A Fable for all Ages
A Fable for All Ages
Foreword by
The Universe
Often the thing that affects us the
most is that which we think we have
no control over. This is an adult
fable about things out of our control
and how to gain control, so you stay
in control and never lose control.
Life may send you lemons, but you
can produce an incredible life using
lemons to create products and
services. Lemons are amazing they
wonderful for any number of things.
They can help cleanse inside and out
and are good to drink. Stop
complaining about life’s lemons and
learn to love lemonade!
A Fable for All Ages
Copyright Page
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be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or any other information
storage and retrieval system, without the written
permission of the publisher.
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addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at
the address below.
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Ordering information
Quantity Sales. Special discounts are available in
quantity purchases by corporations, associations,
networking groups.
Includes biographical references and index
A Fable for All Ages
A Fable for All Ages
Copyright Page
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or any other information
storage and retrieval system, without the written
permission of the publisher.
For permission requests, write to the publisher,
addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at
the address below.
[email protected]
Ordering information
Quantity Sales. Special discounts are available in
quantity purchases by corporations, associations,
networking groups.
Includes biographical references and index
A Fable for All Ages
Dedication Page
This book is lovingly dedicated to my
three daughters. Each one acts like
an only child and of course they are
daddy’s little girls. I marvel that
each one excels at an aspect of my
life. I have an accomplished
Entrepreneur, a Corporate success
and a Military tour de Force. I am so
proud of who they have become and
what they have accomplished. The
principles I share in the fable have
been given to them and I am excited
to say they have extrapolated the
salient parts and are indeed
A Fable for All Ages
Table of Contents
Foreword by....................................................................... 2
Copyright Page.................................................................. 5
Dedication Page ................................................................. 6
Introduction....................................................................... 8
About the Author ............................................................ 47
A Fable for All Ages
“You are extraordinary.” That is what
I always told my three daughters. You
can choose to be ordinary or
Extraordinary. After years of reminding
them of that fact I created this simple
fable to make it more vivid for them. It’s
easy to be ordinary. You see it requires
nothing much from you. As I illustrate
in this fable, there are four things that
can determine your outcome in life.
Environment, Education, Experience
and Examples from others.
When you find yourself unhappy or
unfulfilled just take a look at these four
areas and ascertain if you are struggling
A Fable for All Ages
or lacking in any one of them. When you
are born you had little to no choice in
these factors. You may even have been
exposed to negative realities in your life
early on. The great news is you can
repurpose each of these areas and choose
to live a better life
This book was written to shed some light
on the fact that we may have been dealt
a hand we don’t want to play. But if we
play it to the best of our ability we can
win. We can also get new cards and
dominate the game. You are
extraordinary. When I was writing this
book there were several different
working titles. When it was complete I
A Fable for All Ages
realized that it was more than just a
simple story, it was a fable for all ages.
I looked at the different eggs that were
presented throughout the book and I
realized that it wasn't about being just
extraordinary but it was about being
EGGstraordinary with two G's instead
of an X. That Nuance was not lost on me,
in fact it pontificated the entire writing of
the book. I realize that the DNA that we
all have surging through our veins comes
from the egg that we are formed out of.
This egg holds our whole future and
everything that we can potentially and
possibly do and be. This egg when put in
the right environment is able to create an
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A Fable for All Ages
extraordinary life. This egg once it
hatches will expose us to experiences,
examples and education that we have no
control over.
So in writing the book I did not want to
just write a cute fairy tale that people
could dismiss but I wanted to write
something that had layers of nuanced
knowledge that once applied could help
a person realize where they were stuck at
and be able to leverage themselves to
where they wanted to reach.
I speak throughout the nation and share
my insights about the internal
communication that occurs inside all of
us. I am particularly puzzled by people
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A Fable for All Ages
that have all of the seemingly necessary
ingredients for success and yet they fail.
At the same time I am equally puzzled by
those that seem to have no ingredients
for Success at all and yet they succeed
beyond the wildest imagination. Why is
that I ask myself? The answer is in the
It contains our DNA and all the building
blocks that create Who We Are. In my
simple little tale Edgar switches eggs
and causes all sorts of environmental
disruptions. Is there an Edgar in your life
that is causing pain, discouragement,
disappointment? Of course there is,
everyone has an Edgar in their life.
