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Published by ifawcett, 2019-06-19 06:20:07

John Muir Elementary School 2019 - Division 8

John Muir Elementary School

Exploring the Lighthouse

Division 8


Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society

Exploring the Lighthouse

John Muir Elementary School

Division 8


The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society........................................................................4

Exploring the Lighthouse............................................................................................................................ 5

Exploring the Lighthouse - The Program.................................................................................................. 6

A Brief History of the Lighthouse............................................................................................................... 7

Exploring the Lighthouse - Reflecting What You See..............................................................................9

Project Team (Change Canada Consultants Ltd.):
Ian Fawcett (Project Manager) Exploring the Lighthouse - Telling Your Stories...................................................................................10
Kathleen Arnason (Project Coordinator)
Bill Turner (Project Advisor) Photographs and Stories from the Students in Division 8 (Ms. Behm’s Class)..................................11

Commemorative Book designed and written by Ian Fawcett. A BigThank You .........................................................................................................................................55

SPLPS: Michael Galizio (President) Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse..............................................................................................56
Contact: [email protected]
Address: PO Box 1002, Sooke, BC V9Z 1J1 Unintended Consequences.......................................................................................................................57

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 2 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 3

Exploring the Lighthouse

John Muir Elementary School

Division 8


The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society........................................................................4

Exploring the Lighthouse............................................................................................................................ 5

Exploring the Lighthouse - The Program.................................................................................................. 6

A Brief History of the Lighthouse............................................................................................................... 7

Exploring the Lighthouse - Reflecting What You See..............................................................................9

Project Team (Change Canada Consultants Ltd.):
Ian Fawcett (Project Manager) Exploring the Lighthouse - Telling Your Stories...................................................................................10
Kathleen Arnason (Project Coordinator)
Bill Turner (Project Advisor) Photographs and Stories from the Students in Division 8 (Ms. Behm’s Class)..................................11

Commemorative Book designed and written by Ian Fawcett. A BigThank You .........................................................................................................................................55

SPLPS: Michael Galizio (President) Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse..............................................................................................56
Contact: [email protected]
Address: PO Box 1002, Sooke, BC V9Z 1J1 Unintended Consequences.......................................................................................................................57

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 2 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 3

The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Exploring the Lighthouse

John Muir Elementary School

Division 8

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
~ Albert Einstein

hildren today have a greater range of opportunities open to them than historians. It’s not just about dates and obscure locations, nor is it just
Cat any time in recent history, and greater freedoms than ever before. about great battles, world-shaking events, the comings and goings of kings
Thriving in this chaotic environment requires an ability for all children to and queens and presidents. It’s also about the lives of the people who
be able to find a strong foundation from which they can build their lives, lived here before, their struggles and triumphs, their thoughts and ideas
In 2003, the Government of Canada declared that Sheringham Point Lighthouse was no longer needed to ensure maritime safety. Advances achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. that nurtured their families, built their communities and shaped their
in technolgoy meant that the Lighthouse was to be discarded – torn down, sold off for other uses or, simply, left to rot and eventually to fall world. It’s about the stories our grandfathers told us, and those from our
apart. For most of us, that foundation starts with the family, and extends out- neighbours. We all have stories in our lives and they are, in their way, as
ward into the community. Just as a tree needs deep roots to grow tall and full of drama and intrigue as any of the great sagas of our history classes.
In response, a small group of neighbours gathered to form the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society. They were determined strong, so does a child draw nourishment and vitality from his or her own It is our stories that shape us, that make us who we are.
that the Lighthouse, which had stood for 100 years as a symbol of their community, would not be lost. For the next twelve years, the So- roots, from the comfort of belonging, from having a place to call home.
ciety’s volunteers worked extremely hard to fight for the lighthouse’s protection, doing everything they could to raise awareness about the Our history – our heritage – is best lived and experienced, understood
threat to the Lighthouse. They rallied their community, local businesses and other groups, lobbied and strategized with all levels of govern- Understanding and, in particular, experiencing their own connections to through the things we can touch and feel, and passed on in a way that
ment, raised funds and, eventually, put forward a plan to take on the responsibility to care for the Lighthouse themselves. the people and places around them is invaluable for children in so many touches our hearts and our imaginations. It’s why we need to work hard to
ways. Learning about their own and their community’s history provides a conserve and appreciate our heritage, not just the castles and stately man-
In 2015, the Society’s efforts were successful. The government agreed to transfer the property to the Society and also, at the same time, they base from which they can explore their world and help them answer that sions, but the cottages and the old lighthouses as well. Those remnants of
officially designated Sheringham Point Lighthouse a “Canadian Heritage Lighthouse”. As the new owners and stewards the Society worked most fundamental of questions: “how did this come to be?” our past have stories to tell.
for the next three years to restore the Lighthouse to its former glory, and to make sure it will always be accessible for the public to enjoy and
appreciate. The Lighthouse is now protected and is open to the public as a community park. Our history – our heritage – is not just an academic pursuit to be left to To help children in the local area strengthen their connections to their

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 4 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 5

The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Exploring the Lighthouse

John Muir Elementary School

Division 8

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
~ Albert Einstein

hildren today have a greater range of opportunities open to them than historians. It’s not just about dates and obscure locations, nor is it just
Cat any time in recent history, and greater freedoms than ever before. about great battles, world-shaking events, the comings and goings of kings
Thriving in this chaotic environment requires an ability for all children to and queens and presidents. It’s also about the lives of the people who
be able to find a strong foundation from which they can build their lives, lived here before, their struggles and triumphs, their thoughts and ideas
In 2003, the Government of Canada declared that Sheringham Point Lighthouse was no longer needed to ensure maritime safety. Advances achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. that nurtured their families, built their communities and shaped their
in technolgoy meant that the Lighthouse was to be discarded – torn down, sold off for other uses or, simply, left to rot and eventually to fall world. It’s about the stories our grandfathers told us, and those from our
apart. For most of us, that foundation starts with the family, and extends out- neighbours. We all have stories in our lives and they are, in their way, as
ward into the community. Just as a tree needs deep roots to grow tall and full of drama and intrigue as any of the great sagas of our history classes.
In response, a small group of neighbours gathered to form the Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society. They were determined strong, so does a child draw nourishment and vitality from his or her own It is our stories that shape us, that make us who we are.
that the Lighthouse, which had stood for 100 years as a symbol of their community, would not be lost. For the next twelve years, the So- roots, from the comfort of belonging, from having a place to call home.
ciety’s volunteers worked extremely hard to fight for the lighthouse’s protection, doing everything they could to raise awareness about the Our history – our heritage – is best lived and experienced, understood
threat to the Lighthouse. They rallied their community, local businesses and other groups, lobbied and strategized with all levels of govern- Understanding and, in particular, experiencing their own connections to through the things we can touch and feel, and passed on in a way that
ment, raised funds and, eventually, put forward a plan to take on the responsibility to care for the Lighthouse themselves. the people and places around them is invaluable for children in so many touches our hearts and our imaginations. It’s why we need to work hard to
ways. Learning about their own and their community’s history provides a conserve and appreciate our heritage, not just the castles and stately man-
In 2015, the Society’s efforts were successful. The government agreed to transfer the property to the Society and also, at the same time, they base from which they can explore their world and help them answer that sions, but the cottages and the old lighthouses as well. Those remnants of
officially designated Sheringham Point Lighthouse a “Canadian Heritage Lighthouse”. As the new owners and stewards the Society worked most fundamental of questions: “how did this come to be?” our past have stories to tell.
for the next three years to restore the Lighthouse to its former glory, and to make sure it will always be accessible for the public to enjoy and
appreciate. The Lighthouse is now protected and is open to the public as a community park. Our history – our heritage – is not just an academic pursuit to be left to To help children in the local area strengthen their connections to their

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 4 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 5

Exploring the Lighthouse Exploring the Lighthouse

...The Program A Brief History of the Lighthouse...

own community, we wanted to provide an opportunity for them to visit SSheringham Point Lighthouse was built in 1912, and illuminated for the Creation of the Light-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse, to learn about its history and operations, first time on September 30 of that year. house began in 1911, Under construction - 1912
to appreciate its significance and understand why it is being conserved. It with the purchase of 4
was also our hope to inspire them – and, through them, their families and The Lighthouse was built in response to the tragic wreck of the steamship acres of land from Shir-
friends – to take a personal interest in further exploring their community SS Valencia, on January 22, 1906. En route from San Francisco to Victoria ley resident Edwin Clark.
and helping to protect and celebrate the future of the Lighthouse. and Seattle, late at night and in rough weather, the Valencia missed the The following year, the
turn into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and steamed directly on to the rocks lighthouse tower was
We developed a short program, called “Exploring the Lighthouse”. This has near Pachena Point. Of the 173 people aboard, 136 were lost. built, along with a small
several parts: boathouse and a house
1. History and Operations – we provide a short presentation outlining for the lighkeeper and
the history of the Lighthouse, and also talk about how lighthouses Newly completed - ca 1912 his family. The first
work and their role in maritime safety and community development. lightkeeper, Eustace Ar-
2. Visit to the Lighthouse – the students visit the Lighthouse to see first- den, arrived in Septem-
hand what it’s all about, and to experience its remarkable character ber, and continued at the
and ambience. site until 1946.
3. Reflections – we ask the students to creatively express their impres-
sions of the Lighthouse site by: Focused in on the visit to the Lighthouse The light itself was
• Taking photographs while they are at the site, focusing on the a 3rd Order Fresnel
features that capture their attention/imagination. Lens. Originally lit by
• Writing and illustrating a story (either fictional or non-fic- oil lamps (and later by
tion) about a Lighthouse. electric lamps), it was
4. Commemorative Book - we compiled the students’ photographs, made up of many prisms
stories and art work into this commemorative book, which is being It is the Society’s hope that we will be able to find the resources to make which focused the light
provided on-line to all of the children, their families and the whole this project an annual event, and to include all the schools in the local into a powerful beam
school community. area. that could be seen up to
25 km away. The lens ro-

