24| Va’etchanan
5:30pm| 6:21pm
What is the question of the week??
(page 7 & 8)
Wow, can you believe it? CAMP IS AROUND THE CORNER
After the amazing school launches, I’m talking lip balm @tylerrichter, I’m talking ice bites,
i’m talking visits from the best maddies ever! Camp is going to be such power and I hope
you all feel the same way! On that note, go check out the video #evenifyouveseenit and try
spot yourself on the poster!!!
“You shall not recognize the gods of others in my presence.”
In the olden days idol worship was an issue. Every human being had an urge that he
desperately needed to bow down to an idol. Today that is not the case. To the contrary, we
view bowing down to sticks and stones as foolish. How are the Torah's numerous warnings
against idol worship relevant today?
Idol worship began with Enosh, the grandson of Adam. Enosh believed in God; after all his
grandfather was created by God Himself! However, the people of his generation were
awestruck by the stars and galaxies and felt that they should honor the heavenly bodies as
God's emissaries to the world, just as it is proper to honor the ministers of a king. They did
so with the wholehearted intention of fulfilling God's will. However, they also sought to
manipulate the heavenly bodies to serve themselves - and they knew the secrets that
enabled them to do so. While it is true that idols were unable to function independently of
God - for they received their power from Him - they were able to accomplish things that
people wanted them to accomplish. If God made a drought the idol worshippers were able
to manipulate nature and cause it to rain.(1)
What is evil about idol worship is that the purpose of creation is to get closer to God
through self-perfection. Manipulating systems that involve no growth is defeating the
purpose of creation. God makes a drought since he wants you to improve yourself and
make a connection with Him.
When God gives us a challenge, sending an obstacle our way, we might search for a quick
fix. However, what God wants is that we improve ourselves. Use that pain, that challenge,
as a vehicle to advance in your spirituality. Seeking the easy way out is a form of idolatry.
It's defeating the purpose of creation. When an obstacle comes your way you need to ask:
"Do I look at challenges as an annoying inconvenience or as an opportunity for growth?"
Weekly Positive Word Power Ideas :
May we take all challenges and
(Adapted 1 minute vort @ conquer them! 2
aish.com) #goodthoughtsforlife
God commanded that in addition to the Jews resting on the seventh day, they should also
have all of their work accomplished at the conclusion of the six previous days. Resting on
the seventh day is a concept we can certainly grasp, but there isn't a person amongst us
who feels that he's truly completed all of their work come Friday afternoon. We all leave
the office with our in-boxes over flowing, having countless emails that still need to be
answered, and several projects that are all behind schedule. We even have a mental to-do
list to tackle immediately after our commanded day of rest. God wired us to be go-getters,
so how is it possible to understand the commandment to have all of our work completed
at the end of the week?
The answer - if you let it - might just be one of the most liberating concepts to which
you've ever been exposed. When God commands us to have all of out work accomplished,
we have to understand what "work" God means. Our work is our effort - which is the only
thing we can control. And it's God - and only God - who controls the outcome of this effort.
So it's only our effort that God says we will have completed.
And therein lies the powerful life-changing message. On one hand, the amount of things
we have to do will NEVER end. But that's okay, because the only thing God demands of us
is the effort we put forth in these endeavors. Therefore, God tells us that for six days we
need to put in the necessary effort to make a difference and then our "work" is completely
accomplished. On the seventh day, God wants us to take a breather and stop putting forth
any more effort.
When you understand this life-changing concept, you will no longer feel over-whelmed,
over-burdened, or stressed. You will no longer be shackled by the mountain of work that's
constantly before you. By the way, if you do feel out of control it only means that you're
simply spending too much time being consumed with the outcome - of which you cannot
control or dictate. When you focus only on your effort and not the outcome, you're certain
to be on the track of a balanced and happy life.
