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Published by Sharifah Nurizzati, 2024-04-25 05:21:20





3 Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor PuanSurya Adelina Binti A Rahim, whose invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement propelled us through the intricacies of this research project. I'm also immensely thankful to the management and staff of Bingka for their cooperationand willingness to participate in this study. Their insights and cooperation werefundamental in gathering primary data and understanding the intricacies of corporateidentity within the organization. My sincere thanks also go to our families and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout this research project. Last, without the support and contributions of each mentioned individual and entity, thisproject would not have been possible. I am truly grateful for their assistanceandencouragement.

4 ABSTRACT Background: Corporate identity and branding are one of the integrated marketingof digital media, which is booming and being chosen by many of marketers. High levels of competition in the market for decor items and services have presented substantial challenges, especially for startups. The company must have a clear understanding of themarket, what it is willing to offer, where to conduct its business, which customer segment it wants to serve, when to run its company, and how it plans to reach its objective. Inorder to better understand consumer satisfaction and brand awareness of Bingka intheKlang Valley, a survey will be carried out. The goal of this research is to develop freshideas for branding and company identity. Objective: The purpose of the study is to explore the customers’ satisfaction and brandawareness of Bingka in Klang Valley. Methods: A non-experimental quantitative study with cross-sectional survey designusing convenience sampling method to analyze on 25 (100%) respondents of thecustomers’ satisfaction and brand awareness of Bingka in Klang Valley. Used a linktodistribute the questionnaires customers and responded within a week. Result: 25 respondents. Majority of the respondents were satisfied with Bingka mainlyon quality of the product 25 (100%), 5 items with 24 (96%) which are physical premisesinterior design and space, design and theme, happy with the packaging and reasonableprice of the quantity, Followed by availability of product of my choice, good customer service and purchase Bingka’s product again with 23, (92%). Least satisfaction was onthe item ‘Have knowledge of their product’ 21 (84%). Meanwhile more than 80%of thecustomers have awareness of the brand of Bingka, majority of the 25 (100%) respondents do know about Bingka product and trust Bingka’s product. Secondly 23 (92%) respondents do know the brand logo of this product. Followed by 22 (88%) have heardabout this product before, know that customers buy this product during festivals andfunctions, and know the types of accessories available, 21 (84%) respondents purchasethis brand of accessories and 4 (16%) respondents have encountered any issues whenusing this products. Conclusion: Overall the respondents were satisfied good with Bingka. Customers alsoaware of the brand of accessories. Majority of the respondent heard of this brand throughInstagram.

5 CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter will describe the purpose of the study, which is to explore customer satisfaction and brand awareness of Bingka in the Klang Valley. It will also includebackground information, a problem statement, a research objective, research questions, the scope of the study, the study's significance, and definitions of terms and operations. 1.2 BACKGROUND RESEARCH Corporate identity and branding are one of the integrated marketing of digital media, which is booming and being chosen by many of marketers. The retail industry is present in online stores and is interacting with them. Print media is one of the most widely usedforms of mass and direct communication with potential customers. It can alsobepersonalized based on regional proficiency. Regional knowledge provides a clear linktothe market's largest population. The high level of competition in the market place, on confectionery and their serviceshas been a big challenges especially for new companies, therefore it is very important that a company knows what they are willing to offer to the market, where to performthisfunction, what segment of customers they want to target, when to carry out this functionand how they are going to achieve their goal, these can only be done successfully if thebusiness have a good knowledge of the market which means a research of the market needs to be done. Therefore, a study will be conducted to explore the customers’ satisfaction and brandawareness of Bingka in Klang. This study is to create a new concept and ideaoncorporate identity and branding. It is to promote their brand’s quality and their corporateidentity and branding locally and internationally. Adrihana Abdul Rashid and Emmalynn Yam are childhood friends who foundedthebrand. They are the founder of the Bingka company which was established since 2015. Starting out in December 2015 with wholly original silkscreen-printed designs, founder Adrihana Abdul Rashid and co-founder Emmalyn Yam have a vision to make Malaysianculture an affordable and contemporary part of our everyday lives. The company has a high mission which is to be more innovative on their product byincorporate traditional Malaysian in its illustration. The company is located at 1st Floor, Wisma Maluri No. 5, Jalan Jejaka, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan KualaLumpur. The logo depicts the concept of Malaysian kuih ‘bingka’. Their concept is, it’s a local andinternational approach, and hand made. The business is a seasonal business wherethedemand is during wedding period season, where we create wedding door gifts. Thename Bingka's is derived from, Malaysian traditional kuih ‘Bingka’ is aa rice cake madeusing rice flour, sugar and coconut milk and wrapped in banana leaves. Their productsare handmade slik-screen printing with Malaysian traditional and inspirationby

