Sun Valley/Ketchum
An Annual
Fundraising Event
Welcome to
the Brewfest Committee
You have joined an amazing This festival has raised over
group of people who are $200,000 since its
genuinely proud to part of inception, supporting
an annual event that programs and organizations
touches the lives of our through out the Wood River
neighbors, and loved ones. Valley.
We are humbled and Now that you have joined
honored to have an this committee and are
opportunity to positively ready to get the, ahem, keg
affect the lives of folks here rolling. Please take a
in the Wood River Valley moment to get acquainted
and make a difference in our with the helpful information
little community. All while in this guidebook.
having a great time! After
all, we are basically throwing
a party under the guise of
fundraising for charity!
10 People of Action
11 Benefits of the Brewfest
12 The Best Fest!
17 Planning a Brewfest
18 Pre-Event Planning
19 Volunteer Management
20 Beer Logistics and Calculations
21 Responsible Sampling
22 Miscellaneous Logistics
23 Onsite Necessities
24 Let Us Entertain You
25 Ice. And More ICE!
27 Post-Event Logistics
30 Sponsorship Info and Contract
31 Brewer Info
32 Vendor Info and Contract
33 Former Logos
34 Former Posters
Rotary is where neighbors,
friends, and problem-solvers
share ideas, join leaders, and
take action to create lasting
Our Mission, Our Values We Transform Communities
The mission of The Rotary We take action locally and
Foundation of Rotary International globally. Each day, our members
is to enable Rotarians to advance pour their passion, integrity, and
world understanding, goodwill, intelligence into completing
and peace through the
projects that have a lasting
improvement of health, the
impact. We persevere until we
support of education, and the
deliver real, lasting solutions.
alleviation of poverty.
The Sun Valley/Ketchum
Rotary club has dedicated to
creating community in the
Wood River Velley for over
60 years. Over those years
we have raised hundreds of
thousands of dollars for
international and local
charities/programs, such as
Blaine County Search and
Rescue, the Community
Holiday Baskets Project, the
Wood River Rotary
Scholarship Fund, and the
Hunger Coalition to name
just a few.
❖More Breweries – We have
more breweries who
participate in our festival
compared to competitive
❖The Best Venue – We aren’t
your mama’s beer fest! Not
only does the altitude make
the beer taste better, but
we've the best venue
complete with killer views!
You can’t beat it!
❖Charity – We donate more of
the proceeds to charity than
other events. Our last event
raised over $35,000 for our
We've created a basic checklist of best
practices through the collaboration with the
original members of the Brewfest Committee
and gathered info from guilds nationwide that
put on major fundraising festivals. There are
also many books out there on putting on
successful festivals and events. This
document is not meant to be all-
encompassing in details, but is intended to be
a basic starting point for your consideration in
putting on an event that shines a positive
light on Rotary’s efforts, raises funds for our
philanthropic work, and elevates out
community as a destination for craft beer
❑ Secure venue and dates
❑ Avoid other large established
events and holidays
❑ Permits - special
event/celebration/festival, fire
permits for cooking demos,
catering, etc. Guild nonprofit
pulling permits, or brewery, or
❑ Capacity of venue – How many
people can you serve.
❑ Bathrooms – are there enough?
This is a porta-potty site that helps
calculate # of porta-potties needed
Don’t forget Insurance…
Rotary Resources Administration Insurance
Volunteers and vendors are your most important assets; treat
them well.
❑ Recruitment
❑ Recruitment of volunteers from the club is preferred but
please don’t be afraid to use outside volunteers. We
have had great luck with bank employee.
❑ Scheduling. Confirm all volunteers.
❑ Shifts have not worked well in the past, it is
recommended to have volunteers onsite from 10:30AM
until after clean-up is complete.
❑ Placement
❑ Structure individual areas & staffing
❑ Structure day of event staffing
❑ Training – on site or before hand?
❑ Set clear expectations!
