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Published by Lydia King, 2019-09-19 21:06:16

Untitled document (2)

Untitled document (2)

P​ oetry 

By:Lydia King 






Is Creative, Adventurous, Artistic

Loves Cats, Friends,Family

Feels Joyful, and Hungry

Fears Holes, Spiders

Likes to eat Junk food, Spaghetti, Fruit

Watches Stranger Things, Hunger Games

Is a resident of Virginia


I AM   

I am brave and creative 
I wonder if cows know they 
will be eaten 

I hear the trees swaying in the wind 

I see the places I want to go 

I want to be flexible   

I am brave and creative 

I pretend I meet celebrities   

I feel hungry for guacamole 

I touch my sleeping cat 

I worry I’m not good enough 

I cry about my friend moving to japan 

I am brave and creative 

I understand the importance of global warming 

I say;“Life is tough, but so are you.” 

I dream of being an interior designer 

I try to do well at my art 

I hope global warming will stop 

I am brave and creative 


When I look in the mirror I see a Brave, Creative Person looking at me  


I am really good at art 


I love 


I spend a lot of time with my cats 
I can’t wait for 
I Could get better at spelling and 
Whistling is hard for me 
But I know if I try I’ll be the best I can be 













​ Fall 
Cool breeze 
Autumn leaves 
Warm cozy drinks 

Cool and sweet 

Makes you say, “Ahh…” 
Ice-cold lemonade 


​ Guacomomle 
Fresh, Green 
Avocado,Onion, Spice 
Disgusting,Sickening, Unsettling 
Rotten, Pink 


Fun, Energetic   
Loving, Exiting, Entertaining   
Such intelligent animals they are, What neat animals they are by far   




The art of music  

Calming,or angering 

Swaying, or bouncing 




Vacation is nice 
Vacation is relaxing 
Vacation is fun 
Vacation is tiring 
Vacation is exciting 

Sadness is b​ lue 

It sounds like​ silence 

It tastes like​ salt 

It smells like l​ avender 

Sadness feels like your ​falling apart 



Music makes me tap my feet 
Oh how it sounds so sweet 
Concerts are,oh just a blast 
Sometimes the songs end fast 
Bands have different styles 
Some people have music in piles 





O​ cean 


The ocean is calm  

It’s very mysterious   

It’s gentle and rough 





There once was a girl named Lou 

And a girl named Sue 

They went to the same school 

One was really cool 

It was Sue that was cool not Lou 



I went outside and what did I find? 

A box to open.I hope no one will mind. 


It was tied on top with twine 

Finally the Hogwarts letter was mine! 

Now I am here, It’s quite fine 

I can’t believe the wand I have is thine 




Al​ l 
A​pple pie   

My cat My brother 
Loves Hates 
Being loved Being yelled at 
Doesn’t want Want 
To be held To hold the cat 
He is sweet He is rude 
Sometimes gets annoyed Sometimes nice 



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