world-class engineering research facility and the rst of its kind in the UK.
Invest North East England works in partnership with the region’s seven local authorities to help businesses locate in North East England. Focusing on the region’s sector strengths - including o shore wind - it helps businesses access UK Government,
support agencies, sector specialists, universities, colleges, knowledge networks, nance
streams and business organisations so they can locate, grow and prosper in the
For more information, visit
This includes key capabilities in manufacturing
Guy Currey
Director, Invest North East England
iNvEst tEEs vallEy
Invest Tees Valley makes investing in Tees Valley easy.
Its experienced business investment team provides information, advice and support to enable businesses to make the best decisions.
Part of Tees Valley Combined Authority, Invest Tees Valley o ers access to funding streams to support capital investment and our network includes strong connections with UK Government, cluster and innovation specialists, as well as skills development within our local universities and colleges.
As Government’s commitment to green energy continues to deepen, the UK further transitions to a low-carbon economy and the o shore wind sector grows, the Tees Valley is uniquely placed to take advantage of the opportunities this will bring.
We’re already a UK leader for businesses operating in the o shore sector with one of the most complete supply chains for o shore wind in the UK. Our combination of port and deep water assets, skilled workers, proximity to the North Sea and access to some of the world’s largest wind projects makes us the perfect investment location.
The South Tees Development Corporation is the single biggest development opportunity in the
UK. This 4,500-acre area of prime land right on the River Tees is six times the size of the City of London. With a rm focus on clean energy and the circular
economy, o shore wind will play a massive role in its success.
The River Tees itself has the deepest port
Ben Houcham
facilities on England’s East Coast, and one of the largest exporting ports in the UK. Nine deep water sites and operational assets are positioned along ten miles of the Tees, close to a wealth of world- class engineering talent in our highly skilled and motivated workforce at companies such as Wilton Engineering and O shore Structures Britain.
We’re also one of only six locations across England that bene ts from UK Government CORE status, namely a Centre for O shore Renewable Engineering in recognition of our excellent infrastructure and underpinning supply chain.
Now that we have brought our regional airport, Teesside International, back into public ownership, we can ensure it serves businesses just as well
as people. It is perfectly positioned for o shore projects, being well-served by daily connections
to Aberdeen, the Highlands & Islands, as well as Scandinavia. I have also revealed plans for an airport heliport, supporting the Dogger Bank windfarm project, 80 miles o the coast of Redcar.
On top of this, the Tees Valley is now at the front of the queue and ahead of the game to get a free port post-Brexit, which has the potential to turbocharge our regional economy. Inward investment
could ourish as we become free of barriers to trade including red tape and customs and trade regulations.
From Dogger Bank to Triton Knoll, local companies are winning huge contracts to capitalise on the o shore wind revolution. We have the businesses, we have the infrastructure, we have the talent and we’re ready to deliver: Tees Valley is open for business.
Tees Valley Mayor
North East ENglaNd ports
RO RO Berths
port of Blyth
Key Facilities
• Direct access to open sea no air draft restrictions
• Vessels up to 220m x 50m
• Fully secure ISPS terminals
• Container Terminal100 hectares of development land
• Rail connections
Km of quayside
1.5 km
Sq ft of warehousing
720,000 sq ft
RO RO Berths
Km of quayside
5.4 km
port of tyNE
Key Facilities
• Central to North East O shore Energy Supply Chain Cluster
• Multiple fabrication facilities with heavy load out quays
• Largest commercial dry-dock on the East coast of England
• Direct metro rail between Newcastle Airport and Port facilities
• Daily Newcastle – Amsterdam freight and passenger ferry
Sq ft of warehousing
1,409,000 sq ft
port of suNdErlaNd
Key Facilities
• Over 2.5 acres of heavy duty concrete storage
• Only lockable dock in North East England
• Heavy lift cranage
• Rail-connected
• Ro – Ro berth on river
Sq ft of warehousing
200,000 sq ft
Km of quayside
2.5 km
pd ports -
Key Facilities
• Lock-free access to the North Sea
• Private Rail Freight Sidings
Km of quayside
1 km +
Sq ft of warehousing
500,000 sq ft +
RO RO Berths
RO RO Berths
pd ports - tEEsport
Eight portside facilities Key Facilities
• Numerous high bay fabrication halls with heavy lift cranage
• Blasting and coating facilities
• Deepest berths on the east coast of England
• Heavy load-out quays
• Rail-connected
Km of • quayside
8.5 km
Lock-free access to the North Sea
Sq ft of warehousing
1,000,000 sq ft
Deep water quays (up to -15CD)
c.600m of heavy load capacity (40t/m2)
126 acres at 10t/m2
aBlE uK
sEatoN port
Key Facilities
• c. 600m of heavy load capacity (40t/m2) deep water quays (up to -15mCD)
• 126 acres at 10t/m2
• 9,000m2 of fabrication/warehouse space
• Provided the installation base for the Hornsea One foundation package (2018)
• Will provide the installation base for the Triton Knoll turbine package (2020/21)
aBlE uK middlEsBrough port
Key Facilities
• c. 500m of operational quays (up to -7m CD)
• 36.3 acres
• 9,900m2 of fabrication/ warehouse space
• Adjacent to Middlesbrough town centre
c.500m of operational quays (up to -7m CD)
36.3 acres
aBlE uK
south tEEs (iN dEvElopmENt)
Key Facilities
• c. 950m of heavy load capacity (25t/m2) deep water quays (up to -15mCD)
• 220 acres at 25t/m2
• Will provide an initial two adjacent installation bases
• A bespoke facility to serve the needs of the o shore wind sector
Deep water quays (up to -15m CD)
c.950m of heavy load capacity (25t/m2)
i l NE Nt ’ os vt a a tl i Ko N iNNtohvEaNtoiorNth East ENglaNd offshorE wiNd clustEr
2019 has undoubtedly been a signi cant year for UK o shore wind, with major opportunities for the sector moving forward.
Two recent events in Blyth are perhaps illustrative of the progress the industry has made over the last 20 years: the decommissioning of the UK’s rst o shore wind turbines, two 2MW turbines installed in 2000, shortly followed by the arrival of the world’s largest o shore wind turbine blade to our test facilities, an impressive 107m long, to be installed on GE’s 12MW Haliade-X turbine.
That both took place in the North East is further evidence of the region’s pioneering spirit. It is unsurprising that the O shore Wind Sector Deal, approved in March, recognises the North East as one of the of the most strategically important regions of the UK to help deliver 30GW of o shore wind capacity by 2030.
To achieve this, leading universities, innovators, technical expertise and a strong supply chain combine to provide a healthy ecosystem which will attract inward investment and support economic growth. In the North East, we have all
of the necessary constituents and it is imperative that we come together as a region to take full advantage of the opportunity before us.