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A Fable for All Ages
The Edgars oftentimes do what they do
out of boredom, sometimes out of
prejudice, sometimes out of fear and
often out of ignorance. We can let the
Edgars in our life destroy, demean and
disrupt our lives or we could instead look
within and find the source of our own
potential strength and overcome and
Each of the eggs in the story are placed
in unusual and different circumstances.
Each of the birds that hatch look at their
circumstance, their situation and
respond to it differently. A chicken
becomes a super chicken, but an eagle
who can soar and is a mighty bird of prey
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A Fable for All Ages
becomes a character of himself
scratching and only accepting what is
given to him.
A Swan who is beautiful beyond belief
believes that she is less than she really is,
while the Duck placed in the
environment of the Swan rises well
above her appointed cause. This is not to
say that the Duck, the Swan, the Eagle,
or the Chicken is negative or no value in
and of themselves. Instead we must look
at each one of these individuals and see
that they are affected by life differently.
This difference is what causes destiny.
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A Fable for All Ages
As in life, we can look at color, gender,
affluence, or poverty, all circumstances
beyond our control, and yet they control
our daily lives. What one does and how
he or she responds to a set of
circumstances and stimuli can be
completely different than what another
does. In life we have many options and
many opportunities.
What we do with those options and
opportunities determines our destiny and
where we find ourselves in life. In order
to fully appropriate and utilize the gifts
that were given at Birth we have to learn
to do an introspection or look within.
Often what we see on the outside is
merely a reflection of what we created
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A Fable for All Ages
the inside You see the inside is where we
create that outside worldview.
Our Internal Communications are what
we say to ourselves about the
circumstances that we find ourselves in.
It's a constant loop playing, turning
ourselves into the Winners or Losers, the
Champions or Chumps. If you find
yourself in a situation that is not to your
liking change your Internal
We're all Eggstraordinary because that
egg determines our Destiny. Or at the
very least the DNA gives us a glimpse of
what we could or should be. Yet many
with superior DNA find themselves
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A Fable for All Ages
living a defeated life. And vice a versa
those with less than perfect DNA rise to
the challenge and change based on their
Internal Communication or their
acceptance of things around them.
The greatest gift or skill or ability that
man has over all the other animals on the
Earth is the ability to imagine, think and
make decisions. When we look at the
egg that we come from and everything
that is within it and what it allows us to
become we can but imagine a greater
life. The two G’s that I replaced the X
with in the word extraordinary mean
Great Goals. My last book was called
“A Guide to Great Goals.” Great Goals
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A Fable for All Ages
are something that we all can accomplish
if we realize that there's something
greater that is within us that allows us to
reach the Pinnacle of whatever Level of
success we seek.
This is not to demean any of the species
of bird. There is nothing negative about
being a Chicken and there's nothing
immediately superior about being an
Eagle. The Duck and the Swan in their
own environments are creatures in their
own rights. It's what we do with the
DNA that we've inherited that
determines our destiny. Each one of our
Destinies is uniquely connected to the
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A Fable for All Ages
whole of humanity. Starting off with a
level playing field, color, class,
classification, none of that matters, what
matters is what we decide that matters.
This book was written for all ages’ not
just adults and not specifically children.
There's a lesson to be gleaned and
learned from everyone that decides that
they want to grow and know what it is
that is preventing them or propelling
them to Greatness.
Examine yourself and see where you are
in the four elements of Life:
Environment, Education, Examples
and Experiences and see how your
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A Fable for All Ages
DNA has been able to play out based on
those props.
I challenge you to find out if you have
reached your greatest potential or if you
sat back in defeat based on the
environment around you and trying to fit
in rather than stand out as you were
meant to be. Remember
Johnny “Macknificent” Mack
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A Fable for All Ages
This is the Fable of Edgar and the
Four Eggs.
Once upon a time, Edgar was in
charge of collecting the eggs in his
backyard. All types of birds were in
his back yard. Edgar loved to play
ball with his Friends but he had to do
his chores or his father would get
upset. His primary job was to gather
the eggs from the different birds. He
would gather the Chicken eggs, the
Duck eggs, the Swan eggs and soon
discovered that an Eagle had also
built a nest there as well.
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A Fable for All Ages
The Chicken Coop was
full of eggs everyday
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A Fable for All Ages
An Eagle's nest was in
the tree.