6 Malaysian elements through illustration. They made such as comfort product, homedecor, accessories and collaboration with local brand. 1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The problem faced by Bingka is limited visibility in home decor market, hinderingthepotential to reach a broader audience and establish a strong brand presence. Moreover, Bingka may struggle to stay aligned with current home decor trends, potentially leadingto decreased appeal among consumers seeking contemporary and fashionableaccessories. 1.4 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study is to explore the customers’ satisfaction and brand awarenessof Bingka in Klang. 1.4.1 General and Specific Objectives of the study General Objective The overall aim of the survey is to measure the customers’ satisfaction and brandawareness of Bingka in Klang Specific Objectives To achieve the general objective, the specific objectives for the study are: 1. To measure the customers’ satisfaction of Bingka in Klang. 2. To determine brand awareness of Bingka among customers in Klang. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following research questions are addressed: 1. Were customers’ satisfaction with Bingka in Klang? 2. Were the customers aware of Bingka in Klang? 1.6 SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH The study is focused on customers’ satisfaction and awareness on Corporate Identitybranding of Bingka’s.

7 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The result of this study may provide baseline information that can be used to improvethe services to the customers. This survey will allow the company to create anewbranding outlet for the company to attract more customers and customer’s awarenessof their products. 1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS/ OPERATIONS Corporate Identity: also known as a corporate identity and branding is the visual aspects of the company style and personality. It is a combination of color, graphics andtypography with guidelines on how these elements are used across all media types. Media types include your website, marketing collateral, social media profiles and other physical representations of your business. Visual elements include logo, color paletteand fonts and anything that provides a visual representation of your business. Whenyouestablish a clear and consistent corporate identity, you achieve a distinctive imagethat clearly differentiates you from your competitors. Being different makes it easier for your customers to remember you. Having a consistent look and feel across all communications creates a strong brand. In order to maintain consistency across all media, it is helpful to create a style guide. This guide ensures that any time your target audience sees your business online or offline, it is consistently representedandtherefore, more memorable. Brand image: Brand image is the way a customer thinks or feels about your brandbased on the experience they may have with your brand. Depending on whether thisexperience is good or bad determines your brand image. In other words, your brandimage influences your reputation. If the customer has a negative experience, you haveto work hard to change the perception of your brand. If customers have positiveexperiences, you are more likely to build customer loyalty and a very strong competitiveadvantage for your brand. The most important thing you can do when creatingyour brand identity is: Ensure that how your customers perceive you – your brandimage– is aligned with how you want to be perceived – brand identity. One of the most valuable assets a company can have is a strong brand where customer perceptionsof quality, service, and the intangible associations that come to mind when the brand nameis seen or heard. Consumer: A consumer or customer is a person or organization who purchasesproducts or services. Additionally, the term refers to hiring products and services. Usually they are people or other economic entities that use a product or service. Inaddition, the item that they bought isn't sold. Consumers are the end-users inthedistribution chain of goods and services. It is possible that the consumer is not the buyer. Toys, for example, are used by young children, but are purchased 12 by their parents. As a result, in the market for toys, the buyer and the consumer are often different people. Satisfaction Satisfaction can be classified in three basic components, a response to emotionor cognitive; response pertains to a particular focus (expectations, product, consumptionexperience, etc. and response occurs at a particular time (after consumption, after choice, based on accumulated experience, etc.

8 Customers Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines howhappycustomers are with a company's products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company determinehow to best improve or changes its products and services. 1.9 SUMMARY This study will be conducted on Bingka which allow the researcher to learn in depththecompany and their products. This study is to create a new concept and ideaoncorporate identity and branding for Bingka’s. It is to promote their confectionery’s qualityand services to increase customers’ satisfaction.

