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Aaron Decker School Class of 2021

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Published by Envelopes & Printed Products, 2021-06-14 10:45:03

ADS 4th Grade Yearbook

Aaron Decker School Class of 2021

Designed by Jessica Juarez

4th Grade Yearbook

T-Shirt and Yearbook Designs

Olivia Ventrella

Francesca Horanic Liana Horanic

Dulce Cabrera

Isabelle Ingrassia

Madeline Ricker Nathan Jorda

Samantha Muniz

Brandon Cadier

Makayla Bott Sophia Castrillon

Christelle Villarama

Kenzy Elsherif Noah Estrada

A Note from the Principal

Dear Students,

Congratulations to Aaron Decker School’s

4th Grade Class of 2021! This is an exciting

time as you take the next step in your

educational journey. The Aaron Decker School

community is very proud of the efforts you

exhibited in and out of the classroom. You have

all grown academically, socially, and emotionally

during your time at ADS which will help you

succeed at Richard Butler School. For the past year

and a half, we have been dealing with the COVID 19

pandemic. Through it all, each of you handled it Mr. Manco
with the type of resilience and strength of character

that will help you in future years when faced with some

sort of adversity in your life. Be proud of what you accomplished here at

Aaron Decker School. You have helped make our school community a

wonderful place to grow and learn. I wish all of you the best of luck as

you move on to Richard Butler School and may all of your hopes and

dreams become a reality.


James J. Manco

A Farewell to My Fourth Grade Students: Mrs. Kern
Dear Boys and Girls,
We have taken on one of the greatest challenges a teacher and her students could encounter.
Who thought almost the entire year would be either remote or hybrid learning? I have to thank
everyone for helping me with technology issues along the way. There sure were many! We all
made it through and I think are now much stronger and wiser. As my very special fourth grade
class, you will always be part of my fondest memories at Aaron Decker.
It seems like only yesterday we started our adventure together. I am very proud of each one of
you. Please don’t forget the lessons you learned and all the interesting things we talked about.
Most important, remember how we laughed and tried our best in the year of the pandemic.
As you take the next step in your education, know that you are not alone. You will have
classmates with you who share the same hopes and dreams as well as fears and concerns. Your
excitement and fears are all part of growing up. Just persevere slowly and keep your heads held
high. You are all so very important to me, especially during this past year. Go with confidence
and remember to always be the best at what you do! Good luck and enjoy the summer!
Love, Mrs.Kern

Mrs. Nienstedt To my class of 2020-2021,

This has been a year we’ll never forget! Someday when you’re older, you’ll look back and tell the
younger generation all about the virtual/hybrid...and finally IN PERSON… year of 2020-2021.
They’ll be listening in disbelief as you talk about this historic time of masks, socially distancing
and quarantine!

I can say with a warm heart that I feel very close and connected to each and every one of you.
We’ve found ways to share stories, our passions, and love for certain topics. I’ve watched you
grow academically, but more importantly during this time, create such meaningful friendships
and connections. That says a lot about what wonderful and resourceful people you all are.

My hope for you is that you take all of the new information and resources that you’ve gained to
this next phase in middle school. Keep the positive friendships, and let yourselves branch out to
find even more interests and passions. I know you have the ability to succeed in whatever you
put your mind to! Make yourselves proud; be kind to others, have lots of fun, try new things and
strive to be a “better” version of you! I’ll look forward to hearing all of the wonderful news from
the teachers at RBS.

With lots of love,
Mrs. Nienstedt

Dear Fourth Graders,

It has been a treat teaching fourth grade, and we thank you for the wonderful memories.
You have been flexible while adapting to much change which is an amazing life skill. Hold
on to your positive attitude as it will pave your direction in life. We hope you enjoy all the
new adventures at Richard Butler School but don’t forget the lessons you have learned at
Aaron Decker:

Strive to be...

