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Published by prapaiklinkhachorn5, 2022-06-04 03:24:07

Criticizing Strategy



English for Specific Purpose

sdfghjklzxcvbnmqweCriticizing Strategy rtyuiopasdf
ghjklzxcvbnmqwe2022 rtyuiopasdfghj

Prapai Klinkhachorn


English Teaching in Foundation English II

Irrigation College, Kasetsart University

สาหรบั ภาษาองั กฤษพืน้ ฐาน II (Foundation English II) ระบวุ ่า

Exposure to significant structures of the English language
abilities, listening, speaking, reading, and writing through
language skills integration with emphasis on
communicative competence on a higher level.

กลยทุ ธก์ ารวจิ ารณห์ รอื การแสดงความคิดเหน็ (Criticizing) จะเป็นแนวทาง
ท่ีมงุ่ เนน้ การพฒั นาการดา้ นการแสดงความคดิ เหน็ หรอื การใชพ้ ฒั นาการดา้ นความคดิ
และความเป็นอสิ ระท่เี พ่มิ มากขนึ้ เพ่ือใหเ้ กดิ ทกั ษะใน free writing or
speaking ซ่งึ จะมคี วามยงุ่ ยากซบั ซอ้ นมากขนึ้ กว่าเดิม แต่จะทาใหผ้ เู้ รยี นกลวั และ
ทอ้ แทห้ รอื ไม่ ตอ้ งตอบวา่ ไมเ่ ลย เพราะในยคุ ปัจจบุ นั นีม้ เี ครอ่ื งมอื หรอื
application or program ท่ีจะชว่ ยการเรยี นเรยี นรูผ้ อ่ นคลายลงไดม้ าก ไมว่ า่
คลปิ เสยี งของเจา้ ของภาษาท่ีมีในทกุ คาศพั ท์ หรอื โปรแกรมการแปลภาษาท่ีมอี ย่เู กือบ
ทกุ ภาษา

การเรยี นการสอนนน้ั เพ่ือใหผ้ เู้ รยี นไดเ้ รยี นรู้ แต่มใิ ช่ท่ีท่ีประลองศกั ยภาพท่ีมใี นแต่
ละคน แต่เป็นการนาสง่ิ ท่ีไดไ้ ปประยกุ ตใ์ ชใ้ นสงั คมไดอ้ ย่างมีประสทิ ธิภาพไดต้ อ่ ไป

English for University Life : จะมงุ่ เนน้ เนือ้ หาท่ีคลา้ ยกบั ใน
Everyday Life แต่จะมงุ่ เนน้ ไปท่ี self interest ท่ีสอดคลอ้ งกบั careers
in the future จะใหผ้ เู้ รยี นใหค้ วามสาคญั กบั ความเป็นสถาบนั ท่ีใหค้ วามรูห้ รอื

แนวทางเพ่ือชวี ติ หลงั สาเรจ็ การศกึ ษา เป็นชว่ งเวลาในการหาตวั ตนใหพ้ บและมี
การศกึ ษาในเรอ่ื งท่สี นใจใหล้ กึ ซงึ้ และมคี วามกลา้ และสามารถใหค้ วามคดิ เหน็ ในเร่อื งท่ี
ตนสนใจ หรอื เร่อื งท่ีเกดิ ขนึ้ ไดอ้ ยา่ งเปิดกวา้ ง ดว้ ยแนวทางการเขยี นท่ีเป็นตวั เองมากขึน้
อีกทงั้ กระตนุ้ ใหเ้ กิดการวิพากษว์ ิจารณด์ ว้ ยการพดู โดยไมใ่ ห้ โครงสรา้ งไวยากรณม์ าเป็น
อปุ สรรค (น่ีคือ ความเป็นนกั ศกึ ษาระดบั undergraduate เพ่ือเตรยี มตวั เขา้ สู่
ระดบั สงู ขนึ้ ตอ่ ไป)

การประเมนิ ผล จะได้จากผลคะแนนทไี่ ดจ้ ากงานแตล่ ะชนิ้ ซึง่ แสดงถงึ ความ
มุ่งม่นั ตัง้ ใจในการเรยี นรู้ (Determination)และผลการเรียน


1st Period

English II

1. To create the content for the story of “ My
Lifestyle” on Facebook of their own with
the following process. (50 points)
1.1 Search a definition of Lifestyle first.
1.2 What is the factor of lifestyle?
1.3 What is the overall contents?
1.4 Design your pages.
1.5 Make a clip with the content and
designed pages
1.6 Load to FB, then take a photo page
by page and submit them to personal

