19| Korach
5:11pm| 6:03pm
ere we are, school is out #finally. Haddies is in the special Holy Land, Winter Camp is an official
go for Monday and Gurim Seminar is at the spectacular Sarabi Lodge having the adventure of a
lifetime! Before we continue let’s acknowledge one thing - this special edition is dedicated to the
one and only shichvah that EVERYONE loves, who has the biggest smiles, energy and who can
forget their absolute adorableness #Gurimisgoals. I hope you are all having an outright incredible
time #jokesiknowyouare. See you all so so soon when we return to school after the insane July
Holidays #weloveholidaysmorethanhomeworkduh!
“Korach son of Izhar son of Kehas son of Levi took..”
Korach owned many outstanding qualities. He hailed from a distinguished family and was a wise
man. How could he fall so low as to accuse Moshe of selfishly taking power and prestige for
The Torah states about Moshe, "Now the man Moshe was exceedingly humble, more than any
person on the face of the earth." How could Korach possibly accuse him of seeking honour!?
There are two types of people. There are givers - people who are constantly looking for
opportunities to assist others, and there are takers - people who are continuously looking to
further add to their belongings, to satisfy their own needs and obtain more honour.
The takers are never satisfied; they always desire more. At the very beginning of Korach's story
the Torah reveals the root of his downfall: "Korach took." -- Korach was a taker; he wanted more
honour for himself. Even though he was already privileged to be in the tribe of Levi, that wasn't
enough for him. He needed more. He wanted a noticeable public position and was jealous of the
honour that Moshe and Aharon were getting. His jealousy knew no bounds and Korach did
whatever he could to obtain that honor, even though it meant starting a rebellion.
When someone is self-centered and has a particular desire, his intellect may get corrupted,
preventing him from thinking reasonably. Blinded by this desire, he will do anything. In order to
avoid such a downfall he should work on assisting others and become a giver.
I hope that we all continue to be givers over the July Holidays!
(Adapted 1 minute vort @ Weekly Positive Word Power Ideas :
aish.com) While on Seminaror any Bnei
program let’s treat everyone nicely –
from Roshim to maddies to our
fellow channies!
Shabbat Shalom to the craziest, coolest and most awesome Shichvah around -
Shevet Gurim. It’s finally here - Gurim Seminar 2019: The Adventure of a
I hope that you guys are super excited for the sickest 4 days of the year. We will
be rocking Sarabi so hard this weekend that it will never be the same again.
Your Maddies are really pumped to get to know all of you and chill with you
guys. What an incredible vibe.
So this week’s Parasha is Korach and it's an absolute banger of a Parasha.
Basically, we have Bnei Yisrael just chilling in the desert and then Korach comes
along, separates himself from the rest of the people and starts a whole
rebellion with 250 followers. He went to Moshe, claiming that it was unfair that
he should have all the honour of being a leader, while the rest of the nation feel
like second-class members. At the end of the story, the rebels are swallowed up
by the earth. So the big question is this: What was so wrong with Korach’s
actions? Why was he punished so harshly?
The answer lies in the first words of the Parasha: “ " ַו ִּי ַ ַּ֣קח ֹ֔ק ַרח-”And Korach took
[himself].” Korach did not understand what it means to be part of a nation.
Everyone has a part to play and teamwork is essential in creating a successful
group. What Korach did instead is that he separated himself from the nation,
trying to break down the group instead of working together to build it up. It is
because of this that Korach was punished.
It is important to learn a valuable life lesson from this story. Sometimes, when
we are in a team, we feel that what we are doing is not important or not
valuable enough. However, it is important to stick together as a team and work
together to build each other up instead of breaking ourselves apart. Team
Gurim, lets work together to add positivity to the people around us so that The
Adventure of a Lifetime can be red, hot and rocking.
Shabbat shalom and so much love
Rosh Name:
Q. Funny childhood nickname?
A. Pawpaw, Dangerous Liam, The Danger Man (still in use)
Q. Choose a movie/book title for the story of your life?
A. Toy Story 4 (The Adventure of a Lifetime)
Q. What are two truths and one lie about you?
A. I love playing soccer with Gidon, I love Gurim, I love
Q. If you could fill a swimming pool with ANYTHING in the
world, what would it be?
