EDANZ: AGM and Board Papers
13 April, 2017 10 am – 2 pm Martin Jenkins, Level 1, City Chambers Cnr Johnston and Featherston Streets,
Susan Houston 4/13/17 Board Papers
Itinerary Pages
10 am – 11 am AGM Agenda and Papers 2 – 20
11 am – 2 pm Board Meeting Agenda and Papers 21 - 41
Please note: Lunch will be served following the Chair’s Report. Mr Stephen Knuckey from Martin
Jenkins and a representative from Callaghan Innovation will join the Board for lunch and
the remainder of Board meeting.
13 April, 2017 | 10 am - 11 am
Martin Jenkins, Level 1, City Chambers
Cnr Johnston and Featherston Streets, Wellington
(Please note you can click on any item that is highlighted below to access the associated report)
1. Welcome from Chair, David Wilson
2. Record of Attendance
3. Apologies
4. Confirmation of draft minutes from previous AGM
5. Matters Arising from previous AGM
6. Confirmation of Regional Representatives, Chair and Deputy Chair
7. Report from the Chair, David Wilson - Verbal
8. Operational budgets for current and next financial year
9. 2015/2016 Audited Accounts
10. Confirmation of Accountants/Auditors for 2016/2017
11. Proposed Amendments to EDANZ Rules
12. General Business
9.45 a.m. on Wednesday, 24 September 2015
(Please note that the 2016 AGM was deferred until the first meeting in 2017 so the following represents
the minutes of the last AGM).
Record of Attendance David Wilson (Northland Inc)
Voting Members: Patrick McVeigh (ATEED)
Northland Stuart Trundle (Venture Taranaki)
Auckland Alan Cockrell (Vision Manawatu)
Taranaki Gerard Quinn (Grow Wellington)
Manawatu Des Adamson (Enterprise Dunedin)
Wellington Paul Casson (Venture Southland)
Dunedin Michael Bassett-Foss - Chairman
Southland Michaela Blacklock - CDC
In attendance
1. Welcome:
The Chair welcomed members to the meeting.
2. Establishment of Quorum
A Quorum was present. EDANZ was incorporated on 3 September 1997.
3. Apologies Tom Skerman (Hawke's Bay Regional Council)
Hawkes Bay Cheryl MacGregor (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)
Bill Findlater (Nelson Regional EDA)
Bay of Plenty Steve Brean
Chris Simpson
4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous AGM, held on 10 September 2014 at EDANZ, Wellington, were moved as a
true and correct record.
Des Adamson Moved/David Wilson Seconded
4.1 Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising
5. Annual Report from the Chair and Executive Director
There were no matters arising
6. Financial Report
6.1 The 2013/14 Annual Audited Accounts were presented for approval
• The deficit decreased the level of retained earnings for 2014/2015.
• Board Members are aware of issues.
• Costs were due to paying out holiday pay – no secondary costs – just business as normal.
• The Chair moved for the adoption of the 2014/15 audited accounts and financial report.
Gerard Quinn Moved / Patrick McVeigh Seconded
6.2 Grant Thornton was approved as the auditors for the 2015/16 year.
Michael Bassett-Foss Moved/Patrick Veigh Seconded
7. Changes to the Rules
• The rules were updated as per discussions.
Subject to amendments Gerard Quinn Moved/ Paul Casson Seconded
8. Appointment of Chair/Deputy Chair
David Wilson was nominated to be Chairman
Gerard Quinn as Deputy Chairman
It was recommended by the Committee that David be appointed as Chairman and Gerard as Deputy Chairman
Moved by Nominations Committee/ Alan Cockrell Seconded
Gerard acknowledged Michael Bassett-Foss for all his hard work as Chairman for EDANZ and offered him a small
token from the EDANZ Committee. Michael also thanked the team for all their support and wished them well
with their ongoing work with EDANZ.
9. General Business
There was no other general business.
The meeting closed at 10.40a.m.
EDANZ Chairman
Return to AGM Agenda or scroll forward to next written item
Item 8: Proposed Budgets for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018
2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 Actuals
Interest 1400 1400 1400
Subscriptions 30000 30000 30000
Conference 150000 116000
181400 147400 0
Total Revenue Advertising 5000 5000 0
Expenses Accounting 4500 4500 200
Audit 1000 100
Total Expenses Awards 2000 200
Bank 1000 2000 0
Conference 90000 200
Consulting/Executive Support 21000 200
Entertainment 1000 71000 21000
General 1000 21000 400
Insurance 1500 500
Meeting Costs 2000 400
Telephone/Internet 500 1500
0 1500 300
130000 2000 0
0 24200
Surplus (without Tax) 51,400 39,100 7,200
Return to Agenda or scroll forward for next written item
Item 11: Proposed Changes to Rules of EDANZ
The Economic Development Association of New Zealand (EDANZ)
1 July 2015
(Please note that red ink denotes a proposed ‘deletion’, green ink denotes a proposed ‘replacement’ and
blue ink denotes ‘no amendment’ proposed)
1 Name Current Rules Proposed Rules
No Amendment proposed
1.1 The name of the society is EDANZ - The
Economic Development Association of
New Zealand Incorporated (referred to hereafter as
2 Registered Office 2.1 The Registered Office of EDANZ shall be at the 2.1 The Registered Office of
Civic Assurance House, 114-118 Lambton Quay, EDANZ shall be at
Wellington or such other place within New Zealand 85 Cameron Street, Whangārei
as the Board determines from time to time. 0110 or such place within
New Zealand as the Board
2.2 Due notice of any change in Registered Office determines from time to time.
shall be given to the Registrar of Incorporated
Societies as required. No Amendment proposed
3.The objects for To represent the interests of the Economic To provide a collegial
which EDANZ is Development Agencies of New Zealand, increase environment, to share
established are: recognition of their work and promote best practice information and co-ordinate
in economic development. projects in the economic
4. Membership development space.
4.1 The classes of membership of EDANZ are as No Amendment proposed
4.1.1 Regional EDA Member
A Regional EDA Member is
the EDA in each region which is appointed to the
board to represent the region.
4.1.2 EDA Member
An EDA Member is any organisation operating or To be Deleted
practising as an Economic Development Agency in
New Zealand supportive of the objects of EDANZ
and accepted for membership as an EDA Member
by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
4.1.3 Associate Member
An Associate Member is any individual or
organisation associated with economic development
activities or in employment directly associated with
economic development activities and supportive of
the objects of EDANZ and accepted for membership
as an Associate Member by the Board.
