Yearly Scheme Of Work
Year 4
1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.1.2 5.2.1
THEME: Recognise and Explain and give
World of Self, Family reproduce with reasons for basic Understand the main Use cursive writing in Say in simple words and phrases
support a wide range opinions
and Friends of target language idea of simple texts of written work* how a text makes them feel
World of Knowledge phonemes 2.1.5 one or two *all children
World Of Stories Describe people, and
1.2.2 objects using suitable paragraphs 5.3.1
Unit 1 Understand with statements
Where Are You From support specific 4.2.3 Respond imaginatively and
information and 2.2.1
Topic: details of longer Keep interaction going 3.2.2 Describe basic intelligibly through creating simple
Holiday Memories simple texts in short exchanges by Understand specific everyday routines picture stories, simple poems and
At the Playground using suitable words:
Sounds like Magic 1.2.3 (i) to show information and cartoon stories
Understand with understanding
(Literature) support short simple (ii) to ask for details of simple texts 4.2.4 Other imaginative responses as
narratives on a range clarification
of familiar topics of one or two Describe people and appropriate
paragraphs objects using suitable
Guess the meaning of 4.3.1
unfamiliar words from Use capital letters, full
clues provided by title stops, question marks
and topic and commas in lists
appropriately in guided
3.3.1 writing at discourse
WEEK : 1.2.4 Read and enjoy A1 level
1-4 Understand longer
supported classroom fiction/non-fiction
21. 03. 2022 instructions
- print and digital texts 4.3.2
11. 04. .2022 Understand longer of interest Spell most high
supported questions
frequency words
accurately in guided
LESSON 1 – 16
(16 lessons)
1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.1 5.3.1
Theme: Recognise and Explain and give reasons Understand the main Explain and give Respond imaginatively and
World of Self, Family
reproduce with for basic opinions idea of simple texts of reasons for simple intelligibly through
and Friends
World of Knowledge support a wide range one or two opinions creating simple roleplays and simple
Unit 2: of target language 2.1.4 paragraphs poems
My Week phonemes Give reasons for simple 4.2.4 Other imaginative
Topic: predictions 3.2.2 Describe people and responses as
Grandma’s House
Clap your hands 1.2.2 Understand specific objects using suitable appropriate
Noisy Food Understand with 2.1.5 information and statements
support specific Describe people, and details of simple texts
CLIL 1 Social Studies information and objects using suitable of one or two 4.3.1
WEEK : details of longer statements paragraphs Use capital letters, full
simple texts stops, question marks
12. 04. 2022
- 1.2.3 3.2.3 and commas in lists
Understand with Guess the meaning of appropriately in guided
11. 05. 2022 support short simple
narratives on a range unfamiliar words from writing at discourse
LESSON 17 - 32 of familiar topics
(16 lessons) clues provided by title level
02.05.2022 and topic 4.3.2
HARI PEKERJA 3.2.4 Spell most high
03. 05. 2022 1.2.5 Recognise and use with frequency words
– Understand longer
supported questions little or no support accurately in guided
06. 05. 2022
key features of a writing
HARI RAYA simple monolingual
dictionary 4.3.3
Produce a plan or
3.3.1 draft of one
Read and enjoy A1 paragraph for a
fiction/non-fiction familiar topic and
print and digital texts modify this
of interest appropriately in
response to feedback
1.1.1 and 2.1.2 3.2.1 4.2.4 5.2.1
Theme: Recognise Find out about and Understand the main Describe people and Say in simple words and phrases
World of Knowledge describe experiences
World of Self, Family reproduce with in the past idea of simple texts of objects using suitable how a text makes them feel
and Friends support a wide range 2.1.3 one or two statements
World Of Stories Give a longer sequence
of target language of basic instructions paragraphs 5.3.1
Unit 3: phonemes or directions 4.2.5 Respond imaginatively and
In The Past
2.1.4 3.2.2 Connect sentences intelligibly through creating simple
Topic: Give reasons for
Woodpecker 1.2.2 simple predictions Understand specific into a coherent picture stories, simple poems and
Sand Castle
