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Published by sereen2806, 2022-12-05 19:09:06

portfoilio DS2

portfoilio DS2

Traces of Inhabitation

Plan and elevations, allocate one each to focus on
things in the space, photograph also but measure dis-
tances from walls and heights, dimensions, include
everything: furniture and objects. Finished drawing at
1:1, hand drawn on large sheets of paper (pencil/trace)
as overlays.

Forensic Photo
Plan Diller and Scofidio

D 3830 C
910 1100

A 50 159,34

800 A'


3120 30
2060,66 50 3120


B 30 B'

1710 50 870 50 2476,79
150 3530 150

D'890 C'

2580 scale 1:20 N

380,99 120 771,9 60 768,1 120


383 1840


370,01 383

600 60 600 40

760 1670 1100 558,86

Section AA' Section CC'

50 800 50

50 870 50


2000 2000

Section BB' Section DD'

Record through photography the plan and 4 elevations through flat
on photography and some measured dimensions, eg, full width/
he ig ht of w a l l. You ne e d to ke ep t he photo lens f l at onto t he sur-
face. To pr int t hes e at 1:1 you ne e d to ke ep t he c amera lens at t he
same distance away from the ground or wall surface throughout.
Make sure this is possible eg. for plan have the lens at the length
of your arm away from the ground.

Before taping the
paper wall to-
gether, I sat on it
to show the size
comparison. As
you can see, the
measurements are
perfectly accu-
After we taped
the prints to-
gether to test the
cello tape out. It
did not work out
beautifully since
it made the wall
look wrinkled
when hanged up.
We e ventua l ly de-
cided to go with
something else.

We t r ie d to go in a dif ferent dire c t ion and
fold the uneccesary parts of the paper to
bui ld up a spine. We ne e de d to f ind a way to
give the wall some support and spines will
help us with that.
At first, we thought we did something wrong
hence the picture. But we went with it since
We ne e de d to exp and t he clos et for re a list ic

After we went with the
spine idea, we also de-
cided to use velcro to
stick the spine behind
t he p ap er wa l l. We
wanted to use velcro so
we can detach the strips
without damaging the
whole thing. It is also
easier to hang them up
since we can do it in
To a l low t he p ap er to
stand, we decided to
build a frame around it
to hold it still. we made
the legs extra long for
more weight support.

We are using t he excess p ap er t hat we us e d for
the spine to use it as a way to hang up our pa-
p er wa l l. We a ls o us e d p ap er st r ips to t he sides
to pull the whole paper to make it less wrin-

Instead of cutting the whole door, we decided to make it into a
beaded door curtain to give it a better or an interesting look.

model survey

Final Preparations

Showing all Groups working together

Drawing By Jessy Tan

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