4.2 The Board shall have the power to establish No Amendment proposed
additional categories of membership with such
rights and obligations as it determines.
4.3 Associate Members are ex officio members of Deleted
EDANZ and may be invited to participate in
dialogue and activities of EDANZ.
4.4 Associate Members shall not have the right to
vote at any annual general or special general
meeting or to call any meeting of EDANZ.
4.5 In these rules, where the term Member is used
it will be assumed to include EDA Members
and Associate Members, except when the term
is used in relation to the power to vote or to call
or attend any meeting of the society.
4.6 The Board shall keep a membership register for 4.3 The Board shall keep a
EDANZ recording each Member's name, membership register for
address, telephone number, facsimile number, EDANZ recording each
and email address Members shall advise the Member's name, address,
Board of any changes of name, address, telephone number, facsimile
telephone number, facsimile number, email number, and email address
address and class of membership. Members shall advise the Board
of any changes of name,
Members shall advise the Board of any changes address, telephone number or
of name, address, telephone number, facsimile email address.
number, email address and class of
membership. 4.4 Members shall advise the
Board of any changes of name,
address, telephone number,
facsimile number, or email
4.7 Every Member shall be deemed to have notice No Amendment proposed
of these rules and will be bound by them as if
the Member had been an original subscriber to
5.0 Applications 5.1Applications for membership shall be made in 5.1Applications for
for writing to the Executive Director. membership shall be made in
membership writing to the chairperson.
5.2 The Board may from time to time set down No Amendment proposed
qualifications and conditions for membership. No Amendment proposed
5.3 The Board shall have discretion as to who it
admits for membership and shall be under no
obligation to give any reason for accepting or
declining any application for membership.
5.4 Any Member who fails in the observance of any No Amendment proposed
rule, regulation or standard of ethics which for
the time being Members are expected to
observe, or whose character or methods are
deemed by the Board not to be in the best
interests of EDANZ may be removed from
EDANZ by a resolution to that effect passed by
the Board.
5.5 Any Member wishing to resign shall give
notice in writing to the Board and must pay all
fees, subscriptions and other levies up to the
date of such notice.
5.6 Any Member ceasing to be a Member for any
cause whatsoever, including a Member that has
allowed their membership to lapse,
nevertheless remains liable for all subscriptions
and other monies which may have become due
by that Member prior to termination of that
Member’s membership.
6.0 Subscriptions 6.1 Each Regional EDA Member shall pay such No Amendment proposed
annual or other subscription as determined by
the Board from time to time. The manner and
method of payment shall be determined by the
6.2 A Member shall not be entitled to take
advantage of membership in any way until that
Member's subscription and/or arrears of
subscription are paid.
7. Board 7.1 The management, conduct and control of No Amendment proposed
EDANZ's activities, operations, assets and
funds shall be vested in the Board.
7.2 The Board shall consist of:
7.2.1A representative from each region as
defined below:
• Northland
• Auckland
• Waikato
• Taranaki
• Bay of Plenty
• Gisborne
• Hawkes Bay
• Manawatu-Wanganui
• Wellington
• Tasman-Nelson-Marlborough
• West Coast
• Canterbury
• Otago
• Southland
7.3 As well as the above 14 Regional board Deletion proposed
positions the body that acts as the Auckland
Regional Economic Development Agency shall be
entitled to a seat on the board.
7.4 Prior to each annual general meeting EDA No Amendment proposed
Members in each Region shall confirm their
representative on the Board
7.5 The Regions shall be determined at the
discretion of the Board from time to time. The
Board must provide written notice to each of
the EDA Members, recording the Board's
determination in regard to the number, make up
and boundaries of the Regions.
7..5 At an AGM or SGM each paid up Regional
EDA Member shall have one vote.
7.6 The Board from time to time may at its
discretion co-opt representatives of EDA
Members on to the Board who shall have the
same rights and powers as any other Board
7.7 Should a vacancy arise during a term of office No Amendment proposed
the Region affected will appoint another
7.8 It is the duty of the Board to conduct the 7.8 It is the duty of the Board to
affairs of EDANZ, to keep usual and conduct the affairs of EDANZ,
proper accounts and other records of to keep usual and proper
business, to notify Members of intended accounts and other records of
meetings and business to be transacted at business, to notify Members of
those meetings, to prepare and submit to intended meetings and business
to be transacted at those
the annual general meeting a set of meetings, to prepare and submit
financial statements for the previous year. to the annual general meeting
an annual set of financial
statements for the previous
7.9 The frequency, location and timing of
Board meetings shall be determined by No Amendment proposed
the chairperson and there shall be at least
four Board meetings per year.
7.10 The quorum at Board meetings shall be at 7.10 The quorum for voting at
least 50% of the serving Board members. Board meetings shall be at least
50% of the serving Board
8.0 Powers of the 8.1 In addition to any powers conferred by these No Amendment proposed
Board rules the Board shall have the following powers
and authorities:
8.2 To co-operate with all interested parties in
promotion of the objects of EDANZ;
8.3 To enter into any arrangement with any party
which has objects concurrent to those of
8.4 To seek donations, gifts and sponsorship for
EDANZ in order to promote the objects of
8.5 To expend any money in pursuance of and
incidental to any of the objects of EDANZ;
8.6 To carry out any actions which are in the best
interests of EDANZ and in accordance with
these rules.
8.7 Subject to these rules, the Board may
establish committees. It may delegate
any of its powers to such committees, and
may prescribe by-laws for regulating the
proceedings of committees. The
10 | P a g e
chairperson shall, by virtue of that office,
be an ex-officio member of all
8.8 The Board may appoint to any committee
any person who is not a Member of
EDANZ, if in the opinion of the Board
that person has knowledge or experience
that may assist the work of the committee.
8.9 The majority of members of every
committee must be individual
representatives of EDA Members and at
least one member of every committee
must be a Board member.
