March Newsletter
Noyes Arts Garage Exhibitions & Events, A.C.
Curator's Talk: Mariana Smith
Saturday, March 4, 1:00pm
Metamorphosis. The Human Stories.
Works by Eva Harut &
Stephanie Luening
Join us for a Curator's Talk by Mariana Smith,
Assistant Professor of Art, Printmaking, at Stockton
University, as she discusses the ideas behind her
ground-breaking international symposium on the
topics of migration and the global refugee crisis.
At the Noyes Arts Garage, A.C.
Stephanie Luening
Eva Harut
February 22 - March 26
Osprey & AC Galleries,
Arts Garage, A.C.
Stockton University and The Noyes Arts
Garage present works by Eva Harut and
Stephanie Luening, two artists
who participated in an international
symposium at Stockton University entitled "Metamorphosis.The Human Stories."
Noyes Interview on Comcast Newsmakers
Jill Horner speaks with Saskia Schmidt, Director of Education of the Noyes Museum
of Art of Stockton University, about current exhibitions.
Click here: Comcast Newsmakers
Film Screening: Through a Lens Darkly
Sunday, March 5, 1:30pm
Join artist/photographer Glynnis Reed at the Arts Garage as we host a screening of
the documentary Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the
Emergence of a People, which explores the role of photography in shaping the
identity, aspirations, and social emergence of African Americans from slavery to the
present. Q & A and walk-through of Reed's solo exhibition That Shadow My
Likeness will follow. Free admission.
That Shadow My Likeness:
Photography by Glynnis Reed
January 12 - April 2
Exhibition in the Noyes Gallery II, Arts Garage, A.C.
Glynnis Reed's photographs compose a third space that suggests her own
subjectivity as a black female artist, in between the constructs of identity and
Panel Discussion:
Sunday, March 26, 1:00 - 2:30pm
A panel discussion with Wendel White, Distinguished Professor of Art and Christina
Jackson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology, both of Stockton University; and
Glynnis Reed, extending the conversation around the exhibition.
A Dark Wood
Ben Pranger, Dark Wood, 2009, Wooden logs, dowels, braille text: Dante, inferno
January 13 - April 23, 2017
Noyes Gallery I, Arts Garage, A.C.
Midway this life we're bound upon,
I woke to find myself in a dark wood,
where the right road was wholly lost and gone-
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
A Dark Wood explores the theme of being lost in the darkness of our fears,
doubts and negativity. Dante Alighieri, the 14th century Italian poet, began The
Divine Comedy with a character who has lost his way in "a dark wood." There are
many aspects of the dark wood and the artists presented in this exhibition interpret
the richness of the concept through a range of media and methods.
Curated by Raymond E. Mingst & Arthur Bruso of Curious Matter Art Gallery.
Youth Art Month
March 5 - 31, 2017
Youth Art Gallery, Arts Garage, A.C.
Youth Art Month celebrates our state's talented youngsters by showcasing artwork
from schools in Atlantic and Cape May Counties. Youth Art Month provides a forum
for acknowledging the skills that are fostered through experiences in the visual
arts. Visitors to the exhibition will see works in a variety of mediums including
drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, and photographs.
Pecha Kucha Night AC
Saturday, March 11, 3:00 - 4:30pm
Arts Garage, A.C.
Topic: When I Was a Kid...
Pecha Kucha Nights are informal, fun gatherings where creative people get together
to share their ideas, works, and thoughts on just about anything! The event is filled
with short 6 minute presentations that revolve around the specific theme of that
Noyes Gallery Exhibitions & Events, Hammonton
Members' Appreciation Reception
RAW 2017: Photography - Elizabeth Jackson, Center Stage, Photograph
Tuesday, March 21, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Noyes Galleries, Stockton's Kramer Hall, Hammonton
You are invited, one and all! Noyes Members, prospective members, and
guests, please join us as we celebrate the launch of the new headquarters of
the Noyes Museum at Kramer Hall in Hammonton! Visit the galleries, meet the
Noyes and Kramer Hall staff and enjoy light refreshments.
RSVP: [email protected]
RAW 2017:
Juried Photography Exhibition
Yelena Strokin, Dutch Table, Photograph
Noyes Gallery, Stockton's Kramer Hall, Hammonton
January 23 - May 1, 2017
RAW 2017: Juried Photography Exhibition is a juried competition in which the
top images were selected for an exhibition at the Noyes Museum Gallery at
Stockton's Kramer Hall. RAW 2017 highlights the work of nineteen talented
New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania-based photographers.
Paint Hammonton:
9th Annual Plein-Air Competition
Plein-Air 2015: A. Young, Pastel
Call for Artists
Plein-Air Event: Saturday, May 6
Noyes Museum, Stockton's Kramer Hall, Hammonton
Deadline to apply: April 7
Juror: Award Winning Artist and Curator Philip J. Carroll
The Noyes Museum of Art is now accepting applications for its 9th Annual Plein-
Air Event: Paint Hammonton. This painting event is widely anticipated and has
attracted many talented artists from all over the Mid-Atlantic region. $2,000 in cash
prizes will be awarded and all of the paintings created during the event will be
included in an exhibition at Kramer Hall.
Click here for more information
Noyes Summer Art Camps 2017
July 10 - 28
Monday through Friday, 9:00am- 12:00pm
Ages 6-13
We're back! The Noyes Museum Summer Art Camps will be held in the Stockton
Art Gallery on Stockton University's main campus in Galloway.
More information is coming soon! If you'd like to receive an email or brochure,
contact Saskia Schmidt, Director of Education
at: [email protected]
Noyes Gallery at Seaview Exhibitions: Galloway
Works from the
Noyes Permanent
September 1 - April 9, 2017
At the Noyes Gallery at Stockton's Seaview
Resort, Galloway Township
Louise Nevelson, Night Star
Paper is presented in its more experimental forms. With an emphasis on sculptural
drawings, this exhibition showcases works with three-dimensional aspects such as
raised designs, embossed images and cast paper pulp.
J.C. Todd and MaryAnn L. Miller, FUBAR, Artist book
Beyond All Repair: Prints and Photographs
January 13 - April 9, 2017
At the Noyes Gallery at Stockton's Seaview Resort , Galloway Township
J. C. Todd and MaryAnn L. Miller collaborated on their artist book FUBAR
during residencies at the Experimental Printmaking Institute at Lafayette
College and at the Virginia Center for Creative Arts. It contains a poem by a
female Air Force physician deployed to Iraq. The cover is made of Combat
Paper composed of the shredded uniforms of veterans.
Free and open daily to the public
Noyes Gallery at AtlantiCare Exhibitions, A.C.
David Woeller,
Avalon Fisherman, digital photograph
Photography by David Woeller
February 9 - April 30, 2017
Noyes Gallery, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center ,
Atlantic City Campus
Whether it is a realistic image or a hyper-realistic interpretation, my goal is to
cause the viewer to stop, if only for a moment, to reflect or have an emotional
response. If I can achieve that, I will be content in having realized my goal. -
David Woeller
Free and open daily to the public.
The Noyes Museum of Art
of Stockton University
[email protected]