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According to records disclosed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigrations & Customs Enforcement (ICE), Westminster College (Fulton, MO) [1] was holding 767 (seven hundred and sixty-seven) classes in Calendar Year 2016; [2] had 913 (nine hundred and thirteen) students in Calendar Year 2016; [3] had 87 (eighty-seven) teachers and instructors in Calendar Year 2016; [4] had 133 (one hundred and thirty-three) non-teaching employees in Calendar Year 2016. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W was a full-time undergraduate student of Westminster College between January 2010 and May 2013. He has graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science on December 31st 2016. Be well. Take care. Keep yourselves at arms distance.

Michael A. Ayele
Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist
Audio-Visual Media Analyst
Anti-Propaganda Journalist

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W, 2022-12-18 05:21:57

Westminster College (Fulton - Missouri) Petition as School of Attendance by Nonimmigrant Students with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) - #Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W

According to records disclosed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigrations & Customs Enforcement (ICE), Westminster College (Fulton, MO) [1] was holding 767 (seven hundred and sixty-seven) classes in Calendar Year 2016; [2] had 913 (nine hundred and thirteen) students in Calendar Year 2016; [3] had 87 (eighty-seven) teachers and instructors in Calendar Year 2016; [4] had 133 (one hundred and thirty-three) non-teaching employees in Calendar Year 2016. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W was a full-time undergraduate student of Westminster College between January 2010 and May 2013. He has graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science on December 31st 2016. Be well. Take care. Keep yourselves at arms distance.

Michael A. Ayele
Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist
Audio-Visual Media Analyst
Anti-Propaganda Journalist

Keywords: #Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL), #Michael Ayele (aka) W, #Department of Homeland Security (DHS), #Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), #Westminster College, #Fulton, Missouri (MO)

U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1653-0038
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by
Nonimmigrant Student

START HERE- Please read instructions before beginning. Please type or print in FOR INS USE ONLY
black ink.
School Code 214F
answer fully any items on this form, use a separate sheet; identify each answer with the letter and Approval for attendance of students under:
number of the corresponding item and sign and date each sheet. Indicate that an item is not I. 1:1 Section 101(a)(15)(F) of the Act
applicable with "N/A". If the answer is "none," please write "none." This application must be tiled 2. 0 Section 101(a)(I 5)(M) of the Act
with the required evidence as noted below, be properly signed, and submitted with the correct fee. 3. 0 Both ofthe above sections of the Act.

To the Immigration and Naturalization Service: This Request is to:
1.0 Create a file.
I. Petition is made for approval, or continuation ofapproval, of the institution as a school for 2. 0 Update a file.
attendance by nonimmigrant alien students under (Complete as appropriate):
Fee Stamp:
a. EI Section 101(a)(15)(F) of the Act (academic and language students),

b.0Section 101(a)(I 5)(M) of the Act (vocational students),
c.0 Both ofthe above sections of the Act.

2. Name of school:

Westminster College

3. Mailing address of school:
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

4. This school is a:
a. 0 Publicly owned institution
b.0Private Institution

5. This school is engaged in: Action Stamp:
a. El Private elementary school

b. El Private middle school

c. El Private high school (grades 9- 12)
d. Public high school (grades 9-12)
e. ID Vocational or technical education

(other than high school)

f. 0 Flight training

g. 0 Language training
h. 0 Higher education (issuing one or more of the following degrees: Associate,

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD)

i. 0 Other

6. This school's sessions are based on: -
a. 0 Semesters
b.0 Trimesters
c. 0 Quarters

7. Provide the date (month and day) registration begins for EACH session during a calendar year,

including the summer session if your school has one. (Format min/dd)

a. _08/22, f. k. P.

b. 01/13 g. Received Trans In
Ret'd Trans. Out Complete
c. h. r.

i. I. n. s.

C. J. o. t.

8. Date school was established: 9. Location of school: (ifdifferent from mailing address)
Westminster College
501 Westminster Avenue ,
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

10. Name and address ofowner: Remarks
Board of Trustrees
501 Westminster Avenue Form 1-17 (Rev. 10/13/98)N Page 1
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

II. Petition is for:
a. 0 Initial approval
b.0Continuation ofapproval. Please complete the following:
(i.) Date oforiginal approval 01/17/2003
(ii.) INS school code KAN214F00659000


2020-1CF0-82819 01 of 59

12. The School operates under the following federal, state, local or other license or approval (if none, write "none"):
State of MO Coordinating Board of Higher Ed & AZ State Board for Private Postsecondary Education

13, 'l'he school has been approved by the Ibilowing nationally recognized aecrediting association or agency (if none. write "none):
North Central Association of the Higher Learning Commission

14.Nature of subject matter taught (check as many as arc appropriate):

Liberal Arts
Fine Arts
Professional Studies
Vocational or Technical Training
Flight Training

15.List the degrees available from the school:

6. Check as appropriate and explain further if necessary:
If the school is engaged in elementary or secondary education, it 0 does 0 does not qualify its graduates for acceptance by accredited schools
ofhigher educational level.

If the school is engaged in higher education, it El does 0 does not confer recognized bachelor's, master's, doctor's, professional, or divinity
degrees. Its credits 0 are 0 are not transferable to institutions of study which confer such degrees.

If the school is engaged in vocational or technical education, it 0 does 0 does not qualify its graduates for employment.

El The school is engaged in English language training.

7. Sessions arc held as follows: a. 0 Day only b. 1:1 Night only c. 0 Day and night

8. Requirememsfbradmission:
Admission to Westminster College is selective and requires the following:
Application for admission, official secondary school transcripts, official transcripts from all
post-secondary schools attended, if applicable, scores from either the ACT / SAT and / or TOEFL scores if
an international student (minimum score of 550 or consideration for special admission), and recommendations

frnm pirhor

9. Courses ofstudy and time necessary to complete each:
Courses of study generally require 4 yrs. Majors: Acc'ting, Bio, Biochem, Bus Admin, Bus Comm, Chem, Comp
Sci, Econ, Education, English, Env Sci, Env Std., Exercise Sci, French, History, Intml Bus, Intml Std.,
MIS, Math, Philosophy, Phys Ed, Physics, Poli Sci, Psych, Religion, Self-Designed Mjr, Sports Mgmt,
Soc/Anthro, Spanish, Transnational Studies. Pre-Prof. prgs: Health & Legal Prof, Pre-Eng

4. Requirements for graduation: 5. Causcsiorexpulsion:
To graduate from Westminster College, a student A student is placed on academic probation when he
or she fails to meet a specified minimum standard
must with respect to his / her cumulative or term grade
point average. This serves as a warni
*earn 122 semester hours of course credit, with a
b. Students: 1,042
minimum grade point average of 2.00,

*earn credit in 13143 103, a. Classes: 744
10. 4vi..akg%goA INnW•ool

c. Teachers or instructors:79 d. Non-teaching employees: 117

23. Approximate annual total cost ofroom, board, tuition, etc., per student: $36,910.00

Form 1-17 (Rev. I0/13/98)N Page 2

2020-1CF0-82819 02 of 59

If the school is approved, THE PETITIONER AGREES:

I. Upon acceptance ofany nonimmigrant alien student, to furnish that student a Certificate ofEligibility (Form 1-20 A/B for an F-I student or Form
1-20 M/N for an M-I student).

2. To keep records containing the following specific information and documents relating to each nonimmigrant F-1 or M-1 student to whom the
school issues a Form 1-20 A/B or 1-20 M/N, while the student is attending the school and until the school notifies the Service, in accordance with
regulations at 8 CRF 214.3, that the student is no longer pursuing a full course of study. The school must keep a record ofhaving complied with
the reporting requirements for at least one year. !fa student who is out of status is restored to status, the school the student is attending is
responsible for maintaining these records following receipt ofnotification from the Service that the student has been restored to status. The
school must keep and make available to the Service upon request the following information and documents for each nonimmigrant F-1 and/or M-1

I. The admission number from the student's Form 1-20 ID copy.
2. Country ofcitizenship.
3. Address and telephone number in the United States.
4. Status, i.e. full-time or part-time.
5. Course load.
6. Date ofcommencement ofstudies.
7. Degree program and field ofstudy.

8. Expected date ofcompletion.
9. Nonimmigrant classification.
10. Termination date and reason, ifknown.
II. The documents which show the scholastic ability and financial status on

which the student's admission to the school was based.
12. Information specified by the Service as necessary to identify the student

and to determine the student's immigration status.

3. That in any advertisement, catalog, brochure, literature, or other material produced by or for this school, any statement which may appear
concerning approval for admittance by nonimmigrant students must be limited to the following: "This school is authorized under Federal law to
enroll nonimmigrant students."

I certify that I am authorized to execute this petition. I understand that unless this institution fully complies with all terms as described on this form,
approval may be withdrawn pursuant to 8 CFR 214.4.

Dated at: Q: SS PIN& ,this l%' day of *e..c* 9-0 ( 3
(b)(6). (b)(7)(C)

Name and Title: lr_ts..Aar cyc ayvexnaiicnal a -kkar1A- Skx-victs


Form 1-17 (Rev. 10/13/98)N Page 3

2020-1CF0-82819 03 of 59

U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1653-0038
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Record of Designated School Officials

(I) Form 1-17, Supplement A, listing up to ten designated school officials for each school or campus within a school system (except an elementary or
secondary system as noted below), must be attached to each Form 1-17, Petition for Approval ofSchool for Admittance by Nonimmigrant Students. If
there is a change in designated school officials, a new Supplement A must be completed and submitted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service
Office havingjurisdiction over the school within thirty days.

