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Para Stanford Publishing es un placer compartir con ustedes este trabajo editorial, donde esperamos que los materiales que les ofrecemos resuelvan este primer acercamiento al mundo del Ingles

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Published by stanfordpublishing, 2018-06-08 17:57:06

Take a Ride

Para Stanford Publishing es un placer compartir con ustedes este trabajo editorial, donde esperamos que los materiales que les ofrecemos resuelvan este primer acercamiento al mundo del Ingles

Take a Ride 2
Student’s Book and Workbook
Copyright © 2017 Stanford Publishing.
ISBN: 9786079738211
Printed in Mexico Contact: 01 800 890 7051
All Rights reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of the publisher, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.
Author: Chief Editor: Sta Editor: Illustrator: Images: Reviewers:
José Eduardo Enciso García. Raymundo Castañeda Rendón. Rose Corespi.
Dosak Moreno.
Ara del Rio.
Dosak Moreno y Ara del Rio.
Shu erstock.
Tch. Edgar R. Vázquez.
Lic. Erika Liliana Negrete Job, Directora del Ins tuto Angloamericano de Morelia.
Take a Ride 2 was edited and produced to t semester II according to Dirección General de Bachillerato (DGB).

Autonomy and personal ini a ve
Cultural and ar s c competence
Competence in learning to learn
Social competence and ci zenship
Knowledge and interac on with the physical world
Processing informa on and digital competence
Logical mathema cal competence
Competence in linguis c communica on
Descrip on
The ability to imagine, develop and evaluate individual or collec ve projects crea vely, self-con dently and cri cally.
Which means apprecia ng, understanding and valuing di erent cultural and ar s c manifesta ons cri cally, using them as a form of enjoyment and source of personal enrichment.
Competence and a tudes to keep learning through life in an autonomous way.
It is the ability to understand the social reality in which we live and the desire to contribute to its development.
It takes into account the ability to understand events, the predic on of consequences and the ac vity on the quality of people's health and environmental sustainability.
It is understood as the ability to search, obtain, process and communicate the informa on turning it into knowledge.
It is the ability to use numbers and basic opera ons, as well as symbols and forms of expression of mathema cal reasoning to produce and interpret informa on.
It refers to the use of the language as a tool for oral and wri en communica on.
Take a Ride 2
Basic Competences

Similari es and Di erences
Wri ng
Ocean animals
Descrip ve adjec ves
Compara ves
Compara ves of Equality and Inequality
Comparing Soccer Teams
Comparing things, animals and people.
Expressing agreement or disagreement.
Fast, Faster, The Fastest
An Exci ng Soccer Match
Making comparisons among family members.
Traveling Vocabulary
Superla ves
Comparing di erent things.
Talking about NASCAR
Expressing superla ves and absolutes.
The Best in the World
Faster then than Air
The best place to go for a vaca on..
Project: The Movie Cri c
Digital Resources: Compara ves Video and Compara ves and Superla ves Game. Cross curricular Areas: Environmental Studies, Reading Skills.
Old Times
A Surprise for Mom
TV Adver sements
Wri ng
Iden es, orders, and interprets ideas, datum and explicit and implicit concepts, considering the text of origin.
Produces texts based on the structure of the language, considering the inten on and communica ve situa on.
Iden es and interprets the general idea and a possible development of an oral or wri en message in a second language, using his/her previous knowledge, nonverbal clues and cultural context.
Uses informa on and communica on technology to do research, and share informa on
Feelings and emo ons
Past Tense VERB TO BE: a rma ve, nega ve and interroga ve.
Where were you?
Life in the 1900s
The 1900 House
Making a TV Adver sement
Places in the city
Past Tense: a rma ve, nega ve and interroga ve.
Time expressions: yesterday, last night, last week.
Excuses for not doing homework.
Talking about yesterday.
The First Man Who Walked on the Moon
Wri ng about a famous explorer...
Project: Biographies
Digital Resources: To Be in Past Online Exercise and Verbs in Past Game. Cross curricular Areas: Social Studies, Reading Skills,
Lesson 4: My hometown Lesson 3: How did you feel? Lesson 2: Going on vaca on Lesson 1: Under the Sea