❑ On-Site Supervision. Provide additional on-site volunteer
coordinator for event days.
❑ Evaluation
❑ Debrief/conference with supervisor to eliminate
disorderly volunteers for next year.
❑ Recognition
❑ Shirts, name tags, post clean-up group meal and
Don’t forget to consider:
❖ Managing laws regarding out of state breweries -
temporary registration needed for beers not normally sold
in the state
❖ Sample sizes –how many ounces? How big is the glass?
❖ Brewers’ Registration. Clearly communicate to brewers
what is required of them. Also how many pourers are
permitted? 2-4 passes per brewery seems standard.
❖ Brewers’ dinner the night before?
Beer Calculations
Overestimate amount needed, but not by too don’t
want a lot of beer left over, but don’t want to run out.
From the Brewers Association Events Committee, this is a guide and not a rule...
# of minutes the event is open [round up]
Multiplied by
pour size x [≈2 to10]pours per minute*
# of ounces of beer each brewery should bring.!
Responsible Sampling
Have a Responsible Sampling policy and promote that.
❑ Consider placing some sort of Savor the Flavor Responsibly
posters at every booth(facing the people pouring the beer) to
remind pourers to stick with the designated pour amount or just to
remind to sample responsibly.
❑ Promote a DD program.
❑ Consider partnering with a cab company to provide rides to those
who should not be driving. Spending a few hundred dollars on cab
vouchers might be money well spent.
When throwing a brewfest, having feel great about taking a break
food available is pretty important. from tasting all those beer. Make
You know what happens to beer on sure your vendors are experienced
an empty stomach! It is nice to have with festivals. See the additional
a great variety of food offerings vendor info and the required forms
from local restaurants and vendors on page 30.
that would make festival goers
The Pretzel Necklace!
It’s meant to provide an easily-
accessible way to sop up all that
beer, but it could be an additional
form of revenue for the fest. Maybe
a small donation for a necklace?
❖ Festival glass orders –glass or
plastic? Sample size? Include
guild logo? To date stamp or
not to date stamp?
❖ Ticket sales, printing, shipping –
outlets? Paper or paperless?
Bounce-back coupons for
❖ Commemorative merchandise
orders/for sale items see more
❖ Recycling needed? ERC!
❖ Music/bands, AV sound and
As the event grows the selling of merchandise will need to be discussed
by the club. In the past we have had great success with stickers and t-
shirts. Tote bags, caps, sweatshirts, and koozies would also make
excellent commemorative merch!
❑ Dump buckets
❑ Tapping equipment maintenance
❑ Drinking water stations
❑ Set up and the dreaded tear down/clean-up
❑ Signage/decorator
❑ Entrance gauntlet/line formation and plan to keep it safe
❑ Logistics of entrance to the festival for ticket holders and
brewers/media/others with badges
❑ Square card readers. Be sure to include any merch on the
Square account page to make it easy for volunteers.
❑ Cash till(s) and a plan in place for the cash deposit. In the
past we have partnered with a bank to secure the cash as
it is collected throughout the day. Another option could be
a secure lock box or portable safe.
❑ ID check –volunteer/off duty police on site?
❑ Working with the decorator to get the signage hung and
the booths set up
❑ Catering details –food on site helps to promote more
responsible drinking. Make sure the food vendors are
experienced with big festivals and bring enough servings.
Food trucks?
❑ Security logistics/planning
❑ Depending on the size and nature of the festival, you may
want to consider hiring an EMT or having a First Aid tent,
table, or area.
❑ Procedures in place for dealing with over-served folks
Your guests will have a much
more enjoyable time if there
is something that they can
“do” while tasting beer.
Games like Giant Jenga and
Hammerschalgen (nail and
stump game) have been
staples of the SV/K Brewfest
since its inception. Other
games to consider: cornhole,
giant yard dice, yard beer
pong, giant connect four, etc.
Check out
for some inspiration.