2. Listen and write down the subtitle you can hear to

the clip of “Why I learned English/Jack Ma”
by Savanteum (20 points)

3. Tell the story what you have listened and read then
make your comments according to the following

3.1 What did Jack Ma tell you how important

for studying language is? (10 points)

3.2 Do you agree with Jack Ma in the saying

that “When you learn the other language, you
start to understand the other culture.”? Why?
(15 points)

3.3In your opinion, what is the good opportunity

for being good at English.? (15 points)
If I am good at English, I can

3.4 Write a paragraph with the above

information. (20 points)

From the clip of “Why I learned
English/Jack Ma” Jack Ma tell me that

………………………. I agree that If I am
good at English, I can

4. Make a clip with your writing in item 3.4. (20

2nd Period

English II

Try to Think

1. Listen to the clip of “A Day In The Life Of Elon
Musk's Genius Kids” and study from the movie
seriously and attentively.

2. Clarify your understanding by comparing between
motion pictures and the scripts to show the relevance
of both things. (5 points/item)

motion pictures the scripts How relevant they
ภาพอปุ กรณล์ ดการปล่อยคารบ์ อน Drastically reduce
carbon emission Let me know what that
thing is used for.


3. What do you think about Elon Musk‟s school? (5
points/each idea) The above information can support
your ideas as many as possible.

4. Make a clip with your writing in 3 (20 points)

3rd Period

English II

Listen to the clip of “Oprah Winfrey's Life
Advice Will Change Your Future | One of the
Best Motivational Video Ever” by Motivation

Madness and do the following assignment:
1. Write down the subtitle (20 points)
2. Read it and try to understand it clearly by using
translation application in Microsoft word. (20
3. Answer the questions to get the significant advices
from Oprah Speech. (40 points)
3.1 There are three things that Oprah told you.
What are they?
3.2 What is the first thing that you would have
to know?
3.3 “You want to be in the driver‟s seat of your
own life, because, if you‟re not, life will drive
you.” What does it mean?
3.4 “I want to fulfill the highest, truest
expression of myself as a human being.” What
does it mean?

3.5 What is the second thing that you would
have to know?

3.6 “Service and Significant equals Success.”
What does it mean?

3.7 What is the third thing that you would have
to know?

3.8 What is the Oprah‟s greatest advice to you?

4. Write a passage to describe what you have learned
from Oprah Speech with your own ideas. (20
- First issue
- Second
- Third
- Etc.

5. Make a clip with the above writing. (20 points)


English II

1. Listen to the clip of “Albert Einstein - Life
Changing Quotes” by Red Frost Motivation

2. Write down all the subtitles. (10 points)
3. Read it and try to understand 21 Albert Einstein

quotes clearly
4. The learner no. 1to …. has to circulate to describe

the meaning of the quote no.1 to 20 in each one .
(10 points)
Quote 1: ………………………………..
It means ……the definition with supported
5. Make a clip from item 4 (10 points)
6. Gather all 19 quotes from your friends to complete
your own 20 quotes and make your comment on
your friends‟ works in the format. (15 points/quote
= 285 points)

From the idea of … Mr. A…who defined the Albert
Einstein‟s quote No. ……as that:
“……………………” means that…………

I agree/disagree with his/her idea because……........
7. Choose only 3 quotes for making a clip (20 points)

5rd Period
English II

1. Listen and write down the subtitle of “Albert
Einstein's Advice, for Young People Who Want to Be
Successful”(10 points)
Then answer the following questions (5 points/item=50

1.1 “Never give up on what you really want to do.
The person with big dreams is more powerful
than the one with all the facts.”
What is the difference between „big dreams‟
and „all the facts‟?

1.2 “Your imagination is more important than

What is the difference between „imagination‟
and „knowledge‟?
1.3 “Your education is what remains after you

have forgotten what you have learned in

What is the difference of definition of eduction
between „in the dictionary‟ and „Einstein‟s‟?
1.4 “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your

balance you must keep moving.
What is the same qualification of „life‟ and „

riding a bicycle‟?
1.5 “Try not to become a man of success, but

rather try to become a man of value.”
What is the difference between „a man of
success‟ and „a man of value‟?
1.6 “A ship is always safe at shore but that is not
what it‟s built for.”

