Landmaster Hyrotii Corporation Mobile Recon/Research Vehicle CL 0
A wheeled, amphibious all -te rrain vehicle co nstructed by Jaffryes Universal Colossal ground vehicle (speeder)
Automotive, the ARK-II series Landmaster proves to be a surprising success Init -2; Senses Perception +6
for the company. Using four sets of tri-wheels, the Landmaster can handle any
terrain just as ably as a tracked vehicle, and it also operates while completely Defense Ref 15 (f lat-footed 13), Fort 24; +13 armor
hp 200; DR 15; Threshold 74
submerged, retaining buoyancy even when the interior is half filled with Speed 8 sq uares (max. ve locity 200 km/h)
water. Because the ARK-II is designed to be utterly practical, its detractors Ranged light quad blaster cannon +5 (see below)
refer to it as a big metal box. However, the trip le layered duranium plating Fighting Space 12x12; Cover total
and redundant engine array make the Landm aster a perennial favorite with Base Atk +2; Grp +36
explorers who expect to travel through long stretches of dangerous terri- Abilities Str 38, Dex 14, Con -, Int 16
tory, particularly as the spac iou s interior lends itself to easy customization Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2
for mission-specific requirements. Another factor in the Landm aste r's favor
is the ease of using third-party replacement parts when extensive repairs Crew 6 (skilled); Passengers 4
are necessary. Cargo 2 tons; Consumables 2 months; Carried Craft 2 speeder bikes
(or equivalent)
Jaffryes Universal Automotive ARK-II Series Landmaster CL 8 Availability Licensed; Cost 220,000 credits (90,000 used)
Gargantuan ground vehicle (tra cked) Light quad blaster cannon (gunner)
Atk +5, Dmg 5dlO
n Init +2; Senses Perception +5
Nightfalcon Speeder Bike
~ Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 26; +9 armor Appealing to civilians, racers, and the military, one of Ikas-Adno's mo st
"0 popular vehicles is the 22-B Nightfalcon speede r bike. Marketed as a fast
-I hp 240; DR 10; Threshold 46 and sturdy bike, the Nightfalcon can be seen throughout the galaxy in a
wide variety of roles, including perso nal transport, racing bike, and scouting
lJ Speed 8 squares (max. ve locity 240 km/h)
= Ranged medium blaster cannons +2 (see below)
Fighting Space 4x4; Cover total
Base Atk +0; Grp +31
Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14 speeder. Although not faster or stronger than Aratech's 74-Y or 74-Z speeder
Skills Initiati ve +2, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +2 bikes, the 22-B Nightfalcon offers a comb ina tion of speed and strength that
Crew 3 (normal); Passengers 10 attracts the attention of both civilians and the military.
Cargo 800 kg; Consumables 1 month Ikas-Adno 22-B Nightfalcon Speeder Bike CL 2
Availability Restricted; Cost 120,000 credits (30,000 used)
Large ground vehicle (speeder)
Medium blaster cannons (gunner) Init + 15; Senses Perception +5
Atk +2, Dmg 5d10 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 10), Fort 13; +1 armor
Mobile Recon/Research Vehicle hp 32; DR 5; Threshold 18
Although most exploration missions use a starsh ip as a central base of Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 400 km/h)
operations, during the later years of the Old Republic the Science and Culture Ranged laser cannon +2 (see below)
Administration puts out an open contract for the design of a land-based Fighting Space 2x2; Cover none
mobile research center ca pabl e of operating for extended periods without Base Atk +0; Grp +11
support. The Hyrotii Corporation's Mobile Recon/Research Vehicle wins the Atk Options autofire (la se r cannon)
final bid. Although sluggish, the MR/RV fu lfills the necessary requirements:
It is remarkably durable, and its variable repulsorlift array enables the craft Abilities Str 16, Dex 23, Con -, Int 14
to successfully negotiate a broad array of terrain. The MR/RV can store Skills Initiative +15, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +15
two speeder bikes, enabling the crew to perform long-range preliminary
patrols. As the Republic gives way to the Empire, MR/RVs fallout of favor Crew 1 (normal); Passengers 1
Cargo 4 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
Availability Lic ensed ; Cost 6,250 credits (1,000 used)
because of their civilian-grade armament, particularly in light of the speed Laser cannon (pilot)
and f irepower of the AT-ST, but independent scout teams sti ll find the MR/ Atk +2 (-3 autofire), Dmg 4d10
RV worth the cost of purchase.
The follo wing starships are exa mples of vessels use d to explore the Un known
Regions and the outer reaches of t he known galaxy.
Deep-X Explorer
Many ships t hat are not designed as explorat ion vesse ls are converted into
scouting ships. Th e Deep-X Explorer is among the most successful and endur-
ing of such conversions. Originally designed and built by Uulshos Manufac-
turing, the DPx yacht is a top -of-the-lin e personal transport, featuring dual
engines and a delta-w ing body to provide exemplary spe ed and handling
for a civilian leisure craft. In t he Exp lorer va ri ant, the engi ne compartments
are redesigned to provide maximum perform ance, incorporatin g a du al
hyperdrive system to grant the vessel impressive speed without sac rificing
reliability. A pair of low-yield blaster ca nnons protect the Explorer. The ship
design requires two gunn ers if the weapo ns are to be used.
Uulshos Manufacturing Deep-X Explorer CL 5 n
Gargantuan starfig hter I
Init +4; Senses Perception +5 )
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11). For t 22 ; +6 armor 'U
hp 60; DR 10; Threshold 42
Speed fl y 12 squares (ma x. ve locity 1,000 km/h)' fly 3 sq uares
Scout and Retrieval Vehicle (starship sca le)
Used extensively by the fledgling New Republic in the years following the
Battle of Endor, the SRV-l is a rugged ye t inexpensive vehicle that ca n Ranged 2 light bl aster cannons +3 (see below)
transport troops an d supp li es to and from the battl efiel d and can perform
reconnaissance duties. Th e civilian versio n is unarmed , but the military Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 squa re (sta rshi p sca le); Cover tota l (crew )
model sports a pair of medium blaster cannons in matching turrets on top
of the cockpi t. Base Atk +0; Grp +27
Abilities Str 34, De x 18, Con -, Int 16
Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pil ot +4,
Use Computer +5
SRV-l Scout and Retrieval Vehicle CL 6 Crew 3 (normal); Passengers 3
Huge ground ve hicle (tracked)
In it +6; Senses Perception +6 Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft none
Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12). Fort 24; +4 armor Hyperdrive x l (backup x8). navicomputer
hp 140; DR 5; Threshold 34
Availability Licen sed; Cost 135,000 credits (55,000 used)
Speed 8 squares (ma x. velocity 275 km/h)
Ranged 2 medi um blaster cannons +3 (see below) Light blaster cannon (gunner)
Fighting Space 3x3 ; Cover total Atk +3, Dmg 2dl0x2
Base Atk +2; Grp +26
Abilities Str 38 , Dex 14, Con -, Int 12
Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6
Crew 3 (skilled); Passengers 8
Cargo 3 tons; Consumables 1 week
Availability Restricted; Cost 7,500 credits (3,000 used)
Medium blaster cannon (gunner)
Atk +3 , Dmg 4dl0
Drexl-class Starfighter JumpMaster 5000
Designed by SoroSuub Corporation, the Drexl-class starfighter is a two- Des ign ed during the wa nin g years of th e Galactic Republic, the JumpMaster
person fighter. Its stre ngths in planetary and short-range defense make it SOOO, also known as the JM-SK, performs lengthy reconnaissance and
better suited for use by customs agencies than by military forces. exploration mi ss ion s, such as sco uting new hyperspace routes and mapping
The Drexl-class starfighter, named for a winged predator indigenou s newly discovered syste ms. It is also specifically desig ned to allow a si ngle
to the moon of Dxun, can be flown by a single pilot, but optimal operation crew member to travel across the gal axy for extended periods in re lative
requires a copilot and an astromech droid. The large cockpit allows room comfort, although it has limi ted room for additiona l passengers. The JM -SK
for the copilot to perform maintenance and emergency repairs during flight. performs admirably in most regards, but the design is plagued by a hyperdrive
work ing in t andem with an astromech droid. If no copilot is aboard, the system both prone to breakdown s and in credib ly slo w. The first modifi ca tion
cockpit is spa cious enough to allow SO kg of cargo space in addition to the owners make is replacing t he stock hyperdrive system wit h a faster, more
fighter's dedicated cargo compartment. reliabl e eng ine. Bounty hunters find th e sh ip we ll su ited to thei r needs, the
The Drexl-class was originally a prototype for the ship that would eventu- most infamou s examp le being the hunter Dengar and his substantiall y modi-
ally becom e the Preybird- class starfighter. However, when design decision s fied JM-SK, the Punishing One, wh ich features vast ly improved sh ield s and
led engineers away from the Drexl-cla ss fighter's design, these plans were a significant increase in firepower.
shelved . Some yea rs later, SoroSuub eng in eers would return to these plans
for a new model of starfighter, and the Drexl-class starfigh ter was born. JumpMaster 5000 Scout Ship CL 8
Colo ssa l space transport
n SoroSuub Drexl-c1ass "Planetary Defender" Starfighter CL 10 Init -1 ; Senses Perception +6
~ Gargantu an starfighter
'0 Defense Ref lS (flat-footed 12). Fort 26; + 12 armor
Init +6; Senses Perception +6 hp 120; DR lS; SR lS; Threshold 76
(1J Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 13). Fort 28; +8 armor Speed fly 16 squa re s (ma x. ve locity 1, 200 km/h)' f ly 4 squares
= hp lS0; DR 10; SR 10; Threshold 48 (starship scale )
Speed fly 16 squares (ma x. ve locity l,OSO km/h)' fly 4 squares Ranged laser can non s +6 (see below)
(starship sca le) Fighting Space 12 x 12 or 1 sq uare (starship sc ale); Cover total (cre w)
Ranged dual la ser cannons +6 (see below) or Base Atk +2; Grp + 38
Ranged conc ussio n missiles +6 (see below) Abilities Str 42, Dex 16, Con -, In t 14
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 sq uare (sta rship scale); Cover total (crew). Skills Initiati ve -1, Mechanics +6, Percept ion +6, Pilot -1,
+S (astromech droid) Use Computer +6
Base Atk +2; Grp +3S
Atk Options autofire (dual laser cannons) Crew 1 (sk illed) ; Passengers 1
Cargo SO tons; Consumables 4 month s; Carried Craft none
Abilities 5tr 46, De x 20, Con -, Int 14 Hyperdrive x3 (backup xlS). navicomputer
Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6 (+13*). Perception +6, Pilot +6, Availability Rest ri cted; Cost 110,000 credits (40,000 used)
Use Computer +6 (+ 13*)
Crew 2 plus astromech droid (sk ill ed); Passengers none Laser cannons (pilot)
Cargo 70 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Atk +6, Dmg 4dlOx2
Payload 12 missiles
Availability Military; Cost 16S,OOO cre dits (100,000 used)
' If the ship has an astramech draid, use these skill modifiers instead.
Dual laser cannons (pilot)
Atk +6 (+ 1 autofire)' Dmg SdlOx2
Concussion missiles (pilot)
Atk +6, Dmg 8dlOx2, 4-square sp lash
.... £lUARTERS
MRX-BR Pacifier The Pacifier can serve two different functions: first contact starship
or attack vessel. For those using it for f irst contact, the MRX-BR features
In the early years of the Empire, members of the Imperial Scout Corps take onboard system arrays that are among the most powerful of the time. Those
an aggressive stance when visiting new worlds and making first contact with owners using the MRX-BR for more agg re ssive negotiations find the weapons
indigenous lifeforms. For those explorers, the MRX-BR Pacifier designed by systems more than capable of eliminating opposing forces.
Sydon Vehicle Works is an excel lent fit.
MRX-BR Pacifier Combat/Contact Vessel CL 9 Mu-2 Shuttle
Colossal space transport Based upon the success of the Lambda- and Theta-class shuttles, Sienar Fleet
Systems designs the Mu-class shuttle for long-range applications, particu-
Init -2; Senses Perception +6 larly scouting and espionage. The Galactic Empire uses the Mu-class shuttle
extensively as a sco uting vessel searching for the remote, uncharted worlds
Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22; + 11 armor where the Rebel Alliance establishes its bases. The exterior design of the
hp 60; DR 15; SR 30; Threshold 72 Mu-class shuttle owes a great deal to its forebears, using two fold-out lower
stabilizer wings for maneuverability, although the central fin is replaced by
Speed fly 16 squares (max. veloc ity 1,200 km/h)' fly 5 squares a series of sensor arrays to allow the crew to better perform reconnaissance
duties. The cockpit is sign ific antly redesigned to allow for a smaller crew.
(starship scale)
The Mu-class comes in two models. Modell has limi ted sleeping space
Ranged laser cannons +5 (see below) or for crew but provides seating for up to 24 passengers, making it best suited
Ranged proton torpedoes +5 (see below) to short-range journeys. Model 2 better fulfills the needs of a scouting
mission, including enclosed cabins and space for food stores. Because of its
Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) ve rsat il ity, the Mu-class shuttle is used by the New Republic for years after
the Battle of Endor. Its ability to ferry large groups to distant points makes
Base Atk +2; Grp +34 it an ideal choice for outpost duty as well as exploration .
Atk Options autofi re (laser cannons)
Th e Mu-class shuttle's sensors provide the system operator a +5 equip-
Abilities Str 34, Dex 14, Con -, Int 16 ment bonus to Perception and Use Computer checks made to operate the
ship's se nsors.
Skills Initi ative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2,
Use Computer +6
Crew 2 (skilled); Passengers 3
Cargo 25 tons; Consumables 1 year; Carried Craft none n
Payload 8 proton torpedoes I
Hyperdrive xl (backup x8)
Availability Licensed; Cost 170,000 credits (100,000 used)
Laser cannons (gunner) Sienar Fleet Systems Mu-2 Model 2 Shuttle CL 8 -I
Atk +5 (+0 autofire), Dmg 4dl0x2 11l
Colossal space transport D
Proton torpedoes (gunner)
Atk +5, Dmg 9dl0x2, 4-square splash =
Init -2; Senses Perception +6
Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; +12 armor
hp 120; DR 15; SR 25; Threshold 76
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h), fly 4 squares
(sta rsh ip scale)
"SHE MAY NOT LOOK Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below)
SHE'S OOT Fighting Space 12 x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew)
COUNTS, KID .. " Base Atk +2; Grp +38
-HAN SOL.O Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)
Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14
Skills Ini tiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot - 2,
Use Computer +6
Crew 2 (skilled); Passengers 14
Cargo 100 tons; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft none
Hyperdrive x2 (backup x20), navicomputer
Availability Restricted; Cost 160,000 credits (110,000 used)
Laser cannons (copilot)
Atk +4 (-1 autofire)' Dmg 5dlOx2
Preybird-class Starfighter
Designed several years prior to the Battle of Endor by the SoroSuub Corpora-
tion, the Preybird-class starfighter is intended to be sold on the open market
rather than used in Sullust's own defense forces, to placate Imperial overseers
and retain a small measure of independence for the planet. However, pro-
tracted disputes over weapons systems cause significant cost overruns, so
onlya few small production runs are finished before the project is cancelled.
Despite the small number of Preybirds to make it off the assembly lines, a
large proportion of them find their way into the hands of criminal factions,
specifically pirate groups such as the Hurrim and the Cavrilhu Pirates. The
smuggler Mazzic acquires two Preybirds from the initial production run at a
substantial discount, integrating them into his burgeoning fleet. Toward the
end of the Galactic Civil War, the Imperial Remnant is forced to supplement
its dwindling TIE fighter stores by using Preybirds as front-line fighters,
giving the design a second life and belated fame as a sign of the Remnant's
weakening position against the New Republic.
n SoroSuub Preybird-class Starfighter CL 10
) Gargantuan starfighter
11 Init +8; Senses Perception +6
D Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 11), Fort 23; +6 armor
= hp 75; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold 43
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/h), fly 4 squares
(starship scale) SCT Scout Craft
Ranged laser cannons +6 (see below) or
Ranged concussion missiles +6 (see below) From its primary shipyard s orbiting the Mid Rim world of Ganzik near the
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Perlemian Trade Route, Mesen s Corporation designs and builds the SCT
Base Atk +2; Grp +30 scout craft shortly before the Battle ofYavin. One of its best-known starship
Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) models, the SCT is marketed by Mesens as a long-range exploration vessel,
drawing interest from governmental agencies and criminal organizations
Abilities Str 36, Dex 24, Con -, Int 18 alike. The starship's heavy defense systems and superior sensor arrays
Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +8, catch the attention of cu stomers, but its low fuel efficiency and limited
consumables capacity discourage many potential buyers. Some customers
Use Computer +6 use the ship's cargo space for additional fuel tanks and as storage for extra
Crew 2 (skilled); Passengers none
Cargo 15 kg; Consumables 4 days; Carried Craft none
Payload 10 concussion missiles
Hyperdrive x3, navicomputer (5 jumps) Mesens Corporation SCT Scout Craft CL 12
Availability Rare, Military; Cost 84,000 credits (50,000 used)
Colossal (frigate) space transport
Laser cannons (gunner) Init -5; Senses Perception +5
Atk +6, Dmg 5d10x2 Defense Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 34; + 11 armor
hp 660; DR 15; SR 60; Threshold 134
Concussion missiles (gunner) Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 820 km/h), fly 3 squares
Atk +6, Dmg 8d10x2
(starship scale)
Ranged dual turbolaser turret +4* (see below)
Ranged point-defense dual laser cannon +4 (see below)
Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) SkyBlind
Base Atk +0; Grp +44
Atk Options autofire (dual laser cannon) When scouts encounter a potentially hostile new world, stealth is the key to
Abilities Str 58, Dex 10, Con -, Int 18 staying alive and avoiding capture. To help achieve these objectives, Loronar
Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Corporation designs the SkyBlind reconnaissance ship.
Use Computer +5 The SkyBlind's unusual spherical hull naturally enhances a primary feature
Crew 2 (normal); Passengers 8 of the ship: sensor baffling. The absence of flat surfaces on the SkyBlind's
Cargo 275 tons; Consumables 3 months; Carried Craft none outer hull means that sensor waves and other electronic detection systems
Hyperdrive x3 (backup x 12) have no clear means of reflecting back to the source, making the ship dif-
Availability Licensed; Cost 1.2 million credits (720,000 used) ficult to detect. Additional sensor baffling along the hull makes the SkyBlind
virtually invisible to sensors.
'Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.
If the ship's crew decides to chance visiting a hostile planet, they can use
Dual turbolaser turret (gunner) the SkyBlind's landing sphere to descend to the surface. The landing sphere,
Atk +4 (-16 against targets smaller than Colossal)' Dmg 6dlOx5 also designed by Loronar, is available exclusively as an auxiliary craft for the
SkyBlind. It can take off and land within the ship's cargo bay. Without the
Point-defense dual laser cannon (gunner) landing sphere, the SkyBlind's cargo capacity doubles.
Atk +4 (-1 autofire). Dmg 5dl0x2
Loronar Corporation SkyBlind Reeon Ship CL 8
Colossal space transport n
Init -5; Senses Perception +5
Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13). Fort 30; +13 armor
hp 180; DR 15; SR 45; Threshold 80 ~
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h)' fly 3 squares 11
(starship scale) -!
Ranged proton torpedoes +2 (see below) [1J
Fighting Space 10xl0 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew)
Base Atk +0; Grp +40
Abilities Str 50, Dex 10, Con -, Int 10
Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5,
Use Computer +5
Crew 1 (normal); Passengers 7
Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft 1 landing sphere
Payload 6 proton torpedoes
Hyperdrive x3 (backup x20)
Availability Licensed Cost 650,000 credits (400,000 used)
Proton torpedoes (pilot)
Atk +2, Dmg 9dlOx2, 4-square splash
Landing Sphere CL 2 To protect the colonists on their journey, the Star Seeder is armed with six
turbolaser batteries, a tractor beam projector, and substantial shields. The
Huge air vehicle (airspeeder) ship is capable of atmospheric entry and maneuvering.