8.10 The Board may appoint a person to be the
Executive Director to manage the affairs
of the Board, on such terms and
conditions as the Board, in its absolute
discretion deems appropriate. The Board
may delegate to the Executive Director
such of its rights and powers as it deems
8.11 The Executive Director is not a member
of the Board
11 | P a g e
9 Meetings Annual General Meeting
9.1. The annual general meeting shall be No Amendment proposed
held within three months after
the end of each financial year at
a time and place fixed by the
Board for the following
9.1.1 To receive an annual set of financial
statements for the preceding year
and an estimate of the receipts
and expenditure for the ensuing
9.1.2 To receive an annual report
which will include reports from
any committees established
pursuant to rule 8.7.
9.1.3 To decide on any motion which
may be duly submitted in terms
of rule Error! Reference
source not found..
Special General Meetings
9.2. Aspecial general meeting of Members may be
called by the Board at any time or shall be
called at the written request of five paid up
Regional EDA Members. Such a meeting shall
have the same powers as an annual general
9.3 Not less than fourteen clear days before any No Amendment proposed
meeting a notice of it shall be sent to every
Member either electronically or by prepaid
letter addressed to the Member's last known
place of abode. Such notice shall specify the
date, time and place of such meeting, the type
of meeting and the business to be discussed at
the meeting.
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10.1 A Member wishing to bring any motion before A Member wishing to bring any
10 Procedure at any meeting shall give written notice to the motion before any meeting
Meetings Executive Director prior to the commencement shall give written notice to the
of the meeting called and no other business Chairperson prior to the
shall be considered except if it be deemed a commencement of the meeting
matter of extreme urgency by a majority of the called and no other business
shall be considered except if it
Regional EDA Members assembled. be deemed a matter of extreme
urgency by a majority of the
Regional EDA Members
10.2 At all meetings the chairperson and in his No Amendment proposed
or her absence any other duly elected
chairperson shall take the chair and every
Regional EDA Member shall be entitled
on every motion to one vote exercised in
person or by proxy and in the case of an
equality of votes the chairperson shall
have a casting as well as a deliberative
10.3 The mode of voting on all questions at all
meetings shall be by a show of hands, No Amendment proposed
unless otherwise directed by the
chairperson. Each Regional EDA
Member shall nominate one
representative individual to vote.
10.4 A notification of all
10.4 A notification of all proxy votes must be proxy votes must be received
received by the Executive Director before by the Chairperson before the
the meeting and must state the EDA on meeting and must state the
which the vote is on behalf and who will EDA on which the vote is on
be the representative putting forward the behalf and who will be the
representative putting
forward the vote.
10.5 At all meetings 50% of all paid up No Amendment proposed
Regional EDA Members in attendance
shall constitute a quorum.
13 | P a g e
11.1These rules may be altered, added to or
11 Alteration to rescinded at any Annual General meeting or
Rules Special General meeting provided that notice in
writing setting out such alteration, addition or No Amendment proposed
rescission has been posted to Regional EDA
Members with the notice of the meeting not less
than fourteen clear days prior to the meeting.
11.2No addition to or alteration of the non-profit
aims, personal benefit clause or the winding up
clause shall be approved without the approval
of the Inland Revenue Department. The
provisions and affect of this clause shall not be
removed from this document and shall be
included and implied into any document
replacing this document.
14 | P a g e
12 By-laws
Making by-laws
12.1 The Board shall have power to make, alter No Amendment proposed
or rescind by-laws not inconsistent with
these rules to regulate the conduct and
behaviour of Members, the due regulation
of EDANZ business and the business of
any committees.
12.2 Such by-laws shall not conflict with, or
take precedence over, any matters
contained in these rules.
12.3 By-laws shall take effect and become
binding on all Members fourteen days
after notice of the by-laws has been given
by circular letter to all Members, unless
within that time written notice of
objection signed on behalf of ten paid up
EDA Members is received by the
Executive Director, in which case such
notice shall be deemed to be a notice of
motion for the purpose of convening a
special general meeting of Members
pursuant to rule 9.2.
13.4 A copy of the rules and by-laws and
regulations of EDANZ and any committees of
EDANZ shall always be open to inspection by
15 | P a g e
13 Common seal 13.1EDANZ must have a common seal which shall 13.1EDANZ must have a
remain in the custody of the Executive Director common seal which shall
or such other person as nominated by the remain in the custody of the
Board. Chairperson or such other
person as nominated by the
13.2The use of the seal can only be authorised by 13.2The use of the seal can only
the resolution of the Board and its application be authorised by the
is to be witnessed by the Executive Director resolution of the Board and
plus one other member of the Board its application is to be
witnessed by the
chairperson plus one other
member of the Board.
Liquidation of EDANZ
14 Liquidation 14.1 Members may resolve to put EDANZ into
liquidation if at a meeting of the paid up No Amendment proposed
EDA Members a resolution is passed by a
majority of the votes of EDA Members
present called for the purpose and the
resolution is confirm by a majority, at a
subsequent meeting called together for
that purpose and is held not earlier than
30 days after the date on which the
resolution to be confirmed was passed.
Disposal of Surplus Funds
14.2 If upon the liquidation of EDANZ there
remains after the satisfaction of all its
liabilities any property whatsoever, the
same shall not be paid or distributed
among Members but shall be given or
transferred to some other organisation or
body with similar objectives to EDANZ
that also has an income tax exemption or
for some other charitable purpose within
New Zealand.
16 | P a g e
15 Liability
15.1 No Member shall be under any liability in No Amendment proposed
respect of any contract, obligation, debt or
other liability made or incurred by
16.0 Indemnity 16.1No action in law or other claim may be taken
by Members or their executors or
administrators against any other Members of No Amendment proposed
EDANZ or the Board or any officer in
pursuance of the provisions of these rules,
notwithstanding any irregularity or informality
occurring in or about the doing or omitting or
suffering of any act, matter or thing. No
Member of the Board is liable for any loss or
expenses of EDANZ or any Member unless it
occurs as a result of wilful default
17 | P a g e
Money on account
17 Finance 17.1 All moneys received on account of
EDANZ shall be paid into the account of No Amendment proposed
EDANZ with its bankers and shall be
acknowledged by an officer or a paid
employee of EDANZ.
17.2 All cheques drawn upon the bankers of
EDANZ shall be signed in such manner
and by such persons as the Board shall
from time to time determine.
17.3 Cheques or other negotiable instruments
paid or payable to EDANZ’s bankers for
collection requiring the endorsement of
EDANZ may be endorsed by such person
or persons as the Board shall from time to
time appoint.