(2) "Designated school officials" (DSO) means a regularly employed member of the school administration whose office is located at the school and
whose compensation does not come from commissions for recruitment of foreign students. A DSO may not delegate this designation to any other
person. An individual whose principal obligation to the school is to recruit foreign students for compensation may not be a DSO. The president,
owner, or head ofa school system must designate a principal DSO. The principal DSO is required to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations,
policies and procedures governing nonimmigrant students, and is responsible for ensuring that each additional DSO has a thorough knowledge of the

Each school or institution must have one principal DSO, and may have up to ten DSO's at any one time, except at the discretion of the district director
of the INS office having jurisdiction over the school. In a multi-campus institution, each campus must have a principal DSO. In an elementary or
secondary school system, however, the entire school system is limited to a total of ten designated officials at any one time.

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, have read the Immigration and Naturalization Service's regulations relating to nonimmigrant students, namely 8 CFR
214.1,8 CFR 214.20), and/or 8 CFR 214.2(m); the Service's regulations relating to change ofnonimmigrant classification for students, namely 8 CFR
248; the Service's regulations relating to school approval and withdrawal of school approval, namely 8 CFR 214.3 and 214.4, and intend to comply
with these regulations at all times.

Designated Official: (Prim' or Tun)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Tele shone Number: Role:
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Program Director, Int'1
Student Services

['Initial Designation ['Replacement for prior designated Tidal Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)

Last and First Name: Title: Sig Role:
(b)(7)(C) DSO
VP/Dean of Student Lif(
E Correction to previous designation
X Initial Designation • Replacement for prior designated official

Designated Official: (Print or Type) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)

Last and First Name: Title: Si Role:
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) DSO
Director of Admissione
11 .Lection to previous designation
0 Initial Designation 0 Replacement for pri .

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official O Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official O Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official O Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official CI Correction to previous designation
Form I-17A (Rev. 10/13/98)Supplement A Page I

2020-1CF0-82819 04 of 59

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

0 Initial Designation O Replacement for prior designated official E] Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation O Replacement for prior designated official El Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation

I, the undersigned president, owner, or head of the school or school system named below certify that the above individuals are designated school
officials of the school or school system. Further, I certify that I will be responsible for providing the resources and training necessary for these
officials to implement properly the above referenced regulations.

Ge.&17- ?t Signat&k

Name (Print or Type) Title (P11,71 or Type)

Name of School System, School, or Campus (list all schools or INS FILE No. ifknown: KAN23.4F00659000
campuses and their three-digit suffixes for which the above Date: 09/18/2013
officials are designated if for more than one school or campus but (If a multi-campus institution or school system use the 3 digit suffix
not for the entire school system). for the main or initial campus.)

Westminster College
Westminster College

Address or School System, School, or Campus:
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

Form I-17A (Rev. 10/13/98)Supplement A Page 2

2020-1CF0-82819 05 of 59

U.S. Dcpariniciii of Justice OMB No. Ito3-00.3;;
Immigration and Naitirali7ation Service
Record of Design:lied School Officials

I listructions:
(1) Form 1-17, Supplement A. lisiingtip to ten designated school officials for each school or campus within a school system (except am clowning m-
Neetaidtay system as noted below), must be attached to each Form 1-17, Petition for Approval ofSchool lin- Admittance by Nonimmigrant Students. If

there is a change in designated school officials. as new Suanlcmcnt A must bc completed and submined in ihe Immigrmion and Namialimion Set vice

(Mee havingJurlsdknion over the school within thirty days.

(2) "Designated school officials" (DSO) means at regularly employed member of the school administration whose office is located al the school and
whose compensation does not come from commissions for lecruitment of foreign students. A DSO may not delegate this designation in ally other
person. An individual whose principal obligation to the school is to recruit foreign students for compensation may not be at DSO. The president.
owner, or head ofa school system must designate a principal DSO. The principal DS() is required to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations.
policies and procedures governing nonimmigrant students, and is responsible for ensuring that each additional DSO has a thorough knowledge 44 the

hatch school or institution must have one principal DSO. and may have up to ten DSO's at any one time. except at the discretion ofihe district director
of the INS office having jurisdiction over the school. In at multi-campus institution, each campus :t have a principal DSO. In an elementary or
secondary school system, however, the entire school system is limited to ii total of ten designated officials ai any one time.

2I2,41T84:.U1t.hE8eUSCNeFrDRviEc2eR1'4sS.2rIeG(1gN)u.ElaanDtido,/nhosar rv8eeClareFtiaRndg2tth1oe4s.I2cmh(mmoo)ig;l atrhapetpioSronevraavnlicdaenN'dsartweuigrtahuldliazrtaaiowtinoasnl roSefelasrtcvinhicogeo'tsloarcephgpaurnolagvetaiolo,nnfsnaromenleaimltyinm8giCgtorFanRnot2nc1ilma4s.m3siiagfinrcadant2ito1sn4tu.f4do.eransnttsud,dinneatnemtsn.ednlytao8mcCeolFmyRp8lCy FR
with these regulations at all times.

Designated Official: (Print or )'pe) Sig-""•—• TrInnhnne Number Role:
I0t . i(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) PDS()
Last and First Name: Title:
(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Program Director,

Student Services

D litit laI 1>esigisalistit ORcplacement for prio designated Oicial TJ7 >rrcca ion to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type) Role:
Last and First Name: Title: oSf (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
1(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Executive Director Li t..orreflh to previous designation

ueiness Operati

0 Replacement tbr prior designated ol tidal

Designated Official: (Pr/ill or 7:rpe) Role:
Last and First Name: Title: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
0 Correction to illeViOUS designation
Mesa Campus Dean

(b)(6); (b)(7)(C)

,§A Initial Designation 0 Replacement or prior designated official

Designated Official: (Print or Type) Signature: 'reit:phone Number: Role:

Last and First Name: Title:

Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official corredion ill pie% iims designation

Designated Official: (Prim or 'repe) Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

Last and First Name: Title:

0 Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (NW or Toe) Title: Signature: Telephone Number Role:

Lost and First Name:

0 initial nevigns • 0 Replacement for prior designated official 0 (*iimetion to pi.ev tow: desiettation

Designated Official: (Print or 7)•pe) Tide: Signature: felephone Number: Role

1,ast and First Name:

U Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation
Fonn II 7A (Rev. 10/13/981SUppleineni A Page I

2020-1CF0-82819 06 of 59

Designated Official: (Print or Tvpe)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation Replacement Mr prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or )'pe)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official lJ CorrectMn to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

O Initial Designation Ejl Replacement lig prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation

I, the undersigned president, owner, or head of the school or school system named below certify that the above individuals are designated school
officials of the school or school system. Further, I certify that I ‘vilI be responsible for providing the resources and training necessary for these

officials to implement properly the above referenced regulations.

e.Gcs-rt-L. Title (Print or )'e)

Name (Print or Type)

Name of School System, School, or Campus (list all schools or INS FILE No. if known: 2I4F
campuses and their three-digit suffixes for which the above
officials are designated if for more than one school or campus but Date:

not for the entire school system). (If a multi-campus institution or school system use the 3 digit suffix

for the main or initial campus.)

Westminster College
Westminster College-Mesa

Address of School System, School, or Campus:
Mesa Center for Higher Education
245 W 2nd St
Mesa, AZ 85201

Form 1-17A (Rev. I 0/13/98)Supplcmcnt A Page 2

2020-1CF0-82819 07 of 59

U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1653-0038
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Record of School/Campuses

Instructions - - Form 1-17 Supplement B must be completed and submitted with Form 1-17 if a school system or multi-campus institution is
seeking approval fora number of schools for admittance by nonimmigrant students. Furnish all known information for each school or campus
within the system. If more space is needed to list all schools, attach additional fonns as necessary, and number each at the bottom. If an approved
school system wishes to update or correct the information on its original Supplement 13, a new Form 1-17, must be submitted, without fee.

accompanied by Supplement B, and, if applicable, Supplement A. Please PRINT or TYPE all information on this form.

