Number the Stars
Reflection Journal
By: Corinne McTear
Building Background
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.
Background of this Story:
In some countries around the world the government is
called a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, one person or a small
group of people have complete control of the country. In many
cases the military enforces the control. If a person does not
follow the rules, they may be arrested, threatened, scared, or
tortured. The citizens of that country are not allowed to talk or
act against the dictatorship. A person can be rewarded if they
tell the dictatorship about other people who are against the
Interpretive Question: How does the dictatorship
system of government in the story affect Pedro, his
family, and the citizens it governs?
R Restate the Question (green) Mrs. Rodriguez’s Example
- Read the question or prompt In the book, The Composition,
- Underline keywords Pedro, his family, and their entire
- Rewrite the question as a community are negatively affected by
statement using your own words the dictatorship government. One
example from the text of the problems
A Answer the Question (green) that the dictatorship caused can be
- Answer the question found on page 8. Don Daniel was
*If there is more that one part of dragged down the street by two men
the question, make sure to answer who were “pointing machine guns at
ALL parts. him.” This clearly shows that the
dictatorship is treating the people in
C Cite Evidence (yellows) the community poorly by threatening
- Use evidence from the text to them with weapons. Pedro’s parents
support your answer. lived in fear that they would be caught
-Include both paraphrased going against the government. They
evidence and direct quotes had to turn their radio down very low
so that they wouldn’t be caught
Possible evidence starters: listening. Pedro’s mom was so scared
According to the text… that she “cried silently at the table.”
For example… This is further evidence that the
On page ___ it says… government was making the people
Further support can be found... live in fear and even their daily tasks
In the article/ chapter it states... are being impacted. Finally, Pedro
himself was negatively affected by the
E Explain (reds) government. He was put in the
- Explain how each piece of text position of having to lie on his
evidence supports your answer. composition so that his parents
wouldn’t be caught. The dictatorship
Possible explain starters: tried to turn children against their
This clearly shows that… own parents. Obviously, the
This means that… dictatorship created fear and
This further supports the idea that… hardships for everyone that Pedro was
close to in his life.
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Building Background
World War II and
the Holocaust
Learning Target: I can provide a summary of the text that
includes the main ideas and key details, as well as other
important information.
Summary of the article:
The article “World War II and the Holocaust”describes
how Adolf Hitler set out to rule the world. He came into power
in 1933 and began harass. Starting in 1941, Jewish people
were taken to a concentrations camps. In these camps over
six million Jewish people died. He joined forces with Japan
and Italy. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941, the United States entered the war and
fought against the Axis powers until September 2, 1945 when
the war ended.
Building Background
Learning Target: I can explain the relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a
historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific
information in the text.
How have underground movements affected events
throughout history? Underground Not all
movement to underground
Underground help the movements
Railroad Jews escape are “Good
Passageway Underground World
to the North Movements War II
for slaves
Not a railroad
Building Background
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.
Background of this Story:
“For centuries, the Star of David was a symbol of Jewish
pride. But during World War II, Nazis used the Star to
segregate and terrorize the Jewish people. Except in
Denmark. When Nazi soldiers occupied his country, King
Christian X of Denmark committed himself to keeping all
Danes safe from harm. The bravery of the Danes and their
king has inspired many legends. The most enduring is the
legend of the yellow star, which symbolizes the loyalty and
fearless spirit of the king and his people.”
Source: Peachtree Publishers
Interpretive Question: How did King Christian X’s
response to the yellow Star order in the story
affect the citizens of Denmark?
R Restate the Question (green) Team Response:
- Read the question or prompt R Aestate and nswer (1 or 2 sentences):
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a In the book, The Yellow Star, it shows that King Christian’s
statement using your own words response to the yellow Star order in the story effect was a
good thing for the people of Denmark
A Answer the Question (green)
- Answer the question According to the text, the King called the tailor to the place.
*If there is more that one part of He had him sew a yellow star on his uniform and said: “You
the question, make sure to answer do understand what this means?”The tailor understood
ALL parts. that when he did that is was a sign to the people that should
stand with the jews and not follow the order.
C Cite Evidence (yellows)
- Use evidence from the text to The king was respected and powerful. If he was willing to
support your answer. wear the star and stand by the jews, all the people would
-Include both paraphrased know they should also do the same.
evidence and direct quotes
On the last page of the book, we see that the people are all
Possible evidence starters: wearing yellow stars.