Kind Willing to Communicate

Responsible Thankful

Respectful Yourself :)

Sincerely, Mr. Champion
Mr Champion and Ms. Iattarelli & Ms. Iattarelli

Dear Class of 2021, Mr. Kelly &
Mrs. Ricker
My how time flies! It seems like the first day of fourth grade was just yesterday, and now
you are soon to be fifth graders! As unique as this school year was, you all got through it
like ROCKSTARS! It has been a wonderful year with all of you. You have grown so much, and
it has been our pleasure to watch you mature academically and as a person. The year
began with everyone learning virtually to now with almost everyone being together in
person! Your growth has been very impressive all around! The flexibility you have shown
this year will make you such a stronger person.

The fun did not stop with academics! Don’t forget about our amazing Field Day, the 4th
Grade Picnic, and visiting Richard Butler School. Oh, the adventures we had together!

Now as you take the leap to middle school, we wholeheartedly believe each and every one
of you will succeed in whatever you put your mind to doing. There is no end to what you
can accomplish! We know another thing to be will all LOVE middle school!
Remember to try your best, learn from your mistakes, and always choose KINDNESS!

With love,

Mr. Kelly & Mrs. Ricker

Mrs. Neumann Dear Fourth Graders,
& Ms. Paulison Well, here we are. It’s so hard to believe this crazy year together has already come to a
close. We think back to September 3, 2020, when we were sitting in our classroom anxiously
awaiting to meet you all VIRTUALLY for the first time. Now, in a flash, it is time to say
goodbye. It has been a wild ride, with a couple unexpected twists and turns, and we are so
proud of our Paulmann Squad!

This year did not start off easy! Learning to get to know each other, and working out all of
the kinks of online teaching and learning, was a challenge, but we got through it together!
You have worked so hard and made such great progress this year, and even though we were
not always together, we have so many fun memories! Playing Four Corners, “The Sky is
Falling”, and Multiplication Around the World, listening to the Friday song, and enjoying our
4th grade picnic are just a few of our amazing memories. We had so much fun learning and
ZOOMing together, but most of all this year taught us to appreciate the time spent
TOGETHER as a class once we were all back in school.

Though your time here at Aaron Decker has come to a close, a new door into Richard Butler
School is opening for you. We are confident that you will all do wonderfully as you start this
new chapter of your lives. Please always remember to take with you the values you have
learned here at ADS: kindness, respect, and responsibility. We have watched you display
these traits throughout the year, and hope they are ones you never lose, for they are the
most important.
We wish you the best of luck and success at Richard Butler School, and wherever else life
takes you! Thank you for all of the great memories! We will miss you all very much!

Mrs. Neumann & Ms. Paulison

Mahdi Abdallah Riley Ackerman Jocelyn Badillo Mark Baker

Elizabeth Blue Makayla Bott Dulce Cabrera Brandon Cadier

Nathan Caputo Derek Cartagena Justin Cartagena Sophia Castrillon

Shannen Cavallo Isabela Coutts Brielle Cross Jayden Doran Reyes

Wafaa Ebrahim Kenzy Elsherif Maci Elvena Debora Espinoza Valdes

Noah Estrada Brett Fried Connor Fried Anastazia Gawronski

Matheus Gonzalez Carlos Guzman Jacob Guzman Aiden Hague

Katherine Hale Francesca Horanic Liana Horanic Sophia Hough

Isabelle Ingrassia Bentley Jorda Joshua Jorda Nathan Jorda

Jessica Juarez Valerie Kutsup Marco Leon Alexander Lopez

Amy Lorenc Edwin Maloku Brooke Marion Cali Marion

AJ Martinelli Nicholas Martinez Jayden McMinn Maeve McNeil

Emily Morales Maria Morataya Samantha Muniz Jax Nelson

Olivia Oguss Victoria Ortiz Susana Pacheco Liam Perez

Yamilet Perez Halley Quiros Andrew Rea Peyton Recoba Baker

Abigail Ricker Madeline Ricker Francisco Rocha Angel Rojas

Estefany Silva Mikela Tashev Trevor Valente Aaliyah Vazquez

Olivia Ventrella Christelle Villarama Valentina Vlashi Jacob Welsh

Calvin Whitty Cadence Zomera


My favorite ADS memory is ...