The King of Kites Understand with 2.3.1 information and paragraph using basic cartoon stories
(Literature) Narrate short basic
support specific stories details of simple texts coordinating Other imaginative responses as
WEEK : information and of one or two conjunctions and appropriate
8 - 12
details of longer paragraphs reference pronouns
12. 05. 2022
- simple texts
15. 06. 2022 3.2.4 4.3.1
1.2.3 Recognise and use with Use capital letters, full
LESSON 33-48 Understand with
(16 lessons) support short simple little or no support stops, question marks
narratives on a range
01 – 03. 06. 2022 of familiar topics key features of a and commas in lists
simple monolingual appropriately in guided
SAHAJA) dictionary writing at discourse
1.2.5 3.3.1
Understand longer
supported questions Read and enjoy A1
print and digital texts
of interest
04 - 10. 06. 2022
1.2.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.1.2 5.2.1
Theme: Understand with Explain and give reasons Understand the main Use cursive writing in Say in simple words and phrases
World of Knowledge support the main idea written work* how a text makes them feel
World of Self, Family of longer simple texts for basic opinions idea of simple texts of *all children
and Friends one or two 4.2.2
World of Stories Make and respond to
2.1.4 paragraphs simple offers and
Unit 4: 1.2.2 Give reasons for simple invitations
Understand with predictions 3.2.2 4.2.4
Topic: Describe people and
The King of Kites support specific Understand specific objects using suitable
(Literature) information and 2.2.1 information and
WEEK : details of longer Keep interaction going details of simple texts Connect sentences
12 - 15 simple texts in short exchanges by of one or two into a coherent
paragraph using basic
16. 06. 2022 using suitable words: paragraphs coordinating
- conjunctions and
1.2.3 (i) to show reference pronouns
07. 07. 2022 Understand with
support short simple understanding 3.2.3 4.3.1
LESSON 49 - 64 narratives on a range (ii) to ask for Guess the meaning of Use capital letters, full
(16 lessons) of familiar topics stops, question marks
clarification unfamiliar words from and commas in lists
appropriately in guided
clues provided by title writing at discourse
2.2.2 and topic
1.2.5 Check steps needed to
Understand longer
supported questions complete short 3.2.4
classroom tasks Recognise and use with
little or no support
key features of a
simple monolingual
Read and enjoy A1
print and digital texts
of interest
Spell most high
frequency words
accurately in guided
Produce a plan or
draft of one
paragraph for a
familiar topic and
modify this
appropriately in
response to feedback
1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.2 4.1.2 5.2.1
Theme: Recognise and Explain and give Understand specific Use cursive writing in Say in simple words and phrases
World of Self, Family reasons for basic written work* how a text makes them feel
reproduce with opinions information and *all children
and Friends 5.3.1
World Of Knowledge support a wide range 2.1.5 details of simple texts Respond imaginatively and
Describe people, and intelligibly through creating simple
World Of Stories of target language objects using suitable of one or two 4.2.3 picture stories, simple poems and
phonemes statements paragraphs cartoon stories
Unit 5: Other imaginative responses as
Eating Right 2.2.1 Describe basic appropriate
Keep interaction going
Topic: 1.2.2 in short exchanges by 3.2.3 everyday routines
King Of Kites using suitable words:
(Literature) Understand with (i) to show Guess the meaning of
understanding unfamiliar words from
Project Based support specific (ii) to ask for clues provided by title 4.2.5
Learning 1 information and clarification and topic Connect sentences
into a coherent
WEEK : details of longer 2.2.2 paragraph using basic
15 - 19 Check steps needed to coordinating
simple texts complete short conjunctions and
08. 07. 2022 classroom tasks reference pronouns
- 1.2.5 3.2.4
Understand longer Recognise and use with
01. 08. 2022 supported questions little or no support
key features of a
LESSON 65 - 80 simple monolingual 4.3.1
(16 lessons) dictionary Use capital letters, full
stops, question marks
1.3.1 3.3.1 and commas in lists
Guess the meaning of Read and enjoy A1 appropriately in guided