Request Action: Initial approval for the following school(s) or campus(es).
a. El Addition of the following school(s) or campus(cs) to the list of approved institutions within the above school system.
b. Jg Removal of the following school(s) or campus(es) from the list of approved institutions within the above school system.
c. 0 Change or correction in the following information relating to school(s) or campus(es) which have been approved.
d. 0

Fill in only the information which is to be added to or adjusted in the INS records, and the school's three-digit suffix:

I. School or Campus Name: 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:
Westminster College 000

3. Mailing Address: (include Zip Code) 4. Location: (if differentfrom mailing address)
501 Westminster Avenue Westminster College
Fulton, MO 65251-1299 501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

I. School or Campus Name: 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:
Westminster College-Mesa 001

3. Mailing Address: (include Zip Code) 4. Location: (if differeni _from mailing address)
Mesa Center for Higher Education Mesa Center for Higher Education
245 W 2nd St 245 W 2nd St
Mesa, AZ 85201 Mesa, AZ 85201

I. School or Campus Name: 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:

3. Mailing Address: (include Zip code) 4. Location: or differemfrom mailing address)

I. School or Campus Name: 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:
3. Mailing Address: (include Zip Code) 4. Location: (if different from mailing address)

Form 1-17B (Rev. 10/13/98)Supplement B Page 1

2020-1CF0-82819 08 of 59

U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1653-0038
Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by
Nonimmigrant Student

sTAnt ERE- Please read instructions before beginning. Please type or prim in

black ink. '

answer fully any hen»: on this form, use a separate sheet; identity each answer with the letter and
number of the corresponding item and sign and date each sheet, Indicate that an item is not School Code 21,11'
applicable with "N/A". lithe answer is "'lone,' please write "none." •lids application must be tiled
with the required evidence as noted below, he properly signed, and submitted with tIm correct Me. Approval for allend'inCe or students undo:
1. 1 1 Section 10 l(a)(15)(F) niche Act
Jo the Immigration and Naturalization Service: 2, H Section 101(0( I 5)(M) of the Act
3. I I Both of the above sections of the Act.

Petition is made for approval, or continuation of approval, of the institution is EL school for This Iteituesl is to:
attendance by nonimmigrant alien students under (Complete as appropriate): 1, El Create a file.
a. El SeCtiOn I0 1(a)(15)(F) of the Act (academic and language students), 2. 0 Update a He.
h.E1Section 101(a)(15)(M) of thc Act (vocational students),

c, Both of the above sections of the Act.

2, Name of school: Fee Stamp:
Westminster College

3 Mailing address oi school:
501 Weatminter Avenue

Fulton, mo 65251.-1299

1. 'His school is a:

a. [Ej Publicly owned iitstitutiot

F). DPrivate Institution

5. •[his school is engaged in:

a. 9 Private elementary school
h. 9 Private middle school
e9 Private high school (grades 9- 12)
cf 9 Public high school (grades 9-12)
e. 9 Vocational or technical education
(other than high school)

11 D Flight training

g. D language training As Act ion Stamp:
h. 9 Higher education (issuing one or more oitbe !bllow Received
Bachelor's, Muster's, PhD)

D Other

Jids chool's sessions are based on:
a ['Semesters

efl Quarters


Provide the date (month and day) registration begins For FAO session during a calendar year, Frans lit
including the summer session if your school has one. (Format nunAld)
a. 08/21
h. 01/12

Date school was established: 9. Location of school: (if different from mailing address) Redd Frans. Out Complete
02/18/1851 !(L:marks s98)15
wee tirineter College
501 Westminster Avenue Porns1-12 (
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

10 Name and address 01 OWEler:
Beard of TrUtrEl38

501 Westnanster Avenue
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

Petition is for:

a.9 Initial approval
e000nlintlalitill OrappreVai Please complete the following:

(i.) Date or original approval 01/17/2003

(ii.) INS school code KAN214F00659000

Contintual on not page

2020-1CF0-82819 09 of 59

17. 1 he School operates under the lossme, ede °cal or other license or approval (if none, ssfine "r
See continuation Page

13. The school has been approved by the following natori,Ily recognized hung ass gency (if e, writc
See Continuation Page

subject matter taught (cheek as many as are appropr

Abend Arts 1 'F raming
Erie Arts

1rolessional Studies
Vocational or Techn
'light Training


IS. List the degrees available the ho


16. Check as apt plain further if necessary: does Li does not qualil luates for ace 9 by accredited eta Is
If the school is d in elementary or secondary educatio
of higher cduci

[1]If the school is engaged in higher education, it El does does not confer recognized bachelor r's, doctor's, professional r divine

degrees, Rs credits III are p are not transferable to institutions of study which confer such degrees.

]f the school is engaged in vocational or technical education, it n does p does not qualify its graduates fix employment.

Ell he school is engaged in English language training.

11, Sessions are held as follows: a. a Day only Sight only c. p Day and night

IS Aoa5R5pfde0fpmqicluioiiiscrraseailmocbneolnesnte,tssocifoosdrWnceaodrdearamserttyisimossnsifinorconshfmt:ooeror tlhCseptorelaAlcneCigTsaeclr/iaipsdStAmsTs,eisalsenoicdoftfnii/v)c,eioaarlanTPdOterEraFsrneLoqsncsuacrliiorpeartesssssathyfirfe,omaafonndpllioonrswettce-isonrenmgca:motinAeodnnpdapaarytlliiocssnactstuihodofnreoonlmsftoaar(mttagiendnimmdueismds,iosncifo, re of

19. CFPCCsroooeyumunrcsrmhcesh,,eu:,snoRfiHocesaftliutisidgostyotinuoar,dnyndyC,, thiSgImeneemetlnfmnie-selDrtcraeyBesls,lsuyaisgrC,ynroeetImodnqpctuou'MlimtreaeprjlSoeS4ttrehu,,crmotyMnaoIjMSmo,rgiscmM,st,,aAtEShc,odccouP/ucAhaninttliitoonhsgnroo,,p, hEBySni.opglaloPingshihysyh,,s,iEBcTnaivloracESnhdces,nim,aPitsaihtonryynysa,iScl BstuS,usdtuPiAeosdl,mitiiEnc,xaelBrcu5siscei, 5ci,

3. Requirements for graduation: 4. Causes for expulsion:
To graduate from Westminster College, a student A student is placed on academic probation when he
must or she fails to meet a specified minimum standave
*earn 122 semester hours of Course Credit, with a with respect to their cumulative or term GPA. This
Minimum GPA of 2.00. serves as a warning to the student, tha
*earn credit in PH }OH, b. Students: 1,070

22 ' AViiitg'etRa-IN niRn'Nfrid-Courees adecliWbes: 814 d. Non-teaching employees 9

rs or instruelot•s:79

23. Approximate annual total cost of • tm, hoard, tuition, etc., per student 38 140.00

orm (Rev. 10/13.98)N Page 2

2020-1CF0-82819 10 of 59

U.S. 1)epartment of Justice dce ForIn I- [7 ( onlinuat
Immigration and MICuranzatio

Department of Education Rscog ed Accrediting Agencies:
North Central Association of Collages and Schools. The Higher Learning
08/12/2005 12/31/2015

SEVp Recognized Accrediting Agencies:

State Recognitions;

N/A -- N/A Missouri:Exempt

License, and other necognitiona:

Accreditation/Recognition Comments:

FAA Certifications:

1.)dn I I ( (Hit nk„sidn

2020-1CF0-82819 11 of 59

U.S. Department of Justice LI
immigration and Naturalization Service

1-17 lions

2020-1CF0-82819 12 of 59

If thc school is approved, THE PETI HONER AC REES:

Upon acceptance of any nonimmigrant alien student, to fbrnish that student a Cenifleate of Eligibility (Form 1-20 A/I1 fir cii F student or Form
1-20 MAN for an M-I student).

To keep records containing the following specilic information and documents relating to each noninunigrant 1st or M-I student m tIle

school issues a Form 1-20 A/II or 1-20 MN, while the student is attending the school and until the school notifies the Service, accordance

regulations at 8 CRP 214.3, that the student is no longer pursuing a full course of study. The school must keep a record of having complied with

the reporting requirements for at least one year. If a student who is out of status is restored to status, the school the student g attending is

responsible for maintaining these records fbIlossiing receipt of notification from the Service that the student has been restored to stares. The

school must keep and make available to the Service upon request the following information and documents !by each nonimmigrant 14 I andior N1-1


I. The admission number from the student's Form 1-70 copy.
2. Country of citizenship.
3. Address and telephone number in the flailed States.
4. Status, i.e. full-time or part-time.
5. Course load.
6. Date of commencement of studies.
7. Degree program and Field of study.
8. Expected date of completion.
9. Nonimmigrant classification.
to, lerti,ioation date and reason, if known.

The documents which show the scholastic ability and financial status on
tehich the student's admission to the school was based.
12. Inlbrmation specified hy the Service as necessary to identify the student
and to determine the student's immigration status.

3 That in any amivercisenient. catalog, brochure, literature, or other material produced by or for this school, an n nt svhich may appear
concerning approval fir admittance by nonimmigrant students must be limited to the following: This scho uthorized under Federal I

enroll nonininiigrarit students."

I certil)r that I am authorized to execute this petition. I understand that unless this institution fully complies with all terni.s as his feisty
approval may he withdrawn pursuant to 8 CFR 214.4,

Dated at: ,this I ei r(l'i day of Od it LILT ,
Name and 1-1,‘CS Pvc Si UL,vL

(Mr PES7(714120A5

Form HY (Rut 10(1 IN Pag

2020-1CF0-82819 13 of 59

U.S. Department of Justice 0:1413 No. 1653-0038
immigration and Naturalization Service
Record of Design tted School Officials

(1) Form 1-17, Supplement A, listing up to (Co designated school officials for each school or campus within a school system (except an elemental), or
secondary system as noted below), must he attached to each Vomit-17, Petition for Approval of School for Admittance by Nonimmigrant Students. If
there is a change in designated school officials, a new Supplement A must be completed and submitted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service
Office having jurisdietion over the school within thirty days.