Despite huge progress in recent years, it is premature to assume that we have yet reached the end of the cost-reduction journey. Turbines are getting bigger, smarter and operating in harsher conditions further o shore, meaning human-free operation and predictive maintenance are some of the biggest drivers
in cost reduction. This presents huge market opportunities in areas such as data, robotics, autonomous systems and arti cial intelligence. ORE Catapult’s mission is to create UK economic growth by providing the right environment to foster innovation. Our unique test facilities and in-house technical expertise play a pivotal role in bringing new technology to market in the shortest possible time.
We see an emphasis from industry and government on regional clustering through initiatives such as the industry-funded O shore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP), a key output from the Sector Deal, investing millions of pounds to develop stronger regional UK supply chains. For the North East, Energi Coast is the ideal vehicle to achieve our ambition.
Tony Quinn
Test & Validation Director, O shore Renewable Energy Catapult
e Wind ClusterNorth EastNEonrgtlhanEads’stNOEon rgstlhaonErades’sWt OEin dgslhaConlurdes’tsWeOrin dshColurestWerind
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n Supply Chain
Supply Chain
Innovation, Research & Academia
rise Local Enterprise Partnerships
Energi Coast delivered by
Innovation, Research & Academia
Local Enterprise Partnership
Energi Coast Energi Coast Energ
delivered by
delivered by
Halfdan Brustad
Telephone number:
+47 51 990000
Web address:
Equinor is a global energy company committed to long term value creation in a low carbon future inspired by its vision of shaping the future of energy. It has been active in the UK for over 40 years and today employs over 500 people across the country. It is the largest supplier of crude oil and natural gas to the UK, with its gas supplies meeting more than 25% of UK demand.
Equinor operates three o shore wind farms in the UK: Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon
o the north Norfolk coast, and Hywind Scotland o the coast of Peterhead. Together
they supply electricity to 650,000 UK homes. Hywind Scotland is the world’s rst oating o shore wind park and is partnered with Batwind, the world’s rst battery for o shore wind.
Together with its partner SSE, Equinor is co-developing three further wind projects at Dogger Bank. Each project will have a capacity of up to 1.2 GW, enough to power 1.5 million homes.
In addition, Equinor is a partner in the Arkona o shore wind farm in Germany and is developing o shore wind farms in New
York State, USA, and Poland.
Equinor is also growing its upstream oil and gas portfolio in the UK with the Mariner oil eld, one of the largest upstream investments in the UK in the last 10 years, starting production in August 2019 and creating 700 long-term jobs onshore and o shore.
SSE Renewables is the leading renewable energy company across
the UK and Ireland, with a portfolio of around 4GW of onshore wind, o shore wind and hydro. Part of the FTSE-listed SSE plc, its strategy is to drive the transition to a zero-carbon future through the world class development, construction and operation of renewable energy assets.
SSE Renewables’ o shore wind portfolio consists of over 580MW across three o shore sites, two of which it operates on behalf of its joint venture partners: Greater Gabbard O shore Wind Farm Limited and Beatrice O shore Wind Farm Limited. We have the largest consented o shore wind development pipeline in waters around Great Britain and Ireland, totalling 3.3GW.
Beatrice – the fourth largest o shore wind farm in the world – was completed in July
2019, following 10 years of development and construction. Situated 13km o the coast of Caithness in the North Sea, it will generate enough green energy to power 450,000 homes every year.
Greater Gabbard O shore Wind Farm, o the coast of Su olk, was the largest o shore wind farm in the world when it was completed in 2012. The project can provide enough energy to power 360,000 homes.
SSE Renewables has the largest o shore wind development pipeline in the UK and Ireland at over 7GW. This includes Dogger Bank Wind Farms, the largest o shore wind
farm in the world, Seagreen Wind Energy, the largest o shore wind farm in Scotland and Phase II of
Arklow Bank Wind Park, one of the largest o shore wind farms in Ireland, in addition to the Greater Gabbard Extension.
SSE Renewables
David Hinshelwood
Telephone number:
+44 (0)141 2247248
Web address:
innogy develops, constructs and operates renewable energy projects in the UK and worldwide, building a sustainable global energy future. It is one of the UK’s leading energy companies with 2000 megawatts (MW) of renewables in operation across its technologies, and 1000MW under construction.
innogy is establishing an important regional presence in the North East, with two major o shore wind farm projects well underway. These projects will add to its existing o shore eet including Gwynt y Mor (576MW) and Rhyl Flats (90MW) located o the coast of North Wales and Galloper (353MW), o the Su olk coast.
Now under construction, the 857MW Triton Knoll O shore Wind Farm is located approximately 20 miles o the Lincolnshire coast and has already become a catalyst for new investment at
its construction base in Seaton Port, Teesside. Triton Knoll will be followed in the region by the 1400MW So a O shore Wind Farm, sited 165 kilometres o shore on Dogger Bank and with a grid connection in Lackenby, Teesside.
So a represents an anticipated investment of between £3 and £4 billion and will o er signi cant economic opportunities for the North East. Once operational, it would generate enough green energy each year to
meet the needs of more than 1.2 million UK households.
innogy is committed to successfully completing Triton Knoll, delivering So a and to maximising the supply chain
bene ts for the UK. In the North East innogy, through these projects, is working hard to utilise the region’s
capabilities and support economic growth while also providing a reliable, cost-e ective green energy resource.
So a O shore Wind Farm: a
Triton Knoll O shore Wind Farm:
Able UK’s Able Seaton Port (ASP), Hartlepool, has recently completed (January 2019) the provision of the installation base for the foundation package for Ørsted’s 1,200MW Hornsea One o shore wind farm.
Of equal signi cance is the fact that (from September 2020) ASP will provide the installation base for the turbine package for Innogy’s 860MW Triton Knoll o shore wind farm with, notably, Mitsubishi Vestas O shore Wind (MVOW) as the turbine supplier.
ABLE has pioneered (as evidenced by the two contracts referred to above) an innovative business model that meets the needs of the o shore wind sector. To this end, ABLE provides a xed lump sum price for both the use of the facility and the provision (by Able) of the onshore logistics required by the project.
By combining its appetite for growth, capacity and resource to invest, market position, contacts and its experience and track record, ABLE is working with the South Tees Development Corporation and is set to develop Able South Tees as a bespoke facility to serve the needs of the o shore wind sector. The c. £200m rst phase of development will provide c. 950m of heavy load capacity (25t/m2) deep water quays (up to -15mCD); 220 acres of land and two adjacent installation bases. In the medium term the aspiration is to extend the land and quay areas and attract a sustainable manufacturing cluster. This would put Teesside at the
heart of the o shore wind sector, signi cantly increase (much needed) UK content and provide new opportunities for local businesses.
innogy Renewables UK
David Few
comms_so [email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)330 1229670
Web address:
Able UK
Neil Etherington
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1642 806080
Web address:
PD Ports
Keith Russell
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44(0) 1642 877000
Web address:
Across our UK facilities we’re supporting the growing market for o shore wind energy.
Sitting amongst a hub of o shore activity on the River Tees, the ports of Teesport and Hartlepool o er direct access to the UK’s o shore wind market, situated in close proximity to some of the world’s largest proposed and active projects.