unfamiliar words from fiction/non-fiction writing at discourse
clues provided by print and digital texts level
knowledge of the topic of interest
Spell most high
frequency words
accurately in guided
1.1.1 and 2.1.3 3.2.2 4.1.2 5.3.1
Theme: Recognise Give a longer sequence Understand specific Use cursive writing in Respond imaginatively and
World of of basic instructions information and written work* intelligibly through creating simple
Knowledge reproduce with or directions details of simple texts *all children picture stories, simple poems and
World of Stories of one or two cartoon stories
World Of Self, support a wide range 2.1.4 paragraphs Other imaginative responses as
Family and Friends Give reasons for appropriate
of target language simple predictions 3.3.1
Unit 6: phonemes Read and enjoy A1 4.2.1
Getting around 2.1.5 fiction/non-fiction Explain and give
1.2.1 Describe people, and print and digital texts reasons for simple
Topic: Understand with objects using suitable of interest
The King Of Kites support the main idea statements opinions
of longer simple texts
(Literature) 2.2.1 4.2.2
1.2.2 Keep interaction going Make and respond to
WEEK : in short exchanges by simple offers and
19 - 22 Understand with using suitable words: invitations
support specific (i) to show
02. 08. 2022 understanding
- information and (ii) to ask for 4.2.3
23. 08. 2022 details of longer Describe basic
LESSON 81 - 96 simple texts Check steps needed to everyday routines
(16 lessons) complete short
1.2.3 classroom tasks 4.2.4
Understand with Describe people and
support short simple 2.3.1 objects using suitable
narratives on a range Narrate short basic statements
of familiar topics stories
1.2.5 Produce a plan or
Understand longer
supported questions draft of one
paragraph for a
familiar topic and
modify this
appropriately in
response to feedback
1.2.2 2.1.2 3.2.1 4.2.3 basic 5.2.1
Theme: Understand with Find out about and Understand the main Describe Say in simple words and phrases
World of describe experiences idea of simple texts of how a text makes them feel
Knowledge support specific in the past one or two everyday routines
World of Stories paragraphs 5.3.1
World Of Self, information and 2.1.3 Respond imaginatively and
Family and Friends Give a longer sequence intelligibly through creating simple
details of longer of basic instructions 4.3.1 picture stories, simple poems and
Unit 7: simple texts or directions Use capital letters, full cartoon stories
Helping Out stops, question marks Other imaginative responses as
2.1.4 3.2.2 and commas in lists appropriate
Topic: Give reasons for
Graphic Novel – 1.2.3 simple predictions Understand specific appropriately in guided
The Jungle Book writing at discourse
(Literature) Understand with 2.1.5 information and level
support short simple Describe people, and
WEEK : narratives on a range objects using suitable details of simple texts
22 - 25 of familiar topics statements of one or two
24. 08. 2022 paragraphs
1.2.5 3.2.3 4.3.2
23. 09. 2022 Understand longer Guess the meaning of Spell most high
supported questions unfamiliar words from frequency words
LESSON 97 - 112 clues provided by title accurately in guided
(16 lessons) and topic writing
03 - 11. 09. 2022 2.2.2 3.2.4
Check steps needed to Recognise and use with
CUTI PERTENGAHAN complete short little or no support
PENGGAL classroom tasks key features of a
simple monolingual
Read and enjoy A1
print and digital texts
of interest
1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.2 4.2.4 5.2.1
Theme: Recognise and Explain and give Understand specific Describe people and Say in simple words and phrases
World of reasons for basic objects using suitable how a text makes them feel
Knowledge reproduce with opinions information and statements
World of Stories 5.3.1
World Of Self, support a wide range 2.1.4 details of simple texts Respond imaginatively and
Family and Friends Give reasons for intelligibly through creating simple
of target language simple predictions of one or two 4.2.5 picture stories, simple poems and
Unit 8: phonemes paragraphs Connect sentences cartoon stories
Amazing Animals 2.1.5 into a coherent Other imaginative responses as
1.2.2 Describe people, and 3.2.4 appropriate