(2) "Designated school officials" (1)50) means a regularly employed member of the school administration whose office is located at the school and
whose compensation does not come from commissions for recruitment of foreign students. A DSO may not delegate this designation to any other
person. An individual whose principal obligation to the school is to recruit foreign students for compensation may not be a DSO. The president.
owner, or bead of a school system must designate a principal DSO. The principal DSO is required to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations.
policies and procedures governing nonimmigrant students, and is responsible fbr ensuring that each additional DSO has a thorough knowledge of the

Each school or institution must have one principal DSO. and may have up to ten 1)50's at any one time, except at the discretion of the district director
of the INS office having jurisdiction over the school. In a multi-campus institution, each campus must have a principal DSO. In an elementary or
secondary school system, however, the entire school system is limited to a total often designated officials at any one time.

'1'IIE UNDERSIGNED, have read thc Immigration and Naturalization Service's regulations relating to nonimmigrant students. namely 8 CFR
214.1, 8 CFR 214.2(t), and/or 8 CFR 214.2(m); the Service's regulations relating to change of nonimmigrant classification for students. namely 8 C1.1(
248; the Service's regulations relating to school approval and withdrawal of school approval, namely 8 CFR 214.3 and 214.4, and intend to comply
with these regulations at all times.

I Designated Official: (Print or Title: !3 1 'Telenlume Number Role:

1.agt and First Name. Program Director, Intilg1"(11;;(6),(b)(7)(C) PDSO
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C)

Student Services

Dinitial Designation Ellteplacemein lir prior designated hificial ciCon ection to previous designation


Designated Official: (Print or Type) /. : Role:
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
I,asi and First Name: Title: DSO
0 Correction to previous designation
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) VP/Dean of Student Life

El initial Designation • Replacement for prior designated oi fficial

Designated Official: (Print or 1)pc) L. 1 Role:

1 .1mA Viret X7nmr. Title: Admission (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) DSO
Director of
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) El Correction to previous designation

L D Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official

Designated Official: (Print or 7.17.)e) Role:

I.ast and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number:

D initial Designation CI Replacement for prior designated official El C:orrectitm to previous clesig»aiion

Designated Official: (Print or Type) Role:

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Nuinber:

1=1 Initial Designation ID Replacement tbr prior designated official 1=I Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type) Telephone Number: Role:

Last and First Name: Title: Signature:

Initial Designation D Replacement fbi prior designated official CI Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Tnre) 'Telephone Number: Role:

Last and First Name: Title: Signature:

D initial Designation Replacement for prior designated official El C:orrection to previous designation
Fort» 7A (Rev. NM .3198)Supplement A Page 1

2020-1CF0-82819 14 of 59

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: •Lille: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

E Initial Des lion 0 Replacement Mr prior designated official 0 Con-cction to previous designat ion

Des igna ted Official: (Print or Pipe)

Last and First Name: •Nile: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

0 Initial Designation E Replacement for prior designated official ID Correction to pr u(Ie5LgmLtit:IEi

Design:ited OfficioI: (Print or Trpe)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: telephone Number: Role:

E Initial Designation El Replacement Mr prior designated official LI Correction to previoUs le i

I, the undersigned president, owner, or head of the school or school system named heloic ecrtilb thal the abo ilk:id:Rik are designated school
officials ol the school or school system. Further. I certify that I will be responsible for providing the resources arid trainingnecessary Mr these
officials to implement properly the above relies:me:id regulations,

1 (I\ ?CeSlciO,A—.E

i:c4 0 • rm Title (Print or Type)

Name (Mot or Type)

Name olSehool System. School, or Cam (list all schools or INS FILE No. if known: XAN214200659000
campuses and their three-digit suffixes for which the above
officials are designated lifer more than one school or campus but Date: 10/14/2014
La multi-campus institution or school system use the 3 dLgit sLilftx
not Mr the entire school system). for the main or initial campus,)

Westminster College
Westminster College

Address ol School System, School, or Campus:
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton, NO 65251-1299

Fotm I-] IA (Rev. I() )Streq en)

2020-1CF0-82819 15 of 59

U.S. Department of justice OMB Na 1653 -003X
Immigration and Naturalization
Record of School/Campuses

Instructions Form 1-17 Supplement II must be completed and submitted with Form I-17 if a school system or mutt -campus ii,stittitioi, is

seeking approval for a numher of schools for admittance hy nonimmigrant students. Furnish all known information for each school Or campus
within the system. If more space is needed to list all schools, attach additional forms as necessary, and number each at the bottom. Han approved
school system wishes to update or correct the information on its original Supplement B, a new Perm I-17, must be submitted, without lec,
accompanied by Supplement B. and, if applicable, Supplement A. Please PRINT or •FYN', all information on this form.

Request Action: Initial approval for the following school(s) or cainpus(es).
E Addition of the following school(s) or campus(es) to the list of approved institu ions within the above school system.
El Removal of the following school(s) or campus(es) from the list of approved institutions within the above school system.
Change or correction in the following information relating to school(s) or eampus(es) which have been approved.
c. El

d. E

Fill in only the information which is to he added to or adjusted in the INS records, and the school's three-digit su

I. School or Campus Name: 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:
Westminster College DOD

3. Mailing Address: (include Zip Code) 4 Location: Of lifferent'nom moiling oddness)
501 Westminster kvonue tegatminste college
Fulton, MO 65251-1299 501 Weetud 'item Avenue
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

I. School or Campus Name: 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:
3. Mailing Address: (incluek Ng Cork) 4. Location: (g• iilfircini fumy mailing address)

I. School or Campus Name 2. School or Campus 3-digit suffix:
3. Mailing Address: (include Zip Code) 4. Location: (if liffeecnt Amer ,narlioç (ic/dress)

I. School or Campus Name: 2. S clioolor Campus 3-digit sufx:
3. Mailing Address: (include Zip Code)
4. Location: (if !Omen' fin nil oddness) 7B (ie% 10/13/9/1)Supplcuicnt B Page I

2020-1CF0-82819 16 of 59

Date Name Approval C
08/31/2020 b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Westminst
08/13/2019 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
08/24/2018 Comments
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
06/15/2017 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 updates filed o
03/28/2016 was submitted, and is he
n support of this request
or legal permanent reside
including all appropriate s
Certification Expiration D
exempt the school from f
This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 update submit
update is hereby approve
approval is NOT consider
Expiration Date. This app
Recertification approved
following programs: Bach
Bus Communication, Che
Env. Studies, Exercise Sc
Physical Ed, Physics, Poli
Soc/Anthro, Spanish, Tra
Professional Programs: H

4 years.
This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 updates filed o
update was submitted, an
HLC, and statement; Rem
forms 1-20 for degree; ex
Missouri Department of H
814 to 767; students from
employees from 139 to 1
effect on the institution
school from future review
Update approved: This N
with approval for the For
214.3. Your school's upda
Bristow as DSO (signed 1
Courses of Study field. Th
the institution s Certifica
from future reviews.



ter College

Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the

on 7/7/2020 in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. Your school's undate
ereby approved, adding Designated School Official , (b)(6): (b)(7)(C)

t your school provided sufficient evidence of United States citizenship
ence for the electee(s) along with a copy of Form 1-17/17A,

signatures. This approval has no effect on the institution's

Date - this approval does NOT constitute Recertification and does not
future reviews.

Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the

tted on 07/31/19, in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. The requested

ed: 1. Addedl(b)(6): (b)(7)(C) las a designated school official. This

red Recertification and has no effect on the institution s Certification

proval does not exempt the school from future reviews.

to issue Forms 1-20 under section 101(a)(15)(F)(i) of the Act for the
helor of Arts (BA): Accounting, Biology, Biochemistry, Bus Admin,

emistry, Computer Sci, Economics, Education, English, Env. Sci.,

ci., French, History, Intnl Bus, Intnl Studies,Math, Philosophy,

itical Sci, Psych, Religion, Self-Designed Major, Sports Mgmt,

ansnational Studies 4 years. Bachelor of Arts (BA): Pre-

Health & Legal Prof, Pre-Engineering, Pre-law, & dual-degree nursing

Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the
on [03/16/2017] in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. Your school's
nd is hereby approved: school type private non profit verified by
moved degree MIS statement submitted school will NOT issue
xtended HLC accreditation to 2025; added State recognition
Higher Ed verified; and updated annual numbers: classes from
m 1070 to 913; teachers from 79 to 87; and non teaching
133. This approval is NOT considered Recertification and has no
s Certification Expiration Date. This approval does not exempt the

Notice of Continued Eligibility is to inform your institution has met
rm 1-17 updates filed on 03/05/2016 in accordance with 8 CFR
ate was submitted, and is hereby approved: 1. To add Aimee
1-17 and proof of citizenship submitted). 2. No changes to the
his approval is NOT considered Recertification and has no effect on
ation Expiration Date. This approval does not exempt the school

2819 17 of 59

10/07/2015 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 updates subm
04/22/2015 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
01/25/2015 (b)(6) (b)(7)(C) 1;6212 s submitted, an
09/12/2014 (b)(6) (b)(7)(C)
-—In support of th
10/22/2013 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
citizenship or legal perma
07/27/2012 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) 17/17A, including all app
12/22/2011 (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Certification Expiration D
exempt the school from f

Update approved: This N
with approval for the For
214.3. Your school's upda
from field #14 (#12 in SE
This approval is NOT con
Certification Expiration D

Approved for Recertificat

This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 updates subm
submitted an update to e
numbers and remove the
the statements on the re
effect on the institution's
school from future review

This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 updates subm
submitted to edit the fax
(verified); to edit the acc
Numbers fields; to add th
to add a new instructiona
This approval has no affe
does not exempt the scho

This Notice of Continued
Form 1-17 updates subm
update to Form 1-17 upda
nursing). This approval h
approval does not exemp

Approved for Recertificat



Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the
mitted on 09/28/2015 in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. Your school's

nd is hereby approved, adding Designated School Official
his request your school provided sufficient evidence of Um e a es
anent residence for the electee(s) along with a copy of Form I-
propriate signatures. This approval has no effect on the institution's
Date ? this approval does NOT constitute Recertification and does not
future reviews.