Our facilities in the Tees Valley support activity and allow future projects to take advantage of the area’s rich expertise. Our locations can become key operations and maintenance bases for wind farms once construction has taken place. At Hartlepool, EDF Energy currently use our port to service the Teesside O shore Wind Farm, providing easy access and monitoring of the site.
As the Statutory Harbour Authority for Tees and Hartlepool, we have also supported the transfer of foundation components for the Burbo Bank extension and Hornsea One o shore wind farms. We also o er the mobilisation of jack up vessels for MPI O shore, Fred Olsen Wind, GeoSea and Swire Paci c.
Our Hartlepool site was also used for the build-up and installation of over 500,000 tonnes of concrete coated pipes for the Ormen Lange pipeline.
A number of companies are already taking advantage of our sites, with o shore-related businesses such
as JDR Cables and Heerema Fabrication Group operating substantial manufacturing facilities
directly on the port estate.
PD Ports is well equipped to undertake all types of renewable energy projects with suitable infrastructure and an experienced and safety- conscious team surrounded by a hub of o shore activity to complement any project.
Port of Blyth is a modern trust port and a leading UK o shore energy support base with over 1.5km of quayside and 10 deep water berths able to accommodate vessels up to 220m with 10m draft.
O ering mobilisation/de-mobilisation project support for global projects in the o shore renewables sector, Blyth also boasts permanent O&M facilities and rapid response cable repair capability for major OEMs and developers.
The port o ers a exible and cost e ective central east coast location, is home to a number of market leading subsea installation companies and has supported major o shore wind installations including the Blyth o shore wind farm, Rampion and East Anglia projects.
To support the growth of the o shore wind market, a £30m investment is underway
to develop an additional 100 hectares of quayside land to accommodate large scale manufacturing, mobilisation and storage which will position Blyth as a key strategic hub to service projects o the UK’s east coast.
The port boasts an extensive o shore engineering and heavy lift supply chain covering design, fabrication, testing and internal logistics all located on site, adding signi cant value to any project however complex.
Port Training Services – the port’s award winning training arm – o ers a wide range of o shore energy speci c training programmes including a dedicated engineering apprenticeship for the subsea and o shore
renewables market with access to a wide ranging asset base on site including WTGs, ploughs, trenchers, vessels and heavy lift equipment.
Port of Blyth
Andy Williamson
andy.williamson @porto
Telephone number:
+44 (0)1670 357009
Web address:
www. porto
Ideally positioned on the North East coast, Port of Sunderland
o ers immediate access to open sea and the North Sea wind farm developments. With deep water berths open 24/7 and large ship capability, the port can play a major role in supporting the o shore and renewable energy sector, as well as providing comprehensive port operations services and potential for operations and maintenance activities.
Sunderland is already growing its reputation as a destination for o shore renewable energy and subsea engineering businesses and provides a niche service to companies that can support the ongoing demands of the o shore wind sector.
With heavy involvement in supporting a number of renewable energy projects, including multiple vessel port calls and the storage of assets within the port prior to their deployment in the eld, the port continues to garner a reputation for being ready and able to commit to
projects that require planning and control over longer periods of time.
Port of Sunderland is one of the major economic regeneration sites in the North East and has brown eld development sites with
premises and land available on attractive lease terms. Two of these sites have Enterprise Zone status which will focus on
providing excellent facilities for the o shore renewables and subsea manufacturing sectors, as well as a base for
companies that can utilise the marine facilities of the port.
A skilled and exible workforce and proximity to major transport links such as Newcastle International and Teesside International Airports, the A1(M) and
A19 make the port an ideal location for undertaking crew changes and vessel mobilisations.
The Port of Tyne is a major deep-sea port located on the East Coast, o ering a comprehensive portfolio of major sites ready for development, access to the energy cluster of world-leading organisations, skills and technology, making it one of Europe’s outstanding destinations for those operating in the o shore energy sector.
The port can enable you to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the world’s largest o shore wind market. Its geographical location at the centre of over 12 GW of windfarms makes it ideally placed to support both the initial development and ongoing maintenance of o shore elds.
The deep water quays are situated 4km from the open sea with no height or air draft restrictions and can accommodate heavy lift vessels, jack-ups and all purpose-built wind farm installation vessels.
The port o ers unrivalled access with direct sea connections to ve continents across the world and is one of only a handful with a direct rail connection to an international airport, with regular services to Heathrow, Aberdeen, Europe, Heathrow and the Nordic regions.
The port has an established track record of supporting o shore development both through it’s own berths and the wider River Tyne
cluster. From the record breaking 175,000 GT Bonga FPSO, the Blyth Gravity Based Windfarm and Beatrice jacket load out, the port has the facilities and experience to support your
Port of Sunderland
Matthew Hunt
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 0191 553 2100
Web address:
Port of Tyne
Simon Brett
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 4552671
Web address:
A&P Group
Emma Harrick
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 4308600
Web address:
AIS Training
Geo Croft
geo [email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 330 202 0668
Web address:
A&P Group has a long-standing and well-earned reputation for delivering highly complex steel fabrication projects and marine services. A&P Group operates four facilities across the UK and we pride ourselves on our collaborative approach.
A&P’s Tyneside operation is fast becoming a centre of excellence for renewable energy fabrication. The facility includes a 17,500 sqm fabrication hall with a 6,750 sqm assembly area, four specialist workshops, a high bay area and an experienced team of naval architects, designers and specialist fabricators. Direct load-out capabilities into the North Sea further strengthens our o er and makes us well placed to serve UK o shore wind farms.
We can e ciently deliver large-scale projects and understand the challenges associated with delivering o shore infrastructure. We work in partnership as an extension of our clients’ teams and add real value; helping to drive the o shore wind industry towards a subsidy-free future.
A&P’s ongoing commitment to the sector is also re ected in our approach to training the next generation of engineers through our apprentice scheme, which
will continue to grow as new renewable projects
impact the local job market and enable skills to be passed on to generations to come.
Recent projects include the fabrication of six pontoons for Galloper Wind Farm, extensive fabrication, dockings and repairs for two of
Rever O shore’s diving support vessels as well
as a 17-day major mobilisation of o shore support vessel Normand Oceanic.
AIS Training – the UK’s largest wind trainer
This year’s Global Wind Organisation’s (GWO) Annual Report con rms AIS Training’s leading position as the UK’s largest wind training provider and third biggest worldwide.
One in ve of the world’s wind trainees now choose to train at AIS Training’s state-of-the- art renewable energy training centre in Newcastle, which includes specialised facilities recreating the conditions on an o shore wind turbine. These world-class facilities also include a £2.5m o shore survival pool where wind delegates train for boat transfers.
As well as all the GWO mandatory training courses, AIS Training delivers a wide range of specialist wind training such as GWO Enhanced First Aid, Advanced Rescue Training, Basic Technical Training (BTT) and Blade Repair. It also designs and delivers bespoke onsite wind training for clients around the world.