According to the text… This supporters the idea that King Christian’s idea was good
For example… because the Naziś couldn't tell who was a jew.
On page ___ it says… Clearly, King Christian’s idea was a good one by sewing star
Further support can be found... on his clothes
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Number the
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 1
How are the characters’ lives
different than ours?
R Restate the Question (green) The question for chapter 1 was “how
- Read the question or prompt are the character’s lives different
- Underline keywords from ours?’, honestly I think there
- Rewrite the question as a so many reason for what that is but
statement using your own words here are I found in the book. One
sentence I found in the book was
A Answer the Question (green) “Halte! The soldier ordered in a
- Answer the question stern voice.” The reason I
*If there is more that one part of the underlined that sentence was that
question, make sure to answer ALL we don’t have soldiers yelling at kids
parts. in the street plus we don’t have
soldiers in full uniform hanging out
C Cite Evidence (yellows) on the streets anyway. Another
- Use evidence from the text to sentence I found was “But Kristi
support your answer. reached up and pushed the soldiers
-Include both paraphrased hand away. Don’t, she said loudly”. I
evidence and direct quotes underlined that sentence because
we people don’t have little kids
Possible evidence starters: pushing soldier’s hands away. One
According to the text… other sentence in the book was “ De
For example… Frie Danske- The free danes- was an
On page ___ it says… illegal newspaper” I found that
Further support can be found... sentence in page 7.I underlined that
In the article/ chapter it states... sentence because I know that there
aren’t any secret newspapers called
E Explain (reds) “De Frie- Danske “ at least that I don’t
- Explain how each piece of text know of. So that pretty much
evidence supports your answer. proves my point that the character’s
lives are really different from ours.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 2
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
● On the first page of chapter 2 what reminded me of the
picture was the sentence “Tell me a fairytale.” that sentence
reminded me of the picture because it mentioned a fairytale
and fairytale usually have Kings, Queens and a Prince and in
the picture it looks like a aKing, Queens and a prince..
● On page 12 the sentence “making up a story of a King and,
Queen and her beautiful daughter.” this reminded me of the
picture because they mentioned a king and a queen and in
the picture they have a Queen and a King.
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 3
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords “Now I think all of Denmark
- Rewrite the question as a must be the bodyguard for
statement using your own words the Jews as well.” What does
A Answer the Question (green) this mean?
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of Response:
the question, make sure to answer
ALL parts. I think the sentence “Now I think
Denmark should be the bodyguard for
C Cite Evidence (yellows) the jews as well” means that the Danes
- Use evidence from the text to are going to start standing up for the
support your answer. jews like in the book “Yellow Star”. Here
-Include both paraphrased are some sentences that I think proved
evidence and direct quotes what I was thinking what the question
meant. On page 22 it said “Copenhagen
Possible evidence starters: had a curfew and no citizens were
According to the text… allowed out past eight o’clock. It was
For example… very dangerous.”. That Was one of the
On page ___ it says… things I underlined because it shows
Further support can be found... that Peter would come to their house at
In the article/ chapter it states... a time he shouldn’t s what thats showing
is he would do a lot for them. On page
E Explain (reds) 24 Another sentence I found and
- Explain how each piece of text underlined was “Friends will take care
evidence supports your answer. of them.” I underlined this because the
person they were talking about was a
Possible explain starters: Jew and their business got shut down
This clearly shows that… and that show that there friends would
This means that… take care of them and be there for them.
This further supports the idea that… On page 25 they said “Denmark must be
bodyguards for the Jews. As well. So
S Sum it Up (green) shall we be. Aid papa”I decided to
- Conclude your answer underline that sentence in the book
- Link back to the topic sentence because the father was saying that it’s
using different words time that people stand up for the jews..
So, those were sentences I found in the
Possible summary starters: book that I thought answered the
Clearly Definitely Certainly question for chapter three in the book
To sum up In fact Obviously Number The Stars.
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 4
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
● The first thing I underlined was “I won’t! Kristi sputtered. I won’t ever wear
them! Not if you chain me in prison and beat me with sticks!.” That sentence
remind me of the picture because it was like she was exploding like fireworks
● Another sentence that reminded me of the picture was “we shall go to Tivoli to
dance and watch the fireworks” it reminded me of the picture because she she
mentioned fireworks
● One of the other sentences I found was “Especially the magnificent fireworks
in the evenings.” and again I underlined that sentence because she mentioned
● The last one I found was “you never saw the fireworks” and again I underlined
the sentence because she mentioned fireworks
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or
events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text.