Account books
17.4 The Board shall keep, or cause to be kept,
a proper account of the income and
expenditure of EDANZ and of the matters
in respect of which such income and
expenditure arises and takes place
respectively and of the property, credits
and liabilities of EDANZ in books to be
provided for that purpose, and shall
produce the account books, properly
written up, when required.
Financial year
17.5 The financial year of EDANZ shall be
from 1 July in one year to 30 June in the
next year.
Filing requirements
17.6 The Executive Director shall file with the 17.6 The Chairperson shall file
Registrar of Incorporated Societies within with the Registrar of
seven days after the annual general Incorporated Societies within
meeting, the financial statements required seven days after the annual
to be filed under section 23 of the general meeting, the financial
Incorporated Societies Act 1908 statements required to be filed
under section 23 of the
Incorporated Societies Act 1908
18 | P a g e
18.1 The funds, properties and assets of No Amendment proposed
18 Funds and EDANZ shall be under the control of the
Board who shall have full power to rent,
properties lease, furnish and deal with buildings,
land and other property of EDANZ as the
18.2 Board may think fit without reference to
a meeting of Members except in the case
18.3 of the winding up of EDANZ.
18.4 EDANZ shall in addition to the other
18.5 powers vested in it have power to borrow
or raise money from time to time by the
issue of debentures, bonds, mortgages, or
any other security founded or based on all
or any of the property and/or rights of
EDANZ with or without any such
security and upon such terms as to
priority and otherwise as EDANZ shall
think fit and the powers contained in this
clause may be exercised by the Board.
All legacies, endowments, donations of
gifts of money or other real or personal
property unless given to EDANZ for any
specific object shall be dealt with by the
Board as EDANZ may think fit for the
general purposes of EDANZ.
Any money of EDANZ may be invested
by EDANZ in such manner as it may from
time to time determine.
Any income, benefit or advantage shall be
applied to the objectives of EDANZ. No
Member or any person associated with a
Member shall participate in or materially
influence any decision made by EDANZ
in respect of the payment to or on behalf
of that Member or associated person of
any income, benefit or advantage
whatsoever. Any such income shall be
reasonable and relative to that which
would be paid within an arms length
transaction being open market value.
19 | P a g e
19 Notices 19.1Notices shall be deemed served by one party
upon another party:
if posted, two business days following No Amendment proposed
if delivered personally, on the date of
service; or
if sent by facsimile or other electronic
device, on the date of transmission.
20 Definitions Board means the Board of EDANZ
appointed in accordance with rule 8.
Economic Development Agency (EDA) means a No Amendment proposed
regional or local organisation responsible for the
business growth and the wider economic
development activity that seeks to improve the
economic well-being and quality of life within its
EDANZ means the Economic Development
Association of New Zealand Incorporated.
Executive Director means the person appointed by
the Board in accordance with rule 9.5.
Member means any organisation or individual who
holds a current class of membership as defined in
rule 4, unless a contrary intention is specified.
Regions means the regions in New Zealand
determined by the Board and notified in writing to
EDA Members, in accordance with rule 8.5.
Return to AGM Agenda by clicking here
20 | P a g e
EDANZ Board Papers
11 am – 2 pm
21 | P a g e
Meeting of EDANZ Board
13 April, 2017 | 11 am – 2 pm
Martin Jenkins, Level 1, City Chambers
Cnr Johnston and Featherston Streets, Wellington
(Please note you can click on each item below to access relevant written report)
1. Welcome from Chair, David Wilson (2 minutes)
2. Apologies (1 minute)
3. Housekeeping (1 minute)
4. Conflicts of Interest (2 minutes)
5. Draft Minutes from November Board Meeting – Attached (2 minutes)
6. Matters Arising (10 minutes)
7. Reports (30 minutes)
a. Operational Report including Financial Statements
b. Proposal to establish Inaugural EDANZ Awards
c. Update on Conference
d. Update on Futures Paper for EDANZ
8. Chair’s Report – verbal (10 minutes)
9. Callaghan Innovation – CEO, Vic Crone
10. Martin Jenkins - Stephen Knuckey
11. Regional Round Up (90 minutes)
12. General Business
22 | P a g e
Item 5: EDANZ Board Meeting Minutes
EDANZ Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 17 November | 10:12 – 12:39
ATEED, Meeting room: Tamaki Makaurau, Level 8, 139 Quay Street, Auckland.
Chair: David Wilson, Northland Inc
Patrick McVeigh, ATEED; Kevin Stratful ; Chris Mackenzie, DWC; John Christie, Enterprise Dunedin; Paul
Apologies: Casson, Venture Southland; Stuart Trundle, Venture Taranaki (Teleconference); Liz Campbell (Minutes)
Kelvyn Eglington, HCC; Sean Murray, HCC; Cheryl Lewis, BOPRC; Chris Whelan, Wellington NZ; Mark
Rawson, NRDA; Michaela Blacklock, CDC; Brett O’Riley, ATEED; Tom Skeerman, Hawke’s Bay; Greg
Simmonds, Priority One; Belinda Lunn, DWC. Will Samuel, CEDA Des Adamson, Enterprise Dunedin
Warren Gilberston, DWC
Conflicts of interest
Minutes from September 2016 meeting
Amended to reflect Stuart Trundle’s apologies and ratified.
Chris McKenzie / Patrick McVeigh
Operations Committee update
• Audit FY2016 – Grant Thornton have been contracted to complete this.
• John Christie, David Wilson, Paul Casson to work on draft budget for FY2017
• Thank you extended to Grow Wellington, Liz Denton and Heidi Morton for their efforts with the
accounts following the departure of GQ, noted that the administration and accounting will be moved
to Northland with the Chair
• Recommendation that the cheque book be destroyed
• Thanks were extended to Paul Casson for the past year as Audit and Risk Chair
• Request for Paul Casson to outline any thoughts for changes to processes for the year ahead
Report accepted: Patrick McVeigh / Kevin Stratful
Future of EDANZ discussion / RTONZ relationship
Overall theme of the conversation is that EDANZ is not providing much value to members in its current format.
EDANZ has changed with the removal of the staff in Wellington and it was noted that it takes a reasonable
amount of work to keep on track and keep members engaged. Also noted that along with the reduction in staff
there was a change in members, we’ve seen this through the ever changing set up of EDAs nationwide. EDA CE
level conversations were seen to add value. Work out how EDANZ can offer a wrap around service for (e.g.)
