North West Training Council (NWTC) was the region, thanks to the dedication and determination
established in 1963. Since then, we have been of outstanding employers. NWTC is committed to
supporting employers by training apprentices to supporting Liverpool City Region to become a global
engineering industry standards. Over the decades engineering industry hub, and we look forward to
we have seen engineering skills and standards evolve continuing this journey with new and existing customers.
from the traditional to the cyber-digital, adapting and
enhancing our courses and delivery to meet industry’s Paul Musa
changing needs.
We are now at the start of an exciting new chapter
in NWTC’s journey.With the help of Liverpool INDEX
City Region Combined Authority, we will soon be
located in the brand-new Advanced Manufacturing About NWTC 04
Engineering Training Centre, equipped with the latest
state-of-the-art engineering training equipment.The new The NWTC Offer 06
premises are designed to give apprentices optimum
hands-on experience and training, so furnishing them Facilities 08
with the professional skills and competence employers
need to compete nationally and globally. Apprenticeships 10
NWTC has an ambitious vision for the future of Awards & Accolades 12
engineering apprentice training across the North West
and our relocation is a significant step in the realisation Why Choose NWTC 14
of this vision.We have a great engineering heritage in
We have a great engineering
heritage in the region, thanks to the
dedication and determination of
outstanding employers.
NWTC provides high quality apprenticeship training offer a broad portfolio of commercial training for
to engineering businesses in the North West. One of mechanical and electrical, engineering manufacturing,
the largest, most trusted engineering skills providers in maintenance and gas sectors. Our training services are
the region, we have successfully trained thousands of tailored to meet the needs of our industry clients who
apprentices since our establishment in 1963.We also range from large multinationals to small but hi-tech start-ups.
1963 1968 1989 2018 2019
Merseyside Training First training site, MTC changes name to NWTC’s training portfolio Supported by Liverpool City
Council (MTC) Merseyside Engineering North West Training is enhanced extensively Region Combined Authority,
established above Training Centre (METC) Council (NWTC) over the years, now 2019 sees NWTC move to
a butcher’s shop in opens in Speke. From its to reflect where its providing a comprehensive the brand new Advanced
Aintree. Partners with well-equipped facilities, apprentices come from. choice of engineering Manufacturing Engineering
Engineering Industrial apprentices obtain a Further training centres Apprenticeships and Training Centre, fully
Training Board (EITB) to year’s worth of hands-on open in Aintree, Knowsley, commercial courses equipped to train apprentices
offer engineering training training before moving Sefton,Wirral, Halton, to suit many different with the high standard of skills
to businesses who on to their employers’ Skelmersdale and further businesses.We continue demanded by the new digital
employ apprentices but premises. afield. Our Apprenticeship to offer a selection of engineering landscape.The
don’t have onsite training offer widens to include commercial courses from move allows us to continue
facilities including Fords, construction but our Dunnings Bridge making a critical contribution
British Leyland, Plessey engineering training Road centre in Bootle. to the competitiveness of
and others. remains the main focus. Liverpool City Region, the
North West and nationally.
We offer a range of apprenticeship standards which We offer a wide range of commercial official industry
develop professional skills for the following job roles: courses including:
• Food & Drink Maintenance Engineer • Abrasive Wheels
• Mechatronics • Basic Mechanical and Electrical, and conversion
• Product Design Engineer
• Technical Support Engineer courses
• Toolmaking (Tool & Die) • Electrical including 18th Edition, AM2, PAT, 2391,
• Maintenance Engineer (Electrical or Mechanical)
• Manufacturing Engineer (Machining) and bespoke courses
• Fabrication & Welding Engineer • Programmable Logic Controls (PLC)
• Electrical Electronic Engineer • Hydraulics & Pneumatics
• Electrotechnical Installation / Maintenance Electrician • Power Press Legislation and Practical
• Fire, Emergency & Security Systems Engineer • Gas: Commercial and Domestic
We offer Apprenticeships Please ask about our full range
at levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
We offer technical education at L4 HNC and L5
HND in General Engineering or Electrical
Electronic Engineering.