9 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Using keywords, the researcher begins searching the literature, taking close attentiontothe statement difficulties at all times. These three most important terms are brandawareness, customer satisfaction, and awareness. A comprehensive investigation of thedata was done using Google to find full text articles. 2.2 Customers Satisfaction Customer satisfaction indicates how well the product use experience compares tothebuyer’s value expectations (Razak & Shamsudin, 2019). It is the expectation perceivedby both customer and consumer before purchasing and experiencing the product or services (M. F. Shamsudin, Nurana, Aesya, & Nabi, 2018). According to (Parasuraman, Berry, & Zeithaml, 1993; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1994), since satisfactionisdirectly linked to customer experience, customers want more than just simple value(Berry, Zeithaml, & Parasuraman, 1985); they want businesses to overwhelmandsurprise them by going above and beyond the ordinary to meet their needs and wants. Essentially as according to (Muhammad, Farid Shamsudin, & Hadi, 2016; M. F. Shamsudin, Nurana, et al., 2018; Mohd Farid Shamsudin, Esa, & Ali, 2019) customer expectations entails extraordinary delivery on i) service - the intangible value offeredtocustomers (Alteren & Tudoran, 2016; Gligor, Gligor, & Maloni, 2019; O’Dwyer &Gilmore, 2018; Rapp, Beitelspacher, Schillewaert, & Baker, 2012); ii) quality - customers’ perception of how well a company’s products and services meet expectations (Aminet al., 2017, 2019; M.-K. Kim, Park, & Jeong, 2004; Mwakatumbula, Moshi, &Mitomo, 2019); iii) image - customer’s perception of the company or business they interact with–example: airline stewards, customer service centre, waiter, hotline call (Basha, Mason, Shamsudin, Hussain, & Salem, 2015; M. F. Shamsudin, Nurana, et al., 2018; M.F. Shamsudin et al., 2018; Mohd Farid Shamsudin, Ali, Wahid, & Nadzri, 2019; Mohd FaridShamsudin, Esa, et al., 2019); and finally iv) price - the commanded price by institutionfor goods and services and that customers are willing to pay (M.Shamsudin et al., 2015). 2.3 Brands The brand is described as “all of the associations, feelings, attitude, and perceptionspeople have about a company, product, or service” (Brandeo, 2014). Brand imageisdefined as “the total, global impression that accumulates in the memory of consumersabout a band” (Franzen and Moriarty, 2008, p. 241). Interestingly, Okonkwo (2010, p.9) reasons that “the origin of brands comes from the times when early cattle-rearingmenstamped their ownership on their livestock by burning a mark of their name or identity onthe cattle, to distinguish one cattle-farmer’s stock from another’s”. Plus, accordingtoFranzen and Moriarty (2008) In the past few decades, branding has been givenasignificant boost, and reasons have been offered as the increase in well-beingof consumers (Inkpen and Ramaswamy, 2006), increasing role of media (Steers andNardon, 2008), and innovations in marketing communications (Alessandri, 2009).

10 2.4 Brands Awareness Brand awareness refers to the level of consumer acceptance, recall, and recognitionof abrand in any case (Percy & Rossiter, 1998). David A. Aaker also mentions brandawareness as the potential buyer's capability to identify and recall whether a brandisapart of specific product categories (Aaker, 1991). This ability to recognize is central tothe purchasing decision-making process. The level of brand awareness doesn't necessarily require that the consumers identify the specific name or the brand's identity. Instead, they can distinguish features that specify their purchasing decisions. The recent study of consumers' incidental encounters with brands in their daily life indicates that thefrequency of exposure to brands significantly enhances the probability of the brand beingchosen by consumers, even if they aren't aware of such disclosure. This study alsoindicates that familiar brands have better information retrieval in the human brainandbecome a part of human psychology to dare towards brand-new information (Huang&Sarigö llü , 2012). In addition to the sense of familiarity that arises, companies shouldunderstand those emotional connections embedded in human memory influence brandawareness. The higher brand associations as consumers perceived, the better performance a company has. 2.5 Summary Customer satisfaction is the satisfaction customers experience after purchasingaproduct or service, indicating how well a company meets or exceeds customer expectations. Brand perception is how consumers perceive a brand, influencedbyfactors like advertising, customer experiences, word-of-mouth, and corporate social responsibility. Brand awareness measures familiarity with a brand, including brandrecognition and recall. Customer satisfaction, brand perception, and brand awarenessare interconnected elements that profoundly impact a company's reputation, customer loyalty, and overall success in the marketplace. Businesses must continually monitor and manage these aspects to maintain a positive brand image and competitive edge.