FDI in regions.
Potential future directions:
• Monthly webinar style meeting available to all interested in ED
• 4 physical meetings per year, change of location for each
• Integrate with RTONZ
• Idea is to strengthen EDA position with central government
23 | P a g e
• Run a more MoU style membership – not paid
D Wilson to contract a suitable person to produce a paper to identify future options for EDANZ following
consultation and discussion with appropriate entities with the aim to provide a direction for FY18 by March 31,
Martin Jenkins update – Stephen Knuckey joined the meeting
Stephen Knuckey expressed apologies for the delay in delivery of the forums due to work on the West Coast.
Discussion on strategic forums – noted that they are regional development forums, not EDANZ forums, there
will be 2-3 seats held for EDANZ and members will discuss among themselves the most appropriate attendees.
• The first forum will be held week commencing 20 February 2017, in Wellington.
• This will be an informal meeting for free and frank discussions to test policy and strategies with
central and local government, and EDAs and will lead to research on issues that there is a joint desire
to focus on.
• Overall aim is to discuss the future of regional development policy in New Zealand.
• Noted that we’re coming to the end of the fourth RGS and need to be sure of how to action both
them, and regional strategies in general.
• Increased focus on Maori development is being seen nationwide
Conference 2017
• Agreement to proceed with a 2-day conference in early August 2017. Wellington the agreed location
• Wide invite list to all interested in economic development
• Agenda forming notes
o Economic resilience
o Outward focus
o Workshops to be based on topics that come out of the Strategic Forums
• Conference committee – others to be added as required
o D Wilson
o S Knuckey
o P Casson
o P McVeigh
o K Stratful
Recommendation that Susan Houston is contracted to deliver the Conference. D Wilson to engage.
Chris MacKenzie / Paul Casson
Regional updates
• RRI – proposal to MBIE and had been shortlisted. Unsuccessful initially but encouraged to apply for
next tract of funding
• Southland Regional Development Strategy underway. 3-4 top areas, education, aquaculture, tourism
• Tourism numbers good, short in management labour. Accommodation shortage
• FDI. Seeing Chinese investment in Te Anau. Interesting experiences rescuing Silver Fern Farms
• Events promotion. Burt Monroe, World shearing competition in February
• Digital connectivity
• Lean management process with 35 pax. 15 companies working thorough and the ED also completed
themselves. Fully implementing the framework in February.
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• 2.5 years on from amalgamation. Interesting ride. Settling new strategic direction getting the culture
right etc.
• Destination marketing plan for how to market Dunedin in the future. Marketing prospectus in
• Review of start up space
• Lots of activity in Chinese space
West Coast
• RGS progressing
• Cycleways. Funds approved to solve last obstacle so it’s going ahead
• Earthquakes. Concern from NZTA about road structure in pieces, currently underassessment
• 42.5 new jobs in Westport
• Power cost is an issue
• Changed the branding and the first set of inbound and domestic research is showing incredibly high
growth. Note that growth in tourism stopped LY and with the new campaign the West Coast has seen
10% growth on same period LY. $5m GDP into economy. Businesses are requesting brand usage,
particularly agricultural / food service.
• Eco development – looking for new investment, being conscious of the need to look after your own
• RRI – putting in a project around added value products for mining industry
• Visitor strategy update.
• Refresh of regional economic strategy. August 2017 due date
• NZTE FDI may pay off.
• Broader control of CCOs. Brand story
• Events: Golf. Lions tests. Blues. Business leverage. World masters games
• Innovation precinct. Tender out to operate 8,500sqm – following grid AKL support
• Tech week. 60 events 8 days, now national. ARVR hub. Momentum developing. Similar with screen
• Skills and jobs hubs. Wynyard, Tamaki
• 4th jobfest, young people and employers – 2000 pax, 800 jobs. 150 people into jobs directly. Partnered
with mayors taskforce for jobs – they bring the people. ATEED do event and employer side. Warriors
turn up etc
• Treasury engagement on an Auckland narrative, included ATEED research, PWC future organisational
• Callaghan Innovation future about food bowl and F&B eco system
• New councils being bedded in
• Projects
o The Orchard opened
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o Hawaiki official launch
o Hundertwasser
• Action Plan. Lining up and working together within the region and central government
• TPM. Looked at FDI, $0.5 to $0.75b investment. Wood supply is an issue, changing structure of forest
ownership, SEZ conversation and proposal was to look at a site near Ngawha.
• Destination marketing vs destination management. Need product development. New spaces for
General update – Martin Jenkins
• Hawkes Bay – review currently underway
• Waikato – looking at what arrangements are fit for the region for ED
• LGNZ on economic development investment and models. Massive variation across models and
investment – showing more variance than anticipated
• Renewed interest in digital enablement. Looking at more flexible ways to roll out.
General Business
A thank you will be extended to Michaela Blacklock acknowledging her contributions to EDANZ throughout her
time at CDC.
Thank you to Patrick and the team at ATEED for hosting us.
Move to defer the AGM until February where we will have audited accounts.
“We grow the NZ economy though our national network. They engage communities from the ground up to
deliver tailored economic development solutions.
The collective knowledge and experience gained at the active face of the economy, ensures that EDANZ plays
a valued role, collaborating in the creation and delivery of national economic development initiatives.”
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Item 7 a) Operational Report
Purpose of Report: To provide the Board with an overview of operational matters.
1. Auditor Annual Report for the Year ending 30 June 2016
Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants who undertook the EDANZ Auditors Report and Statement of
Financial position as at 30 June 2015 were engaged on the 3 November 2016 to audit the organisations
financial statements. This process has taken some time mainly due to the transition of documentation and
records from our Wellington offices to our newly established support office in Northland. I must thank
Liz Campbell and Susan Houston for their support and efforts in driving the process forward and working
with Grant Thornton to undertake the audit.
2. Latest Draft Financial Accounts to 30 June 2016
Financial accounts - These have been prepared and forwarded to Grant Thornton to undertake an
independent Auditors Report for the year ended 30 June 2016.
3. Draft Budget 2016-17
Please see draft budgets on the AGM Agenda
4. Westpac on Line Banking
This has worked smoothly thank you to Liz Campbell Executive Assistant Northland Inc and
previously Liz Denton from Grow Wellington for the online banking, and processing of accounts.