Notice of Continued Eligibility is to inform your institution has met
rm 1-17 updates submitted on 02/06/2015 in accordance with 8 CFR
ate was submitted, and is hereby approved: 1. To remove language
EVIS) and from field #16 (#14 in SEVIS). 1-20 statement submitted.
nsidered Recertification and has no effect on the institution's
Date. This approval does not exempt the school from future reviews.


Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the
mitted on 06/24/14, in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. Petitioner

edit courses of study (cosmetic changes), the average annual
e Westminster College ? Mesa instructional site. Petitioner submitted
emoval of the instructional site as requested. This approval has no
s Certification Expiration Date. This approval does not exempt the

Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the
mitted on 9/18/2013, in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. Update

number; to add AZ State Board for Private Postsecondary Education
creditation field; to edit the Courses of Study and Average Annual
hree new DSOs (signed 1-17 and proof of citizenship submitted); and
al site in Mesa, AZ (state approval and NCA/HLC approval verified).
ect on the institutions Certification Expiration Date. This approval
ool from future reviews.

Eligibility is to inform your institution has met with approval for the
mitted on 06/06/2012, in accordance with 8 CFR 214.3. Approved

ate for Courses of Study and Time Necessary to Complete (added
has no effect on the institution's Certification Expiration Date. This
pt the school from future reviews.

tion. New CED = 12/22/2013.

2819 18 of 59

Request for Evid


Date Name Application Action C

Entered Status Performed F
06/08/2017(b)(6) (b)(7)(C) UNDER Request for Evidence - P
REVIEW BY Petition Update (Edit 1-17) M
05/18/201E(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) RFE - Request for Evidence - s
SUBMITTED Petition Update (Edit 1-17) 0
lar A
UNDER Request for Evidence - u
REVIEW BY Petition Update (Edit 1-17) p
Ih S
03/17/201E(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) PENDING Request for Evidence - e
REVIEW Petition Update u
or. m
UNDER Request for Evidence - m
10/02/2015(b)(6) (b)(7)(C) REVIEW BY Petition Update d



dence Comments

ter College


Form 1-17 petition has been unlocked for editing. Please log into SEVIS and make
he following edits no later than June 13, 2017: 2.3 please include all BA degrees;
Please note sections 2.3 and 2.4 should match; Section 3.4 State Recognitions
MO Department of Higher Education. Then Submit. Once the update is submitted,
email [email protected] to confirm
Form 1-17 petition update submitted 05/02/2016 has been placed in "RFE-Edit"
status. Please log into SEVIS and make the following edit no later than
05/20/2016: 1. Form 1-17 Field #19 (SEVIS Field #17): Add, "Accounting -4
years" back to this field. Then go to screen #5 and click, "Submit."
A request for evidence has been sent to all approved school officials from
[email protected] which is due by 05/18/2016. Adjudication of your
petition cannot take place until you have responded to this request for evidence.
Unless otherwise stated all evidence requested should reflect the school's policies
and/or circumstances at the time of filing the updated Form 1-17 electronically in
SEVIS. You may submit other evidence to meet the criteria of the items requested;
SEVP will consider all submitted evidence in adjudication of your petition. All
evidence is subject to verification. An email has been sent from
[email protected] with the requested information contained in the
message. Response for the Request for Evidence is due 05/18/2016. All evidence
must be submitted at one time and no later than 05/18/2016, as instructed in the
detailed Request for Evidence sent to your institution via email. For any questions
contact [email protected] ATTN: b 6 b 7 C
A request for evidence has been sent to all approved school officials from
[email protected] which is due by 3/25/2016. Adjudication of your petition
cannot take place until you have responded to this request for evidence. Unless
otherwise stated all evidence requested should reflect the school's policies and/or
circumstances at the time of filling the updated Form 1-17 electronically in SEVIS.
You may submit other evidence to meet the criteria of the items requested; SEVP
will consider all submitted evidence in adjudication of your petition. All evidence is
subject to verification. An email has been sent from [email protected] with
he requested information contained in the message. Response for the Request for
Evidence is due 3/25/2016. All evidence must be submitted at one time and no
ater than 3/25/2016, as instructed in the detailed Request for Evidence sent to
your institution via email. For any questions contact [email protected]
ATTN (b)(6) (b)(7)(C)
A request for evidence has been sent to all approved school officials from
[email protected] which is due by 10/09/2015. Adjudication of your
petition cannot take place until you have responded to this request for evidence.
Unless otherwise stated all evidence requested should reflect the school's policies
and/or circumstances at the time of filling the updated Form 1-17 electronically in
SEVIS. You may submit other evidence to meet the criteria of the items requested;
SEVP will consider all submitted evidence in adjudication of your petition. All

2819 19 of 59

(b)(6), (b)(7)(C) PENDING Request for Evidence - e
09/10/201' REVIEW Petition Update u
ALp- m
1111Pr c

10/15/2013(b)(6) (b)(7)(C) PENDING Request for Evidence - A
REVIEW Petition Update u
dip c
04/04/2012(b)(6) (b)(7)(C) FILED Request for Evidence c
=11 w


evidence is subject to verification. An email has been sent from
[email protected] with the requested information contained in the
message. Response for the Request for Evidence is due 10/09/2015. All evidence
must be submitted at one time and no later than 10/09/2015, as instructed in the
detailed Request for Evidence sent to your institution via email. For any questions
contact [email protected] ATTN: (b)(6) (b)(7)(C)
A request for evidence has been sent to all approved school officials from
[email protected] which is due by 9/17/14. Adjudication of your petition
cannot take place until you have responded to this request for evidence. Unless
otherwise stated all evidence requested should reflect the school's policies and/or
circumstances at the time of filling the updated Form 1-17 electronically in SEVIS.
You may submit other evidence to meet the criteria of the items requested; SEVP
will consider all submitted evidence in adjudication of your petition. All evidence is
subject to verification. An email has been sent from [email protected] with
he requested information contained in the message. Response for the Request for
Evidence is due 9/17/14. All evidence must be submitted at one time and no later
han 9/17/14, as instructed in the detailed Request for Evidence sent to your
nstitution via email. For any questions contact [email protected] ATTN:
b)(61 (b)(71(C
A request for evidence has been sent to all approved school officials from
[email protected] which is due by 10/29/2013. Adjudication of your
petition cannot take place until you have responded to this request for evidence.
Unless otherwise stated all evidence requested should reflect the school's policies
and/or circumstances at the time of filling the updated Form 1-17 electronically in
SEVIS. You may submit other evidence to meet the criteria of the items requested;
SEVP will consider all submitted evidence in adjudication of your petition. All
evidence is subject to verification. An email has been sent from
[email protected] with the requested information contained in the
message. Response for the Request for Evidence is due 10/29/2013. All evidence
must be submitted at one time and no later than 10/29/2013, as instructed in the
detailed Request for Evidence sent to your institution via email. For any questions
contact [email protected] ATTN: 1(b)(6) (b)(7)(C)
NOTE: If your institution is up for Recertification, the thirty days given for this
update are superceded by your Recertification date. THIS IS NOT A NOTICE OF
[email protected] OR [email protected]. DO NOT SEND PHYSICAL
DOCUMENTS. If any PDSO or DSOs have been added to the form I-17A since last
approval by SEVIS, submit evidence that they are US citizens or lawful permanent
esidents [The only acceptable evidence includes one of the following: 1) copy of
US passport (current or expired); 2) copy of US birth certificate; 3) copy of alien
egistration card; or 4) copy of naturalization/citizenship certificate.] If any of the
submitted documents contains a name other than those listed on the Record of
Designated School Officials (Form I-17A), SEVP requires a copy of the court order
granting the name change (i.e., marriage or divorce certificate). NOTE: Driver's
icenses or social security cards are not acceptable. Submit a completed Form 1-17,
?Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student,?
ncluding supplements A and B. The Form 1-17 including supplemental pages must
be submitted with the PDSO, DSO, and head of school's signatures. The school
must also include supporting documentation- this includes proof that the PDSO