What is the simple words for this metaphor?
1.7 “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a

fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will life its
whole life believing that it is stupid.”

What is the simple words for this metaphor?
1.8 “The important thing is not to stop

questioning. Curiousity has its own reason for

What does it mean?

1.9 “If you can‟t explain it simply, you don‟t
understand it well enough.”

What is the simple words to show your

1.10“I have no special talent. I am only

passionately curious.”
What is the difference between „special talent‟
and „passionately curious‟?

2. Complete the Table showing the comparison of the
“20 Albert Einstein quotes are life changing” and
“10 Advice from Albert Einstein for young people
who want to be rich and successful.” (10 points)

20 Albert Einstein quotes 10 Advice from Albert Einstein

Quote 1 : Advice 1:

Quote 2 : Advice 2:

Quote 3 : Advice 10:

Quote 21 :

3. Make a conclusion of all Albert Einstein’s
sayings. (30 points)

- What are the same or similar sayings from both

- What are the different sayings from both groups?
- What are your conclusion of all Albert

Einstein’s sayings?
o ……(No.) Albert Einstein’s sayings
o Saying 1: ……….
o Saying 2: ……….
o …… etc……….

4. Make a clip from “…..Albert Einstein‟s sayings
includes:…………..(20 points)

6th Period

English II

1. Let watch the clip of “The Extraordinary Genius
of Albert Einstein – Genius Motivational &
Inspirational Quotes” by Stay Motivated and
write down the quotes you see.

2. Compare this 14 quotes to the 21 quotes of Albert
Einstein by using a Table to show how similar or
different they are, as learned before.

3. Summarize all quotes and develop your old
commentary of each quote to be the best ones and try
to create the new ones (if any).

4. Make a clip of only two quotes with the best quality
as much as possible.

7th Period

English II

1. Listen to these two clips and write down all the
subtitle you see: (20 points)
a. “How I Overcome Failure/Jack Ma” by
b.“Monday Morning Team Motivation/Jack Ma
Live Story (CEO of Alibaba)” by Goal Quest

2. Summarize what you have learned from Jack Ma
story and what you think about it. The following
steps are suggested. (50 points)
a. Take the similar or different contents to be your
own summarized story.
b. Point out the issues you are interested in one by
one. (Categorize them clearly.)
c. Make a comment with the definition and
supported exemplification.
d. Review your whole story to be in a good
consequence like this:

From the clips of …………..and………..,
the following summary can be stated that………

According to the Jack Ma story, there are….
interesting concepts that are …………………..

For………………, it can be understandable
(How can it be profitable for you?)…………..

For………………, it can be understandable
How can it be profitable for you?)…………..

3. Make a clip from such story in 2

8th Period

English II

To make the self-assessment from past works.
Review and Improve them as required and requested.

9th Period

English II

The second half of semester will continue in
searching information from any topic with the following

1. Find some topic you are interested in.
2. Find the information concerning to such topic.
3. Create the outline for such topic in the format that

includes the subject, introduction, body, and
4. Write an article or a passage.

1. Find some topic you are interested in with the
following steps. (50 points)
a. Search for the clip or any reports in the topic
of “Metaverse” or “Digital Game” or “Online
Shopping” (Select only one subject.)
b. Write about at least 10 topics you have
searched based on your interest in the table

No. Topic Source/dated

c. Classify all that topics in different groups.
(50 points)

Group 1 …..
No. Topic Source/dated

Group 2 …..
No. Topic Source/dated

Group 3 …..
No. Topic Source/dated

d. Make a clip in accordance with the following
outline. (50 points)

For this clip I would like to present the step of
writing an article by searching the information
from the video clips. The general subject I
like is ……….. , so ….. topics have been
searched for the concerned information that
are ………..(1- at least 10 topics)
Then all ……..topics have been classified into
……groups that are …………for group 1,
……………for group 2,……….etc.
That‟s all for this period. Please follow to the
next step for completing an article in the next

10th Period

English II

1. Find the information concerning to such topic.
(50 points)

The next step for getting information from the
selected topic as stated in the Group referred for all
concerned information and summarize or quote them
down in the following table.

“Your specified topic ”

Topic/source/dated information

group1. …….. Topic1 : …………(source)

Topic2………… (source)

Topic3………… (source)

group2. ……… Topic1………… (source)

Topic2………… (source)

Topic3………… (source)

2. From the above information, as the supporting
ideas can be referred as follow: (50 points)

(Group 1) : For………, it includes the topic of……,
it states that …… information………..; the topic of
……. states that …… information………..etc.

