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Published by Ithiria, 2022-05-24 06:57:33



Infantry follow the rules in Total Warfare, but multiply their
weapon ranges by 2. Consult the table for conventional infan-
try weapon range modifiers. ADVANCED
Infantry must be in base-to-base contact with a unit in order ADVANCED
to make a leg or swarm attack. Though any number of infantry
stands may be in base-to-base contact with a target unit, that COMBAT
unit may only be targeted for one type of attack per turn (pro- ADVANCED
vided the attack type is allowed for the unit in question). AEROSPACE
In order to mount an infantry carrier, the infantry unit must SALVAGE, REPAIR
be in base-to-base contact with the carrier. When dismounting,
the infantry are placed anywhere on the table in base-to-base BATTLEFORCE:
contact with the carrier. If there is not enough room for the in- STANDARD RULES
fantry to be base-to-base with the carrier, or the surrounding
terrain is prohibited for that infantry type, the infantry cannot BATTLEFORCE:


Unless otherwise noted, players use all the standard rules MINIATURES RULES
for Aerospace Units as presented in Total Warfare.
Rules in this section assume that the aerospace units are op- RECORD SHEETS

erating directly on the ground table or on a low-altitude table. 399
If the aerospace units are operating on hex maps, use the rules
found in Total Warfare, except when the aerospace units are
interacting with the ground battle. Keep in mind that weapon
ranges on a low-altitude table are multiplied by 2 to determine
inches, or by 32 if playing directly on the ground table.

Air-to-Air Attacks (p. 241) • AEROSPACE FIRING ARCS DIAGRAMS •
Units at the same altitude figure ranges normally. At dif-
flight path rather than designating an attack path.
ferent altitudes, multiply the difference in altitudes by 2, and Strafing: When strafing, the attacker nominates up to a 10-
add the result to the range. Differences in altitude also create
a “dead zone” around each unit. If the difference in altitude is inch x 2-inch stretch along his attack path. Any units whose
1, the attacker and target must be 4 inches away. If the differ- bases lie along that path (friend or foe) are subject to the
ence is 2, they must be 6 inches away. If the difference is 3, strafing attack.
they must be 8 inches away, and so on.
In the Strafing Diagram (see p. 400), the attacking player
LOS between aerospace units is determined normally—the decides to perform a strafing run and chooses his attack
player must visually determine if the target can be seen from path to maximize damage to his opponent. His strafing
the attacking unit’s position. LOS must be gauged from the attack targets ’Mechs A and B, and Infantry C, of his oppo-
unit’s position on the board, and 1 inch vertically for every nent’s forces. While the attacker is careful to keep his attack
level of the unit’s altitude. path away from his ’Mech D, he will be forced to make a
strafing attack on his Battle Armor E because it lies within
Air-to-Ground Attacks (p. 242) the strafing attack path.
When an aerospace unit ends its movement over the ground

map template, it can attack targets on the ground table. The
player must first nominate an attack path over which the
fighter will pass. This must form a straight line and represents
the fighter’s flight path across the ground table. Aerospace
units operating directly on the ground table use their actual

LIGHT WOODS Striking: Striking follows all the rules in Total Warfare. Units flying NOE
TEMPLATE must also take into account the terrain within 4 inches in front of the

Dive-Bombing: To perform a dive-bombing attack, designate a
single Point of Impact (POI) along the attacker’s flight path, and center
the appropriate AoE Template over the POI. If the attack fails, roll 1D6 to
determine the scatter direction (using the AoE Template), then roll 1D6
x2 to determine the number of inches away to place the new POI.

Altitude-Bombing: When altitude bombing, the attacker may choose
up to 10 POI, 1 POI every 2 inches, along the flight path to bomb. Either
1 or 2 bombs may be dropped per POI. If the attack fails, roll 1D6 to
determine the scatter direction (using the AoE Template; a roll of 1-2=6,
3-4=1, 5-6=2), then roll 1D6 x2 to determine the number of inches away
to place the new POI.

Bomb Types: HE bombs affect anything within the 2” Area of Effect
(AoE) Template, centered on the POI. Cluster bombs affect anything
within the 6” AoE Template. To determine attack direction, use the POI
as the direction from which the attack originates. If the POI is directly
centered on a unit, roll 1D6 for that unit. On a result of 1-3, it hits the
front; a 4-6 hits the back.

LIGHT WOODS The bombing diagram shows the previous example, but instead
TEMPLATE the attacker has decided to perform an altitude bombing. He chooses
a path clear of his ’Mech D and Battle Armor E, and sets the first POI
• STRAFING DIAGRAM • directly over ’Mech B. He decides to continue to a second POI, which
must be 2 inches away along the attack path, landing on the edge of
LIGHT WOODS a light woods template. The diagram shows the area of effect if HE
TEMPLATE bombs are used; the bombs dropped on POI 1 affect ’Mech B, and the
bombs dropped on POI 2 affect Infantry C.

Attacks by Grounded Aerospace Units (p. 249)
Playing with a grounded DropShip requires the use of a large model,

such as the Leopard DropShip produced by Iron Wind Metals. Determin-
ing firing arcs and attack direction for a grounded spheroid DropShip
is simple; bisect the model into a right arc/side and left arc/side. Nose-
mounted weapons can only fire on airborne aerospace units, and
aft-mounted weapons can only target units within 1 inch of the Drop-
Ship model’s edge.

Grounded aerodyne DropShips require a little finesse, as they use their
existing firing arcs and attack direction, but scaled up to fit the model
being used.

LOS: Line of sight from a DropShip to a target may be drawn from
any point on the DropShip, whichever point provides the best LOS

For players who want to ratchet up the speed of their miniatures-rules
• BOMBING DIAGRAM • games, this optional rules set allows them to combine the speed of
BattleForce with some of the tactical aspects of Total Warfare. This hybrid
miniatures combat game system is called Quick-Strike Rules.

BattleForce Standard Rules: As noted for the miniatures rules at the
start of this section (which rely on an understanding of Total Warfare
rules), please keep in mind that this is a hybrid system. An understanding
of BattleForce: Standard Rules (see p. 212) is required to use the Quick-
Strike Rules.

Quick-Strike Rules uses the same game terms as BattleForce A Quick-Strike game consists of a series of turns. During each
(see p. 213). However, in these rules, an Element explicitly turn, all Elements on the table have an opportunity to move and
refers to a single miniature. fire their weapons or make physical attacks. Each turn consists ADVANCED
of several smaller segments of time, called phases. During each AEROSPACE
COMPONENTS phase, players may take one type of action, such as movement MOVEMENT
Like BattleForce, Quick-Strike uses the same components or combat. The players execute the phases in a given order. Spe- ADVANCED
cific actions, movement, effects of damage and so on are fully AEROSPACE
found in Total Warfare and Tactical Operations (see pp. 20-33, explained in separate sections later in these rules.
TW and p. 10, TO). All Elements described in Total Warfare and COMBAT
Tactical Operations can be converted for use in Quick-Strike, Each turn includes the following phases, performed in the ADVANCED
using the appropriate BattleForce: Conversion Rules (see p. following order: AEROSPACE
342). As the Quick-Strike Rules are for use with ground-based CONSTRUCTION
combat—with air support, as appropriate—the aerospace El- 1. Initiative Phase MAINTENANCE,
ements described in this book are beyond the scope of these 2. Movement Phase SALVAGE, REPAIR
rules. 3. Combat Phase & CUSTOMIZATION
4. End Phase
Record Sheets BATTLEFORCE:
Quick-Strike uses BattleForce record sheets, and most Initiative Phase STANDARD RULES
Each player rolls 2D6 and adds the results together to de-
Elements use BattleForce stat blocks. The exception is noted BATTLEFORCE:
below. termine Initiative; re-roll ties. The player with the higher result ADVANCED RULES
is the Initiative Winner. The other player is the Initiative Loser
Game Statistics (MP): Each Element’s BattleForce MP stat for this turn. BATTLEFORCE:
block is multiplied by 2 inches to generate its Quick-Strike MP. CONVERSION RULES
Keep any movement mode indicator. Movement Phase
The Initiative Loser selects and moves one of his Units (each MINIATURES RULES
Brian’s lance consists of a Raptor RTX1-OE (7 MP), a
Koshi Prime (7/6j MP), a Talon TLN-5W (8 MP) and a Crab Element in the Unit moving individually). Then the Initiative INDEX
CRB-C (5 MP). To use these Elements in Quick-Strike Rules, Winner selects and moves one of his Units. Movement alter-
he simply changes their MP stats on the record sheet to 14”, nates between sides until all Units have been moved. Ground RECORD SHEETS
14”/12”j, 16” and 10”, respectively. and aerospace Units are both moved in this phase, in any
order the player wishes. 401
Unlike BattleForce, each Element is represented by a single In each Movement Phase, if the side moving Units has more
Units than the other side, it may need to move multiple Units as
miniature on the playing area; each stat block on a BattleForce described in Unequal Numbers of Units, page 39, Total Warfare.
record sheet corresponds to a single miniature. Additionally, El-
ements that have firing arcs should be mounted on hex bases. Combat Phase
The hex base allows players to know which direction such Ele- The Initiative Loser completes all actions in this phase, fol-
ments are facing for firing weapons and receiving damage.
lowed by the Initiative Winner.
Infantry and Hex Bases: As noted previously in this section The acting player resolves combat for all of his Elements.
(see p. 387), infantry and battle armor Elements can do away
with hex bases because these Elements have no firing arcs. Each Element may make one attack. Damage from these at-
tacks is resolved as each Element finishes its attacks, but does
Terrain not take effect until the End Phase; this means a destroyed
For ideas on what to use for terrain features such as woods, Element will normally have a chance to return fire.

levels, sublevels, water and buildings, see Terrain, page 387. End Phase
Both players may complete this phase simultaneously.
A Note on Scale and the Rules Each player executes any miscellaneous actions remaining
Unlike hex-based play, scale in Quick-Strike is purposefully
in the turn, such as removing eliminated Elements. The specific
vague, sacrificing some fidelity to Total Warfare and BattleForce rules for such actions state whether or not they take place dur-
in exchange for playability as a tabletop miniatures game. ing the End Phase. For example, Elements that began a turn
shut down from overheating restart in the End Phase, with
Level, Elevation and Altitude their heat levels reduced to zero.
Levels, elevations and altitudes in Quick-Strike work the
Players repeat all these steps until one side meets its victory
same way as in the Miniature Rules (see p. 388). conditions for the scenario.

This section provides an overview of the turn sequence The following section describes the rules governing ground

for Quick-Strike. These rules assume two sides in each game, movement.
either two players or two teams of players. Wherever the rules
refer to a player, that term can mean a team of players as well Movement Basics
as an individual. Each Element may move a number of inches up to its allotted

Terrain Type MOVEMENT COST TABLE Prohibited Elements
Clear terrain Naval Vessel
Paved/Road/Bridge Movement used per Inch of Terrain Naval Vessel
Rough/Rubble 1”1
Woods +0”2 Wheeled, Naval Vessel
Water +1” Wheeled4, Hover, VTOL5, Naval Vessel
+1”3 Infantry6, Vehicles7,8, IndustrialMechs9
Level 0
Level 111 +0”10
Level 211 +1”12
Level Change (up or down)13 +3”12
Per 1” level (or elevation)
Light Building +1” (’Mechs, VTOLs, subs, ProtoMechs) —
Medium Building +1”14 VTOL, Naval Vessel
Heavy Building +2”14 VTOL, Naval Vessel
Hardened Building +3”14 VTOL, Naval Vessel
+4”14 VTOL, Naval Vessel

1If a wheeled Support Vehicle lacks the Off-Road special ability, then movement on unpaved surfaces costs an additional 1” per inch moved. This is noted as the Road
special ability on the Element’s stat block.

2Ground vehicles gain an extra 2”of movement allowance, provided the Element begins its movement on a road and stays on the road for all its movement.
3Woods do not impede movement for infantry.
4Elements with the Bicycle or Monocycle special ability may move through woods.
5VTOL and WiGE vehicles can enter woods provided their elevation is higher than the level of the woods.
6Infantry can move through water if they are noted as having the UMU special ability.
7Hovercraft may move through water along the surface at the cost of 1”per inch moved.
8Wheeled or tracked vehicles with the Amphibious special ability can move through water on the surface at a cost of 2”per inch moved.
9An IndustrialMech can only move in Depth 1 water unless it has the SEAL special ability.
10Only Naval Vehicles, or vehicles with the Hover or Amphibious special ability, may move on the surface of water.
11Submarine Naval Vehicles move at the cost of 1”per inch moved.
12This is the cost to move along the bottom of a water area.
13Infantry, ground vehicles, ProtoMechs and WiGEs may not climb over terrain taller than 1”. ’Mechs cannot climb terrain over 2”.
14Infantry moves freely through buildings.

movement. An Element may move in any direction, and at the end Level Change
of its movement, the Element may face any direction. An Element ’Mechs may climb onto/over terrain up to 2” high, at a cost of 1”
need not move its full amount; in place of moving, an Element
may simply stand still. movement per 1” levels (round levels normally; see Rounding, p.
213). Ground vehicles, infantry and ProtoMechs may only climb
Terrain: Terrain may impede movement, as shown on the onto/over terrain up to 1” high (this rule does not apply to jump-
Movement Cost Table (see above). ing or VTOL Elements; see Jumping, p. 403, and VTOL Movement,
p. 403), at a cost of 2” movement per 1” level (ProtoMechs pay
Water: Water has a depth that functions like a level change (see 1” movement per 1” level). Levels greater than these are consid-
Level Change, below). However, Elements entering water must ered prohibited terrain. The movement cost can be expended at
pay the extra movement cost for that action, plus the cost for the any point along the path of movement, but the latest it can be
level change (if any), plus the base cost for movement, except for done is when the miniature’s center of mass crosses the edge of
amphibious, hover, WiGE and Naval vehicles (see Movement Cost the different level. If the Unit does not have enough movement
Table, see above). allowance remaining at that point, it must stay at the previous
level and cannot move any further.
Submerged Elements use slightly different movement rules
(see Underwater Movement, p. 219). VTOLs and Submarines: VTOLs and submarines may change
their elevation/depth by any number, at the cost of 1” per 1”.
Prohibited Terrain: Certain kinds of Elements may not enter
certain types of terrain. These terrain types and movement restric- Minimum Movement
tions appear on the Movement Cost Table. As long as an Element is mobile (meaning its MP has not been

Support Vehicles: If a wheeled Support Vehicle lacks an off- reduced to zero), it can always move 2”in any direction, regardless
road vehicle chassis and controls, then movement on unpaved of terrain, unless the terrain is prohibited.
surfaces costs an additional 1 inch per inch moved. This is noted
as the Road special ability on the Element’s stat block.

Vehicles ing 2 additional inches per inch moved. If the WiGE does not INTRODUCTION
Vehicles have one of seven movement types as shown on reach terrain that is within 1 level below it by the end of its
Movement Phase, it automatically descends to the standard 1” GENERAL RULES
the Vehicle Movement Mode Table (see p. 217). Each move- above the underlying terrain where it ended its movement. If
ment mode functions as it does in BattleForce (see Vehicles, p. this occurs over prohibited terrain, the WiGE crashes. ADVANCED
218), with the differences outlined below. AEROSPACE
The Element’s elevation must be recorded (or clearly indi- MOVEMENT
Naval Movement: This type of movement includes mov- cated) each turn at the end of the Ground Movement Phase. ADVANCED
ing on and (for submarines) below the water’s surface. Surface AEROSPACE
Naval Elements move through water at a cost of 1” per inch Additional Movement Rules
moved, regardless of depth. The following additional rules cover movement not already COMBAT
Submarines (Submersible Movement): Regardless of discussed above. AEROSPACE
depth, a submarine (including Support Vehicles with the Sub- Jumping: Any jump-capable Element has a ‘j’ listed next CONSTRUCTION
mersible Chassis and Controls modification) expends only 1”to MAINTENANCE,
move through 1 inch of water. A submarine Element can move to its MP statistic. A jumping Element ignores terrain for the SALVAGE, REPAIR
vertically at a cost of 1” per 1 inch of depth that it ascends or purposes of movement, and it may jump in any direction, re- & CUSTOMIZATION
descends. A submarine can move any number of depths up gardless of its original facing. The player chooses an end point
and down as long as it has sufficient movement. (up to its movement allowance) for the Element to jump to, and BATTLEFORCE:
then the Element travels there along the shortest path pos- STANDARD RULES
The Element’s depth must be recorded (or clearly indicated) sible, landing with any facing desired. However, the jumping
each turn at the end of the Ground Movement Phase. Element must have clearance over any terrain it is attempting BATTLEFORCE:
to pass over. A jumping Element can jump over any terrain that ADVANCED RULES
VTOL Movement: Any Element with VTOL movement is less than half of its movement allowance in height.
mode is considered a VTOL for purposes of movement rules. BATTLEFORCE:
This should be noted on the Element’s MP stat block. VTOLs A jumping Element may safely jump down from any height. CONVERSION RULES
rise a number of inches off the table, which is called its eleva- Elements may jump into, but not out of, water.
tion. A VTOL may change its elevation at any point during its Movement on Pavement: The same as for the miniatures MINIATURES RULES
movement, at the cost of 1” per 1” of elevation changed, not rules (see Movement on Pavement, p. 219); however, there is no
counting horizontal movement. possibility of skidding. INDEX
Underwater Movement (Non-Naval Elements): Underwa-
VTOLs ignore terrain for the purposes of movement. ter movement—moving across the bottom of a water area, as RECORD SHEETS
However, the VTOL must have clearance over any terrain it is opposed to moving through the water itself—is rare but does
attempting to pass through. A VTOL that moves into terrain occur, though few Elements not classified as Naval Vessels can 403
and doesn’t clear it crashes. A VTOL that crashes is considered survive complete submersion and still function.
destroyed at the end of the phase. Note: A VTOL with the Am- To be considered underwater, an Element must be com-
phibious special ability may also land in a water hex. pletely submerged. It cannot be in Depth 0 water; ’Mechs
must be in at least Depth 2 water. Unless an Element has the
The Element’s elevation must be recorded (or clearly indi- UMU special ability, the following rules apply for movement
cated) each turn at the end of the Ground Movement Phase. underwater in depths up to Depth 15.
An Element must pay 4” for each inch moved. In addition,
Wing-in-Ground-Effect (WiGE) Movement:WiGE Elements a ’Mech must pay all standard level change costs for moving
have a ground movement allowance of 2”(and are considered from one depth to another (see Movement Cost Table, p. 402).
a hover Element for purposes of terrain restrictions) until they
take off. Takeoff costs 4” of movement, which must be spent Facing
in a single turn, and places the vehicle at one elevation above ’Mech miniatures are considered to be facing the same way
the level of the underlying terrain. While airborne, WiGE ve-
hicles fly one elevation above the underlying terrain, and so as the feet of the miniature representing the Element. Vehicle
are unaffected by water, rubble or rough terrain. They must and aerospace Elements are considered to be facing in the
maneuver over or around woods. direction of the front side of their miniature.

A WiGE vehicle must move at least 4” per turn to remain air- An Element’s facing affects combat (see Combat Phase, p.
borne (this minimum movement requirement does not apply 404), and can only be voluntarily changed during the Move-
in the turn the WiGE takes off ); otherwise it must land at the ment Phase.
end of its movement (it does not cost a WiGE any movement
to land). WiGE vehicles may only land in clear or paved terrain. Airborne Aerospace Elements and Facing: Facing for
If they attempt to land in any other hex, they crash. A WiGE airborne aerospace Elements on the ground playing area is
that crashes takes 1 point of damage and may not move for determined by the Flight/Attack Path they take (see Atmo-
the rest of the game. spheric Combat, p. 403).

A WiGE Element entering terrain higher than its current el- Stacking
evation automatically maintains its one elevation of clearance Unlike Total Warfare and BattleForce, Elements in Quick-
above the terrain, and expends no additional movement to do
so. A WiGE cannot enter terrain 2 or more inches higher than Strike do not stack. The closest miniatures may get to each
its current elevation. other is base-to-base.