11 CHAPTER 3 : STUDY METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, In this chapter the researcher discussed on the methodology of theresearch. The content on this section includes the study setting, study design, samplingtechniques, methods of data collection, study instruments, data analysis and summary. 3.2 Study Setting The study was conducted to customers who come to the Bingka in Klang Valley andalsosurrounding area of Bingka. 3.3 Study Design This study was non-experimental quantitative study with cross-sectional survey designtoanalyze the customers’ satisfaction and brand awareness of Bingka in Klang Valley 3.4 Sampling Techniques The researcher used a convenience sampling method to all his customers, thosewhowalk in to the Bingka’s and also to the surrounding friends during the study period. 3.5 Methods of data collection The researcher used a link to distribute the questionnaires to Bingka’s customer. Theresearcher will ask to customers, surrounding friends and those customers who knowsBingka. The survey was conducted for 1 weeks from in from 19th to 25th March 2024. 3.6 Study instruments Data was collected using the structured self-reported questionnaire. A total of 25 itemsquestionnaire containing of 3 sections were used: (refer appendix 1). The researcher was using the instrument which used in various studies based on overseas literaturereview. This detail of the instrument had been adjusted to the researcher’s conveniencein Malaysian context based on the population. The questionnaires checked by an expert in this study. The approaches of each section of the questionnaire are: -

12 Section A: Personal Demographic Data This section contained 6 items which were related patients background such as age, ethnic group, education level, occupation, gander, family size. Section B: Customers’ satisfaction on Bingka’s This section with 10 statements is to find out about customer’s satisfaction on Bingka’sproduct. The respondents will be asked to indicate their opinion regarding their satisfaction based on a 4 point Likert scale. The descriptors for Likert very satisfied, satisfied, not satisfied and not at all satisfied. Section C: Brands Awareness of Bingka The section contains 8 questions of Yes and No on brand awareness of Bingka andonequestion on choose one or more applicable. 3.7 Data Analysis The collected data was analyzed using excel. The researcher will count total andpercentage of the questionnaires. 3.7.1 Response Rate A total of 25 questionnaires were distributed to all the customers via google form. All theform was respond ended and the response rate was 100%. 3.7.2 Description of the sample The sample are described from section A based on the personal demographiccharacteristics of the respondents. The demographic data of the customers werepiecharts. The personal demographic data of the respondent and the individual descriptionof the respondents’ demographic characteristic were described as follows in a pie chart, bar chart and tablets.

13 3.7.3 Personal Demographic data Age of respondents Figure 1: Age of respondents Figure 1 shows the minimum age group of respondents was 40 years old, whilethemaximum age group of respondents were between 13 to 20 years old.

14 Religion of respondents Figure 2: Religion of respondents Figure 2 shows the respondents religions. 11 (44%) of the majority group were Christianrespondents. Followed by 9 (36%) of Islam respondents. Third group of respondents, 4(16%) were the Buddhist. The last and the minority group of respondents were others, 1(4%).

15 Education level of respondents Figure 3: Education level of respondents As shown in figure 3, 22 (88%) of the respondents had tertiary level of educations. Meanwhile 3 (12%) of respondents had secondary educations. None of respondents hadprimary educations.

16 Occupation of respondents Figure 4: Occupation of respondents Most of the respondents were Private 12 (48%), followed by 5 (18%) of themwerefromGoverment servant. The finding was same 1, (4%) for Housewife, Graphic Designer andNone of the respondents. Meanwhile Self-employed is 3 (12%) and Student is 2 (8%).

17 Gender of respondents Figure 5: Gender of respondents Figure 5 shows the majority percentages of the status of respondent’s gender werefemale 22 (88%) and male were 3 (12%)

18 Number of family members of respondents Figure 6: Number of family members of respondents Most of the respondent’s family members were 6, 7 (28%), followed by 6 (24%) of therespondents in the of group of 5 family members. 3 respondents in the family of 8 and3members. 2 respondents in the family of 4 and 9 members. Meanwhile 1 in 7 and10family members.