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 6 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 7

Exploring the Lighthouse Exploring the Lighthouse

...The Program A Brief History of the Lighthouse...

own community, we wanted to provide an opportunity for them to visit SSheringham Point Lighthouse was built in 1912, and illuminated for the Creation of the Light-
Sheringham Point Lighthouse, to learn about its history and operations, first time on September 30 of that year. house began in 1911, Under construction - 1912
to appreciate its significance and understand why it is being conserved. It with the purchase of 4
was also our hope to inspire them – and, through them, their families and The Lighthouse was built in response to the tragic wreck of the steamship acres of land from Shir-
friends – to take a personal interest in further exploring their community SS Valencia, on January 22, 1906. En route from San Francisco to Victoria ley resident Edwin Clark.
and helping to protect and celebrate the future of the Lighthouse. and Seattle, late at night and in rough weather, the Valencia missed the The following year, the
turn into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and steamed directly on to the rocks lighthouse tower was
We developed a short program, called “Exploring the Lighthouse”. This has near Pachena Point. Of the 173 people aboard, 136 were lost. built, along with a small
several parts: boathouse and a house
1. History and Operations – we provide a short presentation outlining for the lighkeeper and
the history of the Lighthouse, and also talk about how lighthouses Newly completed - ca 1912 his family. The first
work and their role in maritime safety and community development. lightkeeper, Eustace Ar-
2. Visit to the Lighthouse – the students visit the Lighthouse to see first- den, arrived in Septem-
hand what it’s all about, and to experience its remarkable character ber, and continued at the
and ambience. site until 1946.
3. Reflections – we ask the students to creatively express their impres-
sions of the Lighthouse site by: Focused in on the visit to the Lighthouse The light itself was
• Taking photographs while they are at the site, focusing on the a 3rd Order Fresnel
features that capture their attention/imagination. Lens. Originally lit by
• Writing and illustrating a story (either fictional or non-fic- oil lamps (and later by
tion) about a Lighthouse. electric lamps), it was
4. Commemorative Book - we compiled the students’ photographs, made up of many prisms
stories and art work into this commemorative book, which is being It is the Society’s hope that we will be able to find the resources to make which focused the light
provided on-line to all of the children, their families and the whole this project an annual event, and to include all the schools in the local into a powerful beam
school community. area. that could be seen up to
25 km away. The lens ro-

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 6 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 7

Exploring the Lighthouse Exploring the Lighthouse

...A Brief History of the Lighthouse

Following construction of the fog alarm building - ca 1926 “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to

tated through a clockwork mechanism of pulleys and weights – each about see without a camera.”
180 kg – that had to be re-wound every three hours. Because of the size ~ Dorothea Lange, Photographer
and weight of the lens, it was seated in a bed of liquid mercury, to allow it
to turn without much friction.
Reflecting what you see...
In 1925, a fog-alarm building was added to the site, and a new “diaphone”
(two-tone) fog-horn was installed. Originally a wooden, peaked-roof
building, constructed in front of the tower, this building was replaced in Photography is a powerful tool for exploring the world around us. It
1976 with the concrete block building that is still on site. The diesel en- causes us to focus more intently on what we are looking at, to look more
gines that provided power for the site were also located in this building. closely, pay attention to the details, and take nothing for granted. It cre-
ates an intimate connection with the subject and with the environment
A number of other structures were added to the site over the years, includ- that surrounds it.
ing radio towers and sheds, a fallout shelter (that was actually never used Following construction of the boat house - 1912
as such, but was used to grow mushrooms), other utility buildings and, in While it’s a very personal process, the end result is universal. To appreci-
1964, a new, more modern house for the Lightkeeper. ate a photograph requires no ability to read, no language in common, no
prerequisite level of education or life experience. Just an ability to see and
During the 1980s, the Lighthouse was automated and it was finally de- to feel, and a willingness to participate.
staffed in 1989 when the last lightkeeper left. Except for the tower and
the engine room (fog-alarm building), all the other structures on site were “Photography represents the world we know, For this part of the program, we provided each student with a cell phone
taken down, or deliberately burned, to avoid vandalism. camera and some basic instruction in its use, as well a brief overview of
and suggests a world beyond what we can see. the art of photography. Then we asked them to take photographs while
Left largely unattended for the next thirty years, the Lighthouse began Creativity is the gap between perception and they were at the lighhouse, focusing on the things that caught their atten-
to deteriorate and was in danger of being lost forever. Then, after many knowledge.” tion and/or their imagination. When we returned to the school later, each
years of lobbying by the local community, in 2015, it was transferred to the ~ Emmet Gowin, Photographer student chose his or her favourite photo, and explained why they chose it.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society, and it is now being
restored to its original glory. There were lots of amazing photographs – creative and insightful! The
following pages showcase their chosen photographs. Enjoy!

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 8 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 9

Exploring the Lighthouse Exploring the Lighthouse

...A Brief History of the Lighthouse

Following construction of the fog alarm building - ca 1926 “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to

tated through a clockwork mechanism of pulleys and weights – each about see without a camera.”
180 kg – that had to be re-wound every three hours. Because of the size ~ Dorothea Lange, Photographer
and weight of the lens, it was seated in a bed of liquid mercury, to allow it
to turn without much friction.
Reflecting what you see...
In 1925, a fog-alarm building was added to the site, and a new “diaphone”
(two-tone) fog-horn was installed. Originally a wooden, peaked-roof
building, constructed in front of the tower, this building was replaced in Photography is a powerful tool for exploring the world around us. It
1976 with the concrete block building that is still on site. The diesel en- causes us to focus more intently on what we are looking at, to look more
gines that provided power for the site were also located in this building. closely, pay attention to the details, and take nothing for granted. It cre-
ates an intimate connection with the subject and with the environment
A number of other structures were added to the site over the years, includ- that surrounds it.
ing radio towers and sheds, a fallout shelter (that was actually never used Following construction of the boat house - 1912
as such, but was used to grow mushrooms), other utility buildings and, in While it’s a very personal process, the end result is universal. To appreci-
1964, a new, more modern house for the Lightkeeper. ate a photograph requires no ability to read, no language in common, no
prerequisite level of education or life experience. Just an ability to see and
During the 1980s, the Lighthouse was automated and it was finally de- to feel, and a willingness to participate.
staffed in 1989 when the last lightkeeper left. Except for the tower and
the engine room (fog-alarm building), all the other structures on site were “Photography represents the world we know, For this part of the program, we provided each student with a cell phone
taken down, or deliberately burned, to avoid vandalism. camera and some basic instruction in its use, as well a brief overview of
and suggests a world beyond what we can see. the art of photography. Then we asked them to take photographs while
Left largely unattended for the next thirty years, the Lighthouse began Creativity is the gap between perception and they were at the lighhouse, focusing on the things that caught their atten-
to deteriorate and was in danger of being lost forever. Then, after many knowledge.” tion and/or their imagination. When we returned to the school later, each
years of lobbying by the local community, in 2015, it was transferred to the ~ Emmet Gowin, Photographer student chose his or her favourite photo, and explained why they chose it.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society, and it is now being
restored to its original glory. There were lots of amazing photographs – creative and insightful! The
following pages showcase their chosen photographs. Enjoy!

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 8 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 9

Exploring the Lighthouse Exploring the Lighthouse

“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would
I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my never be forgotten.”
heart forever.” ~ Rudyard Kipling, Author
~ An old First Nations proverb

Telling your stories... Photographs and Stories

Story-telling has always formed the underlying basis of human communi- from the Students
cation. Our stories are the ways that we connect ourselves to one another
and to our communities. They help define who we are and where come in Division 8
from. Children naturally understand the power of story-telling, and we
wanted to provide them with tools and strategies to explore and expand Kathleen talks about — Grade 4
their own story-telling abilities, to share their own stories and to learn the importance of
storytelling and
from others. creativity. (Ms. Behm’s Class)

Author Kathleen Arnason spoke to the students about the basic elements
of creative writing, focusing on getting the children to explore their own
feelings and values and to think about what is important and has meaning
for them.

Each student was asked to write and illustrate a story (factual or fictional)
about a lighthouse, incorporating what they had learned and what they
had seen throughout the day.

The following pages contain the results of that work, and they speak for Ian tells the story about
themselves. how the Lighthouse was

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 10 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 11

Exploring the Lighthouse Exploring the Lighthouse

“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would
I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my never be forgotten.”
heart forever.” ~ Rudyard Kipling, Author
~ An old First Nations proverb

Telling your stories... Photographs and Stories

Story-telling has always formed the underlying basis of human communi- from the Students
cation. Our stories are the ways that we connect ourselves to one another
and to our communities. They help define who we are and where come in Division 8
from. Children naturally understand the power of story-telling, and we
wanted to provide them with tools and strategies to explore and expand Kathleen talks about — Grade 4
their own story-telling abilities, to share their own stories and to learn the importance of
storytelling and
from others. creativity. (Ms. Behm’s Class)

Author Kathleen Arnason spoke to the students about the basic elements
of creative writing, focusing on getting the children to explore their own
feelings and values and to think about what is important and has meaning
for them.

Each student was asked to write and illustrate a story (factual or fictional)
about a lighthouse, incorporating what they had learned and what they
had seen throughout the day.

The following pages contain the results of that work, and they speak for Ian tells the story about
themselves. how the Lighthouse was

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 10 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 11

Alexis’ Pages Alexis’ Pages (continued)



by Alexis

Alexis’ Photo Selection: Billy, Bill, Billanard, Billyanard and Bry, a.k.a the B-pops, get stuck

in the boo-boo lighthouse.