A WiGE entering terrain with a level lower than its current Aerospace Movement
elevation automatically descends to maintain the standard Aerospace Units in Quick-Strike use the Abstract Aerospace
one elevation above the underlying terrain, regardless of the
difference in levels between the two elevations, at no addi- System (see p. 18) for movement and combat.
tional movement expenditure. However, a WiGE may avoid
such a descent (and remain at the same elevation) by expend-

COMBAT PHASE Use the following modifiers for indirect fire attacks:
The following section describes the rules governing combat. • Range modifier based on the range between the target and
The acting player chooses a target for an Element (and how
the firing Element;
much of its Overheat Value the attacker will use, if applicable; see • +1 for firing indirectly;
Overheating, p. 236), resolves combat for that Element, and then • All standard modifiers for target’s available MP;
moves on to another available Element and repeats the process. • Terrain modifiers based on line of sight from the spotting
Valid targets are other Elements and buildings (and other struc-
tures such as bridges). Elements are free to attack any Element Element.
within range, or may choose to refrain from making an attack. If the spotting Element makes an attack in the turn that it
spots for another Element, apply a +1 modifier to the spotting
Types of Attacks Element’s attack, as well as another +1 modifier (for a total of +2)
Each Element may make one attack per turn. There are three to the indirect fire attack. If the spotting Element makes no attack,
do not apply these additional modifiers. The spotter can spot for
types of attacks: weapon attacks, physical attacks and aerospace any number of attacking Elements to a single target, but it cannot
attacks. This section focuses on the standard rules for weapon at- spot for multiple targets.
tacks. Physical attacks and aerospace attacks are covered in detail Partial Cover (’Mechs Only): When determining LOS, if the
in their own sections (see Physical Attacks, p. 407, and Aerospace target is more than 1/3 behind blocking terrain, LOS is not consid-
Attacks, p. 408). ered blocked; instead, the target has partial cover and the attacker
applies a penalty to his to-hit numbers (see To-Hit Modifiers Table,
Resolving Weapon Attacks p. 406).
The sequence for resolving weapon attacks is as follows: Terrain Note: When using sublevel templates as opposed to
carved-out sublevels, players must rely on a little imagination and
1. Verify line of sight (LOS) compromise. Figure LOS as normal, except that for every level
2. Verify firing arc below 0 on which a ’Mech stands, it is actually 1 inch deeper into
3. Determine range the table. Depending on where the ’Mech is positioned, there may
4. Determine to-hit number be partial cover or even blocked LOS.
5. Roll to hit A ’Mech in Depth 1 water always has partial cover, regardless of
6. Determine and apply damage whether the players use water templates or carved-out water ter-
7. Roll for critical hits (if applicable) rain. Depth 2+ water completely blocks LOS unless both attacker
and target are in Depth 2 water or lower.
Verify Line of Sight
Line of sight (LOS) in Quick-Strike is determined in much the Firing Arcs
Every Element in Quick-Strike has a particular area into which it
same way as in the miniatures rules (see p. 393). Elements can
usually be sighted simply by going to the level of the attacking may make attacks. This is known as the firing arc. All Elements ex-
Element and looking at the target miniature. If the target min- cept infantry and DropShips use this firing arc. Firing arcs extend
iature can be seen, then the Elements have LOS to one another. to the edge of the battlefield in the direction indicated by the
When this is not possible, players must determine LOS by running diagrams. If less than half of the target Element’s base is within
a straight measuring tape or a taut string from miniature to min- the attacker’s firing arc, then the attack cannot be made.
iature. If less than 1/3 of the miniature is visible behind terrain,
then LOS is automatically blocked. However, woods do not auto- DropShips: Grounded spheroid
matically block LOS as buildings and hills do. Woods only block DropShips use the same firing arcs
LOS when LOS passes through 6” or more of intervening woods. as in the Miniatures Rules (see p.
Woods that intervene but do not block LOS impose a penalty on 399).
attack to-hit numbers (see the To-Hit Modifiers Table, p. 406).
Infantry: Infantry Elements
Airborne Aerospace Elements and LOS: Airborne aerospace (including battle armor) have a
Elements always have LOS to each other. 360-degree firing arc, and may fire
in any direction. All other Elements
Airborne Aerospace Elements vs. Non-Aerospace Elements: have the firing arcs shown at right.
All non-aerospace Elements (unless completely submerged in
water) have LOS to all airborne aerospace Elements on the ground Determine Range
playing area (the Central Zone of the Radar Map). Non-aerospace
Elements never have LOS to airborne aerospace Elements in other Quick-Strike uses fixed range • QUICK-STRIKE
zones of the Radar Map. All airborne aerospace Elements on the brackets for all weapon types. To FIRING ARCS DIAGRAM •
ground playing area have LOS to all non-aerospace Elements (un- determine range, measure the
less completely submerged in water).
distance from the edge of the
LRM Indirect Fire: If an Element has the Indirect Fire (IF) special
ability, it may attack a target indirectly. Indirect fire allows an Ele- attacker’s base to the edge of the target’s base, or the edge of
ment without a direct line of sight to a target to attack that target,
though a friendly Element must have a valid line of sight to the the terrain feature being targeted. Compare this number to the
target (this Element is referred to as the spotter). An attacker with
a valid LOS to a target cannot make an indirect fire attack. Quick-Strike Range Table to determine range.

Each attack does a fixed amount of damage at each of the indi-

cated ranges. Some Elements cannot do damage at every range,

indicated by a dash or a zero on the record sheet for that range

bracket. If the Element cannot do damage at a given range, it may

not attack at that range.

target’s front or rear. Infantry and grounded spheroid craft

QUICK-STRIKE RANGE TABLE always take damage to the front.

To determine whether the attack hits front or rear, lay a

Distance Range straightedge from the cen- INTRODUCTION
Up to 6” Short
Up to 24” Medium ter of the attacker’s base to GENERAL RULES
Up to 42” Long
the center of the target’s ADVANCED
base. If the attack enters MOVEMENT
through the rear hexside of AEROSPACE

the target’s base, the attack COMBAT
Ranges for underwater combat are halved. direction is the rear. Other- AEROSPACE
Base-to-Base Contact: Non-infantry Units may not make CONSTRUCTION
weapon attacks against targets with which they are in base- wise, the attack direction is MAINTENANCE,
to-base contact. SALVAGE, REPAIR
Non-Aerospace Elements Attacking Airborne Aerospace the front. If the straightedge & CUSTOMIZATION
Elements: To determine the range from a non-aerospace
Element to an airborne aerospace Element, measure from the crosses at the intersection BATTLEFORCE:
edge of the attacker’s base to the dead-center of the ground STANDARD RULES
playing area, and add 1D6 inches. If the attacking Element was of two hexsides, the target • ATTACK DIRECTION
the recipient of an attack this turn by the targeted aerospace chooses which side is hit by DIAGRAM • BATTLEFORCE:
Element, then the range to the target is considered short. the attack. ADVANCED RULES
Airborne Aerospace Elements: Airborne aerospace Ele-
ments do not use ranges in the conventional manner (see Any attack striking a tar- BATTLEFORCE:
Aerospace Attacks, p. 408). CONVERSION RULES
get in the rear does 1 additional point of damage.
Determine To-Hit Number MINIATURES RULES
Once a player has determined that he has LOS to his target, • Airborne Aerospace: If the aerospace Unit flew over
and that the target is within range and within the attacking the attacking ground Unit via its attack/flight path,
Element’s firing arc, he must determine the to-hit number. RECORD SHEETS
The player’s die roll must equal or exceed the to-hit number in any successful ground-to-air fire will strike the front
order to score a successful shot. 405
of the aerospace Unit. If the aerospace Unit did not
The base to-hit number for all attacks is the Element’s
Skill Rating. This number is then modified by range, the fly over the ground Unit, determine the attack direc-
target’s available movement, terrain features, Element type
and other miscellaneous situations as shown on the To-Hit tion as if the Aerospace Element is in the dead center
Modifiers Table. All modifiers are cumulative unless otherwise
stated. Shutdown Elements do not receive a target movement of the game table, facing in the direction of its flight
Non-Aerospace Elements Attacking Airborne Aerospace
Elements: Aerospace Elements do not receive a target move- • Mechanized Battle Armor: If an Element is carrying
ment modifier when in flight, but instead apply a +2 to-hit
modifier due to their Element type. (Grounded aerospace mechanized battle armor, roll 1D6. On a result of 1–4, the
Units receive no modifier except the –2 on the table that ap-
plies to grounded DropShips and the –4 for being immobile.) carrying Element takes damage. On a result of 5–6, the

Remember to modify the to-hit number for the Flak special mechanized battle armor takes damage. Any remaining
ability if applicable.
damage is then transferred to the carrying Element. Only
Roll To-Hit
Roll 2D6 for each Element and compare the total to the a successful attack against the carrying Element can in-

modified to-hit number identified in the previous step. If the flict damage on the battle armor.
dice roll equals or exceeds the modified to-hit number, the
attack is successful. Otherwise, the attack fails. Amount of Damage: The base amount of damage dealt
from a successful attack is equal to the Element’s S, M or L
Determine and Apply Damage Damage Value. If the target is at short range, the base damage
When an attack is successful, its damage is applied im- is the Element’s S value. For a target at medium range, use the
M value. For a target at long range, use the L Damage Value.
mediately, but the damage does not take effect until the End Any attack striking a target in the rear does 1 additional point
Phase. Before damage can be applied, the attack direction and of damage.
amount of damage must be determined.
Elements that track heat may inflict additional damage on
Attack Direction: When an attack hits a Unit that is nei- their targets by overheating; however, the decision to do so
ther infantry nor a grounded spheroid craft, it hits from the must be made when the attack is declared (see Overheating,
p. 236).

If an Element has the Indirect Fire special ability and is mak-
ing an indirect attack, use the indirect fire rating instead of the
damage for the given range.

Damage Underwater: Elements underwater take only half
damage (round down to a minimum of 1) from each attack;
however, each attack generates a chance for a critical hit re-
gardless of whether or not structure is damaged (see Roll for
Critical Hits, p. 230). Additionally, if an Element that is under-
water loses all of its armor, it is destroyed.

Heat Special Ability: Some Elements have a preponder-
ance of heat-generating weapons. This is reflected on the
Element’s stat block by the Heat special ability. This ability
includes a numeric rating—for example, ht1. If an Element
with this special ability successfully strikes a target with a
weapon attack, the target Element will gain heat in the End



Short Distance +0 Target Varies11
Medium Up to 6” +2 Has Stealth Armor
Long Up to 24” +4 Is Shutdown/Immobile –412
Up to 42”



Target’s Available MP Modifier Attacking Indirectly +14
Fire Control Hit +25
0-4” +0 –26
5”-8” +1 Flak Special Ability +17
9”-12” +2 IndustrialMech –2
13”-18” +3 Grounded DropShip +2
Support Element +4
19”-34” +4 Striking +3
35” + +5 Strafing +2
Altitude Bombing +19
TERRAIN MODIFIERS2 Modifier Dive Bombing + Heat Level [1-3]
Terrain +13
Underwater +2 Spotting for Indirect Fire
Woods +2 Overheated
Partial Cover



Physical Attack Type Modifier Airborne Aerospace Element +210
Airborne DropShip –2
Charge +2 +1
Death From Above +3 Airborne VTOL or WiGE
Melee Physical Attack +1
Battle Armor +1
Standard Physical Attack +0 Jump Capable +1
Target is Grounded DropShip –2 Large Support Element –1

ProtoMech +1
Small Craft –1

1Modifier is based on available movement modified by heat level and critical hits, if applicable. Inches moved are irrelevant. Does not apply to Aerospace Elements.
2Applies when target occupies the indicated terrain.
3Only if the attacker is also underwater, otherwise the attack is impossible.
4If the spotting Element makes a weapon attack in the same turn as it spots, apply a +2 modifier instead.
5May apply multiple times. Does not apply to physical attacks.
6Applies to ground-to-air attacks against airborne aerospace, VTOL and WiGE targets only.
7Disregard if the IndustrialMech has the Advanced Fire Control (AFC) special ability (see p. 345).
8If Support Element has Basic Fire Control, replace with +1 modifier. If Support Element has Advanced Fire Control, replace with +0 modifier.
9Not cumulative with the Attacking Indirectly modifier.
10Includes Fixed-Wing Support Elements, conventional fighters, Small Craft and DropShips. Only applies when airborne. Reduce this to +0 when the attacker is also an

airborne Aerospace Element.
11Battle armor targets: Add +1 at short and medium ranges. Add +2 at long range. All others: +0 at short range, +1 at medium range and +2 at long range.
12Includes bridges, buildings, grounded DropShips, hexes and woods. Shutdown Elements do not get a target movement modifier.

Phase of the turn in which it was struck. No Element may IndustrialMech, roll 2D6 twice and apply both results. INTRODUCTION
gain more than 2 points of heat in this fashion. If the Element Mark clearly any critical hits against an Element on the re-
does not use a heat scale, it receives damage equal to the GENERAL RULES
attacker’s heat rating instead. For example, a combat vehicle cord sheet. The effects of critical hits are permanent.
struck by a weapon attack from an attacker with ht2 will take If the given critical hit effect does not apply to the Unit type ADVANCED
2 additional points of damage. AEROSPACE
in question (for example, a weapon hit on an Element that MOVEMENT
Applying Damage has all its Damage Values reduced to zero), apply 1 additional ADVANCED
Applying Damage in Quick-Strike is the same as in Battle- point of damage instead; do not roll for an additional critical AEROSPACE
hit as a result of this damage.
Force. To apply damage from an attack, begin with the amount COMBAT
of damage the attack inflicts and start at Step 1. Answer each Critical Hit Effects ADVANCED
question yes or no, and follow the instructions. The critical hit effects are exactly as described in BattleForce AEROSPACE
1. Does the Element have armor remaining? (see Critical Hit Effects, p. 230), with the following exception. MAINTENANCE,
Yes: Check off one armor circle on the Armor Diagram for MP Hit: Something related to the Element’s ability to move SALVAGE, REPAIR
every point of damage taken, until all damage is applied or all has been damaged. The affected Element loses 50 percent of
armor is destroyed. Go to Step 2. its current movement, rounding normally with a minimum of BATTLEFORCE:
2” lost. An Element reduced to 0 inches of movement cannot STANDARD RULES
No: Proceed to Step 3. move.
2. Is there damage remaining? Physical Attacks ADVANCED RULES
Yes: Go to Step 3 to allocate remaining damage. There are three types of physical attacks: Standard, Melee
No: Go to Step 6. BATTLEFORCE:
and Special. ’Mechs may make all three types of physical at- CONVERSION RULES
3. Does the Element have structure remaining? tacks. ProtoMechs may only make Standard physical attacks,
Yes: Check off one structure circle for every point of damage and vehicles may only attempt the Charge Special physical at- MINIATURES RULES
tack. An Element may only make one physical attack per turn.
taken, until all damage is applied or all structure is destroyed. INDEX
Go to Step 4. Standard Physical Attacks: Standard physical attacks
consist of punches and kicks where the ’Mech or ProtoMech RECORD SHEETS
No: Proceed to Step 4. uses its limbs to inflict damage on a target. Standard physical
attacks can only occur when two Elements are within a range 407
4. Is there damage remaining? of 1 inch (measured from the edge of the attacker’s base to
Yes: The Element is destroyed. the edge of the target’s base). The target Element’s base must
No: Go to Step 5. also be more than 50 percent within the attacking Element’s
firing arc.
5. Does the Element have structure remaining?
Yes: Roll once on the Determining Critical Hits Table (see p. Melee Physical Attacks: Only ’Mechs and vehicles with the
Melee special ability may make Melee physical attacks. The
230). Go to Step 6. Element uses a weapon to augment its normal physical attack
No: The Element is destroyed. damage. Elements that have the Melee special ability may
not choose to make a Standard physical attack instead. Melee
6. Does the Element have the BAR special ability or does physical attacks can only occur when two Elements are within
the damage from a single attack exceed the Element’s a range of 2 inches (measured from the edge of the attacker’s
damage threshold? base to the edge of the target’s base). The target Element’s
base must also be more than 50 percent within the attacking
Yes: Roll once on the Determining Critical Hits Table (see p. Element’s firing arc.
230). The attack is finished.
Special Physical Attacks: Charge and Death From Above
No: Go to Step 7. (DFA) are more aggressive and risky physical attacks. Only
’Mechs and vehicles may make Charge attacks, and only
7. Is the Element a vehicle? ’Mechs may make DFA attacks. Only one Special physical at-
Yes: Roll once on the Determining Motive Systems Damage tack may be attempted per target, per turn—once an Element
has been targeted for a Special physical attack, it cannot be
Hits Table (see p. 231). The attack is finished. the target of any further Special physical attacks. Charges and
No: The attack is finished. Death From Above attacks can only be completed if the at-
tacker can move far enough to end his movement adjacent to
Roll for Critical Hits the target in base-to-base contact, and only if the target has
All Elements (except infantry and battle armor) suffer critical already completed its movement.

hits. Any time a hit damages structure (or any time a Element Resolving Physical Attacks
protected by BAR 1–9 or commercial armor suffers damage), Physical attacks follow a process similar to weapon attacks,
a critical hit may occur. Aerospace Elements may also suffer
critical hits if the damage from a single attack exceeds their with several steps omitted. The process for resolving physical
damage threshold. attacks is:

To determine whether an Element takes a critical hit, as well 1. Determine to-hit number
as the type of hit taken, roll 2D6 and consult the Determin- 2. Roll to hit
ing Critical Hits Table (see p. 230). If the target Element is an

3. Determine and apply damage execute one of four types of air-to-ground attacks in a combat
4. Roll For critical hits (if applicable) turn: Bombing, Strafing, Striking or Spheroid DropShip. The
following modifications apply to the standard combat rules to
Determine To-Hit Number: The base to-hit number for all resolve such attacks:
physical attacks is the Element’s Skill Rating. This number is
modified by the physical attack type, target’s available movement, • Bombing Attacks (Altitude Bombing): Altitude bombing
terrain features and other miscellaneous situations, as shown on allows a fighter Unit to attack along its flight path. Altitude
the To-Hit Modifiers Table. Modifiers are cumulative unless other- bombing can attack one Point of Impact (POI) for each bomb
wise stated. the Element carries. The Element must drop one bomb every
2”. If the Element carries several types of bombs, the pilot
Roll To Hit: Roll 2D6 for each Element and compare the total to chooses which bombs are dropped on which POI.
the modified to-hit number identified in the previous step. If the
dice roll equals or exceeds the modified to-hit number, the attack • Bombing Attacks (Dive Bombing): An Element performing
is successful. Otherwise, the attack fails. a dive bomb can drop any number of bombs in a POI.

Determine and Apply Damage: When an attack is successful, • Strafing Attacks: In a strafing run, the attacker nominates up
its damage is applied immediately, but the damage does not take to a 10-inch x 2-inch stretch along his attack path. Any Units
effect until the End Phase. All physical attack damage is applied in whose bases lie along that path (friend or foe) are subject to
the same fashion as weapon attack damage. the strafing attack.

Standard and Melee physical attack damage is equal to an Ele- • Striking Attacks: The striking attack is an extremely accu-
ment’s weight class. Elements with the Melee special ability add rate air-to-ground attack in which an Element makes a single
1 to this number. Special physical attacks use different rules for attack against a single target.
determining damage, as described below.
• Spheroid DropShip Attacks: Spheroid DropShips may
Charge Attacks: In a Charge attack, the attacking Element make an air-to-ground attack using their aft weapons arc
(’Mech or vehicle) hurls itself into its target, using its mass and and receive a 360-degree field of fire for such attacks.
velocity to do damage. A successful Charge always damages at-
tacker and target. The charging Element does damage based on • Verify LOS: Airborne Elements always have LOS to all ground
its weight and distance traveled in the Movement Phase. Take Elements (so long as the ground Elements are not completely
the total inches traveled by the attacker, divide by 2, multiply by submerged or underground). While submerged Elements
the number shown on the Charge Damage Table (see p. 232) and may not be targeted, the spot they occupy may be targeted
round normally. The result is the amount of damage inflicted on by bombing attacks.
the target Element.
• Determine Range: Air-to-ground attacks always occur at
If the attack is successful, the attacking Element suffers damage short range.
equal to the target’s weight/size class. This does not count as an
attack for the targeted Element, and it may attack normally during • Determine To-Hit Number (Bombing): Use the Element’s
its Combat Phase. Skill Rating as the base to-hit number, and the attacker
modifier for attack type. Include modifiers for the bombing
Death From Above Attacks: In order to execute a Death From type, but do not apply modifiers for immobile targets or the
Above attack, the attacking Element must have Jumping move- terrain the target is occupying.
ment. Airborne aerospace Units may not be targeted by this
attack. • Determine To-Hit Number (All Other Air-to-Ground
Attacks): When targeting an Element, use the attacking Ele-
The attacking Element does damage to the target equal to its ment’s Skill Rating as the base to-hit number and apply the
Charge damage +1 (see the Charge Damage Table, above). If the attacker modifier for attack type (and all other modifiers as
attack is successful, the attacking Element suffers damage equal appropriate). Remember that grounded DropShips are also
to its weight/size class. This does not count as an attack for the considered immobile targets. When targeting a POI, use the
targeted Element, and it may attack normally during its Combat attacking Element’s Skill Rating as the base to-hit number,
Phase. If the attack is unsuccessful, the attacking Element suffers and apply the attacker modifier for attack type plus a –4
its weight/size class +1 in damage. modifier for an immobile target.

If the target can sustain critical hits, make one roll for critical hits • Bombing Scatter: Use the appropriate Altitude- or Dive-
regardless of whether or not the target suffered internal structure Bombing Scatter rules from the Miniatures Rules (see p. 400).
damage. If the target suffered internal structure damage as a re-
sult of the attack, make an additional roll for critical hits. Determine and Apply Damage: When determining and apply-
ing damage from an Air-to-ground Attack, Aerospace Elements
Roll For Critical Hits: Physical attacks may inflict critical hits deliver their damage based on the target’s facing relative to the
just like weapon attacks. Refer to Roll For Critical Hits (see p. 407). center of the gaming table.

Aerospace Attacks Note that Bombing attacks never strike an Element from the
There are two types of aerospace attacks: air-to-air and air-to- rear.

ground. • Damage (Bombing): Damage depends on the type of
Air-to-Air Combat: As previously noted, Quick-Strike uses the bombs used:
ο Each High-Explosive or Cluster bomb delivers 2 points of
Abstract Aerospace System to resolve the combat of aerospace damage.
Elements (see Abstract Ground Support and Abstract Air-to-Air ο Inferno bombs increase the heat level for every ‘Mech
Combat, pp. 19 and 21, respectively). Element (or landed aerospace fighter Element) by 2
points. (Additional Inferno bombs do not add to this ef-
Air-to-Ground Combat: An airborne aerospace Element can fect). Against vehicle Elements, a hit by Inferno bombs







Forces under the employ of Chandrasekhar Kurita battle the Word of Blake on the Ruins of Gabriel. & CUSTOMIZATION

delivers no damage, but the attacker rolls for a Critical Overheating BATTLEFORCE:
Hit. Against ProtoMechs and Battle Armor each in- Refer to the BattleForce rules on overheating (see p. 236), STANDARD RULES
ferno bomb does 2 points of damage. Any non-battle
armor infantry Elements struck by Inferno bombs are with the only difference being that in Quick-Strike, 2” are BATTLEFORCE:
destroyed. subtracted from an Element’s current MP for each level of ADVANCED RULES
ο HE and Inferno Bombs use the 2”AoE Template, Cluster overheat.
Bombs use the 6” AoE Template. BATTLEFORCE:
• Damage (Spheroid DropShip Attacks): The damage END PHASE CONVERSION RULES
from a DropShip Air-To-Ground attack is equal to the Use the End Phase rules found in BattleForce (see p. 237).
DropShip’s Damage Value for the weapon arc used at the MINIATURES RULES
appropriate range. Both players may complete this phase simultaneously.
• Damage (Strafing Attacks): Successful Strafing attacks INDEX
deliver half of the attacking Element’s short range Dam- SPECIAL ABILITIES
age Value (rounded normally, to a minimum of 1) to every Elements in Quick-Strike may use all the special abilities RECORD SHEETS
Element in the strafing corridor. If overheating modifies
a Strafing attack, add the Overheat Value to the short found in the BattleForce Conversion Rules (see p. 342); how-
range Damage Value before reducing the damage by half. ever, for any abilities that use ranges, players should use Total
A Strafing attack that hits an Element from the rear deliv- Warfare ranges instead, multiplying by 2, to get the ranges in
ers 1 additional point of damage, which is also added to inches.
the base Damage Value before halving takes place.
• Damage (Striking Attacks): A successful Striking attack Rick notes his Spector SPR-5F has ECM, which has a
delivers the attacking Element’s short range Damage 1-hex radius according to the BattleForce Conversion
Value (which may be adjusted by overheating) to the Rules. However, ECM has a 6-hex radius according to Total
target Element, plus 1 additional point if the attack hits Warfare, which becomes a 12” radius (from the edge of the
the target from the rear. Spector’s base) in Quick-Strike (6 hexes x 2” = 12”).