Chapter 5
Compare and contrast the Danish Citizens and Nazis.
The first attribute has been chosen for you. Choose at
least two additional attributes to compare.
Danish Attributes Nazi Soldiers
Citizens Being
The Nazi Soldiers
The Danish people Compared want to take down
want to protect the the Jewish people
Feelings about the
Jewish people Jewish people
The danish citizens How they live The Nazi Soldiers are
live in fear that if they There rights living probably a
do something wrong
good worry free life
like use electricity
past dark they will The Nazi soldiers can
have consequences kind of do what they
The Danish people want like bang on
can’t go around at people’s doors at 4 in
night banging on
people’s doors and the morning, then
they have a curfew at walk into some
night and if they don’t strangers house
follow it they’ll get in
while yelling at them
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 6
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
● One sentence that I found was “and she will be bringing you
a carton of cigarettes.” I underlined it because it mentioned
● Another sentence I found was “But there are alot of
cigarettes available in Copenhagen
● The third sentence I found was “Cigarettes were the thing
papa missed” I underlined this because she mentioned
● The last sentence I found was “there were no cigarettes in
the stores.” I underlined tis because like the rest of them it
mentioned cigarettes
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 7-8
How does war change people?
Restate the Question (green)
R The question for chapter 7-8 was
A - Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords “How does war change people?
E - Rewrite the question as a Why?”War can change people in
S statement using your own words
negative or even maybe positive ways.
Answer the Question (green) One sentence I found on page 63 was
- Answer the question “even if you see someone you know,
*If there is more that one part of one of Henricks friends-it is better to
the question, make sure to answer
ALL parts. come to the house”. I underlined that
Cite Evidence (yellows) because the war was making
- Use evidence from the text to Annemarie’s mom nervous that
support your answer. people were going to figure out that
-Include both paraphrased Ellen was a Jew. Another sentence I
evidence and direct quotes found in the book was “I hid it in a
Possible evidence starters: safe place,’’ Annemarie told her. ‘’A
According to the text… very secret place where no one will
For example… ever find it.”. I felt like I should
On page ___ it says… underline this sentence because
Further support can be found...
In the article/ chapter it states... Annemarie had to hide Ellen's special
necklace because if Ellen wears it the
soldiers would find out and she would
Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text get taken to the camp.The third
evidence supports your answer. sentence I underlined was “I wish I
Possible explain starters: knew where my parents were.”. The
This clearly shows that… reason I underlined that sentence was
This means that… because before Ellen didn’t have to ask
This further supports the idea that…
where her parents because she knew
they were probably at home or work.
Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer Clearly the war changed people in
- Link back to the topic sentence mostly negative ways
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 9-10
Compare and contrast Mama and
Annemarie and how they faced the
challenges when the German soldiers
came to the “funeral.”
Mama Attributes Annemarie
On page 83 when the How they felt when On page 84 when a
soldiers first walk in the soldiers first soldier asked her a
and questions mama came in question she replied
responds like this
“There has been a with this “She
death in this house. swallowed. My
Mama replied calmly Great-Aunt-Birte.” she
was obviously nervous
After she was slapped How they reacted After she saw her
she reacted like this when mama was mother being slapped
“her mother shook her slapped by a german she reacted like this
head quickly, and
glanced over at the soldier “Mama! Annemarie
open window covered cried.” she was
one sheer curtain
obviously scared for
her mother
Well even after she Their reaction Peter She reacted in a way
was slapped her was reading the I didn’t expect
reaction was still like because this what
the other ones she did “tried to
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 11
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords When is telling the truth
- Rewrite the question as a important? When is not
statement using your own words
telling the truth important?
A Answer the Question (green)
- Answer the question The question for chapter 11 was “when
*If there is more that one part of is telling the truth important? When is
the question, make sure to answer telling the truth not important?”