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 20; +4 armor Kuat Drive Yards Star Seeder-class Colony Ship CL 9
hp 100; DR 5; Threshold 30
Colossal (frigate) capital ship
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h)' fly 3 squares (starship Init -3; Senses Perception +5
scale) Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 32; +10 armor
Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) hp 400; DR 15; SR 45; Threshold 132
Base Atk +0; Grp +20
Abilities Str 30, Dex 10, Con -, Int 10 Speed f ly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h), fly 2 squares
Skills In itiative +3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +3, (starship scale)
Use Computer +5 Ranged 6 turbo laser batteries +5* (see below) and
Crew 1 (normal); Passengers 7 tractor beam battery +5" (see below)
Cargo 5 tons; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew)
Base Atk +0; Grp +42
Star Seeder-class Colony Ship Abilities Str 55, Dex 14, Con -, In t 12
n The Star Seeder-class is a multipurpose colony ship produced by Kuat Drive Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3,
Yards. The cargo area can be quickly and easily reconfigured, allo wing Use Computer +5
I colonists to transport a variety of different materials, such as construction
tools, supplies, and plants and wildlife. The ship's hangar has enough room Crew 169 (normal); Passengers 800
~ for a single shuttle along with a few speeders and other ground equipment.
1) Cargo 7,500 tons; Consumables 5 years; Carried Craft 1 shuttle
-i Hyperdrive x3 (backup x 15), navicomputer
{1J Availability Licensed; Cost 3 million credits (1 million used)
D "Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Calossal size.
= Turbolaser battery (2 gunners)
Atk +5 (- 17 against targets sma ller than Capital), Dmg 3dlOx5
Tractor beam battery (2 gunners)
III b:\ Atk +5 (-17 against targets sma ller than Capital), Dmg - (grapple +42)
'ill Vaya-class Scout Ship
[f' Used extensively by the Republic Astrogation Survey Team just prior to
the Jed i Civil War, the Vaya-class scout is an excellent exploratory vessel.
@ Although not configured for prolonged combat engagements, the ship is able
to safely take Republic explorers and scientists into the uncharted regions and
l!l bring them back. The ship is also popular with independent explorers because
of its low price as well as its spacious interior, which enables explorers to
(ij) bring their families along on journeys that are not particularly dangerous.
Some purchase the ships to be used as traveling homes as they go about the
l!l course of their business. Although Republic officials claim that the Vaya-
0 class has a 3 percent fai lure rate, the design has one striking flaw. During
the strenuous and complicated maneuvers of combat, the port ion engines
® have a tendency to shut down, causing the vessel to go into a dangerous
spin. Any time this ship moves down the condition track as a result of taking
(ill damage from an attack, the pilot must make a Pilot check (DC 20) or the
@ ship cannot move until the end of the pilot's next turn.
Hoersch-Kessel Vaya-class Scout Ship CL9 A living creature that serves as a mount is quieter than a comparable
veh icle, and if an enemy's sensors pick up the creature, most operators would
Colossal space transport dismiss it as ju st another beast. Most beasts are keenly alert to danger and
have a natural instin ct to avoid it, so a living mount is another set of senses
Init +1; Senses Perception +5 to help prevent the rider from wa lking into a bad situat ion. And when an
explorer is alone in an unexplored region, a living companion can provide
Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 11), Fort 24; +11 armor comfort that a machine is unable to replicate.
hp 90; DR 15; SR 35; Threshold 74
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 700 km/h), fly 3 squares
(starship scale)
Ranged light laser cannon +3 (see below) and Aiwha
Ranged concussion projectiles +3 (see below) A giant fly in g creature that live s on watery planets such as Kamino and
Fighting Space 12 x 12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Naboo, the aiwh a uses its large wing-fins to swim underwater and to f ly
through the sky. Kaminoans keep large herds of aiwhas to serve as domesti-
Base Atk +0; Grp +34 cated riding beasts, since the creatu res can traverse the perpetually stormy
seas of Kamino with relati ve ease. The Gungans of Naboo train the beasts
Atk Options autofire (light laser cannon) to provide airborne transportation and use them in war for reconnaissance
patrols and as bombers. Given the striking simi laritie s between the two spe-
Abilities Str 38, Dex 22, Con -, Int 16 cies, the aiwhas and the thrantas of Alderaan are believed to share a common
ancestor, although no relation has been conclusively proven .
Skills Initiative + 1, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot + 1,
Use Computer +5
Crew 3 (normal); Passengers 4
Cargo 60 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none n
Payload 4 concussion projectiles I
Hyperdrive x4 (backup x15), navicomputer Aiwha CL 4 ~
Availability Licensed; Cost 45,000 cred its (15,000 used) Gargantuan aquat ic beast 5 1)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2 ~
Ught laser cannon (gunne~ til
Atk +3 (-2 autofire), Dmg 3dl0x2 Defenses Ref 6 (flat-footed 6), Fort 16, Will 11 l)
hp 47; Threshold 35
Concussion projectiles (gunner) =
Atk +3, Dmg 5dl0x2 Speed 12 squa re s (flying), 12 squares (swimming)
Melee slam + 10 (2d6+9)
ANIMA.L MOUNTS Fighting Space 4x4; Reach 2 squares
Base Atk +3; Grp +25
Given the range of technology available throughout most of the galaxy, one
might wonder why anyone would expend the time and effort to train a li ve Abilities Str 25, De x 10, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 8
animal to serve as transportation in stead of simply acquiring a spee der or Feats Improved Defenses, Skill Training (Swim)
some other form of high-speed transport. Skills Perception +2, Survival +7, Swim + 14
However, for a large number of scouti ng mission s, stealt h is far more
important than speed. A spee der bike can easily cover a large area, but it
is also loud and prone to disturbing wildlife, which can lead to disastrous
results . Mechanical vehicles are also readily detectable by sensors. Vehicles
can break down or become badly damaged, and when exp loring beyond the
confines of the known galaxy, finding replacement parts can be a tall order.
Bantha Bergruutfa
Perhaps the most adaptable herbivores in the galaxy, banthas are found Best known as the mounts of the Teloc hunters, bergruutfas are enormous
on numerou s worlds and are so well known that their name is used in a beasts with hides that are thick enough to stop blaster bolts and thicker
plethora of proverbs, sayings, and children's stories. Several fringe relig ions plates of armor covering their heads. Although their natural habitats are
see the bantha as a divine messenger. Banthas can surv ive in most envi- the plains and jungles of their homeworld, bergruutfas are exported to other
ronmental extremes, and are able to go without food or water for several planets because they are mild-tempered and easily domesticated. However,
weeks. Although many subspecies have adapted to the peculiarities of their when angered, a bergruutfa becomes dangerous and difficult to stop without
environments, most banthas have large, curving horns and long, shaggy fur. causing lasting harm to the beast.
Banthas are commonly used as transportation and as beasts of burden. Rebel SpecForce commandos occasionally use bergruutfas as riding
Their meat and hides are highly prized, particularly by the Sand People of beasts during the Ga lactic Civil War, and Weequays are known to capture
Tatooine, who use the beasts extensively. and sacrifice bergruutfas to Quay when away from Sriluur.
Bantha CL 2 Bergruutfa CLS
Huge beast 3 Huge beast 6
Init + 1; Senses Perception + 1 Init + 1; Senses Perception +9
Defenses Ref 8 (flat-footed 8), Fort 18, Will 10 Defenses Ref 4 (flat-footed 4), Fort 18, Wi ll 11
hp 81; DR 5; Threshold 33
hp 37; Threshold 28
Speed 10 squares
o Speed 4 squares Melee slam +9* (ld8+14)
I Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 square
Melee gore +11 (2d6+10) or
11 Melee trample +11 (ld8+1O)
(II Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 square
D Base Atk +4; Grp +22
Atk Opti ons head butt, Power Attack
= Base Atk +2; Grp +21
Atk Options Bantha Rush
Special Action trample Abilities Str 26, Dex 6, Con 27, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Abilities Str 28, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Feats Improved Damage Thresho ld, Power Attack, Toughness
Feats Bantha Rush, Skill Training (Endurance) Skills Perception +9
Skills Endurance +14, Perception +1, Survival +6 Head Butt-When a bergruutfa makes a successful melee attack against
Trample-As a standard action, a bantha can attempt to trample an an adjacent target, it makes an immediate opposed grapple check . If
adjacent target that is at least one size category smaller, making a the check is successful, the target is moved back 1 square for every 5
melee attack roll against the target's Reflex Defense. If the attack points by which it failed the check . This movement does not provoke an
succeeds, the target takes damage as normal. If the attack misses, the attack of opportunity. A bergruutfa receives a +5 circumstance bonus
target takes half damage. to its grapple check if it charges prior to making the attack.
'Includes 3 points of Power Attock
The bantha serves as an archetyp ical mount and pack an ima l anywhere Of all Tatooine's ind igenous creatures, eopies are perhaps the most useful
in the galaxy. The bantha statistics above represent the base line for t he to that world's residents, providing sustenance as well as being extremely
common bantha. Gamemasters should feel free to alter t hat stat ist ics useful as pack animals and mounts. And eo pies are far more affordable than
block to make t he bantha better fit the environme nt in wh ich it is fo und. banthas or dewbacks. The eopie's long snout enables it to eat the water-
sucking weeds that invariab ly creep up around moisture vaporators, much
As examp les, the dune banthas of Tatoo in e wou ld have the desert to the pleasure of moisture farmers across Tatooine. Eopies are known for
species trait, and the wh ite-furred banthas of Nelvaan would have the being able to survive for weeks without water, as well as for plodding along
arctic species trait (see page 275 of the Saga Edition core ru lebook). The in the worst sandstorms. The eopie's noted lack of panic at a sudden threat
Kashyyyk graycl imber subspec ies wou ld exchange t he Tramp le attack has lead to a common spacers' expression: "as steady as an eopie."
for the expert climber special qua lity (see the "Su ll ustans" description
on page 31 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Aquatic or subterranean
banthas might be wa iting out there in t he ga laxy for your intrepid group
of exp lorers to discover.
Fenwolf CL 3
Riding a beast in combat is much like riding a speeder bike or another
vehicle. The beast uses the rider's actions, such as a move action to move Init +4; Senses scent; Perception +8
up to its speed, or a standard action to use its natural weapons, or 3
swift actions to allow the mount to move up the condition track with the Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 9). Fort 13, Will 11
recover action. For the most part, the mount is treated as being under
the rider's control, especially if the creature has been trained for battle. hp 30; Threshold 18
Obviously, being trained in Ride helps maximize the benefit of using a
live mount in battle. Typically, a mount has better speed than its rider, or Speed 8 squares
it possesses a means of travel that its rider does not, such as exceptional
climbing ability or flight. Melee bite +7 (ld8+6)
Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square
Like vehicles, mounts can take advantage of certain feats that the
rider possesses, such as Dodge, Mobility, Powerful Charge, and Running Base Atk +3; Grp +12
Attack, in addition to the Momentum Strike and Mounted Defense feats
found on page 127 of Threats afthe Galaxy. Atk Options Trip
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Special Quality scent
Feats Skill Training (Survival)' Trip
Skills Perception +8, Survival +8
Scent-Fenwolves ignore concealment and cover when making Perception
checks to notice enemies within 10 squares, and they t ake no penalty
from poor visibility when tracking (see the Survival skill, page 73 of the n
Eopie CL1 Saga Edition core rulebook). I
Large desert beast 2
Init +0; Senses Perception +0 Kaadu
Defenses Ref 8 (flat-footed 8). Fort 14, Will 9 When the Gungans migrate into the waters of Naboo, they bring kaadu with -I
hp 17; Threshold 19 them to serve as draft animals and war mounts. An everyday sight within
Gungan bubbled cities, kaadu are not found on any other planet in the galaxy. (1J
Thanks to their powerful legs, kaadu are incredibly quick, both on land and
underwater, making them excellent choices for scouting missions and for 11
making sudden charges in battle. Their particularly acute hearing enables
kaadu to avoid predators lurking in Naboo's swamps. =
Speed 4 squares
Melee bite +4 (ld8+4)
Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square
Base Atk + 1; Grp +9
Abilities Str 17, Dex 9, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 4
Special Quality imperturbable
Feats Skill Training (Survival)
Skills Endurance + 10, Perception +0, Survival +5
Imperturbable-Eopies gain a +5 species bonus to Will Defense to resist
the effect of a mind-affecting attack. In addition, a rider does not have
to make a Ride chec k to control an eopie mount in battle.
A popular lupine riding animal, the fenwolf ha s been exported to as many
worlds as the bantha, so determining the creature's original homeworld is
a nigh-imposs ible task. Many planets have significant populations of wild
fenwolves because the beasts escaped from their handlers, so sco uts on those
planets find that using fenwolves as mounts gives them a better chance of
operating without detection. The Rebel Alliance uses fenwolves as often as
possible, because Imperial personnel are unlikely to bother sending out a
patrol to investigate a common pest.
Kaadu CL 1 Maru CL 2
Large aquatic beast 2 Large beast 2
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
Init +9; Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 9), Fort 13, Will 9 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 9), Fort 12, Will 9
hp 15; Threshold 18 hp 13; Threshold 17
Speed 12 squares, 8 squares (swimming) Speed 10 squares
Melee tail slam +3 (ld6+3)
Melee kick +4 (ld6+4)
Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square
Base Atk + 1; Grp +9 Base Atk + 1; Grp +9
Special Action sprint Special Action sprint
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 9, Cha 10 Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 9, Cha 5
Feats Skill Training (Perception)
Feats Skill Training (Initiative)
Skills Perception +5, Swim +9 Skills Initiative +9, Perception +5
Sprint-Kaadu can move up to 5 times their speed when using the run Sprint-Maru can move up to 5 times their speed when using the run
n Kalak Orray
One of the more plentiful species found on the Outer Rim world of Roon-a Orrays are strong, leathery-skinned reptiles native to Geonosis, and they
;'0 remote world located in the region of space known as the Cloak of the are commonly used by Geonosian picadors as riding mounts. The picadors
Sith and famed for its Roonstones-the kalak is a nimble quadruped that rely on the orrays' quick gait to keep them out of reach of the various wild
(II is capable of impressive overland speeds. Kalaks are commonly ridden by creatures used in the Geonosian arenas, particularly such ferocious beasts
messengers delivering goods and news. Its numerous and prominent teeth as the acklay and the nexu. To tame an orray, Geonosians remove its stinger-
D enable a kalak to chew leaves from trees and to tear the flesh from anything tipped tail, making the orray more docile. However, even a docile orray might
that tries to attack it. attack its rider with little provocation. Wild orrays can devour thousands of
= larval Geonosians in a single meal, using their long snouts to root inside the
Kalak CL 1 Geonosians' delicate egg chambers.
•I lID
~ Large beast 2 Orray CL 3
'\D Init +2; Senses Perception +5
[F' Large desert beast 4
@ Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 9), Fort 14, Will 9 Init +8; Senses Perception +1
2] hp 17; Threshold 19
lID Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 9), Fort 12, Will 9
2] Speed 12 squares hp 19; Threshold 17
0 Melee bite +4 (ld8+4)
(lj) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Speed 8 squares
Base Atk + 1; Grp +9 Melee bite +4* (ld8+7)
liil Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square
Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 6 Base Atk +3; Grp +11
@ Feats Skill Training (Survival) Atk Options Power Attack
Skills Perception +5, Survival +5
~ Abilities Str 17, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats Power Attack, Skill Training (Initiative)
~ Skills Initiative +8, Perception + 1, Survival +6
*Includes 2 points of Power Attock
Native to Alaris Prime in the Kashyyyk system, maru are agile reptilian riding
beasts, able to cover large distances due to their muscular hind legs. Although
their forearms are vestigial, maru can use their long tails to defend themselves
against predators. The Wookiees who inhabit Alaris Prime use maru as pack
animals and ride them as war mounts, using special harnesses each fitted
with two bowcasters and a seismic pulse emitter.
Rakazzak Beast Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 7
Feats Running Attack, Skill Training (Endurance)
Three-meter-tall arachnids from the Forest Moon of Endor, raka zza k beasts Skills Endurance +8, Perception +6
are commonly used oy the Yuzzum as mounts. Carnivorous in the wild,
rakazzak beasts spin webs to trap prey, which frequently includes Ewoks. A Sprint-Rockhoppers can move up to 5 times their speed when using the
rakazzak beast can also actively hunt prey, rearing back on its hind legs to run action.
ensnare a meal with its forelegs. Rakazzak beasts are commonly preyed upon
by co ndor dragons. A rakazzak beast's long legs give it exceptional ground Ukian Torbull
speed and also keep its rider high above the attacks of land-based enemies,
a fact that the Yuzzum use to their advantage against Ewok adversaries. As an experiment by the Ukians to breed a hardy pack animal able to survive
in any environment, the Ukian torbull is only a partial success. Although the
Rakazzak Beast CL2 creature is capable of functioning in a diverse range of environments and is
easy to domesticate, it also has the major disadvantage of having a voracious
Huge beast 3 appetite, requiring feeding and watering at least four times a day. As re sul t,
Init +11; Senses Perception +3 the torbull is not popular as a pack beast, especiall y on worlds where food
is scarce. Torbull s are also a popular source of food, with the most notable
Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 8), Fort 12, Will 12 dish being a soup made from the creature's tail.
hp 19; Threshold 22
Ukian Torbull CL 1
Speed 10 squares
Melee 2 claws +7 (ld8+3) Huge beast 1 n
Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 squares
Base Atk +2; Grp +17 Init -1 ; Senses Perception -1 I
Atk Options Pin
Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 17, Will 10 )
Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 4
Feats Pin, Weapon Fines se hp 10; Threshold 27 11
Skills Initiative +11, Perception +3 -I
Speed 12 squares
Melee gore +4 (2d6+4) and (1)
Rockhopper tail slam +4 (ld8+4)
Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 sq uares
The bipedal rockhopper is believed to be a genetic cousin of the Cracian Base Atk +0; Grp +14
thumper, perhaps having evolved from stocks of thumpers tran splanted off
their homeworld. Rockhoppers lack the sharp claws of their cousins, but Abilities Str 19, Dex 9, Con 22, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 3
instead they possess strong jaws filled with sharp teeth . They are most com- Special Qualities tame, thick hide, voracious
monly found on Roon, where they are ridden in the Roon Colonial Games, Feats Improved Defenses
although specime ns have also been found on Biitu in the Outer Rim. Skills Perception - 1, Survival +4
Rockhopper CL 2 Tame-A Ukian torbull is exceptiona lly docile, providing its rider a +5
favorable circumstance bonus to Ride checks.
Large beast 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +6 Thick Hide-Ukian torbulls have exceptionally tough hides, providing a +3
Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 9), Fort 12, Will 10 natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
hp 19; Threshold 17 Voracious-A Ukian torbull takes a -5 penalty to Enduranc e checks made
Speed 8 squares to ignore the effects of starvation.
Melee bite +3 (ld8+2) and
tail slam +3 (ld6 +2)
Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square A native creature of the isolated, wealthy world of Velmor, the ycaqt is a
Base Atk +2; Grp +9 gigantic, hairless beast supported by a pair of massive legs and possessing
Atk Options Running Attack an equally massive maw that enables it to scoop up more than a dozen liters
Special Action sprint of water and filter out the plankton t hat is its primary diet. In spite of the
intimidating size of its mouth, a ycaqt instead relie s on its speed and its
powerful tail to defend itself from predators, becau se any damage to the
delicate baleen it uses to filter its food could result in the ycaqt's starvation. ANIMAL COMPANIONS AND
Early in the history of Velmor, ycaqts are used in battle and for hunting OAININO EXPERIENCE POINTS
by Velmorian nobles, and the creatures retain the ir cultural significance, If the Gamemaster decides to award an animal companion an equal share
being used in ceremo nial events suc h as precoronat ion festiviti es. Desp ite of the group's earned experience po ints, eventually the creature will
protests by some nobles, ycaqts are successfull y exported to other worlds gain enough experience points to advance in level. Even though it is a
for use in sports. player-controlled NPC, the animal companion still follows the advance-
Ycaqt CL 1 ment rules on page 273 of the Saga Edition core rulebook. Since heroes
Large beast 2 are exceptional individuals, their animal companions would likely become
Init +2; Senses Perception + 1 similarly exceptional.