A. Cash dollaz (so I can give tzedakah obviously)
Q. Do you have any strange phobias?
A. Snakes give me the heebie jeebies
Q. Name the song you know all the lyrics to:
A. Umm, have you been to a Ruach Session recently? …. OH and defiantly ‘you’ve
got a friend in me’
Q. What’s your spirit animal and why?
A. Do you mean patronus?
Q. Life motto at the moment?
A. Be alert
Q. 1 interesting fact that you should know about me is...?
A. I know the Japanese National Anthem off by heart, come ask me to sing it for you…
Q. How much are you loving Gurim Seminar?
A. On a scale of 1 to 10? Like 6465977544 bajillion.
Nickname she goes by : Eri Fairy ♀️ B’’h
What did you forget to pack?
I forgot to pack snacks Nickname he
Tell us a joke?!? goes by : Da
Q.-What do you call a pterodactyl What did you
that doesn’t like being touched? forget to pack?
A.-Ptero-tactile defensive My Woody
teddy bear
If you could fill
a pool with
what would it
Nickname he goes by: Blaze
If you could fill a pool with
ANYTHING what would it be? Peanut
butter MnM’s. Chocolate and
Nickname she goes by : GK Peanut-butter is the most ambitious
What did you forget to pack?
Enough snacks crossover event in history (excluding
If you could fill a pool with Infinity War)
ANYTHING what would it be?
Coffee obvs! Tell us a joke?!?
What’s the best part about
Switzerland? I’m not really sure but
the flag is a big plus. 5
Nickname she goes by: Togus
-If you could fill a pool with
ANYTHING what would it be?
Orbeez water beads
Nickname she goes by: my Nickname he goes by:The Danger Man
friends from the army used to What did you forget to pack?
call me "HAMUDOSSA" - I’m very organised. I brought everything
combination of Hamuda (cute)
and Dossa (frum) Tell us a joke?!?
What did you forget to pack? Q: Why did the chicken cross the
A flag of Israel road?A: Why does he / she have to have
If you could fill a pool with a reason? I dream of a world in which
ANYTHING what would it be? chickens can cross the road, freely,
Rozalagh - the best dessert without having their motives
ever!!! questioned.
If you could fill a pool with ANYTHING
what would it be?
I think I’d have to say gees. A swimming
pool full of gees. Final answer.
Yad Achim lachem shelucha
hano’ar he’chaviv You’ve got a friend in me
Al digleinu kulachem You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
chanu misaviv
Yazhir lachem kochav Torah Dar’kechem sugah ba’Avodah And you're miles and miles
B’leiv amitz b’ezrat Hashem From your nice warm bed
aloh na’aleh Just remember what your old pal said
Kadimah Bnei Akiva Boy, you've got a friend in me
heidad b’ma’aleh! You've got a friend in me
Moledet zo eretz avot You've got a friend in me
artzeinu hak’doshah You've got a friend in me
Midei avir Ya’akov You've got troubles, well I've got 'em too
lanu morasha There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
Rasheinu bi’imkei Toratah We stick together and we see it through
Kapeinu bir’gvei admatah You've got a friend in me
B’leiv amitz b’ezrat Hashem You've got a friend in me
aloh na’aleh Some other folks might be
Kadimah Bnei Akiva A little bit smarter than I am
heidad b’ma’aleh! Bigger and stronger too
A brotherly hand is stretched out to you, But none of them will ever love you the way I do
O beloved youth: It's me and you
Gather yourselves around our flag. And as the years go by
The star of the Torah shall shine for you, Boys, our friendship will never die
Your path shall be one of labour. You're gonna see
It's our destiny
With a sturdy heart, with the help of God,
we will go up You've got a friend in me
Forward, Bnei Akiva, You've got a friend in me
forward to the heights! You've got a friend in me
This homeland, the holy Land of our fathers,
our heritage from the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob.