•A• BattleForce, 215, 220-23 and shoulder actuators hit, 381 Bank command points, 268 •C• set-up, 75-76
Aerospace element Armor BAR armor, 346 types of, 75
Abandonment, 26-27, 314 C3/C3I boosted systems (C3BS#), 347 Club attacks, miniatures, 396
Abstract conversion, 357, 358, 380 advanced aerospace unit, 152-53 conversion, 357 loss, 348 Cluster, 309
transport, 325 conversion, 357-58, 379 Base weapons, 360
command system, 266 Aerospace fighter bay, 345 damage C3 computer slave (C3S), 347 Cockpit, FrankenMechs, 190
ground support, 308 Aerospace fighters(s), 26, 327 attack, 50 C3 emergency master computer (C3EM#), 347 Cocoon drops, 23-24
space support, 308 attacks, 233 aerospace unit, 177 damage conversion, 360-61 C3 improved computer (C3I), 347-48 Cold status engine, 72
Acceleration, engagement phase, 81, 82 bay, 345 infantry, 177 point value, 362 C3 master computer (C3M#), 347 Cold temperature, 315
Accurate weapon, 193 conversion, 358, 363 ‘Mech, 176 Base-to-base contact, miniatures, 395, 405 C3 network Collapse, buildings, 312-13
Actions, aerospace units, 48 engine hit, 231 ProtoMech, 177 Basic fire control (BFC), 346 Collar hit, 285
Activation hex, 101 gravitational effects, 36 vehicle, 177 Battle armor ECM vs., 349 Collision, 278
Active minefields, 287 ground-to-ground attacks, 234 diagram, 12 anti-personnel weapons, 361-62 loss, 347 miniatures, 391
Active probe (PRB), 280-81, 345, 349 overheat value, 362 fighter squadron, 28 base damage, 361-62 C3 remote sensor (C3RS), 347 Combat
advanced sensors, 118 sensor/FCS hits, 381 FrankenMechs, 190 conversion, 357, 364, 378 Called shots mode, 99, 100 aerospace operations, 244-50
ECCM, 111 targeting capital missiles, 117 -structure diagram, BattleForce, 214 Campaign computer, 193
Ad hoc unit, 322 Aerospace Operations, 244-59 Armored component (ARM), 345-46 movement, 355 score, linked scenarios, 48-49 effects, miniatures and buildings, 397
creating, 268 Aerospace small craft, 361 Armored infantry, 323 structural, 358 victory, 39 elements, BattleForce, 238-39
Adjacent hexes, 225 Aerospace space Armored motive system (ARS), 346 damage status, 174 loss, 39, 40
Adjustable to-hit modifiers, 360 movement phase, 224, 263, 276-79 Armor-piercing ammo, 309 dead, 176 linked scenarios, 49 mechanized battle armor, 324-25
Advanced aerospace unit BattleForce, 215, 224 Arrow IV (homing or standard) missiles, 290, rearming, 186 Capellan Confederation, 15 miniatures, 393-96
base engine formulae, 147 Aerospace Technologies, 122-41 308, 309 troopers, 397-98 Capital (CAP), 348 orders, 48
battle values, 160-61 Aerospace transport (AT#), 345 point defense and, 97 vibro-claws, 362 Capital armor conversion, 357 phase, 263, 279-95
chassis design, 144-46 Aerospace unit Artemis IV, 360 Battle computer, 193 Capital artillery, 295
combat, 94 damage, 177 Artemus V, 360 Battle Cruiser, 10 BattleForce, 216, 225-37
control systems, 149-50 defending modifier, 37 Artillery (ARTX-#), 205, 285-86, 308-9, 345 Battle scenario, 49 attack, plot, 268 miniatures, 401, 404-9
costs, 158-59, 160 force balancing, 161 attacks, standard, 286 Battle values, Capital missile(s), 359 rules, 225-37, 279-82
crew tables, 150 fuel consumption, 34-35 conversion, 378 advanced aerospace unit, 160-61 victory, 39
design linked scenarios, 47-50 flight time, 287 Battlefield launch, 80-81 Combined arms, 205
movement, weapon resolution, 47 modifiers, 286 Intelligence, 263-65 maneuvering, 79-80 BattleForce, 239-40
armor, 152-53 random assignment, 50-53, 56-57 range and damage, 287 ratio, 263-64 meeting engagement, 82 Command(s), 261
heat sinks, 151 search and rescue, 47 strike, plot, 268 radar, 119 point defense and, 97 BattleMech, 193
Record Sheet, 159 Aerospace units on ground, weapons, 360 salvage, control, 49 preprogrammed waypoint launches, 102 Change, 269
steps, 144 miniatures, 391-92 Assistance, rearming, 186 tactics, 205-6 rearming, 98 circuits, 135
weapons, ammo, Aerospace units, cargo movement, 41-44 Asteroids, 44-45 thermal/optical detection, 119 targeting, 117 counters, 260, 261
Aerospace units, cargo movement, 42 Atmospheric (ATMO), 346 BattleForce, 9, 213 Capital missile bearings only, 295 detonated minefields, 287
other equipment, 153-59 Aerospace units, gravitational effects, 36 combat, miniatures, 399 aerospace launch, 100-102 discarding, 266
electronic warfare, 110-13 Aerospace units, infantry conditions, 73 atmospheric movement Capital-scale armor, 12 request for, 267
engine, control vs. infantry actions, 36-38 control rolls, advanced, 97-98 Capital weapons, 359, 360, 362 disruption, 305
Aerospace units, miniatures, 399-400 drops, 22-23 phase, 215, 220-23 advanced aerospace unit, 154 drawing new, 266
systems installation, 146-51 Aerospace units, morale and fatigue, 38-41 facing changes, 221 movement diagram, 222 attacks, 233 effects, 302-8
fuel table, 147 Aerospace units, orbital obstacles, 44-45 flight movement phase, 215, 224 damage, 361 eliminate, 269
general rules, 94-117 Aerospace units, search and rescue, 45-47 instability, 196 CBT conversions, 354, 355-78. 378-81 detailed ranges, 115 execution, 269
Record Sheet, 11, 145 Aerospace vehicles, 122-26 times, 68-69 combat phase, 216, 225-37 fire in atmosphere, 100, 103-10, 293-95 issue request for, 267
types, 145 Aerospace, destroyed, 175 flyer, 193 components, 214-15 rearming, 186 list, 260, 303-4
Advanced anti-aircraft, 94, 96 Aggregate experience, 330, 333 hexes, targeting capital missiles, 117 end phase, 216, 237 Careful aim, 304 choice, 302
Advanced atmospheric control rolls, 97-98 Aggregate weight by force, 333, 334 movement game play, 215-16, 238-41 Cargo (CAR#), 348 design, 302
Advanced blip counters, 280 Air, 256-57 basics, 220-22 ground movement phase, 215, 216-20 bays, units and personnel in, 43-44 moving, 266-67
Advanced chain of command, 300 Air defense Arrow IV, 308 miniatures, 391 map movement, 273 damage, 32 request for, 267
Advanced combat modifiers, 283-84 Air support, 205 pressure, 22 multiple-element, 262 element as, 326 optional, 298-308
Advanced espionage, 268-69 Airborne units capital-scale weapons, 104 Record Sheet, 13 movement, 41-44 phase (optional), 263, 265-69
Advanced fire control (AFC), 345 aerospace elements Attack(s) scenario creation, 242-43 points, 261, 265-66
Advanced force against setting up, 242 advanced units, 72 additional 265
balancing, 311 attack direction, 405 cocoons, 23 special abilities, 342-54 space stations, 139 using, 266-69
distribution, 301 facing and, 403 dropping units, 22, 313, 314 standard rules, 400 transport, 42 pool, 261
Advanced formations, 329, 330 line of sight and, 404 ejected pilot, 26 BattleMech, 202 Cargo transport-kilotons (CK#), 348 reveal, 269
Advanced heat, 96 miniatures, 405 fighter squadron, 32 full-head ejection systems, 25 Cargo transport-tons (CT#), 348 tier of, 269
Advanced initiative, 63, 277 capital-scale weapons, 104 battle armor troopers, 398 pilot ejections, 25 Carpe diem, 305 summary, 305
Advanced maintenance, 174-75 Airborne-to-orbit fire, 103, 110 bearings-only launch, 102 random assignment, 54-55 Carriers, 10 transfer, 268
Advanced military organization, 300 Airborne-to-surface fire, 103, 108-9, 295 buildings, 312 in zero-g ground unit combat, 120 Castles Brian, orbit-to-surface fire, 104 unit, 261, 300-301
Advanced movement, 64-66, 269-72 Airships conventional infantry squads, 398 BattleMech HarJel (BHJ), 346 Casualties, infantry, 177 reveal, 269
diagram, 65 advanced movement, 270 death from physical, 233 BattleMech shield (SHLD), 346 Catastrophic deviation, 278 Commercial armor conversion, 357
sequence, 277 atmospheric movement, 220 declaration, 225, 279 Battleship, 10 Chain of command, 260, 298-302 Communications, 209-10, 250-51
Advanced point defense weapons, 96-97 conversion, 358, 359 air-to-ground, 235 Bays special abilities, 325 Charge attack, 232, 407, 408 Company
Advanced rules, 212 support vehicles, 363 ground-to-air, 234 Bearings-only launch, 100-102, 112 damage, 232 composition, 333
components, 261-62 liftoff, landing, ground movement, 223 meeting engagement, 82-84 Beast infantry, 323 miniatures, 396 lance weight classes, 334
game terms, 260-61 Air-to-air Arrow IV missile, 309 in space, 236 Conversion, 358 Charlie foxtrot, 305 Complete destruction, 175-76
interstellar operations, 9 Air-to-air attacks/combat, 234 direction, 229, 405 Beginning players, 281 Chase, 242 Component
level, 260 abstract, 21 grounded DropShip, 233 Bingo fuel, 304 Chaser weapons fire, 84-85 formulas, 160
miniatures, 386 miniatures, 399, 408 docked units, 67 Biological weapons, 203 Chassis design, miniatures, 401
naval C3, 352 Air-to-air refueling, 35 docked/grappled unit, 36 Blip counters, 260, 261, 279-80 advanced aerospace unit, 144-46 Composite structures conversion, 358
organization of, 260 Air-to-ground attacks, 234-36 end phase, 296 Bloodhound (BH), 346 Chemical weapons, 203 Comprehensive symbology, 340-41
strategic operations, 8-9 miniatures, 399, 408 from Boarding, 248-49, 290-91 Civilian aerospace units, 37 ComStar, 16
tactical operations, 8 Alpha strike, 302-3 attacking and defending for damage Clan chain of command, 298, 300
Advanced sensors, 117-19 Alternate munitions, 308-10 infantry vs. infantry action, 37 advanced weapon conversion, 377 force composition, 332
shadows and, 114, 116 Alternating crews, 71 aerospace units, 36 option, 37-38 aerospace phenotype, 36 lance organization, 335
Advanced tactical missiles, 360 Alternating movement, 269, 273, 277 docked units, 67 structural integrity damage, 37 battle armor conversion, 378 random aerospace assignment, 52
Advanced terrain, 270-72 Altitude, 220 dropping units, 22, 313, 314 Body stockpiles, 180 chain of command, 298, 299 Concealing
Advanced unit, 62-63 bombing, 235 fighter squadron, 30-31 Bomb (Bomb#), 309, 346 elemental point conversion, 364 element capabilities, 281-82
design miniatures, 400, 408 grounded aerospace units, 400 aerospace atmospheric movement, 220 foot infantry star conversion, 364-65 Record Sheets, 280-81
miniatures, 388, 401 hidden units, 320 munitions, capital-scale weapons, 103 force composition, 331-32 unit, 280
space, 143 Ambush, 303 ground support, 19, 21 types, miniatures, 400 -Inner Sphere incompatibility, 182 composition, 279
technology base, 143 Ammunition, 360 modifiers Bombast, 361 lance organization, 335 Configurable damage, 361
type, 142-43 Advanced aerospace unit, 98-99, 153-59 capital missile launch, 80 Bombing random aerospace assignment, 53 Conqueror-class battlecruiser/
weight, 143 expenditure, tracking, 186 meeting engagement, 82 attack, 84, 235, 408 spacecraft, 35-36 carrier conversion, 373-74
high speed closing engagements, 74-85 explosions, 98 miniatures, 395 damage, 32, 236, 408 standard weapon conversion, 376-77 Construction
landing and liftoff (expanded), 71-74 feed problem, 196 same hex, 312 miniatures, 400 tactics, 206 capital-scale weapons, 103
Aerodyne hit, 230-31, 381 in space, 236 scatter, 235-36, 409 technology, 168 customizing rules, 189
DropShips quality, 192 types of, 225 Booby trap (BT), 192, 346 Clan Diamond Shark, 16, 35 electronic warfare, 111
air-to-air attacks, 234 swapping, 186 modifiers, 283 Bracketing fire mode, capital and sub-capital Clan Ghost Bear, 53 factor, orbit-to-surface fire, 104-5
ground-to-ground attacks, 234 Amphibious (AMP), 345 miniatures, 404 weapons, 99-100 Clan Jade Falcon, 15, 53 Control damage, 32
facing, 75 Angel ECM (AECM), 345 weapons conversion, 359-60 Bravo zulu, 304 Clan Nova Cat, 16, 55, 57 Control rolls, zero-g ground attack, 120
firing arc, 233 Angle of attack, 76-77 Attacker Break contact, 78 Clan Smoke Jaguar, 90-93 Control systems, 149-50
liftoff, landing, ground movement, 223 Anti-aerospace capita laser targeting mode, closing engagements, 75 Breakthrough, 242 Clan Snow Raven, 17, 53 installation, 146-51
small craft damage, 361 99, 100 determining, 48-49 Bridge-building engineers, 323 Clan Wolf, 14, 16, 53 Conventional fighters
space movement, 224 Anti-aircraft targeting, 193, 323 displacing, 292 Bridgelayer (BRID), 346-47 Clansmen, 46 conversion, 358, 363
Aerospace Anti-‘Mech (AM), 345 engaging, 292 Broken morale, 294 Classic BattleTech engine hit, 231
abstract system, 18-21 attacks, miniatures, 399 Attacking elements, inside buildings, 312 Building converting BattleForce to, 378-81 with flotation hull, 73
attacks, 233-36, 290 infantry, 322 Autocannon (AC X/X/X/X), 346 BattleForce, 311-13 converting elements to sensor/FCS hits, 381
miniatures, 408 Anti-missile system (AMS), 97, 98, 345 munitions, 309-10 height/depth, 225 tactical fuel efficiency, 34
damage status, 174 Anti-ship electronic warfare missiles, 111, 309 SRM/LRM, 359 levels, 312 BattleForce, 355-78, 381 Conventional infantry
ejection, 26-27 Anti-ship missiles, 309 Avionics damage, 32 miniatures, 396-97 Tactical Operations, 8 attacks against, 22
forces, 202-3 Area-effect weapon, 104 Avoided contact, meeting engagement, 82 orbit-to-surface fire, 104, 106 Climbing, 269-70 conversion, 358, 364-65
missiles, 309 types, 311-12 buildings, 312 damage
movement, 220 miniatures, 396 •B• units, 328 Close encounters, 85 status, 174
miniatures, 391-93, 403 Ares conventions, 247 BattleForce, 240 Closing engagements values, 361
Record Sheets, 11-13 Arm Bad reputation, 196 Buying units, 328 capital missile phase, 79-81 dead, 176
sizing, 249 Bait and switch, 303-4 detection, initial maneuver phase, 77-78
spotting, 280 damage,‘Mech, 176 Balancing forces, 310-11 end phase, 85
Aerospace atmospheric movement, 220-23 destroyed, 381 high speed, 74-75
phase, 263, 273-75
damage, 85
meeting engagement phase, 81-85
play sequence, 77