MYSTIC WATERS Nobody know why. The B-pops found some old moldy bananas.
“I chose this photo because I really like it.” They eat them anyway.

The B-pops find an old board game called snakes and ladders. Bry
says that the game is stupid because he can’t see any snakes (he
thinks it should be called “And Ladders”). The B-pops still played it
anyway. Their heroes are the pterodactyls. The B-pops want to be
just like them. “Wait,” says Billyanard, “do you hear that? It sounds
like the pterodactyls.” Finally the B-pops are saved. The pterodac-
tyls bring the B- pops to the P CHAMBER after they burned the
boo-boo lighthouse. And now “And Ladders” is published.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 12 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 13

Alexis’ Pages Alexis’ Pages (continued)



by Alexis

Alexis’ Photo Selection: Billy, Bill, Billanard, Billyanard and Bry, a.k.a the B-pops, get stuck

in the boo-boo lighthouse.

MYSTIC WATERS Nobody know why. The B-pops found some old moldy bananas.
“I chose this photo because I really like it.” They eat them anyway.

The B-pops find an old board game called snakes and ladders. Bry
says that the game is stupid because he can’t see any snakes (he
thinks it should be called “And Ladders”). The B-pops still played it
anyway. Their heroes are the pterodactyls. The B-pops want to be
just like them. “Wait,” says Billyanard, “do you hear that? It sounds
like the pterodactyls.” Finally the B-pops are saved. The pterodac-
tyls bring the B- pops to the P CHAMBER after they burned the
boo-boo lighthouse. And now “And Ladders” is published.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 12 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 13

April’s Pages April’s Pages (continued)


by April

At Sheringham Lighthouse there was a hidden cave under the rocks, sorts of things like kicking, punching, scratching, and clawing. Sadly
April’s Photo Selection: and over one million zombies were sleeping there for one thousand the zombies won and the military was not enough for the zombies.
years. Now the time was up and the zombies were ready to eat. So The zombies were tired and they jumped into the water and slowly
they’re trying to make a plan to eat half the humans on the island, fell asleep. When they did the citizens called the island Tytinglow.
LIGHTHOUSE AT THE END then the leader of the zombie got it. The citizens told the military leader that they have come by heli-
OF THE ISLAND Believe me it was mean, bad, cruel, but they were serious – they copters because if they come by boat then the zombies will wake up

“I chose this photo because it’s really were going to eat half the humans on the island. Cuz you know they since they just fell asleep. By the time the military got there every-
really cool.” one was amazed at the number of military men and women there
haven’t eaten in one thousand years, right, so they must be hungry, were. The citizens didn’t expect so many people to defend them but
right? Okay, okay, I’ll get back to the story! Hmm, so they made then again they didn’t expect to be attacked by zombies either. Sorry,
their plan, then suddenly they attacked. Okay, okay, last time – per- sorry, back to the story. So the military got some scuba diving gear
sonally I think it’s good they attacked because then there will not be and went under the water in the cave and attacked. The zombies
as much pollution. Now back to the story. didn’t see it coming but this time the humans won. That’s the end of

But there was the military and the leader yelled “ATTACK!” then my story.
there was a war between the zombies and humans. There were all

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 14 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 15

April’s Pages April’s Pages (continued)


by April

At Sheringham Lighthouse there was a hidden cave under the rocks, sorts of things like kicking, punching, scratching, and clawing. Sadly
April’s Photo Selection: and over one million zombies were sleeping there for one thousand the zombies won and the military was not enough for the zombies.
years. Now the time was up and the zombies were ready to eat. So The zombies were tired and they jumped into the water and slowly
they’re trying to make a plan to eat half the humans on the island, fell asleep. When they did the citizens called the island Tytinglow.
LIGHTHOUSE AT THE END then the leader of the zombie got it. The citizens told the military leader that they have come by heli-
OF THE ISLAND Believe me it was mean, bad, cruel, but they were serious – they copters because if they come by boat then the zombies will wake up

“I chose this photo because it’s really were going to eat half the humans on the island. Cuz you know they since they just fell asleep. By the time the military got there every-
really cool.” one was amazed at the number of military men and women there
haven’t eaten in one thousand years, right, so they must be hungry, were. The citizens didn’t expect so many people to defend them but
right? Okay, okay, I’ll get back to the story! Hmm, so they made then again they didn’t expect to be attacked by zombies either. Sorry,
their plan, then suddenly they attacked. Okay, okay, last time – per- sorry, back to the story. So the military got some scuba diving gear
sonally I think it’s good they attacked because then there will not be and went under the water in the cave and attacked. The zombies
as much pollution. Now back to the story. didn’t see it coming but this time the humans won. That’s the end of

But there was the military and the leader yelled “ATTACK!” then my story.
there was a war between the zombies and humans. There were all

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 14 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 15

Ava’s Pages Ava’s Pages (continued)


by Ava

I was a little girl and I came home from school and my house was on rock on the tip of the stick to make it pointy and I made a spear. So
Ava’s Photo Selection: fire and I ran crying. And I ran and I ran and I came up to a light- I went hunting. Then I found a rabbit.
house covered in vines. I knocked on the door and heard a bark so
I thought there was someone home. But nobody came and the door 10 MINUTES LATER.
THE LIGHTHOUSE was unlocked so I went in and I shouted ‘’WOLVES!’’ And then I said ‘’I got it.’’ So I went back to the lighthouse.
“I chose this one because it’s the perfect every wolf looked at me and got up and slowly started walking clos-
view and picture of the lighthouse. er and stared growling. So I ran out of the lighthouse and shut the 5 MINUTES LATER.
There is every detail of the lighthouse.” door behind me, trying to catch my breath and I slept outside with a
leaf blanket and a moss pillow. I was back and I opened up the lighthouse door with the meat in my
hand and I threw it out the door and all the wolves went after it and
THE NEXT DAY I went in the lighthouse and locked the door.

I woke up confused not knowing where I was.


I said ‘’ I remember’’ then I got a stick and a rock and rubbed the

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 16 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 17

Ava’s Pages Ava’s Pages (continued)


by Ava

I was a little girl and I came home from school and my house was on rock on the tip of the stick to make it pointy and I made a spear. So
Ava’s Photo Selection: fire and I ran crying. And I ran and I ran and I came up to a light- I went hunting. Then I found a rabbit.
house covered in vines. I knocked on the door and heard a bark so
I thought there was someone home. But nobody came and the door 10 MINUTES LATER.
THE LIGHTHOUSE was unlocked so I went in and I shouted ‘’WOLVES!’’ And then I said ‘’I got it.’’ So I went back to the lighthouse.
“I chose this one because it’s the perfect every wolf looked at me and got up and slowly started walking clos-
view and picture of the lighthouse. er and stared growling. So I ran out of the lighthouse and shut the 5 MINUTES LATER.
There is every detail of the lighthouse.” door behind me, trying to catch my breath and I slept outside with a
leaf blanket and a moss pillow. I was back and I opened up the lighthouse door with the meat in my
hand and I threw it out the door and all the wolves went after it and
THE NEXT DAY I went in the lighthouse and locked the door.

I woke up confused not knowing where I was.


I said ‘’ I remember’’ then I got a stick and a rock and rubbed the

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Carson’s Pages Carson’s Pages (continued)

Zombie Lighthouse - continued

by Carson cept one. The kid came into the dimension to be. He was trying to thing because they didn't hurt anybody, because they got it from
be careful, but he wasn't. He got hit by a bullet from the ghost cop,
their parents and parents are like the mommy and daddy but the
Carson’s Photo Indigo Sky Gotham, in the arm. And the kid got a metal arm, but kids weren’t. One of the kids sang please that they try to hurt the
Selection: he didn't like it because it wasn't like his real arm. It was more fun teenager in the other dimension, but the teenager go to which he
with his real arm when he was trying to play with his friends, but he had the greatest time in his Universe. Never mind, he dies. Sorry
Once upon a time there was a lighthouse with zombies in it. There didn't have any anymore. for that guy, Kia, he wanted another life to be a zombie and having
were skeleton bones in the water in sunken caves, and a knife in fun like that. And he scares some people because he didn't have any
WATER a closet with trap doors, and a dead corpse underneath spawning When little baby zombies knew where his friends were, the baby friends – he just wanted to make friends with a zombie. He wanted
SEAGULL every second. There was a kid that went in the water one night. zombies came to his friends’ house and tried to attack the kid’s to be that song please and have friends, but he didn't. He got really
friends. But he got away and had fun. He made more friends with
“I was going on a Zombies came out of the water and there was a hunter that shot the hurt and died, and turned into gross but he had friends.
trip to the light- zombies. Then the kid lived happily ever after and the kid was safe all the baby zombies. They were better friends and they went to the
house and I saw a but that wasn't actually the end. other dimension and went with their family and got a better fami-
seagull. I dropped ly. He had the best time that he had ever had. His life was the best Not the best time in the world that was great there, he was the
my food and the The kid went back one day to go swimming with his friends. His life some zombie will ever have. He is the best zombie in the world best zombie in the world. He helped everybody. And the girls that
seagull picked it friends got hit by the hunter and all of the hunted turned into right now because he is not attacking anyone one now, because he's
up and gave it to zombies. The hunter was angry at the kid for trying to get away nice. Unlike the daddy and the mommies on me – they tried to kill weren't his friends said you have the best friend of the whole uni-
me. I had a great with his friends, but his friends didn't get away. One of his friends people. But it's okay because they don't anymore, because all the verse. But that wasn't the end. He ran away from his family and
time. ” turned into a zombie because of the hunter. He tried to get away skeletons said no don't do that. And the ghost said you got all the went with humans or humans treat them back. But the cute human
but there was no place to get out. He was trapped in the cave. They friends. They're all zombies, but they were in a different dimension. came to him and took him to his house. But it was not the end, like I
were trying to swim, but zombies came out of the water in climbed So he went home and he had lots of fun with his family and found said before. But he ran away from his family and had way better fun
onto shore. Almost all of them turned into zombies, but one of them new friends at a school named John Muir Elementary. But there with the other kid – he was like a brother to him. But one day when
went away. He called the cops. The cops didn't come and then there were more zombies under the ground. They came in his yard. But he was sleepwalking the zombie bit the kid and it was really bad
was this ghost cop that came with a weapon. He came inside laugh- not the kind that you saw before, it was a baby zombie. The baby because the kid was scared to be a zombie. He thought his life would
ing and then he went home to have time with his family. zombies were underneath his bed, and almost attacked him. be ruined but it wasn't. He has way more fun with his family being a
zombie and the greatest time of his life at the end.
They all went into a portal online and into a different dimension. All There were new baby zombies because the baby zombies that were
of them were trying to hurt each other, but none of them died ex- there before had made them. But the babies are okay with every-