(Group 2) : For………, it includes the topic of……,
it states that …… information………..; the topic of
……. states that …… information………..etc.

(Group 3): For………, it includes the topic of……, it
states that …… information………..; the topic of
……. states that …… information………..etc.

3. Make a clip to describe how to specify the
supporting ideas according to the above script in
this format (50 points)

For this clip, I will present how to manage the
information to be the body part of the article by
the way that to summarize or paraphrase the
information of each topic and conclude them into
a paragraph detailed as this :
(Group 1) : For………, it includes the topic of……,
it states that …… information………..; the topic of
……. states that …… information………..etc.

(Group 2) : For………, it includes the topic of……,
it states that …… information………..; the topic of
……. states that …… information………..etc.

(Group 3): For………, it includes the topic of……, it
states that …… information………..; the topic of
……. states that …… information………..etc.

11th Period
English II

1. Write an article or a passage with the information
already prepared together with your introduction,
conclusion and some connecting words between
the paragraphs in accordance with the following
form. (50 points)

“ Specified Topic”
……………the criteria of ….group 1, group 2 ….. .
(supporting idea 1 is from the summary of Group 1)
(supporting idea 2 is from the summary of Group 2)
(supporting idea 3 is from the summary of Group 3 )
As mentioned above …………………………………

Bibliography บรรณานกุ รม

Note : The outline should be related to the
information having got from searching and gathering

2. Make a clip for completing the final step with the
guide script below. (50 points)

For this clip, it will be the final step for creating the
article by the way of searching information from
the video clips and being managed step by step as
presented before. Finally this will be the complete

article that is composed of the specified topic of
“…………” , introduction, body and conclusion as

The completed article

12th Period

English II

Free Article

Guiding Questions :

1. What is the story you like? …….
2. Find 5-10 topics of the concerned data of such


Topic Source & Date






3. Make groups of supporting ideas. 25 marks

Group 1 : ………………………… consists of Topic
…1.: Irrigation history, Topic ….: ………………….

Group 2 : ………………………… consists of Topic….:
………….., Topic …:…………………….

4. Make a Table of Information. 25 marks
“Specified Topic”

Supporting Ideas Information
From the topic of …………, it
Group 2…………. states that …………………..

From the topic of …………, it
states that…………………..

5. Complete your article with Introduction, Body,
Conclusion, Bibliography. 25 marks

6. Make a clip of such story. 25 marks

Note: Send your work to your personal line on the
scheduled time.

13th Period
English II
Article for Specific Aspect

Instruction 1 : Try to complete your article with the

following information together with your ideas relating to

(30 points)

Topic and Source Information
Goals Quotes - BrainyQuote
Michael Jordan said that “The game has its up and
down but you can never lose focus of your
individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat
because of lack of effort” I think………………………


Tony Robbin said that “Setting Goals is the first
step in turning the invisible into visible.” I think…


Brian Tracy said that “People with clear, written
goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of
time than people without them could ever
imagine.” I think ………………………………………………..


Instruction 2 : Try to pick up the above information and
your own opinion to complete your filled form of article
below. (40 points)



Michael Jordan said that “The game has its up and down but you can never lose focus of your
individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort” I think………………………

Tony Robbin said that “Setting Goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible.” I

Brian Tracy said that “People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period
of time than people without them could ever imagine.” I think ………………………………………………..



Instruction 3 : Make a clip from the above article (your
article). (30 points)


14th Period
English II
Article for Being Success

1. Find the information or any quotes from the
successful persons that you are interested in and
write them down in this table.

Specific Subject

Topic and Source Information
1st successful person/source Quote(s) and your comment
2nd successful person/source Quote(s) and your comment
3rd successful person/source Quote(s) and your comment

2. Try to pick up the above information and your own
opinion to complete your filled form of article
below. (40 points)






3. Make a clip of your article. (30 points)

15th Period
English II
Article in Free Subject

1. To show your understanding in this course, try to
present your ideas in any form you like either
making a summary and your comment or creating
any article for specific concept. (70 points)

2. Make a clip concerning to the above work. (30

16th Period
English II
Article in Free Subject

1. To show your understanding in this course, try to
present your ideas in any form you like either making a
summary and your comment or creating any article for
specific concept, that is different from the one has been
done in the last period. (70 points)
2. Make a clip concerning to the above work. (30

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