Part of the 3T Energy Group, AIS Training’s outstanding expertise was recently recognised by the GWO, when it was selected from a pool of UK training providers to provide insight into the development of GWO’s new Enhanced First Aid (EFA) course to reduce the number of preventable injuries and deaths in the wind
Charlie Guthrie, marketing manager at 3T Energy Group said: “We are proud to maintain our leading position
and continue our commitment to delivering a
highly skilled, competent workforce for the global
wind industry helping it ourish now and into the future. Our gures re ect the overall rise in wind trainees with the number of wind courses booked with AIS Training up 40% from 2016.”
Barrier Limited was formed in 1975 to carry out painting of structures to be installed as part of the growing North Sea oil industry at that time.
In much more recent times and subsequent to the demise of new build oil and gas projects within the UK, the natural progression for us as a business was to become involved in coating of structures associated with the developing wind industry. This transition for us was quite seamless as the crossover of paint speci cations and application methods are very similar.
We have carried out both onshore and o shore projects in this sector. The onshore work involved providing various trades including sca olders, painters, rigging personnel and general labourers to assist in the fabrication of both the Beatrice and Aberdeen Bay wind projects. These were a series of jackets constructed on Tyneside. In addition to this we carried out 2 consecutive coating campaigns on the London Array Sub-stations in the southern North Sea. This involved mobilising a team of operatives to the onshore base
at Ramsgate. From there the men were transported each day to the workface on the platforms, where we carried out remedial works
both on deck and underside using rope access personnel.
At this point in time we are again assisting with the supply of various labour categories for the jacket
fabrication for the Moray East Project and transition piece fabrication for the Triton Knoll project. These are currently under construction in the North East
and will be complete some time in 2020.
The global o shore geoscience and geotechnical engineering consultancy. We provide geotechnical, geophysical, geospatial and engineering consultancy services to global o shore energy and marine infrastructure industries.
We’ve built our business on hard work, respect for each other and by holding ourselves to the highest standards in everything we do. We’re now the largest consultancy of our type, o ering a full, integrated range of ’seabed and below’ solutions delivered by an approachable, experienced team from key locations around the world.
Sustainable energy sources are a critical part of the energy mix. We have been engaged in o shore renewable energy generation since the earliest years of the industry. We are one of the industry leaders and have worked with major developers and EPIC contractors. Our focus, particularly given the cost pressures on o shore renewables, is to o er real value gain and substantially reduce risk through proactive, structured planning and management.
As renewable energy projects require many more individual installations than oil and gas, small e ciencies can result in huge overall project savings. This is where we can help clients gain
e ciencies throughout the project life cycle, from performing real-time pile design o shore, guiding borehole completion depth to leveraging
our R&D knowledge for improving soil-structure interaction understanding.
Our o shore wind project track record now runs to over 45GW globally, throughout the project lifecycle. From
an ubiquitous presence in Europe, we now work on several projects in key developing markets around the
Barrier Limited
Paul Harriman
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 191 262 0510
Web address:
Gareth Ellery
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 2696920
Web address:
Pierre Boyde
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1325 390500
Web address:
DeepOcean is a UK based, globally recognised provider of subsea cable lay and trenching solutions for international o shore energy markets.
We are innovative, adaptive and focused on the safe and timely completion of cable projects from concept through to maintenance after completion. We deploy extensive o shore know-how, a exible vessel eet and di erentiated subsea trenching vehicles to execute cable projects in a range of water depths and challenging seabed conditions.
Our experience to date includes the installation and trenching of thousands of kilometres of array, export and bundled HVDC cable on major o shore energy projects, including; East Anglia One, Hornsea Project One, Race Bank, Walney Extension, Bligh Bank Phase 2 and NEMO HVDC Link.
We continue to build on this track record throughout 2019 having secured our rst oating wind project in Portugal and cable replacement works in the Fundy Isles, Canada. Additionally, DeepOcean’s cable maintenance and repair business, RECONNECT, has grown from strength to strength with the award of multiple array and export cable frame agreements with UK and European developers.
DeepOcean utilise the Maersk Connector, one of the industry’s leading cable installation vessels for HVAC and bundled HVDC power cable. The DP2 vessel operates in shallow and deep-water and can
ground for beach operations. We also own and operate the world’s largest and most capable eet of subsea trenching vehicles, including
the T3200, the industry’s only proven hard ground trencher. We perform in-house route engineering, lay analysis and burial assessments. We make informed decisions on the best technical solution and accurately predict project performance.
GE O shore Wind, a GE Renewable Energy business, is headquartered in Nantes, France, has more than 600 employees in the world (with main o ces in France, Spain, Germany, China, UK and the US).
GE O shore Wind is the only o shore wind turbine supplier to have projects in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Today we are currently working on the assembly of the 80 Haliade 150-6MW units that will power the rst o shore wind farm in France, while performing the testing of our recently installed Haliade-X 12 MW prototype unit in Rotterdam. Once Type Certi cate will be obtained (mid-2020), GE Renewable Energy will be ready to
begin serial production to deliver the rst Haliade-X 12 MW units to the recently awarded projects of Skip Jack (120MW) and Ocean Wind (1’100MW) in the US, and Dogger Bank (3’600MW) in the UK.
The Haliade-X 12 MW is a multi million dollar investment that is contributing to reduce the cost of o shore wind energy by making it more competitive. One Haliade-X 12 MW turbine can generate up to 67 GWh* of gross annual energy production, providing enough clean energy to power 16,000* European households and save up to 42,000 metric tons of CO2, which is the equivalent of the emissions generated by 9,000 vehicles** in one year.
* Based on wind conditions on a typical German North Sea site. ** According to EPA Greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator
GE Renewable Energy
Paul Deaton
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+33 2 4962 3837
Web address:
JDR was formed in the early 1990s when two of the most respected names in the industry, Jacques Cable Systems (UK) and De Regt
Special Cable (Holland) merged. JDR has since been supplying subsea production umbilicals, subsea power cables and Intervention Workover Control Systems to the global energy industry. In August 2017, JDR was acquired by TFKable Group, a leading producer of wires and cables, with major production facilities in Europe and global sales o ces.
JDR won their rst o shore wind contract in 2006 – supplying two cables for the Beatrice Demonstrator project, and since that time have led the way in the development of inter- array cable design and manufacture, creating comprehensive product systems for some of the world’s largest o shore renewable energy projects. Examples are Greater Gabbard and London Array wind farms in the UK, the Meerwind wind farm in Germany and Aberdeen Bay and Beatrice in Scotland.
In 2009, JDR opened their manufacturing facility in Hartlepool, and following substantial investment in 2016, is now one of the most advanced
cable and subsea umbilical manufacturing facilities in the world.
Today, JDR’s successes just keep coming – in March 2019 the company was contracted by Vattenfall to design
and manufacture over 170 kilometres of aluminium core inter-array cables for the Danish Kriegers
Flak, Denmark’s largest o shore wind farm, and most recently, secured a contract for Belgium’s largest o shore wind farm – the SeaMade project which will see the design and manufacture of 78.1 kilometres of aluminium core inter-array cables and
a range of cable accessories, including repair joints and connectors.