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 91, Fort 14, Will 10
hp 17; Threshold 19 If the animal companion is under the direct control of a player and pro-
vides the group with a distinct adva ntage, spec ifi ca ll y in combat encounters,
Speed 12 squares the creature shou ld receive an equal share of the experience points for that
adventure. For example, a voo rpak that is the animal companion of a noble in
Melee tail slam +5 (ld6+5) or a group of five player characters would receive one-sixth of the experience
points that the group earns. If the animal companion is handled as an NPC
Melee trample +5 (ld6+5) and largely operates independent of the players, or if it does not provide a sig-
nificant advantage to the party, then it should not receive experience points.
Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square
Directing a player-controlled anima l companion can be simple. The owner
n Base Atk +1; Grp +10 indicates what actions the creature should take. Domesticated creatures can
Special Action trample be assumed to obey the commands of their owners, provided the commands
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 4
11I Feats Ski ll Training (Survival)
lJ Skills Jump + 10, Perception + 1, Survival +6
= Trample-As a standard action, a ycaqt can attempt to trample an
adjacent target that is at least one size category smaller, making a are not too complex and do not put the creature in too much danger. An
melee attack roll against the target's Reflex Defense. If the attack animal companion acts on its owner's initiative count.
succeeds, the target takes damage as normal. If the attack misses, the The creatures described below frequently serve as an im al compan ions.
target takes half damage.
Dark Wolf
ANIMAL COMPANIONS Also known as raqu or'daan by the Weequays of their native world, Sriluurian
dark wo lves are no cturnal hunters. This stealthy and deadly predator uses
Animals that have been domesticated to serve as companions ca n be par- its poison-laden claws and stinger-t ipped tail to brin g down prey, and its
ticularly beneficial to explorers and scouts. Popular holovids show explorers tough, leathery hide protects it from both sandstorms and its own stinger.
with animal sidekicks, usually feral beasts that they have managed to tame. Dark wo lves are natural enemies of the equal ly vicious bandigos, so they
Even the notoriously fierce and battle-hardened Mandalorians are known are treated with great respect by the Weequays , whose legends include
to have a soft spot for some animals, particularly those that can handle stories of the fearsome dark wolves. Although they are among the more
themselves in a fight. dangerous creatures of Sriluur, dark wolves can be tamed to serve as loyal
hunting compan ion s.
In many respects, having an animal companion is like including an NPC
droid or a non heroic minion as part of the group. And as with allowin g too Dark Wolf CL 3
many player-controlled NPCs, the Gamemaster should be careful about
allowing characters to have too many animal companions . The Gamemaster Med ium desert beast 4
should also avoid allowing heroes to se lect an animal compan ion that ha s Init + 11; Senses darkvision, scent; Perception +9
a Challenge Level sign ifi cantly higher than the heroe s' character level . A
group of 1st-level characters who have a pet stri ll will have an easier time Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 1O1, Fort 13, Will 12
overcoming combat challenges that would otherwise be balanced for a hp 30; Threshold 13
similar group of characters.
Speed 10 sq ua res Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7 0
Melee bite +7 (ld6+6) and Feats Skill Training (Jump, Stealth), Weapon Finesse I
Skills Jump +10, Perception +9, Stealth +12
2 claws +7 (ld4+6 plus poison) and Pounce-When long jumping, a saber cat does not require a running start )
tail attack +7 (ld3+6 plus poison)
Base Atk +3; Grp +7 for jumps of 4 squares or fewer and does not double the Jump DC when 11
Atk Option poison doing so (see page 68 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). If the saber -i
cat successfully jumps into or adjacent to a target enemy's sq uare, III
Abilities Str 18, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 2, Wis lS, Cha 8 the saber cat can make an immediate attack against the target. If the D
Special Quality scent attack is successfu l, the sa ber cat can attempt to trip the target (as if
Feats Skill Trainin g (Initiative, Survival) using the Trip feat on page 88 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) as a =
Skills Initiative + 11, Perception +9, Survival +9 free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
••lJjJ l
Poison-When a dark wolf deals damage to a li ving target wit h its claws Strill
or its stinger, the target is also po isoned. If the poiso n succeeds on ~
an attack roll (ld20+10) aga inst the target's Forti tude Defense, the A strill is a six-leg ged Mandalorian hunting animal that has a large, fang-
target moves -1 step along the cond ition track. A target moved to filled mouth. Strills are considered to be highly intelligent by their owners. '\iJ
the last step of the condition track by the poison is immobilized, but Slightly over a meter in length, strills are covered in loose flaps of skin , which
not unconscious. Th e poison attacks each round until cured with a they use to glide through the air. As it glides, a strill is capable of carry in g a [f'
successful DC 10 Treat Injury check. su rprisin g amount of weight for a creature of its size. Strills ha ve substan-
tially longer life spans than Humans, so it is common for a Mandalorian to @
Scent-Dark wo lves ignore concealment and cover when making pass ownership of a strill to a younger clan member upon his or her death . l])
Perc eption checks to notice enemies within 10 squares, and they take [jj)
no penalty fro m poor vis ib ili ty when tracking (see the Survival skill , Strill CL 4 l])
page 73 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
Sma ll beast 5 0
Saber Cat Init +4; Senses Perception +13
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 13, Will 12 (lj)
A large carnivorou s species native to the Mid Rim world of Monastery, the hp 39; Threshold 13
saber cat is a ferocious predator. Members of the Order of th e Sacred Circle Speed 4 squares lJjJ
are known to keep several tamed sa ber cats as pets and protectors. Th e Melee bite +9 (ld4+8) @
creature's name refers to its razor-sharp claws and teeth, but a saber cat also Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
possesses a thick horn that can be used as a weapon. Difficult to procure, Base Atk +3 ; Grp +4 ~
saber cat whe lps fetch a high price on the black market, and the unsettling Special Action gliding
appearance of saber cats makes them appea ling both as pets and as status Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3 ~
symbo ls for crime lords and nobles. Special Quality carry ing capacity, gliding
Feats Improved Defenses, Skill Focus (Perception) ~
Saber Cat CL 5 Skills Perception +13 [jj)
Carrying Capacity-Strills are treated as Medium creatures when ~
Medium beast 6
Init +7; Senses Perception +9 determining the ir carrying capacity. ciJ
Gliding-As a move action, a strill can gl ide, which is treated as a Jump
Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 10), Fort 11, Will 11
hp 33; Threshold 11 check with the strill being considered to have a running start. Strills
gain a +10 spe cies bonus to Jump checks to determine the distance
Speed 8 squares cleared.
Melee bite +8 (ld6+S) and
2 claws +8 (ld4+S) or
Melee gore +8 (ld6+S) and
2 claws +8 (ld4+S)
Base Atk +4; Grp +8
Atk Option pounce
CAMPAIGN OUTLINE: One of the best ways to highlight the differences of an Unknown Regions
POOR W AYFARING campaign is to use lesser-known non-Human species. The races described in
Chapter 1 are a good place to start, as well as the races found in other Star
Wars Roleplaying GameSaga Edition rulebooks and in other Star Wars books,
This campaign revolves around a group of heroes trying to find their way comics, movies, and television series. Players accustomed to seeing Wookiees
home from the Unknown Regions. The heroes are flung out of known space and Trandoshans in every spaceport will feel more out of place when they
by a hyperdrive accident, and they are trapped on a ship with members of an come into contact with species that are not immediately recognizable.
opposing faction. The heroes must first learn to coexist with the opposing Another way to set an Unknown Regions campaign apart is to challenge
faction by either converting or eliminating its members. Then, to find medi- players' expectations. The decades of Star Wars lore lead players to expect
cal assistance for the engineer who can repair their ship, they must bring certain patterns of behavior from the inhabitants of the galaxy they know.
peace to the sector of space they have been hurled into. Finally, they must A campaign set outside the usual galaxy offers a chance to explore those
locate an ancient space station that has the technology to send them home. ideas and play with them. Rodians are known as bounty hunters. What if
Part of the conflict stems from the heroes being stuck in the Unknown the heroes come across a Rodian who was exiled because she was unable to
Regions with a group of enemies. Many natural pairings fit this idea. All the kill her first target? Members of other familiar races might have been lost
heroes need not be from one of the factions, but having at least one character in the sector. Perhaps Hutts are the benevolent guardians of a charitable
directly involved in the conflict makes for excellent drama. monastery, or a planet is at war over a prized Jedi artifact that turns out to
(1 • Empire/Rebels be a hydrospanner.
During their initial exploration, the heroes come across a small ship
I • Jedi/Sith
> pursued by a much larger force of pirate vessels. The fleeing ship transmits
• Republic/Mandalorian a distress signal, and the heroes swoop in, sending the raiders fleeing . The
11 rescued ship belongs to Grazdoc, a Nebalite trader in the sector. Nebalites
The campaign begins in the middle of the action, much like the opening are cephalopods of Gargantuan size who have ships constructed around their
of Star Wars: A New Hope. The heroes are making the final assault on an bodies like suits of clothing. When Grazdoc needs a face-to-face agent, he
enemy flagship. They are pursuing Dr. Xita, an eccentric hyperdrive engineer. sends a small protocol droid, X-17- D. The droid is unable to speak, but it com-
Xita, along with members of the enemy faction, is attempting to escape in municates through gestures. Grazdoc is grateful for the heroes' intervention
an experimental craft. The craft possesses a multi phase hyperdrive that and turns out to be a valuable ally.
allows the ship to travel farther and faster while in hyperspace. At the end The raiders make excellent recurring villains. They are a gang of low-level
of the encounter, after the heroes have boarded Dr. Xita's ship in order to space thugs who have bribed local authorities to look the other way when
capture him, the experimental hyperdrive is activated, either accidentally or they bully defenseless ships. Led by a pirate known as Bereliz, the raiders
deliberately. The multi phase hyperdrive damages itself upon its activation. operate out of a hidden base that the heroes must locate. The raiders might
The ship has a backup hyperdrive, but using it to return to civilized space is find new allies in the enemy faction on board the heroes' ship. The enemy
a long and arduous process. faction can give inside information to the raiders, revealing any weaknesses
The heroes find themselves deep in the Unknown Regions, trapped on the the heroes might have so the pirates can exploit them. The raiders help the
same ship with their enemies. They must learn to coexist, at least for now. enemy faction set up ambushes and attempt to take control of the ship.
Will they survive long enough to find their way home? Alone, the raiders are not a great threat, but as the enemy faction attempts
The ship has food and water for two weeks. If the heroes are to have any to take command of the ship away from the heroes, the raiders complement
hope of survival, they must find new sources of these necessities. Adven- the intrigue aboard the ship with an external threat.
tures on hostile worlds gain the heroes some supplies. However, gear and This act concludes when the heroes face off against the raiders and take
replacement parts for the ship cannot be found in the wild, so the heroes the fight to their hidden base. The raiders have captured Grazdoc and are
must interact with the strange species of this unknown sector. Natives holding him hostage. This is an opportunity to include a classic adventure
willing to trade are unwilling to accept credits. Most of the equipment on encounter as the heroes make their way into the base. They might use speed,
the ship is vital to their survival, but the heroes can offer their services in combat, or stealth, but the heroes eventually come face to face with Bereliz.
exchange for parts. The pirate leader is a cut above the riffraff in his employ. He makes the heroes
an offer: If they join him, they can become kings of the sector. If the heroes
refuse Bereliz's offer, the confrontation quickly becomes violent.
ACT II: THE SEARCH The Guard ians are a minor threat in this act because, un like the raiders, o
the Gua rdians do not make dea ls with the enemy fact ion . The threat they
FOR A CURE rep resent might seem distant, but the heroes should gradually become aware I.
Before repairs can be made to the multiphase hyperdrive, Dr. Xita succumbs of the depth of the Guardians' co rruption . The Guardians let criminals go.
to a mysterious sickness. Yea rs of exposure to the multiphase hyperdrive They harass the heroes in their search for medicine. They confiscate items )
have affected his hea lth. The heroes discover from local traders that the of ancient techno logy, which inevitably turn up in a villa in's clutches. The
only cure fo r his disease lies in the strange technology of the Xaxax, a long- Guardians don't take direct action against the heroes. Even if the heroes 11
extinct race of beings who left powerful techno logical artifacts scattered launch an attack on a Guardian ship, the Guardians fight to disable. But -I
throughout th is part of the ga laxy. they are on ly wait ing for the right moment to act, and when they strike, the
Guardians will show the heroes no mercy. (1J
This act also introduces a new set of vi ll ains. The loca l name for the
members of th is organization ro ughly tra nslates to the Guardians. They were The cl imax of the second act comes when the heroes discover a world D
brought toget her to watch over Xaxax technology and ensure that it is not with techno logy that can cure the mysterious disease that afflicts Dr. Xita .
used for evil purposes, but the Guard ians have grown corrupt after thousands The world is sa id to have been bui lt by the Xaxax, and it appears to have
of years and jea lously guard the advanced techno logy of the lost Xaxax. been the source of the bits of advanced technology that turn up throughout
t he sector. The Guardians abandoned the world long ago, having looted
A strange piece of ancient technology comes into the heroes' possession . what techno logy they cou ld locate. Depending on the heroes' strengths,
Perhaps it is discovered in the treasure trove of Bereliz's defeated raiders, or the cl imactic encounter can incorporate an assault on an ancient fortress,
perhaps it is given to the heroes as a toke n of Grazdoc's gratitude. Studying a battle over the Xaxax world, or a clash of lightsabers while the rest of the
the artifact reveals two facts : The artifact is very old, possibly predating heroes race to save Dr. Xita's li fe.
the Republic, an d the small but high ly advanced artifact enables the user
to com municate across far distances. If the heroes ask loca l contac ts about CAMPAION OPTION:
the artifact, they receive crypt ic responses. Such technology has been seen KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER
in the region before, but no one seems to use it. Th e heroes must learn to li ve wi th thei r enem ies whil e they are stra nded
in the Un known Region s, instead of co nstantly battlin g t hem fo r control
The heroes must keep Dr. Xita al ive, because he is the on ly bei ng capab le of t he ship. You mig ht allow players to make characters who are mem-
of repairing the multiphase hyperdrive. Without constant ma intenance by be rs of t he enemy faction . Th e players can use wha t t hey know about
Dr. Xita, the sh ip begins to break down. The backup hyperdrive starts to the oppo sing fa ct ions in t he gam e to find creative ways t o reso lve th e
ma lfunction , as do the weapons. Doors stick. A strange smel l issues from the conflict set up in t he beg in nin g of t he ca mpa ign. For example, a Sith
air vents. These inconveniences are not life-threaten ing, but serve to spur character might be turn ed away from the dark sid e by Jedi characte rs, or
the heroes to find a cure for Dr. Xita before the sh ip deteriorates further. a Republi c soldier might lea rn discipline from a Mand alori an. You should
include encounters th at em ph asize t hat all t he characters will have to
Ma ny of t he adve ntu res an d enco unters in t his act invo lve t he search work together to survive.
to find a cure for Dr. Xita's illness. Grazdoc puts the heroes in contact with
various healers-some who have legitimate gifts, some who sell co lored water ACT III: A LONO SHOT
to gu ll ible natives. A visit to a primitive Force-sensitive shaman sends the
heroes on a quest for a rare hea li ng herb on a dense jungle planet. A rumo r The goa ls of th is segment of the campaign are twofo ld. The heroes must
of ancient technology puts the heroes at odds with the Guardians. Through eliminate the Guardians and find the ir way home. The Guardians observe the
these adventu res the heroes f ind treatments for Dr. Xita's symptoms, but no conflict between the two fact ions with increasing interest. The Guardians
cure for the disease that is slowly ki ll ing him. are confident that they can bargain with the enemy faction if it wins. If the
heroes win, they become a threat to the Guardians that must be dea lt with.
The main vil lain of the act is the enemy faction on board the ship. With Duri ng the final battle with the enemy fact ion, the heroes discover evidence
the heroes occupied with the search for a cure, the enemy faction decides of a hi dden Xaxax station somewhere in the sector. Dr. Xita remarks on how
to seize control of the ship or destroy everyone in the process. The enemy the design of t he station mirrors the design of the multiphase hyperdrive.
faction does its best to sabotage any obj ectives the heroes have by meth- The ancient space station is the heroes' ticket home ! Now all they have to
ods such as destroying the translation database, making interactions with do is find it.
other races more difficult. It provokes fights with hostiles to force the
heroes to expend time and energy smooth ing things over, and it reveals the
ship's location to criminals and pirates. It wipes the memories of droids and
deactivates weapons. The enemy faction has gathered together the enemies
bested by the heroes, using those allies in its push to seize contro l of ship
and destroy the heroes.
n The power core for the station was salvaged and split up by the Guardians. THE MULTICHARACTER
The heroes must locate and recover enough pieces to power the station for CAMPAION
I one final jump. (The exact number of pieces needed is up to the Gamemaster.) One challenge of a game featuring a large crew is keeping the heroes
One piece is located on a planet where the primitive population worships together for adventures. If, for example, the heroes consist of a protocol
} it as a god . Another is used as the power source for the Guardians' largest droid, a medical officer, a hotshot pilot, and a Jedi ambassador, writing
ship. Another might be hidden among the million fragments of an astero id adventures that require the ski lls of each character can be difficult. One
11 belt. Dr. Xita can cobble together the pieces into a device that will supp ly way to resolve this problem is to allow players to make multiple charac-
-t enough power to the station for one risky jump home. te rs with different specialties. The players can then choose to play the
characters who best suit each mission.
{IJ Th e Guardians keep the location of the station secret, because it's the
place where they decode and study the artifacts they find. But a small number ACT I: THE OUTER RIM
D of Guardians oppose their organization's corruption , and they feed informa -
tion about the ancient station to the heroes. These dissenters are eventually The first few adventures take place on the known frontier of the galaxy, in the
- discovered and eliminated by the Guardians, but not before having provided Outer Rim. The se adventures allow you to use traditional Star Wars elements
the heroes with enough clues to locate the station. Ultimately, the heroes while preparing the heroes for the un ique challenges to come.
18 (ill sow the seeds of rebellion, intentionally or not, and the planets of the sector
sta rt to rise against the Guardians. Subo the Hutt is the crime lord of the sector, a minor wheel in the larger
.I ~ crime family. Subo is a Hutt with refined taste, and he believes himself to be
'ill The heroes and their allies mount an assault on the station, where the a humble art col lector, although he engages in the same brutal behavior that
[f' Guardians make their last stand. The Guardians are led by General Klaxus, a Hutt crime lords are known for. Subo is fine with his small-time role, because
@ shrewd commander. A member of the enemy faction might make a surprise he has a much longer view. He, too, is interested in Endelaan, because he
l!J return as Klaxus's second in command. Thi s final act offers a great opportu- believes that someth ing on the planet can extend his life indefinitely. While
)) nity for a multilayered showdown. Run a round of space combat, then have the other Hutts poison and ki ll each other through the years, the secret of
~ some of the heroes lead an assault on a vital substation, and then stage a Endelaan will ensure that Subo is the ultimate inheritor of the crime empire.
@ duel between one of the heroes and General Klaxus. Cutting between the
~ battles is a classic Star Wars tact ic, heightening the tension and keeping The first of Subo's enforcers is a Human named Jakka. Jakka is not bright
everyone on the edge of their sea t s. and brags about his work for Subo. Subo keeps the thug around because
»(ill of his resilience. For some reason, Jakka is difficult to kill, and he has the
CAMPAIGN OUTLINE: cybernetics to prove it. Jakka is a relentless foe, returning to the pursu it of
~ THE SEARCH FOR the heroes time and time aga in after they believe him to be dead. Jakka takes
ENDELAAN pride in his cybernetic replacements and does his best to find those that
»'ill are intimidating and obvious. He remembers any hero who injures him in an
This campaign features the crew of the ship Spiral Dancer. The Spiral Dancer encounter, and he does what he can to use his new toy on that hero in the
® has been specially built to head into the Unknown Regions for a lengthy next encounter. Jakka should ultimately end his career in the final encounter
mission. The players will have adve ntures along the way to fulfilling their of this act, after he has become more machine than Human.