maintenance, 169 Delayed liftoff, 71 point value, BattleForce, 238 miniatures, 392 fatigue effects during, 41 Helipad (HELI), 345, 349 INTRODUCTION
minefield clearing, 289 Deployment separation, 322 operations, 245 force generation, 328-35 Hello, HQ, 307
miniatures, 397-98 splitting, 322 reclamation, 85 ground movement phase, 263, 269-73 Hex GENERAL RULES
range modifier, 398 readying for, 44 squadron selection, 326 selection, 27-28 initiative phase, 263-65
readying for deployment, 44 zone, 213 transport, 324 Fighter squadron(s), 62, 279 maps in, 242 bases, miniatures, 387 ADVANCED
Conventional minefield, 288 Desertion checks, 39 Elevation, miniatures, 388, 401 creation of, 27-30 miniatures, 387-88, 401 rings, 105 AEROSPACE
Conventional vehicles, 202 Desertions, 40 EM interference, 197 maximum size, 27 morale effects during, 41 Hidden units, 320 MOVEMENT
Conversion Design quirks, 193-99 Emergence wave, 118, 278 recommended formation, 28 optional rules, 166 ground unit detection, 320 ADVANCED
new rules, 354 Designation phase, Emergency combat heading operation, Record Sheet, 12, 30 special abilities, 342-44 space unit detection, 320 AEROSPACE
process, 355 bearings-only launch, 101 113-14, 277 splitting, 33 special rules, 308-26 Hide and seek, 242
rules, 212 Desperate Thrill, 58-61 Emergency evacuation systems, 255 usage of, 30-33 squadrons (optional), 326-28 High altitude COMBAT
Cooling down, BattleForce, 237 Destroyed unit, 175-76 EMP minefield, 288 Final glory, 307 statistics drop, 313 ADVANCED
Cooling pod rearming, 186 Destroyer, 10 End phase Fire, 317-20 map AEROSPACE
Cooling system flaws, 196 Detection, 246-48 BattleForce, 216, 237 diagram, 319 BattleForce, 214 CONSTRUCTION
Copperhead, 308 check, advanced sensors, 118 miniatures, 401, 409 effects resolution, 318 miniatures, 401 atmospheric velocity, 274 MAINTENANCE,
Corsair aerospace fighter conversion, 363 closing engagement, 77-78 End-overs, 66, 277 putting out, 318-19 terminology, 213 movement, 273 SALVAGE, REPAIR
Corvette, 10 maneuvering, 78 Energy (ENE), 349 spread, 318 miniatures, 401 High explosive bombs, 309 & CUSTOMIZATION
Cost calculations, 160 phase, bearings-only launch, 101, 102 Engagement speed, 76 starting, 319 time, 166-67 High speed closing engagements, 74-85
Counters Difficult ejection, 196 Engine support, 205 Gas hog, 197 Record Sheet, 13, 75, 76, 79, 81, 83 BATTLEFORCE:
BattleForce, 215, 261-62 Difficult to maintain quirk, 197 damage, 32 Fire control Geocentric low orbits, 276 High speed engagement, heat and, 85 STANDARD RULES
miniatures, 387 Dismounting units, 42-43 hit, 231, 380 Geostationary orbits, 276 High-altitude, miniatures, 392
Cowl, 193 Disposable weapons, rearming, 186 aerospace unit, 177 system damage, 32 Ghost Bear Dominion, 15 High-speed closing engagement, 102 BATTLEFORCE:
Cramped cockpit, 196 Dispute resolution, 386-87 ‘Mech, 177 systems, advanced aerospace units, Going to ground, 46 Hip damage,‘Mech, 176 ADVANCED RULES
Crashes Dissipating smoke, 318 FrankenMechs, 189 150, 155 Grapple, severing, 291 Hit location
atmospheric, 223 Distance to zenith/nader jump point, 86 hit, 231, 285, 380, 381 Fire resistant (FR), 349 Grappled unit advanced aerospace units, 94 BATTLEFORCE:
miniatures, 392 Dive bombing, 235, 400, 408 installation, 146-51 Firefighting engineers, 323 attacking, 291 vehicle, 177 CONVERSION RULES
Crew, 168-69 Dock hit, 285 status, advanced units, 72 Firing arc, 282 zero-g ground attack, 120 Hold steady, 80, 82
accommodations, Docked element stockpiles, 180 advanced aerospace unit, 94, 154 Grappling, 36, 291 Hold the line, 242, 307 MINIATURES RULES
attacking, 291 Engineering (ENG), 349 aerodyne DropShip, 233 Gravdeck, 140 Homing missiles, 286
advanced aerospace units, 149-50 attacking while, 291 Environmental conditions, 315-17 BattleForce, 226 boarding, 139 Horizontal water landing, 73 INDEX
advanced aerospace units, 149 zero-g ground attack, 120 Environmental modifiers, 283 grounded DropShip, 233 critical hit effects, 94 Hot status engine, 72
casualties, 290 Docking, 36, 254-55, 277 Environmental sealing (SEAL), 349 ground-to-ground attacks, 234 Gravitational effects, 36, 255-56, 273 Hot temperature, 315 RECORD SHEETS
data, 12 arms, 193 Enyo strike tank conversion, 365 miniatures, 394, 404 Gravity, 315 House Davion, 15
hit, 32, 231, 295, 380 collar hit, 231, 380, 381 Equipment non-DropShip, 233 Ground random aerospace assignment, 51 411
collar locations, 67 availability modifier, 178 surface-to-orbit, 109 hiding, 320 House Kurita, 15
aerospace unit, 177 damage, 68 battle values, 160 verification, 226 movement, 216-20, 223 random aerospace assignment, 51
modifiers, 171 large craft, 66-67 costs, 160 Firing range, 226 movement phase, 263, 269-73 House Liao, 15
rearming, 99 modifiers, 68 damage Fixed wing support vehicle(s) BattleForce, 215, 216-20 random aerospace assignment, 51
vehicle, 177 multiple, 36 aerospace unit, 177 conversion, 358, 259, 363 Miniatures, 388-91 House Marik, 14
killed, 231, 285, 380 standard, 36 ‘Mech, 177 engine hit, 231 support, abstract aerospace, 19, 21 random aerospace assignment, 51
-passenger quarters, 160 Dogfights, 21 ProtoMech, 177 miniatures, 392 Ground unit(s) House Rules, 162-65
quarters, advanced aerospace units, Door (D#), 348 vehicle, 177 Flak (FLK), 309, 349 BattleForce vehicles, 216 House Steiner, 14
155 hit, 231, 380, 381 FrankenMechs, 190 Flechette, 309 conversion random aerospace assignment, 52
stunned, 231 special abilities, 325 miniatures, 396 Flechette ammo, 309 to fighters, 24 Hover movement, 218
Critical hit effects, 230-31 Double blind rules, atmospheric drops, 23 rating, 168 Flight deck (FD), 345, 349 for use in zero-g operations, 24 Hull
gravdeck, 94 Double jumping, 135 taking, 39 Flight times, 68-71, 287 dismounting/disembarking, 325, 326 breach, 177
K-F drive, 94 Double-time march, 306 Era modifier, 169, 170 Flotillas, 75 mounting/embarking, 325, 326 element, aiding, 292
quick strike, 407 Draconis Combine, 15 Espionage, performing, 268-69 Fog, 315 movement in sub-phases, 24 landing on, 291-92
Critical hits Drifting smoke, 318 Evasive action, 80, 92, 270, 277, 306 Food, 251-52 space drops in zero-g operations, 24-26 Hyper-assault gauss rifles, 360
aerospace, 12 Drills, 251 Exercise, 252 Force, 213 stranded, 325 Hyperdrive technology, 10
BattleForce to Classic BattleTech, 380 Drive plumes, 119 Expanded critical hits, 285 assembly transport, 325-26 Hyper-extending actuators, 194
determining, 230 Drone (DRO), 348 Expending thrust, 67 in zero-g operations, 89, 279, 291 Hyperpulse generator (HPG), 350
fighter squadron, 32-33 Drone carrier control system (DCC#), 348 Experience ratings, 187 BattleForce, 238 Ground war, 207 Hyperspace, 130-31, 134-35, 137
miniatures, 408 Drop cocoon hit location, 23 Exposed actuators, 197 linked scenarios, 47-48 Grounded DropShips, orbit-to-surface jump, 277-79
quick-strike, 407 DropShip(s), 10 Exposed weapon linkage, 197 composition, 329-30, 331-32 fire, 106 initiation, 268
roll, 233, 284-85 attacks, 233 Extended mechanized (XMEC), 349 base attack, 50 Ground-to-air attacks, 234 navigation, 88
Crossing engagement, 75 attacks in space, 236 special ability, 324 probe, 49 Ground-to-ground attacks, 234 travel, 86-89
Cruise missiles, 286 combat while floating, 74 Extended torso twist, 194 recon raid, 50 Gunnery skills
Cruiser, 10 conversion, 358, 366-67 External communications, 250-51 deployment, abstract aerospace, 19 conversions, 354 •I•
Customization, 166, 188-90, 281 damage, 361 External fuel tanks, 35 distribution, 239 fighter squadron, 29-30
destroyed, 175 External stores, rearming, 186 experience, 330 Gyro Illumination, 309
•D• emergency combat Extra time, 182 formation determination, 329 FrankenMechs, 189 Arrow IV, 309
Extraction, 242 loyalty, generic, 38, 39 hit, 381
Damage heading operation, 113-14 quality, 38, 39 Improved communications, 195
air-to-ground attacks, 236 engine hit, 231 •F• rating, 329, 330 •H• Improved cooling jacket, 194
amount of, 229 exhaust damage, 392 size, 48 Improved life support, 195
application, quick strike, 407 firng arc Fabrication, 179 BattleForce, 238 Habitat stations, 137-38 Improved one-shot missiles, 360
applying, 230 Facing, 80, 82, 219 determination, 329 Hand-held weapons, rearming, 186 Improved sensors, 195
battle armor troopers, 398 attack direction, 233 skill rating modifiers, 321 Hard to pilot quirk, 197 Improved targeting, 195
BattleForce, 237 miniatures, 404 atmospheric movement, 221 weight class, 329, 330 Hardened armor conversion, 358 Inaccurate weapon, 197
bombing, 408 miniatures, 392 miniatures, 388-89, 403 Forced withdrawal, initiation, 269 Hardened buildings, 312 Inactivity, 40
conventional infantry squads, 398 modifiers, 172 random, 98 Formation, 213 HarJel, 35-36 I-NARC (INARC), 310, 350
determining, applying, 228-29, 284, 405 mover platform conversion, 369 space movement, 224 size symbol, equivalency, 337 Haywire pod, 310 Inbound jumps, 277-78
determining final value, 362 operations, 245-46 Faction Fragile fuel tank, 197 Head Indirect fire (IF#), 225, 350, 359
diagnosis, 176-78 partially submerged spheroid, 74 availability modifier, 179 FrankenMechs, 189-90 Indoctrination, 211
ECM/ECCM, 112 rearming, 98 quality, 167 Free Rasalhague Republic, 17 blown off, 231, 380 Industrial TSM (I-TSM), 350
end phase, 296-97 sensor/FCS hits, 381 Factory random aerospace assignment, 56 damage,‘Mech, 176 IndustrialMechs, 362
final for each range, 326 spheroid, 220 class refit kits, 188, 189 random‘Mech assignment, 54 stockpiles, 180 Infantry, 203-4
ground-to-air, 234 squadrons, 279, 327 stations, 137 Free Worlds League, 14 Head on engagement, 75
groups, 293-94 DropShip transport (DT#), 348 Failed ammo loading, 98-99 Frigate, 10 Heading atmospheric drops, 22
high speed, 85 Failed hull landing, 25 Fuel atmospheric movement, 221 BattleForce, 216
hyperspace hole, 89 •E• Failed landing location/damage, availability and cost, 179 space movement, 224 bays/compartments, 160
K-F booms, 279 atmospheric drops, 23 capacity, 147-48 Headquarters counter, 262 carriers, 399
meeting engagement, 82 Earthquake, 315 Fall back, 306 consumption Headquarters, 243, 261, 301 combat, 399
miniatures, 405, 408 Easy to maintain quirk, 193 Falling, miniatures, 391 aerospace units, 34-35 counter, 262 damage, 177
physical hits, 232 Easy to pilot quirk, 193 Fast reload, 194 all units, 35 Heat (HT#), 349 firing arc, 226
record, capital missiles loss, 80-81 Ejection, 26-27 Fatal threshold, fighter squadron, 28, 32 hit, 231 advanced, 96
size class, 73 Fatigue reserves, 35 BattleForce, 237 miniatures, 404
thresholds, variable, 117 safe, 26 Aerospace units outside game play, 38, tank hits, 32, 34 -causing weapons, 361 hex bases and, 401
total base for each range, 326 systems, 314 40, 41 running out of, 34 conversion, 362 inside buildings, 312
underwater, 229 Ejection seat (ES), 349 effects, 41 salvaged, 192 meeting engagement, 85 miniatures, 387, 397-99
miniatures, 405 Electric engine (ELEC), 349 ratings, 41 space drops in zero-g operations, 24-25 scale, 13 movement, 218, 219
value, 213 Electronic counter-countermeasures FCS damage, 381 Fulmar patrol craft conversion, 371 repairing, 182
conversion, 360 (ECCM), 111-13, 314 Federated Suns, 15 BattleForce, 214 squads, 397-98
Electronic countermeasures (ECM), 111, Ferro-lamellor armor conversion, 358 •G• Heat sink, 151 vs. infantry actions, 36-38
Darkness, 315 112-13, 349 FFL-4A Firefly conversion, 368 Infantry transport (IT#), 324, 350
Dead to rights, 305 BattleForce, 314 Fiction, 9-10 Game play, 262-63 advanced aerospace unit, 154 Inferno (INF), 350
Death from above attack, 407, 408 pod, 310 Field, 140-41 aerospace atmospheric movement capacity, 161 Inferno IV, 309
vs, active probes, 349 class refit kits, 188, 189 damage, 33 Inferno minefield, 288-89
miniatureas, 396 vs. C3 networks, 349 kitchen, 41 phase, 263, 273-75 fighter squadron, 29 Inferno, 309
Debris, 45 Electronic support measures, 119 rearming, 186 aerospace space movement FrankenMechs, 190 Information sharing, 387
Electronic warfare Fighter(s), 67 phase, 263, 276-79 hit, 381 Infrared jump signature, 118
Collision, 84 advanced aerospace units, 110-13 aerospace, 26 capital weapons fire salvaged, 192 Initial maneuver phase,
Deceleration, engagement phase, 81, 82 sensor shadows, 114 stockpiles, 180 closing engagement, 77-78
“Deep space”map, 274 Element, 213 deployment, 78 in atmosphere turns, 103 Heat special ability, 229, 407 Initiative
Defector, 306 as cargo, 326 ECCM, 111-12 combat phase, 263, 279-95 atmospheric drops, 22
Defender composition, determining, 355 ECM, 111 command phase, 263, 265-69 BattleForce, 237
detachment, 322 engagements, multiple, 21 commands (optional), 298-308 Heavy buildings, 312 bonus, 264
closing engagements, 75 fire and, 318 launch, 77 end phase, 263, 295-97 Heavy Cruiser, 10 ground support, 19
determining, 48-49 heights, 282 Heavy smoke, 318 modifiers, 263, 264
Defending troops, zero-g Height rules, line of sight, 225 phase
ground attack, 120-21
BattleForce, 215

game play, 263-65 Large support vehicle Mechanized battle armor, 324-25 basics, 216 Partial repairs, 182 •R•
miniatures, 401 airship, 94 attack direction, 405 support, 19 Patchwork armor conversion, 358
Inner Sphere, 10 base damage, 362 infantry, 218 Pavement, movement on, 391, 403 Radar, 119
advanced weapon conversion, 376 conversion, 371-73 MechWarrior jumping, 219 Periphery, 10 map, 13, 18-19, 20
battle armor conversion, 378 hits, 177 lateral and deceleration, 277
chain of command, 298, 299 Large WarShips, 10 miniatures hexes, 387 map, on, between, 273-74 force composition, 331 Radio triangulation, 118
force composition, 331 Laser-guided bombs, 309 miniatures, 388, 401-2 lance organization, 335 Raid scenario, 49
lance organization, 335 Lateral shift, miniatures, 388 Medical care, 187 mode, 355-57 random aerospace assignment, 52 Raider, 10
random aerospace assignment, 51-52 Launch velocity, bearings-only launch, 101 Medical team, 169 on pavement, 219, 403 Permanent movement penalties, 357 Rail (RAIL), 352
standard weapon conversion, 375 Launching, 254-55, 325 phase Personal re-entry unit, 26
tactics, 206 on battlefield, 169 bearings-only launch, 101-2 Personal unit, readying for deployment, 44 conversion, 357, 359
terminology, 212 fighters, 30 dead, 176 miniatures, 401-3 Personnel availability, 181 Rally to the flag, 307
In-space refueling, 34-35 LB-X autocannon, 360 Medium buildings, 312 space drops in zero-g operations, 24 Phobias, 258 Ramming, 25, 96
Intentional falls from above, 270 Leader (LEAD), 350 Medium range missiles, 360 underwater, 219 Physical attacks, 231-33
Intercept, 78 Meeting engagement vehicle, 218 direction, 229 meeting engagement, 84
late, 79-80 special ability, 261 maneuvering, 81-82 MP hit, 231, 285, 380, 407 miniatures, 396, 407-9 Random
Internal bomb bay, 195 Leadership bonus, 264-65 phase, 81-85 Multi-missile launchers, 360
Internal communications, 250 Leaping, 270 weapons fire, 82-84 Multiple docking/grappling, 36 weapon, 396 aerospace assignment, 50
Internal structure Leg Melee (MEL), 351 Multi-section buildings, 397 modifiers, 283, 406 Clan, 53
damage,‘Mech, 176 Melee physical attacks, 232, 407 Multi-trac, 195 Pilot(s) Inner Sphere, 51-52
FrankenMechs, 189, 190 damage,‘Mech, 176-77 Mercenary Mutiny, 40 -crew on standby, 71 minor states, 56-57
Interplanetary flight times, 69-70 destroyed, 381 random aerospace assignment, 57 checks, 39 data, 12
Interstellar operations, 9 -hip-foot actuator hit, 381 random‘Mech assignment, 55 Myomers, FrankenMechs, 190 generation, assignment, 334 assignment, 168, 334
Intervening terrain, 226 Level review and bonding commission, 204 hits engagement speed, 76
Irregular troops, 204-5 change troops, 204 •N• experience, 321
Isolation, 258 Meteorite defense, 124 aerospace unit, 177 force generation, 328-29
I-swarm, 310 BattleForce, 216 Microgravity, 256 Narc beacon, 360 ProtoMech, 177 ‘Mech assignment, 84
miniatures, 388, 402 Military aerospace units, 37 Narrow/low profile, 195 Piloting skill movement, advanced vectors, 66
•J• differences, miniatures, 396 Military intelligence, 210-11 Natural healing, 187 conversions, 354 skill ratings, 320-22
miniatures, 388, 401 Military organization, 329 Naval C3 (NC3), 351-52 fighter squadron, 29-30
Jam transmission, 307 Life support, 256-57 BattleForce, 238-39 miniatures, 391 balancing with, 311
Jormungand-class Bluewater cruiser, 371-73 Liftoff, 223 Military unit, rearming, 99 ECCM, 112 tactical fuel efficiency and, 34 with target experience
Jump jets advanced units, 71-74 Mimetic armor system (MAS), 351 orbit-to-surface fire, 105 Pintles, advanced aerospace unit, 154
miniatures, 392 Mine Naval Comm-Scanner Suite, 118 Pirates rating, 321
FrankenMechs, 190 Light active probe (LPRB), 350 attack, meeting engagement, 84 Naval Factor, The, 14-17 random aerospace assignment, 57 with target tech ratings, 321
hit, 381 Light air-to-air Arrow IV missiles, 309 deployment, meeting engagement, 82 Naval movement, 218 random‘Mech assignment, 55 with target weight base, 333
stockpiles, 180 Light buildings, 311 Mine dispenser (MDS#), 289, 351 miniatures, 403 Planetary assaults/combat operations, Range, 409
Jump sail(s), 148, 149 Light Cruiser, 10 Minefield(s), 287-89 Naval structure conversion, 359 206-7, 249-50 air-to-air attacks, 234
attacks, 99, 290 Light ECM (LECM), 350 atmospheric drops, 23 Naval warfare, 205 Planetary conditions BattleForce, 226-27
detaching, 277 Light gale, 316 detonation/clearing, 268, 289, 310 Naval weapon conversion, 379 atmospheric drops, 23 brackets, 360
furling/unfurling, 276, 277 Light smoke, 318 location, 289 Negative design quirks, 196-99 modifiers, 171
recharging, 87 Light tag (LTAG), 350 orbit-to-surface fire, 106-8 Negotiations, stockpiles, 180-81 Play preparation, BattleForce, 238-41 miniatures, 404-5
Jumping, 219 Limb Minesweeper (MSW), 351 Nekohono’o-class DropShip conversion, 366-67 Play sequence, 401 determination, 282
calculations, 88 damage special ability, 289 Nerve recovery, 294, 297 BattleForce, 215 ground-to-air, 234
disruption, 279 ‘Mech, 177 Minesweeping engineers, 323 No cooling jacket, 197 high speed closing engagement, 77 modifiers, 283, 406
game play, 89 ProtoMech, 177 Miniatures No ejection system, 197 Player-designed elements, 281 Reactive armor conversion, 358
miniatures, 389, 403 stockpiles, 180 aerospace movement, 391-93 No joy, 307 Point defense weapons Rear-firing weapons, 361
movement conversion, 355-56 Limited targeting, tracking systems, 281 aerospace units, 399-400 No/minimal arms, 197 advanced, 96-97 Rearming, 98-99, 186-87
points outside game play, 86-87 Limited use, alternate munitions, 308 BattleForce, 214-15, 241 No torso twist, 198 base damage, 362 Recharge stations, 138
process outside game play, 89 Line of sight (LOS) buildings, 396-97 Non-aerospace elements damage, 361 Recon (RCN), 352
JumpShip(s), 62-63, 10, 122-26 air-to-air attacks, 234 combat, 393-96 attacking Point defense# (POINT#), 352 Recon raid, 50
attacks, 292 air-to-ground attacks, 235 components, 387 Point value, 213 Record Sheets
battle value, 161 attacks in space, 236 game playing, 387-88 airborne aerospace elements, 405 BattleForce, 238 aerospace, 11-13
charging outside game play, 87-88 ground-to-air, 234 ground movement, 388-91 airborne space units, 385 calculations, squadrons, 327 BattleForce, 214, 241, 261
conversion, 358 miniatures infantry, 397-99 LOS and, 404 skill level, 238
crew hit, 285 combat, 393-94 quick-strike rules, 400-409 Non-infantry Point-blank weapon, 396 single-element, 262
damage, 361 verification, 404, 409 rules, 386-87 inside buildings, 312 Political education, 211 concealing, 280-81
design, 143 verification, 225-26, 282 transport, 325 Poor cooling jacket, 198 miniatures, 401
destroyed, 175 Linked scenarios, aerospace units, 47-50 templates, 13 Non-standard Poor life support, 198 Recovering fighters, 30
dynamics, 131, 134 Lithium-fusion (LF), 88, 350 support vehicles, 397 lance weights, 334, 335 Poor performance, 198 Recovery costs, 325
firing arcs, 94 Location modifiers, 171 Minimum distance jumps, 89 organization, 334, 335 Poor targeting, 198 Recreation, 252
hit location, 95 Logistics, 207-10 Minimum movement, miniatures, 388, 402 parts, 197 Poor workmanship, 198 Redeployment, 77-78
K-F jump capability, 148-49 Long range missiles (LRM X/X/X/X), 310, 350 Minimum range troops, 204 Positive quirk, 193-96 Refit
modifiers, 172 indirect fire, 404 damage adjustment, 361 Nuclear arms, 202 Power amplifiers, advanced aerospace unit, 154 cost, availability, 188
movement, 276 Long-range targeting, 323 modifier, miniatures, 395 PPC capacitor, 361 kit, 188
“pigeons,” 123 Loss of leader, 40, 297 Mis-jump, 278 •O• Precision ammo, 309
repairing stranded, 130 Low altitude Missile (MSL), 351 Preflight check list, 71 installation, 188
weight and unit classes, 143 drop, 313-14 Mobile army surgical hospital (MASH#), 351 Objective counter, 262 cargo and, 42 types, 188
Jury-rigging, 187, 307 map movement, 273 Mobile field base (MFB), 351 Objectives, 243, 261 Pre-plotted artillery targets, 286 Reflective armor conversion, 358
miniatures, 392 Mobile headquarters (MHQ#), 351, 314 Oblique vectors diagram, 64 Preprogrammed waypoint launches, 102, 295 Re-forming units, 322
•K• Luck of the fox, 307 command point bonus, 266 Off-road (ORO), 352 Primary threshold, gravitational effects, 36 Refueling
Lucky critical hits, 284-85 Mobile structure(s), 290 Olympus-class recharging station, 367 Prisoners of war, 46-47 air-to-air, 35
Kearny-Fuchida drive (KF), 149, 350 Lyran Alliance, 14 advanced movement, 270, 273 Omni (OMNI), 352 Probe, linked scenarios, 49-50 drogues, 35
boom hit, 231, 285, 380, 381 base damage, 361 Prohibited terrain external tanks, 35
critical hit effects, 94 •M• conversion, 357, 358, 369 design, 143 BattleForce, 216 in-space, 34-35
damage/hit, 130-31, 285 crew killed, 285 FrankenMechs and, 190 miniatures, 402 Refurbishment, 189
integrity, 148 Machine gun array, 360 destroyed, 175 rearming, 186 Prohibited units, space drops in zero-g Regional variation modifiers, 180
jump capability, 148-49 Magistracy of Canopus, 16 engine hit, 285 refits, 189 operations, 24 Reinforced legs, 195
sale limits, 149 orbit-to-surface fire, 105, 106 stockpiles, 180 Protected actuators, 195 Reinforced structure conversion, 358
random aerospace assignment, 56 Moderate gale, 316 OmniPods, 182 Protected crew, 36 Remote sensor dispensers (RSD#), 352
Knowledge of area, 264 random‘Mech assignment, 54 Modified drop times, 313, 314 Opposing vectors diagram, 64 ProtoMech(s) Reorganization, 177-78
Maglev (MAG), 350 Modular armor conversion, 358 Optical/thermal detection, 119 base damage, 361-62 Repair, 181
•L• Magnetic pulse, 310 Modular weapons, 195 Optional rules, 166 BattleForce, 216, 238 Master table, 183-85
Maintenance, 166, 169-75 Morale ratings, 40 Orbital bombardment, 202-3 conversion, 358, 370, 380 and replacement, 166, 175-87
Lance composition, 333-35 advanced unit engine, 72 Morale, 261, 294, 295 Orbital obstacles, 44-45 damage, 177 and salvage check modifiers, 170
Landing, 223 advanced units, 71 aerospace units outside game play, 39-41 Orbital spotting, 280 status, 173 Repelling, 290
check, 172 checks, 295-96 Orbit-to-surface attack destroyed, 175, 231, 380 Replacement, 181-82
advanced units, 71-74 class refit kits, 188, 189 -fatigue cycle, 38 diagram, 107 repairing, 182 parts, 178-80
damage, 223 repair and salvage check modifiers, 170-72 Mostly dead, 176 fire, 103-4, 293-94 ProtoMech transport (PT#), 352 personnel, 181
gear damage, 33 unit time table, 170 Mothballs, 175 plot, 268 Prototype, 198 Request
on hull, 25-26 Maps, BattleForce, 214-15 Motive systems damage, 381 Outbound jump, 278-79 Proximity for command, 261
miniatures, 392 Marian Hegemony, 16 determination, 232 Out-of-control effects damage, miniatures, 392 counter, 261, 262
modifiers, 25 random aerospace assignment, 56 roll, 231 collision, 84 point distance, 86 pool, 261
roll, atmospheric drops, 22-23 random‘Mech assignment, 54 Mountain troops, 323 miniatures, 393 Psychological considerations, 258 eliminate, 269
Large (LG), 350 Marines, 323 Mounting units, 42-43 Outworlds Alliance, 17 Psychological operations, 211 reveal, 269
Large craft MASC, conversion, 356-57 Movement random aerospace assignment, 56 Punitive Strike, 90-93 Retreat, 307
abandonment, 27 Maximum atmospheric speeds, 273 advanced unit sub-phases, 62 random‘Mech assignment, 54 Push attacks, miniatures, 396 Robotic control crew hit/killed, 285
advanced sensors, 118 Maximum damage threshold, aerospace atmospheric, 220-23 Overheat value, 213, 237, 362 Rocket launcher, 309, 360
crew hit, 285 fighter squadron, 29, 30-31 aerospace unit, 47 Overheating, 236-37, 409 •Q• Rotary AC weapons, 98
docking, launching, 254-55 Measurement conversion, 388 converting Over-penetration weapons fire, 116 Rotational vectors, 65-66, 277
ECCM, 112 ‘Mech(s) Overtime, 167 Quality rating, 166, 167 Rounding, 160, 213
ECM, 111 conversion 358, 259, 368 modes, 354 modifiers, 170 Routed unit, 297
engine hit, 285 damage, 176-77 points, 355-57 •P• Routine, 258
firing arcs, 287, 288 costs, 217 Quarters, 252, 254 Rush jobs, 182
sensor shadows, 114, 116 status, 173 miniatures, 390, 402 Paper maps, 386 Quick charge, 87
targeting capital missiles, 117 destroyed, 175 dogfights, 21 Paramedics, 323 •S•
templates, 355 engine hit, 231 failure, 87
Large DropShip, 197 hull breach, 177 effects dead, 176 Quick-strike rules, 400-409 Sacrifice, 307
Large naval vessels, advanced movement, 270 overheat value, 362 buildings, 312 Paratroops, 323 Safe passage, 203
partial cover, 404 miniatures and buildings, 397 Partial cover, 393-94, 404 Sail deployment, 87
sensor hits, 381 Salvage, 166, 191-92
Mech transport (MT#), 351 fighter squadron, 30
Mechanized (MEC), 351 ground modifiers, 191
quality equipment, 192
aerospace space movement, 276
attacks, 292