LV Shipping and Transport have been in operation for over 100 years and during this time they have grown into a strong customer focused global organisation. They now have 31 o ces around the world, 11
in the UK, 10 of which are located on the East Coast with the largest number strategically placed in the North East. These locations heavily support the activities around the o shore wind developments. Their strategic locations give an unrivalled o ering to both developers involved in o shore wind and the supply chain.
More recent o shore wind work has seen LV involved with developers and the supply chain on projects such as Sherringham Shoal, Dudgeon, Borwin3, Elia and the Rampion projects. These projects have also allowed LV to demonstrate their core o ering of transport and logistics to these clients and move their goods to and from all four corners of the world to a project location.
Having large laydown areas in the North East and signi cant warehousing gives LV the capability of handling all project equipment. The services would include, de-vanning, container loading, repacking and all onward transport requirements.
Other aspects of support on o er for the sector include customs clearance, vessel mobilisation and demobilisation, vessel chartering, plant hire, general procurement and crew
transfer assistance.
LV shipping and Transport are a huge asset to the North East and part of the success story in why
the North East has quickly built a reputation of excellence in this sector.
JDR Cable Systems Ltd
Marc Bell
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1429 851890
Web address:
LV Shipping and Transport
Matthew Ord
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)1642 440744
Web address:
MGL Cable Services Limited
Geo Briggs
geo [email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 191 383 9900
Web address:
Nigel Ward
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44(0) 1325 387480
Web address:
Part of the MGL Group of companies which includes MGL Demolition, Rainton Construction, Tynedale Roadstone, Tynedale Reclamation, MGL Earthworks, Ravensworth Property Developments and MGL Training Services. The group operates from its headquarters in Durham and has been since its incorporation in 1972.
MGL Cable Services management system is accredited to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 as well as holding British Safety Council membership and signed the Armed Forces Covenant achieving the Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award.
Speci c expertise includes high voltage cable jointing, terminations and testing up to 400kv, bre optic cable splicing and testing, project management, project support, technical documentation drafting, client witnessing and quality representation, senior authorised persons, cable fat testing and specialist engineering consultancy.
Our activity in the past 12 months has included:
• High voltage technicians to support an ongoing maintenance program for an o shore wind farm in the netherlands.
• High voltage cable termination and testing on a belgian o shore windfarm.
• High voltage cable termination and testing on a german o shore windfarm.
• High voltage cable jointing on subsea export cable for a dutch o shore windfarm.
• Fibre optic termination and testing on a uk o shore windfarm.
• Consultancy support for document creation.
• Quality assurance representation for a developer over a range of european o shore windfarms.
• Specialist consultancy to r&d project.
• Project management of high voltage and bre optic termination & testing.
Modus is a specialist global provider of modular subsea vehicles and managed services for inspection, intervention, trenching, UXO inspection/removal, survey and construction support, delivering life-of- eld support to the OWF sector.
Since the company’s inception in 2008, Modus has provided services on a multitude of OWF projects, both in the construction and O&M phases. Providing a comprehensive range of modular, remote and autonomous vehicles. Modus has the experience and technological vision to provide subsea solutions that can assist in the industry’s drive towards lowering the levelised cost of energy for o shore wind operators.
Modus is the rst company to successfully own and operate Hybrid Autonomous Underwater Vehicle technology (HAUV). Driving safe, cost e ective and quality delivery of survey/inspection tasks. The modular nature of this system has allowed for innovative launch and recovery methodologies, taking advantage of existing platforms operating at an OWF site.
Operating the HAUV from an o shore support vessel or walk-to-work (SOV) already assigned to the project allows for simultaneous operations, without the requirement to mobilise additional vessels/equipment/crew for both planned and unplanned inspection & survey campaigns. During the OWF O&M phase, the vehicle
will be CTV launch capable, ensuring costs are kept to a minimum. This leads on to fully resident AUV systems based o shore, a technology already demonstrated by Modus. The move could reduce £1.1billion from the operating cost of Europe’s o shore wind farms and would be a world- rst in the sector.
Modus recently expanded its eet of Hybrid AUV’s further and is investing heavily in integrating AI technology into these systems to further optimise the o shore wind applications.
MPI O shore is the industry’s most experienced partner in delivering o shore wind and marine projects
We furnish all-round solutions, including engineering, procurement, and construction in the full value chain of o shore wind and adjacent marine construction activities. Being
a part of Van Oord, and our experience of well over 15 years, we focus our activities from o shore wind installation, including balance of plant (BoP), to maintenance activities to decommissioning.
With our own o shore wind installation vessels MPI Resolution and MPI Adventure and Aeolus, our heavy-lift installation vessel Svanen, our cable-laying vessel Nexus and our powerful trencher Dig-It, MPI O shore aim to work closely with our clients, working safely and with respect for one another and the environment. Working together proactively on safety is a natural part of that.
MPI O shore
David Tate
Telephone number:
+44 (0)1642 769512
Web address:
Osbit is an o shore technology company with an extensive global track record for the development of cutting-edge equipment in the o shore energy market.
The company designs, builds and delivers quality, cost-e ective systems for some of the largest energy companies in the world and has a strong presence in the international o shore wind market, where its technologies have supported the sector’s strategy of improving productivity and reducing operational costs.
From its headquarters and assembly facility in Northumberland, Osbit’s experienced designers and engineers continue to deliver creative and e ective solutions.
Working exceptionally closely with its customers, Osbit ensures its bespoke systems meet and exceed project requirements and industry standards.
Osbit’s solutions, which include o shore access systems, quadrant handling systems, foundation installation equipment, and subsea trenching vehicles, have supported o shore wind farm developments such as Race Bank and Walney 3&4 in UK waters as well as Fukushima and Binhai 2 in the Asia-Paci c region.
Among its most recent projects, is the design and build of a market-leading multi- function pre-lay and back ll subsea plough for Global Marine Group.
In collaboration with Global Marine Group and its rst client for the plough, Vattenfall, Osbit delivered PLP240 to meet an
accelerated and demanding schedule, driven by customer need. The plough will help reduce the cost of o shore wind installation, combining operations to decrease
the time required to install subsea cables.
Brendon Hayward
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44(0) 1434 682 505
Web address:
Osprey Shipping Ltd
Will Stephenson
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 191 250 3144
Web address:
RelyOn Nutec
Caroline Wilbourne
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+ 44 (0) 8444 142142
Web address:
Osprey have transported every major component of an o shore
wind farm. We specialise in turnkey logistics packages to support construction projects and aim to provide the correct asset and experience combination to reduce project risk. Whether this is delivery to eld, delivery to installation vessel or even supporting component handling, our experiences and equipment base enables the job to
be completed safely, on time. Osprey operate a marine eet focused on component deliveries and heavy lift equipment eet for onshore component handling. Furthermore, our cable logistics arm of the business uses our own 5500te carousel alongside additional assets to support small and large cable transportation and storage projects.