Accounts are forwarded through to myself and David for authorisation. Previously EDANZ
management accounts have been based at the Grow Wellington and administered within their finance
team. The processing of invoices has been minimal per month and both David and I have completed
the necessary audit and risk documents associated to our financial processes and fraud assessment
process as part of the Auditors report for the 2016 Financial Year.
5. Administration and Finances going forward
There is a need to check the current signatories to this account.
6. Operations Committee. John Christie has been elected to this committee and a Conference Committee
has been established to drive this forward for the organisation. Again, dedicated resources in this area is
essential to make this event successful.
7. Susan Houston has been contracted into the position of Executive Support. This is such a good
appointment as it has become impossible to keep up with the necessary requirements within the current
resources allocated to the operations of our organisation. Both Liz Campbell and Susan are very effective
in their roles and maintain our business on a day to day basis.
Consultation: This report has been the subject of consultation with the Chair of EDANZ.
Budget: This report does not have any financial impact
It is recommended that the:
a) Operations Report be noted
b) Profit and Loss as of 22 March be noted
c) Balance Sheet as of 22 March be noted
Author: Paul Casson
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i) Profit and Loss as of 22 March 2017
ii) Balance Sheet as of 22 March 2017
Profit & Loss
Economic Development Agencies of New
1 July 2016 to 22 March 2017
22 Mar 17
Income $206.41
Interest Income $0.00
Other Revenue
Total Income $206.41
Less Cost of Sales $5,691.43
Contractors $5,691.43
Total Cost of Sales
Gross Profit -$5,485.02
Less Operating Expenses -$26.73
ACC $1,500.00
Audit Fees
Bank Fees $129.60
Computer Expenses $68.94
Consulting & Accounting $0.00
Entertainment $0.00
General Expenses $0.00
Meeting Costs
Subscriptions $669.13
Telephone & Internet $550.00
Travel - National
Total Operating Expenses $0.00
Net Profit -$8,375.96
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Balance Sheet
Economic Development Agencies of New Zealand
As at 31 March 2017
31 Mar 31 Mar
2017 2016
Bank $77,827.95 $77,510.87
EDANZ 15 - Online Saver $8,709.35 $20,470.82
Westpac Cheque Account $97,981.69
Total Bank $86,537.30
Fixed Assets -$1,746.57 -$1,746.57
Furniture Accumulated depreciation
Furniture Cost $11,322.74 $11,322.74
Office Equipment
Less Accumulated Depreciation on Office $34,280.89 $34,280.89
Equipment - -
Total Fixed Assets
$43,857.06 $43,857.06
Total Assets $0.00 $0.00
$86,537.30 $97,981.69
Liabilities -$1,172.46 -$576.50
$500.00 $500.00
Current Liabilities -$672.46 -$76.50
Sundry creditors -$672.46 -$76.50
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets $87,209.76 $98,058.19
Equity -$8,375.96 $9,018.99
Current Year Earnings $95,585.72 $89,039.20
Retained Earnings $87,209.76 $98,058.19
Total Equity
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Item 7 b: Inaugural EDANZ Awards
Promoting Excellence – Celebrating Success
Proposal: To seek the Board’s support to establish the Inaugural EDANZ Awards for Excellence
Background: There are a number of benefits to be gained from offering Members the opportunity to receive
Awards for their achievements in delivering Economic Development best practice, to name but a few:
a) It encourages good practice across a range of activities
b) It allows practitioners to acknowledge and celebrate success
c) It promotes achievements within the profession
d) It raises the profile of EDANZ in the media and across sister agencies
e) It allows EDANZ to recognize the efforts of individuals, projects and organisations
If the concept finds Board support it is proposed that the Awards be presented during the course of the EDANZ
Conference Dinner by the Chair of EDANZ and/or a dignitary.
I have developed a process and a series of categories that may find favour with the Board, please see below.
Proposed Award Categories
It is proposed that nominees could be an individual, project or organisation. Details of the Categories under
which nomination can be submitted are as follows. Please note that nominations can be made by the owner of
the project or initiative or by someone else.
a) Good Practice Category:
EDANZ will recognize Best Practice by an organisation in the following areas:
1) Integrated, Strategic planning
2) Promoting Innovation
3) Collaborative Projects with Business, Iwi, Community
4) Investment
5) Sustainable Development
NB The strongest nomination of all five of the good practice categories will be awarded the Supreme
Best Practice Award.
b) Distinguished Service and/or contribution by an individual: EDANZ Fellow
EDANZ wishes to recognize an individual who has:
1) Made a significant contribution over many years to the image and practice of economic
development; or
2) Undertook original research which has advanced the theory or practice of economic development
in New Zealand; or
3) Made a major contribution to the affairs of EDANZ; or
4) Achieved national or international recognition as a leader in the economic development profession
c) The Supreme Practice Award
Please note that the Supreme Practice Award will be awarded to the strongest nomination received
under the Good Practice Category.
d) EDANZ Media Award
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The EDANZ Media Award will be made to an individual to recognise excellence in coverage of
economic development issues in any type of media. The award will be judged on the basis of a
portfolio provided by applicants or sponsors that contain their three best items addressing economic
development within New Zealand.
In essence, this provides individuals or organisations the opportunity to submit for any one of six Awards (5 best
practice awards and the Distinguished Service awards. The Supreme award does not require a nomination since
it can only be achieved by a winner of one of the Good Practice Category Awards.
How Nominees Would Apply
Nominees would be able to fill in an online nomination form and email support material. It is proposed that the
following information / queries be included in the nomination form.
Details of Individual/Project/Organisation
Which category are you nominating for?
If a project, which agency led the work?
Please provide the names of those individual (s) or organisation (s) who should appear on the Award?
Are you a member of EDANZ?
Are you the owner of the nomination material (including written, graphic, photographic, drawings etc)?
(There would then be another section which seeks the above information, if different from the nominee)
Your Nomination Checklist
Please ensure you have provided the following information before submitting this form.
A covering letter of no more than two pages that offers: A summary of the individual, project or organisation
being nominated.
A one page description of the unique challenges and innovative approach adopted.
Why you believe the project merits an EDANZ Award.
Are you committed to providing a two minute video (no more) about the nomination if successful?