~ ultimate goal of finding a lost planet known as Endelaan. You should adjust
[lj) the reason the heroes need to find Endelaan to fit the era and the characters. Renarra is Subo's lieutenant and main advisor. This Wookiee owes a life
Endelaan might be an enclave of Jedi who survive Order 66. It might be a new debt to Subo, and she uses her position to her advantage to get out of trouble
homeworld for a species displaced by the Empire or by the Mandalorians, or with the authorities. Renarra is as ruthless and cunning as her boss, and her
it might be the source of a strange new technology. temper is legendary. Although she does not engage in the berserker rages
typ ical of Wookiees, she is no less dead ly in anger. She has sent Jakka and
The Spiral Dancer is a large ship with a large crew complement. Se lect other enforcers after targets who have committed only the slightest infrac-
a ship appropriate for the era of play. Thi s larger ship allows for a different tions. She is particularly hard on smugglers who fall behind in their debts .
play experience than the typical light freighter often used as a transport. It Subo keeps her in check, but when he wants someone eliminated, Renarra
offers a chance to refresh resources used during the course of the campaign. gets the job done . She is a stubbo rn enemy and does not tolerate failure in
Starfighters are destroyed, weapons are lost, and Gamemaster characters herself or her minions.
perish during the campaign. Replacing them is easier because of the resources
available on the Spiral Dancer.
Subo attempts to plant an agent on the Spiral Dancer. He wants to learn tastes, and his ship is a f loating museum. Subo's collection should make the n
what the heroes know about Endelaan and tries to persuade at least one of heroes reluctant to destroy the ship. The heroes instead find themselves on
the heroes to become a double agent. Subo has studied the heroes well and a careful raid of the Codexen, trying to acquire the information that Subo •I
knows how to tempt them. He might offer a Jedi an ancient holocron or per- has about Endelaan as well as recover the Antara Satrap. Throw in a mix of
haps a list with the names of all the Force-sensitives in the sector. He might valuable artifacts, the final appearance of Jakka as a henchman, and the 11
offer a soldier a prototype weapon or a scoun drel a chance at a big payday. final confrontation with Renarra, and you have an excellent conc lusion to -1
The key is to have Subo make an offer that the hero will find difficult to the first part of your campaign. !1l
refuse. It should be a tough decision, and one that the hero might regret later. lJ
The heroes themselves might be immune to Subo's temptations, but not OF THE NEBULA
everyone on board can resist his charms. On a ship as large as the Spiral Having recovered the Antara Satrap, or at lea st its logs, the heroes now have
Dancer, Subo will eve ntually get to somebody. The traitor onboard is a plot a general idea of Endelaan's location, and the search for the plan et begins
that needs to be revealed slo wly. Start with a wea pons malfunctio n. Direct in earnest. The Spiral Dancer leaves the Outer Rim and the machinations of
suspicion onto one of the player characters, and then spread it to the others. Subo the Hutt behind. This act features adventures with themes of explora-
The heroes should trust one another, but let their suspicion of the rest of tion and discovery. The heroes have had a good dose of classic Star Wars
the crew work its way into the sto ry. The traitor reveal s his or her identity adventure on the fringes of the ga laxy. Thi s act makes the transition from a
near the end of the act, but the heroes should feel that they are close to game featuring familiar Star Wars elements into a game with new elements
uncovering the identity at any moment. but the same themes.
Most of the adventures are sma ll clashes over artifacts that offer informa- The Nebula is the main threat of th is act. This ancient cult does not have
tion about Endelaan. Subo leaves Renarra to handle these matters. Renarra a massive fleet of starships. It does not have the evil powers of the Sith.
uses violence as her main tool, arranging burglaries and attacking vulnerable But it does have a prophecy that states that the discovery of Endelaan will
crew members whenever she can. After the Spiral Dancer has been identified bring about the end of the galaxy. The Nebula believes itself to be th e only
as a threat, Renarra throws any obstacles she can at the crew. She knows organization able to stop the prophecy from coming true. When the Spiral
that she does not have the resources to battle a ship the size of the Spiral Dancer arrives, the members of the Nebula know they must act. The secret
Dancer, but the crew is another matter entirely. Individual crew members can of Endelaan is theirs to protect, and the Spiral Dancer is the biggest threat
be intimidated, kidnapped, or killed , and the repercussions of these events they have faced.
are felt by everyone.
A campaign in t he Unknown Regions is an excellent chance for the heroes
The confli ct with Renarra comes to a head with the discovery of the to make history by discovering a brand-new species. Perhaps they find one
Antara Satrap. This small scout ship visited Endelaan by accident, and vital of those detailed in this book, or perhaps they discover a species you have
navigation information is stored in its logs. Ren arra kidnaps the last li ving designed. The heroes have a blank slate to work with. The newly discovered
relative of the Satrap's captain and tortures the young Human for informa- species might become essential allies. Or they might align with the Nebula
tion. He claims to know nothing about the ship. The heroes come to his and work with the secret society to defeat the Spiral Dancer. Give the heroes
rescue and discover that one of his family heirlooms points to the location a few encounters that can influence the new species' opinion of them.
of the Satrap. Th e ship is intact but heavily damaged. The logs require time
to repair and decipher. Renarra knows that the time to strike has arrived and The Nebula hopes to quietly eliminate the heroes and stop them from
calls in a last favor from the traitor on board the ship. triggering the prophecy. One of the Nebula's agents starts to spread lies about
the crew of the Spiral Dancer. These stories are exaggerated versions of the
When the Satrap is repaired, the traitor makes his or her move. The sh ip heroes' previous exploits. A soldier's heroic defense of an outpost becomes
is stolen and leads the Spiral Dancer on a chase through the Outer Rim . The a massacre of legendary proportions. Delicate trade negotiations by the
Satrap jumps into a system, creates as much confusion as possible, and jumps co mmun ication officer are transformed into the fleecing of an entire planet.
away, leaving the heroes to resolve problems such as hostile natives, counter- Distort incidents from earlier in the campaign until the actions become vil-
feit artifacts, and red herrings designed to slow the heroes down. The Antara lainous. The heroes must work to restore their reputation, and they become
Satrap eventually leads the heroes to Subo's personal vessel, the Codexen. aware that someone out here is sabotaging their efforts to find Endelaan.
The Codexen is a large luxury liner that has been converted to cater to As they search for the lost planet, the heroes begin to influence the
Subo, his entourage, and his guests. Unli ke other examples of Hutt excess, Unknown Regions. The technology they bring is different f rom anything in the
the ship is not filled with slave dancers, pet monsters, or other such ephem- sector. It should subtly transform the civilizations that the heroes encounter.
eral pleasures. Subo considers himself an art collector and a Hutt of refined
How might a primitive civilization react to a speeder or a blaster? The Spiral ACT III: RETURN OF
Dancerdevelops a black market that sells equipment wherever the ship stops. THE MANDALORIANS
Some view it as harmless, but the problems escalate when a native species This act should take place after a break in the campaign . Time has passed on
uses the technology to dominate the other species on the planet. The heroes Endelaan-perhaps six months, perhaps longer. The heroes have had a chance
must put things right the best way they can. to settle down but, as is always the case in the lives of heroes, something
As the Spiral Dancer gets closer to Endelaan, a member of the Nebula arises to thrust them back into greatness again. The heroes' peaceful life on
reveals himself to the heroes. He wants protection from the society and is Endelaan is shattered when a fleet of ships darkens the skies and a transmis-
willing to reveal its secrets in exchange for a smal l parcel to live on when sion comes from the f lagship battle cruiser Victus. The leader wears Man-
Endelaan is reached. This turncoat leads to a series of adventures that include dalorian armor and makes a simple statement: Surrender or die. The heroes
verifying his stories and dealing with crew members who are unhappy with take up arms once again to defend the lives they have built on Endelaan.
a traitor coming on board. Ultimately, the traitor truly wants to defect and The invasion force is made up of soldiers dressed as Mandalorians.
help the Spiral Dancer, but the heroes should face many moments of doubt Gamemasters looking for a classic Star Wars enemy need look no further.
before his good intentions are proven . Even if the era in which the game is set is not one where the Manda lorians
The Spiral Dancer soon comes to be seen as a source of justice in the playa role, the invaders look the part. Perhaps they are part of a resurgent
sector. Ships seek out the Spiral Dancer, hoping that it can settle interplan- movement, or perhaps they use the trappings of the Mandalorians to instill
etary conflicts. Without an Empire or a Republic to keep order, the locals fear into their victims. They move and attack with the Mandalorians' deadly
o of many wo rl ds need the Spiral Dancer to act as an intermediary to broker efficiency. Even if they aren't true Mandalorians, the way they march across
I treaties and prevent wars. These challenges should offer a mix of diplomacy Ende laan should demonstrate to the heroes that they mean business.
and action. Negotiating a treaty can be difficu lt, but it becomes much more These Mandalorians are led by a being named Vipsanis. Vipsanis believes
-i comp licated when one of the ambassadors is kidnapped and the Spiral he is destined to become the new Mandalo re, and he plans for his empire to
D Dancer has to rescue her. Some of these challenges are the result of the begin with Endelaan. Though he might come to respect the heroes' defense
Nebula 's inte rfere nce. The heroes' reputat ion is in constant fluctuation. For of their adopted homeland, Vipsanis is convinced that his destiny cannot be
every planet where the Spiral Dancer does some good, the Nebula does evil denied . He has chosen to invade Endelaan because he knew he would come
in the heroes' names . into conflict with the heroes, and Vipsanis knows that if he cannot defeat
The positive influence that the Spiral Dancercreates in the sector eventu- the heroes, his followers will consider him unworthy of the title he seeks.
al ly pays off. The heroes are directed to Mnemos, a planet-sized computer The Mandalorians are tough enemies to defeat, and the heroes should
database that holds the secret to the location of Endelaan. The Nebula knows find their confrontations with Vipsanis's forces challenging . If the heroes
that this is t he best opportunity to stop the heroes, and the organization are successful in some encounters, they are defeated in others . The heroes
arri ves at the planet before the heroes do. Nebula agents sabotage the can defend only so many places at once, and the Manda lorians stretch their
access nodes on the planet, so the heroes must restore the nodes to find resources to the breaking point. Villages are destroyed, settlements sacked,
the location of Endelaan. These encounters should offer multiple ways for and any of the improvements the heroes made to their surroundings when
t he heroes to sh ine. For example, one node might hide a Nebula ambush, they settled on Endelaan are methodically being reversed . Heroes disl ike being
wh ile another invo lves a cryptic puzzle that must be solved before time runs defeated, so thi s is possibly the trickiest part of the campaign. Find a balance
out and t he node is permanently disconnected. These encounters should be between victories and setbacks. Perhaps the heroes keep getting the best
tailo red to your heroes' specialties, giving each one an opportunity to shine of a certain commander even as the Mandalorians move across Endelaan.
and to have a hand in locating the planet that they have been searching for As the heroes' situation declines, highlight their successes by playing up
since the beginn ing of the campaign. personal victories. Star Wars heroics are usually broad. By this time in the ir
Endelaan is within sight. The long journey into the unknown is almost careers, the heroes have probably saved the galaxy at least once as well as
complete, and the Nebula makes a last, desperate move. Its agents attempt a destroyed an evil organization or two. Even as the Mandalorians win, t he
mutiny on t he Spiral Dancerand try to destroy the ship and all on board before heroes see reasons to keep fighting. Each small success-the va liant defense
it reaches the f ina l destination . The heroes begin this encounter stripped of of a Jedi Padawan as she takes up her fallen master's lightsaber, or the so ldier
their weapons and equipment, and they must f ind away to overcome the ensuring that civilians escape as the Mandalorians advance-can fee l as
Nebula before it destroys the Spiral Dancer. A tense encounter on the bridge important as a large victory.
or in the eng ineering section either resu lts in the heroes retaking the ship or Vipsanis has nominated Akero as his general in charge of the occupa-
in the destruction of the Spiral Dancer if the heroes fail. t ion. Akero is a good choice. He is a young warrior in search of glory, and his
prowess on the battlefield is qu ickly becoming legendary. Akero challenges
the heroes at every turn, but unlike Vipsanis, Akero also sees the honor the
Spiral Dancer. The heroes must capture the opposing bridge before their
fellow crew members aboard the Spiral Dancer are killed. The final encoun-
ter of the campaign is a grand battle on the bridge of the Victu5 between
Vipsanis, his personal guard, and the heroes.
The popular image of the scout is that of a lone pilot with a trusty droid
heading out into the Unknown Regions and discovering adventure and wealth )
beyond imagination. This is an image scouting recruiters play up in their
advertisements, and while the myth has some truth, a scout rarely heads out 11
without some support back home. The three major types of scouts are service, -I
corporate, and independent. Each type has advantages and disadvantages
to the way it explores the universe. (I)
Service scouts work for a government, such as the Old Republic or the
heroes bring to the battle. In his quest to become the Mandalore, Vipsanis Galactic Empire, often as part of the military. Service scouts are sent to look
is blind to the atrocities he is ordering Akero to commit. The heroes have a for locations for military bases, to monitor enemy troop movements, or to
potential ally in Akero. But how can they ask him to work with them against do espionage and courier work. Elite scouts work with small special forces
Vipsanis wi thout sa crificing his own honor? units, guiding them into dangerous situations and retrieving them when they
need to leave in a hurry. Service scout crews are loyal to one another. They
Eventually, the time comes when the heroes have their backs to the wall. know they have only each other to count on out in the Unknown Regions,
They retreat to where they have stored the Spiral Dancer. A decision must be so they develop a tight bond.
reached. Should the heroes abandon Endelaan, or sho uld they regroup for
one last battle? Assuming that the heroes elect to stay and fight, they will Service scouts are mostly concerned with exploration. The more detailed
have to sp end time making the Spiral Dancer ready for battle. This might the map their government has of space, the better the armed forces can
require stealing weapons from the Mandalorians, repairing the engines, and deploy for defense and to fend off threats. Scout services in time of war are
training resistance fighters. When the heroes get their force ready, they take trained in starship combat and hit-and-run tactics. When these scouts muster
the battle to Vipsanis. out of the service, they often find themselves in high demand from corporate
scout divisions. Military service also fosters connections among the inde-
The main Mandalorian battle cruiser is more than a match for the Spiral pendent scouts who were once service scouts. A former service scout who
Dancer. A stand-up fight is a quick route to an airless grave. The Spiral Dancer encounters another might gain a free drink, information, or a steadfast ally.
ca n engage the battle cruiser Victu5, but it must do so carefully. Such an
engagement might involve the heroes piloting a sma ll shuttle and trying to The main advantage of being a service scout is stability. Even when a
sneak around the Mandalorian vessel while it is engaged in battle with the government is not interested in expanding its borders, service scouts are still
needed to perform routine reconnaissance . The salary is constant, regard-
less of whether a scout discovers a mineral-rich world or a lifeless asteroid.
Service scouts not on duty are decommissioned to a reserve status. Such
scouts are allowed to keep and operate their ships, with the understanding
that they can be called into active duty at any time. Joining a scout service
is one of the few reliable ways of obtaining a ship without enlisting the aid
of a crime lord. If the scout performs above and beyond the call of duty in
the name of the service, the scout service can award the scout his or her
ship as a reward.
The disad vantage of being a service scout is the associated bureaucracy forward to serving as one. The Gogi determines whe re the scout ship goes
and red tape. A service scout is sent to a specific sector with rigid mission and what it does, but the ship ca n be recalled by the army to be sent on a
parameters. The commanders back home might give a scout latitude in the specific mission.
f ield, but a service scout who plays too fast and loose with regulations has
many questions to answer when he or she heads home to resupply. Service CORPORATE SCOUTS
scouts can be heroic, but they should not expect a parade and a medal when Each corporate scout works for one of the millions of corporations in the
they arrive home. ga laxy. Corporatio ns are constantly on the lookout for more resource s,
The Corporate Sector Authority has no official scout service arm, but whether ore, elements, or cheap labor. Large corporations have exploration
CSA ships are often called upon to perform many of a service scout's duties. divisions looking to expand business opportunities, and some hire out their
Unlike corporate scouts, CSA scouts rarely discover new planets, because scout services to other companies. These scouts are paid a flat rate and sign
the sector in which they operate is well documented . The main function of over all their rights of discovery to the company. The benefit of work in g as
CSA scout ships is to be on the lookout for ships flying too close to one of a corporate scout is the abil ity to see the galaxy and go to places no being
the sector's planets, trying to acquire insider information. has been before. The co rporate scout is one of the important component s
Th e Yuuzhan Vong invasion causes a panic in the New Republic scout in bringing civilization to the ga laxy.
service. Scout ships are equipped with military-grade weaponry and attached The focus of a corpo ra te scout's mission is acquisition . Corporation s
to New Republic military units. The scouts are often first on the scene when want planets that can make money. Whether the planet is inhabited or ha s
n a new Yuuzhan Vong ship appears. Scout ships are also used for Alliance ancient Sith ruins matters little. If the company wants the rights to the
SpecOps missions to gather information on a Yuuzhan Vong installation or to planet, the corporate scout must do whatever he or she can to secure the
>1 elim inate a Yuuzhan Vong stockpile. The bond between a unit and its scout planet. A corporate scout might be asked to do nearly anything, including
-I becomes strong, and many units stay in touch after the New Republic victory. negotiating with an undiscovered species or destroying an ancient holy site.
11 Rumors abound regarding the Jedi shadows. Trad ition al Jedi serve the The scout must be willing to play dirty with other scouts to ensure that his
Council, take on Padawans, and are well publicized when they arrive on a or her company comes out on top.
planet. Jedi shadows typically work alone, although a few operate with
small , trusted crews. These small bands keep their leader's Jedi background
hidden, traveling with little to identify the Jedi if the mission goes wrong .
Shadows slip onto and off a planet at the behest of the Jedi Council, with
no one the wiser. When a mission is exposed, the Counci l typically denies
any knowledge of the shadow's actions and states that the Jedi is a rogue.
Shadows are often sent to unexplored planets to search for locations strong
in the Force or to seek rumored Sith enclaves.
Automated droid scouts make up most of the expansion division of the
Confederacy of In dependent Systems. Unlike the solo droids of the Imperial
era, droid scouts are sma ll ships sent out to sea rch for planets rich in the
resources needed for the massive war machines used by the CIS. Ea ch droid is
assigned a specific function. These scout groups are effici ent and fi nd many
worlds where droid factories and other industrial production can flourish .
However, the scout teams are unable to adapt to condition s not covered by
their programming, such as combat or accidental damage. In these situations,
the scouts have a general order to jump out of the system. But droid scouts
are then often at a loss about how to proceed, and they exh ibit strange
behaviors until memory wiped.
To expand their territory, the Mandalorians use scouts as well as sold iers.
Young sold iers serve as scouts when they first join the Mandalorians. Groups
of scouts are overseen by an older solider who acts as both commanding
officer and drill sergeant. This position, known as the Gogi, is given to a
Mandalorian who has passed his or her prime as a warrior but still has much
to teach othe rs. Most Mandalorians remember their Gogi fond ly and look
One of the most prolific scouting divis ions is part of the Czerka Mining the death of Black Sun leader Xizor, Bellixan scouts become a favorite target n
Corporation . Czerka owns hundreds of scout ships and contracts thousands of privateers allied with the Rebels. Without the support of Black Sun, the
more to search for rich mineral deposits. The reports sent back from these company quickly folds . I
expeditions make the compa ny one of the most successful in the ga laxy
for centuries. The scout division cares litt le for planets that do not f it the Sienar Fleet Systems finds itself in a bad situation after the fall of the )
profile set down by the executives. Hundreds of planets discovered by Czerka Emp ire. Many of its TIE facto ries are either dormant or destroyed. Facing a
ships go unexplored because they are not of the right composition. Some company-end ing cris is, designers build the Lone Star scout ship based on iJ
of these are sold to other companies for development, but the locations of existing TIE designs. The ship is remarkable because of the purchase program -1
many simply become lost again. the marketing department devises. For every planet the owner discovers and I1l
signs over to the company during the first year, the owner receives credit back 11
Corporate scouts attract employees by offering excellent compensa- on the starship. The popu larity of the ship soars as would-be explorers try
tion. Corporate equipment is top of the line. Scout companies know that it the ir luck at getting a brand-new starship for free. In addition to the large
takes money to make money, so they foot the bill for technology upgrades. number of ships sold, Sienar also makes lucrative deals selling the rights of
However, corporations are protective of their assets, so corporate scouts are the planets it acquires to other companies.
wise to carefully review the contracts they sign. Corporations offer bonuses
for find ing planets that fit t heir desired profile. These bonuses drive scouts Colony companies such as Anawa are responsible for the expansion of
into t he Unknown Regions to f ind the perfect planet that will enable them civilization into the Unknown Regions. Their scout ships not only discover
to retire . Such planets are mythical, but enough stories f il ter thro ugh the new planets, they also administer the planets for Anawa while the co lonies
company to make the idea seem plausible. develop. Anawa scouts are granted law-enforcement powers until a colony
can provide its own. Anawa also expects its scouts to patrol nearby systems
There are drawbacks to work ing as a corporate scout. Corporations are and protect colonists from pirates and undesirables ready to pounce on
motivated by profit, which can make for hard decisions in the field . A scout supply-rich colonies. The Empire might be cutting back on exploration to
who earns a bonus for discovering uninhabited planets might be faced with divert resources to military pursuits, but companies such as Anawa are there
a difficult decision if he or she discovers a small colony on the far side of a to take up the slack. Beings looking to escape the dark times are encouraged
desirable planet. Different divisions might have different goals for a newly to consider becoming colonists, and there is always work for scouts with
discovered planet. The scout can become caught up in these power struggles. the colony companies.