ALL parts. Honestly I think you should only lie if
you HAVE TO. On page 88 one
C Cite Evidence (yellows) sentence I found was “It seemed to be
- Use evidence from the text to stuffed with folded blankets and
support your answer. articles of clothing” I underlined this
-Include both paraphrased because I thought that you didn’t need
evidence and direct quotes to lie about a casket full of clothing, I
know that he was trying to keep a
Possible evidence starters: secret to save people, but still. Another
According to the text… sentence I found was “now Peter said,
For example… looking at his watch, I will lead the
On page ___ it says… first group”. I think in that situation it
Further support can be found... would be ok to lie because Peter is
In the article/ chapter it states... literally saving people’s lives. The last
sentence I underlined was “Peter
E Explain (reds) began to lift the the things of clothing
- Explain how each piece of text and distribute to the silent people in
evidence supports your answer. the room. I mean I guess I could see
why it would be ok to keep this a secret
Possible explain starters: because I’m pretty sure he’s helping
This clearly shows that… jews get free. Those were the three
This means that… sentences I found for the question for
This further supports the idea that… chapter 11
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 12-13
How does this text relate to Number the stars and
particularly Annemarie in chapter 13?
My Thoughts:
● One sentence I found was “I’ll go first-I know the way way very well.” I thought
about the picture because in the book “the man in the red bandanna” he helps
people get out of a building and it’s kinda what Peter is doing
● The second sentence I found was “She reached for Annemarie’s arm. Here
let me lean on you. I think if you support me on this side, I can make it to the
house.” I underlined this because “The man in the red bandanna” helped a
woman because she was unconscious witch is kinda of what Annemarie is
doing, helping her mother walk .
● The last sentence I found was “Go right now. And run! As fast as you can!” I
underlined this because the man in the picture was pointing to a direction and
it looked like he was was telling them to go or something.
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 14-15
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords What is the author’s purpose of
- Rewrite the question as a including the story of Little
statement using your own words Red Riding Hood during
Annemarie’s run through the
A Answer the Question (green) forest?
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of The question for chapter 14-15
the question, make sure to answer was “What Is the Author's
ALL parts. purpose of including the story of
The Little Red Riding Hood
C Cite Evidence (yellows) During Annemarie’s run through
- Use evidence from the text to the forest”. I think she adde it so
support your answer. the reader’s could relateThe first
-Include both paraphrased sentence I found was “Only now,
evidence and direct quotes entering the woods on the
footpath”.I decided to underline
Possible evidence starters: the sentence because in Little Red
According to the text… Riding Hood she went into woods
For example… just like Annemarie is.Another
On page ___ it says… sentence I found was “Who had a
Further support can be found... beautiful red cloak”.I underlined
In the article/ chapter it states... that sentence because little red
Riding Hood has a red cloak just
E Explain (reds) like Annemarie.One sentence I
- Explain how each piece of text found on page 107 was “She had
evidence supports your answer. beautiful curls, just like you”. I
decided to underline that because
Possible explain starters: Little Red Riding Hood has curly
This clearly shows that… blond hair just like Kristi. Those
This means that… were my sentences I found in the
This further supports the idea that… book “Number The Stars”to
answer the question for chapter
S Sum it Up (green) 14-15.
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Chapter 16-17 and
Why does the author include the
“Afterword?” Why is it important
to read the afterword, especially
Restate the Question (green) in historical fiction books?
A - Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords
S - Rewrite the question as a
statement using your own words The question for chapters 16-17 was
Answer the Question (green) “Why does the Author include the
- Answer the question Afterword? Why is it important to
*If there is more that one part of read the Afterword, especially in
the question, make sure to answer historical fiction books?”. One of the
ALL parts.
Cite Evidence (yellows) first sentences I found was “There are
- Use evidence from the text to people who hide them, along the way
support your answer. to Gilleleje.” and I found that sentence
-Include both paraphrased on page 123. I underlined that
evidence and direct quotes sentence because I wanted to know if
Possible evidence starters: people auctailly hid other people in
According to the text… there boats to save them. Another
For example… sentence I found was “He brings
On page ___ it says… Mama and Papa the secret newspaper,
Further support can be found...
In the article/ chapter it states... De Frie Danske.” plus I Found this
sentence also on page 123. I decided to
underline that sentence because I
Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text thought the Afterword could answer
evidence supports your answer. my question of were there actually
Possible explain starters: secret newspapers. One other sentence
This clearly shows that… I underlined was “The baby was
This means that… drugged so that it wouldn't wake and
This further supports the idea that…
cry.” I found this sentence on page 124.
I chose to underline that sentence
Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer because I wanted to know if people do
- Link back to the topic sentence drug their babies.Well this shows that
using different words if you don’t read all the afterword
some of your questions won't be
Possible summary starters: answered.
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously