28| Ki Tetzei
5:42pm| 6:32pm
What is the question of the week??
(page 7 & 8)
essss please, only 2 more shabbats and we will be sitting around the Rosh Hashana table
#Newyearnewme. I hope you are all having an inspiring Elul. Keep up the good work, sign
up for camp and just keep on being the best human you can be. #can’twaitforthechaggim
“If a man will have a strong-willed and rebellious son...”
The "Rebellious son" is one who repeatedly steals money to purchase meat and wine
and consumes it in a disgusting manner. He is brought to Bais Din, the Jewish Court and
is subject to capital punishment. According to one opinion in the Gemara the case of
the "rebellious son" never happened and never will happen, since in practice the
detailed requirements derived from the verses are never fulfilled. If so, why did God
find it necessary to place this portion in the Torah?
The death penalty imposed on the rebellious son is not because of the significance of
his sins, but because his behavior demonstrates that he will degenerate into a
monstrous human being for whom there is no hope. The Torah is teaching us that a
person for whom there is no hope will never exist. If you were created, and you exist,
then you can become great!
The problem is that we may fall and convince ourselves that we are failures. If we try
something a few times and it doesn't go, we then believe that we can't be successful.
But the truth is the exact opposite. King Solomon wrote, "A righteous person falls seven
times, yet rises again." The ignorant assume the meaning to be that greatness can be
achieved despite experiencing an occasional stumble; however, the wise know that the
verse's intention is to instruct us that the very path to greatness is solely attained by
stumbling and then rising. Stumbling is not a sign of failure but rather an opportunity
for greatness. Each time you fall know that you're one step closer to becoming great!
Thomas Edison, considered the greatest inventor of his time, was responsible for over
1,000 different patents, and some refinements of previous inventions. Edison failed to
refine the light bulb (one of the few things he merely refined but did not invent) so
many times that it took him 10,000 attempts to perfect it! However, rather than
accepting failure 9,999 times he is quoted as saying, "I have not failed. I have just found
9,999 ways that do not work." In his mind failure was simply another stepping stone on
the road to success. May we all keep this in mind and see that stumbles just mean we
are on the way to our destined greatness! Weekly Positive Word Power Ideas :
May we be able to recognise that a
small failure is just part of the greater
picture and we need to keep trying!
#goodthoughtsforlife #DC 2
(Adapted 1 minute vort
@ aish.com)
ִ ִּ֣כי ִי ָּק ֵ ִּ֣רא ַקן־ ִצ ִּ֣פֹור ׀ ְל ָּפ ֶ֡ ֶניָך ַב ֶּ֜ד ֶרְך ְב ָּכל־ ֵ ִּ֣עץ ׀ ִּ֣אֹו ַעל־ ָּה ָ֗ ָּא ֶרץ ֶא ְפ ֹר ִחי ֙ם ִּ֣אֹו ֵבי ִ֔צים ְו ָּה ֵ֤אם ֹר ֶ֙ב ֶצ ֙ת ַעל־ ָּֽה ֶא ְפ ֹר ִ֔חים
֖אֹו ַעל־ ַה ֵבי ִ ִ֑צים ל ֹא־ ִת ַ ַּ֥קח ָּה ֵ ֖אם ַעל־ ַה ָּב ִָֽנים׃
If, along the road, you chance upon a bird’s nest, in any tree or on the ground, with
fledglings or eggs and the mother sitting over the fledglings or on the eggs, do not take the
mother together with her young.
Why do we have a mitzvah to chase away the mother bird?
Some people would think you would have to be sensitive. Some say there is no
Rambam asks, do we really care about the animal? Do we think that our actions are cruel.
We do not care about the cruelty to the animal but rather our benefit.
You had mercy on the birds nest and then who is going to get upset? The other animals will
get upset because you do not have mercy on them.