And a corporation's response to a scout's misfortune can be severe. The
corporation might quickly replace a scout ship destroyed in the line of duty, Siechel Transystem's scouting division is not interested in a whole planet
but it might also garnish the scout's credits from future discoveries until the but rather in a specific resource . Siechel seeks out water-rich planets and
cost of the ship has been repaid . sells the water to other planets that need it. Siechel scouts negotiate water
co ntracts with planets and haul water across the ga laxy. Siechel agents have
The Survey and Development arm of the Czerka Co rporation is one of the a good reputat ion as fair merchants who treat clients on both ends with
best-known corporate scou t divisions in the ga laxy. The company is one of respect and integrity. Siechel is contracted by the Galactic Alliance to set
the first to sell colonization rights to planets that it discovers but does not up a water convoy from Mon Calamari to Tatooine. The job is not glamorous,
want. A common motto throughout the exploration community is "Czerka but it is steady work for Siechel's scouts and a great way for a young pilot
trained the rest of the galaxy." Most first-generation scouts come out of to rack up f light hours.
Czerka's program and bring their training with them. They pioneer many of
the standard protocols that are adopted by countless scouting organizations INDEPENDENT SCOUTS
that form afterward. No matter what era a scout is a part of, Survey and Independent scouts work as freelancers, selling their discoveries to the
Development has a hand in how that scout does business. highest bidder. When regular citizens think about scouts, they envision an
independent scout. These scouts make up single-ship operations crewed by
Bellixan Endeavors is a scouting business that is a front for the Black Sun up to ten beings. Profits from discoveries are split between the members
crim inal empire. The Bellixan logo is used to hide ships fu ll of ill egal cargo of the crew after the costs of maintaining and repai ring the ship are cov-
with falsified manifests claim ing t hey are fi ll ed with soil sa mp les and other ered. The crew determines the command structure of the ship. Some ships
such mundane items. Guns are often hidden in crates ma rked as survey are commanded solely by the captain. Some captains let the crew vote on
equipment. Bellixan does have working scout ships and is attentive to its major decisions.
employees, but the scouting operation is tiny compared to the smuggling
conducted using Bellixan ships. Bellixan flour ishes in the Rebellion era and Survival is the main concern of an independent scout. Discovering planets
finds itself targeted by Rebels looking for supplies to fight the Empire. After is an independent scout's primary means of making ends meet, but sometimes
lucrative discoveries dry up. At times such as those, scouts dabble in other The Parallax Chain is a secret society of independent captains who deal
jobs, such as transporting passengers or shipping. Desperate times push the in the most reviled cri minal activity in the galaxy. Most are not outright
independent scout into more questionable activities. Many options exist on slavers, but they are will ing to deal with those who trade in li ves for profit.
the frontier, and the odds of running into the law are low. To survive, these The Chain uses scouts as spies and informants. Even during the Empire's peak,
scouts are wil ling to expand their roles by taking a bounty, flying escort for when slavers were ab le to operate almost openly, the Chain hides and keeps
a crime lord, or running cargo on the Outer Rim. These odd jobs keep the an eye out for opportunities to make profit. The Chain values new planets
ship flying and let the scout plan his or her next expedition . either to exploit for sla ves or to use as hideaways for valuable hostages it
The independent scout values freedom above all else. These scouts obey plans to sell back to wealthy parents and corporations.
no orders but their own. They determine where they go and whom they keep One of the longest-ru nning independent scouting operations is the
in contact with. They can explore deep space for weeks on end. Without Lakhasa Caravan. Amada Lakhasa was a Twi'lek who headed out from Ryloth
any backup, these scouts are willing to fight longer and harder to hold onto with little more than a beat-up freighter and a few credits for ca rgo. He
discoveries . The independent scout also can use his or her judgment without slowly added children to his family and ships to his fleet. The fleet and the
reprisal in dangerous situations . These scouts do not worry about rules and family continue to this day. Every Lakhasa sh ip is named for the relative that
regulations when the chips are down and a difficult choice must be made. taught the owner the tricks of the spacer trade. Today, the Lakha sa name
Support is a challenge for any independent sco ut. These scouts usually is well known in ports across the galaxy. Some beings have tried to falsely
wo rk in single-ship operations, so if the hyperdrive motivator blows and claim membership, only to be visited by the larger and more temperamental
n strands a crew of independent scouts in the middle of nowhere, the crew is members of the family. The Lakhasa Caravan knows that all it ever has for
left to its own resources to get home. No recovery ship or fellow employee certain is its good name, and it protects that name vigorously.
~ can be called on for help. Many independent scouts come out of the scout
-i service or a corporate scouting division. Independent scouts who have these EXPLORATION IN
II backgrounds have built up the contacts that are necessary for a good support
network. Independent scouts might not have official support, but sometimes Y O U R C A M P A I O N
a good friend is the difference between life and death. Adding exploration elements to an existing campaign is sim ple. Star Wars
Few independent scout organizations exist, but one was born out of a is about wonder, undiscovered places, and exotic elements. Once you have
large tragedy. The Tomm aba Brotherhood is a loose affiliation of scouts a so lid idea that engages you, finding a way to engage the players is much
who are natives of the destroyed planet Alderaan. Many of those who called easier if you know where to look. The tips and tricks that follow should help
Alde raan home settle on New Alderaan, but others wander the galaxy with- you find the right hook to bring an exploration theme into any campaign.
out a home. Many of these wanderers end up as independent sco uts who One of the best places to look for inspiration for exotic creatures,
band together in a loose, informal affiliation. Their name comes from a herd breathtaking locales, and interesting phenomena is the world around you.
an imal that wandered the plains of Alderaan . Despite the masculine name, A few clicks on the Web are all you need to find an element to draw your
both males and females can be members, as long as they are from Alderaan. heroes into adventure. Nature programs and magazines are other places to
The scout known as Captai n Nova is often dismissed as an old spacer's find ideas. The natural world is filled with co nflict and danger. Increasing
tale. Yet, when drinks are f low ing at the local cantina , everyone seems to the scale of something such as a beehive is a simple way to create a tense
have had a friend or a friend of a friend who has encountered the captain. encounter for explorers. Imagine your heroes creeping into a gigantic anthill
Capta in Nova's ship, the legendary Runner 309, arrives in the nick of time to rescue an ally-or into an automated starship factory that works like a
when a spacer runs out of fuel or is attacked by pirates. Nova renders aid, beehive. Spice up an everyday element with a bit of Star Wars and you are
offers a salute from his tinted, full-face helmet, and jumps out of the system on the right track for a memorable adventure.
without stopping. Stories of Captain Nova have been reported by everyone Earth's age of exp loration is another excellent sou rce of inspiration.
from Mandalorians to Imperial Knights, but his identity remains a mystery. Personalities such as Columbus and Byrd can be inspirations for allies and
No single being could live so long, could he? rivals of heroes exploring the unknown. Blur the myths and legends of history
Many heroes are made in the Battle of Kashyyyk. A young Wookiee named togeth er to produce something unique. Everyth ing from the discovery of the
Grabathar uses his status as a wa r hero to begin ThriliSpace Travel. Grabathar New World to the space race has dozens of sto ries, myths, and personalities
takes travelers on trips to exotic destinations throughout the galaxy. He that can fit into an adventure. Embellish, cha nge, mix together, and modify
offers prepa ckaged tours but also is available for chartering. Business has the events to fit your storyline.
been booming since the end of the Clone Wars, so Grabathar has added other Once you have the idea, the next step is getting your players involved.
captains and ships into his operation and is on the lookout for more spacers Even if one player is specialized in exploration, a good adventure engages the
with the ability to entertain as we ll as protect passengers. whole group and gives everyone in a stake in the story as well as a chance
A VAYA -CLASB SCOUT SHIP DEPLOYS A HYPERSPACE the end of the scenario, or else something bad happens. The bad outcome can n
NAVIOATION BEACON. be minor or major, but put the pressure on your heroes and watch them shine.
to shine. The heroes have those talents and feats for a reason. Designing Heroes don't have to save the ga laxy every time. Personal victories are
sce nesand encounters that utilize them makes everyone happy. Let the noble just as rewarding for heroes as long as they feel li ke they accomplished ~
negotiate with the planet's leadership . Encourage the Jedi to explore the someth ing . If every adventure ends with a large enemy ship exploding, the 1)
differences in his philosophy with the shaman. Allow the scoundrel to teach
the locals how to play sa bacc. Even giving a hero a small spotlight can make heroes will become bored. Star Wars is ep ic, but it has smaller elemen ts as -i
him or her feel good. The players are there to be the stars of the movie. Be
sure they have interesting things to do. we ll. Was the turning point on Endor the moment when the Ewoks arrived (II
or when Lu ke Skywalker refused to strike down Darth Vader? Your heroes
Skill checks and dice rolls can heighten the tension of an adventure, but want both of these moments in their journey. Ending a session with a Jedi D
they should always be necessary rolls. A good exploration adventu re should completing her new lightsaber or a scoundrel paying off the last of his debts
have a clear line from one scen e to the next. Hinging a plot point on a die creates an important moment that will be discussed around the gaming table
roll is challenging. What if the hero fails to see the ancient runes on the back for years to come.
of the holocron? If find ing a clue is important to the adventure, then the
heroes should find the clue. Fai led checks should never stop the adventure, Star Wars is a space fantasy. Elements of science are involved, but the
but they should make it more interesting. One way of adding tension to a
check is to give the heroes an ad vantage in an encounter if they succeed laws of physics take a backseat to fast spaceships and explosions in space.
or to make the encounter more difficult if they fail. If you ask for a roll, be A good exploration element balances the science with the fantasy. Discover-
prepared with something interesting to happen on a success or a failure. ing a new rock formation is good scie nce, but addi ng some thing exotic to
Pacing is an important part of an exploration adventure. Nobody wants that discovery makes it Star Wars. What if the rock fo rmation was home to
to spend time playing the survey team that met hodi ca ll y explores a grassy
planet indefinitely. Add a ticking clock element to spu r your heroes to action. a new species? Or the marker to find a lost Jedi temple? Mixing exploration
If that grassy planet is going to be overrun by the Empire and the heroes need and adventure gives heroes the same thrills they got when they first saw
to usher some innocents off the planet, that sense of urgency heightens the the exotic vistas of places such as Tatooine and Hoth . Discuss with the rest
drama and makes the situation more interesting. The heroes must act before of the group how flex ible the laws of science shoul d be in your game. Make
sure everyone is on the same page, and the game wil l not become bogged
down with digressions about realism.
Another element of exploration is finding new information about the
fami liar. You do not have to go to the Unknown Regions to find things that
need to be discove red. Remember that planets from the films have mu ch yet
to be discovered, as well . Heroes could be se nt to lea rn more about places
such as Hoth , Mustafar, or any of the other planets known to Star Wars f ans .
Many resources detail the planets in the f ilms and books, but there is sti ll a
lot to room to breathe. Even civilized worlds such as Coruscant hold secrets.
The lower levels of the city are as dangerous as a canyon on a forgotten world.
The dangers are just different. Use these familiar elements as touchstones
for you r stories, but expand them to make them your own.
Wondrous technologies exist in the Unknown Regions. Th e Jedi and the
Sith are common origins of these strange devices. Li ghtsabers and holocrons
are just two examples of technology that mystifies the rest of the galaxy
but see ms common to the se masters of the Force. A lone Jedi who escaped
to the Unknown Reg ions could spend her life mastering her Force ab ilities.
She might craft a va riety of items that have both mundane uses and special
functions that can be unlocked only by those sensitive to the Force. Sith
Alchemy is another techno logy that can harness amazing abilities. Perhaps
a Sith Master finds the time, patience, and resources to build a ship made
entirely of alchemical metals. The ship is almost indestructible, and the Sith
Lord waits for the day he returns to Coruscant for revenge.
Although Star Wars has a cosmopolitan attitude toward non-Humans,
space is a large canvas. Wookiees and Rodi ans might be familiar to fans, but
they are not the on ly species out there. If the Empire can build the Death Star,
an undiscovered species can build someth ing just as terrifying. Strange ruins Mix up the encounters in an adve nture for maximum effect. Star Wars
can be set up as a classic dungeon craw l or as the main driver of an entire is a ga laxy of breath less escapes, fast action, and thrilling chases. Heroes
campaign. A drifting hulk offers an opportun ity for exploration and danger. who find the mse lves always blasting stormtroopers eventually find that it
In the Unknown Regions, mystery is an important component of exp loration. is not as much fun anymore. Different types of encounters and challenges
A new technology is a great way to inject some of that excitement from t he keep everyone's interest longer. If you have a big battle planned for the final
first time you saw Star Wars back into your game. encounter of the evening, start off with a chase scene or a tense negotiation.
Conflict is key to any Star Wars adventure. With "Wars" in the titles of Not every hero will be suited for every battle in the same way, so having
the movies, heroes expect a lot of action. A good adventure moves fast and encounters that play to different strengths keeps the heroes happier overall.
keeps the heroes on t heir toes. Battle is the most co mmon means of reso lving
confl ict, but other types of confrontation can be j ust as exciting as those H o w TO COME HOME SAFELY
involving blasters and lightsabers. A pen or a computer te rminal can be as A scou t who wants to survive in the Unknown Regions needs as much help
mighty as a vib rosword. Adventures in the Unknown Reg ions need not be as possible. The guide li nes offered here are a combination of common sense,
about discovering a new planet and fighting wit h new creatures every week. hard experie nce, and th e best advice from explorers who have come before.
Rival scouts negotiating with a tribal leader for water rights might not end Some organizations have regulations that differ from the wisdom given
in violence, but it has an impact on everyone involved . If the heroes belong below. The differences between what a scout must do for the sake of policy
to a scouti ng organization , be sure to featu re riva ls from other organiza - and what a sco ut must do fo r the sake of surviva l can be powerful plot hooks
n tions in an adventure. Noth ing hooks a hero into a game like a well-p layed and springboards into adventure. Scouts go to dangerous places, so having
riva l. If the heroes have someone working aga inst them, defeating that rival the right information can mean the difference between coming home as a
~ is satisfying . Being awarded a contract over a bitter rival can be more fu n hero and not coming home at all.
.; than destroying a techno logical terror bent on eating planets, because the
Exp lori ng a Syst em
II rival makes it personal.
A common theme for exploration adventures is the cha llenge presented by Jumping into a new system can be one of the most cha llenging parts of
the environment. The heroes must climb mountains, navigate lava pits, and exploring the ga laxy. The safe approach uses a series of small jumps to the
survive natural disasters to make it home. Exotic undiscovered planets allow edge of long-range sensors, then crawling through the system with sublight
you to invent chal lenges t hat exceed the norma l. Why j ust add whi tewater eng ines. Th is process is time-cons uming and hard on the hyperdrive motiva-
rapids when you can have whitewater rapids populated by fast reptilian tor. Veteran scouts pick a specific distance from the system star and jump
predators? A cavernous shootout is good, but a shootout with magnetic the ship to that distance. The distance is a number of parsecs chosen by the
rocks that allow for trick shots and ricochets is better. Exotic elements make scout, often for superstitious reasons.
Star Wars unique and keep encounters more interesting than simp ly f iring If the system is unknown, a hyperspace navigation beacon should be
blasters in initiative order. released near the edge of the system. These beacons are standard equipment
A comp lementary theme to envi ronmenta l conflicts is confrontation on most sh ips and automatica lly send data to the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild
with wildlife. Heroes faced with exotic beasts and dangerous plants have a to update navicomputers. After a beacon is deployed, jumping back to the
choice: Fight them, or try to outwit them. These creatures can also serve as system becomes much easier. The Guild recommends deploying the beacon
interesting and dynamic terra in in another encounte r. Perhaps the heroes right away, but larger exploration organ izations encourage their employees to
must sneak past a nest of sleeping beasts to f ind their way into an enemy deploy the beacon on ly after a cursory exploration of the system . A few sug-
outpost. Or perhaps the confrontation with the main vi llain takes place in his gest that if the system has nothing of value to the organization, then naviga-
botan ical ga rden, where exotic plants can influence t he battlefield. tors should not waste a beacon and should move to the next unexplored sector.
Heroes are often portrayed as having no f laws and show ing no fear. But Two methods are recommended for the initial flythrough of an unexplored
interesting conflicts arise when a hero is anxious about the coming action. system. The first is the median line. A straight-line course is plotted past
A well-defined hero should have a flaw or two, which can provide excel lent the system's star, coming as close as possible to each planet in the system.
drama. Characters who value both cred its and friendship will have a dilemma The med ian line is used primarily in systems believed to be uninhabited . This
when one of their friends is threatened by a crime lord . Jedi must put away method allows for a closer scan of all the planets in the system and lets the
their doubts and fears , because those emotions can lead to the dark side. A scout decide which, if any, planets shou ld be surveyed. Corporate scouts
character afra id of heights should be the one who must so lve a problem on are taught this method. Any planet in a system might be va luable, so each
the outside of the airship wh ile in fl ight. These difficu lties can make a heroic one shou ld rece ive a cursory scan as the scout heads through the system.
triumph al l the more satisfying.
The other common fly through method is the return orbit. The scout plots Any existing gui ld registration s appear during the initial flyby of a system. n
acourse that takes the ship in toward the system's star, orbits the star once, If the planet has not been registered, the first task a scout should complete
and then slin gshots away from the sun back to the original entry point. Th is after landing is to register the planet with the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild. I
orbit is useful when a scout wants to slip in and out of a system without If a planet has already been registered, the scout wi ll not need to further
being detected. Service sco uts use this method to avoid detection by enem y exp lore the planet and can instead focus on a specific planetary mission or ~
ships in the sector. The loop around the sun is made to confuse pursuers. continue on to the next planet. The registration process helps eliminate claim
The scout does not want to let in-system authorities know which planet or jumping, although the practice sti ll exists. A scout can set down on a planet, 11
planets are of interest. so a quick loop and back ensures a good snapshot dreaming of the fortunes the rights will fetch, only to be the victim of pirates -f
for a later targeted search . Looping back also gives the scout ship a route intent on eliminating the scout and registering the planet as their own find.
out of the system if it is discovered . (II
Deciding if they should samp le local cuisine is another dilemma scouts
Some expeditions cover space that has been previously exp lored . Navi- face . Whether accepting a dinner invitation from the local baron or cooking D
gation beacons can break down and malfunction. A scout might prefer the up somethi ng after a long day's hunt, a scout who has been living on nutrition
dangerous and rewarding job of discovering new planets and making contact paste looks forward to fine dining. A ship's scanners can determine whether
with new species, but this is not always the case. Sometimes scouts are something is edible, but scouts in the field should be cautious. Wise scouts
sent to a system to perform maintenance on a beacon or replace it entirely. bring a few sam ples of food back to the ship from the first fora y and analyze
Organizations mig ht also ask scouts to visit a system to verify survey informa- them before consumption. Without advice from local guides, local foods
tion. These check-ups can be initiated because of a celestial event such as a should be eaten only if no other resource s are available. Even then, scouts
supernova or because of a sim ple clerical error in the original scout report. should exercise caution, since a local guide might take the opportunity to
Such missions are not glamorous, but they often hold the same danger as rob a scout blind if the scout fal ls ill from a meal.
exploration missions.