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A Fable for All Ages
A Swan's nest was
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A Fable for All Ages
A Duck’s nest was near
as well.
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A Fable for All Ages
One day, Edgar got bored. This
particular day, Edgar decided that he
would collect the eggs and switch
them around and see what would
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A Fable for All Ages
So, he went up to the eagle's nest and
grabbed an eagle's egg and replaced
it with a chicken's egg. He took the
eagle's egg down to the chicken coop
and put it with the other chicken
eggs. He then went to where the
ducks had their habitat and grabbed
a duck egg and replaced it with a
swan's egg, and he took the swan's
egg and put it in the duck's nest.
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A Fable for All Ages
Well, as time went by, all of the eggs
hatched, and what a wonderful time
it was. The little biddies grew into
their respective types.
The eagle's egg that was in the
chicken coop became a full-grown
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A Fable for All Ages
But in the process of growing up, he
learned how to be a chicken because
of his environment, the examples
around him, the experiences that he
had, and the education that he
received from being among the
chickens. He learned to scratch and
peck. He learned to receive his food
just like the other chickens.
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A Fable for All Ages
He tried his best to be a chicken. He
walked like a chicken. He talked like
a chicken. He understood everything
like a chicken, and he became, for all
intents and purposes, a chicken. Yet
he was able to fly, able to do exploits,
but instead he stayed grounded by his
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A Fable for All Ages
He became a ground eagle, never
realizing his true potential, just going
along to get along scratching and
receiving his lot in life. As the other
chickens looked at him, they sadly
shook their heads because they knew
he was an eagle… but HE thought he
was a chicken.
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A Fable for All Ages
The chicken egg that had been placed
in the eagle's nest grew up, as well.
This egg became a “Macknificent”
Chicken in the Eagle's nest. He tried
to fly like the other eagles. He would
jump high and push himself harder
and do everything he possibly could
to be like the other eagles that were in
the eagle's nest. He was able to fly
just a little bit. He grew strong and
worked himself up to the point where
he was able to do exploits (For a
chicken that is). He was able to do
many of the things that eagles do,
even though he was not an eagle.
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A Fable for All Ages
Edgar placed that “Macknificent”
chicken back in the chicken coop,
where he became most powerful
chicken in the coop. He believed that
he was an eagle, so he tried to fly
every chance that he got. He learned
how to hunt and find his own food
instead of waiting for someone to
bring it to him. He became a super
chicken. All the other chickens were
amazed at all the things he could do,
at all the places he dared go, this
chicken was the strongest and most
powerful chicken in the entire
chicken coop.
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A Fable for All Ages
As a matter of fact, he became the
leader of all the chickens because he
believed that he was an eagle. He
believed that he could do more. This
chicken believed that he had the
ability to fly, he had the ability to
hunt. This chicken thought that he
was a super chicken, and indeed he
was. Although he wasn’t an eagle, he
became the most “Macknificent”
chicken that ever lived in that coop!
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A Fable for All Ages
Edgar went to the swan's nest and
found the duck had become a grown
duck, and all the other swans looked
at this duck and said she was kind of
funny and different. And even though
they talked about her, even though
they made fun of her, this duck
believed that she was a swan. She
believed that she was beautiful. She
believed that she was graceful and
elegant, so everywhere this duck
went, she carried herself as a diva.
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A Fable for All Ages
This Diva Duck, when she was finally
put back into her real environment
with all the other ducks, carried
herself with an air of sophistication
and elegance. This duck believed that
she was beautiful. This duck believed
that she was gorgeous. This duck
believed that she was the most
beautiful creature in the entire duck
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A Fable for All Ages
All the other ducks said, "Wow! This
duck is confident. This duck has
charisma. This duck carries herself
like a beautiful, beautiful creature,"
and they marveled at how wonderful
and incredible that duck became. Her
entire life, this duck held her head
high and walked as if she was walking
among royalty because she was a part
of royalty. This duck became Diva
Duck and all the other ducks were,
again, amazed and influenced by how
much of an impact this duck had on
their lives.
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A Fable for All Ages
Finally, George went back to the
swan yard and found the Silly Swan
there, and this swan was trying to be
a duck. She believed that she was
ugly. She was an insignificant swan.