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 18 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 19

Carson’s Pages Carson’s Pages (continued)

Zombie Lighthouse - continued

by Carson cept one. The kid came into the dimension to be. He was trying to thing because they didn't hurt anybody, because they got it from
be careful, but he wasn't. He got hit by a bullet from the ghost cop,
their parents and parents are like the mommy and daddy but the
Carson’s Photo Indigo Sky Gotham, in the arm. And the kid got a metal arm, but kids weren’t. One of the kids sang please that they try to hurt the
Selection: he didn't like it because it wasn't like his real arm. It was more fun teenager in the other dimension, but the teenager go to which he
with his real arm when he was trying to play with his friends, but he had the greatest time in his Universe. Never mind, he dies. Sorry
Once upon a time there was a lighthouse with zombies in it. There didn't have any anymore. for that guy, Kia, he wanted another life to be a zombie and having
were skeleton bones in the water in sunken caves, and a knife in fun like that. And he scares some people because he didn't have any
WATER a closet with trap doors, and a dead corpse underneath spawning When little baby zombies knew where his friends were, the baby friends – he just wanted to make friends with a zombie. He wanted
SEAGULL every second. There was a kid that went in the water one night. zombies came to his friends’ house and tried to attack the kid’s to be that song please and have friends, but he didn't. He got really
friends. But he got away and had fun. He made more friends with
“I was going on a Zombies came out of the water and there was a hunter that shot the hurt and died, and turned into gross but he had friends.
trip to the light- zombies. Then the kid lived happily ever after and the kid was safe all the baby zombies. They were better friends and they went to the
house and I saw a but that wasn't actually the end. other dimension and went with their family and got a better fami-
seagull. I dropped ly. He had the best time that he had ever had. His life was the best Not the best time in the world that was great there, he was the
my food and the The kid went back one day to go swimming with his friends. His life some zombie will ever have. He is the best zombie in the world best zombie in the world. He helped everybody. And the girls that
seagull picked it friends got hit by the hunter and all of the hunted turned into right now because he is not attacking anyone one now, because he's
up and gave it to zombies. The hunter was angry at the kid for trying to get away nice. Unlike the daddy and the mommies on me – they tried to kill weren't his friends said you have the best friend of the whole uni-
me. I had a great with his friends, but his friends didn't get away. One of his friends people. But it's okay because they don't anymore, because all the verse. But that wasn't the end. He ran away from his family and
time. ” turned into a zombie because of the hunter. He tried to get away skeletons said no don't do that. And the ghost said you got all the went with humans or humans treat them back. But the cute human
but there was no place to get out. He was trapped in the cave. They friends. They're all zombies, but they were in a different dimension. came to him and took him to his house. But it was not the end, like I
were trying to swim, but zombies came out of the water in climbed So he went home and he had lots of fun with his family and found said before. But he ran away from his family and had way better fun
onto shore. Almost all of them turned into zombies, but one of them new friends at a school named John Muir Elementary. But there with the other kid – he was like a brother to him. But one day when
went away. He called the cops. The cops didn't come and then there were more zombies under the ground. They came in his yard. But he was sleepwalking the zombie bit the kid and it was really bad
was this ghost cop that came with a weapon. He came inside laugh- not the kind that you saw before, it was a baby zombie. The baby because the kid was scared to be a zombie. He thought his life would
ing and then he went home to have time with his family. zombies were underneath his bed, and almost attacked him. be ruined but it wasn't. He has way more fun with his family being a
zombie and the greatest time of his life at the end.
They all went into a portal online and into a different dimension. All There were new baby zombies because the baby zombies that were
of them were trying to hurt each other, but none of them died ex- there before had made them. But the babies are okay with every-

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 18 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 19

Cassy’s Pages Cassy’s Pages (continued)


by Cassy

Cassy’s Photo Selection: This is Jeffrey and Barbara. They are toddler dragons and they love um, what did he say again? Oh yeah, PEASANT,” said Jeffrey.
The ginormous dragon was in shock. Nobody ever said peasant to
Shall we get on the story readers? him. “DID YOU JUST CALL ME PEASANT YOU LITTLE PEAS-
THE LIGHTHOUSE ANT?!?!” the dragon said. “Indeed I did, why?” Jeffrey said. Little
“I chose this photo because it has a nice One day Jeffrey and Barbara went on a faraway adventure. That’s did the dragon know his Mom’s coming. And that’s when the drag-
background and nice lighting. The unicorn is when Jeffrey and Barbara saw… the “Scary” Lighthouse. “That looks on’s Mom did come. “SWEETIE PIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO
gonna find the lighthouse and live there.” cool” Jeffrey and Barbara both said. When Jeffrey and Barbara were THOSE POOR LITTLE SWEETHEARTS?!” The two little drag-
about to step in… a ginormous DRAGON CAME OUT. DUN ons were in shock. Jeffrey and Barbara giggled while the mom was
DUN DUNNN!!!! pinching the dragon. “Oh I’m so sorry sweethearts about this little
“What are you doing near my castle, peasants?!?” the ginormous naughty dragon.” “Oh its ok.” “Wanna come in?” And this is how
dragon said. “This isn’t a castle though...” Barbara said. “Hehehe” the legends say they all became best friends.
Jeffrey giggled. “DONT LAUGH PEASANTS!!!” the ginormous The end :)
dragon said. “Ok you don’t have to be so rude” Barbra said. “Yeah,

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 20 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 21

Cassy’s Pages Cassy’s Pages (continued)


by Cassy

Cassy’s Photo Selection: This is Jeffrey and Barbara. They are toddler dragons and they love um, what did he say again? Oh yeah, PEASANT,” said Jeffrey.
The ginormous dragon was in shock. Nobody ever said peasant to
Shall we get on the story readers? him. “DID YOU JUST CALL ME PEASANT YOU LITTLE PEAS-
THE LIGHTHOUSE ANT?!?!” the dragon said. “Indeed I did, why?” Jeffrey said. Little
“I chose this photo because it has a nice One day Jeffrey and Barbara went on a faraway adventure. That’s did the dragon know his Mom’s coming. And that’s when the drag-
background and nice lighting. The unicorn is when Jeffrey and Barbara saw… the “Scary” Lighthouse. “That looks on’s Mom did come. “SWEETIE PIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO
gonna find the lighthouse and live there.” cool” Jeffrey and Barbara both said. When Jeffrey and Barbara were THOSE POOR LITTLE SWEETHEARTS?!” The two little drag-
about to step in… a ginormous DRAGON CAME OUT. DUN ons were in shock. Jeffrey and Barbara giggled while the mom was
DUN DUNNN!!!! pinching the dragon. “Oh I’m so sorry sweethearts about this little
“What are you doing near my castle, peasants?!?” the ginormous naughty dragon.” “Oh its ok.” “Wanna come in?” And this is how
dragon said. “This isn’t a castle though...” Barbara said. “Hehehe” the legends say they all became best friends.
Jeffrey giggled. “DONT LAUGH PEASANTS!!!” the ginormous The end :)
dragon said. “Ok you don’t have to be so rude” Barbra said. “Yeah,

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 20 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 21

Dallas’ Pages Dallas’ Pages (continued)


Dallas’ Photo Selection: by Dallas

“I chose this photo because it is scary.”
“Oh Hi. I’m Jean and you are Dash. We are at a lighthouse. Let’s
sleep in there,” I said.
“OK,” said Dash.


“Aaa! What was that!”

“I-I don’t know? The door! I-i-i-it’s locked.


“What was that!!?”

“I-I don’t know really.”

“You’re not alone!”

“W-w-what was that!” “I don’t know…tell me!”

“You’re not alone…!”

“Let’s go up the stairs.” “OK. Aaaaa! Run!” We got out.

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Dallas’ Pages Dallas’ Pages (continued)


Dallas’ Photo Selection: by Dallas

“I chose this photo because it is scary.”
“Oh Hi. I’m Jean and you are Dash. We are at a lighthouse. Let’s
sleep in there,” I said.
“OK,” said Dash.


“Aaa! What was that!”

“I-I don’t know? The door! I-i-i-it’s locked.


“What was that!!?”

“I-I don’t know really.”

“You’re not alone!”

“W-w-what was that!” “I don’t know…tell me!”

“You’re not alone…!”

“Let’s go up the stairs.” “OK. Aaaaa! Run!” We got out.