Topic: objects using suitable paragraph using basic
Graphic Novel – Understand with statements Recognise and use with coordinating
The Jungle Book little or no support conjunctions and
(Literature) support specific 2.2.2 key features of a reference pronouns
information and Check steps needed to simple monolingual
WEEK : complete short dictionary
26 - 29 details of longer classroom tasks
26. 09. 2022 simple texts 2.3.1
- Narrate short basic
1.2.5 stories 3.3.1 4.3.2
17. 10. 2022 Understand longer Read and enjoy A1 Spell most high
supported questions fiction/non-fiction frequency words
LESSON 113 - 128 print and digital texts accurately in guided
(16 lessons) 1.3.1 of interest writing
Guess the meaning of
unfamiliar words from 4.3.3
clues provided by
knowledge of the topic Produce a plan or
draft of one
paragraph for a
familiar topic and
modify this
appropriately in
response to feedback
1.2.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.1.2 5.2.1
Theme: Understand with Explain and give reasons Understand the main Use cursive writing in Say in simple words and phrases
World of
Knowledge support the main idea for basic opinions idea of simple texts of written work* how a text makes them feel
World of Stories
World Of Self, of longer simple texts one or two *all children
Family and Friends
2.1.5 paragraphs 5.3.1
Unit 9: 1.2.2 Describe people, and 4.2.2 Respond imaginatively and
Get Active
Understand with objects using suitable 3.2.2 Make and respond to intelligibly through creating simple
Graphic Novel – support specific statements Understand specific simple offers and picture stories, simple poems and
The Jungle Book
(Literature) information and information and invitations cartoon stories
WEEK : details of longer 2.2.1 details of simple texts Other imaginative responses as
29 - 32 simple texts Keep interaction going of one or two 4.2.5 appropriate
18. 10. 2022 in short exchanges by paragraphs Connect sentences
using suitable words: into a coherent
11. 11. 2022
(i) to show paragraph using basic
LESSON 129 - 144 understanding coordinating
(16 lessons)
(ii) to ask for conjunctions and
clarification reference pronouns
2.3.1 4.3.3
Narrate short basic
stories Produce a plan or
draft of one
paragraph for a
familiar topic and
modify this
appropriately in
response to feedback
1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.2 4.1.2 5.2.1
Theme: Recognise and Explain and give Understand specific Use cursive writing in Say in simple words and phrases
World of information and written work* *all how a text makes them feel
Knowledge reproduce with support reasons for basic details of simple texts children
World of Stories of one or two 5.3.1
World Of Self, a wide range of target opinions paragraphs 4.2.2 Respond imaginatively and
Family and Friends Make and respond to intelligibly through creating simple
language phonemes 2.2.1 3.2.3 simple offers and picture stories, simple poems and
Unit 10: Guess the meaning of invitations cartoon stories
Get Active 1.2.2 Keep interaction going unfamiliar words from Other imaginative responses as
clues provided by title 4.2.4 appropriate
Topic: Understand with in short exchanges by and topic Describe people and
Graphic Novel – objects using suitable
The Jungle Book support specific using suitable words: 3.2.4 statements
(Literature) Recognise and use with
information and details (i) to show little or no support 4.3.1
Project Based of longer simple texts understanding key features of a Use capital letters, full
Learning II simple monolingual stops, question marks
(ii) to ask for dictionary and commas in lists
WEEK : appropriately in guided
33 - 36 1.2.3 clarification writing at discourse
14. 11. 2022 Understand with
- support short simple 2.2.2
05. 12. 2022 narratives on a range Check steps needed to
LESSON 145 - 160 of familiar topics complete short
(16 lessons)
1.2.4 classroom tasks
Understand longer
supported classroom
1.2.5 4.3.2
Understand longer Spell most high
supported questions frequency words
accurately in guided
1.3.1 writing
Guess the meaning of
unfamiliar words from
clues provided by
knowledge of the topic
WEEK 37 – 43 4.3.3
Produce a plan or
03. 01. 2023 draft of one
- paragraph for a
familiar topic and
17. 02. 2023 modify this
appropriately in
response to feedback