Save The Environment !!!
ARTICLES about :
The importance of saving the
Ways to help the environment
Support this movement
Difference of Earth
Before After
The Importance of Saving The
1. Protects our Ecosystem
Our environment is what All of the ecosystems that make up
houses and helps our our environment are deeply
ecosystem grow and thrive. connected. One change to an
Without protecting and taking care of ecosystem could completely
our environment we’re putting so change the dynamic that has been
many lives at danger such as created. There are many ways that
animals, plants and crops, and you can help our ecosystem as well
even our own. as protecting the environment.
2. Protects Humanity
One of the major reasons why Right now our air, food, and even
we need to work towards water is being polluted because of
protecting the environment is
because it helps to protect many different factors. Luckily,
humanity. If we didn’t have our natural gas in the US is on the rise
environment, then we and a great resource to use to help
wouldn’t have a place to live or
resources to live off of. fuel our homes, businesses,
schools, factories, and so much
more. This is a change that we
should be pushing for if we want to
create a better environment.
3. Protect our Forests
Another huge factor that is When you live a more
at risk if we don’t protect sustainable life then
our environment is the you’re helping the forests
forests around us that we that we use to live. Our
use to survive. The forests forests can help give us
timber, wood, rubber,
have many natural and even essential oils.
resources that we
generally use on a daily
4. It Is Our Moral Obligation
When you’re first thinking about
reasons why you should protect
the environment you should
know that it is your moral
obligation to do so. As a human
who lives on earth, it is your
responsibility to make sure that
it is protected.
5. Give Back to Your Generation and the Future
When you work to protect the You can also help to give back
environment, then you’re to the future generation. Give
doing something to give back them an environment that
to your generation. After all, isn’t damaged and teach them
your generation is the one who how to continue living
is currently using it and living sustainably.
in it.
Overall, when it comes to
answering the questions why
should we protect the
environment, there are many
reasons! This is the only place
we have to live and we should
want to treat it with care and
Ways to Help the Environment
Conserve water
Reduce, reuse, and recycle
Choose sustainable
Plant a tree
Shop wisely
Ways to Help the Environment
Reduce, Reuse, and Conserve water Shop wisely
• The less water you • Buy less plastic and
• Cut down on what use, the less runoff bring a reusable
you throw away. and wastewater that shopping bag.
Follow the three eventually end up in
"R's" to conserve the ocean.
natural resources
and landfill space.
All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live
on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air,
water, sunlight, plants, animals and others. Moreover, the earth is considered the only
planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a
blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.
We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can
estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a
vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment. Likewise, it protects our
ecosystem. Our environment is what houses and helps our ecosystem grow and thrive.
Next, it protects humanity. One of the major reasons why we need to work towards
protecting the environment is because it helps to protect humanity. If we didn’t have
our environment, then we wouldn’t have a place to live or resources to live off of.
Furthermore, it protect our forests. Another huge factor that is at risk if we don’t
protect our environment is the forests around us that we use to survive. The forests
have many natural resources that we generally use on a daily basis.
How we can help the environment? First of all, people must give attention to
3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). We can cut down on what you throw away. Follow the
three ‘R's’ to conserve natural resources and landfill space. Besides that, we can also
conserve water with using less water. The less water you use, the less runoff and
wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean. Last but not least, we must shop
wisely. We should buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag while shopping.
We need to encourage others to support this movement. First, sharing of
relevant content on your blog and social media accounts. Encouraging
others to share what they’ve learned helps exponentially. Think of how
many friends of a friend of a friend’s posts you’ve seen throughout your
time on social media. Then, decide how to leverage the platform to your
advantage. Then, introducing them to your favorite eco-friendly products
and services. If you love a company that cares about the environment, don’t
be afraid to share them with the people you know. Doing so helps raise
awareness of the products and services available that don’t harm the
planet. Next, making recycling easier for them. Set up recycling bins at home
and work. Teach the people you know how to identify different types of
recyclable goods. That way, they find it easy to place the items in the bins to
recycle. After some time, it will become second nature to them. They’ll
instinctively place recyclables in the appropriate bins and you won’t need to
prompt them to.
Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid.
Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have
damaged and degraded it.
Prepared by CHAN XINYI