Rules and Obliga ons
Wri ng
Health Problems
Modal Auxiliary Verbs
Listen to health problems.
Give advice
A Visit to the Doctor
What to do and not to do for a job interview.
What to do and not to do for a job interview
Technology Nowadays
Wri ng about your technological habits
Common signs at public places
Modal auxiliaries: must, have to.
Modals of Probability and Possibility
Listen to direc ons, rules and regula ons when traveling.
Ge ng the meaning of common signs.
Talking about the rules and regula ons at your school.
Tips for Travelers
Working at Google
Wri ng about the weather in di erent countries.
Wri ng sugges ons to go to a soccer match at the stadium.
Project: Rules and Regula ons
Digital Resources: Giving Advice Online Exercise and Modal Auxiliaries Online Ac vity Cross curricular Areas: Health Studies, Social Studies, Reading Skills
Occupa ons and professions.
Wri ng
Plans and Predic ons
Iden es, orders, and interprets ideas, datum and explicit and implicit concepts, considering the text of origin.
Produces texts based on the structure of the language, considering the inten on and communica ve situa on.
Iden es and interprets the general idea and a possible development of an oral or wri en message in a second language, using his/her previous knowledge, nonverbal clues and cultural context.
Uses informa on and communica on technology to do research, and share informa on
Idioma c Future: Going to.
Time expressions: Tomorrow, next week, next month.
Emma’s Birthday
Future Plans
In the A ernoon
Talking about plans for tonight
December Holidays
The Weather Forecast
Wri ng about a camping trip
Wri ng New Year’s resolu ons.
Simple Future: Will
Informa on ques ons
It Won’t Be the Same
Vaca on Plans
Predic ng weather condi ons
Sharing experiences about studying and living abroad.
Living Abroad
Describing and predic ng the weather in your town.
Write about plans and predic ons for future life.
Project: My Future
Digital Resources: Idioma c Future Online Exercise and Song to Reinforce the Simple Future Cross curricular Areas: Environmental Studies, Social Studies, Reading Skills
Lesson 8: It will rain Lesson 7: Making Plans Lesson 6: Be careful Lesson 5: What’s the problem?

Lesson 2
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Ocean animals Descrip ve adjec ves
• Iden es, orders, and interprets ideas, concepts, considering the text of origin.
• Produces texts based on the structure of the language.
• Iden es and interprets the general idea and a possible development of an oral
or wri en message in a second language.
• Uses ITC to do research, and share informa on.
Traveling Vocabulary
Compara ves
Compara ves of Equality and Inequality
Superla ves
Compara ves Video
Compara ves and Superla ves Game.

Block 1
The Movie Critic
Every weekend new movies are releaced, some are good, some are not and some are really interes ng. Imagine that you are Movie Cri cs and you have your TV Show in which you recommend the best movie of the week.
In teams of three or four students, prepare a presenta on in which you compare three di erent movies that are being presented in your town at this me, you choose them. You must talk about the plot, the director, the photography, the music and of course the actors. It’s necessary that you give your opinion about them and decide which one is the best and recommend it to the audience. You can make a video or a presenta on.
Block 1

Lesson 1 Vocabulary
A. Match the sea animals pictures to the de ni ons.
1. Dolphin. It’s a mammal; this means that it nurses its babies with milk from the mother.
It’s very intelligent.
2. Turtle. It’s a rep le. It has a hard shell that acts as a shield against predators. It might be slow on land but under water, it could be faster than what you imagine.
3. Shark. It’s a very dangerous sh. It’s a top predator of the ocean’s natural food chain.
4. Blue whale. It’s the largest living animal in existence. It eats krill, a ny sea creature
under water.
5. Octopus. It’s a sea animal famous for its rounded body, bulging eyes, and eight long arms. Octopuses are considered “monsters of the deep”.
6. Seahorse. It’s a very small sh. Seahorses can change color very quickly and match any surroundings in which it nds itself.
7. Jelly sh. It lives in the sea and it’s found in all oceans. Jelly sh can be large and brightly colored.
8. S ngray. It has a at body. S ngrays don’t have bones; instead, their bodies are supported by car lage.

Under the sea
Fast, Faster, the Fastest
Which is more intelligent?
Which is more intelligent, a dolphin or an octopus? Scien sts have found that octopuses can solve problems quickly and remember those solu ons for a short term; however, the dolphin is more intelligent than the octopus. In fact, the dolphin is the world’s second most intelligent animal, with only humans in rst place.
Which is more dangerous?
Which is more dangerous, a jelly sh or a shark? Sharks are carnivorous sh. They have the most powerful jaws on the planet. Jelly sh have ny s nging cells in their tentacles to stun or paralyze their prey before ea ng them. There are di erent types of sharks, and it’s considered that sharks are more dangerous than jelly sh and their poisonous tentacles. However, s ngrays are the most dangerous ones.
Which is faster?
Which is faster, a turtle or a seahorse? Seahorses swim very poorly. They can swim at a speed of 1.5 meters per hour. Turtles can walk at a speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour but under water, they are a li le faster. They can swim at a pace of 10 to 12 miles per hour.
B. Write True or False.
1. Dolphinsaremoreintelligentthanoctopuses.
2. Jelly sh are more dangerous than sharks.
3. Sharks are more dangerous than s ngrays.
4. Turtlesswimfasterthanseahorses.
5. Elephants are larger than blue whales.
6. Blue whales are as large as two big trucks.
Which is bigger?
Which is bigger, an elephant or a blue whale? Elephants are the biggest land-living mammals in the world. The blue whale is the largest living animal under water that s ll exists. In fact, a blue whale can measure as long as two 18-wheeler trucks! It is as large as the size of a 10-story building.
Block 1

