What is this report?
This report summarizes some of the surveys youths and caregivers completed
around the time of their assessment. We hope this information will help you to
conceptualize the work you will do with this family.
Some results are self-reported, and some are 'observer' reported. For example, we
may show you how a youth perceived family functioning, or how a parent perceived
their child's level of anxiety.
Youth-Reported Mental Health, Relationshps, & Acting Out
We use a survey called the Youth Outcomes Questionnaire to understand youth's
current mental, relationship, and behavoiural health.
How to read this graph
The graph shows the youth's score in relation to 0: with 0 being a score that has been
established by tens of thousands of people in North America as the 'Healthy Line'.
Scores below 0 indicate the youth is in the healthy range. Scores above 0 suggest
this area might need attention. Scores of 1 or more away from the healthy line
indicates a signficant difference from the healthy cutoff; higher scores indicate
higher symptoms.
What does the YOQ measure?
Each bar represents a different health factor - mental, relationship, or
behavioural health:
Mental Health: anxiety depression, fearfulness, self-harm
Relationships: dysfunctional relationships, aggression, defiance
Acting Out: impulsiveness, attention problems, high frustration
The youth's mental health, relationships, & behaviour
Youth Self-Reported Mental Health, Relationships, &
Behaviour at Assessment
0 Relationships Acting Out
Mental Health
What to do with this information
This information is for you to better understand this youth's own perception of their
emotional and environmental experiences. You might want to share this information
with the youth to encourage clinical dialogue and collaborative treatment planning.
Parent-Reported Mental Health, Relationshps, & Acting Out
70 Parents also rate their perception of their child's mental health, relationships, and
behaviour. For this, they complete a survey called the 'Child Behaviour Checklist'.
This assessment is also popular internationally and is very common in research
You can see this scale assesses several factors. For all of them, a score of 70 or more
indicates areas of clinical concern.
Scores of 70 or higher
indicate clinically problematic
Substance Use, School, & Social Behaviour
The youth does not drink, smoke, or use illicit substances. The youth engages with
gaming / internet to the point of interference with daily life.
This youth has been attending school recently, missing ONE school day in the recent
three months, earning C's.
This youth has NOT been criminally involved.
This youth has NEVER been treated in hospital for mental health/substance
concerns. They are not engaged in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury or Suicidality
Family Functioning
We use the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) to understand a family's
openness and acceptance. This is another widely used assessment used to inform
general family functioning.
Youths and caregivers complete this assessment. This is a symptom scale, so higher
2 scores mean higher dysfunction. Scores of 2 or lower indicate healthy family
functioning. If scores are different from a famliy member or different from 2 by .25
or more, it can be considered a significant difference. (ND = NO DATA)
2.3 2.2
Parental Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the abiity to be aware of, control, and express emotions
and be fair and empathic in relationships. EI is a strong predictor of personal well-
being and success.
EI & Maturity
We measure EI because it aligns really well with maturity. EI includes such strengths
as emotion regulation, positivity, and self-esteem. We are interested in caregiver and
youth EI, as we aim to foster growth in this area for all family members.
Reading the graph
The graph shows each caretgiver's score on the elements of Emotional Intelligence .
Among adults, the average score for Positivity is 5.4, for the other three elements is
about 5.0. Higher scores mean healthier levels of each factor. Each element is
explained below the graph.
Parent Emotional Intelligence at Time of Assessment
Positivity Emotionality
The positivity aspect of EI relates to This factor includes Empathy, Emotion Perception
current happiness and optimism about (understanding own feelings and others' emotional
the future, cheerfulness, feeling good expressions, and Emotional Expression (abiity to
about one's self, and self-esteem. communicate feelings).
Self-Control Sociability
Self-control incudes Emotion Sociability includes Emotion Management, Social
Regulation, Emotion Management Awareness (confident around others, and can navigate
(ability to influence other people's social situations with sensitivity, adaptability, and
emotions (e.g., calm them down)), and attuned perception), and Assertiveness (forthright and
Impulse Control (thinking before frank, can give and receive compliments, good leader
acting or making decisions). and advocate)
Attachment is the way we interact with and relate to other people. Attachment style
is formed very early in life and becomes an established way of relating to specific
people. Attachment is influenced by self-worth and trust.
Attachment Styles
Insecure Avoidant attachment is characterized by Insecure-Fearful attachment is charactrized by a
investing minimal emotions in relationships, not disorganized mixture of all styles. Those with this style
seeking help, and difficulty sharing thoughts / feelings. find it hard to trust and often suppress feelings.
Secure Attachment is the ability to have trusting, Insecure-Dismissive style is a reluctance to be close
lasting relationships, open communication, seeking with others, worry that others don't care for them, and
support when needed, and emotion expression. intense reactions when relationships end.
Mom's Attachment Style to Their
Own Caregivers
Dad's Attachment Style to Their
Own Caregivers
Adequate Relational Boundaries
Having clear, hierarchical, attuned boundaries establish caregiver roles as
authorities, and promote healthy development of child individuation and identity.
Inadequate boundaries are characterized by coercive manipulation and role
confusion. Each parent rates themselves on this assessment, and their results are
shown below in relation to the AVERAGE PRI PARENT.
Factors of Relational Boundaries & This Family's Ratings
Guilt Induction: caregiver coerces child to act or feel in a way that MOM: V.HI LOW VERY
complies with their own ways. Children often do not express their DAD: V.HI HIGH
own wishes or individuality.
Blurred Boundaries: Child is an extension of caregiver, thereby MOM: HI VERY
hampering personal individuation. VERY LOW HIGH
Parentification: (role reversal) children fulfil caregiver's need for MOM: HI VERY
care while dismissing own needs.
Triangulation: child acts as a mediator between caregivers MOM: V.HI VERY LOW VERY
Psychological Control: Caregivers intrude on child's autonomous MOM: HI AVG VERY
behavoiurs, feelins, & thoughts, interrupting development of child's DAD: V.HI HIGH
Thank You!
The research team sincerely hopes this summary provides insight or
information to help plan treatment for this family. If you have
questions, comments, or suggetions about how to improve this
document, please email us at [email protected].