Our minds are steeped in her Torah,
Our hands are immersed in her soil.
With a sturdy heart, with the help of God, we will go up
Forward, Bnei Akiva, 7
forward to the heights!
1. Which tribe did Korach belong to, and what was his full name?
2. How many men took part in the rebellion and what was their position in the
3. What was their rationale for the rebellion?
4. What is this reminiscent of?
5. Who were the three other principle leaders of the rebellion in addition to Korach?
6. How did Moshe decide to determine who was in the right?
7. How did Datan and Aviram describe Egypt?
8. What did Moshe predict for Korach, Datan, Aviram, their families, and all that were
following them in the rebellion?
9. How long did it take for the rest of the congregation to turn against Moshe and Aharon,
and what was their grievance?
10. What happened to these rebellious people? How many died and how were the rest
11. What was the inheritance of the Kohanim (priests) in the land?
1. Korach belonged to the tribe of Levi. His full name was Korach ben Yitzar.
2. 250 men took part in the rebellion. They were princes, elect men of the assembly, and men of renown.
3. Their rationale for the rebellion was that the whole congregation was holy. Since Hashem was among
everyone, how did Moshe and Aharon come off putting themselves above the people?
4. This was reminiscent of the earlier conversation between Miriam and Aharon about Moshe.
5. The other leaders were Datan, Aviram, and On.
6. Each of the 250 men, along with Aaron, would take censers, light them on fire with incense, and
Hashem would give signs as to who was right and who was sinning.
7. They described Egypt as a land flowing with milk and honey.
8. Moshe predicted that if they lived a natural life and died of natural causes, then they were right. But if
the ground opened up and swallowed them, then everyone would know Moshe was right.
9. They turned against Moshe and Aharon the day after Datan and Aviram were killed. Their grievance was
that Moshe and Aharon had killed people of Hashem.
10. 14,700 rebellious people died from the plague. Aharon, at Moshe’ instruction, took his censer from the
altar, along with fire and incense, and ran among the people atoning for their sins. Some were saved by
his action.
11. The Kohanim didn’t have inheritance. Hashem was their portion and their inheritance.
Rosh Gurim VS Rosh Roim!
1. Winter or Summer
2. Ben Gurion or O.R tambo
3. Golan heights or Drakensburg mountains
4. Durban or Eilat
5. Gurim or Roim
Mr. Ronthal Dena Cohen
Refers to himself as “danger man”, married, Harry Potter addicted Goes also by the name “Dinibabe”, did Shanah
Beit, has the best style in joburg
1. SandalsDefinitely Winter. That’s when Gurim Seminar
is. And we don’t need the sun, we bring the 1. Summer obviously☀
heat 2. Ben Gurion- what a legend
3. Golan Height’s
2. Umm, Nelson Mandela? 4. Durban #wintercamp
3. Both 5. Always Roim
4. Eilat Also Sarabi Lodge. It’s proper lekker here.
5. That’s like asking fun or not fun. 10000% Gurim. I want
to have fun please
To infinity and beyond Photo of the week!
What make one experience the adventure of Wise words from the Dino
a life time? How does the things that we do
effects the people we will become? And
why is it so important to stretch our limits
and push ourselves to infinity and beyond?
The answers are simple. If we don’t push
ourselves, we just stepping on the spot
instead of grow bigger. If we are not doing
anything possible to become the best
version of ourselves, we are then not
fulfilling our mission in this life, the one that
Hashem brought us into his world for.
Take this lesson from Buzz Lightyear:
believe in yourself. Dream big. Don’t let
anyone tell you you’re not capable of
achieving your greatest wishes.
!שבת שלום
Noa ☺
What do you call a cow walking
Moo walking..
What do you call a reptilian detective?
An Investi-gator
The other day, my wife asked me to pass
her lipstick but I accidently passed her a
glue stick.
She still isn’t talking to me
I wouldn’t say im superstitious
Just a little stitious.
Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped in the making of this issue (and all issues). You
are always appreciated!
011 485 1695 | [email protected] | www.bnei.co.za