2819 20 of 59



and/or DSOs being updated are regularly employed members of the school (1-9
orm). Note: For new Designated School Officials, THREE pieces of evidence are
equired: Proof of Citizenship, a signed 1-17 (including Page 3, and both pages of
Supplement A), and an 1-9. By signing the Form 1-17 the PDSO and the DSO is
attesting they have read and understand the regulations relating to nonimmigrant
students, namely 8 CFR 214.1, 8 CFR 214.2(f) and/or 8 CFR 214.2(m); the
egulations relating to change of nonimmigrant classification for students, including
8 CFR 248; the regulations relating to school approval and withdrawal of school
approval, specifically 8 CFR 214.3 and 8 CFR 214.4, and that they intend to comply
with these regulations at all times. For routine DSO update requests, the PDSO
may sign in place of the president, owner, or head of school. PDSO updates require
he signature of the president, owner or head of school. Requests to change
DSO(s) or the PDSO that are made during the recertification petition process
equire the president, owner, or head of school signature on the Form 1-17. For
ALL updates, including PDSO/DSO changes during the recertification process,
submit an Update Pending Statement to the Recertification section
[email protected] or via fax at 877-268-5563). SEVP strongly recommends
hat all newly appointed DSOs complete the free, web-based training at

2819 21 of 59

U.S. Inunigration and Customs Enforcement OMB No. 1653-0038

Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student

Westminster College KAN214F00659000

Section 1: Contact Information

Approval for Attendance of Students Under:
Section 101(a)(15)(f) of the Act (academic and language students)
Previous School Code: KAN214F0659.000

1.2 Name of School or School System: Westminster College
1.3 Name of Main Campus: Westminster College
1.4 Mailing Address of the School:

501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

1.6 Telephone Number: 573-592-5182
1.6 Fax Number: 573-642-2699
1.7 Physical Location of the school:

Westminster College
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

1.9 School Type: Private, non-profit
1.9 Private School Owner: Board of Trustrees
1.10 Owner's Address:

501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

Section 2: Program of Study

2.1 This School is Engaged in:

Higher Education (issuing one or more of the following degrees: Associates, Bachelor's,
Master's, PhD.)

This school does confer recognized Associates, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's, Professional, or
Divinity degrees.

It's credits are recognized by and transferable to institutions of study which confer degrees.

Form I-17 (Rev 09/30/2016) Page I of 5

2020-ICFO-82819 22 of 59

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17 Continuation Page

2.2 Areas of Study:
Liberal Arts
Professional Studies

2.3 Degrees Available from this School:
Bachelor of Arts (BA)

2.4 Courses of Study and Time Necessary to Complete each:
Courses of study generally require 4 yrs. Majors: Accounting, Biology, Biochemistry, Bus
Admin, Bus Communication, Chemistry, Computer Sci, Economics, Education, English, Env
Sci, Env Studies, Exercise Sci, French, History, Intn1 Bus, Intni Studies,Math, Philosophy,
Physical Ed, Physics, Political Sci, Psych, Religion, Self-Designed Major, Sports Mgmt,
Soc/Anthro, Spanish, Transnalional Studies. Pre-Professional prgs: Health & Legal Prof, Pre-
Engineering, Pre-law, & dual-degree nursing.

Section 3: Accreditations and Recognitions

3.1 Date School Was Established: 02/18/1851
3.2 Department of Education Recognized Accrediting Agencies:

05/05/2015 - 05/04/2025 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher
Learning Commission

3.3 SEVP Identified Accrediting Agencies:

3.4 State Recognitions: Missouri:Exempt
N/A - N/A

3.5 Optional Comments:
left blank

3.6 FAA Certification:

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Section 4: School Calendar, Costs, and Demographics

4.1 This School's Sessions are based on:


4.2 Date Registration begins for EACH session during a calendar year:

August 21
January 12

4.3 Sessions are Held: Day

4.4 Average Annual Number of classes: 767
4,5 Average Annual Number of Students: 913

4.6 Average Annual Number of Teachers or Instructors: 87
4.7 Average Annual Number of Non-Teaching Employees: 133
4.8 Approximate Annual Cost of Room, Board, Tuition, etc. per Student: 40800
4,9 Requirements for Admission:Admission to Westminster College is selective and requires the

following: Application for admission, official secondary school transcripts, official transcripts
from post-secondary schools attended, if applicable, scores from the ACT / SAT and / or
TOEFL scores if an international student (minimum score of 550 or consideration for special
admission), a personal essay, and recommendations from a guidance counselor, teacher, or
' academic mentor. (See also on-line current WC Stbdent Catalog).

Section 5/6: Campuses and Instructional Sites and Officials

Westminster College Main Campus: Westminster College
Campus 3-digit suffix: 000
Mailing Address: 501 Westminster Avenue, Fulton, MO, 65251-1299
Physical Address: Westminster College, 501 Westminster Avenue, Fulton, MO, 65251-1299
Telephone Number: 573-592-5182 Fax Number: 573-642-2699

Officials Name Title Role Telephone # E-Mall Address
573-592(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
(b)(6) (b)(7)(C) Director of the Diversity PDSO 573-592.
Senior Director of DSO

Assistant Dean of DSO

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17 Continuation Page

Certification and Signature by President, Owner, or Head of School

If the school is approved, THE PETITIONER AGREES to maintain SEVIS records and student
records in accordance with 8 CFR 214.2 (f), 214.2 (m), 8 CFR 214.3, 8 CFR 214.4 and 8 CFR 248.

Designated school official (DSO) means a regularly employed member of the school administration
whose office is located at the school and whose compensation does not come from commissions for
recruitment of foreign students. A DSO may not delegate this designation to any other person. An
individual whose principal obligation to the school is to recruit foreign students for compensation may
not be a DSO. The president, owner, or head of a school system must designate a principal DSO.
The principal DSO is required to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations, policies and
procedures governing nonimmigrant students, and is responsible for ensuring that each additional
DSO has a thorough knowledge of the same.

1, the president, owner, or head of the school or school system named in this petition, certify

1. I am authorized to sign this petition on the behalf of this school.
2. The school and its Designated School Officials intend to comply with the regulations listed above.
3. I will be responsible for providing the resources and training necessary for the Designated School
Officials to properly implement the regulations referenced above.
4. I understand that if this institution does not fully complies with the regulatory requirements,
approval may be withdrawn pursuant to 8 CFR 214.4.
5. All of all information contained within this petition is true to best of my knowledge.
6. 1 acknowledge that the submission of inaccurate or misleading information may result in the loss of
my institution's SEVP certification.

7.I understand that willful misstatements may constitute perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621.
8.I understand that providing materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to
criminal prosecution under 18 U.S.C.1001.

Date Title

v_erf14e7 e

Printed name of President, Owner, or Head Signatpr




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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17 Continuation Page

b)(6), (b)(7)(C) _minnow 573-592.(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)

Assistant Professor DSO


Fenn 1-17 (Rev 09/30/2016) Page 4 of 5

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U.S. 111131ligrat ion and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17-A Record of Designated School Officials

Instructions: This section must be signed by all officials listed below.

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, have read the Department of Homeland Security's regulations relating to
nonimmigrant students, namely 8 CFR 214.1, 8 CFR 214.2(f), and/or 8 CFR 214.2(m); the
Department's regulations relating to change of nonimmigrant classification for students, namely 8
CFR 248; the Department's regulations relating to school approval and withdrawal of school
approval, namely 8 CFR 214.3 and 214.4, and intend to comply with these regulations at all times. I
understand that willful misstatements may constitute perjury (18 U.S.C. 1621) and that that
providing materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent Information may subject me to criminal
prosecution under 18 U.S.C.1001. Other possible criminal and civil violations may also be

Name Role Signature Date

(b)(6), (b)(7)(C) PDSO

Form 11-17 (Rev 09/3012016) Page I oi l

2020-1CF0-82819 27 of 59

t IS, Immigration and Customs Enforcement OMB No. I 653-0038

Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student

Westminster College KAN214F00659000

Section 1: Contact Information

1.1 Approval for Attendance of Students Under:
Section 101(a)(15)(f) of the Act (academic and language students)

1.1a Previous School Code: KAN214F0659.000

1.2 Name of School or School System: Westminster College
1,3 Name of Main Campus: Westminster College
1.4 Mailing Address of the School:

501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

1.5 Telephone Number: 573-592-5182
1,6 Fax Number: 573-642-2699
1.7 Physical Location of the school:

Westminster College
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

1.8 School Type: Private, non-profit
j.g Private School Owner: Board of Trustrees
lin Owner's Address:

501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

Section 2: Program of Study

2.1 This School is Engaged in:

Higher Education (issuing one or more of the following degrees: Associate's, Bachelor's,
Master's, PhD.)

This school does confer recognized Associates, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's, Professional, or
Divinity degrees.

It's credits are recognized by and transferable to institutions of study which confer degrees.

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2.2 Areas of Study:

Liberal Arts
Professional Studies

2.3 Degrees Available from this School:

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

2.4 Courses of Study and Time Necessary to Complete each:

Bachelor of Art Degrees of study generally require 4 yrs. Majors are: Accounting, Biology,
Biochemistry, Bus Admin, Bus Communication, Chemistry, Computer Sci, Economics,
Education, English, Env Sci, Env Studies, Exercise Sci, French, History, Intn1 Bus, Intn1
Studies,Math, Philosophy, Physical Ed, Physics, Political Sci, Psych, Religion, Self-Designed
Major, Sports Mgmt, Soc/Anthro, Spanish, Transnational Studies. Pre-Professional prgs:
Health & Legal Prof, Pm-Engineering, Pre-law, & dual-degree nursing.