A typical planetary survey takes 30 standa rd hours or, according to the
The Planetary Survey rule most scouts use, one full day/night cycle. The longer a scout stays on
a planet, the more in- depth the su rvey is, so scout organizations that want
A scout should complete at least one orbit around a newly discovered more information on specific planets require longer stays. Minimum camp
planet before attempting to land. Most scout services recommend two; one time can vary from planet to planet within a system. A corporate scout might
equatorial orbit-around the widest part of the planet-and one meridian spend more time on planets that have resources his or her employer uses
orbit-connecti ng the north and south poles. Ship sensors sh ould be ab le to but spend little to no time on planets the company has less interest in. An
pick up any lifeforms or major ha za rd s after two orbits. More orb its around independent scout stays on a planet as long he or she can, to ensure that a
the planet increase the chances that the sensors might catch anything that claim can be made and to earn a profit from the discovery.
might endanger the scout and his or her ship, but in a system with a hostile
presence, spending the time for extra orbits increases the risk of a scout's Scout ships are primarily collectors of data, but many have small cargo
being spotted by opposing forces. bays as well. Scout organizations offer bonuses for items recovered from a
new planet. Soil samples analyzed in the field are useful, but a large-scale
Choosing the right landing zone is the next decision a sco ut must make. organization wou ld prefer to have that soil examined by its own lab techni-
If a scan of the area reveals no current inhabitants, a higher-altitude land- cians before authorizing any plans for the planet. Independent scouts collect
ing zone is the most common choice. A ship on a hill or a low mountain local trinkets and knickknacks to sel l when they land at civilized ports. Unique
has a better chance of receiving transmissions from a landing party as wel l works of art can bring high prices, so a few scouts move out of the scouting
as making transmissions off planet if the ship becomes stranded. A high business and in to the art-dealer business.
position is also more defensible if the ship is attacked by local wildlife or
undetected natives . Qu arantine for at least 48 hours is recommended after a scout leaves
a planet. Quarantine exists to ensure that illnesses or dangerous lifeforms
Lower-altitude landing zones are chosen by scouts exploring inhabited are unable to spread back to the known wo rld s. Service scouts, upon arrival
planets. A scout hoping to log a planet and leave without alerting inhabit- from an assignment in the Unknown Regions, might spend up to a week in
ants flies in low and avoids large population areas. Thi s technique might quarantine, but corporate scouts have a reputation for bending the quaran-
be used to avoid a hostile encounter, or it might be the first element of a tine laws, because time is money to their masters.
recon or an espionage mission. Corporate scouts are often sent in to observe
competitors in this way, especially if a riva l corporation place s facilities on
an out-of-the-way planet.
First Contact Etiquette and Protocol The company might also want a recovery of corporate assets such as the
Different services have different protocols for dealing with intelligent ship or the original scout. If the ship has been repurposed as a holy site, for
li feforms. First contact with a new species can make or break a sco uting example, or otherwise incorporated into the local culture, reacquisition can
career. A successful fir st contact can project the scout into higher ranks be difficult.
with more autonomy and more challenging assignments. A blown contact E5: E5 encounters are frowned upon by scouts. These encounters involve
can ruin a scout's reputation no matter why the contact went wrong. One bringing a native on board the scout's vessel. Much can go wrong, such as the
bad encounter with a new species can have a greater effect on a scout' s native carrying an exotic di sease that the medical droid cannot counteract or
reputation than ten perfect encounters. Encounters with unknown species a native attempting to se ize control of the vessel. These encounters are rare
are divided into five categories . and made only in specific circumstances. The company might understand that
El: An El encounter occurs when a scout discovers evidence of intel- an E5 encounter is justified when the scout brings a triba l leader on board
ligent life on a planet. Find s suc h as ancient ruins or constructed tool s are El the ship to be treated by the medical droid after an assassination attempt.
encounters. Studying this evidence provides insights into the species before Then again, it might not.
contact is made. Familiarity with a culture prior to making direct contact can
provide bonu ses to interaction rolls if the sco ut decides to initiate contact. Establishing Rapport
Exp lorers should proceed with caution, because an inhabited planet is more When sco uts acquire item s from newly di scovered speci es, they report the
complicated to explore than an uninhabited one. An extremely cautious items as "artifacts." Broadcasting any more information might make the scout
n reaction would be to immediately retreat to the ship and attempt to contact a target of pirate s or smugglers looking to make some credits from a hold
the species by comlink. full of jewels and preciou s metals. So a scout who reports having artifacts
~ E2: A scout who observes a new species in act ion ha s an E2 encounter. might have found simple spears or a one -of-a-kind hyperdrive motivator.
-I The encounter might be the re sult of ca reful track ing of a native to its Service sc outs and corporate scouts sometimes use code words to let the
domicile or a random encounter on the planet. The difference between an home base know what to expect when the sco ut arrives. For exa mple, New
E2 encounter and an E3 encounter is the awareness of the natives. Whether Republic scouts refer to new technology as "Alderaan tapestries" in their
natives are aware of being watched can change the outcome of any obser- cargo manifest s.
vation. E2 encounters are the most rare because sc outs usually interact
with a new spec ies upon discovery. However, service scouts have a higher
number of E2 encounters than other scouts becau se they are expected to
observe and report back to let the high command decide how to handle the
undocumented species .
E3: Interacting with a new spec ies is th e basis of an E3 encounter. Inter-
action encompasses a broad range of contacts, includ ing a brief moment of
greeting, arranging a trade, or rescu ing a crewmate from a hostile tribe of
natives. E3 meetings are the mo st unpredictable, since neither side can be
fully aware of the intentions of the other. Independent scouts are the sco uts
most often thrust into E3 encounters, becau se they have no policies or pro-
tocol s restricting their encounters with new species. Thi s kind of encounter
is the riskiest, but it also holds the most reward. A successful negotiation
can offer information that would otherwise require weeks of carefu l survey
and exploration, or it can result in profitable trade arrangements being made
between the scout and the new spec ies.
E4: In some cases, a sco ut abandons a post and complete ly interming le s
with the new species. This behavior is classified as an E4 encounter and
often requires follow-up from another scout crew. In an E4 encounter, a
scout might have fallen in love with a local or might have become lost on
the planet following first contact. An E4 encounter f ollow-up is dreaded by
corporate scouts because they might be heading into a ho stile environment.
TEN ITEMS EVERY SCOUT Liter of Water: Water is the most important item' you can have when n
NEEDS (CRACKEN'S you go through the airlock. Even if traveling in a enviro-suit w ith recyclers,
ESSENTIALS): a good scout still finds a way to fit a liter of water into his or her pack. I
Recyclers can break down, especially if a trip is longer than expected, The
Backpack: A sturdy pack can keep your arms free and keep your gear usefulness of a watertight container in the field cannot be overstated, If )
in operating order. A good scout learns to take only the necessities into necessary, a scout can pour the water into the enviro-suit recycler reservoir
the field. You cannot be prepared for every situation, but you can bring and use the container to catch fluid out of a leaky repulsorlift drive. 1J
equipment that prepares you for as many situations as possible. A sturdy -t
pack can also be used for a fabric supply if an enviro-suit is damaged or Medpac: A scout might be hurt out in the middle of nowhere. A medpac III
if a bandage is needed. is the tool that scout needs to get into good enough condition to travel D
to a location where he or she can find civi lized medical care. Another way
Blaster Rifle: Blaster rifles can be used for defense, for hunting, and for to use a medpac is to get into the good graces of a tribe by curing any
other situations when having range on a potential enemy is an advantage. ailments being suffered by influential members. The medicine inside can
Even in close combat situations, the firepower available from a blaster rifle also be valuable to trade with other scouts. A sma ll packet of disinfectant
is preferable to that of a blaster pistol. The power packs are also easily can be worth 100 times its mass in va luable minerals to a scout in the field.
adaptable to charge other items such as light sources and comlinks. And
when set to overload, they can also be used as explosives . Mesh Tape: Many scouts put mesh tape at the top of the list to put in
a pack, above even food and water, A good roll of mesh tape has multiple
Com link: Any link to aid and civilization is a good idea. Even scouts uses above and beyond repairing enviro-suits and holding up shelters,
heading to planets that have no long-range communication arrays should Veteran scouts are full of stories about how judiciously applied mesh tape
slip a comlink in with their gear. Comlinks are relatively cheap and can be saved lives, In addition to repairing clothing, fabrics, and containers, mesh
easily disassembled. The small electronics parts can be used as spares for tape can be used to construct these items. Mesh tape strengthens fabric
vita l electronics in items such as enviro-suits and blasters. A quality comlink and works as a decent substitute. Mesh tape also serves as an excellent
ca n be rewired to serve as a high-frequency emitter so that it broadcasts restraint for dealing with hostile natives or a fugitive hiding out on an
on a frequency that Humans cannot hear but that scares off wildlife and unexplored planet.
predators. Keeping predators away from a campsite allows for an essential
element of a successful scouting mission-sleep. Multitool: These small items can be purchased anywhere, from gift
shops on luxury liners to military supply catalogs, You get what you pay
Knife: A regular knife is preferred over a vibroknife. Vibroknives are for, but a multitool can do wonders to keep you alive on a hostile surface.
easier to use, but a vibroknife has a tendency to break when used as a cut- Equipment breakdowns are always a headache and manufacturers use many
ting tool without the power pack. The power pack on a vibrokn ife is also different kinds of fasteners, so a multitool can help with most repairs. A
not as versatile as that on a blaster, so a good scout prefers the unpowered multitool can also be used as a last-ditch weapon and as a means to start
ve rsion. A popular choice is a scout knife or a survival knife. The hollowed a fire. A multitool saves wear and tear on a scout's regular knife, since a
hilt of each type of knife contains small tools for su rvival, such as a compass sharp edge has many uses outside combat. Many scouts would give up their
and fire-starting tools. The hilt can also be used as a breathing tube or as blasters or blades before leaving a multitool behind.
a container for liquid.
Nutrition Paste: Having so mething a scout knows he or she can eat is
Light Source : Scouts venture into dark places, so a light source can extremely important. The compact size of a nutrition paste tube enables a
be key to staying alive. A reliable light source can be used to barter with scout to take along a supply without bulking up a pack. But scouts rarely eat
natives or to a si gnal a rescue party. Simply switching the light on and the contents of the tubes, Paste makes for good bait. Animals are curious
off can catch so mebody's eye. Light sources can also be easily modified about new foods, so a more satisfy in g meal can be had with the creative
to function as power packs, and their components can be used to repair use of nutrition paste near a watering hole.
other equipment. Be sure that whatever you are fixing is more nece ssa ry
than being able to see in the dark.
Scouts barter with natives for a variety of items. Information, weap- scouts is used to plan troop movement and system garrisons. The terms "scout"
ons, artifacts, and supplies are all fair game for a scout willing to give up and "spy" are sometimes interchangeable, and spies often use scout ships as
something of value to the natives. Credits are of little use in the Unknown cover to explain their presence in restricted and unknown systems. Some
Regions, but weapons and food are always desirable. Technology often scouts engage in bidding wars for planets that both the Republic and the
impresses natives, since even those who have advanced technology might CIS value. Playing such large organizations against each other is a dangerous
be deficient in a key area. Some scouts make outrageous claims to sell items game, and some scouts who angle for a bigger payday end up dead instead.
of little value. These scouts sour explorers' reputations on the frontier. Bad The Empire finds exploration to be largely unnecessary. Many service
deals lead to hostile natives, and hostile natives create challenges for later scouts of this era are folded directly into the military or discharged. The
scouts arriving at that planet. shroud of secrecy that descends over the government causes many discoveries
A major challenge of first contact is avoiding disruption in the develop- to be lost in a bureaucratic shuffle. More extreme measures are taken with
ment of the species. Service scouts operate under strict interference regula- those planets that Lord Vader might find useful as he purges the Jedi from
tions, but all scouts should be aware of the consequences of their actions. the galaxy. The independent spirit that leads spacers to the scout service
Even a single hold-out blaster can allow a tribe of natives to dominate the makes them difficult to intimidate into silence, so when intimidation fails,
other tribes on a planet. By the time representatives of civilization return, the the next best option is elimination. Scouts who discover lost Sith temples
political dynamics of the planet might have shifted greatly. Scouts are also or hidden Jedi enclaves are often rewarded with dinner with Lord Vader and
cautioned to make sure they leave little behind as evidence of their passing. an after-dinner tour of the airlock.
n A corporate scout once left a discarded energy pack on a planet, and when Scouts who become wise to Emperor Palpatine and his tactics find patrons
I» he returned, the tribal natives were worshiping it as a deity. and allies in the Rebel Alliance. The Rebels are on the lookout for places to
build hidden bases, place weapons caches, and locate hideouts for operatives.
1l Properly concluding contact is also a valuable skill for a scout. Leaving
-I a planet without a warning can bring suspicion on a scout, making further Some service scouts still in the employ of the Empire secretly aid the Rebels.
II dealings more challenging. The scout should give a planet's natives as much Scout ships are perfect places to stash weapons and supplies because the
warning of his or her departure as possible. Even if little chance exists for small ships can reach out-of-the-way places and keep an eye on Imperial
the scout or any representatives of the scout's organization to return to developments in parts of the galaxy such as Endor. When the Empire falls,
the planet, leaving on friendly terms is a smart move. Having friends in the the first ships to spread the word are scout ships.
Unknown Regions can make later expeditions much easier. The New Republic makes a concerted effort to explore the galaxy once
Sometimes proper diplomacy never makes it to the table. The natives again. It knows that every world it convinces to join the New Republic is one
might be hostile, attacking immediately. When a scout is attacked without less world for the dying Empire to coerce or intimidate. The New Republic
any context or history with a native species, the scout's best response is is also in need of economically viable worlds, because many of the Core
to retreat. Service scouts wait for the backing of their armed forces before Worlds delay joining the New Republic. Exploration of new planets is a
proceeding. Corporate scouts prefer to return to the company rather than means of locating new allies and resources in the New Republic's struggle
risk losing equipment or skilled personnel in combat. Independent scouts have against the Empire.
no backing, so going up against an unfamiliar species is a deadly proposition. This rededication to exploration pays off with the early discovery of the
A scout always has other systems to explore, and hostile natives sometimes extragalactic threat of the Yuuzhan Vong. Explorers are the first line of
require a solution bigger than a single scout ship. defense against the invasion. Many of the early casualties of the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion are among these defenders. The Yuuzhan Vong are infamous
EXPLORATION for the damage they do to the resurgent Jedi community, but the scouts killed
THROUGH THE ERAS in the Unknown Regions are as big a blow to the exploration of the galaxy.
Tales from the Old Republic can be excellent inspiration for a campaign that The role of the scout falls into decline during the Legacy era. Exp loration
centers on exploration and discovery. The earliest days of adventure in the also falls out of favor with the Galactic Alliance because the Alliance must
Star Wars universe offer heroes a chance to make their mark on galactic his- devote most of its resources to combating threats from within during the
tory. For example, the heroes might discover one of the non-Human species Second Galactic Civil War. Beings with the same free spirit and curiosity still
that later is known throughout the galaxy. The era also offers a chance to roam the stars, but they no longer call themselves scouts. Most fringers do a
play in familiar settings with a fresh spin on events familiar to all the players. little bit of everything-they explore, they hunt bounties, they smugg le guns.
What if the Ewoks revere C-3PO as a god because of the efforts of a medi - Fringers do whatever they can to get by, but they rarely become sucked in
cal droid that visited the forest moon of Endor thousands of years earlier? by the wo nder of discovering a new planet. It's a mudbaillike all the others.
During the Clone Wars, scouts find themselves drawn into the conflict one
way or another. The scouting data acquired by corporate and independent
CREA.TING Populate the World n
NEW WORI...DS Next, add the overall environmental details, including civilization, foliage, I
and creatures . These items must work together to cre ate a believable planet.
Encountering new worlds is central to Unknown Region s adventures. New If something is drastically out of place, you should have a good reason for it, )
worlds shou ld be only as detailed as the adventure goals require. Some plan- to sustain your players' suspension of disbelief. Don't overlook this technique
ets might require superficial descriptions, but others might need significant as a source of adventure ideas, however. An out-of-place creature might be 1)
details for an extended stay or adventure. Thi s section includes two methods a major encou nter clue for the heroes to follow.
of world creation: building a planet from scratch (mainly for detailed worlds), -I
or using the planet generator to create simpler worlds quickly or on the fly. Decide if the world has a sentient population and, if so, how technologi-
CREATINO PLANETS ca lly adva nced it is. Planets in Star Wars feature civil izations of all levels,
Creating an entirely new world gives you great freedom in adventure design. D
Every aspect of a world's environment and history can be generated and tin- sometimes with the most primitive and the highly advanced sharing the same
kered with to enhance the storyline. Although assembling a well-thought-out world . Rem ember that cultural advancement and technological advancement
world takes time, the following steps can guide you through th e process. You do not necessarily occur at the sa me rate. A techno logically advanced civiliza-
can also use elements from the planet generator for inspiration. tion might be primitive in its social structure, perhaps obtaining its technol-
ogy from visit ing traders or by force rather than developing it on its own.
Start with a Basic Idea
Consider how widespread the civil ization is. For clarity, worlds should
Each planet should start with a strong basic element, id ea , or theme that in clude only a single civ ilization, unless you intend to feature the interaction
makes the planet memorable and plays a central role in its use in an adven- of two or more groups in the adventure. Decide how the population lives. Are
ture. This element might be climatic, such as the desert world ofTatooine or there cities, and if so, of approximately what size and distribution around
icy Hoth. It might be ecological, such as the forest moon of Endor or volcan ic the planet? What form does a city take? Is it made up of standard buildings,
Mustafar. It might be thematic, such as the administrative planet-city of underground dwellings, underwater structures, or floating platforms?
Coruscant or the underworld planet-city of Nar Shaddaa.
Are the planet's inhabitants a new species of your own design, or a known
A new world should support your story as much as possible. Create types species transplanted from elsewhere in the galaxy? One easy option is to use
of worlds you want to feature, and avoid elements you don't need in your the information on creating near-Human species from Chapter 1 to create a
species that is fam iliar, yet with a tw ist of its own. If more than one sentient
adventure. Star Wars planets typically focus on a sing le dominant feature species is on the world , decide how well they get along.
or environment. All planets have a variety of climates and features, but Most important. decide how the civilization will interact with your adven-
focusing your story on the world's dominant or impressive elements makes turers. Determine their basic culture and their tolerance for the actions that
for a memorable locale. most heroes engage in. Where they collide with the heroes' activities, you
will have ready-made situations for drama and conflict. Outline a basic gov-
Develop Key Themes and Features ernment, particularly the portions the heroes might encounter. This includes
local law enforcement, bureaucrats, and even influential fringe elements.
Next, develop the overa ll theme of the planet. Is it harsh, lush, violent, or
desolate? Is it friend ly or dangerous to the heroes? Is there a society, and if Once you determine the reach of the civ ilization, you will know how much
so, are the heroes famil iar with it? Wh il e developing the planet's theme, you wilderness is availab le for wi ld creatures and large-sca le ecological systems
should also think about memorable features for the heroes to interact with . such as forests or oceans. Decide which basic envi ronments the heroes are
likely to encounter. Doing this can help you determine the types and number
Since Star Wars uses locations and items of a massive scale, bigger can be of plants that grow in the area . Additionally, cons id er the common hazards
that occur on the world, such as an active volcano, a poisonous rainfall, an
better and very impressive. Examples include climbing through the massive unstable atmosphere, or frequent earthquakes. See Chapter 4, "Hazards," for
wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk or navigating the never-ending city of Coruscant. additional deta ils and ready-made hazards.
Focusing on a consistent theme enhances your players' experience in the Creatures and beasts are common antagonists in Star Wars adventures.
limited time that they spend on the planet. In fact. if they remember and refer
to aworld in shorthand such as "that blazing planet with the nasty, poisonous, Most are hostile and dangerous, although beneficial and helpful creatures
killer beasts," you can be sure that the planet made an impression. Themes also can make for an equal ly memorable story. Match your creatures to your
help players anticipate and prepare for what they might encounter. environment. See the creature generator later in this chapter for sugges-
tions and inspiratio n.