She believed that she did not possess
any characteristics of beauty or
elegance or grace, and she hung her
head down as she moved about.
Among all the other ducks, she felt
that she was too big, too ungainly, too
unsightly, and not beautiful at all.
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A Fable for All Ages
When she was placed back into the
environment with the other swans,
she still held her head down. She still
felt as if she didn't fit in, as if she was
ugly. The rest of her life, she lived a
life believing that she was not
beautiful, that she was not a gorgeous
creature. Instead, she believed she
was an ugly, unsightly individual.
This swan went out of her way to
make sure that everyone knew that
she was not beautiful.
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A Fable for All Ages
The story of these four eggs that
became four birds, is akin to the story
of life.
We all too often find ourselves just
like the duck, the swan, the eagle, and
the chicken. In the right
environment, we can thrive. In the
right environment, we can reach our
potential. And with our experiences
and the examples around us and the
education we receive, we can soar, we
can become powerful, we can do
exploits in our right environment.
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A Fable for All Ages
But if placed in the wrong
environment and given the wrong
examples with the wrong
experiences, and an incomplete or an
incorrect or a miseducation, we can
see ourselves as not being anywhere
close to what our potential is. We can
see ourselves as ugly, when indeed
the world sees that we're beautiful.
We can see ourselves as limited as
chickens when we really have the
DNA of eagles flowing through our
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A Fable for All Ages
We can see ourselves as unsightly, as
ungainly, or we can see ourselves as
super. We can see ourselves as the
chicken saw itself, powerful with the
ability to be able to do more and to
achieve more than the others around
us, because the mentality and the
mindset says that more is
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A Fable for All Ages
a possibility. We can see ourselves as
the duck among the swans, thinking
it too was beautiful, thinking it too
was gorgeous and that it possessed
qualities of elegance and
sophistication that the others didn't
The key is, you have to decide what
environment you're in. Is it shaping
you or are you shaping it? Edgar
learned a valuable lesson that day.
Edgar learned that when these birds
became full-grown, that their
environment shaped a lot for them,
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A Fable for All Ages
that their education shaped them, as
well, but that their experiences and
the examples of those that they
surrounded themselves with, helped
to determine who they were and who
they thought they were.
Your goal in life, your responsibility,
is that you have to believe that you
are able to do impossible things, and
then you have to believe that it's
possible for you to do them. Don't
settle for just believing that you are
what you find yourself being.
Endeavor, dare to dream that you
can be bigger, that you can be better,
that you can be bolder, that you can
be beautiful. Nothing limits you
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A Fable for All Ages
unless you let it limit you. Everything
is possible for you if you accept its
possibility. So, Edgar learned from
that day and he applied those lessons
in life, and began to achieve and walk
with confidence, boldness, and
understanding that he was awesome.
That he, indeed, was Macknificent.
You can shape your world or your
world will shape you. You decide. I
have decided that I Am
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A Fable for All Ages
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A Fable for All Ages
About the Author
Johnny “MACKnificent” Mack grew up in Two Egg Florida.
His family moved in Xenia, Ohio and he attended schools
there. Elected president of his 9th grade class, he served on
the student council throughout high school. As the recipient
of several scholarships, he attended Urbana University in
Urbana Ohio. As a student at Urbana University, he wrote
for the student paper “The Lancer” and spoke at many
colleges as a spoken word artist. Johnny “MACKnificent”
Mack went on to study at the University of Nebraska at
Omaha, where he served as Chief Justice of the Student
Court and became a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Mr. Mack finished his undergrad studies at California
Baptist University with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Business Administration. He also earned an Associates
Degree in Accounting from Skadron College of Business.
He has published 20 books and helped another 100 aspiring
authors Get Published Successfully.
Throughout his life, Johnny has had a passion for
encouraging and motivating people to do and be more. He
has spoken at seminars and training events across the
country and is recognized as a MOTORvational Life Coach.
He speaks to youth groups and sales seminars alike, to rave
response. Mr. Mack has over 25 successful years in the
educational and automotive sales arenas. In 2001, he was
recognized as the #1 salesperson in the world for Mitsubishi.
A graduate of the prestigious Leadership Southwest class of
2003, he also served two years as a member of its board of
directors. He gives back to the community by volunteering
at local high school mentoring events and career fairs
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