base damage, 362 conversion, 358, 367 Surrender, 203 elements, BattleForce, 238-39 •• WW •• INTRODUCTION
crew hit, 285 Surveillance ships, 10 ships, 10
control, 276 design, 142-43 Swarm, 310 special abilities, 325 WWaallllss,, 331133 GENERAL RULES
destroyed, 175 System Trench/fieldworks engineers, 323 WWaarr aanndd IIttss MMaakkeerrss,, 220000--221111
stealing, 276 firing arcs, 94, 292 Triple strength myomer (TSM), 353 WWaarrffaarree rruulleess, 220022--33 ADVANCED
hit location, 95 defense stations, 138-39 salvaged, 192 Warfare Symbology, 336-41 AEROSPACE
conversion, 358, 359, 367 locations, 139-40 transit, 258-59 Troop drops, 36-37 Warm status engine, 72 MOVEMENT
oddities, 139 advanced initiative, 63 WarShip(s), 10, 63, 126-30, 293 ADVANCED
deployment, 276 weight and unit classes, 143 •T• atmospheric, 22-23 AEROSPACE
Spaceflight (SPC), 353 BattleForce, 313-14 aerospace space movement, 277
destroyed, 175 Special abilities, 213, 342-44 Tactical fuel efficiency, 34 space base damage, 362 COMBAT
in BattleForce, 342-44 Tactical intelligence gathering, 211 battle value, 161 ADVANCED
discovery, 276 conversions, 345-54 Tactical Operations, 8, 9, 10 for ground units in zero-g charging drive outside AEROSPACE
damage, 381 operations, 24-26 CONSTRUCTION
firing arcs, 94, 292 descriptions, rules, 345-54 advanced rules, 8, 9 game play, 87-88 MAINTENANCE,
quick-strike, 409 Tandem charge, 310 for orbital insertion, 23-24 conversion, 373-74 SALVAGE, REPAIR
hit location, 94 Special enhancements, 151 Target(s) Troop types, 202-5 crew hit, 285 & CUSTOMIZATION
Saw (SAW), 352 Special equipment conversion, 362 True random, 321, 333 design, 143
Scale Special maneuvers, 66-68, 274-75 hex, 104-5 Truly dead, 176 destroyed, 175 BATTLEFORCE:
Special physical attacks, 232, 407 modifiers, 284, 406 Truly destroyed unit, 175-76 emergency combat heading STANDARD RULES
BattleForce, 215 Special rules, 308-26 movement Turn aside, 80
miniatures, 387-88, 401 Specialty infantry, 322-23 Turret (TUR), 353-54 operation, 113-14 BATTLEFORCE:
Scenario creation, BattleForce, 242-43 Speed factor, 161 miniatures, 395 firing arcs, 94, 293 ADVANCED RULES
Screen (SCR#), 352 Spheroid DropShip(s), 74, 220 modifier, 283, 406 Advanced aerospace unit, 154 hit location, 95
attack, meeting engagement, 84 air-to-air attacks, 234 Target acquisition gear (TAG), 309, 353 mobile structures, 360 K-F jump capability, 148-49 BATTLEFORCE:
launchers, 292 air-to-ground attacks, 235 Targeting computers, 361 non-mobile structures, 360 modifiers, 172 CONVERSION RULES
SCUBA attack damage, 408, 409 fighter squadron, 31 Two Seconds, 382-85 operations, 246
motorized, 323 facing, 221 Targeting systems, 323 rearming, 99 MINIATURES RULES
standard, 323 firing arcs, 236 Taurian Concordat, 17 •U• structural integrity, 148
Sea-based minefield, 289 ground movement, 223 random aerospace assignment, 57 weight and unit classes, 143 INDEX
Search and Rescue ground-to-ground attacks, 234 random‘Mech assignment, 55 Ultra AC weapons, 98 Watch cycles, 251
aerospace units, 45-47 liftoff, landing, 223 Team casualty modifiers, 171 Ultra autocannons, 360 Watchdog (WAT), 354 RECORD SHEETS
modifiers, 46 space movement, 224 Tech requirements, Unbalanced, 198 Water, 257
units, 26 Spheroid small craft damage, 361 readying for deployment, 44 Underwater maneuvering unit (UMU), 354 in BattleForce, 216 413
Searchlight (SRCH), 196, 352 Sponson turrets, 361 TechManual, 8, 9, 10 depth, 226
Secondary threshold, Sportsmanship, 386-87 weapons, ammo, other equipment, 153 conversion, 357 landing/liftoff, 73-74
gravitational effects, 36 Spotters, 286 Technical personnel, 168 Underwater movement, 219 miniatures, 393
Sensor(s) Sprinting, 270 Technical team miniatures movement, 402
damage, 33, 381 Squadron(s), 775, 326-28 on battlefield, 168 miniatures, 403 movement, 273
engineers, 323 in combat, 395 dead, 176 Undocking, 67 orbit-to-surface fire, 106
shadows/ghosts, 114, 116, 118, 198 creating, 326-28 Technician Unit(s), 213 Weak head armor, 198
spotting, 280 statistics, 327 aerospace, 168 Weak legs, 198
Separation limits, 322 Stable, 196 battle armor, 168 data, aerospace units, 12 Weak undercarriage, 198
Setting up, BattleForce, 242 Stacking, 219 ’Mech, 168 destroyed, 396 Weapon(s)
Shadow war, 210-13 atmospheric drops, 23 mechanic, 168 detaching, 267 advanced aerospace unit, 153-59
Shifting winds, 318 ECM effects, 111 type modifiers, 171 details, BattleForce, 214 attacks
Ship failed landing location, 23 Technology base/rating, 143 displacement, miniatures, 396
identification, 75 limit, commands and requests, 269 armor, 152 heights, 225 miniatures, 404
sizing, 253 miniatures, 389, 391, 403 chassis design, 144 identification, 280 resolving, 225
Shipyard stations, 138 Stand and shoot, 308 control systems, crew, 150 limitations, BattleForce, 239-40 zero-g ground unit combat, 120
Short range, 225, 281 Standard organization, 333-34, 335 engine installation, 146 maintenance worksheet, 13 base rating, 160-61
targeting, 323 Standard physical attacks, 231, 407 fuel capacity, 148 miniatures, 387 bays, 154
Short range missiles (SRM X/X/X/X), 310, 352 Standard rules, 212 heat sinks, 151 quality, 167 conversion, 359-62
Shoulder damage,‘Mech, 176 Standard weapons, 359, 360 modifiers, 170 recovery time table, 191 costs, 160
Shutdown, BattleForce, 237 Standing, buildings, 312 structural integrity weight, 146 re-forming, 267 damage, 33
Sideslipping, miniatures, 391 Standup fight, 242 unit, 169 splitting, 267 aerospace unit, 177
Single-shot weapons, 98, 360 Starting positions, BattleForce, 242 weapons, ammo, other equipment, 153 symbology, 339 ‘Mech, 177
rearming, 186 Stat block, 213 Teleoperated missiles (TELE), 295, 353 weight/size class, BattleForce, 241 ProtoMech, 177
Skill Station-keeping drives, 357 ECM and, 112 Unprotected crew, gravitational effects, 36 vehicle, 177
checks, 167 Stealth (STL), 353 sensor shadows and, 114 Un-streamlined, 198 -delivered minefield, 289
generation, 321-22 Stealth armor, 281 Temperature, 257, 315 Urban warfare, 205 destroyed, 381
improvement, medical team, 176 Stockpiles, 180-81 Temporary configurations, 323 Urban warfare restrictions, 203 fighter squadron, 28-29
rating, 213, 281-82 Storm, 316 Tensions, 258 fire, miniatures, 395
Small craft, 67 Strafing attack(s), 235, 408-9 Terrain •V• FrankenMechs, 190
advanced aerospace units, 154-55 damage, 236, 408 conversion, 323-24, 354 hit, 231, 380
atmospheric movement, 220 miniatures, 399, 400 factor, 323 Variable-damage weapons, 361 individual, 114
conversion, 358, 366-67 Stranded ground element, 325 orbit-to-surface fire, 106 Variable range targeting (VRT), 196, 323, 354 miniatures, 396
deployment, 78 Strategic fuel efficiency, 34 salvage, 191 Variable to-hit modifiers, 361 range, meeting engagement, 82
docking, launching, 254 Strategic intelligence gathering, 211 features, miniatures, 387 Variable winds, 317 resolution, aerospace unit, 47
ECCM, 111-12 Strategic operations, advanced rules, 8-9 height/depth, 225-26, 282 Vector-based movement, 277 Weight
ECM, 111 Strategy, 206-7 modifiers, 283, 406 Vehicle(s) chassis design, 145
engine hit, 231 Streak missiles, 360 miniatures, 401 FrankenMechs, 189
facing, 221 Striking attack(s), 235, 409 LOS, 394 bat type, 325 structural integrity, 146
miniatures, 392 damage, 236, 408 movement, 402 conversion, 365 -size class, 327, 355, 356
sensor/FCS hits, 381 miniatures, 400 Terran System navigation, 132-33 damage, 177 unit classes and, 143
targeting capital missiles, 117 Strong gale, 316 3-D terrain, 386 damage status, 173 Wind, 316-17
WarShips, 10 Structural costs, 160 Thresholds, gravitational effects, 36 destroyed, 175 direction, 317
Small craft transport (ST#), 352 Structural integrity Thrust engine hit, 231 forces, 316-17
Smoke, 309, 310, 318 aerospace unit, 177 points miniatures movement, 403 Wing-in-ground effect (WIGE)
diagram, 319 infantry vs. infantry actions, 37 aerospace atmospheric movement, 217, 218 movement, 218
effects resolution, 318 Structure conversion, 358-59, 379-80 sensor hits, 381 movement, miniatures, 403
Social general, 307-8 Sub-capital (SCAP), 353 movement, 220 stockpiles, 180 Woods, 282
Space Sub-capital weapons, 359, 360, 361, 362 lost, 381 Vehicle transport (VTX#), 354 clearing, 395
armor, 152 damage, 361 space movement, 224 Velocity height/depth, 225
-atmosphere interface, 23-24 rearming, 186 rating, 24 aerospace atmospheric movement, 220 miniatures, 393
Submarines Thruster damage/hit, 33, 231, 380, 381 record, 13 orbit-to-surface fire, 106
entering, 273-74 BattleForce, 216 Thunder, 309, 310 space movement, 224 terrain, 387
bombers/bombing, 116, 293 movement, 218 Thunder bombs, 309 Vertical landing/liftoff, 72-73 Word of Blake, 17
chassis design, 145 To-hit number, 227-28, 232, 408 water landing, 73-74 chain of command, 298, 300
combat, 393 miniatures, 402, 403 air-to-air attacks, 234 water liftoff, 74 force composition, 332
control systems, crew, 150 Suborbital flight times, 69 air-to-ground attacks, 235, 409 Very large (VLG), 354 lance organization, 335
drop Subordinate unit, 261, 301 attacks in space, 236 Very large element random aerospace assignment, 52
Super large (SLG), 353 bombing, 409 crew hit, 285 Wounded checks, 45
for ground units in Super large support vehicle(s) determination, 282, 405 engine hit, 285
zero-g operations, 24-26 ground-to-air attacks, 234 firing arcs, 287, 288 • Y-Z •
base damage, 362 ground-to-ground attacks, 234 Very large support vehicle
for orbital insertion, 23-24, 314 conversion, 371-73 modifiers, 361, 406 base damage, 362 Yawing, 66, 277
engine installtion, 147 crew hit, 285 roll, 228, 232, 284, 405, 408 conversion, 371-73 Zero-g operations
facing change, 224 engine hit, 285 Tornado, 316 Vibrabomb minefield, 289
fuel capacity, 148 firing arcs, 287, 288 diagram, 317 Victory BattleMechs in, 120
heat sinks, 151 Superchargers conversion, 356-57 force, 316 base attack, 50 control rolls in, 122
hiding, 320 Superior units, 261, 301-2 Torpedo (TOR), 353, 359-60 campaign, 49 defending troops in, 120-21
map Supplies, 40, 208-9 bombs, 309 conditions, BattleForce, 243 docked units in, 120
Support personnel, 166, 168-69 Total Warfare, 8, 9, 10, 213, 386 points, BattleForce, 243 fuel space drops in, 24-25
-ground map interaction, 224 experience, 168, 187 piloting, gunnery skills, 354 probe, 50 grappling units in, 120
movement, 274 Support vehicle(s) template conversion, 356 recon raid, 50 ground units in, 24-26, 89, 279, 291
mines, 289 advanced movement, 270 Towing, 277 Visual spotting, 280 ground unit combat in, 119-21
movement BattleForce, 216, 238-39 TP rating, for squadron, 326 VSTOL (VSTOL), 354 space drops in, 24-26
aerospace, 224 Tracer ammo, 309 VTOL(s) weapon attacks in, 120
basics, 276-77 conversion, 358, 371 Tracked/wheeled movement, 218 in BattleForce, 216 Zipline drop, 314
structural integrity weight, 146 miniatures, 397 Tracking systems, 323 bombers, 290
warfare, 205-6 conversion, 357
WarShips structural integrity, 148 movement, 402 Trailer hitch, 196 movement, 218
weapons, 153 Surface-to-orbit fire, 103, 109-10, 295 Transit times, 68-70, 133
Space defense system (SDS), 352-53 Surface-to-surface fire, 103, 110, 295 Transport, 208 aattmmoosspphheerriicc ddrrooppss,, 2222
attack, 268, 295 mmiinniiaattuurreess,, 440022,, 440033
Space navies, 203 bays/doors, advanced rroottoorr aarrrraannggeemmeenntt,, 119966
Space ops adaptation (SOA), 353 aerospace units, 155-57 ssttrraaffiinngg,, 229900
Space Station(s), 10, 63, 137-41

aerospace space movement, 276-77
attacks, 293
base damage, 362
battle value, 161


Tech Base: Threshold (Total Armor)
Type: Capital Scale
Clan () Nose Damage Threshold
Name: Inner Sphere
Thrust: (Total Armor)
Launch Rate: ()
Station-Keeping Only
Fore-Right Damage
DropShip Capacity: / Threshold (Total Armor)
Fighters/Small Craft:
Weapons & Equipment Inventory
Capital Scale (1–12) (13–24) (25–40) (41–50) Integrity:
Standard Scale (1–6) (6–12) (13–20) (21–25)
K-F Drive

Sail Integrity:

Docking Collars:

Aft-Left Damage Aft-Right Damage
Threshold (Total Armor) Threshold (Total Armor)

() ()

Aft Damage Threshold
(Total Armor)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Life +2

Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 CIC +2 +4 D

Ammo: Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp.

Cost: BV: Crew: Marines: Sensors +1 +2 +5
Passengers: Elementals: Thrusters
Other: Battle Armor:
Left +1 +2 +3
Life Boats/Escape Pods: / D

VELOCITY RECORD Right +1 +2 +3 D

Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Engine –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 D
Thrust 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Velocity HEAT DATA
Effective Velocity
Heat Sinks: Heat Generation Per Arc
Turn # ()
Thrust Nose: Aft:
Velocity Single
Effective Velocity Double Left: Right:

Fwd: Fwd:

Broadside: Broadside:

Aft: Aft:

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Nose Damage Threshold Capital Scale
(Total Armor)


WARSHIP DATA Tonnage: Fore-Left Damage Fore-Right Damage
Tech Base: Threshold (Total Armor) Threshold (Total Armor)
Clan () ()
Name: Inner Sphere
Launch Rate:
Safe Thrust:
Maximum Thrust:
DropShip Capacity:
Fighters/Small Craft: /

Weapons & Equipment Inventory

Capital Scale (1–12) (13–24) (25–40) (41–50) Structural
Standard Scale (1–6) (6–12) (13–20) (21–25) Integrity:

Bay Loc Ht SRV MRV LRV ERV K-F Drive

Sail Integrity:
Docking Collars:

Aft-Left Damage Aft-Right Damage
Threshold (Total Armor) Threshold (Total Armor)

() ()

Aft Damage Threshold
(Total Armor)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Life +2
Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
CIC +2 +4 D

Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp. Sensors +1
Ammo: Crew: Marines: +2 +5
Passengers: Elementals: Left +1 +2 +3
Cost: BV: Other: Battle Armor: D

Life Boats/Escape Pods: /

VELOCITY RECORD Right +1 +2 +3 D

Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Engine –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 D
Velocity HEAT DATA
Effective Velocity

Heat Sinks: Heat Generation Per Arc

Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ( ) Nose: Aft:
Thrust Right:
Velocity Left:
Effective Velocity
Single Fwd: Fwd:

Double Broadside: Broadside:
Aft: Aft:

© 2009 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Capital Scale

Nose Damage Threshold
(Total Armor)




Name: Tonnage: Fore-Left Damage Fore-Right Damage
Threshold (Total Armor) Threshold (Total Armor)
Thrust: Tech Base:
() ()

Station Keeping Only Clan
Inner Sphere

DropShip Capacity:

Fighters/Small Craft: / Launch Rate:

Weapons & Equipment Inventory

Capital Scale (1–12) (13–24) (25–40) (41–50) Structural
Standard Scale (1–6) (6–12) (13–20) (21–25) Integrity:


Sail Integrity:

Aft-Left Damage Aft-Right Damage
Threshold (Total Armor) Threshold (Total Armor)

() ()

Aft Damage Threshold
(Total Armor)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Life +2

Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 CIC +2 +4 D

Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp.

Ammo: BV: Crew: Marines: Sensors +1 +2 +5
Cost: Passengers: Elementals: Thrusters +2 +3
Other: Battle Armor:
NOTES Left +1
Life Boats/Escape Pods: / D

Right +1 +2 +3 D


Heat Sinks: Heat Generation Per Arc
Nose: Aft:
Double Left: Right:

Fwd: Fwd:

Broadside: Broadside:

Aft: Aft:

© 2009 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Advanced F B
Movement E C



Unit: A vector is active if thrust is applied while the unit is facing that hexside.
A vector is inactive if the unit spends no thrust to move through that
Turn Velocity hexside.

# Thrust Facing A B C D E F Fuel Each time a unit spends thrust, note down that number on the record
sheet in the appropriate vector (the vector of the unit’s facing). Next,
1 ////// determine the effect of spending thrust by consolidating the active vectors.
2 //////
3 ////// First, consolidate any active opposing vectors (see Opposing Vectors
diagram) by subtracting the lowest thrust value from both vectors, reducing
4 ////// one vector to 0.

5 ////// Next, consolidate the oblique vectors (see Oblique Vectors diagram).
When any pair of oblique vectors is active, subtract the lowest of the two
6 ////// thrust values from both vectors (or from both if they are equal), reducing
one (or both) oblique vectors to 0, and add the same value to the thrust
7 ////// value of the vector in between.

8 ////// After consolidating all vectors, a unit should have no more than two
active vectors.

If both vectors marked with FB FB FB
10 / / / / / /
arrows are active, subtract an EC EC EC
11 / / / / / / equal amount from both until only D D D
one of them is active.

12 / / / / / /

13 / / / / / / OBLIQUE VECTORS A
If both vector markers are FB
14 / / / / / / AX EC A
active, subtract an equal amount FB FB
15 / / / / / / from both and add that amount to DX
vector X. EC EC
16 / / / / / / D D
17 / / / / / / A

18 / / / / / / FB XA A
19 / / / / / / FB FB
20 / / / / / / EC EC


Unit: Unit:

Turn Velocity Turn Velocity

# Thrust Facing A B C D E F Fuel # Thrust Facing A B C D E F Fuel

1 ////// 1 //////
2 ////// 2 //////

3 ////// 3 //////
4 ////// 4 //////
5 ////// 5 //////

6 ////// 6 //////

7 ////// 7 //////

8 ////// 8 //////

9 ////// 9 //////

10 / / / / / / 10 / / / / / /

11 / / / / / / 11 / / / / / /

12 / / / / / / 12 / / / / / /

13 / / / / / / 13 / / / / / /

14 / / / / / / 14 / / / / / /

15 / / / / / / 15 / / / / / /

16 / / / / / / 16 / / / / / /

17 / / / / / / 17 / / / / / /
18 / / / / / / 18 / / / / / /
19 / / / / / / 19 / / / / / /

20 / / / / / / 20 / / / / / /

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.