Just do your part for six days by putting in the proper effort, then sit back and remember
who's really in control. Understanding and living with this reality will free you from the
illusion most of us call living, and allow you to break into what the enlightened call
Shicvah: Hineini
Q. Funny childhood nickname?
A. Gershununi (couldn’t say my own surname. lol)
Q. Choose a movie/book title for the story of your life?
A. The Rebbe
Q. What are two truths and one lie about you?
A. I’m allergic to dogs 2. I had braces for 5 years 3. I don’t
have a middle name
Q. If you could fill a swimming pool with ANYTHING in the
world, what would it be?
A. Froyo
Q. What’s the cheesiest movie moment or line you can think of?
A. “In my world, everyone's a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies” -
Horton Hears A Who
Q. Do you have any strange phobias?
A. Uhhmm. Nope, not really
Q. Name the song you know all the lyrics to:
A. toAleph, Beis, Gimmel by Yaakov Shweks
Q. What’s your spirit animal and why?
A. Sloths. They’re just such chillers
Q. Life motto at the moment?
A. “Do to others what you want done to yourself”
Q. What are 3 adjectives that best describe you?
A. Jewish, Human, Omnivorous (but no no to raw fish)
Q. One interesting fact that you should know about me is….?
A. See point 1 of question 3. It’s actually really upsetting.
The Small Cheder Ohel is obviously It may sound a bit cliche but my
going to be jamming “ice cream and favourite camp song is... sim
cake”. Who doesn’t love singing about
food? And who doesn’t love the shalom! sim shalom! sim shalom!
(that never ends )
small cheder ohel? Sup Dorot✌ ✌
Howzit Roim, how you?
What a lovely lovely week it was.
News for the week: School launches like no other - I
Saturday is going to be a whopping 26 honestly wish it was camp already
degrees , spurs will be looking to pull
off an unlikely victory at the Etihad, #CampJerseysAreSickk
Machaneh Derech Chaim is in full force
and Roim is as sublime as ever Speaking about camp, Dorot, you
In this weeks parsha Vaetchanan, Moshe better not miss out on the super
says that Hashem chose the Jewish fantastic opportunity to win
People because we are a small nation. yourselves a R500 Camp Tuckshop
We don’t need numbers to be powerful, Voucher if you’ve signed up. Raffle
we need to be powerful to be powerful. taking place on 11 September
How crazy that only 0.2% of all the #MoneyForDays
people in the whole world are Jewish yet #FoodForDaysA great weekend of
the influence we have is extraordinary.
Roim, we might be young and small but football ahead of us - maybe
we will shake the grounds of mossel bay Chelsea will stop losing. United,
because we are invincible Wishing don’t change a thing.
you all a shabbat shalom❤ #GGMU#BruHowManyPointsDidYo
XOXO, Dena,
from the house of Roim uGet?
Dena Cohen A fantastic shabbos to all
✌ Dorot
Tyler Richter
Allez Allez Allez - Moledet remix A few meaningful words followed by absolute
pandemonium Mo Salah even liked our video on Insta
BoomXhakaLaca Moledetttt
@Roim: In this weeks parsha VaeSSSchanan, Moshe is denied permission to enter Israel and
He is properly gutted about it. To avoid the sadness suffered by Moshe, SIGN UP FOR
MOLEDET 2019 TONIGHT and confirm your spot in the holy land ☀ ⚽(*Israel is the real
holy land but camp is a close second) #WhereIsTheKruger?
You can’t run through a campsite. You can only ran…because it’s past tents ⛺ Get it?
#Education #IEB #kfarChabibi
Shabbat Shalom Love team Moledet
Ariel Kahanovitz 7
My favourite camp song is Sim Shalom Hands down Shema Yisrael when
but in the small cheder ochel, we will be dancing to any song the whole big chader ochel sings
together. Neshoma tickles to the
Helloooooooo Gurim! next level.