when Mrs. Kern made Justin slide on the floor. ~ Olivia Oguss when I met Makayla and Brooke because they are so funny and they
the Ellis Island show in 3rd grade!! ~ Francesca Horanic make me laugh everyday. ~ Amy Lorenc
when I went to a bug place with my class in kindergarten and most of my playing soccer with my friends. ~ Liam Perez
class fell in the stream. ~ Nate Caputo talking about sports with my teachers. ~ AJ Martinelli
when Mrs. Kern said, "I looove my mayo shirt." ~ Anastazia Gawronski making new friends. ~ Matheus Gonzalez
when we went to the bug exhibit in kindergarten and I fell in the swamp. ~ the Turtle Back Zoo class trip. ~ Jayden McMinn
Trevor Valente playing soccer with my friends. ~ Jacob Guzman
when I went to Turtle Back Zoo and I saw the animals with my friends. ~ when I got to spend time with my friends and teachers. I also loved our
Estefany Silva field trip to the Turtle Back Zoo. ~ Mikela Tashev
when Mrs. Kern was hitting our desks with the yard sticks. ~ Wafaa meeting new friends. ~ Edwin Maloku
Ebrahim making my first friends at ADS and Halloween. ~ Samantha Muniz
when Mrs. Kern said, "I love my mayo shirt." ~ Mark Baker when I made my own butter in kindergarten. ~ Carlos Guzman
when Mrs. Kern told us to look at the smart board and it was not even on. when my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Nienstedt, pranked me by taking my
~ Jayden Doran Reyes snack, not telling me, and putting it back without me noticing. Also I
making new friends. ~ Maria Morataya Rodriguez got to meet three new people this year. ~ Madeline Ricker
in kindergarten when we went to the really pretty creek and I slipped in when all my teachers were having a baby except Ms. Fitzpatrick but
mud. I still had fun. ~ Maeve McNeil she was still so nice. ~ Riley Ackerman
when Mrs. Kern got the yard sticks and hit the kids' desks. ~ Jessica Juarez field day in 2nd grade because my grandma and grandpa came to
eating Outback on the field during field day with my class. ~ Justin watch me. ~ Andrew Rea
Cartagena when I first met my teachers. ~ Victoria Ortiz
when Mrs. Kern said, "I LOVE MY MAYO SHIRT!" ~ Kenzy Elsherif when I went to Turtle Back Zoo in 2nd grade and crawled in the prairie
when I went to Turtle Back Zoo and saw wolves and bears. ~ Angel Rojas dog holes. ~ Valerie Kutsup
when Ms. Gashler got mad at me for saying Tom Brady is bad. ~ Shannen being with my friends. ~ Aaliyah Vazquez
Cavallo when I was in 3rd grade and met a kindergartner, Ruby. Also when I
when the gold group put Mrs. Kern's bookshelf in rainbow order. ~ Cali fell back in my chair and lost my shoe. It was hilarious. ~ Jocelyn
Marion Badillo
when I went to Turtle Back Zoo in 2nd grade. ~ Marco Leon the Halloween party. It was so much fun. ~ Emily Morales
when I visited the preschool classroom on Choose to Include Day. ~ when my teacher said she was pregnant. ~ Brielle Cross
Halley Quiros the moment I got into this school. ~ Sophia Castrillon Salcedo
when I met Val in 1st grade. ~ Dulce Cabrera kindergarten. ~ Jax Nelson
when I went to the Turtle Back Zoo in 2nd grade. ~ Jacob Welsh all the trips and every grade I was in. Really I loved everything. The
playing with friends during recess. ~ Susana Pacheco teachers and students. ADS is one big family. ~ Cadence Zomera
when I met all my friends at ADS. ~ Connor Fried when I made my first friend in kindergarten, Nate. ~ Bentley Jorda
when I met Brandon in Pre-K. ~ Aiden Hague the field trip to the zoo in 2nd grade! ~ Sophia Hough
the first time I ever stepped foot in ADS in Pre-K. ~ Brandon Cadier when we went to the Morris Museum in 1st grade. ~ Christelle
when we went on a field trip to Turtle Back Zoo in 2nd grade. ~ Mahdi Villarama
Abdallah when Mrs. Neumann told the class she was having a baby. ~ Nick
the field trip to the zoo in 2nd grade. ~ Valentina Vlashi Martinez
meeting all my teachers in every grade. ~ Peyton Recoba Baker our 2nd grade field trip to the zoo because there so many animals and
100th day celebrations. ~ Francisco Rocha it was so cool! ~ Isabela Coutts
when I went to the Turtle Back Zoo because I love seeing reptiles, like when I had a trip to the farm to pick pumpkins in kindergarten. ~
crocs. ~ Noah Estrada Yamilet Perez
singing the ABCs up the stairs. Every stair was a beat to the song. ~ Liana when all the 4th grade teachers dressed up as Wizard of Oz characters
Horanic for Halloween. ~ Alexander Lopez
when I went to the Turtle Back Zoo because I got to see animals that I going to Turtle Back Zoo in 2nd grade. It was lots of fun! We got to see
really like. ~ Debora Espinosa Valdez all the animals and feed the birds. We also got to go on the train. ~
when I met Makayla because she is a great friend. ~ Brooke Marion Katherine Hale
Q and U's wedding in Kindergarten because it was funny and sweet. ~ when it was the Super Bowl in 1st grade. We played a game where you
Derek Cartagena had to knock down the cups with a football and I was the only one who
when Brooke made me laugh and juice came out of my nose in 3rd grade. could knock it down. Mrs. Burian was so proud of me. ~ Abby Ricker
~ Makayla Bott when I made a paper canoe. ~ Nathan Jorda
in 2nd grade when I went to the Turtle Back Zoo for a field trip. ~ Isabelle when everyone came back to school again and there was no more
Ingrassia virtual learning. ~ Olivia Ventrella
when I saw a lot of familiar faces and teachers in 4th grade. ~ Brett Fried
meeting my 4th grade teachers. ~ Elizabeth Blue
the Turtle Back Zoo field trip in 2nd grade. ~ Joshua Jorda
our trip to the Turtle Back Zoo. ~ Calvin Whitty