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Demy’s Pages Demy’s Pages (continued)


by Demy

There was a lighthouse deep in a green, thick forest. It was dark ran into the thick green forest. I hid behind a thick tree. The ghost
there and there were so many noises. Winds and flickers filled the was mad and he was trying to find me, so I have to think quickly. I
air. My name is Artemis and I sat in my cabin hiding from the cold was thinking heavily, as fast as I could, and I thought of some way
Demy’s Photo Selection: winds. I stayed by the fire keeping myself warm. All of a sudden the to distract the ghost. I started to collect supplies for my creation. I
light turned light gray. I went to bed. was shaking but I was determined to get rid of that horrible ghost.
THE SEA OF ROCKS It is smelly and gross. I have to get rid of it. I thought and thought
“I chose it because it reminds me of my happy places and In the night I heard a sound coming from the lighthouse. It was a and then I got an idea. So I got to work with metals and paint and
it’s pretty.” subtle sound indeed, but it was like someone was screaming. It was cameras. Then it was ready. I call it the “Artenater-Ghostdetector-Il-
so scary, so I waddled my butt over there. I got to the lighthouse and lumination Device”, or for short, the ghost illuminator.
I knocked on the door. All I heard was “Help! Help! There is some-
one here.” So, as non-heroic as I am, I waddled inside. It was dark, I got ready and I went up to the ghost and said, “I am Artemis and
old and creepy but I went deeper. I slowly walked up the old creepy I am not afraid of you.” Then I pulled the trigger. Pppppppouuuuu.
stairs, I felt like someone was there right beside me. I SCREAMED It shot like lightning. Its light looked like a beautiful shooting star.
at the top of my lungs! I was so scared. I went up more stairs. I heard It hit the ghost and THE GHOST WAS COMPLETELY FINE. I
a noise that sounded like “help” and then a loud scream I went fur- ran for my life and the ghost was close behind. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” I
ther up the dark red and white lighthouse and the noise was gone so screamed and ran into the forest. I hid behind the tree, the same one
I said, “who is there? I’m not afraid of you.” I did the first time and it did not find me so I got to work again.

“Yes you are,” the voice said. “Ahh,” said the girl. “I’m a, a, Then I was ready. No I mean really ready. So I went up to the ghost
a….GHOST ahahahahahahahah.” “Where is the lighthouse keeper?” and the ghost said, “Ooooh, the wimp is back.” I pulled the trigger.
“Oh SHE`S DEAD aaah.” Ppppppppouuuuuu. It shot better than the last time. Finally then
THE GHOST WAS GONE. I did it, and there has been no ghost
I ran and ran like lightning back to my house, then I forgot since.
and……….ate an apple pie. I was so happy, then I heard a noise and
Artemis remembered the GHOST. The Ghost was right there, so I

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 24 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 25

Demy’s Pages Demy’s Pages (continued)


by Demy

There was a lighthouse deep in a green, thick forest. It was dark ran into the thick green forest. I hid behind a thick tree. The ghost
there and there were so many noises. Winds and flickers filled the was mad and he was trying to find me, so I have to think quickly. I
air. My name is Artemis and I sat in my cabin hiding from the cold was thinking heavily, as fast as I could, and I thought of some way
Demy’s Photo Selection: winds. I stayed by the fire keeping myself warm. All of a sudden the to distract the ghost. I started to collect supplies for my creation. I
light turned light gray. I went to bed. was shaking but I was determined to get rid of that horrible ghost.
THE SEA OF ROCKS It is smelly and gross. I have to get rid of it. I thought and thought
“I chose it because it reminds me of my happy places and In the night I heard a sound coming from the lighthouse. It was a and then I got an idea. So I got to work with metals and paint and
it’s pretty.” subtle sound indeed, but it was like someone was screaming. It was cameras. Then it was ready. I call it the “Artenater-Ghostdetector-Il-
so scary, so I waddled my butt over there. I got to the lighthouse and lumination Device”, or for short, the ghost illuminator.
I knocked on the door. All I heard was “Help! Help! There is some-
one here.” So, as non-heroic as I am, I waddled inside. It was dark, I got ready and I went up to the ghost and said, “I am Artemis and
old and creepy but I went deeper. I slowly walked up the old creepy I am not afraid of you.” Then I pulled the trigger. Pppppppouuuuu.
stairs, I felt like someone was there right beside me. I SCREAMED It shot like lightning. Its light looked like a beautiful shooting star.
at the top of my lungs! I was so scared. I went up more stairs. I heard It hit the ghost and THE GHOST WAS COMPLETELY FINE. I
a noise that sounded like “help” and then a loud scream I went fur- ran for my life and the ghost was close behind. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” I
ther up the dark red and white lighthouse and the noise was gone so screamed and ran into the forest. I hid behind the tree, the same one
I said, “who is there? I’m not afraid of you.” I did the first time and it did not find me so I got to work again.

“Yes you are,” the voice said. “Ahh,” said the girl. “I’m a, a, Then I was ready. No I mean really ready. So I went up to the ghost
a….GHOST ahahahahahahahah.” “Where is the lighthouse keeper?” and the ghost said, “Ooooh, the wimp is back.” I pulled the trigger.
“Oh SHE`S DEAD aaah.” Ppppppppouuuuuu. It shot better than the last time. Finally then
THE GHOST WAS GONE. I did it, and there has been no ghost
I ran and ran like lightning back to my house, then I forgot since.
and……….ate an apple pie. I was so happy, then I heard a noise and
Artemis remembered the GHOST. The Ghost was right there, so I

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Ethan’s Pages Ethan’s Pages (continued)


by Ethan

Ethan’s Photo Selection:

ROCKY SHORELINE Once there was a lighthouse with scary and dangerous things
Ethan wasn’t able to be with us the day we visited the lighthouse, outside. People come to the island and there are spikes and wires
but if he had been we think he’d have chosen a picture like this. around it. There are 1000 dead zombies there. Johnny, Michael, Joe,
and Karen come to the lighthouse. They hide in the lighthouse and
take cover. They fight the zombies but more and more zombie fight-
ers keep coming. They don’t know how to stop them! They find a
village with no people. There is lots of fire and smoke. Then Johnny,
Michael, Joe, and Karen find a basement with survivors in it.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 26 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 27

Ethan’s Pages Ethan’s Pages (continued)


by Ethan

Ethan’s Photo Selection:

ROCKY SHORELINE Once there was a lighthouse with scary and dangerous things
Ethan wasn’t able to be with us the day we visited the lighthouse, outside. People come to the island and there are spikes and wires
but if he had been we think he’d have chosen a picture like this. around it. There are 1000 dead zombies there. Johnny, Michael, Joe,
and Karen come to the lighthouse. They hide in the lighthouse and
take cover. They fight the zombies but more and more zombie fight-
ers keep coming. They don’t know how to stop them! They find a
village with no people. There is lots of fire and smoke. Then Johnny,
Michael, Joe, and Karen find a basement with survivors in it.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 26 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 27

Jazmyne’s Pages Jazmyne’s Pages (continued)


by Jazmyne

Jazmyne’s Photo Selection: Lighthouses can help boats to not crash into the shore and not crash
into other things. Lighthouses are very important for boats. Light-
houses can guide boats to make sure that the boats don’t crash.
“This photo of beautiful blue flowers shows
the details all around the lighthouse.”

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 28 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 29

Jazmyne’s Pages Jazmyne’s Pages (continued)


by Jazmyne

Jazmyne’s Photo Selection: Lighthouses can help boats to not crash into the shore and not crash
into other things. Lighthouses are very important for boats. Light-
houses can guide boats to make sure that the boats don’t crash.
“This photo of beautiful blue flowers shows
the details all around the lighthouse.”

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 28 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 29

Jordyn’s Pages Jordyn’s Pages (continued)

Jordyn’s Photo Selection: THE DARE
by Jordyn
“Because it’s beautiful and it’s a
UNICORN.” One day this girl named Cindy went to the light house as a dare
from her friends. It was around 2:30 am, and she went alone. She
heard a screaming noise coming from the light house. It was almost
like a loud crying baby noise. She thought to herself “IS THAT A
BABY!!!” Then she went inside. She was terrified. It wasn’t a baby, it
was a scare crow!!! She backed up slowly holding her breath, hoping
nothing would happen. All of a sudden it went black...she woke up
in a room but it was hers and she saw her friends.

She said, “What happened?” They just stared without blinking.
She said it again but louder, “Guys, what happened?!?!” Then she
screamed “ARE YOU GUYS OK!!?!?!” They fell to the ground like a
dolls and she laughed in fear.

It went black again. She woke up, but from somebody else’s view,
watching her sleep. The person watching her sleep had a weapon. It
went black again but for longer. She couldn’t control her body but
she was running and screaming. She realized her friends were chas-
ing her. She saw her friends had white eyes. She was hiding but got
caught. The friend that found her had normal eyes and her friend
whispered “run...” TO BE CONTINUED

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 30 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 31

Jordyn’s Pages Jordyn’s Pages (continued)

Jordyn’s Photo Selection: THE DARE
by Jordyn
“Because it’s beautiful and it’s a
UNICORN.” One day this girl named Cindy went to the light house as a dare
from her friends. It was around 2:30 am, and she went alone. She
heard a screaming noise coming from the light house. It was almost
like a loud crying baby noise. She thought to herself “IS THAT A
BABY!!!” Then she went inside. She was terrified. It wasn’t a baby, it
was a scare crow!!! She backed up slowly holding her breath, hoping
nothing would happen. All of a sudden it went black...she woke up
in a room but it was hers and she saw her friends.

She said, “What happened?” They just stared without blinking.
She said it again but louder, “Guys, what happened?!?!” Then she
screamed “ARE YOU GUYS OK!!?!?!” They fell to the ground like a
dolls and she laughed in fear.