SQUADRON DATA Name: Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Safe Thrust: Max Thrust:

Weapon Bay Loc. Starting#/ AV Heat Each / Range Weapon Bay Loc. Starting#/ AV Heat Each / Range Loc. Starting#/ AV Heat Each / Range
Current# Each Current Total Bracket Current# Each Current Total Bracket Weapon Bay Current# Each Current Total Bracket

// // / /

// // //

// // //

// // //

// Clan // ( / /

Tech Base: Inner Sphere Total Heat Capacity (Current): ) Total Fuel: SI:

FFIGIGHHTTEERRDDAATTAA Total Armor/Fatal SI Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range

Ftr #1: Threshold ( / ) ( )

Engine 2 4 D Gear +5

Avionics +1 +2 +5 Thrust

Sensors +1 +2 +5 Safe:

FCS +2 +4 D Max: HS: ( ) Fuel:

Life Support +2 Pilot +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 D G/P: /

Ftr #2: Total Armor/Fatal SI Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range
Engine 2 4 D Gear +5
Threshold ( / ) ( )

Avionics +1 +2 +5 Thrust

Sensors +1 +2 +5 Safe:

FCS +2 +4 D Max: HS: ( ) Fuel:

Life Support +2 Pilot +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 D G/P: /

Ftr #3: Total Armor/Fatal SI Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range
Engine 2 4 D Gear +5
Threshold ( / ) ( )

Avionics +1 +2 +5 Thrust

Sensors +1 +2 +5 Safe:

FCS +2 +4 D Max: HS: ( ) Fuel:

Life Support +2 Pilot +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 D G/P: /

Ftr #4: Total Armor/Fatal SI Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range
Engine 2 4 D Gear +5
Threshold ( / ) ( )

Avionics +1 +2 +5 Thrust

Sensors +1 +2 +5 Safe:

FCS +2 +4 D Max: HS: ( ) Fuel:

Life Support +2 Pilot +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 D G/P: /

Ftr #5: Total Armor/Fatal SI Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range
Engine 2 4 D Gear +5
Threshold ( / ) ( )

Avionics +1 +2 +5 Thrust

Sensors +1 +2 +5 Safe:

FCS +2 +4 D Max: HS: ( ) Fuel:

Life Support +2 Pilot +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 D G/P: /

Ftr #6: Total Armor/Fatal SI Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range Weapons and Equipment Loc Ht AV/Range
Engine 2 4 D Gear +5
Threshold ( / ) ( )

Avionics +1 +2 +5 Thrust

Sensors +1 +2 +5 Safe:

FCS +2 +4 D Max: HS: ( ) Fuel:

Life Support +2 Pilot +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 D G/P: /


Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



Effective Velocity



© 2009 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy for personal use.



12 1 2

10 INNER 3

9 ZONE 4
8 D 5



© 2009 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy for personal use.




Engagement Speed: Angle of Attack:

Ship/Squadron/ Detection Phase Capital Missile Phase Meeting Engagement Phase
Mines/Debris Maneuver
Unit Maneuver Target(s) Maneuver Target(s)












SEQUENCE OF PLAY CRAFT TABLE† 2D6 Roll Angle of Attack (AoA)

1. Detection and Initial Maneuver Phase DEPLOYMENT TABLE 2D6 Roll Speed Class 2 Crossing
Determine Detection 2 Fast 3 Crossing
Launch and Redeploy Units 1D6 % of Units 3 4 Crossing
Detection Maneuvering 1 Deployment* 4 Medium 5 Head On
2 5 Medium 6 Head On
2. Capital Missile Phase 3 15% 6 7 Head On
Capital Missile Maneuvers 4 30% 7 Slow 8 Head On
Capital Missile Attacks 5 45% 8 Slow 9 Head On
6 60% 9 Slow 10 Head On
3. Meeting Engagement Phase 75% 10 Slow 11 Crossing
Meeting Engagement Maneuvers 90% 11 Slow 12 Crossing
Meeting Engagement Weapons Fire Medium
Mine/Debris/Collisions *In all cases, round down to the nearest Medium
Chaser Weapons Fire whole fighter and small craft
12 Fast
4. End Phase
Recover Detached Units

†Players may simply agree on an Engagement Speed and Angle of Attack in place of rolling on these tables.

© 2009 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

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Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Weight Class:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:

MV Armor/Structure Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Element: Destroyed Special Abilities:
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Heat Scale:


Notes: Special Abilities:

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Unit Name: Destroyed Armor/Structure Weight Class: Heat Scale:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:
TP Threshold:

Element: Destroyed Special Abilities: Heat Scale:
TP S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Armor/Structure

Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Armor/Structure Weight Class: Heat Scale:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:
TP Threshold:

Element: Destroyed Special Abilities: Heat Scale:
TP S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Armor/Structure

Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Armor/Structure Weight Class: Heat Scale:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:
TP Threshold:

Element: Destroyed Special Abilities: Heat Scale:
TP S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Armor/Structure

Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Armor/Structure Weight Class: Heat Scale:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:
TP Threshold:

Element: Destroyed Special Abilities: Heat Scale:
TP S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Armor/Structure

Notes: Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Armor/Structure Weight Class: Heat Scale:
Element: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Point Value:
TP Threshold:

Element: Destroyed Special Abilities: Heat Scale:
TP S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Skill OV Armor/Structure

Notes: Special Abilities:

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Unit Name: Destroyed Size Class: Point Value:
Element: Notes: Armor/Structure Threshold:

Skill: Standard S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Sub-Capital S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Capital Msl. S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
TP: Fore: Fore:

Left: Left: Left:

Right: Right: Right:

Aft: Aft: Aft:

Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Size Class: Point Value:
Element: Notes: Armor/Structure Threshold:

Skill: Standard S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Sub-Capital S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Capital Msl. S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
TP: Fore: Fore:

Left: Left: Left:

Right: Right: Right:

Aft: Aft: Aft:

Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Size Class: Point Value:
Element: Notes: Armor/Structure Threshold:

Skill: Standard S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Sub-Capital S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Capital Msl. S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
TP: Fore: Fore:

Left: Left: Left:

Right: Right: Right:

Aft: Aft: Aft:

Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Size Class: Point Value:
Element: Notes: Armor/Structure Threshold:

Skill: Standard S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Sub-Capital S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Capital Msl. S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
TP: Fore: Fore:

Left: Left: Left:

Right: Right: Right:

Aft: Aft: Aft:

Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Size Class: Point Value:
Element: Notes: Armor/Structure Threshold:

Skill: Standard S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Sub-Capital S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Capital Msl. S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
TP: Fore: Fore:

Left: Left: Left:

Right: Right: Right:

Aft: Aft: Aft:

Special Abilities:

Unit Name: Destroyed Size Class: Point Value:
Element: Notes: Armor/Structure Threshold:

Skill: Standard S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Sub-Capital S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Capital Msl. S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
TP: Fore: Fore:

Left: Left: Left:

Right: Right: Right:

Aft: Aft: Aft:

Special Abilities:

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Point Value: Unit Name: Point Value:
Element: Destroyed Element: Destroyed
Size Class: Size Class:
Skill: Skill:

CAPITAL WEAPONS M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) CAPITAL WEAPONS M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
Arc S (+0) Arc S (+0)
Nose: Nose:
Aft: Aft:

Arc S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Arc S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
Nose: L (+4) E (+6) Nose: L (+4) E (+6)




Aft: Aft:

Arc S (+0) M (+2) Arc S (+0) M (+2)
Nose: Nose:
Aft: Aft:

Arc S (+0) Arc S (+0)
Nose: Nose:
Aft: Aft:

Armor: Threshold: Armor: Threshold:

Structure: Structure:

Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
Notes: Notes:

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Point Value: Unit Name: Point Value:
Element: Destroyed Element: Destroyed
Size Class: Size Class:
TP: M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) TP: M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)
Skill: Skill:

Arc S (+0) Arc S (+0)

Nose: Nose:



Aft: Aft:

Arc S (+0) M (+2) Arc S (+0) M (+2)
Nose: Nose:
Aft: Aft:

Arc S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Arc S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)

Nose: Nose:



Aft: Aft:

Arc S (+0) M (+2) Arc S (+0) M (+2)
Nose: Nose:
Aft: Aft:

Armor: Threshold: Armor: Threshold:

Structure: Structure:

Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
Notes: Notes:

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Size Class: Template: Point Value:
Element: Armor/Structure
Skill: Destroyed Notes:
Special Abilities:
MV: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)





Turret 1:

Turret 2:

Turret 3:

Turret 4:

Turret 5:

Turret 6:

Turret 7:

Turret 8:

Unit Name: Size Class: Template: Point Value:
Element: Armor/Structure
Skill: Destroyed Notes:
Special Abilities:
MV: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)





Turret 1:

Turret 2:

Turret 3:

Turret 4:

Turret 5:

Turret 6:

Turret 7:

Turret 8:

Unit Name: Size Class: Template: Point Value:
Element: Armor/Structure
Skill: Destroyed Notes:
Special Abilities:
MV: S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6)





Turret 1:

Turret 2:

Turret 3:

Turret 4:

Turret 5:

Turret 6:

Turret 7:

Turret 8:

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Skill: Point Value: STRUCTURE MAP
MV: Destroyed
Special Abilities: 1
2 3


HEX 1 L (+4) E (+6) HEX 2 L (+4) E (+6) HEX 3 L (+4) E (+6)

Armor: ( ) Armor: ( ) Armor: ( )
Structure-T: ( - ) Structure-T: ( - ) Structure-T: ( - )

S (+0) M (+2) S (+0) M (+2) S (+0) M (+2)

Capital: Capital: Capital:
Cap. Missile: Cap. Missile: Cap. Missile:
Sub Capital: Sub Capital: Sub Capital:
Standard: Standard: Standard:

Turret: Turret: Turret:

HEX 4 L (+4) E (+6) HEX 5 L (+4) E (+6) HEX 6 L (+4) E (+6)

Armor: ( ) Armor: ( ) Armor: ( )
Structure-T: ( - ) Structure-T: ( - ) Structure-T: ( - )

S (+0) M (+2) S (+0) M (+2) S (+0) M (+2)

Capital: Capital: Capital:
Cap. Missile: Cap. Missile: Cap. Missile:
Sub Capital: Sub Capital: Sub Capital:
Standard: Standard: Standard:

Turret: Turret: Turret:

HEX 7 L (+4) E (+6) HEX 8 L (+4) E (+6) HEX 9 L (+4) E (+6)

Armor: ( ) Armor: ( ) Armor: ( )
Structure-T: ( - ) Structure-T: ( - ) Structure-T: ( - )

S (+0) M (+2) S (+0) M (+2) S (+0) M (+2)

Capital: Capital: Capital:
Cap. Missile: Cap. Missile: Cap. Missile:
Sub Capital: Sub Capital: Sub Capital:
Standard: Standard: Standard:

Turret: Turret: Turret:

© 2009 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved.
Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Unit Name: Point Value:


Short (+0) 654321 Short (+0) 654321

Nose Nose

Wing Wing

Side Side

Aft Aft

Medium (+2) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Medium (+2) 6 5 4 3 2 1
Nose Nose
Wing Wing
Side Side
Aft Aft

Long (+4) 654321 Long (+4) 654321
Nose Nose
Wing Wing
Side Side
Aft Aft

Extreme (+6) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Extreme (+6) 6 5 4 3 2 1
Nose Nose
Wing Wing
Side Side
Aft Aft

Short (+0) 654321 TP Armor/Structure





Medium (+2) 6 5 4 3 2 1

Long (+4) 654321

Extreme (+6) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Range Damage By Number Successful
Nose Short [+0) 654321
Wing Medium (+2)
Side Long (+4)
Aft Extreme (+6)

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.

TM Clan Cluster

Level III Formation Name:
Superior Formation:
Formation Name:

CHAIN OF COMMAND DIAGRAMS Superior Formation: Trinary Cmd
Tier 3* *Also Tier 2
Inner Sphere/Periphery Battalion Level III Cmd
Tier 3
Formation Name: Tier 1
Superior Formation:

Trinary Cmd Trinary Cmd Trinary Cmd Trinary Cmd

Under-Strength Company Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2
Regular Company
Reinforced Company Tier 3 Battalion Command Lance
Under-Strength Level III
Regular Level III Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
Reinforced Level III
Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
TrinaryTier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
Binary Supernova
Trinary SupernovaTier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1Tier 1

Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Tier 1 Charlie Echo
Bravo Alpha Delta

Reinforced Battalion Strong Cluster

Regular Battalion Reinforced Cluster

Under-Strength Battalion Regular Cluster

*Alpha Tier 2 becomes Battalion Command (Tier 3) if Battalion Command Under-Strength Cluster
Lance is not used.

Transport and Support

Cmd Unit

Transport Units Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
Superior Formation:

Cmd Unit

Support Units Tier 1

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HQ Cmd Unit
Regimental Command Company (Optional)
Cmd Unit
Cmd Unit - Tier 4

Battalion Battalion Battalion
Command Lance Command Lance Command Lance
- Tier 3 (Optional) - Tier 3 (Optional) - Tier 3 (Optional)

Alpha Battalion Battalion Charlie Battalion Battalion Echo Battalion
Command Lance Command Lance
Alpha Command List - Tier 3 (Optional) - Tier 3 (Optional) Regiment Formations
16 Under-Strength - 2 Battalions
27 Regular - 3 Battalions
38 Reinforced - 4 Battalions
49 Strong - 5 Battalions
5 10
Bravo Battalion Delta Battalion

Bravo Command List Charlie Command List Delta Command List Echo Command List
16 16 16 16
27 27 27 27
38 38 38 38
49 49 49 49
5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.

TM HQ Transport Units
Support Units
Cmd Unit
Level IV Command - Tier 4
Level IV Formations
Under-Strength - 5 Level IIIs
Regular - 6 Level IIIs
Reinforced - 7 Level IIIs

Golf Command List




5 10

Foxtrot Command List



Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot 4 9
Golf 10
Delta Command List
16 5
Alpha Command List Bravo Command List Charlie Command List 38 Echo Command List
16 16 16 49 16
27 27 27 5 10 27
38 38 38 38
49 49 49 49
5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10

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HQ Cmd Unit Transport Units
Cmd Unit Support Units
Galaxy Command - Tier 4 Cluster
Cluster Also Cluster Command Star - Tier 3 and Trinary Command - Teir 2 Command
Command - Tier 3
- Tier 3

Cluster Alpha Cluster Cluster
Command Command
- Tier 3 - Tier 3

Bravo Cluster Echo Cluster

Alpha Command List Galaxy Formations
27 Under-Strength - 2 Clusters
38 Regular - 3 Clusters
49 Reinforced - 4 Clusters
5 10 Strong - 5 Clusters

Charlie Cluster Charlie Command List Delta Cluster Echo Command List
Bravo Command List 16 Delta Command List 16
16 27 16 27
27 38 27 38
38 49 38 49
49 5 10 49 5 10
5 10 5 10

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Instructions: To use the Firing Arcs Template, cut out the hex in the center along the dotted outline; position the template
over the miniature, aligning the template’s front hexside (designated by the arrow) to the miniature’s front hexside.

Left Arm Front Right Arm
& Left Side & Right Arm & Right Side
& Left Arm


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Instructions: To use the Firing Arcs Template, cut
out the hex in the center along the dotted lines; position
the template over the miniature, aligning the template’s
front hexside (designated by the arrow) to the
miniature’s front hexside.

Nose Nose
& Left Wing & Right Wing

& Right Wing
& Left Wing

& Right Wing (A)
& Left Wing (A)

Aft Aft
& Left Wing (A) & Right Wing

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Permission to photocopy for personal use.

TM 1


1 6 Attack Direction 2

(3-4) (1-2) POI (5-6)

Attack Direction 53


6 2

(1-2) (5-6)






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UNIT Maintenance Time: Tech Level: Overall Quality Rating:


Component Tech Quality Time
Level Rating


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PAGE 24 PAGE 25 PAGE 439

Situation Modifier
BattleMechs/ProtoMechs No fuel remaining +2
Thrust Rating: Jumping MP ÷ 3 (round down)
Fuel: Jumping MP x 2 Relative velocity See Landing on the Hull,
Offensive Systems: Use the weapon Damage Values as presented on pages 303-305 see p. 25
of TW and pp. 404-417 of TO. Note that these weapons have significantly reduced Target is Out of Control +3
ranges in aerospace engagements (see Aerospace Weapon Range Table, p. 235, TW). ’Mechs
Standard ground unit arcs apply. Melee weapons may not be used, with certain excep- +1 facing
tions (see Zero-G Ground Unit Combat, p. 119). BattleMech armor facing destroyed –1
Armor: A ’Mech’s armor remains in the standard locations Has Hatchet/Sword –1
Has Claws or Talons –2
Battle Armor (BA squads/Points are treated as single units.) Has Claws and Talons
Thrust Rating: Jumping MP ÷ 3 (round down) Battle Armor –1
Fuel: Jumping MP x 6 + any fuel tanks Space Operations Adaptations –1
Offensive Systems: Use the weapon Damage Values as presented on pages 303-305 Has Claws and/or Magnets –1
of TW and pp. 404-417 of TO, allocating all to a hypothetical Nose arc. Has Heavy Battle Claw +1
Armor: Total the Armor Points (excluding the 00 box for the soldier) for all the troop- No manipulators
ers in the battle armor formation. If a unit is not equipped with Space Operations
Adaptations (see p. 269, TM), divide this total by 2. PAGE 25

Conventional Infantry (Marines) FAILED HULL LANDING TABLE
Thrust Rating: Jump Rating ÷ 3 (round down)
Fuel: Jump Rating x 2 Margin of
Offensive Systems: Per weapons load-out Failure Effect*
Armor: Conventional infantry troops normally do not mount armor (each point of damage
normally eliminates a single trooper); even when they do wear armor, it is treated differently 1 Hard landing. Unit takes 1D6 x Base Landing Damage.
(see Infantry Armor, p. 317, TO).
2 Hard landing. Unit takes 2D6 x Base Landing Damage.

3 Collision. Unit bounces off the hull, taking 2D6 x Base Landing Dam-
age, and fails to land.

4 Collision. Unit bounces off the hull, taking 2D6 x Base Landing Dam- GENERAL RULES
age, and fails to land.

PAGE 46 5 Collision. Unit bounces off the hull, taking 3D6 x Base Landing Dam-
age, and fails to land.

6+ Unit misses target craft. May not make any other movement this turn.

Situation Modifier *All damage is standard-scale. In all cases, the target takes a quarter of the damage applied to the landing unit (round down).
+2 PAGE 42
Enemy in control of the battlefield
SAR force includes VTOL or WiGE –2 Results in Tons/Minute1
SAR force has Improved Sensors
SAR force has Active Probe +2 Method2 Base Modifier 1This assumes the cargo is in loose,
Space –1 Human 0.2 palletized format that must be
Not in planetary orbit –2 Animal (Creature Size)3 “broken” from the holds (“break
SAR force includes Small Craft* –3 1 bulk cargo”).
SAR force includes DropShip* Large 1.5
SAR force includes WarShip* Very Large 1 2If loading or unloading to a unit, the
* Use largest modifier only Exoskeleton (including BA) Mass/15 number of methods (whether all
ProtoMech Mass/60 the same or different) cannot be
PAGE 28 Vehicle Mass/30 greater than the number of doors
’Mech4 Modifiers the unit mounts.
FORMATION TABLE Cargo Manipulator5 1.2 3See Beast-Mounted Infantry, p. 295, TO.
Lift Hoist 1.75 4’Mech must have two working hand
Affiliation Force Size (Fighters per Squadron) Zero-G Gear6 2
Light Cargo Platform 4 actuators; if a ’Mech only has one
Clan Star (All) 10 (Split 5/5 or 6/4 in two squadrons) Heavy Cargo Platform Modifiers working hand actuator, modifier
Cargo Type 5 is mass/50. A ’Mech cannot move
Inner Sphere Containerized7 5 cargo if it does not have any work-
Liquid 2.5 ing hand actuators.
Generic/Mercenary 6 Null-G Pack Modifiers 5Cargo lifter manipulators (see p. 229,
Planetary Conditions8 0.2 TW).
Capellan Confederation 6 Zero-G9 0.75 6Only in zero-G and vacuum.
Vacuum10 0.8 7Cargo is in standard cargo containers
Draconis Combine 6 Tainted Atmosphere (see p. 239, TM).
Trace or Very High Pressure 0.9 8If outside of a sealed structure/
Federated Suns 6 Atmosphere building/unit.
9Assumes a standard Terran gravity. If
Free Rasalhague Republic 4 using different gravities (see High/
Low Gravity, p. 55, TO), above 0.2G,
Lyran Alliance 6 divide the cargo moved by the
square root of the gravity in G’s.
10Must have a sealed suit/vehicle/’Mech/
and so on (see Vacuum, p. 54, TO).
11If higher than 50 degrees C, or less than
–30 degrees C.
12If no lights/cover available.

ComStar/Word of Blake 6

Periphery (General)* 6 Extreme Temperatures11 0.8

Marian Hegemony 10 (Split 5/5 or 6/4 in two squadrons) Heavy Snowfall/Ice Storm/ 0.75
Lightning Storm/Strong Gale/
Taurian Concordat 4 Torrential Downpour

Calderon Protectorate 4 Blizzard/Storm/Tornado 0.5

Additional Formations Force Size (# of Fighters) Moonless Night/Solar Flare12 0.75

Clan Aerospace Point 2 Pitch Black12 0.5

Inner Sphere Flight 2

Capellan Flight 3

*Includes Circinus Federation, Magistracy of Canopus, Niops Association, Outworlds Alliance, Nueva Castile, Hanseatic
League and pirates

PAGE 440 PAGE 40


Morale Rating Combat Modifiers Non-Combat Modifiers Desertion Check Mutiny Check
1 (Unbreakable) +1 +2 Target Number Target Number
2 (Very High) +1 +1
3 (High) +0 +1 0 0
4 (Normal) +0 +0 0 0
5 (Low) +0 –1 0 0
6 (Very Low) –1 –1 2 0
7 (Broken) –2 –2 5 4
5 4
8 7

GENERAL RULES Situational Modifiers Modifiers Situational Modifiers Modifiers
Force Quality* Technical Personnel (see p. 168) –1
–1 Other Non-Combat Staff† –2
Green +0 Small Craft –1
Regular +1 DropShip (Military) +0
Veteran +2 DropShip (Civilian) –1
Elite JumpShip (Military –1
Force Allegiance +1 JumpShip (Civilian) –2
Clan +0 WarShip +2
House/Periphery –1 Space Station –2
Force Type +1 Force Loyalty‡ +1
’Mech +1 Fanatical +0
ProtoMech +0 Reliable –1
Vehicle –1 Questionable
Infantry +0 +1
Battle Armor +1 Other +1
Fighter +1 Force has Military Police +3
Medical Personnel (see p. 169) Force has suffered desertion§
Force has suffered mutineers§

*See Force Quality, p. 38. †Including crew of Support Vehicles ‡ See Force Loyalty, p. 39.
§The time frame for these two modifiers is based on the Force Quality, with the following values representing a number of Morale/Fatigue Cycles: Elite = 1; Veterans = 2; Regular = 3; Green = 4. For example, for an Elite force, these modifiers are only

applied if the force suffered a desertion/mutineer in the previous Morale/Fatigue Cycles; if it suffered a desertion/mutineer two Morale/Fatigue Cycles in the past, the modifiers do not apply. A Green force, however, must have four Morale/Fatigue
Cycles pass without a desertion/mutineer for these modifiers to no longer apply for a new Morale/Fatigue Cycle.