Our apprenticeship courses can be delivered flexibly
to suit the needs of employers, such as by block
release, day release, or a mix of the two.
NEW TRAINING CENTRE The new training centre has been funded with
£2.9m from the Local Growth Fund. Local Growth
NWTC’s new high-tech training base in Wellington Funding is awarded to the Liverpool City Region
Employment Park, L5 houses new workshops, Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and invested
offices and classrooms, with the equipment through the Liverpool City Region Combined
required to deliver effective training in the very Authority through its Strategic Investment Fund.
latest approaches to manufacturing and engineering,
in addition to the traditional engineering practices.
Key facts:
• Modern: £4m 145,000 square feet mixed office
and workspace site.
• Well equipped: state of the art training
• Well connected: short walk to Sandhills
train station.
• Safe: Gated with 24 hour access.
Our new training centre is equipped with highly
sophisticated training technology including:
• Industrial robotics systems
• Programmable logistic control systems
• Fluid power systems
• Lean motor controlled systems
• Flexible manufacturing systems
NWTC is a leading provider of Apprenticeships We offer Apprenticeships suitable for a wide range of
in the North West, approved by the Government. roles in engineering and manufacturing industry sectors.
We work with large employers, helping them invest Our success rate stands at over 80% in comparison
their Apprenticeship Levy to bring huge benefits to with a national average of 68%.
their business, not only through the recruitment of
new apprentices but also the upskilling of their Our success rate stands at over
current workforce. 80% in comparison with a national
average of 68%.
We also support smaller businesses by training
their staff to develop the skills required to compete
nationally and internationally.
Our Apprenticeship services include:
• Recruitment of apprentices for vacant positions
• High quality training linked to latest engineering
industry practice
• Flexible training options to suit employers
eg block and/or day release
• Ongoing monitoring of apprentices’ progress
• One to one personal support for apprentices
as required
• Grade 2 Ofsted (November 2017)
• MATRIX accredited
• SEMTA GTA finalist in the National
Apprenticeship Awards 2018
• Winner of Knowsley Apprentice of the Year 2018
at Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Awards
• Over 80 staff
• Over 550 employers clients
We have over 5 decades’ experience delivering We offer flexible delivery of training to meet business
Apprenticeships in engineering and manufacturing, needs, for example block release, day release, mix of
delivering high quality training to both small block/day release.
businesses and globally recognised companies.
We also have substantial experience delivering HIGH-TECH TRAINING FACILITIES
the new Apprenticeship standards. Our new state of the art 145,000 square foot training
centre features the latest in engineering equipment,
PERFORMANCE mini process plant, classrooms and workshops. It has
excellent public transport links.
We’ve trained thousands of apprentices from the
region to industry standards. NWTC’s apprentice CHAMPIONING EFFICIENCY,
achievement rate averages 80.34% against a provider PRODUCTIVITY & SAFETY
type of 66.2% and a national average of 67.7%, and We work to standards dictated by the 5S
employer satisfaction is 92.7% (FE Choices 2016/7). methodology for occupational health and safety
within our workshops and across our business.
START TO FINISH RECRUITMENT SERVICE This universal approach is used extensively across
the engineering sector to ensure focus on visual
We offer a supplementary FREE advertising, order, organisation, cleanliness and standardisation
recruitment, candidate sifting and screening service which is key to lean manufacturing.
for employers wanting to employ new engineering
apprentices.We develop job descriptions in line 15
with employer requirements, then pre-sift and test
candidates in psychometrics, mechanical & electrical
practical skills, interview skills, Maths and English before
putting them forward to an employer for interview.
We can build any internal assessment processes the
employer has into this initial sift and test stage.
Unit 33
Wellington Employment Park
Dunes Way
L5 9RJ
Tel: 0151 523 0808