It went black again. She woke up, but from somebody else’s view,
watching her sleep. The person watching her sleep had a weapon. It
went black again but for longer. She couldn’t control her body but
she was running and screaming. She realized her friends were chas-
ing her. She saw her friends had white eyes. She was hiding but got
caught. The friend that found her had normal eyes and her friend
whispered “run...” TO BE CONTINUED

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 30 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 31

Julia’s Pages Julia’s Pages (continued)


by Julia

Julia’s Photo Selection: One day a classroom in John Muir wanted to take a field trip to the
lighthouse. When they got on the bus they were really loud on the
bus. When they got to the lighthouse they had to follow a black car
THE BIG BLUE OCEAN down a hill to see the lighthouse. When they saw the lighthouse
“I chose this photo because it makes you feel everyone was saying “Wow!” The people who guided the classroom
like you are at a beach. Just dream like you were named Ian and Kathleen, they were very nice to the kids in the
are at a vacation with your family.”
class. Ian and Kathleen put us in groups – one group had to take
phones for taking pictures for their story, and the other group were
planning for their story. After, they had to switch groups so the peo-
ple in planning got to take pictures. At the end of their journey they
had to hug the lighthouse for a picture. When they said goodbye to
Ian and Kathleen, they had to take a long walk up the hill again to
go on the bus. When they got on the bus to go back to school for
lunch they talked about what they saw and thought was cool on
their adventure. When they got back to school they ran down the
stairs and ran to their classroom because they were really hungry for
lunch and had the best time at the lighthouse.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 32 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 33

Julia’s Pages Julia’s Pages (continued)


by Julia

Julia’s Photo Selection: One day a classroom in John Muir wanted to take a field trip to the
lighthouse. When they got on the bus they were really loud on the
bus. When they got to the lighthouse they had to follow a black car
THE BIG BLUE OCEAN down a hill to see the lighthouse. When they saw the lighthouse
“I chose this photo because it makes you feel everyone was saying “Wow!” The people who guided the classroom
like you are at a beach. Just dream like you were named Ian and Kathleen, they were very nice to the kids in the
are at a vacation with your family.”
class. Ian and Kathleen put us in groups – one group had to take
phones for taking pictures for their story, and the other group were
planning for their story. After, they had to switch groups so the peo-
ple in planning got to take pictures. At the end of their journey they
had to hug the lighthouse for a picture. When they said goodbye to
Ian and Kathleen, they had to take a long walk up the hill again to
go on the bus. When they got on the bus to go back to school for
lunch they talked about what they saw and thought was cool on
their adventure. When they got back to school they ran down the
stairs and ran to their classroom because they were really hungry for
lunch and had the best time at the lighthouse.

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Kole’s Pages Kole’s Pages (continued)


by Kole

Once upon a time I was trapped in a lighthouse and it wouldn’t let “What-what-what is that?” I said, when I saw all of these like zom-
me out. I was trapped and there was just no way out. There was bies in the living room. I don’t think I wanted to go down that trap-
no bathroom which is really hard so I had to pee off the side. Yeah door anymore. Maybe if I found a weapon that might help but yeah
it sucks but I’ve been looking for a very long time now and I think I just locked the door and maybe hoped I wouldn’t have to use a
Kole’s Photo Selection: I found the way out. You go into the living room area and it’s like pencil to fight zombies, yeah. And it’s night and it’s very stormy, and

where you just sit on the couch in this random spot, the trap door that living room is the only place other than where the light is that
opens, but only gives you five seconds to jump in and there’s no seems to blink. It’s like spinning and there’s no power in the light-
THE LIGHTHOUSE ladder. I’m trying to work on a plan to keep that door open but I’m house otherwise – I mean early in the story I did tell you that there
“I like this photo because it’s about a light- thinking that if I just get a ladder that I’ve seen before somewhere were lights, but yep indestructible lights are gone now. The only
house.” I can shove it in the door hopefully. Or I can just bring the door. light that is on now is the one in the lighthouse so yeah it’s scary and
But hopefully it’ll work anyway. So I tried and, yeah, it didn’t, so I’m if there’s nowhere I can go and just stay it’s going to suck.
stuck in the lighthouse and I have no way to get out, and it’s super
hard. And it seems that it’s been like all night, the whole time we’ve been
there and I’ve at least been here for three days. So yeah, it’s very
And I don’t think there’s anyone left in the world because there are a scary out here. Wait it’s turning daytime again and it looks like I can
lot of zombies down at the bottom. Which means if I try to get out see people from maybe, yeah, very far away. Wow maybe I could ac-
by climbing down that won’t be very good, it’s going to die. I’m go- tually get over here for once. I’m going to go check the living room.
ing to die anyway. This Lighthouse is creepy but there’s lights and I There’s nothing. There’s no more zombies in there. Yeah I can get
have kind of moved my stuff in because I was on a trip, and the trip out of this and people are helping me get down.
sucks because I didn’t get to see anything because I got super sick. It
didn’t really matter because I mean I found this lighthouse. The end.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 34 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 35

Kole’s Pages Kole’s Pages (continued)


by Kole

Once upon a time I was trapped in a lighthouse and it wouldn’t let “What-what-what is that?” I said, when I saw all of these like zom-
me out. I was trapped and there was just no way out. There was bies in the living room. I don’t think I wanted to go down that trap-
no bathroom which is really hard so I had to pee off the side. Yeah door anymore. Maybe if I found a weapon that might help but yeah
it sucks but I’ve been looking for a very long time now and I think I just locked the door and maybe hoped I wouldn’t have to use a
Kole’s Photo Selection: I found the way out. You go into the living room area and it’s like pencil to fight zombies, yeah. And it’s night and it’s very stormy, and

where you just sit on the couch in this random spot, the trap door that living room is the only place other than where the light is that
opens, but only gives you five seconds to jump in and there’s no seems to blink. It’s like spinning and there’s no power in the light-
THE LIGHTHOUSE ladder. I’m trying to work on a plan to keep that door open but I’m house otherwise – I mean early in the story I did tell you that there
“I like this photo because it’s about a light- thinking that if I just get a ladder that I’ve seen before somewhere were lights, but yep indestructible lights are gone now. The only
house.” I can shove it in the door hopefully. Or I can just bring the door. light that is on now is the one in the lighthouse so yeah it’s scary and
But hopefully it’ll work anyway. So I tried and, yeah, it didn’t, so I’m if there’s nowhere I can go and just stay it’s going to suck.
stuck in the lighthouse and I have no way to get out, and it’s super
hard. And it seems that it’s been like all night, the whole time we’ve been
there and I’ve at least been here for three days. So yeah, it’s very
And I don’t think there’s anyone left in the world because there are a scary out here. Wait it’s turning daytime again and it looks like I can
lot of zombies down at the bottom. Which means if I try to get out see people from maybe, yeah, very far away. Wow maybe I could ac-
by climbing down that won’t be very good, it’s going to die. I’m go- tually get over here for once. I’m going to go check the living room.
ing to die anyway. This Lighthouse is creepy but there’s lights and I There’s nothing. There’s no more zombies in there. Yeah I can get
have kind of moved my stuff in because I was on a trip, and the trip out of this and people are helping me get down.
sucks because I didn’t get to see anything because I got super sick. It
didn’t really matter because I mean I found this lighthouse. The end.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 34 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 35

Leah’s Pages Leah’s Pages (continued)


by Leah

Once there was a lighthouse and a man. Well some may say a man, caught him! Then they take him for a few days. A few days later he
some may say a creep. Let’s name him he Creep since he is well... gets called to court. He walks in and puts his hood on. He walks to
dead. Ok, now the story. the judge a little later, yelling and crying and he promises he won’t
Leah’s Photo Selection: take another photo of someone again. The judge says the verdict is
Once there was a lighthouse and the lighthouse was only open at guilty, but lets him go home. The cops drive him home to the light-
night. I do not know why, but also the creep his ‘job’ was to...take house. At the end of the day the creep realised he messed up and he
pictures of people at the lighthouse and post them online. But peo- spends the rest of his life as a photographer of the lighthouse.
ple did not know. One day at the police station a cop was sitting and
THE GREAT LIGHTHOUSE eating a doughnut and all of a sudden his computer blew up with He lived alone, but one day a man came down and told him he saw
“I chose this because my story is based on a reposts about this crazy creep that takes pictures of people. This was the pictures online and said he wanted to put them in his muse-
lighthouse.” crazy. He decided to do a stake out with his pal Bob. When they got um. “You will get a lot of money” the man said. The creep said
there they didn’t see anything. Cop Bob decided to go take a closer “Yes!” with glee. A couple of days later he had sooooo much money
look at the lighthouse but then a tall shadow came out to see if any- and he could get good stuff for his house! That went on for a good
body wanted a picture. Cop Bob slowly walks to the creep and takes amount of time. And in the end he was good. The lighthouse was
a closer look… but then Cop Bob was gone! open again and he was no longer called the creep, but Bob! And
people liked him he had a VERY, VERY good life.
“WHAT THE…!” Cop Tom said. So he waits and waits, and noth-
ing. Then he decides to get the creep. BOOM! POW! OMG! They THE END.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 36 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 37

Leah’s Pages Leah’s Pages (continued)


by Leah

Once there was a lighthouse and a man. Well some may say a man, caught him! Then they take him for a few days. A few days later he
some may say a creep. Let’s name him he Creep since he is well... gets called to court. He walks in and puts his hood on. He walks to
dead. Ok, now the story. the judge a little later, yelling and crying and he promises he won’t
Leah’s Photo Selection: take another photo of someone again. The judge says the verdict is
Once there was a lighthouse and the lighthouse was only open at guilty, but lets him go home. The cops drive him home to the light-
night. I do not know why, but also the creep his ‘job’ was to...take house. At the end of the day the creep realised he messed up and he
pictures of people at the lighthouse and post them online. But peo- spends the rest of his life as a photographer of the lighthouse.
ple did not know. One day at the police station a cop was sitting and
THE GREAT LIGHTHOUSE eating a doughnut and all of a sudden his computer blew up with He lived alone, but one day a man came down and told him he saw
“I chose this because my story is based on a reposts about this crazy creep that takes pictures of people. This was the pictures online and said he wanted to put them in his muse-
lighthouse.” crazy. He decided to do a stake out with his pal Bob. When they got um. “You will get a lot of money” the man said. The creep said
there they didn’t see anything. Cop Bob decided to go take a closer “Yes!” with glee. A couple of days later he had sooooo much money
look at the lighthouse but then a tall shadow came out to see if any- and he could get good stuff for his house! That went on for a good
body wanted a picture. Cop Bob slowly walks to the creep and takes amount of time. And in the end he was good. The lighthouse was
a closer look… but then Cop Bob was gone! open again and he was no longer called the creep, but Bob! And
people liked him he had a VERY, VERY good life.
“WHAT THE…!” Cop Tom said. So he waits and waits, and noth-
ing. Then he decides to get the creep. BOOM! POW! OMG! They THE END.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 36 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 37

Luke’s Pages Luke’s Pages (continued)

Luke’s Photo Selection:

“I chose this because it’s a vent and will go
well in my story.”