Combat Orders Fatigue Combat Non-Combat Morale
Points Modifiers Modifiers Check
Fight: A Unit with this order is actively seeking to engage the enemy and may be considered the aggressor in a
scenario (see Determining Attacker and Defender below). If more than one Unit receives the Fight order, the player 0 +0 +1 None
should specify whether the Units are working together as a combined Force (in which case they are treated as a 1-4 +0 +0 None
single Unit when determining their opposition) or as distinct forces. 5-8 –1 +0 Yes
9-12 –2 –1 Yes
Scout: A Unit given the Scout order will seek to make contact with the enemy Force to determine its strength and 13-16 –3 –2 Yes
position, but will attempt to avoid a pitched battle. 17+ –4 –3 Yes

Defend: A Unit with this order is combat ready but not actively seeking battle or enemy forces.

Non-Combat Orders Situational Modifiers Modifiers
Force Quality*
Move: A Unit with this order may make a strategic move (if maps are being used to determine location) at twice its –0
normal movement rate, but is not ready to fight. Green +0
Regular +1
Repair: A Unit with this order may repair constituent Elements according to the standard repair and salvage rules Veteran +2
(see p. 166) as the time allocated to the Strategic Turn allows. Such Units may not move or fight. Elite
Misc. +2
Rest: If the Fatigue rules (see p. 41) are being used, the Unit will reduce its Fatigue Points by 1 providing it is not Force is Clan
attacked during the current turn. * See Force Quality, p. 38

Supply: A Unit with this order may spend unused BV to purchase equipment (weapons, armor and so on) for repair-
ing or customizing units (see Obtaining Replacement Parts, p. 178).



Average Piloting/ Force AND RESCUE TABLE
Gunnery Skill Rating Quality
Situation Modifier Equipment Rating Force Loyalty
7-6 Green
5-4 Regular Rescuing aerospace unit expends thrust + Thrust A Fanatical
3-2 Veteran Points
1-0 Rescuing aerospace unit is the target of attacks spent B Fanatical/Reliable
Elite Ejected pilot has maneuvering pack
Rescuing aerospace unit is Small Craft +1 C Reliable
Rescuing aerospace unit is DropShip
Rescuing aerospace unit is WarShip –1 D Reliable/Questionable

–1 F Questionable

+1 Clan

+2 Front Line = A Rating

Second Line = B Rating

Garrison/Solahma = D Rating

PAGE 68 PAGE 68 PAGE 441


Condition Modifier Margin of Failure Effect
Unit has critical damage to thruster +1/box 1 Docking successful
Docking conducted during combat* +2 Docking successful. Both docking collars take 1 box of damage.
Docking unit is JumpShip +4 Docking unsuccessful. The craft miss each other, but the pilot can attempt another docking
4+ after 10 turns
Docking unit is WarShip +3
Docking unsuccessful. Both docking collars suffer damage; cross off 1 box. The pilot can
Docking unit is DropShip over 20,000 tons +2 attempt another docking after a delay of 10 turns.

Docking unit is DropShip under 5,000 tons –1 Docking unsuccessful. Apply standard-scale damage equal to (MoF – 3) x 10 to the location
of both units where the docking collars chosen for the docking attempt are located. The pilot
Per 15 minutes added to docking time –1 can attempt another docking after 10 turns.

Per 5 minutes subtracted from docking time +1

Sensor damage** +1/box

Avionics damage** +1/box PAGE 71

Towing Adaptor on docking unit –2 FAILED PREFLIGHT CHECK LIST TABLE

Target unit is Out of Control +5***

Double docking 2D6 Die Effect*
Docking collar damaged 2-5 No Effect

*This modifier applies to any docking attempts made within 10 hexes of units firing or being fired upon during 6-7 +1 modifier to all Control Rolls
the docking procedure.
8-9 +2 modifier to all Control Rolls, +1 modifier to all Weapon Attack Rolls
**On either the docking unit or the target.
*** Impossible unless docking unit has Naval Tug Adaptor (see p. 334, TO) Randomly determine a column and location on the appropriate aerospace Hit Location Table, and apply
that critical damage.

PAGE 66 PAGE 69 12 Randomly determine a column and location twice on the appropriate aerospace unit Hit Location Table, AEROSPACE MOVEMENT/AEROSPACE COMBAT
and apply both critical damages.
(ADVANCED ORBITAL FLIGHT *If an effect occurs, cargo is damaged as well (if there is cargo;Transport Bays are considered cargo in this instance). Roll 1D6, adding the final die roll result from the roll on the Failed
VECTORS) Preflight Check ListTable to determine the number of tons damaged; use the Cargo rules on page 239 of Total Warfare to determine the final outcome of that damage.
1D6 Effect
1 Turn 2 hexsides left
2 Turn 1 hexside left Kilometers
Flight Time Distance Flight Times (by Altitude)*
Increase vector 1,500 15 minutes in Kilometers
3 corresponding to 2,000 18 minutes Ground Row Atmospheric Row 1
2,500 20 minutes 14.3 minutes
current facing by 1 5,000 30 minutes 500 18.9 minutes 23.5 minutes
10,000 50 minutes 42.0 minutes
Increase vector 20,000 90 minutes 1,000 32.8 minutes 1.6 hours
4 corresponding to 30,000 120 minutes 3.2 hours
40,000 140 minutes 2,000 60.6 minutes 6.3 hours
current facing by 2 9.3 hours
5,000 2.4 hours 12.4 hours
5 Turn 1 hexside right
10,000 4.7 hours
6 Turn 2 hexsides right
20,000 9.3 hours

30,000 14 hours

40,000 18.6 hours

PAGE 88 * Takeoff and Landing are a military profile of 5 minutes.


Calculations made without navigation computer* +2
Aerospace unit is moving predictably +1 (ALL DAMAGE IN CAPITAL SCALE) ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS
Aerospace unit is moving out-of-control +3
Destination is nadir or zenith point +0 Unit Tonnage Damage* Atmospheric Pressure Modifier
Destination is non-standard point* +4
Destination is transient point** +4 Zero to 500 tons 8 + 1D6 Vacuum No Damage
Origin point is at nadir or zenith 0 Trace Multiply Damage by .5
Origin is non-standard (Lagrange) point +2 501 to 5,000 tons 14 + 2D6 Thin Multiply Damage by .75
Origin is transient point +2 Standard
*Non-standard points cannot be calculated if a navigation computer is unavailable. 5,001 to 10,000 tons 18 + 3D6 High No Modifier
**Transient points require detailed charts of the destination system. Very High No Modifier
10,001 to 20,000 tons 24 + 4D6 Water Take Off Multiply Damage by 1.25
Multiply Damage by 1.25
20,001 to 35,000 tons 30 + 5D6

*Add 1D6 damage if the unit is conducting a vertical landing.


With computer: (2D6 – MoS) x 10 minutes
Without computer: (2D6 – MoS) hours 2D6 Roll Nose Aft Side
2 Nose/Life Support Aft/Fuel Nose/Avionics
Target is non-standard jump point 3 Aft/Avionics Front Side/Sensors
With computer: (2D6 – MoS) x 30 minutes 4 Nose/Control Aft-Right/Weapon Front Side/Front Side Weapon
Without computer: Impossible 5 Fore-Right/Weapon Aft-Right/Thruster Front Side/Docking Collar
6 Fore-Right/Thruster Aft/Engine Front Side/K-F Drive
Other 7 Aft/Weapon Aft-Side/Broadside Weapon
Unit is moving: Base time x 1.1 8 Nose/CIC Aft/Engine Aft-Side/Grav Deck
9 Nose/Weapon Aft-Left/Thruster Aft-Side/Door
10 Nose/Sensors Aft-Left/Weapon Aft-Side/Aft-Side Weapon
11 Fore-Left/Thruster Aft/Control
12 Fore-Left/Weapon Aft/K-F Drive Aft/Cargo
Nose/K-F Drive

PAGE 442 PAGE 115 PAGE 96


Long Extreme Base To-Hit Number: 6 + (target Piloting Skill – attacker Piloting Skill)

Type Heat Short Range Medium Range Range Range
Direct-Fire Ballistic Weapons

Light Mass Driver 30/60 1–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 Attacker existing damage:

Medium Mass Driver 60/100 1-9 10-18 19-27 28-36 Sensor damage +1

Heavy Mass Driver 90/140 1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 Avionics damage +1 per box

NAC/10 30 1-11 12-22 23-33 34-44 Target is (in space):
Fighter or Small Craft

NAC/20 60 1-11 12-21 22-31 32-42 DropShip +2
11-20 21-30 31-40
NAC/25 85 1-10 10-18 19-27 28-36 JumpShip +0
8-14 15-21 22-28 WarShip +1
NAC/30 100 1-9 7-12 13-18 19-24
15-28 29-40 41-56
NAC/35 120 1-7 14-26 27-39 40-52 Space Station –1
13-24 25-36 37-48
NAC/40 135 1-6 8-14 15-21 22-28 Satellite –2
7-12 13-18 19-24
Light N-Gauss 9 1-14 6-10 11-15 16-20 Cannot spend thrust –2
Evading Variable**
Medium N-Gauss 15 1-13

Heavy N-Gauss 18 1-12 Target is (in atmosphere):

Light SC-Cannon 12 1-7 Grounded DropShip hex –2††
Building hex –2††

Medium SC-Cannon 30 1-6 Grounded fighter or Small Craft +4††

Heavy SC-Cannon 42 1-5 Ground Unit‡ +4

Direct-Fire Energy Weapons Large Support Vehicle +2
Large Naval Vesses Support Vehicle Variable‡‡

NL45 70 1-12 13-24 25-36 47-48 Small or Medium Airships§ –1

NL55 85 1-13 14-26 27-39 40-52 Large Airships§ –2

Light NPPC 105 1-11 12-22 23-33 34-44 Mobile Structures Variable§§
Airborne Air Mobile Structure +0

Medium NPPC 135 1-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 Infantry Not Possible§§§

Heavy NPPC 225 1-13 14-26 27-36 40-52 Attacker is:
Fighter or Small Craft
SCL1 24 1-9 10-18 19-27 28-36 –2

SCL2 28 1-8 9-14 15-19 20-24 DropShip –1

SCL3 32 1-7 8-13 14-18 19-22 WarShip +1

Missile Weapons In atmosphere +2

Killer Whale 20 1-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 *Fighter squadrons may not make (or be the target of) ramming attacks
**See p. 77, TW.
White Shark 15 1-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 †If the attack misses, make a Control Roll with +4 modifier, –1 per level above 1 (Max of 0). If the Control

Barracuda† 10 1-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Roll fails, the attacker crashes into the ground in the hex behind the target. (Control Roll does not apply
if the target was airborne.)
AR10* ** * ** ††Target’s Piloting Skill Rating is considered equal to attacker.
‡Includes ’Mechs, ProtoMechs, Combat Vehicles, Support Vehicles.
Sub-Capital ‡‡Apply the following modifier based upon template size: Type A = +1; Type B = +0 Type C = –1, Type D
= –2; Type E = –3.
Manta Ray 21 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 §Grounded or airborne.
§§Start with a +0 modifier, then apply a cumulative –2 modifier for every 10 hexes of size, or fractions
Swordfish 15 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 there of, above 10; i.e. a 31 hex Mobile Structure would apply a –6 modifier.
§§§Hexes containing infantry can be targeted; apply the standard –4 to-hit modifier and treat as a standard
Stingray 12 1-6 7-12 13-18 19-24 crash (see Avoiding or Taking Damage, p. 82, TW) for effects on infantry in the hex.

Piranha 9 1-9 10-18 19-27 28-36


Kraken-T 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A PAGE 63


White Shark-T 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Barracuda-T 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A Initiative = Controll Roll MoS/MoF + Class Modifier

Equipment Class Modifiers
Fighter +3*
Screen Launcher 10 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 Small Craft +0
DropShip +0
*Per missile type †If using weapon-specific ranges, Barracuda missiles do not gain a to-hit bonus. ‡Tele-operated missile (see p. 251, TW) Support Vehicle (aircraft) –1
WarShip –3
PAGE 100 Airship –4
JumpShip –5
Ground Unit in Zero-G Ops –6
Weapon Bay Damage Value Reduction* To-Hit Minimum Number of Weapons in Firing Bay Satellite –7
80% Modifier 2
60% 3
40% –1 4
*Round all fractions down –3

PAGE 116 *Including squadrons
Dropping Troops: Even when using Advanced Initiative, dropping troops (see p. 22) always move after
all other aerospace units have moved (including ground units in zero-g operations). The exception are
ejected pilots/lifeboats/escape pods (see p. 26), which always move last after all other aerospace units
have moved, including drooping troops.

1D6 Roll Result

1-3 All units apply standard damage

4 JumpShips and Space Stations apply over-penetration rules*

5 JumpShips, Space Stations and DropShips apply over-penetration rules*

6 WarShips with an SI 30 or less and any JumpShips, Space Stations or DropShips apply
over-penetration rules*

*All other units apply standard damage.

PAGE 217 PAGE 443

Movement Action/Terrain Type MOVEMENT COSTS TABLE Prohibited Elements
Cost to Enter Any Hex
Terrain Cost When Entering Any New Hex MP Cost Per Hex PAGE 217
Paved/Bridge +05 Naval vessel MODE TABLE
Rough +0 Naval vessel

Light Woods +03 Naval vessel Movement BR Movement
Mode Code
Heavy Woods +1 Wheeled, Naval vessel
Water Hover h
+17 Wheeled13, hover, VTOL9 Naval n
Depth 0 WiGE9, Naval vessel Submersible s
Depth 1 Tracked t
Depth 2+ +28 Vehicles9, Naval vessel VTOL v
Wheeled w (b/m)**†
+0 Naval vessel WiGE g

+11* Infantry11, vehicles4,6

+31* Infantry11, vehicles4,6, IndustrialMechs

Level Change (up or down) **Vehicles and mechanized conventional infantry
†Bicycle or Monocycle Chassis and Controls modification
1 level +1 (’Mechs, VTOLs, submarines, ProtoMechs) —

+2 (infantry, ground vehicles)

2 levels +2 (’Mechs, VTOLs, submarines) Infantry, ground vehicles PAGE 232
WiGE10, ProtoMechs
3+ levels +1/level (VTOLs, submarines) ’Mechs, ProtoMechs, infantry, ground vehicles, WiGE10

Rubble +1 Wheeled, Naval vessel Element Weight Multiply MP by
Light .25
Light building +12 VTOL, WiGE, Naval vessel .50 BAT TLEFORCE: STANDARD RULES
Medium .75
Medium building +22 VTOL, WiGE, Naval vessel Heavy 1
Heavy building +32 VTOL, WiGE, Naval vessel

Hardened building +42 VTOL, WiGE, Naval vessel

Additional Movement Actions

Facing change Free12

1MP cost to move along the bottom of the water hex 2Infantry pays only 1 MP to enter any building hex. 3If traveling along road; otherwise cost of underlying terrain. 4Hovercraft may enter all water hexes PAGE 226
along the surface.
5If a wheeled Support Vehicle lacks the Off-Road Vehicle Chassis and Controls Modification, then movement costs 1 additional MP per hex.
6Wheeled or tracked Support Vehicles with the Amphibious Chassis and Controls Modification can move through any water hex on the surface at a cost of 2 MP. 7Infantry pays only 1 MP to enter any Light Woods STANDARD RANGES

hex. Distance Range
8Infantry pays only 2 MP to enter any Heavy Woods hex. 9VTOL and WiGE vehicles can enter a woods hex provided their elevation is higher than the level of the woods in the hex.
10This only applies to WiGE Units entering a hex whose level is higher than the Unit’s current hex; see Wing-In-Ground-Effect, p. 218, for rules governing entering hexes whose level is lower than the Unit’s current 0-1 hexes Short
2-4 hexes Medium
hex. 5-8 hexes
11Infantry can enter a water hex of Depth 1 or deeper if they are noted as having UMU MP. 12Airborne aerospace Elements must pay for facing changes (see Facing and Heading, p. 221). Long
13Wheeled Elements with the Bicycle or Monocycle movement modes may enter light woods as if they were a tracked Element. * Plus cost to change levels if applicable

PAGE 219 PAGE 221



Powered Conventional Aerospace Aerodyne Distance Range
Turn Fighter Fighter* DropShip/
Movement Mode BF Movement Code Move As Velocity Small Craft† 0 hexes Short
Foot f
Ground Element 11333 1-2 hexes Medium
Jump j 3-4 hexes Long
Ground Element 21455
Mechanized with Jumping
Hover ability 31578
Tracked 4 1 7 9 11
Wheeled 5 1 8 11 13 AIR-TO-AIR RANGES
6 1 9 13 16
Motorized h Hover Element 7 1 11 15 19 Distance Range
8 2 12 17 21
t Tracked Element 9 2 13 19 27 0-32 hexes Short
10 2 15 21 27 33-64 hexes Medium
w Wheeled 11 2 16 23 29 65-107 hexes
Element 12 3 17 25 32 108-133 hexes Long
*Small and Medium Fixed-Wing Support Elements use this column. Large Fixed-Wing Support Elements use the Extreme
m Ground Element Aerodyne DropShip/Small Craft column. †Includes Airship Support Elements.



Distance Range

Type Height* 0-2 hexes Short
3-4 hexes Medium
’Mechs 2 levels 5-6 hexes
7-8 hexes Long
ProtoMechs, Vehicles, 1 level PAGE 224 Extreme
Infantry and Fighters

Submarines 1 depth

Large Support Vehicles 2 levels Current Velocity Thrust Point Cost SPACE RANGES (CAPITAL WEAPONS)
and Small Craft 0-2 1
3-5 2
Aerodyne DropShips 5 levels 6-7 3 Distance Range
8-9 4
Spheroid DropShips 10 levels 10 5 0-4 hexes Short
11 6 5-8 hexes Medium
*A Unit’s height levels (or elevations, if airborne) must be included in the level of the 12+ 9-13 hexes
underlying hex when determining a Unit’s total height; the height of aerospace +1 per point of velocity 14-17 hexes Long
Units for LOS purposes is irrelevant while airborne. Extreme


2D6 Roll ’Mech* ProtoMech Vehicle Aerospace† DropShip‡
Fuel Hit KF Boom Hit
2 Ammo Hit Weapon Hit Ammo Hit Fire Control Hit Docking Collar Hit
Engine Hit No Critical Hit
3 Engine Hit Weapon Hit Crew Stunned Weapon Hit Fire Control Hit
No Critical Hit Weapon Hit
4 Fire Control Hit Fire Control Hit FCS Hit No Critical Hit Thruster Hit
5 No Critical Hit MP Hit FCS Hit No Critical Hit Weapon Hit
Weapon Hit
6 Weapon Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit Engine Hit Door Hit
Fire Control hit No Critical Hit
7 MP Hit MP Hit No Critical Hit Crew Killed
Engine Hit
8 Weapon Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit Crew Hit
9 No Critical Hit MP Hit Weapon Hit

10 Fire Control Hit Proto Destroyed Weapon Hit

11 Engine Hit Weapon Hit Crew Killed

12 Head Blown Off Weapon Hit Engine Hit

*Roll 2D6 twice for IndustrialMechs. Apply both Critical Hits. †Includes Fixed-Wing Support Elements, Airships and Conventional Fighters ‡Includes Small Craft

PAGE 227 PAGE 232


Range +0 Attacker +14 1-4 Result
Short +2 Attacking Indirectly +25 5-6
Medium +4 Fire Control Hit –26 No Effect
Long +64 Flak Special Ability (see p. 349) +17 Roll for Motive Systems Effect (below)
Extreme IndustrialMech +113
TARGET MOVEMENT MODIFIER1 Support Element +214 2D6 Roll
Is Grounded Aerospace Element +2 2-7 Result
Target’s Available MP Modifier Striking +4 8-9
Strafing +3 No Effect
0-2 +0 Altitude Bombing +2 10-11 –1 MV; The Element’s MV is reduced by 1 for the remainder
Dive Bombing +19 12
3-4 +1 Spotting for Indirect Fire of the game
+Heat Level –1/2 MV; Multiply the Element’s MV
5-6 +2 Overheated [1-3]
by 0.5 and round down
7-9 +3 The Element is immobilized

10-17 +4

Terrain +13 Target Element Type +1/+2/+010 Wheeled +2
Depth 1 Water +1 Airborne Element Hit from the rear +1
Light Woods +2 +1 Hovercraft/Hydrofoil +3
Heavy Woods Battle Armor +1 +4
Jump Capable –1 VTOL/WiGE
Large Support Element +1 *Applies to Effects of Motive Systems Damage only. All modifiers are cumulative.
ProtoMech *15 PAGE 282
Grounded Small Craft
Physical Attack Type +2
+3 Type Height*
Charge +1
Death From Above +0 ’Mechs 2 levels
Melee Physical Attack –2
Standard Physical Attack TARGET MODIFIER ProtoMechs, Vehicles, Infantry and Fighters 1 level
Target is Grounded DropShip Target
Has Stealth Armor Modifier Large Support Vehicles and Small Craft 2 levels
Is Shutdown/Immobile Varies11
Very Large Support Elements 3 levels
1Modifier is based upon available MP modified by heat level and criti- Super Large Support Elements 4 levels
cal hits if applicable. MP expended are irrelevant. Does not apply
to aerospace Elements. Aerodyne DropShips 5 levels

2Applies when target occupies a hex with the indicated terrain type. 11Battle armor targets: Add +1 at short and medium ranges. Add +2 Spheroid DropShips 10 levels
3Does not apply if attacker is submerged. at long range. All others: +0 at short range, +1 at medium range
4Only aerospace Elements use Extreme range in the standard rules. and +2 at long range. Mobile Structures Varies**
5May apply multiple times. Does not apply to physical attacks
6Applies for ground-to-air attacks against airborne aerospace, VTOL 12Includes bridges, buildings, grounded DropShips, hexes and woods. *A Unit’s height levels (or elevations, if airborne) must be included in the level of the underlying hex when determin-
Shutdown Elements do not get a target movement modifier. ing a Unit’s total height; the height of aerospace Units for LOS purposes is irrelevant while airborne.
and WiGE targets only. Grounded DropShips do not get an angle of attack modifier.
7Disregard if the IndustrialMech has the Advanced Fire Control special **Refer to the Mobile Structure’s Total Warfare statistics for its height.
13Applies to all attacks after the first. DropShips ignore this modifier.
ability (see p. 345). 14Aerospace Elements that are not DropShips add a +2 to-hit modi- PAGE 220
8If Support Element has basic fire control, replace with +1 modifier. fier when on the ground.
15Grounded aerospace fighters, conventional fighters, size class 1 AEROSPACE MOVEMENT TABLE
If Support Element has advanced fire control, replace with +0
modifier. & 2 fixed-wing support elements, and size class 1 & 2 airships Movement Mode BR Movement Code
9If the spotter is also making an attack, apply this modifier to the do not get an angle of attack modifier, but instead get a target Aerodyne a
spotter’s attack, and the indirect attack (see Indirect Fire Attacks, movement modifier as if they had a MV equal to 1/2 their TP Airship i
p. 225). (rounded down). Spheroid p
10Applies to all aerospace Elements that are airborne or in space. 16Grounded Small Craft do not get an angle of attack modifier.
Apply an angle of attack modifier as follows: Attacks against the
Nose(+1), Sides (+2), or Aft (+0).