Hammerschlagen Rules
•Each player purchases a nail to start •If the nail bends, the player can move to any
position around the table to strike the nail for
the game*
•Men use one hand only, ladies have their next turn, or the nail may be straightened
and counted as a turn
the option of using two hands
•Grip the hammer behind the red safety •To win, the nail must be flush or below the
line surface of the wood
•Must use wedge end of the hammer •No body parts or foreign objects on the table
(bottles and glasses)
to strike the nail
•Wedge end of the hammer must be •The Game Master has the right to refuse play
on the wood and touching the nail to to any person before, during or after a game
start •Local rules may also apply at the discretion
•Player has one continuous swing at of the game master
nail per turn, if the nail is not driven •"Play At Your Own Risk"
flush into the log then the hammer is •Have A Good Time!
passed to the next player *Nails cost $2.00 and whoever wins the game
•Arc of hammer swing can be no gets half the pot. The other half goes to
higher than the players ear Rotary!
✓ And back up ice on call.
✓ Consideration must be made for indoors
vs outdoors/how warm of a June the
Valley is having, etc...
✓ Ice stats –we used close to two tons of
ice in 2018
✓ We have used Mountain Tour Ice in the
past. It is owned by Clear Creek Disposal
and can be reached at (208)725-2090
The DREADED tear-down/clean- up….
Anyone who has ran an event can tell you the hardest part of an event is getting
help cleaning up and removing equipment. Tear-down/clean-up volunteers will be
necessary to ensure the removal of fences, tables, sandbags, and other event items
by the time the permit expires. NOTE: Tear-down is a lot of work and remind your
club volunteers that this is perhaps the most important job of the Brewfest.
Returning dirty tables have resulted in Rotary being denied the opportunity to
borrow them again. PRO-TIP: Leave everything better/cleaner than you found it!
Post-Event Logistics
❑ Reviewing final bills for accuracy
❑ File all proper tax paperwork post-festival
❑ Thank yous
❑ Post event list of to-dos for next year.
Considerations for next time:
How do you measure the success • If you were to be able to remove
of the event? Many ways – one element from the festival to
measurable and some not but you make your life easier what would
know it if you see it. it be?
• Did we provide a good platform • How can you make the festival
to promote craft beer? more environmentally friendly?
• Did we shine a good light on our • Who are you most thankful for in
philanthropic efforts? regards to the event?
• Positive media coverage for • What do you enjoy or look
Rotary, sponsors, and forward to the most about the
participating breweries? festival? What is the thing that
• Did we stay in budget? you wish the attendees knew or
• Was the vibe at the festival a understood better?
good one?
John Hancock
We love Sponsors!
Over the last 5 years, the
Sun Valley Brewfest has
built a regionally
recognized event and
raised way over a hundred
thousand dollars for local
charities. Our success is in
due in large part to the
support and dedication of
our incredible sponsors.
Check out our sponsorship page here.
How to “Sell” the Benefits of Becoming a Sponsor
Remind your potential sponsor that sponsoring the Sun Valley Brewfest
is a great way to get their business name in front of an active, vibrant
market, while at the same time supporting vitally important charities in
the Wood River Valley region. Check out the sponsorship proposal and
update as the festival grows!
2019 Brewfest Sponsor Contract .pptx
These are just a few of our generous brewers! Every year we are
amazed by their generosity of spirt and beer! Reach out early and
often to ensure they get the SV/K Brewfest on their calendar.
Check out our brewers page here.
Food is Fun!
Having food available at a festival where the A.B.V.
is as high as the altitude is pretty important. You
know what happens to beer on an empty stomach!
It is nice to have a great variety of food offerings
from local restaurants and vendors that would
make the festival even more memorable!
Remember that the vendors have the potential to
make a truckload – excuse the pun- of money.
Currently the vendor fee is $350.00 but consider
updating rates as the festival grows.
SVBF Vendor Contract .pptx
*Not for you. The end of one brewfest is
simply the start of planning the next!