Economic Development NZ
Annual General Meeting
20 November
12 – 1 pm
For those that wish to join the meeting by phone please use the following telcon numbers:
Ring: 0800 449 288 and pin: 35667463
Lunch will be provided
1. Welcome from Chair, Dr David Wilson
2. Previous AGM minutes – 13 April, 2017
3. Achievements in year under report
4. 2016/2017 End of Year Accounts – please see attached
5. Annual Plan and Budget for 2017/2018
6. Accountants for 2017/2018
7. Auditors for 2017/2018
8. General Business
a. Next AGM – October, 2018 – to be held as part of the 2018 annual conference
Please note: the Downtown carpark is the closest available to the ATEED office – cost $24 per day.
2. AGM Draft Minutes – 13 April, 2017, 10 am held at MartinJenkins Office, Wellington
Present: Chris Mackenzie, David Wilson (Chair), Heather Warwick, Mark
Rawson, Patrick McVeigh, Paul Casson, Stuart Trundle, Tom
Apologies: Skerman, Jeremy Harding, Linda Stewart
Cheryl Lewis, John Christie, Kelvyn Eglinton
Susan Houston, Executive Officer
Subject: Decision Mover/Seconder
Previous Minutes:
The minutes of the 2014/2015 AGM were moved and seconded Paul Casson
as an accurate record of proceedings Mark Rawson
Matters Arising: The Board noted there were no matters arising from the Noted
Appointments: 2014/2015 AGM minutes.
2015/2016 Accounts:
Dr David Wilson to continue in role of Chair and Mr Paul Chris Mackenzie
2016 – 2018 Budgets Casson to take up role of Deputy Chair and Chair of Audit and Mark Rawson
Mr Paul Casson advised of the difficulties in finalising the Chris Mackenzie
2015/2016 annual accounts and that the accounts before the Patrick McVeigh
Board are currently being audited. The final audited accounts
will be presented to the Board for electronic sign off. The End of
Year accounts for 2015/2016 were accepted.
The draft budgets for the respective years of 2016/2017 and Paul Casson
2017/2018 were accepted. David Wilson
Accountants for It was resolved that Mr Paul Casson identify an appropriate David Wilson
2016/2017 accounting firm to undertake preparation of the 2016/2017 EoY Heather Warwick
Auditors for 2016/2017 It was resolved that Grant Thornton be confirmed as Auditors for Paul Casson
the 21016/2017 accounts. David Wilson
Amendments to It was resolved that no amendments to the EDANZ constitution Heather Warwick
EDANZ Rules be made at this time. The issue will be considered at a later date Mark Rawson
following completion of the current review of services proffered
General Business No matters of general business were raised.
The 2015/2016 AGM closed at 10.35
3. Achievements in 2016/2017
A warm welcome to the new members of Economic Development NZ. Your investment in Economic Development NZ
serves to reassure us that all of the hard work that has been done in 2017 is ‘making a difference’ and that we can look
forward with optimism to the future of Economic Development NZ.
Our vision
By now you will have a real sense of the changes that have been made during the first half of 2017. They are considerable.
All of the changes wrought in 2017, flow from the Board’s aspiration for Economic Development NZ to:
‘be highly valued as the unique and authoritative champion, partner and enabler of economic development practitioners
and their associates’
In striving for that vision the Board has sanctioned a raft of initiatives that include the
appointment of an Executive Officer, a rebranding and renaming of EDANZ, a
refresh of our constitution to enable a broadening of our membership, the
introduction of a new membership structure that opens the door to both individual
and corporate members, and the introduction of a code of ethics.
Our new services
More importantly, from our members perspective, the Board has endorsed a number of initiatives that has seen our member
services grow rapidly. Economic Development NZ now offers a broad range of services for economic development
practitioners and associates that include:
• Advocacy
• Submissions
• A jobs board for both job seekers and job advertisers
• A national and regional news service
• A weekly e.newsletter
• An annual national conference
• The use of post nominals and our logo
• Annual Awards
• Membership Discounts on most services
• A salary survey that supports employers and employees in their benchmarking of salaries
A rejuvenated conference
Another significant change in 2017 was the hosting of our first
conference for a number of years. The event proved highly
successful with a post conference survey indicating that the event
either met or exceeded the expectations of 90% of our delegates.
We look forward to delivering the conference in 2018 and hopefully
improving on that number.
A new public presense
Other achievements in 2016/2017 include; a revamp of the Economic
Development NZ website, a higher profile in the media, with
numerous news releases being picked up by the electronic and print
media; the Inaugural Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Annual Awards, the establishment of a Facebook
page, the crafting of a membership strategy and communications plan and the development of a Briefing for Incoming
Ministers (BIM) . The BIM represents the first of many submissions that we will craft for government consumption.
Fiscal stewardship
And perhaps one of the most pleasing achievements for the year is that the changes have been made without significant
cost. As can be seen from the End of Year accounts the finances have been managed with great care and as a result show a
small deficit of just over $2,000. Building a sustainable financial base for Economic Development NZ will be a priority for
the coming three years, as will be investing in a number of new services.
The results
As a result of the work undertaken in 2017 Economic Development NZ now represents over 4,500 economic development
practitioners across central and regional agencies. We look forward to doubling that number over the coming twelve
Coming up
In addition to the above services and achievements, Economic Development NZ is quietly working
away on a policy and research initiative and the delivery of a relevant Professional Development
Programme. Other things on the horizon include a review of our governance arrangements
to ensure that our Board is truly representative of our new membership.
More detail on what you can expect to see in the coming twelve months can be found in the Annual plan later
on the agenda.
Congratulations and thanks
I would also like to congratulate our Inaugural Award winners in 2017 and thank our conference sponsors: the Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment, MartinJenkins, NZ Trade and
Enterprise, Nelson Regional Development Agency, Wellington Regional Economic Development
Agency and Northland Inc.
In closing, can I thank the members of the Board for their willingness to support change and an
especial thanks for those Board members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in serving on
various in-house committees. My thanks to our Executive Officer, Susan Houston, for translating
the Board’s aspirations into a reality since joining us in March. Finally, a huge thanks to you, our members for
having faith in the organisation and returning to the ‘fold’.
We will be doing what we can in 2017/2018 to ensure that we maintain your faith in Economic Development
David Wilson
Dr David Wilson
Chair of Economic Development NZ
4. End of Year Accounts 2016/2017 – please see attached Budget
5. Annual Plan and Budget 2017/2018 500
Annual Plan 2017/2018 2,500
Special Projects Expenditure
Implement Membership Strategy 0
Review Governance arrangements 2,000
Design and launch Professional Development Programme 1,500
Design and Distribute Salary Survey and Results
Design and launch Policy and Research initiative $9,000
Host annual MBIE Awards
Total expenditure for special projects
Business as Usual Budget 160,000
Income 10,000
Conference 90,000
Jobs Board $261,500
Total Income 4,000
Expenditure 105,000
Accounting 120,000
Audit 1,000
Bank Fees 1,000
Conference 2,000
Executive Support 4,000
Entertainment 1,000
General 19,000
Insurance $260,500
Meeting/Travel Costs $1,000
Special projects
Total Expenditure
Surplus/ (Deficit)
6. Appointment of Accountants - It is recommended that our current service provider, Accounting Plus be engaged as
accountant for the 2017/2018 financial year.
7. Appointment of Auditors - It is recommended that we do not appoint an auditor for 2017/2018. The Companies
office and our accountant has advised that we are able to make that choice, thereby saving $4000 + per annum.
8. General Business