There was a goose that had a broken wing and he hit his wing on “Who is this?” Dr. Suess replied back.
the lighthouse. He was very sad and then then a vet named Dr.
Suess came and helped him recover very nicely. He fixed its wing by “Hello Dr. Suess, my name is Jonathan and I work for the WSA, The
attaching a metal wing. No one thought this would work but it did! World Shark Association. Remember that time you helped the goose
It could now fly very well, better than its usual wing. The goose had with the metal wing?”
a very nice rest of his life. He was known as the best flying goose in “Yes,” replied Dr. Suess.
the universe and Dr. Suess became known as one of the world’s best
veterinarians. He was very happy with the metal wing and he flew “So many of our world’s sharks are dying for shark fin soup. We
wherever he wanted to go. He had the best time of his life with that were thinking if you could help us make metal fins for the sharks.”
metal wing.
Dr. Suess replied, “Funny you said that. I have made 100 metal fins
The Veterinarian that saved the goose was still alive and he sat on that have shock reactions built into them. If someone tries to cut
a chair in his house. He was watching TV because he was too old them off they will get electrocuted. Sharks can be dangerous so we
to do anything now. He was happy with his life still so he is very will need a machine to help us put on the fins.”
good at saving creatures’ lives every day. He has a beautiful dinner
because he’s very rich for that one time that he saved the Goose’s The WSA flew out Dr. Seuss to meet them and get started on saving
the sharks. The first shark they ever found was at the exact light-
life. The lighthouse is now the most popular lighthouse in the world. house where the bird broke its wing. That lighthouse was crowded
Then one day the Dr. Suess got a phone call.
with people and seagulls.
“Dr. Suess!” said the man.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 38 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 39

Luke’s Pages Luke’s Pages (continued)

Luke’s Photo Selection:

“I chose this because it’s a vent and will go
well in my story.”

There was a goose that had a broken wing and he hit his wing on “Who is this?” Dr. Suess replied back.
the lighthouse. He was very sad and then then a vet named Dr.
Suess came and helped him recover very nicely. He fixed its wing by “Hello Dr. Suess, my name is Jonathan and I work for the WSA, The
attaching a metal wing. No one thought this would work but it did! World Shark Association. Remember that time you helped the goose
It could now fly very well, better than its usual wing. The goose had with the metal wing?”
a very nice rest of his life. He was known as the best flying goose in “Yes,” replied Dr. Suess.
the universe and Dr. Suess became known as one of the world’s best
veterinarians. He was very happy with the metal wing and he flew “So many of our world’s sharks are dying for shark fin soup. We
wherever he wanted to go. He had the best time of his life with that were thinking if you could help us make metal fins for the sharks.”
metal wing.
Dr. Suess replied, “Funny you said that. I have made 100 metal fins
The Veterinarian that saved the goose was still alive and he sat on that have shock reactions built into them. If someone tries to cut
a chair in his house. He was watching TV because he was too old them off they will get electrocuted. Sharks can be dangerous so we
to do anything now. He was happy with his life still so he is very will need a machine to help us put on the fins.”
good at saving creatures’ lives every day. He has a beautiful dinner
because he’s very rich for that one time that he saved the Goose’s The WSA flew out Dr. Seuss to meet them and get started on saving
the sharks. The first shark they ever found was at the exact light-
life. The lighthouse is now the most popular lighthouse in the world. house where the bird broke its wing. That lighthouse was crowded
Then one day the Dr. Suess got a phone call.
with people and seagulls.
“Dr. Suess!” said the man.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 38 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 39

Mathew’s Pages Mathew’s Pages (continued)


by Mathew

Once upon a time there was a man who bought the lighthouse. The
lighthouse was made in 1918. The 25 year old man bought the light-
house because he wanted to help the sailors and fishers but when he
heard a story that an older man died from a mysterious creature, he
Mathew’s Photo Selection: was scared. Maybe it was the Chupacabra.

He heard a voice and it said “Get out of here before you die.” Now
THE MAGNIFICENT LIGHTHOUSE he was scared, so he sprinted down the stairs to the house for the
“I chose this photo because it reminds me of a first time, then he fell down this trap. He was led to this demon crea-
haunted lighthouse.”
ture and he saw it become mist. It went behind him then ate him,
but for some reason he woke up in an old bed with white tiled walls
with lots of blood on the walls. He went out of the room he was in,
in the house with the trap in it. He ran out of the house and ran up
the driveway. He ran for hours in the wilderness. He stopped run-
ning, but he heard footsteps. There was a bush that he could just fit
in. He hid for about 3 hours then he saw the same demon creature
that was in the house. Then the creature took him by the neck and
said “You will never run away from me!” Then he ate him. But it
turns out that it was all a dream because he was found in a coma for
3 months, the doctor said.

The end.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 40 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 41

Mathew’s Pages Mathew’s Pages (continued)


by Mathew

Once upon a time there was a man who bought the lighthouse. The
lighthouse was made in 1918. The 25 year old man bought the light-
house because he wanted to help the sailors and fishers but when he
heard a story that an older man died from a mysterious creature, he
Mathew’s Photo Selection: was scared. Maybe it was the Chupacabra.

He heard a voice and it said “Get out of here before you die.” Now
THE MAGNIFICENT LIGHTHOUSE he was scared, so he sprinted down the stairs to the house for the
“I chose this photo because it reminds me of a first time, then he fell down this trap. He was led to this demon crea-
haunted lighthouse.”
ture and he saw it become mist. It went behind him then ate him,
but for some reason he woke up in an old bed with white tiled walls
with lots of blood on the walls. He went out of the room he was in,
in the house with the trap in it. He ran out of the house and ran up
the driveway. He ran for hours in the wilderness. He stopped run-
ning, but he heard footsteps. There was a bush that he could just fit
in. He hid for about 3 hours then he saw the same demon creature
that was in the house. Then the creature took him by the neck and
said “You will never run away from me!” Then he ate him. But it
turns out that it was all a dream because he was found in a coma for
3 months, the doctor said.

The end.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 40 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 41

Melodey’s Pages Melodey’s Pages (continued)


by Melodey

I’m jack and I like walking at the beach. My best friend Tom loves I’m on my way to the lighthouse because I can hear the sound com-
watching TV. I was about to go to sleep until I heard a sound. It ing from there. Alright I’m going to count down from 3 and, you
was laughing. I was so scared. I was going to check it out but I was reader, I need you to do it with me …3...2…1!
horrified so I tried to go back to sleep, but I kept tossing and turn-
Melodey’s Photo Selection: ing. Finally I got up to go to my friend Tom’s house. When I came “Oh hi Tom, it’s been you!”
back there was no laughing. I got out some cinnamon toast crunch “Yep I was watching the funniest Tic Toc videos,” he says.
– favourite. After breakfast I heard it again. I tried to “Why? I was sleeping.”
LIGHTHOUSE NIGHT ignore it. There were like 4 speakers. I went for a walk at the beach “Sorry,” he says.
“I got a headache because of it. You said you won’t do it anymore,” I
“I like it because it’s pretty. I chose it because it goes good to cool off because I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me. say.
with my story.”
I started walking and I heard it again so I called Tom to see if he “Look I thought you were at your friend’s house,” he says.
hears anything. “Hello…Oh hi Tom, do you hear anything?” I call. “No excuses. It was loud!” I say.
“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?” He says. “Sorry. Thank goodness that’s over. Please forgive me.”
“It’s just my mind playing tricks on me,” I say. “Only if you drive me everywhere I want to go for tomorrow,” I say.
“Ok see you later Dude” Tom says. “Ok, let’s shake on it. Ok bye, later.” He says.

