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Para Stanford Publishing es un placer compartir con ustedes este trabajo editorial, donde esperamos que los materiales que les ofrecemos resuelvan este primer acercamiento al mundo del Ingles.

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Published by stanfordpublishing, 2018-06-09 13:04:46

What´s Up 4

Para Stanford Publishing es un placer compartir con ustedes este trabajo editorial, donde esperamos que los materiales que les ofrecemos resuelvan este primer acercamiento al mundo del Ingles.

Evolving with You

What’s up 4
Student’s and Prac ce Book
Copyright © 2017 Stanford Publishing. ISBN: 978-607-97382-5-9
Printed in Mexico
Contact: 01 800 890 7051
All Rights reserved. No part of these publica ons may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of the publisher, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.
Author: Chief Editor: Sta Editor: Illustrator: Images: Reviewers:
José Eduardo Enciso García. Raymundo Castañeda Rendón. Lic. Rose Corespi.
Dosak Moreno.
Ara del Rio.
Dosak Moreno y Ara del Rio.
Shu erstock.
Lic. Jason Ruíz Correa, Presidente de la Academia de Inglés CECyTEM Edo. de Méx.
Lic. Erika Liliana Negrete Job, Directora del Ins tuto Angloamericano de Morelia. M.A. Mario Francisco Ramírez Jaramillo
What’s up with your English? 4 was edited and produced to fit semester IV according to Bachillerato Tecnológico.

Wri ng
Conversa on Strategy
Pair work
QR Codes
Augmented Reality

Block 1
Lesson 1: Made in Mexico 10 Lesson 2: Big Cities 18 Practice 1 26 Review 30 Project 1 32 Self-evaluation/Co-evaluation 33
Block 2
Lesson 3: That’s Great, Isn’t It? 37 Lesson 4: The Places that I like 45 Practice 2 52 Review 56 Project 2 58 Self-evaluation/Co-evaluation 59
Block 3
Lesson 5: It Had Been Awesome!
62 Lesson 6: If it Hadn’t Rained 70 Practice 3 78 Review 82 Project 3 84 Self-evaluation/Co-evaluation 85
QR Ac vi es 86
List of Verbs 88
Audio Script 92
How to use the Augmented reality and the qr codes
95 Bingo 96
Table of Contents

Autonomy and personal initiative
Cultural and artistic competence
Competence in learning to learn
Social competence and citizenship
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Processing information and digital competence
Logical mathematical competence
Competence in linguistic communication
Descrip on
The ability to imagine, develop and evaluate individual or collective projects creatively, self-confidently and critically.
Which means appreciating, understanding and valuing different cultural and artistic manifestations critically, using them as a form of enjoyment and source of personal enrichment.
Competence and attitudes to keep learning through life in an autonomous way.
It is the ability to understand the social reality in which we live and the desire to contribute to its development.
It takes into account the ability to understand events, the prediction of consequences and the activity on the quality of people's health and environmental sustainability.
It is understood as the ability to search, obtain, process and communicate the information turning it into knowledge.
It is the ability to use numbers and basic operations, as well as symbols and forms of expression of mathematical reasoning to produce and interpret information.
It refers to the use of the language as a tool for oral and written communication.
Basic Competences

Block 1. Our Amazing Country
Objec ve
Lesson 1: Made in Mexico
To talk about traveling
To talk about how things are made
Prepositions Materials
Passive Voice (Present)
Lesson 2: Big Cities
To talk about famous art pieces, inventions and discoveries
To talk about life in a big city
Landmarks Inventions and discoveries
Passive Voice (Past) Verbs in past participle
Block 2. If I Were
Objec ve
Lesson 3: That’s Great, Isn’t It?
To express agreement or disagreement
To talk about present hypothetical situations
Descriptive adjectives Occupations and professions Social Issues
Tag Questions
Second Conditional (present unreal)
Lesson 4:
The Places that I like
To talk about important places in Mexico
To describe things using relative clauses
Landmarks Business Vocabulary
Relative clauses
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
Block 3. No Regrets
Objec ve
Lesson 5:
It Had Been Awesome!
To talk about important Mexican people
Talking about previous past events
Occupations Time Expressions Important events
Past Perfect Verbs in past participle
Lesson 6:
If it Hadn’t Rained...
To talk about important people in history
To talk about hypothetical past situations
Time expressions Sequence adverbs
Third Conditional (Past Unreal)