Name the World TABLE 3-2: NUMBER OF
You can call your new world whatever you want, but some names fit into PLANETS IN SYSTEM
the galaxy better than others. Most planet names in Star Wars are made
up from scratch, although some are related to real-world names, words, or ~~~----------------~
concepts. If the heroes are visiting a completely unknown world, they might
have nothing more than a star chart identification number. Avoid creating a ROLL NUMBER
name that is too long or unpronounceable, or the players will shorten it to
a nickname you probably won't appreciate. 1 None
5-6 4
Adventures and Campaigns 7-8 5
Ultimately, the planet sets the scene for the adventure. Because Unknown 9-10 6
Regions adventures deal with mysterious locales, the planet should play 11-13 8
a prominent role in the adventure. The heroes should sometimes face the 14-16 10+
Extrasolar world (outside the system); roll again for
challenge of overcoming an aspect of the planet. It might be the centra l 17-18 system size and reroll if this result occurs again.
focus of some adventures, such as surviving a crash on a wild and danger- 19 ",:,-,,",-,L=,-A-..:..N: E T T y P E
ous wo rld, or it could be an interesting backdrop used for dramatic effect 20
Artificial or space station
n to introduce a new culture. Asteroid fie ld or belt (no satellites)
Give your new world a level of detail that is appropriate for your adventure Dwarf planet
I Gas giant
~ length. For a single adventure, even over severa l gaming sessions, focus on
-i the main encounter area and provide a general overview of the rest of the
II planet. If you plan to use this world for an extended campaign or as a base ROLL
of operations for the heroes, develop specific details, but dole them out as
play progresses. Each encounter or session shou ld reveal a new facet of 2
the planet. Worlds used for campaigns can afford to be more complex in 3
environment, culture, or both. 4
PLANET OENERATOR 5 Planetoid (no satellites)
Need a planet in a hurry or qu ick inspiration for your new world? The planet 6 Satellite (roll again for planet orbited; ignore asteroid,
generator enables you to create a quick overview of a planet featuring a planetoid, and dwarf planet results)
few memorable elements. Rol l on each table to create a comp letely random 7-10 Terrestrial
world, or pick and choose suitable elements. Feel free to combine the two
methods as needed. The generator starts with the star system (or equivalent) TABLE 3-4: NUMBER
and becomes more detailed with each table. If a result is inconsistent with OF MOONS·
the planet type, skip it or reroll on the same table.
ROLL E 3-1: SYSTEM TYPE 1-4 None
1 5-7 1
2 TYPE 8-10 2
3-5 Binary star system 11 3
6-14 Black hole 12 4
15-18 Nebula/dust cloud 13 5
19 Single star system 14 6+
20 Double star system 15-17 Rings
Triple star system 18-19 Asteroid cluster
Quadruple (or more) star system 20 Artificial debris field
• For gas giants, add 20 moons and roll twice, ignoring duplicate ring results,
asteroid clusters, and debris fields.
1-2 100-200
3-4 201-250
5-7 251-300
8-10 301-350
11-13 351-400
14-15 401-450
16-17 451-500
18 501-600
19 601-700
20 701+
2-3 Temperate >
4 Tropica l
5 Subarctic 11
6 Superheated
Arctic (g lacier, ice shelf, icy, slushy, snowy)
1-2 None 2 Atmospheric (clouds, fog , fumes, steam)
3 Barren (boulder fields, canyons, dusty, eroded badlands, rocky)
3-11 Breathable 4 Craters (deep, massive, overlapping, shallow, water fil led)
5-6 Desert (arid, dusty, frozen , hot, sandy, searing , rocky)
12-1 5 Breath mask required 7 Forest (conifer, deciduous, temperate)
8 Isla nd (archipelago, atoll, island chai n, isolated islands)
16- 18 Environment sui t required 9 Jungle (d ense, rain forest, sparse, wet)
10 Mountai nou s (ancient an d worn, jagged, massive ranges,
19-20 Hazardous environment suit re qui red peaks, pinnacles, spires, rocky hills)
11 Ocean (frozen/icy, impossibly deep, methane, shal low,
•Based on Human compatibility. underwater featu res)
12-13 Pl ains (grassy, salt, savanna, steppes)
TABLE 3-6: HOUSS DV 14 Subterranean (cave systems, sinkholes, underground canyons)
1 4- 8 hours
2-5 9-12 hours
6-8 13-20 hours
9- 12 21-24 hours
13-15 25-30 hours
16-18 31-35 hours
19 36-40 hours
20 41+ hours
15 Swamp (dank, forested, open, overgrown, sprawling, wetlands) 1-2 Affil iated with/controlled by dominant galactic government
16-17 Urban (dense urban cores surrounded by impassible terrain, 3 Anarchy/none
4 Authoritarian
planetwide city, polluted, sprawl ing) 5 Confederation
6 Corporatocrac y
18-19 Volcanic (active ranges, continuous lava flows, 7 Democracy
8 Dictatorship
mega-sized, oceanic islands)
20 Vacuum
•Skip for gas giants. Reroll, adjust, or select climate os necessary.
9 Federation
TABLE 3-10: ORAVITV _ _ _ _ _ _-' 10 Feudal
Independent em pi re
12 Monarchy
Low 13 Oligarchy
14 Org anized crime
n 2-5 Standard 15 Republic
High 16 Socialist
I6 17 Technocracy
) 18
ROLL NUMBER 19 Theocracy
1-2 None (skip following tables) 20 Tribal/clan
3 A few hundred
4 A few thousand TAB ,-,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,, CONOMIC BASIS
5 Tens of thousands
6 Hundreds of thousands ROLL TYPE
7 Millions 1- 2 None (abandoned cities/colony/station)
8 Billions Academic
3 Agricultural
8 Entertainment
DEVELOPMENT 9-10 Exploration
ROLL TYPE 11 Government center
Atomic 12 Hidden base (corporate, criminal, governmental, Rebel)
2 Computerized 13 High technology
Industrial 14 Industria l
4 Middle age 15 Leisure
5 Stone age 16 Medical
6 Technologically advanced 17 Military
18 Mining
19 Outpost (recon, research)
20 Trading
Planetwide au rora There is no concept of ownership-anything anyone wants,
3-4 Continent-sized volcano 13 he or she takes
Crater, hundreds of kilometers deep Off-worlders are required to wear a certain piece or type of
7- 8 City is a 20-km square solid structure 14 clothing at all times
Artificially carved and sculpted mountain range A variation of Basic is spoken, such as speaking backward
10 Waterfalls, many kilometers high 15 or adding a prefix to nouns/verbs
11 Nearly constant earthquakes Looking someone in the eye is an insult
12-13 Constant, extreme thunderstorms 16 Any gift accepted must be refused three times first
14 Force nexus (dark side or light side) 17 Males are not allowed to speak in public
15-17 Frequent ion storms 18 Off-world visitors are believed to be reincarnations of
18 Sprawling , ancient ruins the size of large cities 19 deceased relatives
Battlefield, ancient or recent The leader of the planet must spend the winter as the guest
19 Massive test range for weapons or machinery, abandoned 20 of a randomly selected citizen
20 or in use
Sith tomb TABLE 3-17: FAMILY CUSTOMS n
Marooned colony from an ancient known or unknown
civilization ROLL CUSTOM I
Only unmarried beings can carry weapons in public
2 Even-numbered children can hold office; odd-numbered ~
children are expected to raise families
3 The groom and the best man fight a duel on the wedding day, 11
and the winner marries the bride
4 The elderly are granted a small ship upon retirement but are oj
never allowed to return to the planet again (IJ
5 Once a yea r, each family in a village exchanges one of its
children with another family 1I
6 The family ancestral weapon is given as a token of betrothal
TABLE 3-16: CULTURAL QUIRKS 7 If a wife dies, the husband must join a monastic order
8 If a husband dies, the wife must leave her fami ly and
ROLL QUIR K become a spacer
Violence is forbidden and punishable by death 9 If a both of a child's parents die, the child is taught the ways
10 Protocol droids are believed to be evil spirits of mysticism and, possibly, the Force
11 Not wearing a weapon to a forma l dinner is an insult 10 Marriages can be performed only by off-worlders
12 to your host 11 The dead must be buried on the same spot where they are
Officia l, formal language, such as legal proclamations ma rried , and unmarried beings are buried in space
or business deals, is always sung 12 Children have their earlobes removed at birth
Guests thank a host for a good meal by eating messily 13 At birth, every child is given a bottle of liquor that he or she
and chewing with their mouths open must drink only before heading into battle
Droids are first-class citizen s and organics are slaves
An item common to the heroes is valuable, such as water,
glow rods, or mesh tape
Alliances and friendships are cemented by an exchange
of hair clippings
Ships are treated as sentient beings
Passengers must remove their shoes before boarding ships
All technology is barred from religious sites
Pets are given as part of a military alliance; the alliance
lasts only as long as the pet lives
Different building types are different shapes: for example, homes
are squares and government buildings are spheres
2 All cities are built on the tops of large trees/plants
3 Cities are built on massive barges, and the land is untouched
by civilization
4 The more important a building is, the more mirrored
surfaces it has
5 All housing is bu ilt underground
6 Every building features a built-in weapon
7 Every building features a representation of a historical figure,
such as a bust, a statue, or a painting
8 Junkyards and prisons serve the same purpose
n 9 Repulsorlifts are forbidden within city limits, and beasts of
burden are used for transport
10 Every city has a large city center featuring an artificial
-i environment completely different from the planet's
II natural climate
11 Buildings are bu ilt of modular materials that are easily
disassembled and rebuilt
12 Each building is named for a person famous for a
noteworthy deed
13 The single city on the planet exists inside a sphere surrounded
TABL.E 3-17: FAMIL.Y CUSTOMS by a hostile environment
CONTINUED 14 Buildings are cultivated like gardens
ROLL CUSTOM 15 The city is a virtual creation explored through electronic data
sent to a ship in orbit
14 A deceased relative is buried with the flowers of the last 16 Residences have no furn iture that touches the floor
family bride, and a bride wears jewelry belonging to the last 17 All buildings are transparent
15 deceased relative 18 Restaurants are made entirely of edible substances
16 19 Only natives can touch the planet; off-worlders must use a
17 The youngest sibling is raised by older brothers and sisters until series of elevated walkways
he or she is replaced or reaches the age of maturity 20 The city is a complex connection of airlocks, ships, and other
space vehicles
The status of eldest sibling is determined by an unarmed
duel that can take place at any time and at any location
The eldest daughter must return to her homeworld each year;
if she cannot, she is not permitted to return to the
planet again
18 When a feud begins, both parties abstain from food and sleep;
the first to pass out from exhaustion is considered to be the
guilty party
19 Starships are available on ly to married coup les
20 When a ship jumps to hyperspace, the cockpit lights are
extinguished in remembrance of family members lost in space
CREATINO NEW 8. Add feats at the rate for normal charac ters (see Table 3-1 on page o
CREATURES 37 of the Saga Edition co re ruleboo k) . The bea st class does not grant
additional starting feats . I
The galaxy teems with life, and most sentient beings encounter only a tiny
fraction of the creatures of the ir own homeworld, let alone the ga la xy at 9. Select a number of trained skills eq ual to 1 + Intelligence modifier )
large. Heroes traveling the Unknown Regions should regu larly discover, fight, (mi nimum 1: see page 274 of the Saga Edition core ru lebook). Apply
and otherwise interact with crea tu res they have never seen before. the size mod ifier to Stea lth, as we ll as modifiers to other sk ills, such 1)
as size or feat modifi ers.
In this section, you'll find a step-by-step guid e through the beast creation -I
process. If you need a si mple bea st quickly, use t he creatu re generator t hat 10. Se lect one to three natural weapons (se e pag es 274-275 of the Saga t1J
follows th is section. These tables focus on creat ing threats, rather t han Edition core rulebook), and determin e the beast's melee attack and 11
mounts. See Chapter 2, "Explorer's Equipment," for a selection of mounts that damage wit h its na tura l wea pon s.
the heroes can use. If yo u wa nt to create a new mount , consider modifying
one of the existing mounts with information from th is section. 11 . Determin e t he beast's gra pple modifier: base attack bonus + Strength
or Dexterity modifi er (whichever is better) + grapp le size modifier
Before creat ing a beast's statistics, decide on a theme or a co nce pt for (see page 153 of the Saga Editi on core rulebook).
the beast. Start with a general physical description and a basic idea of how
the beast behaves and attacks . The se details can guide your choices through 12. Se lect any spe cial senses, such as low-light vision or dark vision .
the rest of the process. 13. Select a species trait (see page 275 of the Saga Edition co re rule -
CREATINO A BEAST book), if desi red .
This section builds on the beast creation rules origina ll y includ ed in the Saga 14. Select from zero to three special qualities. You can create them
Edition core ru lebook (see page 273). Th e beast creation process is presented
here in sequence, to aid in expedie ncy. Beasts are not sentien t, and have yo ursel f, or se lect from those discussed below.
levels in the non heroic beast class.
1. Roll or se lect ab ility scores. Select an Intelligence score of 1 or Start with the size and leve l of the beast. If you need a crea ture quickly and
2. An advanced beast species wi th Intell igence of 3 or above can don't feel the need to create its details f rom scratch, selec t the pe rtinen t
multiclass into heroic classes, but must begin with its first level in items from the Tables 3-20 and 3-21 while following the steps above. Table
the beast class. 3-1 9 : Sample Creature Ability Scores and Speeds is for convenience, and you
can modi fy any sco re by severa l points to fit your creature concept.
2. Increase one ability score by 1 po in t at every fourth leve l, if the bea st
is above 1st level. Special Qualities
3. Select the beast's size and apply the appropriate modifiers (see Tab le Special qualities give cre atures abilities and feature s that differentiate
16-2 on page 274 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) . th em from other beasts. Although special qualities are not required, most
creatures have at least one, and some have up to three. A beast must have
4. Add hit points (ld8 + Constitution modifier per leve l) . the appropriate natural ability to have a special quality from one of those
5. Beasts do not ha ve Force Points. However, if a beast has the Force described below. For example, a beast must be able to make two claw attacks
in th e sa me turn if it is uti li zi ng the rend special qual ity.
Sensitivity feat, assign it a number of Force Points equal to one-half
its beast level (minimum 1). Combat Special Qualities
6. Select a speed for the crea ture (usually 6 or 8 sq uares). If the creature
has other movement methods (such as sw im or fly), select those Th e following specia l qualitiesfoc us on a beast's combat abilities, and they can
speeds as wel l (usually 4 or 6 sq uares). be appli ed to bea sts of any compatible type. Offense special qualiti es include
7. Determine the beast's defenses an d damage threshold . Apply natu- those that are triggered by making attacks or by specific circumstances in
ral armo r, if any (see below and page 274 of the Saga Edition core battle. Defen se speci al qualities include those that mod ify defense sc ores,
ru lebook), add ing a natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense equal to healing, and other abi lities that keep a creature going during an encounter.
or lower than the creat ure's beast class level . Some natural armor
grants additio nal effec ts as a special quality (and counts as one of OFFENSE SPECIAL QUALITIES
the beast's special qualities). See Table 3-22: Natural Armo r with Ambush-Th e beast deal s an add itional 2d6 points of damage with its
Specia l Qualities on page 92.
natural weapons against an enemy that is flat-footed or that is denied its
De xteri ty bonu s.
Colossal Str 42, Dex 10, Con 42, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 4 64
Gargantuan Str 34, Dex 10, Con 34, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 4 64
Huge Str 26, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 6 86
Large Str 17, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 10, Ch a 8 6 1 86
Medium Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 8 2 88
Small Str 10, De x 14, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 8 2 88
Tiny Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 8 6 66
Diminuti ve Str 6, Dex 18, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8 6 66
Fine Str 4, Dex 20, Con 6, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8 4 64
Constrict-If the beast successfu lly grapples an enemy, it can use the Pack Hunter-Th e beast gives a +4 bonu s instead of a +2 bonus when
o Crush and Pin feats as normal. When crushing, however, the beast deals using the aid another action .
damage equal to 2d6 + its Strength modifier + ha lf its beast class level Poison-The beast delivers poison through a bite, a claw, or a sting natural
1) rounded down. weapon attack. If the beast deals damage to a living ta rget, the target is
~ Devour-If the beast hits with its bite attack aga in st a target two size also poisoned. If the poison succeeds on an attack roll (ld20+ 10) aga inst
D categories or more smaller than itself, it can automatically make a grapple the target's Fortitude Defen se, the target moves -1 step along the condit io n
check with its bite attack at its fu ll bonus (even if it has already taken a track. A target moved to the bottom of the condition track by the poison
fu ll-round action). If the grapple check is successful, the beast can begin is immobil ize d but not un conscious . The poison attacks each round until
devouring its target, and each round the target is in the bea st' s mouth, the cured with a successful DC 5, 10,15, or 20 (se lect one) Treat Injury check.
°beast deals damage equal to 1d8 + its Strength modifier + half its beast Pounce-When long jumping, the beast does not require a ru nning start for
jumps of 4 squares or fewer and does not double the Ju mp DC when doing so
class level rounded down . If the target reaches hit points, it is swallowed
by the beast and continues to take 1d6 points of acid damag e each round. (see page 68 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).lfthe beast successfully jumps
Ferocious-The bea st ca n reroll a failed attack with one of its natural into or adjacent to a target enemy's square, the bea st ca n make an immediate
weapons. attack agai nst the target. If the attack is successful, the beast can attempt
to t rip the t arg et (as if using the Trip feat on page 88 of the Saga Ed ition
ADDITIONAL core rulebook) as a free action t hat does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
NATURAL WEAPONS Rend - If the beast hits with both of its claw attacks in the same t urn, it
The follow ing attacks are cons idered natural weapons attacks (see page
274 of the Saga Ed ition core rulebook). rends the enemy for an additional 2d6 points of damage.
Tremorsense - The bea st automa ti ca ll y senses the location of anything
Tail Attack: A tail attack has reach and deals an amount of blud-
geoning damage determined by the beast's size : Fine, Diminutive, or that is in contact with the ground and with in 100 squa res (no Perception
Tiny, damage 1, rea ch 0; Small, damage 1d2, reach 1; Medium or Large, check required) .
damage 1d3, reach 1; Huge, damage 1d4, reach 1; Gargantuan, damage
1d6, reach 2; Colossal, damage 1d8, reach 3. A tail lash ortail barb attack Trip-I f the beast hits with a ta il attack, it can attempt to trip an enemy
(a s if using th e Trip feat) as a free action that does not provoke attacks of
or other tail attack types do not differ in damage or reach, but other DEFENSE SPECIAL QUALITIES
special qualities or abilities might app ly. Camouflage-The bea st's natu ra l coloration changes to mimic its sur-
Tail Slam: A tail that has no special qualities associated with it can rounding s. The beast ignores its size modi f ier when it makes Stealth checks.
deal slam damage instead of tail attack damage (see "Slam" on page Fast Healing 5 or 10-The beast automatically regains 5 (or 10 if the
275 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). A tail slam attack has the same
reach as the beast. beast is Gargantuan or larg er) hit points every ro und at the end of its turn ,
up to its normal max imum, until it is killed .
Colossal 21 103 205 308 410 Ref 0 Fort 26 Will 10 28
Gargantuan 17 83 165 248 330 Ref 5 Fort 22 Will 10 19
Huge 13 63 125 188 205 Ref 8 Fort 18 Will 10 11
Large 9 43 85 128 170 Ref 9 Fort 14 Will 10 9
Medium 7 33 65 98 130 Ref 11 Fort 12 Will 10
Small 6 28 55 83 110 Ref 13 Fort 11 Will 10
Tiny 5 23 45 66 90 Ref 15 Fort 10 Will 10
Diminutive 4 18 35 53 70 Ref 19 Fort 9 Will 11
Fine 3 13 25 38 50 Ref 25 Fort 8 Will 11 0
•Reflex Defense includes size and Dexterity modifiers, but bonuses for natural armor must be added to this number. For natural armor, you can add up
to the beast's level to this number.