Section 3: Accreditations and Recognitions

3.1 Date School Was Established: 02/18/1851
3.2 Department of Education Recognized Accrediting Agencies:

05/05/2015 - 05/04/2025 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher
Learning Commission

3.3 SEVP Identified Accrediting Agencies:

3.4 State Recognitions:
05/05/2015 - 05/04/2025 Missouri: Department of Higher Education

3.5 Optional Comments:
left blank

3.6 FAA Certification:

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ItiikEZEMLIOWIRIMXWAILIEginla EFIG22601291figERVEV4921 0i693.311 11

Section 4: School Calendar, Costs, and Demographics

4,1 This School's Sessions are based on:

4.2 Date Registration begins for EACH session during a calendar year:
August 21
January 12

4.3 Sessions are Held: Day

44 Average Annual Number of classes: 767

4.5 Average Annual Number of Students: 913

4.6 Average Annual Number of Teachers or Instructors: 87

4.7 Average Annual Number of Non-Teaching Employees: 133

4.8 Approximate Annual Cost of Room, Board, Tuition, etc. per Student: 40800

4,9 Requirements for Admission:Admission to Westminster College is selective and requires the
following: Application for admission, official secondary school transcripts, official transcripts
from post-secondary schools attended, if applicable, scores from the ACT / SAT and / or
TOEFL scores if an international student (minimum score of 550 or consideration for special
admission), a personal essay, and recommendations from a guidance counselor, teacher, or
academic mentor. (See also on-line current WC Student Catalog).

Section 5/6: Campuses and Instructional Sites and Officials

Westminster College Main Campus: Westminster College
Campus 3-digit suffix: 000
Mailing Address: 501 Westminster Avenue, Fulton, MO, 65251-1299
Physical Address: Westminster College, 501 Westminster Avenue, Fulton, MO, 65251-1299
Telephone Number: 573-592-5182 Fax Number: 573-642-2699

siOfficials Name Title Role Telephone # E-Mail Address
573-592.(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C) Director of the Diversity PDSO 573-592.
Senior Director of DSO
Enrollment DSO
. .. _......_ Management

Assistant Professor

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(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) VLyLrayraiNitdiOOMNBE4f9Ze6dZfFXtiBzfZMV....adxtinreieiZCVSftpagnill

Assistant Dean of 573-592(b)(6); (b)(7)(C)


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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form T-I 7 Continuation Page

Certification and Signature by President, Owner, or Head of School

If the school is approved, THE PETITIONER AGREES to maintain SEVIS records and student
records in accordance with 8 CFR 214.2 (f), 214.2 (m), 8 CFR 2143,8 CFR 214.4 and 8 CFR 248.

Designated school official (DSO) means a regularly employed member of the school administration
whose office is located at the school and whose compensation does not come from commissions for
recruitment of foreign students. A DSO may not delegate this designation to any other person. An
individual whose principal obligation to the school is to recruit foreign students for compensation may
not be a DSO. The president, owner, or head of a school system must designate a principal DSO.
The principal DSO is required to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations, policies and
procedures governing nonimmigrant students, and is responsible for ensuring that each additional
DSO has a thorough knowledge of the same.

I, the president, owner, or head of the school or school system named in this petition, certify

1. I am authorized to sign this petition on the behalf of this school.
2. The school and its Designated School Officials intend to comply with the regulations listed above.
3. I will be responsible for providing the resources and training necessary for the Designated School
Officials to properly implement the regulations referenced above.
4. I understand that if this institution does not fully complies with the regulatory requirements,
approval may be withdrawn pursuant to 8 CFR 214.4.
5. All of all information contained within this petition is true to best of my knowledge.
6. I acknowledge that the submission of inaccurate or misleading information may result n the loss of
my institutions SEVP certification.
7. I understand that willful misstatements may constitute perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621.
8. I understand that providing materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to
criminal prosecution under 18 U.S.C.1001.

Date Title

h-/6 --e-m

Printed name of President, Owner, or Head Signature
of School
o/A A-ea-AIL
vs_ (1163,44

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Ettibrcement Form 1-17-A Record of Designated School Officials


Instructions: This section must be signed by all officials listed below.

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, have read the Department of Homeland Security's regulations relating to
nonimmigrant students, namely 8 CFR 214.1, 8 CFR 214.2(f), and/or 8 CFR 214.2(m); the
Department's regulations relating to change of nonimmigrant classification for students, namely 8
CFR 248; the Department's regulations relating to school approval and withdrawal of school
approval, namely 8 CFR 214.3 and 214.4, and intend to comply with these regulations at all times. I
understand that willful misstatements may constitute perjury (18 U.S.C. 1621) and that that
providing materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to criminal
prosecution under 18 U.S.C.1001. Other possible criminal and civil violations may also be

Name Role Signature Date

(b)(6), (b)(7)(C) PDSO (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) -As- 1-01r1

DSO 6 4. toi7



Form 1-17 (Rev 09/30/2016) Page 1 d 1.

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U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1653-0038
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by
Nonimmigrant Student

START HERE- Please read instructions before beginning. Please type or print in FOR INS USE ONLY
black ink.
School Code 2I4F
answer fully any items on this form, use a separate sheet; identify each answer with the letter and Approval for attendance of students under:
number of the corresponding item and sign and date each sheet. Indicate that an item is not 1. 0 Section 101(a)(15)(F) of the Act
applicable with "N/A". If the answer is "none," please write "none." This application must be filed 2. 0 Section 101(a)(15)(M) of the Act
with the required evidence as noted below, be properly signed, and submitted with the correct fee. 3. 0 Both of the above sections of the Act.

To the Immigration and Naturalization Service: This Request is to:

1. Petition is made for approval, or continuation of approval, of the institution as a school for 1.0 Create a file.
attendance by nonimmigrant alien students under (Complete as appropriate): 2. 0 Update a file.
a.0 Section 1.01(a)(15)(F) of the Act (academic and language students),
b.0 Section 101(a)(15)(M) of the Act (vocational students), Fee Stamp:

c.DBoth of the above sections of the Act.

2. Name of school:

Westminster College

3. Mailing address of school:
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton, NO 65251-1299

4. This school is a:

a.0 Publicly owned institution

b.E1Private Institution

5. This school is engaged in: Action Stamp:

a. 0 Private elementary school

b. El Private middle school

c. 0 Private high school (grades 9- 12)

d. El Public high school (grades 9-12)

e. Vocational or technical education

(other than high school)

f. ID Flight training

g. 0 Language training
h. 0 Higher education (issuing one or more of the following degrees: Associate,

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD)

i. 0 Other

6. This school's sessions are based on:
a.0 Semesters
b.0 Trimesters
c.0 Quarters
d.0 Other

7. Provide the date (month and day) registration begins for EACH session during a calendar year,

including the summer session if your school has one. (Format nun/dd)

a. 01/11 f. k. P. Received Trans In
b. 08/24 1. q• Ret'd Trans. Out Complete
c. g. m. r.


d. i. n. s.

C. 3. o. t.

S. Date school was established: 9. Location of school: (if different from mailing address)
Westminster College
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton, MO 65251-1299

10. Name and address of owner: Remarks
Board of Trustrees
501 Westminster Avenue Form 1-17 (Rev. 10/13/98)N Page 1
Fulton, NO 65251-1299

II. Petition is for:
a.0 Initial approval
b.EI Continuation of approval. Please complete the following:
(i.) Date of original approval 01/17/2003
(ii.) INS school code 1CAN214F00659000


2020-1CF0-82819 34 of 59

12.The School operates under the following federal, state, local orothcrlicense or approval (if none, write "none"):
State of Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education

13.The school hasbeenapprovedby the following nationally recognized accrediting association or agency (if none, write "none"):
North Central Association

14.Nature of subject matter taught (check as many as are appropriate):

Liberal Arts
Fine Arts
Professional Studies
Vocational or Technical Training
Flight Training


16.Check as appropriate and explain further if necessary:

If the school is engaged in elementary or secondary education, it 0 does 0 does not qualify its graduates for acceptance by accredited schools

of higher educational level.

If the school is engaged in higher education, it 0 does 0 does not confer recognized bachelor's, master's, doctor's, professional, or divinity

degrees. Its credits El are 0 are not transferable to institutions of study which confer such degrees.

If the school is engaged in vocational or technical education, it 0 does 0 does not qualify its graduates for employment.

1:1 The school is engaged in English language training.

17.Sessions are held as follows: a. 0 Day only b. 0 Night only c. 0 Day and night

18.Requirements for admission:
Admission to Westminster College is selective and requires the following:
Application for admission, official secondary school transcripts, official transcripts from all
post-secondary schools attended, if applicable, scores from either the ACT / SAT and / or TOEFL scores if
an international student (minimum score of 550 or consideration for conditional or special admission), and

19.Courses of study and time necessary to complete each:
Courses of study / major programs generally require 4-yrs... Major prgs: Acce"ing, Bio, Bio Chem, Bus
Admin, Chem, Comp Sci, Econ, Ed, Eng, Envir Sci, Enviro Studies, French, Hist, /nen. Bus, Intml Studies,
Mgt Info Systems, Math Sciences, Philosophy, Phys Ed, Physics, Poli Sci, Psych, Religious Studies,
Self-Designed Major, Soo and Anthro, Spanish, and Transntl Studies. Pre-professional program

20. Requirements for graduation: 21.Causes for expulsion:
To graduate from Westminster College, a student A student is placed on academic probation when he
must or she fails to meet a specified minimum standard
*earn 122 semester hours of course credit, with a with respect to his / her cumulative or term grade
minimum grade point average of 2.00, point average. This serves as a warni

22.*,kevaerr.ang%crietadttiAt niEnnEliNvQoot103, a. Classes: 359 b. Students: 1,151

c. Teachers or instructors:63 d. Non-teaching employees: 128

23. Approximate annual total cost of room, board, tuition, etc., per student: $32,500.00

Fonn I-17 (Rev. 10/13/98)N Page 2

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If the school is approved, THE PETITIONER AGREES:

1. Upon acceptance of any nonimmigrant alien student, to furnish that student a Certificate of Eligibility (Form 1-20 AM for an F-1 student or Form
1-20 M/N for an M-1 student).