Reading & Listening
Speaking & Wri ng
Traveling around the world
Talking and writing about Mexican products
Generic Competence
Disciplinary Competence
Traveling around the world How Wine Is Made
Listens, intwerprets, and gives messages that are relevant to the context using the appropriate code and media.
Expresses ideas and concepts through language.
Identifies main ideas in a written or oral text and infers conclusions from them.
Applies different communication strategies according to the listener, the context and the objectives.
Participates and collaborates effectively in groups.
Living in a large city
Who created the Mac Computers and the iPhone?
Advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city
Talking about famous art pieces, inventions and discoveries
Writing a biography
Identifies, orders, and interprets ideas, datum and explicit and implicit concepts, considering the text of origin.
Produces texts based
on the structure of the language, considering the intention and communicative situation.
Identifies and interprets the general idea and a possible development of an oral or written message in a second language, using his/her previous knowledge, non-verbal clues and cultural context.
Uses information and communication technology to do research, and share information
Reading & Listening
Speaking & Wri ng
A president’s biography.
Describing someone
Talking about present hypothetical situations
Talking and writing about social issues
Description of places
Do you prefer the city or the country?
Do you prefer the city or the country?
Describing a business company
Reading & Listening
Speaking & Wri ng
Important Mexican people
An Amazing Mexican Woman
Interviewing a famous person
Talking and writing about previous past events
Martin Luther King’s biography
Ordering a story
To talk about important people in history
A bad day What if...?

Block 1
BLOCK 1 Our Amazing Country
• Preposi ons
• Materials
• Landmarks
• Inven ons and discoveries
• Passive Voice (Present)
• Passive Voice (Past)
• Verbs in past par ciple
• Talking about traveling around the world
• Talking and wri ng about Mexican products
• Discussing the advantages and disadvantages
of living in a big city
• Talking about famous art pieces, inven ons
and discoveries
• Wri ng a biography
• To talk about traveling
• To talk about how things are made
• To talk about famous art pieces, inven ons and discoveries
• To talk about life in a big city

Our Amazing Country

Lesson 1 A Opening
a) Discuss the following ques ons with your classmates.
1. Do you like traveling?
2. What do you like the most when you travel?
3. Which place that you have visited did you like the most? Why? 4. What places would you like to visit? Why?
Matt’s Travels
Mexico _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Colombia _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Saudi Arabia
_________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Italy _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ __________________________ _________________________
b) Ma talks about the most representa ve things he knows about the countries he has visited. Write the informa on you hear on the line provided.

Passive Voice - Present
Made in Mexico
The active voice is the “normal” voice - the one that we use most of the time. In the active voice, there is a subject who does the action and an object that receives the action of the verb.
Example: Everybody drinks water.
Everybody = subject drinks = verb (action) water = object
The passive voice is used when the most important thing is what is done (the action). It is not important who or what does the action.
Example: Water is drunk (by everybody).
The important message here is that the water is drunk, not who drinks it.
Note: See how the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb.
Water = Subject that receives the action
is drunk = Action
(by everybody) = It is not important who performs the action, and it can even be omitted.
How to change a sentence from active to passive voice.
Active: They make leather shoes in Leon.
Passive: Leather shoes are made in Leon (by them).
Observe that the object in active voice, leather shoes, becomes the subject in the passive voice. Then the main verb is used in past participle, made. And we add the verb to be as an auxiliary verb, are.
c) Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.
1. They make silver jewelry in Taxco. ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. They grow coffee beans in Chiapas. ________________________________________________________________________________________
3. They sell copper art crafts in Michoacan. ________________________________________________________________________________________
4. They produce vanilla extract in Veracruz. ________________________________________________________________________________________
5. They elaborate wine in Baja California. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 1 B Opening
a) In the previous page, you read about Matt’s travels. With a partner, discuss which of those places you think is the most interesting and why.
b) Read more about the places Ma has visited and
circle all the passive voice sentences you nd.
It is known that Italian people have a unique way to welcome foreigners. They are considered to be very
polite. This country can be a paradise for people who
love to eat and drink. Wine is exported all over the
world from Italy and Italian dishes are eaten everywhere, especially pasta. What about the language? Italian is
a language spoken by millions of people in Europe.
Many important people speak this language, including
the Pope Francisco. One of the most important cities in
Italy is Venice. It is located in the northeastern part of the country. Another important place is Milan; outstanding
and exclusive fashion designers sell their creations in this city.
This country is located in Central Europe. It is one of the world’s richest countries. It also has a very high level in education, which is one of the reasons why rich people send their children to study in expensive Swiss boarding schools.
German, French, and Italian are spoken in this
country. Millions of visitors come to this amazing
place for its natural beauty, which consists of
mountains, lakes, rivers and forests. Winter sports
are practiced all over the place since it is very
cold. Chocolate, cheese and watches are the main products Switzerland is known for.
China is known for its exotic food. People think that all Chinese food is cooked with rice and seafood; however, there are many other ingredients that are used in its cuisine. They are very fond of tea. It is drunk in almost every meal.
The main tourist attraction is the Great Wall, known for its extensive length. It is visited by millions of people every year and it is said that it can be seen from space.

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