Osprey pioneered elements of o shore component handling including being the rst operator to transport turbine towers vertically o shore, completed on the Gun eet Sands project. In addition to transportation, Osprey also o er
marshalling services. With our unique blend of marine,
onshore and heavy lift we are well suited to supporting component marshalling and managing delivery of onshore components to the installation vessel. Additionally, our Port Agency arm supports vessel activities both here in the North East Rivers and further beyond.
Osprey are a proud member of the Energi-
Coast steering committee and are committed to pushing o shore wind in the North East region. We have had an o ce in the North East for twenty years and have worked on major wind projects on the Tees, the Tyne and in the Port of Blyth.
Formerly known as Falck Safety Services, RelyOn Nutec is the new name for the UK’s most trusted provider of safety training and safety management solutions. As the UK business of the leading global safety partner, we deliver 360˚ safety solutions for business and individuals across the renewables, maritime, technical and oil & gas industries.
From tailored Training Delivery and bespoke Training Management Services through to Crisis Management and all aspects of Competence Management, we provide our UK customers with industry-leading safety training from approved training centres in Peterhead, Aberdeen, Montrose and Teesside.
Industry-leading, dedicated safety training for the UK renewables sector
At our Teesside facility, investment in dedicated onsite facilities, including a wind turbine training tower and a boat transfer simulator, enables us to o er world-class practical and realistic safety training designed speci cally for the renewables sector. These state-of-the-art facilities ensure that practical safety training can take place in a secure and safe environment.
As a global training provider, our bespoke, client-speci c and industry-accredited renewable courses cover all ve modules of the Global Wind Organisation’s (GWO) Basic Safety Training Standard: Fire Fighting, Working at Height, Survival, Manual
Handling and First Aid. Our highly experienced instructors
ensure that all our delegates receive a personal and professional training experience each and every time.
Indeed, we work closely with all delegates from the o shore renewables sector to provide them with total reassurance – our 360˚ safety ethos ensuring that they meet the rigorous safety standards expected in their sector in the North Sea and beyond.
Royal IHC Limited is a subsidiary of Dutch-based company Royal
IHC. Based in the North-East of England, Royal IHC Limited designs, manufactures and supplies bespoke o shore systems, including pipelay and cablelay equipment, subsea trenching equipment and complete turnkey, integrated ship systems.
It o ers a full design and build solution, which encompasses concept development and product delivery through to life-cycle support, including rental assets. At Royal IHC, we have the knowledge and experience to rise to the challenges facing the o shore wind industry by providing cutting-edge solutions worldwide. We pride ourselves on providing robust and reliable solutions for every stage of an o shore wind farm’s life cycle. From foundation and turbine installation and cablelay equipment to complete rental solutions. We have an extensive track record in engineering and manufacturing high-performance integrated vessels and equipment.
Royal IHC, The Technology Innovators.
With their unrivalled track record, Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd (SMD) have set the standard in subsea trenching operations globally. With a history dating back to 1971, the company have spent over 40
years cementing their position as the world leading designer and manufacturer of subsea trenching equipment.
SMD have been involved in the UK O shore Wind market since the rst commercial 60MW o shore wind farm at North Hoyle and are now on the current monster Round Three projects greater than 1GW, such as Hornsea Two and East Anglia. Over those 15 years of learning SMD have recognised how developers and installation contractors really understand the importance of subsea cables and the risks associated with their handling, installation and maintenance.
Realising the importance of innovating for cost reduction, SMD have increased the power, capability and reliability of their equipment to productionise the installation of subsea cables on o shore wind farms and therefore driving down the cost of operations for contractors. Our technology protects the cables on the seabed by lowering them into an engineered trench, which can be created by a towed plough or a self-propelled vehicle. The power cable protection systems we provide include a variety of trenching tools that work
in all seabed strengths, our range of subsea trenching systems includes:
• Subsea tractors ranging from 500hp to 3200hp operating in coarse sands to hard rocks;
• Subseajettrenchersrangingfrom400hp
to 2800hp operating in coarse sands to hard clays;
• Subseaploughsystems.
Royal IHC Limited
Paul Hardisty
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)1661 2614439
Web address:
Soil Machine Dynamics (SMD)
Paul Davison
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 2348530
Web address:
Swan Hunter
Gerard Kroese
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 2950295
Web address:
Tees Components
Sharon Lane
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1287 650621
Web address:
Swan Hunter o er specialist installation equipment, design, engineering and project management services to the o shore wind and subsea oil and gas energy markets.
Swan Hunter have executed multiple successful projects within the o shore wind market, including mobilisation and rental of complete cable installation equipment spreads, cable spooling, cable storage, cable transportation, project engineering, installation engineering, o shore support and other project related activities.
Swan Hunter have a large and varied installation equipment pool with carousels, loading towers, reel drive systems, tensioners, chutes, and other ancillary equipment, suited to all aspects of an o shore wind project development from smaller 1000Te – 2000Te capacity carousels suited to shallow water nearshore installation, to large 7000Te capacity units suited to export or array cable installation, or cable transportation projects. In conjunction with other business partners, Swan Hunter also have large capacity onshore storage facilities to store cables at short notice, as well as smaller modular
baskets suited for spare cables and long term cable storage requirements.
Swan Hunter have an impressive track record in the O shore Wind Sector, supporting key installation contractors on UK and European projects including NKT, Van Oord, Tideway DEME, Global Marine C-WIND, and cable manufacturers including Prysmian, LS Cables, to name a few.
Tees Components is one of the most comprehensive and versatile heavy machining facilities in the UK. The company is highly active across industry sectors such as marine, defence and nuclear and is developing a growing reputation in o shore renewables.
Established in 1963, it is an award-winning business, operating large CNC machines and producing precision parts 24-hours-a-day.It has built a reputation upon the ability to machine components of almost any weight and size to the highest degree of precision, which is essential to its clients in the o shore wind sector.
Among its recent o shore wind projects is the supply of the rst credible ferrite-based direct drive permanent magnet generator (DD PMG) for wind turbines. The innovative project, carried out on behalf of SME Greenspur Renewables, is a revolutionary technology with the capability to reduce the cost of wind energy.
The advantage of the DD PMG manufactured by Tees Components is that it is rare-earth free. Ferrite is up to 40 times cheaper and much more abundant, with the ability to manufacture ferrite magnets in the UK.
The company was contracted to manufacture and assemble a complete prototype 250kW generator which will now be tested by ORE Catapult, the UK’s leading innovation and research centre for o shore renewable energy, at its facility in Blyth,
The Greenspur Renewables project involved sourcing materials of varying speci cations, machining components, procuring other parts and processes from specialist suppliers, stores management,
the tting of the magnets and the nal complete assembly.
Tekmar Group plc’s vision is to be the partner of choice for the supply and installation support of subsea protection equipment to the global o shore energy markets.
In o shore wind, Tekmar Energy has secured more than 75% of the global market in o shore wind cable protection, including supplying over 70 named international projects and is trusted to protect 24GW of electrical infrastructure.