When you have completed this form online please press the submit button
Don't forget to email your support material to [email protected]
Finally, please remember
• Late entries will not be accepted or considered
• Please email your support material to: [email protected] no later than 5pm 30 June 2017
• The EDANZ Awards Committee decision is final and discussions will not be entered into.
Process for Deciding Winning Nominees
Decisions would be made by an Awards Committee that includes the Chair, Deputy Chair and at least three
others. If a conflict of interest arises with any of the nominations, then the relevant Awards Committee member
would recuse themselves from that decision.
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The nominations would be categorised and provided online to the Committee on the 2nd July 2017 and a
teleconference established two weeks later for the Committee to discuss the nominations within each category.
Decisions will be made by consensus where possible and majority vote where not possible. Commendations can
be made where the decision is too close to make.
The winners will be advised confidentially of their success following the teleconference so that they are able to
create a two minute video highlighting the achievement.
End of Form
The cost of the awards are primarily related to the development of the Awards themselves i.e. six in total.
Budget: The costs of the Awards are negligible ($2000) and can be eked from the Conference Budget.
Consultation: The concept has gained interest from the Chair of EDANZ.
a) That the establishment of the Inaugural EDANZ Awards be endorsed
b) That the Board endorse the budget of $2000 for the Awards to be taken from the Conference budget
c) That the Board endorses the proposed process and nomination form
d) That the Board selects three members to join the Chair and Deputy Chair on the Awards Committee
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Item 7 c) Update on Conference Progress
Purpose of Report: To provide the Board with an overview of progress made to date for the EDANZ 2017
Background: The Conference Committee has met and resolved on the following plans for the 2017 EDANZ
a) Venue will be Rydges, Wellington
b) Dates will be 31 August and 1 September
c) The overall theme of the Conference will be ‘Connect, Collaborate, Succeed’
a. The programme will include two international key noters and New Zealand speakers, invites
have been sent to the following potential international speakers: Neil McKinroy,
Terry Stevens.
d) A panel session on the future of NZ’s regions has been arranged with the following speakers,
Shamubeel Eaqub, Rod Oram, Maxim Institute Representative.
e) Domestic speakers invited to date include an LGNZ representative to speak on the regional economic
development research they have undertaken and Iain Cossar of MBIE;
f) Invites have also been sent to the Chairs of the following sister agencies to attend the event: IEDC, the
Institute of Economic Development (UK) and the Economic Development Association of Australia
g) The programme will include three parallel sessions
h) Abstracts have been called for – the topics for papers can be found on the EDANZ website under the
Conference menu.
i) The sponsorship packages have been completed and are available on the EDANZ website under the
Conference menu. A concerted effort will be made to promote these to targeted companies over the
coming weeks.
j) Board members will be encouraged to act as ‘Ambassadors’ during the course of the conference for
stray delegates. Ambassadors will be distinguished by some form of apparel i.e. hat, T Shirt, Badge –
yet to be determined.
k) The Prime Minister and leaders of the Labour, Greens and NZ First Parties have been invited to speak
over the course of the two days, as well the Mayor of Wellington.
l) Showgizmo will replace the typical brochure – which contributes to the ‘green’ nature of the event.
m) The Conference will include a reception on the 30th and a dinner on the 31st .
n) There will be discounted accommodation available at Rydges
Budget: Please see amended budget attached. Please note that the budget does not as yet include the $2000 for
the Inaugural Awards, nor will it unless the Awards proposal is endorsed.
Consultation: This paper has been subject to consultation with the Chair of EDANZ
Recommendations: That the:
a) conference report be noted.
b) amended budget be endorsed.
Author: Susan Houston, Executive Officer
i) Amended budget
ii) Very draft programme
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Item 7 C (i) Connect, Collaborate, Succeed
Fees INCOME Amended Budget
excl GST
$650 A: Registration Fees Attendees
$600 Non Member 130 84,500
Member 20 12, 000
Complimentary 10 0
Total Registration 150 96,500
B: Sponsorship
Total Sponsorship 20000
A: Venue 6000
Space Hire - Break outs 1000
Equipment 10000
Audio-visual services 12000
Day catering 3000
Reception food 1200
Reception beverages 18000
Dinner food 5000
Dinner beverages 300
Internet 300
B: Materials 1000
Showgizmo – this replaces handbooks 1000
Name tags and lanyards
C: Speaker fees 10000
International Speaker
D: Flights 7000
Airfares: Speakers - Premium Economy 500
Airfares: Speaker 2 1000
E: Accommodation 2500
Speakers 1000
Event Manager
F: Administration
34 | P a g e
Presenter Expenses - Gifts 180
Website 0
On-line registration 0
Credit card Charges 450
Phone/Fax 203
Photocopying/Sundries 525
Couriers/postage 300
Conference Coordinator 18,000
10% Contingency $8,865 $8,865
35 | P a g e
Very Draft Conference Programme
Green shading denotes programme confirmed
Themes Facing the Future - Partners in Building a resilient Equality by
Together Excellence and aligned national
Wednesday 30 th August at 6.30 pm
Cocktail Reception and opportunity to network with speakers
9 am Welcome by Chair of EDANZ
9.20 Hon Bill English – speaking on regional economic development policy
9.50 Mr Iain Cossar – MBIE - speaking on latest research around regional disparity
10.15 Morning Tea
10.45 Professor Terry Stevens has been confirmed
11.30 Hon Andrew Little – yet to confirm
12.00 Lunch
1.0 Panel Session with Shamubeel Eaqub, Rod Oram and Maxim Institute representative, Julian Wood.
All have confirmed.
MBIE rep Mr Cossar has also been invited to join the panel.
The Chair of EDANZ will facilitate the panel discussion.