Mitzvot are about what G-d commanded us to do. So why would we have mercy not to
take the mother bird away
The eggs over which the bird sits, and the young that are in need of their mother, are
generally unfit for food, and when the mother is sent away, she does not see the taking of
her young ones and does not feel any pain. In most cases, however, this commandment
will cause man to leave the nest intact because [the young or the eggs], which he is
allowed to take, are, as a rule, is unfit for food. If the Law provides that such grief should
not be caused to cattle or birds, how much more careful must we be that we should not
cause grief to our fellow men . . .
In this, Maimonides is following a general rule of his that although these mitzvahs are
decrees, we are nevertheless meant to endeavour to find explanations for them as well.
Others explain that the reason for the prohibition is to teach us the trait of
compassion since we are saving the mother bird from witnessing us taking her
young. Alternatively, it teaches us about preservation of the species: Although we are
taking the offspring, the mother is still free to lay new eggs.
Shicvah: Dorot
Q. Funny childhood nickname?
A. Can’t believe I’m publicizing this mushky,
munchkiepunch, sese, bese bear, roarkie..to name a few
Q. Choose a movie/book title for the story of your life?
A. ‘The Art of eating’ - MFK Fisher
Q. What are two truths and one lie about you?
A. My dog has four official names, I only started speaking
at the age of 4, I used to be blonde
Q. If you could fill a swimming pool with ANYTHING in the
world, what would it be?
A. Definitely condensed milk
Q. What’s the cheesiest movie moment or line you can think of?
A. “Remember, inside every girl there’s a boy” - she’s the man
Q. Do you have any strange phobias?
A. Rain on Shabbos
Q. Name the song you know all the lyrics to:
A. . Don’t stop believinggg
Q. What’s your spirit animal and why?
A. A mouse- friendly but will run at the sight of a crowd!
Q. Life motto at the moment?
A. ‘Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up’-Jesse Jackson
Q, What are 3 adjectives that best describe you?
A. Curious, clueless, calm
Q. One interesting fact that you should know about me is….?
A. . I drove into Hillbrow 3 times in my first week at university . (For all future wits
students, you turn left at the 3rd robot not the 2nd!!!!)
Hoooowzit Gurim I would defs un-invent
So lekker seeing all the maddies vetkoek! Its literally a bad
who came on Wednesday night. doughnut
For those who couldn't make it, Shalom Aleichem Moledet
you are lame. Jokes, we can't What a week its been!
wait to chill with you all! We have smashed sign-ups and
Shoutout to our Pretoria are on track to be the LARGEST,
maddies Nicole Sher and Dan the LOUDEST and the LEKKERIST
Zetisky, the biggest legends shichvah on Machaneh Derech
A joke to end off: What do Chaim Not much
prisoners use to call each more to say other that
other? that....Quote for the
Cell phones week: ׳המלך בשדה׳-Every
Lol Rebbe
PS: I know my jokes are
Have a fantastic Shabbat
hilarious. If you come and ask Love Team Moledet
me nicely, I'll tell you where I Ariel Kahanovitz
get them from
Shabbat Shalom!
Love Yoni and the Gurim team I would un-invent the gym. Just so that I
Yoni Rosenthal wouldn’t be the only one who feels bad
that they don’t step into it ♀
If I could disinvent something it’s Howzit Roim, how you? Shabbat Shalom to
would be homework
all you heilige yidden❤
What’s up Ktan Tanim Hope you all
had a fantastic week!! Camp is so What a privilege to be a Jew. And what a
soooooooooon soon I hope you all
privilege to keep shabbos . You know
getting pumped for the best 5 days of
your life We had an insane launch what they say: “more than Jews keep the
with our insane Maddie’s this week and
we all pumped for camp Have a great shabbos, the shabbos keeps the
Shabbas Love always Jews” So every shabbos should be the
Love the Ktan Tanim family xx
best shabbos of your lives But the 3 that
Gabi Uria are coming at you in December in
Hartenbos this year are going to be even
more EPICCC So get up, start walking and
sign up Peace & love to all XXX
The Roim Gang 6
Dena Cohen
If I could un invent something it If I could un-invent one thing it
would probably be pop up adverts would be the game sheep-
- those things proper suck. (The baaaaaaaah what an aweful
guy who invented them also game
wants them to disappear- lmk if Howzit Orot I hope life is baking you
you get it) cupcakes and that you keep on seeing
the cup half full and not half empty.