19 3.7.4 Customers’ satisfaction on Bingka No Statements of Questions Very Satisfied Satisfied Not Satisfied Not at all Satisfied1 Physical premises- interior design and space 6 18 1 02 Availability of product of my choice 7 16 2 03 Design and Theme 13 11 1 04 Good customer service 7 16 2 05 Have knowledge of their product 7 14 3 16 Politeness kindness and responsiveness of personal 9 15 1 07 Reasonable price 6 16 3 08 Happy with the packaging 7 17 0 19 Quality of the product 7 18 0 010 Reasonable price of the quantity 9 15 1 011 Purchase Bingka’s product again 9 14 2 0Table 1 : Respondent’s satisfaction on Bingka Majority of the respondents were satisfied with Bingka. 13 of the respondent statedthat they were very satisfied with product on the statement of design and theme, followedby9 were very satisfied that the Bingka have politeness kindness and responsivenessor personal, reasonable price of the quantity and purchase Bingka’s product again. For not at all satisfied is most none but 1 respondents of the have knowledge of their product and happy with the packaging.

20 No Statements of Questions Satisfied Percentage % Not Satisfied Percentage%1 Physical premises- interior design and space 24 96.00 1 4.002 Availability of product of my choice 23 92.00 2 8.003 Design and Theme 24 96.00 1 4.004 Good customer service 23 92.00 2 8.005 Have knowledge of their product 21 84.00 4 16.006 Politeness kindness and responsiveness of personal 24 96.00 1 4.007 Reasonable price 22 88.00 3 12.008 Happy with the packaging 24 96.00 1 4.009 Quality of the product 25 100.00 0 0.0010 Reasonable price of the quantity 24 96.00 1 4.0011 Purchase Bingka’s product again 23 92.00 2 8.00Table 2: Percentage of Customer’s satisfaction on Bingka The overall percentage of customer’s satisfaction on Bingka were described on the table2. Majority of the respondents were satisfied with Bingka quality of the product 25(100%). While 3 (12%) of the respondent were not satisfied availability of candies of mychoice. The second highest satisfaction were on 5 items with 24 (96%) whicharephysical premises- interior design and space, design and theme, happy withthepackaging and reasonable price of the quantity. Followed by availability of product of mychoice, good customer service and purchase Bingka’s product again with 23, (92%). Least satisfaction was on the item ‘Have knowledge of their product’ 21 (84%).

21 3.7.5 Brand Awareness of Bingka Statement 1-8 Brand awareness of Bingka No Statements of Questions Yes Percentage % No Percentage%1 Do you know about Bingka product? 25 100.00 0 0.002 Have you heard about this brand before? 22 88.00 3 12.003 Have you purchase this brand of accessories? 21 84.00 4 16.004 Do you trust Bingka's product? 25 100.00 0 0.005 Do you know the brand logo of Bingka? 23 92.00 2 8.006 Have you encountered any issues when using this products? 4 16.00 21 84.007 Do you know that customers buy this product during festivals and functions? 22 88.00 3 12.008 Do you know the types of accessories available? 22 88.00 3 12.00Table 3: Percentage of Brand Awareness of Bingka As shown in the table 3, the frequency and percentages of brand awareness of Bingka. Majority of the 25 (100%) respondents do know about Bingka product and trust Bingka’sproduct. Secondly 23 (92%) respondents do know the brand logo of this product. Followed by 22 (88%) have heard about this product before, know that customers buythis product during festivals and functions, and know the types of accessories available, 21 (84%) respondents purchase this brand of accessories and 4 (16%) respondentshave encountered any issues when using this products.

22 Statement 9 Brand awareness of Bingka Figure 7: Respondents heard about the brand of Bingka Figure 7 resemble of the frequency and percentages of the respondents heard about thebrand of Bingka. Majority of the respondents 14 (56%), know about Bingka brandthrough Instagram. Followed by 4 (16%) of respondents heard about Bingka throughFacebook and Friends. 3 (12%) of respondents heard about this brand fromRelatives. None of respondents know this brand through flyers. 3.8 Summary The researcher carried out a non-experimental quantitative study with crosssectional survey design to analyze the customers’ satisfaction and brand awareness of Bingka in Klang Valley by using a questionnaire. In the study, the overall the respondents were satisfied good with Bingka. Customers also aware of the brand of accessories. Majority of the respondent heard of this brand through friends and relatives.