Lesson 1
We use compara ves to compare two things or two people. To form compara ves you need to know how many syllables the adjec ves have and follow some spelling rules.
Rule 1: most one syllable adjec ves add –er.
tall – taller
small – smaller
fast – faster
cold – colder
Rule 2: One syllable adjec ves ending in a silent 'e' just add –r.
nice – nicer
cute – cuter
safe – safer
wise – wiser
Rule 3: one syllable adjec ves ending in vowel – consonant – vowel, double the last consonant and add -er.
big – bigger
thin – thinner
sad – sadder
wet – we er
Rule 4: two syllable adjec ves ending in 'y', change the 'y' to 'i' and add –er.
happy – happier
chubby – chubbier
busy – busier
early - earlier
Rule 5: two (not ending in 'y'), three syllable or more adjec ves use 'more' in front.
expensive – more expensive intelligent – more intelligent boring – more boring
good - be er bad - worse far - further/farther
Note: Use the word than when comparing two nouns. She is taller than me.
A Ferrari is more expensive than a BMW.
C. Based on the rules you just learned, write the compara ve form of the following adjec ves.
1. close 4. hot 7. bad
2. interes ng 5. young
8. colorful
3. pre y 6. honest 9. fat
D. Compare the following nouns using the adjec ve in parenthesis. Don’t forget to use the word than.
1. An apple is _______________________________ a watermelon. (small)
2. A nal exam is _______________________________ a monthly exam. (complicated)
3. A chocolate cake tastes _______________________________ a carrot cake. (good)
4. I think Adam Sandler is _______________________________ Jim Carrey. (funny)

Under the sea
E. Completewiththecorrectcompara veform.
1. Michoacan is __________________________________________________ (big) than Tlaxcala.
2. Books are _______________________________________________ (interes ng) than movies.
3. A cheetah is ___________________________________________________ (fast) than a ger.
4. I think German is ___________________________________________ (di cult) than English.
5. Traveling by subway is ___________________________________ (fast) than traveling by bus.
6. Mount Everest is _____________________________________ (high) than the Popocatepetl.
7. I think bungee jumping is _______________________________ (exci ng) than parachu ng.
8. A Metallica concert is ___________________________________ (noisy) than a theater play.
9. Elephants are _______________________________________________ (heavy) than hippos.
10. In my opinion, Emma Watson is _______________________ (good) actress than Megan Fox.
F. Makestatements.Yourpartnerwillsayifhe/sheagreesordisagrees. pop / popular / country music
A: Pop music is more popular than country music.
B: I think so, too. or I don’t think so.
1. girls / smart / boys
2. math / easy / history
3. dogs / friendly / humans
4. the city / roman c / the beach
/ I agree. or I don’t agree.
5. movies / good / books
6. man / good drivers / women
7. sofas / comfortable / chairs
8. bike riding / exci ng / snorkeling
G. Compare yourself with your best friend.
I’m taller than my best friend.
My best friend is thinner than me.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Block 1

Lesson 1
Reading (2) C
An Exci ng Soccer Match
Last Saturday my best friend Albert and I went to see a soccer match. We watched our two favorite teams, Monarcas Morelia and America. It was the tenth week of the season and the day was much colder than the rst weeks. We were excited because I love Monarcas Morelia and he loves America.
The seats were good, but I wanted something closer to the eld. However, we sat and enjoyed the game. Well, we enjoyed it un l we started arguing. The problem with Albert and I is that we both think our team is be er than the other. He always says to me that America’s soccer players are faster, stronger, and smarter than Monarcas. I never agree. On this day, he was wrong. Monarcas played a lot be er than America. It looked stronger and more intelligent than America.
One thing I didn’t like was that the food and drinks were much more expensive than last season, and now they taste worse. I was surprised that a bag of chips and a soda cost $55 pesos. Also, the glass of soda was smaller than normal glasses of soda. So I was a li le sad about my meal, and I was hoping to get something more delicious a er the game. But I was happy because Monarcas Morelia beat America 3 – 0.
On the way home, I talked about how much be er my team was than America. My best friend was ge ng angry and I no ced he was driving a lot faster than usual. We were lucky he didn’t crash. Finally, he saw a police car so he started to drive slower. We made it home safe and overall it was a great day. Although we ght, it is more fun and exci ng going to games with my best friend than anyone else.
H. Read the text and answer the ques ons.
1. What was the weather like during the soccer match?
2. Why do the writer and his friend always argue?
3. Why didn’t the writer like the food and drinks?
4. Did they argue a er the soccer match?
5. Why does the writer enjoy going to soccer matches with his best friend?

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