PAGE 264 PAGE 275 PAGE 445


Points Battlefield Intelligence Rating Maneuver Min/Max TP Effect
Item Loop Velocity Cost
2 3 The Element spends its first 4 points of Velocity in the loop,
1 Each ground Element with the Recon special ability Min 4 though the actual velocity remains unchanged. It ends in the
2 Each non-DropShip aerospace Unit 3 same hex where it started the move, then spends the remainder
2 Each non-DropShip aerospace Unit with the Recon special ability Immelmann Min 3 2 of its Velocity normally.
5 Each DropShip Split-S Any Velocity +3
1 Each Satellite Element with the Recon special ability Hammerhead Any 1 The Element gains one altitude and ends the maneuver facing
Each point of MHQ special ability Barrel roll Min 2 1 any hexside. Velocity drops by 2. The remainder is spent
Sideslip Any normally.
PAGE 265 Velocity +2
The Element loses one altitude and ends the maneuver facing
STANDARD COMMAND POINTS TABLE any hexside. Velocity increases by 1.

Typical Formation Points Available Points Available With HQ VIFF Any* The Element remains in its starting hex, but changes facing 180
Inner Sphere/Periphery Company Without HQ 11 * VSTOL Unit only degrees.
Inner Sphere/Periphery Battalion 4 22
Inner Sphere/Periphery Regiment 15 58 The Element rolls 360 degrees, ending with the same facing.
Clan Trinary 51 11 Velocity drops by 1.
Clan Cluster 4 20
Clan Galaxy 13 47 Instead of moving into the hex directly ahead, the Element
ComStar/WoB Level II 40 8 moves 1 hex to the front-left or front-right without changing
ComStar/WoB Level III 1 15 facing.
ComStar/WoB Level IV 8 56
49 Successfully using this Vector in Forward Flight maneuver, a
VSTOL Element halts its forward momentum and gains one

PAGE 286 PAGE 268



Each successive shot at the same target hex* –1 Action Modifier
Friendly Element acting as spotter –1 Reveal a Command –0
Spotter has LPRB, PRB or BH –2 Reveal a Request –3
PAGE 287 Spotter has Recon† –1 Eliminate a
Command –4
ARTILLERY RANGE AND DAMAGE TABLE *Applies only if a spotter has LOS to the target hex in the turn in which the attack is resolved.
†Do not apply this modifier if the spotter has LPRB, PRB or BH. Eliminate a Request –6

Artillery Type Range in Range in BF Damage PAGE 290 Reveal a Command –4
Arrow IV (IS) BF Maps BF Hexes 3(2) Unit
Thumper 3 45 3 Reveal Tier of
Sniper 3 51 3 Percentage of Crew Casualties Crew Hits Command
Long Tom 7 119 5/1 5–25 1
Cruise Missile/50 6 102 8 26–50 2 Change a
Cruise Missile/70 10 170 11/2 51–75 3 Command
Cruise Missile/90 17 283 16/6 76+ 4
Cruise Missile/120 30 510 22/14 Initiate Forced
Thumper Cannon 40 680 1 Withdrawal
Sniper Cannon 50 850 1
Long Tom Cannon — 5 3 PAGE 264 PAGE 274
— 4


ARTILLERY FLIGHT TIME TABLE Special Ability Modifier Altitude Maximum Velocity
MHQ3 +1 Ground Hex 2
CRUISE MISSILES MHQ3 + 4 or More Elements with Recon +2 Row 1 3
MHQ7 +2 Row 2 6
MHQ7 + 4 or More Elements with Recon +4 Row 3 9
Row 4 12
Range Resolve the Attack in … turns Battlefield Modifier Modifier Interface 15
In BattleForce mapsheets Objective Occupied +1*
In BattleForce hexes 1 + (range in mapsheets/1.67) rounded down Objective Captured +2*
Opponent’s Tier Four Command Unit Destroyed +2*
1 + (range in hexes/28.34) Opponent’s Tier Three Command Unit Destroyed +1*
rounded down


BF Maps BF Hexes Resolve the Attack Leadership Modifiers Modifier CONVENTIONAL
1 1–17 Immediately Field Commander +Tier† MINEFIELD
18–45 1 turn later TABLE
2–3 46–85 2 turns later
4–5 3 turns later Force Status Modifiers Penalty Density Target Number
6–7 86–119 4 turns later 5 5+
8–9 120–147 5 turns later ≥ 50% of Forces Broken –1 4 6+
10 148–170 3 7+
≥ 50% of Forces Routed –2 2 8+
1 9+
≥ 50% of Forces Destroyed –3

Force Has No Elements With Recon –1

Headquarters Occupied –2‡
Headquarters Captured –4‡

*Applies to the following turn only.
†Unit must have at least one functional Element. Points are awarded for the highest tier of

command only.
‡Applies to the Headquarters Counter only, not Mobile Headquarters (MHQ).


Range +2 Attacker Modifier Target Modifier
Short +4 Capital Weapon vs. Small Target +528 Evading (Ground)
Medium +6 Surface-to-Surface Fire +1
Long (Capital Artillery Attack) +9 Wet Behind the Ears +1
Extreme Sub-Capital Weapon vs. Small Target Really Green +1
Evasive Maneuvers (Aerospace) +328 Green +2
TARGET MOVEMENT MODIFIER1 Fire Control Hit +218 Regular +3
Flak Special Ability +25 Veteran +3
Target’s Available MP Modifier Firing Through Atmosphere –26 Elite +4
0–2 +0 In Freefall +216 Heroic +4
3–4 +1 Direct-Fire Artillery +217 Legendary
5–6 +2 Indirect-Fire Artillery +4 Evasive Maneuvers (Aerospace) +3
7–9 +3 IndustrialMech +7 Fighter +2
+4 Drone +17 Fighter Squadron +3
10–17 +5 Ground Element in Zero-G +1 Small Craft +2
18+ Landed This Turn +4 DropShip +1
Landing on the Hull (Enemy) +327 DropShip Squadron +1
TERRAIN MODIFIERS2 Landing on the Hull (Friendly) +5 WarShip +114
Making Anti-’Mech attack +3 Has Point Defense Special Ability Varies24
BAT TLEFORCE: ADVANCED RULES Terrain Modifier Overheated +4 Has Mimetic Armor Varies12
Depth 1 Water +13 Spotting for Indirect Fire +Heat Level [1–4] Has Stealth Armor +5/+320
Heavy Industrial Zone +1 Support Element +19 Fighter or Fighter Squadron +221
Jungle, Light +1 Has LPRB, PRB or BH +28 Landing on Hull –413
Jungle, Heavy +2 Affected by EMP Mine –125 Shutdown/Immobile
Jungle, Ultra-Heavy +3 Is Grounded DropShip +2
Woods, Light +1 –2 1Modifier is based on available MP modified by heat level and critical hits if applicable. MP
Woods, Heavy +2 expended are irrelevant. Does not apply to aerospace Elements.
2Applies when target occupies a hex with the indicated terrain type.
ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFIERS Type Modifier 3Does not apply if attacker is submerged.
Altitude Bombing +3 4If the spotting Element makes a weapon attack in the same turn as it spots, apply this modifier
Type Modifier Artillery (Direct-Fire) +422
Blizzard +2 Artillery (Indirect-Fire) +729 to the indirect attack(s) as well.
Blowing Sand +2 Artillery (Homing) 5May apply multiple times. Does not apply to physical attacks.
Dusk/Dawn +1 Attacking Indirectly Special19 6Applies for ground-to-air attacks against airborne aerospace, VTOL and WiGE targets only.
Space/Atmosphere Interface +223 Dive Bombing (including VTOLS) +14 7Disregard if the IndustrialMech has the Advanced Fire Control (AFC) special ability (see p. 345).
Fog +1 Grappling +2 8If Support Element has basic fire control, replace with +1 modifier. If Support Element has
Geyser +2 Strafing (including VTOLS) +0
Moonless Night +315 Striking +2 advanced fire control, replace with +0 modifier.
Night +215 TAG +2 9Not cumulative with the modifier for attacking indirectly.
Pitch Black +415 +0 10Applies to all aerospace Elements that are airborne or in space. Apply an angle of attack modi-
Rainfall, Torrential +2
Rainfall, Light, Moderate, Heavy +1 TARGET TYPE MODIFIERS fier as follows: Attacks against the Nose(+1), Sides (+2), or Aft (+0).
Smoke, Light +1 11Also considered immobile, but do not apply an additional -4 for this. Apply an additional –2
Smoke, Heavy +2 Target Element Type Modifier
Snowfall, Sleet +126 Aerospace Element +1/+2/+010 for physical attacks.
Winds, Storm +2 Airborne VTOL or WiGE 12Battle armor targets: Add +1 at short and medium ranges. Add +2 at long range. All others: +0
Winds, Strong Gale +1 Battle Armor +1
Grounded DropShip +1 at short range, +1 at medium range and +2 at long range.
PHYSICAL ATTACKS MODIFIERS Jump Capable –411 13Includes buildings, grounded DropShips, hexes and woods. Shutdown Elements do not get a
Dropping from High Altitude +1
Type Modifier ProtoMech +4 target movement modifier. Grounded DropShips do not get an angle of attack modifier.
Charge +2 Grounded Small Craft +1 14+1 per Point Defense System to a maximum of +4 against capital missiles only.
Death From Above +3 Grounded Aerospace Element –130 15For Elements without the Searchlight (SRCH) special ability (see p. 352). Also applies if the
Melee Physical Attack +1 Large Support Element *31
Standard Physical Attack +0 Very Large Support Element –1 attacker or target are in Depth 10 water or deeper.
Super Large Support Element –2 16Per hex, thus an orbit-to-surface attack adds +8. Sub-Capital weapons add an additional +2
Mobile Structure –3
–4 (once, not per hex).
17Include the +3 modifier for jumping in addition to this modifier.
18Only DropShips and WarShips may make attacks when engaged in evasive maneuvers.
19Hits on a 2D6 roll of 4+ if TAG roll is successful.
20Applies when attacker is using capital-scale/sub-capital scale weapons.
21Target gets half (round down) of its normal MV for its target movement modifier. Roll 1D6 for

every attack. On a result of 1, the attack strikes the Hull Element instead.
22Do not include modifiers for terrain, target movement or Immobile targets on this type of

23Applies to all shots into, out of or through the space/atmosphere interface, except for orbit-

to-surface attack.
24See Mimetic Armor System (MAS) special ability, p. 350.
25Only applies if the target is within the probe’s range.
26Automatically imposes the environmental condition Cold.
27Applies only to Elements landing on the battlefield using the Dropping Troops rules (see p.

28Applies to a capital weapon attack (+5) or sub-capital weapon attack (+3) against aerospace

fighters, aerospace fighter squadrons, Small Craft or Satellites.
29Do not apply any other modifiers from this table, but do apply modifiers from the Artillery

Modifiers Table, p. 286.
30Grounded Small Craft do not get an angle of attack modifier.
31Grounded aerospace fighters, conventional fighters, size class 1 & 2 fixed-wing support ele-

ments, and size class 1 & 2 airships do not get an angle of attack modifier, but instead get a
target movement modifier as if they had a MV equal to 1/2 their TP (rounded down).

PAGE 310 PAGE 447



Command Name PH PV MP Attacks Effects
Alpha Strike!
Ambush C 2 — — Add +1 to the Overheat Value of entire Unit Weapon To-Hit Damage
Bait and Switch Modifier Modifier
Bingo Fuel
Bravo Zulu C 3 — — Interrupt opponent’s movement phase and attack Autocannon
Careful Aim
Carpe Diem C 2 –2 –1 Attacks against Unit suffer +1 to-hit modifier Armor-Piercing +1 +0
Charlie Foxtrot
Command Disruption M 3 — — Opposing aerospace Unit leaves play Flak –2 +0
Dead to Rights
Defector C 3 — +2 Add +2 to the Overheat Value for entire Unit Flechette Ammo +0 +0
Double-Time March
Evasive Action C 2 None –1 Unit may not jump, but gains –1 to-hit modifier Precision Ammo ‡ +0
Fall Back!
Final Glory E 3 — — Force gets a +2 initiative modifier next turn Tracer Ammo § +0
Hello, HQ?
Hold the Line I-Narc
Jam Transmission
Jury-Rig C 1 — — Element does +1 damage in physical attacks ECM +0 +0
Luck of the Fox
No Joy A 4 — — Interrupts all opposing commands Explosive +0 +0
Rally to the Flag
Retreat C 2 — –3 One Element gets –3 to-hit modifier Haywire +0 +0
Social General A 4 — — Opposing Unit changes sides Short Range Missiles
Stand and Shoot
M 1 +1 +1 1 additional MP, with a +1 to-hit modifier Heat Seeking (HS) –2* +0

M 2 — None All attacks against Unit at +2 to-hit modifier Infernos +0 ††

M 2 +2 +2 All subordinate Units may not move closer to enemy Magnetic Pulse (MP) +0 +0

Mine Clearance +0 +0

C 2 — — Eliminates one opposing Element; Unit is easier to hit Smoke +0 +0

A 3 None — Target Unit can’t move, Elements at 1/2 move for to-hit Tandem Charge (TC) +0 +0

C 2 None –1 Unit gets a –1 to-hit modifier and make Morale check Long Range Missiles

A 2 — — Cancel opposing Unit’s command Follow the Leader (FTL) +2 +1

A 1 — — Target Element suffers 1 point of damage Heat Seeking (HS) –2* +0

A 3 — — Unit may re-roll any one roll, or Force opponent to re-roll Magnetic Pulse (MP) +0 +0


C 2 — — Opposing Unit cannot attack Semi-Guided † +0

E 1 — — Unit automatically makes Morale check Smoke +0 +0

M 2 Double None All subordinate Units move double Swarm/I-Swarm +0 +0

C 2 — — One Element makes special charge attack Thunder +0 +0

C 3 — Varies Unit is easier to hit in exchange for attack bonus *Target must be at 2 or higher on the heat scale
†If the target is successfully hit by a TAG attack in the current turn, all attacks using Semi-Guided
C 4 None –2 Unit can’t move, but gets a –2 to-hit modifier
mUnitions ignore the target’s movement modifier.
‡Reduce target movement modifier by 2 to a minimum of zero.
§Eliminate any dusk/dawn to-hit modifiers and reduce night modifiers by 1
††Convert SRM damage to Heat damage, to a max of HT2. Damage in excess of 2 points is lost.

PAGE 296 PAGE 296


Unit Experience BattleMechs* Combat Vehicles† Infantry** Support Vehicles‡ All Elements/Unit Situation Modifier
Really Green 5 7 10 11
Green 3 5 8 9 Element with the Leader –Tier of
Regular 1 3 5 6 special ability within 6 hexes Command
Veteran — 1 3 4
Elite — — 1 1 Infantry Only Modifier
Legendary — — — —
Heroic — — — — Situation –1
Friendly non-’Mech, non-infantry Unit within
Element Experience BattleMechs* Combat Vehicles† Infantry** Support Vehicles‡ LOS –2
Really Green 6 8 11 12 Friendly ’Mech in LOS +1
Green 4 6 9 10 Routed infantry Element/Unit within LOS +2
Regular 2 4 6 7 Routed non-infantry Element/Unit within LOS
Veteran — 2 4 5
Elite — — 2 2 PAGE 325
Legendary — — — —

Bay Type Abbreviation Vehicle Weight Classes Allowed
Heavy M 1 and 2

Super-Heavy H 1, 2, 3, 4 and Support or Transport
Vehicles up to 100 tons in mass

Infantry Only†† Modifiers Units Only Modifiers Situation Modifiers 1, 2, 3, 4 and any Support or
’Mech Attack +1 Broken Morale +1 +1/+3§ S Transport Vehicle up to 200 tons
Artillery Attack +2 Inferno Attack
Cruise Missile +2 in mass
Broken Morale +1 Orbit-to-Surface
+4 PAGE 282
In Building Hex –2 Attack

Type Height*

*Includes OmniMechs, aerospace fighters and ProtoMechs. ’Mechs 2 levels
**Includes battle armor. ProtoMechs, Vehicles, Infantry and Fighters 1 level
†Includes conventional fighters, Small Craft, DropShips and WarShips. Large Support Vehicles and Small Craft 2 levels
††Apply each modifier only once. Very Large Support Elements 3 levels
‡Includes Military Support Vehicles, JumpShips and Space Stations. Super Large Support Elements 4 levels
§All other Element types / infantry Elements Aerodyne DropShips 5 levels
Spheroid DropShips 10 levels
Mobile Structures Varies**

*A Unit’s height levels (or elevations, if airborne) must be included in the level of the underlying
hex when determining a Unit’s total height; the height of aerospace Units for LOS purposes
is irrelevant while airborne.

**Refer to the Mobile Structure’s Total Warfare statistics for its height.

PAGE 448 PAGE 285


2D6 Roll ’Mech* ProtoMech Vehicle†† Aerospace† DropShips‡ JumpShips**

2 Ammo Hit Weapon Hit Ammo Hit Fuel Hit KF Boom Hit Door Hit

3 Engine Hit Weapon Hit Crew Stunned FCS Hit Collar Hit Dock Hit

4 FCS Hit FCS Hit FCS Hit Engine Hit No Critical Hit FCS Hit

5 No Critical Hit MP Hit FCS Hit Weapon Hit FCS Hit No Critical Hit

6 Weapon Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit Weapon Hit Weapon Hit

7 MP Hit MP Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit Thruster Hit Weapon Hit

8 Weapon Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit Weapon Hit Thruster Hit

9 No Critical Hit MP Hit Weapon Hit Weapon Hit Door Hit No Critical Hit

10 FCS Hit Proto Destroyed Weapon Hit Engine Hit No Critical Hit K-F Drive Hit

11 Engine Hit Weapon Hit Crew Killed FCS Hit Engine Hit Engine Hit

12 Head Blown Off Weapon Hit Engine Hit Crew Killed Crew Hit Crew Hit

*Roll 2D6 twice for IndustrialMechs. Apply both critical hits. **Includes Warships, Satellites and Space Stations. †Includes Fixed-Wing Support Elements, Airships and conventional fighters. †† Includes non-aerospace Large, Very Large and Super Large Support Elements, and
Mobile Structures. ‡Includes Satellites and Small Craft.

PAGE 319


Water Clear* Paved† Rough‡ Jungle Woods Building Industrial Magma
— 11/11 — 12/12 7/10 6/9 9/10 4/6 4/6


BAT TLEFORCE: ADVANCED RULES Environmental Condition†† Modifier Weapon Type Modifier
Indirect Fire +1
Deep Snow +3 Heat‡‡ –2
Geyser +3 Inferno
Ice +4 Automatic§
Mud +5
Rapids N/A§ Fire Spreading Modifier
Swamp +5 Directly Downwind +1
Blizzard +2 Obliquely Downwind +3
Rainfall, Torrential +2 Crossing Non-Flammable Hex
Rainfall, Light, Moderate, Heavy +1 +3 (per hex)
Snowfall, Sleet +2
Winds, Moderate +1 *Includes Tundra. Fires in these hexes burn for 1D6 turns and then go out.
Winds, Storm +2 †Includes Road, Bridge, Rail, and Sand. These hexes are non-flammable.
Winds, Strong Gale +4 ††All modifiers are cumulative.
Tornado No Fire§§ ‡Includes Rubble
‡‡Attacks with the Heat special ability may set intentional fires to clear and rough hexes on a result of 9 or 10, respectively.

Accidental fires may be started on a 10 and 11 respectively.
§Infernos automatically start fires, except in rapids. Fires may only burn on the surface of a water hex.
§§Infernos burn out after 1turn.

PAGE 311 PAGE 323


Building Type Additional MP Construction Damage Damage Terrain Factor New Terrain
Per Hex* Factor (CF) Absorbed Absorbed
(Infantry) (Non-Infantry)

Light +1 5 2 1 Clear/Rough: 200 Sub-Level 1

Medium +2 12 4 2 Deep Snow: 9 Light Snow

Heavy +3 27 6 3 Dirt Road: 6 Rough*

Hardened +4 36 8 4 Gravel Piles: 30 Rough

*Infantry (including battle armor) and ProtoMechs only pay 1 MP to enter building hexes, regardless of the building type. Gravel Road: 15 Rough*

Ice: 12 †

PAGE 312 Jungle, Heavy: 32 Light Jungle

COLLAPSE DAMAGE TABLE Jungle, Light: 20 Rough

Building Type Damage* Jungle, Ultra-Heavy: 45 Heavy Jungle
Light 1
2 Light Snow: 5 Mud
Medium 3
Heavy 4 Magma Crust: 9 Magma Liquid
*Per 4 full levels of building. Paved Hex: 60 Rough

Paved Road: 45 Rough*

Planted Fields: 9 Rough

Sand: 30 Sand Sub-Level 1

PAGE 316 Sheer Cliffs: 15 ‡


1D6 Roll Wind Type Wind Force Woods, Heavy: 27 Light Woods
1-2 None 0
3 1 Woods, Light: 15 Rough
4 Light Gale 2
5 Moderate Gale 3 Woods, Ultra-Heavy: 40 Heavy Woods
6 4
Strong Gale *These hexes still count as road hexes, though Elements must pay 1 additional MP per hex traveled.
Storm †If the underlying terrain is water, the hex becomes a water hex; otherwise, ice is removed from the hex and the underlying terrain

remains unchanged.
‡The feature is removed from the hex.

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