2. To keep records containing the following specific information and documents relating to each nonimmigrant F-1 or M-I student to whom the
school issues a Form1-20 A/B or1-20 M/N, while the student is attending the school and until the school notifies the Service, in accordance with
regulations at 8 CRF 214.3, that the student is no longer pursuing a full course ofstudy. The school must keep a record of having complied with
the reporting requirements for at least one year. If a student who is out of status is restored to status, the school the student is attending is
responsible for maintaining these records following receipt of notification from the Service that the student has been restored to status. The
school must keep and make available to the Service upon request the following information and documents for each nonimmigrant F-I and/or M-1

1. The admission number from the student's Form 1-20 ID copy.
2. Country of citizenship.
3. Address and telephone number in the United States.
4. Status, i.e. full-time or part-time.
5. Course load.

6. Date of commencement of studies.
7. Degree program and field of study.
8. Expected date of completion.
9. Nonimmigrant classification.
10. Termination date and reason, if known.
11. The documents which show the scholastic ability and financial status on

which the student's admission to the school was based.
12. Information specified by the Service as necessary to identify the student

and to determine the student's immigration status.

3. That in any advertisement, catalog, brochure, literature, or other material produced by or for this school, any statement which may appear
concerning approval for admittance by nonimmigrant students must be limited to the following: "This school is authorized under Federal law to
enroll nonimmigrant students."

I certify that lam authorized to execute this petition. I understand that unless this institution fully complies with all terms as described on this form,
approval may be withdrawn pursuant t08 CFR 214.4.

Dated at this 6144 day of
Name and Title: 14 1 9114.1). , -Pitoilde4


Form 1-17 (Rev. 10/13/98)N Page 3

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U.S. Department of Justice OMB No. 1653-0038
Immigration and Naturalization Service:
Record of Designated School Officials

(1)Form1-17, Supplement A, listing up to ten designated school officials for each school or campus within a school system (except an elementary or
secondary system as noted below), must be attached to each Form 1-17, Petition for Approval of School for Admittance by Nonimmigrant Students. If
there is a change in designated school officials, a new Supplement A must be completed and submitted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service
Office having jurisdiction over the school within thirty days.

(2)"Designated school officials" (DSO) means a regularly employed member ofthe school administration whose office is located at the school and
whose compensation does not come from commissions for recruitment of foreign students. A DSO may not delegate this designation to any other
person. An individual whose principal obligation to the school is to recruit foreign students for compensation may not be a DSO. The president,
owner, or head of a school system must designate a principal DSO. The principal DSO is required to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations,
policies and procedures governing nonimmigrant students, and is responsible for ensuring that each additional DSO has a thorough knowledge of the

Each school or institution must have one principal DSO, and may have up to ten DSO's at any one time, except at the discretion of the district director
of the INS office having jurisdiction over the school. In a multi-campus institution, each campus must have a principal DSO. In an elementary or
secondary school system, however, the entire school system is limited to a total often designated officials at any one time.

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, have read the Immigration and Naturalization Service's regulations relating to nonimmigrant students, namely 8 CFR
214.1,8 CFR 214.2(f), and/or 8 CFR 214.2(m); the Service's regulations relating to change of nonimmigrant classification for students, namely 8 CFR
248; the Service's regulations relating to school approval and withdrawal of school approval, namely 8 CFR 214.3 and 214.4, and intend to comply
with these regulations at all times.

1 Designated Official: (Print or Type) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
Last and First Name: Title: cc Role:

(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Director, International PDSO
.1 Limum! Designation Off-Campus PrOgraMB
DCorrection to previous designation
['Replacement for prior

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: (b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Role:

b)(6); (b)(7)(C) International Student DSO
Correction to previous designation
0 Initial Designation 0 Replacement for pri(
Designated Official: (Print or Type) (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
:,.•... :, e• Title: S
Correction to previous designation
(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Director of Admission

• Initial Designation ID Replacement for pr

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: , Telephone Number: Role:

• Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official • Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

III Initial Designation E Replacement for prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type)

Last and First Name: Title: Signature: Telephone Number: Role:

0 Initial Designation • Replacement for prior designated official 0 Correction to previous designation

Designated Official: (Print or Type) Signature: Telephone Number: Role:
Last and First Name:

0 Initial Designation 0 Replacement for prior designated official Correction to previous designation
Form I-17A (Rev. 10/13/98)Supplement A Page 1

2020-1CF0-82819 37 of 59

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement OMB No. 1653-0038

Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student.

Westminster College KAN214F00659000
Section 1: Contact Information

1.1 Approval for Attendance of Students Under:
Section 101(a)(15)(f) of the Act (academic and language students)
Previous School Code: KAN214F0659.000

1.2 Name of School or School System: Westminster College
1.3 Name of Main Campus: Westminster College
1.4 Mailing Address of the School:

501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton.M0 65251

1.5 Telephone Number: 573-592-5182
1.6 Fax Number: 573-642-2699
1.7 Physical Location of the School:

Westminster College
501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

1.8 School Type: Private, non-profit
1.9 Private School Owner: Board of Trustrees
1.10 Owner's Address:

501 Westminster Avenue
Fulton,M0 65251

Section 2: Program of Study

2.1 This School is Engaged in:

Higher Education (issuing one or more of the following degrees: Associate's, Bachelor's,
Master's, PhD.)

This school does confer recognized Associates, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's. Professional, or
Divinity degrees.

It's credits are recognized by and transferable to institutions of study which confer degrees.

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17 Continuation Page

2.2 Areas of Study:
Liberal Arts
Professional Studies

2.3 Degrees Available from this School:

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

2.4 Course of Study and Time Necessary to Complete Each:
Bachelor of Art Degrees of study generally require 4 yrs. Majors are: Accounting, Biology,
Biochemistry, Bus Admin, Bus Communication, Chemistry, Computer Sci, Economics,
Education, English, Env Sci, Env Studies, Exercise Sci, French, History, Intn1 Bus, Intn1
Studies,Math, Philosophy, Physical Ed, Physics, Political Sci, Psych, Religion, Self-Designed
Major, Sports Mgmt, Soc/Anthro, Spanish, Transnational Studies. Pre-Professional prgs:
Health & Legal Prof, Pre-Engineering, Pre-law, & dual-degree nursing.

Section 3: Accreditations and Recognitions

3.1 Date School Was Established: 02/18/1851
3.2 Department of Education Recognized Accrediting Agencies:

05/05/2015 - 05/04/2025 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher
Learning Commission

3.3 SEVP Identified Accrediting Agencies:

3.4 State Recognitions:
05/05/2015 - 05/04/2025 Missouri: Department of Higher Education

3.5 Optional Comments:
left blank

3.6 FAA Certification:

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17 Continuation Page

Section 4: School Calendar, Costs, and Demographics

4.1 This School's Sessions are based on:


4.2 Date Registration begins for EACH session during a calendar year:
August 21
January 12

4.3 Sessions are Held: Day
4.4 Average Annual Number of classes: 767
4.5 Average Annual Number of Students: 913
4.6 Average Annual Number of Teachers or Instructors: 87
4.7 Average Annual Number of Non-Teaching Employees: 133
4.8 Approximate Annual Cost of Room, Board, Tuition, etc. per Student: 40800
4.9 Requirements for Admission:Admission to Westminster College is selective and requires the

following: Application for admission, official secondary school transcripts, official transcripts
from post-secondary schools attended, if applicable, scores from the ACT / SAT and / or
TOEFL scores if an international student (minimum score of 550 or consideration for special
admission), a personal essay, and recommendations from a guidance counselor, teacher, or
academic mentor. (See also on-line current WC Student Catalog).

Section 5/6: Campuses and Instructional Sites and Officials

Westminster College Main Campus: Westminster College
Campus 3-digit suffix: 000

Mailing Address: 501 Westminster Avenue, Fulton, MO, 65251-1299
Physical Address: Westminster College, 501 Westminster Avenue, Fulton, MO, 65251-1299
Telephone Number: 573-592-5182 Fax Number: 573-642-2699

Officials Name Title Role Telephone # E-Mail Address
PDSO 573-592(b)(6): (b)(7)(C)
:13)(6) (b)(7)(C) Assistant Director
Center for Career
Development DSO 573-592 _
DSO 573-592 _
ISS/SA Coordinator

Associate Dean of
Student Success

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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form 1-17 Continuation Page

(b)(6); (b)(7)(C) Senior Director of DSO (b)(6); (b)(7)(C)
Management 573-592

Director/Assistant DSO 573-592

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