2.00 Best practice case The principles and Partnering with
studies between practices of Maori – best
3.00 Afternoon Tea business and Resilience – Speakers practice examples
3.30 EDA/RDA’s yet to be identified
showcased –
Speakers yet to
be identified
Best practice case Building a resilient Partnering with
studies between economic Maori – best
business and development agenda practice examples
EDA/RDA’s – Speakers yet to be
showcased – Yet identified
to be identified
5.00 End of Day 1
6.30 Dinner – the rationale for having it on this day is that if we leave it to the Friday night we might lose
quite a few folk who want to get a start on the weekend with their families
9.00 Hon James Shaw - Greens – Confirmed to speak on Greens Regional Economic Development Policy
9.30 Keynoter – Neil McInroy - is willing to speak
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10.00 Hon Winston Peters – NZ First - speaking on Regional Economic Development Policy
10.30 Morning Tea
11.00 Speaker – LGNZ on Regional Economic Development Research undertaken by LGNZ
11. 45 Keynoter – Julian Fairfield – is willing to speak
12.30 Lunch
1.30 pm – 3 Best practice case Opportunities for Designing
pm studies vertical alignment engagement with
showcased between national, Maori
regional and local
3.00 Afternoon Tea
3.30 – 4.30 Workshop on Workshop on how to Workshop on
funding models create greater how to create
alignment of strategy greater inclusivity
and budget beyond 3 – requires
year election cycle – facilitator
requires facilitator
End of Day 2
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Item 7 d) Update on EDANZ Future Options Paper
Purpose of Report: To provide the Board with a progress report on the EDANZ Future Options paper.
Background: The Board is intent on creating a roadmap for the future of EDANZ that resonates with members
whilst meeting unfulfilled needs. The roadmap may ultimately generate a change in governance, a change in the
way EDANZ collaborates and connects with other agencies (both public and private), a change in how it is
resourced, a change in its reason for being and a change in what services it delivers. But for now, the focus is on
identifying what services / resources members would value.
I have taken a very pragmatic and constructive approach to this workstream, based on the view that it is our
relevance to members and their work that should be the organisations compass on this journey of change. In
short, the governance, structure, choice of collaborators and how EDANZ is resourced should be guided by the
services members would value from a national organisation. Without this understanding it would be unwise to
build a ‘superstructure’.
I am also mindful of the fact that some members, including Board members may be a little fatigued from
relitigating the organisations ‘reason for being’. This approach avoids adding to that fatigue by focussing on
what EDANZ ‘can do’ that members might value.
And finally, I have adopted a very egalitarian approach to those consulted, with all staff within all member
organisations being requested to respond to the first tranch of engagement which entails a survey. That decision
was taken based on the truism that ‘where you sit, determines what you see’ i.e. your needs will vary depending
upon your role within the organisation.
With those principles in play, I have drafted the following process for guiding engagement with members and
stakeholders. The ‘Progress’ column provides an overview of work undertaken to date.
Activity Task Timeframe Resources Progress
Stakeholder Identify March N/A Have spoken with
engagement stakeholders and Governance and
engage via phone N/A management of RTONZ –
interviews N/A and have provided a draft
N/A list of stakeholders for
Members Engage via phone March/April Chair to consider/amend
Research interviews March/April N/A
Survey Underway
Research overseas March
Board models for The first members survey
relevance July has been drafted,
Paper Prepare
anonymous July/August distributed and is with
August members for a response.
surveys (survey The stakeholders survey
monkey) for
will follow.
stakeholders and 8 June 2017
one for members
Short structured N/A
workshop with
Board as a part of
Board meeting – 2
Draft paper and
provide to Chair
for comment
Amend and
circulate to Board
for comment
38 | P a g e
Finalise Draft Circulate to August N/A
members and N/A
stakeholders for August/September N/A
comment 31 August/1
Distribute final September
draft to Board for
comment and sign
Distribute final
draft to members
and stakeholders,
place on website
and launch at
At the conclusion of the above engagement process I anticipate that we will have a good understanding of what
services our members value, where we could conceivably collaborate with key stakeholders/partners and what
the options are for governance, funding and management structure (if any) to enable delivery of those services.
Below you can find a snapshot of the survey responses received to date. It would be greatly appreciated if
Board members could ensure that all economic development practitioners within their region are encouraged to
complete the survey.
Budget: The process outlined above will generate no additional costs for EDANZ.
Consultation: The process has been subject to consultation with the Chair of EDANZ.
Recommendations: That the engagement process be noted.
Author: Susan Houston, Executive Officer
Early Survey Results
To date, despite five promotions of the survey, there have been just 15 responses to requests for participation in
the survey. Of those responses 7 were RDA’s and 8 were EDA’s. All the RDA’s were CCO’s whilst the EDA’s
tended to sit within Councils. What follows is a summation of the results along with a thumb nail sketch of the
differences between RDA and EDA responses.
Overall Responses
The first question asked related to how current services offered by EDANZ were valued. Respondents were
given the opportunity to rank those services between 1 and 5. The graph below reflects the sum of responses for
each service. In short, there is a not a lot of discrepancy between how members value current services with
networking being most prized at 41 and submissions least prized at 36.
39 | P a g e
How current services are valued
Networking Advocacy Submissions Resources Latest News
Distinctions between Responses from EDA’s and RDA’s vis a vis current services
There is some distinction between the apparent needs of EDA’s and RDA’s. For example, there appears to be a
slightly greater appetite for/valuing of all current services within EDA’s. Another distinction is the slightly
greater value EDA’s place on the Resources and Networking services currently offered by EDANZ. Whilst
RDA’s tend to value the networking opportunities primarily.
How RDA's and EDA's value current
services against total responses
41 37 36 39 38
19 22 17 20 20 22 21
16 17 17
How potential services are valued
Respondents were then asked to prioritise (1-10) the value they would place on a number of potential services.
Those potential services have been drawn together from services offered by a number of international sister
organisations. The graph below reflects a marked appetite for professional development and research services
with reasonable interest in more networking opportunities and the sharing of good best practice.
40 | P a g e
How members value potential
7.63 4.5 6.44 7.25 3.94 5.13 4.31 4.56 6.06 5.19
Comparisons between value placed by RDA’s and EDA’s on potential services vis a vis total responses
The graph below shows the summary of all responses to the question of what value members placed on potential
services (shade blue). The orange segments reflect the responses from RDA’s to the same query, whilst the grey
segments reflect the responses from EDA’s.
Both RDA’s and EDA’s tend to place most value on Professional development and research services. There
appears to be greater value placed on the latest economic development news by EDA’s than RDA’s.
How EDA's and RDA's value potential services
against total responses
7 4.8 6 8 4.2 4.6 4.6 5 6 6.2
8.9 5 6.5 7 3.2 5.3 5 4 6.2 4.2
7.63 4.5 6.44 7.25 3.94 5.13 4.31 4.56 6.06 5.19
Next Board Meeting: 8 June, 2017 to be held in Auckland – venue to be advised
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