Tekmar Group plc has ve primary operating companies. These are Tekmar Energy Limited, Subsea Innovation Limited, AgileTek Engineering Limited, Ryder Geotechnical Limited and Pipeshield International Limited.
Tekmar Energy is a global market leader in protection systems for subsea cable, umbilical and exible pipe. Tekmar have been trusted to protect billions of Euros worth of assets in the o shore wind, oil & gas, wave, tidal and interconnector markets since 1985.
Subsea Innovation is a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of complex engineered equipment and technology used in the o shore energy market. Its products include large equipment handling systems which operate on the back of pipelay installation vessels; emergency pipeline repair clamps (EPRC) which protect major oil and gas pipelines, and bespoke
equipment for use in the construction of o shore energy projects.
AgileTek Engineering is an award-winning subsea engineering consultancy for o shore energy projects. AgileTek helps
its clients de-risk projects through advanced computer simulation and analysis.
Tekmar Energy
Russell Edmondson
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+ 44 (0) 1325 379520
Web address:
Texo Group
James Russell
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 191 447 2709
Web address:
Ryder Geotechnical provides expert geotechnical design and consulting services to the o shore wind and
subsea oil and gas sectors. Services include o shore structure foundation design, geohazard assessment and subsea cable routing and burial assessment.
Pipeshield is a world leading technology provider of subsea concrete mattresses. These mattresses are used in the protection of subsea equipment
such as pipelines and power cables within all marine environments, including o shore wind, marine
renewables, oil and gas and marine civil engineering.
Strategic operational locations on the Eastern Seaboard of the UK – including a new purpose-built centre of excellence at Port of Blyth:
• 1200m2 fabrication building with 40t lifting capacity
• Direct dockside loading facilities
• Highly capable hub for vessel mobs/demobs
DNV Quality Management Accreditation of three standards across two locations including:
• Quality – ISO9001:2015
• Environment – ISO14001
• Health & Safety – ISO45001
Mick Flynn
mick [email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1642 555551
Web address:
Wilton Engineering
Bill Scott OBE
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1642 546611
Web address:
Engineering to Operation is a complex, progressive and phased process which requires early detailed de nition and planning
Unasys provides the integration of life cycle processes using the expertise of specialist managers and engineers, together with an e ective software; the engine that drives the Digital North Sea
The Digital North Sea is an overarching digital representation of every facility that lies within the NS basin. It provides the smart tools and processes to help the supply chain to build and operate such complex assets.
Digital twin technology is a critical means by which the construction and O&M phases of o shore wind farms can be de-risked. Orientation, maintenance interventions, crew transfer optimisations, inter-array cable routing, etc. allow scenario planning to be undertaken
As a nascent industry, it is essential that as much as possible is done to facilitate strategic asset management.
Digital twinning o ers this opportunity. The work done to date by Unasys for its Digital North Sea project is of direct relevance to the o shore wind sector. The algorithms and processes developed for the DNS are readily adaptable to all ocean-based assets.
Since forming 20 years ago, Unasys has supported clients, to overcome complex problems on facilities around the world.
Historically working with oil and gas majors, including current clients Equinor, Technip, Neptune (GDF), the organisation has now diversi ed to support projects within the renewables sector.
Wilton Engineering provides multi-discipline engineering services, specialising in designing, manufacturing, coating and loading out large complicated structures for the o shore oil & gas, subsea, marine, decommissioning and o shore wind industries.
Established in 1994, the business has grown into a successful member of the o shore energy sector supply chain with a base on the River Tees providing excellent load out capabilities and direct access to the North Sea.
The Teesside-based company has successfully delivered a strong and diverse portfolio of projects in the o shore energy market, which has been supported by its diversi cation from activities in the traditional oil and gas sector into o shore wind.
It initially entered the sector in the market’s infancy during 2005, manufacturing elements of the Beatrice O shore Wind Installation System.
A number of other projects followed, including, most notably, the delivery of 7,000 tonnes of steel for Ørsted’s Hornesea Project One o shore wind farm.
Fabricated at Wilton Engineering’s 54-acre site, which houses some of the largest production halls in the UK, the 21, 340 tonne transition pieces were delivered in partnership with German company Steelwind.
In addition to their fabrication, Wilton Engineering sister company, Universal Coatings & Services Ltd implemented the preparation and painting of the transition pieces in its £3m, 2,256 sq metre Preparation & Coatings Facility.
Wilton Engineering also commissioned the respected o shore wind supply chain report
by former energy minister Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP, which preceded the announcement of the Sector Deal and contained key recommendations that have been welcomed by the industry.
ORE Catapult’s mission is to create UK economic growth by reducing the
Supply Chain
time to market of new innovative low-carbon technology. Our unique test facilities and in-house technical expertise play a pivotal role in validating new ideas and designs from university-led research, through small scale SME technology disruptors, to large wind turbine manufacturers. As such, we make a signi cant contribution toward decarbonising the economy and lowering the cost of energy from renewables.
We achieve this by subjecting scaled or at scale components and systems to representative conditions. Through our rst-hand experience of cutting-edge technology, we are able to identify some of the technical challenges and involve the region’s leading universities and companies in the pursuit of solutions.
We have been delighted recently to be associated with new concepts for generators, blades, drives, cable jointing and, of course, testing of the world’s rst 12 MW wind turbine, GE Renewable Energy’s Haliade X.
Whilst ORE Catapult is the UK’s leading technology innovation and research centre for o shore renewable energy, we’re proud to be based in the
North East, to be an active member of Energi Coast and an integral part of the North East’s o shore wind cluster.
Based in Blyth, we operate the largest collection of open access test and validation facilities anywhere in the
world, specialising in key o shore wind technology areas – including rotor blades, drivetrains, electrical
infrastructure, wind resource technology, data, robotics, autonomous systems and foundations.
ORE Catapult is delighted to be spearheading, on behalf of the O shore Wind Industry Council (OWIC), the O shore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP). This 10-year, industry-funded, £100m supply chain growth
initiative, is designed to help UK companies exploit the full potential of o shore wind in both domestic and
international markets.
Durham University research into wind energy is focussed on reducing the cost of energy from this form of renewable generation. The University
ORE Catapult
Simon Williams
Telephone number:
+44 (0)1670 357662
Web address:
has been active in wind energy research, development and innovation for
over 15 years.
Research & Academia
Ørsted, the global leader in o shore wind farm development, has sponsored a Chair in
Renewable Energy at the University since 2011. Some of the rst wind energy research carried
out at the university involved projects to improve the reliability of wind turbines in order to
raise their availability. This continues as a current strength at the University. Research has
resulted in the development of new measurement systems and data analysis techniques for
health monitoring of electrical and mechanical turbine drive train components, in order to
Local Enterprise
improve the speed of detection of emerging faults and monitoring of their development.