23 REFERENCES Bases of e-store loyalty: Perceived switching barriers and satisfaction( The price of customer satisfaction ( Does customer satisfaction matters? ( Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V., & Berry, L. (1994). Reassessment of Expectationsas a Comparison Standard in Measuring Service Quality: Implications for Further Research. The Journal of Marketing, 58, 111124. ( ( The impact of the supplier’s market orientation on the customer market orientation( Brand Awareness (

24 Section A: Personal demography data Seksyen A: Maklumat peribadi Appendix 1 Please answer all the questions in this section by filling in the space and tick in the box provided. Sila jawab semua soalan dengan mengisi ruang kosong dan tandakan di kotak yang bersesuaian. 1. Age / Umur : years / tahun 2. Religion / Agama : Islam / Islam Buddhist / Buddha Christian / Kristian Others / Lain-lain 3. Education Level / Tahap Pendidikan : Primary / Darjah Secondary / SRP/SPMTertiary / Diploma/Ijazah4. Occupation / Pekerjaan : 5. Gender / Jantina: Male / Lelaki Female / Perempuan 6. Family size / Bilangan ahli keluarga :

25 Section B : Customers’ satisfaction on Bingka Seksyen B : Kepuasan pelanggan terhadap Bingka Please read and answer all questions. Enter the best score in the box provided according to the scale as below. Sila baca dan jawab semua soalan. Isikan nombor yang paling sesuai di dalam kotak dengan menggunakan skala dibawah. 5 Point Rating Scale Score Meaning / Makna 1 Very Satisfied / Sangat Memuaskan 2 Satisfied / Memuaskan 3 Not Satisfied / Tidak Memuaskan 4 Not at all Satisfied / Sangat Tidak Memuaskan No/Bil Questionnaires / Soalan 1 2 341 Physical premises- interior design and space / Premis fizikal- reka bentuk dalaman dan ruang 2 Availability of product of my choice / Menyediakan produk pilihan saya 3 Design and Theme / Rekabentuk dan Tema 4 Good customer service / Perkhidmatan pelanggan yang baik 5 Have knowledge of their product Ada pengetahuan tentang product mereka 6 Politeness kindness and responsiveness of personal / Kakitangan yang bersopan-santun dan responsif 7 Reasonable price / Harga berpatutan 8 Happy with the packaging / Gembira dengan pembungkusan 9 Quality of the product / Produk yang berkualiti 10 Reasonable price of the quantity / Kuantiti yang berpatutan dengan harga 11 Purchase Bingka’s product again / Beli produk Bingka lagi

26 Section C : Brand Awareness of Bingka Seksyen C : Kesedaran terhadap Jenama Bingka Please read and answer all questions. Enter the best score in the box provided according to the scale as below. Sila baca dan jawab semua soalan. Isikan nombor yang paling sesuai di dalam kotak dengan menggunakan skala dibawah. No/Bil Questionnaires / Soalan Yes/ Ya No/ Tidak1 Do you know the product, Bingka? / Adakah anda tahu tentang produk Bingka? 2 Have you heard about brand before? / Adakah anda pernah mendengar tentang jenama ini? 3 Have you purchase this brand of accessories ? Adakah anda pernah membeli aksesori jenama ini? 4 Do you trust Bingka’s product? / Adakah anda mempercayai produk Bingka? 5 Do you know the brand logo of Bingka?/ Adakah anda tahu logo jenama Bingka? 6 Have you encountered any issues when using this products? / Adakah anda mengalami sebarang masalah semasa menggunakan produk ini? 7 Do you know that customers buy this product during festivals and functions? Adakah anda tahu bahawa pelanggan membeli produk ini semasa perayaan dan majlis? 8 Do you know the types of accessories available? / Adakah anda tahu jenis akdesori yang ada? 9 How did you hear about this brand? Choose one or more applicable: Bagaimana anda mendengar tentang jenama ini? Pilih yang berkaitan: RespondsFriends Instagram Relatives Facebook Flyers

27 Questionnaires Google Form Link : QR CODE :

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