Economic Development New Zealand is a national not for profit with Membership of EDNZ is the hallmark of Professional Expertise
one purpose: and Integrity within the economic development profession and is
open to any individual or organisation working in, or associated
To support our members and NZ Inc by providing quality with Economic Development.
professional services that are inspiring, trusted, valued and
bespoke made for economic development practitioners. Becoming a member of Economic Development NZ will enhance
your career and empower your professional development
Our services are unique in that they have been designed by whether you are a student just starting an illustrious career in
economic development practitioners, for economic development economic development or an experienced and senior
practitioners. practitioner at the peak of your career. Below are just some of
the benefits of membership.
We believe that the benefits of membership are substantial and best
value. Why Join?
Can we encourage you to take a minute and explore how • Membership will help you stand out from the crowd
membership will help you advance and grow your professional life. • Meet the preferences of many employers
• Increase your earning potential and speed up your career
Dr David Wilson • Give you additional standing in your network
Chair of Economic Development NZ
• Provide you with a voice through our advocacy work
Phone: 027 440 6180
Email: [email protected] • Provide you with opportunities to network and share
• Support you in accessing the professional development you
or your team need to help you excel.
• Keep you up to date with the latest research and best
• Allow you the use of post-nominals and our logo
• Give you a presense on our website
|Services designed by economic development practitioners For economic development
Subscription • An ongoing, comprehensive and stepped series of professional Subscription • Access to thousands of individuals working within economic
development opportunities (online and face to face) that would development interested in the latest job vacancies
There is just one 12 monthly subscription enable professional certification that is recognized and valued by Fees for EDA’s or RDA’s are based on a
fee of $380 for individual members. employers sliding scale that makes membership • Between one and five individual memberships depending
The joining process is simple and you can possible for small organisations and great upon the size of the organisation
pay by credit card or direct debit. • A jobs board that enables members to immediately identify job value for larger ones.
opportunities within ED around the country and internationally • The right to one vote for each of the one to five memberships
You can learn more about Economic The joining process is simple and you can the organisation possesses at any ballot undertaken by EDNZ
Development New Zealand here ... • Networking opportunities at a national level pay by credit card or direct debit.
• The latest news and events within ED nationally and • A corporate presence on the EDNZ website
Or call us on 027 440 6180 • The opportunity to have input into EDNZ submissions on
• The opportunity to have input into EDNZ submissions on matters matters of national importance to economic development
• The opportunity to have input into the shape of the EDNZ
of national importance to economic development
• An annual conference with a bespoke designed stream of research programme
• The opportunity to engage ‘certified’ practitioners who have
seminars that reflects the issues and preoccupations of individual
practitioners an exemplary level of skills, expertise and knowledge in their
• Weekly newsletter chosen field of economic development and are committed to
• A national peak body that advocates and speaks with authority on ongoing professional development
behalf of the interests of practitioners. • An annual conference with a bespoke designed stream that
• A right to one vote in any ballot undertaken by Economic reflects the issues and preoccupations of corporate members
Development NZ • The ability to nominate for Board membership
• Ability to nominate for an award • The ability to nominate for an EDNZ award
• Ability to be nominated as a Fellow’ of the organisation • The use of the EDNZ logo in economic development
• Use of post nominals – M.EDNZ or F.EDNZ material – this is on the basis of EDNZ adopting an all care but
• Discounted Professional Development fees no responsibility for the activities of its respective corporate
• A recognised commitment to a code of ethics members
• Discounted Professional Development fees
Chat to other members you might know about the benefits of
membership ...
Join the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and
many others in becoming a member of Economic Development
Subscription The following specific benefits are available to Associate corporate Regardless of what category of membership you have
members: selected you can join on line in just two minutes.
Fees for Associate Corporates are based
on a sliding scale that makes membership • Access to thousands of individuals working within economic Be sure to select the appropriate tier of membership to
possible for small organisations and great development interested in the latest job vacancies join if you are either an EDA/RDA or Associate Corporate.
value for larger ones.
• Between one and five individual memberships depending upon You can choose to pay by credit card or simply join and
The joining process is simple and you can the size of the organisation (see proposed fee structure below) receive an invoice that will enable you to pay your
choose to pay by credit card or direct subscription by direct debit.
debit. • The right to one vote for each of the one to five members the
organisation possesses at any ballot undertaken by EDNZ Before joining you might wish to chat with other members
in your region or discuss it with an Economic
• A corporate presence on the EDNZ website Development NZ team member.
• The opportunity to have input into the shape of the EDNZ
You will find other members in our Member Directory and
research programme you can chat to a team member by email:
• The opportunity to engage ‘certified’ practitioners who have an [email protected] or by phone: 027
exemplary level of skills, expertise and knowledge in their chosen
field of economic development and are committed to ongoing Journey with us!!
professional development
• An annual conference with a bespoke designed stream that
reflects the issues and preoccupations of corporate members
• The use of the EDNZ logo in economic development material – |Services designed by economic development practitioners For economic development
this would be on the basis of EDNZ adopting an all care but no practitioners
responsibility for the activities of its respective corporate
• Discounted Professional Development fees
• Be sure to check out the EDNZ rules and code of conduct