What’s up Dorosss
Apologies for our absence last To all the YC peeps hope Hitkashrut
week - we were just very busy on provides some inspiration. To
the job. Nothing much from us
everyone else I hope simply basking in
besides a big well done to the glory of the holy month of elul is
@ZacharyLipworth for winning the
tuckshop voucher as well as to let providing chizzuk in day to day
you know signups are flyyyingg ✈ life Fun fact for the week: Hashem
wants you to sign up for camp Have
#DrinksOnZach a wonderful shabbas and stay safe,
A happy shabbos to everyone. healthy and happy.
Until next week✌ Peace and love
Yoni Mindel
Tyler Richter
Good shabbas Hineinick nick nick Nickelodeon
Hope we all vibed hard this week✌ BH sign ups are just rolling in so shkoyach
everyone and keep em coming Mazals to Yonni Palay on being Rosh Sim
Shalom Typical of the rest of camp to rely on Hineini to bring the Ruach to
Machane yet again What can we say...it's what we do This week's birthday
shoutout goes to our incredibly amazing maddies Carly Cohen and Dan Rapp❤
Mazal Tov to Carly for Sunday and Dan for Monday woohoo!!! Hineini always
remember you're 1 in a million Basically there's at least 1400 Chinese people out
there exactly like you but whatevs we still love you❤
Shabbat shalom legends
Gilad Kohaly 7
1. When Bnei Yisrael defeated an enemy, and a man saw a woman captive he wanted to
take, what was he to do?
2. If a man committed a sin for which he was put to death by hanging, what was the
procedure for dealing with his body and why?
3. If one saw a bird’s nest with eggs or young in it, was it allowed to take them for food?
What was the procedure in this kind of situation?
4. If a man was found lying with a married woman, what was the punishment?
5. Bnei Yisrael are told not to hate an Edomite. Why is that?
6. The Parsha states that neither an Ammoni nor a Moavi could ever be allowed to enter
an assembly of Hashem. Why was that?
7. We are told not to oppress a hired servant whether he was a brother or a stranger.
What is the oppression as described in this Parsha?
8. If a wicked man was to receive a judgment that required a beating, what was the
maximum number of lashes he could receive and why?
9. If a man’s brother died and he as yet had no children, what was required of the living
brother and what was that called?
1. He was to take her to be his wife. First, he would take her to his home where she would shave her head
and cut her nails. She would remove the clothes of her captivity and mourn the loss of her parents for a
full month. Then the man could marry her
2. His body must not remain all night upon the tree, but he must be buried the same day as he was
hanged. His body is an offense to Hashem, and leaving the body unburied would be a defilement.
3. The eggs or young birds could be taken, but only after the mother bird was scared off
4. They were both to be killed
5. Because Edom is a brother to the Bnei Yisrael. Esav was the father of the Edomim.
6. When the Bnei Yisrael passed by their territories on the way from Egypt, the Ammonim and Moabim
refused them any bread or water; also they hired Balaam to put a curse on Bnei Yisrael
7. The oppression would be to fail to pay him his entire wages before the sun set
8. The maximum number of lashes was 40. If he received more than 40 lashes, it would dishonor him
before your eyes
9. The living brother must marry the brother’s widow so that his family line would not become extinct.
This is called a levirate marriage
1. Can you name three Do you know sign language?
consecutive days without You should learn it, it’s pretty handy
using the words Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, A cross eyed teacher couldn’t
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or control his pupils
I used to be afraid of hurdles, but I
2. What is black when you buy got over it
it, red when you use it, and
gray when you throw it away? How do trees access the internet?
They log on
3. I’m tall when I’m young and
I’m short when I’m old. What .
am I?
A1.Yesterday 10
, today &
A2. Charcoal
A3. A pencil
Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped in the making of this issue (and all issues). You
are always appreciated!
011 485 1695 | [email protected] | www.bnei.co.za