Who's who?

We've grown so much!

Can you recognize us when we were babies?

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1. Isabelle Ingrassia 2. Trevor Valente 3. Wafaa Ebrahim 4. Noah Estrada 5. Christelle Villerama
6. Marco Leon 7. Jocelyn Badillo 8. Edwin Maloku 9. Sophia Hough 10. AJ Martinelli 11. Olivia Ventrella
12. Derek Cartagena 13. Brooke Marion 14. Connor Fried 15. Emily Morales 16. Andrew Rea 17. Amy Lorenc
18. Jacob Guzman 19. Debora Espinoza 20. Brandon Cadier 21. Maci Elvena 22. Justin Cartagena
23. Susana Pacheco 24. Mark Baker 25. Riley Ackerman 26. Alexander Lopez 27. Sophia Castrillon Salcedo
28. Brett Fried 29. Valentina Vlashi30. Nate Caputo 31. Katherine Hale 32. Mahdi Abdallah
33. Cadence Zomera 34. Shannen Cavallo 35. Maeve McNeil 36. Nicholas Martinez 37. Madeline Ricker
38. Matheus Gonzalez 39. Abigail Ricker 40. Jayden Doran Reyes 41. Anastazia Gawronski
42. Jax Nelson 43. Valerie Kutsup 44. Calvin Whitty 45. Olivia Oguss 46. Joshua Jorda 47. Kenzy Elsherif
48. Bentley Jorda 49. Yamilet Perez 50. Nathan Jorda 51. Estefany Silva 52. Angel Rojas 53. Francesca Horanic
54. Jacob Welsh 55. Liana Horanic 56. Aiden Hague 57. Makayla Bott 58. Peyton Recoba Baker
59. Mikela Tashev 60. Carlos Guzman 61. Halley Quiros 62. Francisco Rocha 63. Elizabeth Blue 64. Dulce Cabrera
65. Samantha Muniz 66. Isabela Coutts 67. Aaliyah Vazquez 68. Victoria Ortiz 69. Brielle Cross
70. Cali Marion 71. Jessica Juarez


Where it all began


&Field Days Fun Runs

Field Trips

And Virtual



4th Grade
Field Day

4th Grade


First Grade

Second Grade


Third Grade


Designed by Bentley Jorda

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