BEAST LEVEL 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 @
SIZE +51
+42 '0
Colossal +16 +19 +23 +27 +31 +36 +39 +43 +47 +33
+23 (j"
Gargantuan +12 +15 +19 +23 +27 +27 +30 +34 +38 +17
+14 @
Huge +8 +11 +15 +19 +23 +18 +21 +25 +29 +8
+4 ~
Large +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +8 +11 +15 +19 +0
Medium +2 +5 +9 +13 +17 +2 +5 +9 +13
Small +0 +3 +7 +11 +15 -3 +0 +4 +8 {Z
Tiny -1 +2 +6 +10 +14 -7 -4 +0 +4 »@
Diminutive -2 +1 +5 +9 +13 -11 -8 -4 +0 ~
Fine -3 +0 +4 +8 +12 -15 -12 -8 -4 »1D
Roar- As a move action, the beast produces a terrifying, rumbling sound Scent-The beast ignores concea lment and cover when making Percep-
and makes a Persuasion check to intimidate (see page 71 of the Saga Edi- tion checks to notice enemies within 10 squares, and takes no penalty from
tion core rulebook) any enemy target within 6 sq uares of it. If the attempt poor visibility when tracking (see the Survival skil l on page 73 of the Saga
succeeds, the target must move away fro m the beast on the target's next Edition core rulebook).
turn, and the target moves -1 step on the condition track. Th is is a mind-
affecting effect.
Bony plates As a reaction, can apply DR 5 to mitigate one successful hit per round.
Dense, layered hair or fur Can reroll Endurance and Survival checks to counter the effect of cold, taking the better result.
Hardened exoskeleton DR 1 for Small and smaller creatures, DR 2 for Medium and Large creatures, DR 5 for Huge and larger creatures
against simple weapons and unarmed attacks.
Leathery scales When taking damage that exceeds its damage threshold, the beast takes half damage instead, although it still
moves -1 step (or more) on the condition track.
Metallic scales When taking damage that exceeds its damage threshold, the beast takes one-quarter damage instead,
although it still moves -1 step (or more) on the condition track.
Spiked skin Gain an additional +2 to Reflex Defense against melee and unarmed attacks. Once per turn per attacker, if an attacker
misses on a melee or an unarmed attack against the beast, the beast can make a single attack as a reaction, using its
spikes as a natural weapon (gore).
o Thickened hide Can use Fortitude Defense in place of Reflex Defense against unarmed and melee attacks (except lightsabers).
•Typically provides natural armor bonus equal to number of beast levels. Can be reduced, ifdesired.
11l Screech-As a swift action, the beast produces a piercing, high-pitched downward. Additionally, the beast can use a move action after resolving the
11 sound. The beast makes an attack roll (1d20+ 10) against the Fortitude charge attack. Until the end of its next turn, the beast takes a -2 penalty to
Defense of every character within 6 squares of it. If the attack succeeds, the its Reflex Defense because of the charge action.
target takes a -5 circumstance penalty against Perception checks and skill
checks requiring concentration, and the target has difficulty hearing until AQUATIC SPECIAL QUALITIES
the end of the beast's next turn. Electroshock-When in water or underwater, the beast produces a
short-range electrical jolt. As a standard action, the beast makes an area
Environmental Special Qualities attack (ld20+ 10) centered on one of its own squares against the Fortitude
The following special qualities focus on abilities generated from the beast's Defense of all creatures in adjacent squares. If the attack is successful, the
adaptation to a specific environment. The beast in question should have the target takes 4d6 points of energy damage. If unsuccessful, the target takes
associated species trait (see page 275 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) . half damage.
These special qualities are not available to beasts that cannot physically Ink Cloud-When in water or underwater, as a swift action, the beast
perform the related action. produces an inky substance, which expands out from the creature in all direc-
tions at a rate of 1 square per round, up to a 3-square radius. The cloud grants
AIRBORNE SPECIAL QUALITIES concealment to characters within or behind it. Additionally, the beast makes
Aerobatics-As part of its move action, a flying beast uses the Tumble an attack roll (ld20+5) against the Fortitude Defense of water-breathing
ability of the Acrobatics skill (see page 63 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) creatures within the cloud. If the attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6 points
to fly through a threatened area or the fighting space of an enemy without of damage and moves -1 step on the condition track. If the attack fails, the
provoking an attack of opportunity. The beast must make a successful DC target takes half damage and does not move on the condition track.
15 Acrobatics check and is considered trained in Acrobatics for the purpose
of using this special quality. ARCTIC SPECIAL QUALITIES
Diving Attack-The flying beast dives sharply to attack an enemy at a Icy Shock-When the beast succeeds with a melee attack using its natu-
lower altitude. When making a Charge attack (see page 152 of the Saga ral weapon and the attack deals damage greater than the target's damage
Edition core rulebookl. in addition to the competence bonus granted by the threshold, the target takes an additional 5 points of damage and moves -1
charge attack, the beast gains a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack roll (up step on the condition track. Targets with the arctic species trait are immune
to a +5 total circumstance bonus) for every square the flying beast moves to this special quality.
target is subject to further rumble attacks. The rumble lasts for a number
of round s equal to the beast's Constitution bonus (minimum 21. making an
attack each round. Th e beast can extend the duration with a successful DC
20 Endurance check.
Underground Speed-The beast can move underground, burrowing
through dirt and rocky soil but not solid rock. Typicall y, the beast's speed is
3 squares when moving underground, although you can alter its speed due
to the soi l conditions.
Undertow (Subterranean)-This beast can pull its prey under the sur-
face of t he ground. As an attack action, the beast makes an attack against
a target's Fortitude Defense. If the attack is successfu l, the target is pulled
below the surface of the ground and moves -1 step on the condition track.
The target is unable to take any additional actions until it succeeds on a DC
15 Climb check as a standard action.
In a galaxy already full of bizarre and fantastic creatures, creating a I
beast that the characters perceive as unusual can be cha llenging . New
creatures should add to the sense of strangeness of a newly discovered )
world in the Unknown Regions. A good combination of unusual creatures
on a new world shou ld make for a memorable adventure. 11
The strangeness of a creature can be expressed through its physical
description, a featured ability, or a behavior. Physical strangeness includes l1J
attributes such as outlandish color or markings, unexpected hide or hair
texture, and irregular or asymmetrical body shapes or limbs. Behavioral lJ
strangeness includes unexpected actions, such as working with creatures
DESERT SPECIAL QUALITIES not of the same species, intelligent communications, and unexpected
Dustball-The beast can kick up a huge cloud when in dusty, dirty, or sandy planning, target selection , taunting, or movement in a skirm ish.
terrain. Any square the beast passes through, as well as any adjacent squares, When using a new creature in an encounter, play up the fact that the
provides concealment until the end of the beast's next turn. The beast can heroes have no idea what the creature might be capable of. Build the
remain stationary, but it must expend a move action to produce the effect. suspense. The heroes could run across unusual but threatening tracks or
Make an attack roll (ld20+5) against the Fortitude Defense of all targets the remains of a carcass that is a recently finished meal. They might hear
within the cloud. If the attack is successful, the targets are blinded for as long howls, screeches, or other bizarre noises that suggest that a dangerous
as they remain in the cloud (see page 254 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). beast might be nearby. Perhaps they catch only glimpses of the creature
as it stealthily approaches or escapes. When the heroes eventually see
SUBTERRANEAN SPECIAL QUALITIES it, emphasize the creature 's most bizarre or unusual traits and actions.
Rumble -As a full-round action, the beast violently shakes the ground Its fighting style or decision making might be completely unforeseen
and opposed to what the heroes expect, promoting confusion in their
around it, making an attack roll (ld20+ 10) against the Reflex Defense of interaction with the creature.
all characters on (or under) the ground within 6 squares of the beast. If the
attack is successful, standing or sitting targets are knocked prone. If the
attack fails, the cost of all movement on or through the ground is doubled
until the end of the beast's next turn (or until it is killed or incapacitated).
Underground targets caught in a successful rumble attack cannot move.
Any target that is knocked prone can get up as a full-round action, but the
HAZARD BASICS use them to create dynamic terrain in an encounter. For example, the droid
A hazard is an obstacl~ that can hurt, slow, kill, or otherwise impede your factory sequence in Attack of the Clones is filled with hazards that break
heroes, their associates, or their equipment. Usually, hazards are not living
beings but are sources of potential harm that do not normally receive a full up the terrain of the encounter. When designing the battlefield in which
statistics block, such as an avalanche, a rockslide, a carnivorous plant, an your encounter takes place, consider using hazards that encourage or force
exposed plasma conduit, or a black hole. Some hazards (such as an ice cave, movement. For example, a free-swinging girder that sweeps through the
an asteroid field, or a laser gate) are associated with particular locations, encounter area every other round forces the heroes to keep jumping out of
whereas others (such as poisons or diseases) can be mobile. Although haz- its way, and it also might encourage them to try to bantha rush their enemies
ards can take many forms, as a rule of thumb, anything that has a chance into the girder's path. Thi s addition creates a more dynamic encounter, and
to harm or impede the heroes and is not a creature, a droid, or a vehicle can treating the girder as a hazard should ensure that it presents an appropriate
challenge for the heroes.
be classified as a hazard. HAZARDS ALONE
Throughout the Star Wars saga , characters often deal with hazards outside
The Gamemastering chapter of the Saga Edition core rulebook introduces
a number of hazards. This chapter recasts many of those hazards in a new combat. For example, Luke stumbles through the icy wastes of Hoth, battling
statistics block format to make it easier for you to drop them into your a blizzard (a clear hazard) in an effort to escape from the wampa. R2-D2
encounters. In addition, if you compare the hazard statistics in this book with navigates the droid factory on Geonosis, saving Padme from certain death
their descriptions in the core rulebook, you should be able to determine how while dodging hazards the whole time. Similarly, you can use hazards as
n to convert other previously published hazards to the new format.
I scenes unto themselves, presenting them as obstacles that the heroes must
overcome before the story can progress. Hazards are great challenges to
11 HAZARDS IN COMBAT throw at the characters when the pace of the adventure begins to slow, and
-f Hazards are a great way to spice up combat in your game, and they can serve they can add tension to any sequence.
< as small distractions, major threats, or anything in between. You can also
Designing hazards is much like designing new terrain or other challenges that
can spice up an encounter or an adventure. Unlike the process for design-
ing an enemy character, beast, droid, or vehicle, the process for design ing
a new hazard is somewhat simpler, and it helps you cater directly to the
needs of your particular adventure by creating elements that add diversity
to encounters. You can follow a series of basic steps to design a hazard that
challenges your players and makes sense in the context of the adventure.
The first step is to determine the basic concept of the hazard. It might
be a natural hazard, such as a slick patch of ice or a carnivorous plant, or it
might be an artificial hazard, such as an automated blaster turret or a gravity
trap. Typically, you should base the hazard's form and function on the setting
in which it will be used . For example, lava pits on Mustafar make sense, but
lava pits on Hoth require more of an explanation, and you do not want the
players to sidetrack the game by trying to find that explanation. Similarly,
if you know that your heroes will spend time trudging through a network
of glacial caverns on Csilla, you might design an icy cave-in that will occur
during a combat se quence on the planet.
As suggested above, tailor the design of the hazard to the way in which
it will be used. If you want a ha za rd to be a minor distraction, design one
that is a nuisance to the heroes rather than a major obstacle to be overcome.
Alternatively, if you want a hazard that serves as a set piece for an entire CLs IN THE GALAXY n
encounter, think big and create something that interacts with many or all Most of the hazard-creation rules in this chapter assume that you
of the heroes on a round-by-round basis. In the Csilla example above, the are designing a new hazard to be used in an adventure. The rules also I
icy cave-in will affect all combatants, so it is best used to create a scene assume that you want to create a suitable challenge for your heroes, not
full of tension. one that is inappropriate for their level. However, not every hazard you )
design needs be based on the current level of the heroes. Certain loca-
In general, a hazard should do one or more of the following: tions throughout the galaxy are simply more dangerous than others, and 11
• Provide a flavorful background element that reinforces the details of hazards are a great way to reflect that idea. For example, it is reasonable
to assume that hazards in the middle of the Emperor's citadel on Byss ~
the setting are more dangerous than those found in the run-down spaceport of Mos [II
• Add tension and danger to a scene Eisley. You can base the CL of a hazard you design on the circumstances
• Require the heroes to spend actions to deal with the hazard surrounding it, but keep in mind that your time in preparing the hazard IS D
best spent on something that is an appropriate challenge for the heroes.
Create interesting terrain that requires the heroes to move to avoid it <
• Give the heroes a chance to use skil ls to overcome the threat with or Acid: Haza rds with the acid keyword deal acid damage. All acid ha zards
should have the contact keyword as well. ••••
without combat
Area: Hazards with the area keyword make area attacks, and their
CHALLENGE LEVELS damage can be halved or negated by heroes who have the Evasion talent.
Each hazard has a basic Challenge Level (CL), which works like other CLs in the Not all hazards that deal damage to creatures in more than 1 square are area
game. You choose the CL of the hazard, and it affects everything the hazard hazards; only those that specifically make area attacks have this keyword .
does. Typically, you shou ld create a hazard with a CL that is less than or equal
to the average level of the heroes, although from ti me to time you can use a Artificial: Hazards with the artificial keyword are manufactured or
hazard with a higher CL to increase the tension and danger of an encounter. produced and do not occur naturally.
As a general rule, you can include one hazard of the appropriate CL in an Atmospheric: Atmospheric hazards are those that fill the air. They are
encounter without having to take its CL into account when determining the also considered to be inhaled hazards for the purpose of being negated by
encounter's difficulty. (The heroes still receive experience points for over- a breath mask.
coming the hazard; this reward is added to the XP they receive for dealing
with the encounter.) Any hazard beyond the first and any hazard with a CL Contact: Hazards with the contact keyword are triggered by touch.
higher than the average level of the heroes should be considered an enemy Contact poisons and acids are good examples of these ha zards.
when calcu lating encounter difficulty. If you are including a skill challenge
(introduced in Galaxyafintrigue) in the encounter, take into account the CL Disease: Diseases are a special type of hazard that attack the immune
of all hazards when determining encounter difficulty. systems of creatures. They always attack the Fortitude Defense of a target,
ignoring equ ipment bonuses to Fortitude Defense, damage reduction,. and
Continuing the Csilla example, assume that you are designing an adven- shield rating. If a disease moves a target down the condit ion track, It likely
ture for a group of 8th-level heroes. Since you want the icy cave-in to be imposes a persistent condition as well , which cannot be removed until the
a sign ificant hazard, you shou ld give it a CL of (or near) 8. Because it is disease is cured or until it fai ls an attack roll against the target tWice. Some
the only hazard in the encounter, it does not count when determining the diseases require special equipment to treat.
encounter's difficulty.
Energy: Hazards with the energy keyword deal energy damage.
KEYWORDS Fire: Hazards with the fire keyword deal fire damage.
All hazards have one or more keywords that describe how the hazards func- Ingested: A hazard with the ingested keyword is triggered only if con-
tion mechanically. Some creatures have bonuses aga inst certain types of sumed by a creatu reo
hazards (for example, a beast might ignore environmental hazards in certain Inhaled: A hazard with the inhaled keyword affects creatures that breathe
terrain). Th e following keywords represent most of the existing mechanical within its area. Creatures that do not breathe (such as droids) and creatures
elements of hazards, but feel free to create new ones for special conditions wearing breath masks or environmental suits are immune to the effects of
that are common in your campaign. When you design a hazard, be sure to an inhaled hazard.
select the right keyword(s) based on its nature.
n Natural: Hazards with the natural keyword are created with no interven- the target of the hazard differs from the creature or object specified as the
tion from sentient beings. trigger, that information is included in the trigger line.
Poison: Hazards with the poison keyword represent toxins that are harm- Continuing the Csilla example, if you want the cave-in to take place during
~ ful or fatal to creatures. They always attack the Fortitude Defense of a target, a combat encounter to heighten the tension , you might choose "A creature
1) ignoring equipment bonuses to Fortitude Defense, damage reduction, and in the ice cavern f ires a weapon that makes noise" as the tr igger for the
shield rating. If a poison moves a target down the condition track, it likely hazard. Not only is this tr igger thematically appropriate (since loud sounds
-I imposes a persistent condit ion as well, which cannot be removed until the se tting off a cave-in is a common trope), but it also seems assured to occur
1Il poison is cured or until it fails an attack roll against the target. once combat breaks out. Because the cave-in will include more targets that
II only the creature that triggered it, you should also include information about
Sonic: A hazard with the sonic keyword deals sonic damage. Son ic damage what the targets will be.
< is also cons id ered to be energy damage.
Every hazard has a trigger-an event that causes the hazard to become PER DIE
I active or to attack or otherwise interact with something else. Most trig-
gers are simple and might require only that a target touch or come close to DIE AVERAGE DAMAGE
the hazard. When designing a new hazard, ask yourself what must happen d4 2.5
to require you to use the hazard's statistics. Answering that question will d6 3.5
help you determine the trigger. A trigger can be an event, or it might be a d8 4.5
metagame concept; for example, one trigger might be a hero passing throug h dlO 5.5
a doorway, whereas another could be the party making initiative checks at d12 6.5
the start of combat. There is no absolute rule or formula for coming up with
an appropriate trigger; the sample hazards in this chapte r offer examples that
should help you create your own. In the hazards presented in this chapter, if
1 13 18 23 26 31
2-3 14 19 24 27 34
4-5 16 21 26 29 37
6-7 17 22 27 30 40
8-9 18 23 28 32 42
10-11 19 24 29 33 44
12-13 21 26 31 35
14 22 27 32 36
15 22 27 32 37
16-17 23 28 33 38
18-19 24 29 34 39
20 26 31 36 41 MI
AREA expression (such as 3d8 or 2d4+2) that is likely to produce this average )
Every hazard has a specific area in which its attacks take place. When you damage result. Table 4-1 shows the average damage result per die type. If
include a hazard in your game, you should decide in advance the area that the hazard deals damage of a particular type, se lect the type as well. Haz- 1l
the hazard will affect (unless the area of effect is already included in the ards that are meant to affect vehic les may have a damage multiplier (x2 for
existing hazard). Hazards such as poisons or animal traps might affect very starfighters and transports, x5 for capital ships). ;1
limited areas, perhaps as little as a single square. Other hazards, such as loose
sand, avalanches, and turret blasters, affect larger but still discrete areas. Continuing the Csilla example, you know that the cave-in will be Cl 8. .1> •
Hazards such as atmospheric hazards and vacuum might affect the entire Since its attacks (falling ice and rock) can be avoided physically, the hazard 1[.~
area in which an encounter takes place. When you choose a hazard to use attacks Reflex Defense. Its attack bonus is approximately +10 (the hazard's
in an encounter, choose an area of effect for the hazard that is appropriate Cl + 2), and it deals about 14 points of damage per attack (10 + one-half its l!J i •
to its type and its use in your game. Cl). looking at Table 4-1, you see that a d12 has an average damage of 6.5,
so 2d12 has an average damage of 13. Thus, you set the hazard's damage ~I
ATTACKS AND DAMAOe: expression at 2d12+ 1 to meet the expected damage dealt.
Hazards make attack rolls as enemies do, although not always with the same
focus or direction. Almost everything a hazard does to a creature, a droid, AD..JUSTINO HAZARD
or an object is categorized as an attack roll of some kind. A hazard attacks STATISTICS
one ofthe three defenses (as appropriate to the nature of the attack), and it When designing hazards, feel free to vary their statistics a bit to suit your
typically makes no more than one attack per round against the target. When heroes. Average damage amounts and attack bonuses can vary by 1 or
you design a hazard, you choose which defense it attacks. In general, attacks 2 points above or below their expected amounts, and you can take the
that can be avoided physically are made against Reflex Defense; those that statistics and abilities of your heroes into account to design a hazard that
affect the integrity of the body are made against Fortitude Defense; and is exactly as tough as it needs to be. For example, if all the heroes have
those that attack the mind or intellectua l capacity of the target are made low or middling Fortitude Defenses, you can provide tougher challenges
against Will Defense. A hazard's attack bonus shou ld be equal to its Cl + 2. by creating hazards that target Fortitude Defense without cranking up
the Cl too drastica Ily.
Likewise, many hazards deal damage to the target, and some deal damage
on a miss (representing the fact that, no matter how good the target's
defenses are, the hazard eventually gets the best of them). On average, a
hazard should deal damage equal to 10 + one-half its Cl. Choose a dice