Durham University
Simon Hogg
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 191 334 1513
Web address:
The UK now has more installed o shore wind capacity than any other country in the world. The greatest area of uncertainty in o shore wind lies below the water, for example cabling issues are at the route of 70% of insurance pay-outs. Another active area of Durham’s wind energy research is developing numerical analysis tools to provide greater con dence in areas such as subsea ploughing for cable installation, the development and analysis of turbine foundations, anchoring systems and modelling of seabed soils. The university also has aerodynamic research expertise and facilities that are being used to conduct research into wind resource modelling, investigating the aerodynamic interaction between turbines in
large arrays and studying the impact of leading-edge erosion on turbine performance.
Teesside University
Nashwan Dawood
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1642 218121
Web address:
Teesside University, School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies is specialised in research and innovation related to decarbonisation of built environment and heavy industrial settings. This involves:
• The use of smart systems to manage energy from green sources including wind turbines and other sources of renewables. More speci cally the research is focused on Power electronics for system interconnections and integration of large renewable distributed generation plants into power grids from transmission down to low voltage (LV) voltage levels.
• Application of estimation, advanced control along with optimisation and scheduling
in power electronics, distributed generation and smart systems. Work is focused upon development of novel supply and demand forecasting for power and heat networks, techno-economic optimisation of distributed renewable generation assets, tele-control of renewables, real-time control and protection strategies and control architectures for Microgrids, and decentralised demand response approaches.
• Estimation, modelling and control of power converters and battery storage devices.
• Application of Virtual Reality, Visualisation, IoT and Arti cial Intelligence to underpin Digital Twin technology. The
work involves of development of digital 3D models integrated with real physical assets to enable a
better control and management of facilities and in particular monitoring performance and maintenance requirements.
• Modelling of supply chains, transportation networks, computer networks and RFID applications, modelling and control of robots and mechatronics, and neural networks.
• Applied knowledge and tools in the area of installation planning and scheduling of assets and renewables using latest 5D technologies (3D+time+cost) to identify and resolve delay and cost overruns.
The North East Strategic Economic Plan is produced by the North East LEP and identi es energy as an area of strategic importance for the regional economy.
To deliver on this opportunity, the LEP leads the North East’s ‘Energy for Growth’ strategy. Energy for Growth aims to bring together cross-sector partners to drive productivity, competitiveness, and to create more and better jobs through the Energy agenda, while also delivering on national energy policy.
Building on a globally important asset base in the region, and key economic growth opportunities such as those supported through the O shore Wind Sector Deal, ‘O shore Energy and Subsea Technology’ is a key workstream identi ed in the Energy for Growth programme.
Through this workstream the North East LEP works with cross-sector partners to enable and facilitate activity across a range of areas including skills, infrastructure, business support, investment and innovation.
The LEP works with partners to identify and prioritise opportunities and support needs, to facilitate delivery and align sector activity with regional and national strategy, and to help co-ordinate the regions asset base in the context of market opportunities.
North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Andrew Clark
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 5615420
Web address:
Tees Valley Combined Authority’s purpose is to drive economic growth and job creation in the area. Under government’s devolution deal, the area has powers to make local decisions on matters such as transport, skills and business investment. Tees Valley’s rst mayor, Ben Houchen, was elected in 2017.
The o shore sector has been identi ed as key to achieving our ambitions of supporting the creation of 25,000 jobs and driving an extra £2.6billion into the regional economy by 2026. We have been working closely with businesses and supply chains to capitalise on this.
The South Tees Development Corporation, a 4,500-acre area of prime land on the River Tees, provides a major opportunity for the sector. It is six times the size of the City of London, with a focus on clean energy, making o shore wind a large part of its future potential.
The River Tees itself has some of the UK’s best port facilities. Nine deep water sites and operational assets are positioned along ten miles, close to a wealth of world-class
engineering talent in our highly skilled workforce.
We’re one of only six locations across England that bene ts from Government CORE status – a Centre for O shore
Renewable Engineering – in recognition of our excellent infrastructure and underpinning supply chain.
Our local airport, Teesside International, brought back into public ownership by Mayor Houchen
the Combined Authority is perfectly positioned for o shore projects, being well-served by daily connections to Scotland and Scandinavia. The mayor also announced plans for an airport heliport to support the Dogger Bank wind farm project, 80 miles o the North East coast.
NOF, the UK’s premier business development organisation for the energy sector, has been successfully making valuable connections between businesses and organisations in the o shore wind industry for more than a decade.
Working on behalf of its extensive membership and its network of UK and international partners, NOF has supported successful collaborations and interactions between developers, OEM’s and the country’s o shore wind supply chain, notably including the cluster in North East England.
NOF main driver is facilitating valuable connections between businesses in the global energy sector.
John Leer
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0) 1642 524400
Web address:
NOF services include:
• Business development
• Industry introductions
• Events
Joanne Leng MBE
[email protected]
Telephone number:
+44 (0)191 3846464
Web address:
Having placed o shore wind at the heart of its strategy to promote a balanced energy future, highlighting diversi cation opportunities for supply chain companies operating in, associated energy sectors, NOF has helped members gain traction in the o shore wind industry.
This included establishing the North East of England’s o shore wind supply chain cluster Energi Coast. Founded in 2011, Energi Coast
champions North East England as a leading o shore wind hub and the expertise of the regional supply chain.
Bob James
Technology and Innovatio
T: 01642524508
M: 07384 795 227
E: bob.james@teesvalley-c
Tees Valley Combined Authority
mEEt our offshorE wiNd amBassadors
developed and delivered by
James Ritchie
Chair, Energi Coast
Chief Executive, Tekmar Group plc
George Ra erty
Chief Executive, NOF
Halfdan Brustad
Joanne Leng MBE
Deputy Chair, Energi Coast & Deputy Chief Executive, NOF
Caroline Lofthouse
Head of Stakeholder Engagement, NOF
Jenna Spencer
Marketing and Communications Executive, NOF
Rebecca McGhin
Business Development Coordinator, NOF
Sue Vincent
Dogger Bank O shore Wind Farms
So a O shore Wind Farm
David Hinshelwood
David Few
Neil Etherington Keith Russell Andy Williamson Matthew Hunt Simon Brett www.porto
industry group
gland’s Offshore Wind Cluster
Emma Harrick
Paul Deaton
Geo Croft
Paul Harriman
Gareth Ellery
Geo Briggs
Pierre Boyde
Nigel Ward
® North East England’s O shore Wind Cluster
Marc Bell
Matthew Ord
industry group
David Tate
Brendon Hayward
Gerard Kroese
Bill Scott OBE
Will Stephenson
Sharon Lane
Caroline Wilbourne
Paul Hardisty
Supply Chain
Paul Davison
Innovation, Research & Academia
Local Enterprise Partnership
Mick Flynn
Russell Edmondson
James Russell
Energi Coa delivered b
innovation, research & academia
Innovation, Research & Academia
Tony Quinn Simon Williams
Local Enterprise Partnership
local Enterprise partnerships
Simon Hogg
Nashwan Dawood
Andrew Clark
John Leer
Bob James
Technology and Innovation O cer
T: 01642524508
M: 07384 795 227
E: [email protected]
Ene deliv
One voice for Offshore Wind
Delivered by
e: [email protected]
t: +44 (0)191 3846464