It was so lekker to see you guys at school this week! Can't wait Shabbat shalom Orot!
to see you all in Hartenbos as well After a crazy week of camp
Big big shout out to Ella Jos for being THE VERY FIRST channie launches, school visits and signups I
to sign up for camp! Yaaaaaaaas I really hope prelims are am sure the excitement for
going well for all of our maddies! Stay tuned for details coming Machaneh DC is uncontainable.If
you have not yet signed up get
up about our launch. Going to be big. Very big. Bigger than those sign ups in and if you have
Dovi Levitt. A joke to end off:Chelsea Football Club signed up get ready for an epic
Lol #KloppForRoshMach
Have an unreal shabbas❤ time. To all those going on
Yoni Rosenthal encounter have the best time and
those of you stuck with piles of
My favorite camp song is pizza man on Friday night . He’s homework, just stick in there it is
almost camp.Hope you all have the
so cool, he has so many jobs!!
Riddle of the week: Can you name three consecutive days most amazing shabbat.Peace and
without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Yoni Mindel
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Come find me, tell me
the answer and win a prize Goooood shabbbbos Katan
Tanim . What an exciting week we had with the school
launches for Machane Derech Chaim . There’s nothing
better then lip balms, ice bites and a sick vibe!! It was
awesome to meet some of you I can’t wait to rock and roll
with all you cuties Lots of love,The KT team
Gabi Uria
NothingYesh Li Lev Yehudi by Gidon Fox- Accoustic Version. Banger!
Shabbat shalom Hineinando's chicken burgers!!! How's everyone doing??Massive Mazal Tov to
Kayla Bernstein and Daniel Rapp on their future engagement!! Dw you're all invited to the
party woohoo Dress code: Extremely Formal with see through water shoes. Just a reminder
that if you haven't signed up for camp yet to please do so asap!!Don't be that person who thinks
you'll just sign up later and then you end up on the waiting list and then you actually can't come
on camp and then all of your friends are having the best time of their lives on Machane while
you're not cos youre lame and hate fun Happy birthday to Ethan Lewus for Sunday and Sage
Freeman for Monday Channie emoji of the week: The Adir Krengel ♀
Amen Shabbat shalom
Love you all❤
Gilad Kohaly 8
1. God made one concession to Moses in this negotiation. What was it?
2. Moses beseeched the children of Israel to listen to God’s statutes and
ordinances and to follow them. What was the reward for following this order?
3. What did Moses say would happen if the children of Israel built graven images
and were evil in their ways?
4. After the people would be scattered all over the world and lose their
connection to God, was there any chance of returning? At what time?
5. Why does the Torah forbid forming any likeness of God?
6. There is a reference in this week’s parashah to the “iron furnace.” What does
this refer to?
7. For those who commit idolatry, God says He will remember the transgression
for how many generations? And for how many generations will He remember
those who obey Him?
8. Moses tells the people that they were chosen by God, even though they were
one of the smaller nations. Why were they chosen?
1. God allowed Moses to see the land.
2. The reward was that they may live (thrive and multiply) and go in and possess the land
which God gave them.
3. Moses said they would soon perish off the land and would be destroyed. Those left would
be scattered among the nations and would be a decided minority. They would soon
assimilate and become just like the people around them.
4. Yes; the people would have a chance to return at the “end of days”.
5. The Torah explains that the people only heard God’s voice–they never saw any form. Thus
it is forbidden to recreate a likeness as it would be a desecration.
6. The “iron furnace” is a description of Egypt.
7. God says he will remember sins until the third and fourth generation, and will bestow
mercy to the 1000th generation for those who commit good deeds.
8. They were chosen because God loved them, because God had made an oath to their
fathers, and because God redeemed them from slavery.
1.This five letter word becomes Who do you call for help when there
shorter when you add two letters is a fire on Mars?
to it? A fire martian
2. What can you hold in your What do prisoners call each other on?
right hand but not your left? The “cell” phone
3. May have heard me, but I read a book in braille, but it was on
nobody has seen me. I will not sandpaper…
speak back unless spoken to
What am I? It was a rough read
A1. short 10
A2. Your left
A3. An echo
It's hard to explain puns to
kleptomaniacs because they always
take things literally.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Etch who?
Bless you!
Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped in the making of this issue (and all issues). You
are always appreciated!
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