Two minutes later, it was just 12am. *yawn* Boy am I tired from a That was a long walk. I know you’re thinking in your head “Told you
long walk. *claps* Light turns off. Good night readers. Seriously, I so,” but fine just say it because I’m going to bed (snores).
just fell asleep. Ugh! I heard a noise. Fine! Do you want me to go see
what that was...fine! You didn’t need to yell. The end! :)

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 42 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 43

Melodey’s Pages Melodey’s Pages (continued)


by Melodey

I’m jack and I like walking at the beach. My best friend Tom loves I’m on my way to the lighthouse because I can hear the sound com-
watching TV. I was about to go to sleep until I heard a sound. It ing from there. Alright I’m going to count down from 3 and, you
was laughing. I was so scared. I was going to check it out but I was reader, I need you to do it with me …3...2…1!
horrified so I tried to go back to sleep, but I kept tossing and turn-
Melodey’s Photo Selection: ing. Finally I got up to go to my friend Tom’s house. When I came “Oh hi Tom, it’s been you!”
back there was no laughing. I got out some cinnamon toast crunch “Yep I was watching the funniest Tic Toc videos,” he says.
– favourite. After breakfast I heard it again. I tried to “Why? I was sleeping.”
LIGHTHOUSE NIGHT ignore it. There were like 4 speakers. I went for a walk at the beach “Sorry,” he says.
“I got a headache because of it. You said you won’t do it anymore,” I
“I like it because it’s pretty. I chose it because it goes good to cool off because I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me. say.
with my story.”
I started walking and I heard it again so I called Tom to see if he “Look I thought you were at your friend’s house,” he says.
hears anything. “Hello…Oh hi Tom, do you hear anything?” I call. “No excuses. It was loud!” I say.
“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?” He says. “Sorry. Thank goodness that’s over. Please forgive me.”
“It’s just my mind playing tricks on me,” I say. “Only if you drive me everywhere I want to go for tomorrow,” I say.
“Ok see you later Dude” Tom says. “Ok, let’s shake on it. Ok bye, later.” He says.

Two minutes later, it was just 12am. *yawn* Boy am I tired from a That was a long walk. I know you’re thinking in your head “Told you
long walk. *claps* Light turns off. Good night readers. Seriously, I so,” but fine just say it because I’m going to bed (snores).
just fell asleep. Ugh! I heard a noise. Fine! Do you want me to go see
what that was...fine! You didn’t need to yell. The end! :)

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 42 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 43

Mya’s Pages Mya’s Pages (continued)


by Mya

May and Charly are best friends and twins. Charly and May will “What is going on?” said May. “Do you want to go on a stakeout?”
not go anywhere without each other. They are10 years old. They got
Mya’s Photo Selection: “Yeah, I guess so,” said Charly.
a dog when they were 1 month old. Their dog is named Scott. The
story takes place at a lighthouse and their Uncle Fred’s house. “Ok it’s done. We are going on a stakeout,” replied May.

Once there were two twins May and Charly. May had blond hair The next night May and Charly were up for hours. 12345678 hours
BIG WHITE LIGHTHOUSE and loved to draw. May’s best friend is Kayla. Charly’s best friend is to be exact, but then Uncle Fred said, “May what are you kids do-
“I liked this becase it looks like people are Hunter. Kayla and Hunter are siblings too. ing?!”
wandering around the lighthouse, and there
is a picture of the lighthouse.” They went to Uncle Fred’s lighthouse every day. One night they “We… we saw the light floating in the lighthouse,” replied May.
heard a strange sound coming from the lighthouse. May and Charly
looked out the window and saw the light from the lighthouse float- “It was just dark, we were doing work.”
ing around.
The end!
“I’m so scared,” said Charly.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 44 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 45

Mya’s Pages Mya’s Pages (continued)


by Mya

May and Charly are best friends and twins. Charly and May will “What is going on?” said May. “Do you want to go on a stakeout?”
not go anywhere without each other. They are10 years old. They got
Mya’s Photo Selection: “Yeah, I guess so,” said Charly.
a dog when they were 1 month old. Their dog is named Scott. The
story takes place at a lighthouse and their Uncle Fred’s house. “Ok it’s done. We are going on a stakeout,” replied May.

Once there were two twins May and Charly. May had blond hair The next night May and Charly were up for hours. 12345678 hours
BIG WHITE LIGHTHOUSE and loved to draw. May’s best friend is Kayla. Charly’s best friend is to be exact, but then Uncle Fred said, “May what are you kids do-
“I liked this becase it looks like people are Hunter. Kayla and Hunter are siblings too. ing?!”
wandering around the lighthouse, and there
is a picture of the lighthouse.” They went to Uncle Fred’s lighthouse every day. One night they “We… we saw the light floating in the lighthouse,” replied May.
heard a strange sound coming from the lighthouse. May and Charly
looked out the window and saw the light from the lighthouse float- “It was just dark, we were doing work.”
ing around.
The end!
“I’m so scared,” said Charly.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 44 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 45

Parker’s Pages Parker’s Pages (continued)


by Parker

One day there was a light house that had a really bad lighthouse
keeper. He was a chubby, grumpy old man. He never went outside
Parker’s Photo Selection: to check on the lighthouse. He was capable of going out and check-
ing on it but he just decided that he didn’t want to.

One day there was a police officer that said that he needs to check
THE LIGHTHOUSE on the lighthouse more often because too many boats were crashing
“I chose it because this is where the story into the rocks below. He was rude and got really grumpy with the
officer, so the police officer arrested him and put him in jail. He
spent a long four years of eating only bread and water. When he
was released from jail, he went to go see his lighthouse again. He
found out that there was a better lighthouse keeper than him at the
lighthouse. The new lighthouse keeper was athletic and went out-
side to check on it every three hours. The old lighthouse keeper
was grumpy and jealous of his replacement and he said, “That’s my
lighthouse!” The new guy said “Well, you didn’t do a good job of
taking care of it so the government said that I will take over.” Then
he explained that he was too lazy to go out but that he could have
the lighthouse anyway if he promised to take care of it. The old
lighthouse keeper started going for long walks outside and he went
outside every three hours no matter what, even in the night.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 46 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 47

Parker’s Pages Parker’s Pages (continued)


by Parker

One day there was a light house that had a really bad lighthouse
keeper. He was a chubby, grumpy old man. He never went outside
Parker’s Photo Selection: to check on the lighthouse. He was capable of going out and check-
ing on it but he just decided that he didn’t want to.

One day there was a police officer that said that he needs to check
THE LIGHTHOUSE on the lighthouse more often because too many boats were crashing
“I chose it because this is where the story into the rocks below. He was rude and got really grumpy with the
officer, so the police officer arrested him and put him in jail. He
spent a long four years of eating only bread and water. When he
was released from jail, he went to go see his lighthouse again. He
found out that there was a better lighthouse keeper than him at the
lighthouse. The new lighthouse keeper was athletic and went out-
side to check on it every three hours. The old lighthouse keeper
was grumpy and jealous of his replacement and he said, “That’s my
lighthouse!” The new guy said “Well, you didn’t do a good job of
taking care of it so the government said that I will take over.” Then
he explained that he was too lazy to go out but that he could have
the lighthouse anyway if he promised to take care of it. The old
lighthouse keeper started going for long walks outside and he went
outside every three hours no matter what, even in the night.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 46 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 47

Sam’s Pages Sam’s Pages (continued)


by Sam

Sam’s Photo Selection:

“I chose it because it is nice and tall.” It was dark and stormy, and I was sleeping, but not for long. I went
outside and I went for a run. I saw a house, so I went towards it
to see it better. When I got pretty close to it I saw that it was not a
house. It was a lighthouse. I went inside.

Oh and I forgot my name is Sophie and I am 11 years old. I have 1
sister, a mom, a dad and 2 cats named Ope and Leo. Ok back to the

When I got inside the lighthouse I saw a button. For some reason I
pushed it. I felt a shock but then I felt nothing so I just went outside.
I saw a flower so I picked it and then it turned into a beautiful bush
of flowers. So I kept on walking and saw a horse so I petted it and
brought it home. My mom did not like it, so I let it go. But then it
turned in to a unicorn. It made rainbows and we slid on it together
and became BEST FRIENDS.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 48 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 49

Sam’s Pages Sam’s Pages (continued)


by Sam

Sam’s Photo Selection:

“I chose it because it is nice and tall.” It was dark and stormy, and I was sleeping, but not for long. I went
outside and I went for a run. I saw a house, so I went towards it
to see it better. When I got pretty close to it I saw that it was not a
house. It was a lighthouse. I went inside.

Oh and I forgot my name is Sophie and I am 11 years old. I have 1
sister, a mom, a dad and 2 cats named Ope and Leo. Ok back to the

When I got inside the lighthouse I saw a button. For some reason I
pushed it. I felt a shock but then I felt nothing so I just went outside.
I saw a flower so I picked it and then it turned into a beautiful bush
of flowers. So I kept on walking and saw a horse so I petted it and
brought it home. My mom did not like it, so I let it go. But then it
turned in to a unicorn. It made rainbows and we slid on it together
and became BEST FRIENDS.

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 48 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 49

Vanessa’s Pages Vanessa’s Pages (continued)


by Vanessa

Vanessa’s Photo Selection: Today was the first day of high school. Max went to high school When they got there, all of the kids dared Max to swim in the ocean
with his backpack, all nervous and excited, ready to go to first day of for ten seconds. Before Max could even tell them that he could not
THE NICE VIEW high school. swim the kids pushed Max in to the ocean and they laughed.
“The reason why I chose this photo is because Kids and older kids are all taking about the field trip to the light- Max’s heart was beating so hard that he could feel it. He was think-
the house on the cliff looks very nice, and house. Max wanted to know more about the field trip to the light- ing about his single mother, so he kicked his feet very hard and
when you are on the house’s balcony then it
will be a wonderful view. And this photo was house so he joined the conversation. yelled for help. The teachers got him and saved him. He was OK
taken by the lighthouse and the ocean is very Max now knew that they were going to be going to the lighthouse and all of the kids learned their lesson, and he got to share his story
good.” tomorrow so he asked his mom and she replied “OK.” and love his mom because of how much effort she put in to him.

The next day of school the kids apologized and Max will never give
The next day at the school bus to the field trip Max was super ex- up on anything and he spent the rest of the day at high school.
cited to go and write in his journal about the field trip to the light-

Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 50 Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 51

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