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Published by Draconis Ferox, 2022-02-14 15:12:08

Starfinder Galactic Magic

Starfinder Galactic Magic

Keywords: starfinder,star,finder,glactic,magic,starfinder galactic magic,rulebook,rulebooks,galactic magic,rules

4431650 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022


when control swaps to a different chamber, it scrambles to ESSENTIAL MAGICS

identify and avert whatever plans its counterpart set in motion. A leading magic placement firm, Essential Magics (EM) serves

The chambers recently became aware of each other’s existence, as a freelance spellcaster networking service, offering an array

and they now work to hide their projects from each other to of industrial, medical, military, and scientific contractors with OVERVIEW
achieve and preserve their often-contradictory agendas. magical skills. A publicly traded company, Essential Magics

The Hegemon controls dozens of acolytes whose minds all spends an impressive share of its revenue on advertising

contribute to the collective consciousness, receiving stimuli and throughout the Pact Worlds and several other systems. It also CLASSES

issuing commands at instantaneous speeds across the galaxy. takes a larger agency percentage from its employees than other

Although the overmind sees to the acolytes’ basic needs, the firms, although Essential Magics pays its staff—and charges GEAR
bodies are slowly dying from age and attrition, driving a need clients—a premium.

for new recruits. The Bicameralists include many free-willed Essential Magics started as a private military firm, emphasizing

members in their order, and the majority seek the unified magical combat, counterintelligence, and defense, competing SPELLS
mind’s wisdom in understanding solarian philosophies and with other mercenary companies. EM contractors worked

magical arts through its dualistic enlightenment. The brightest extensively during the Silent War, though the company now

sometimes attain supernatural epiphanies, though skeptics deemphasizes its earlier activity to distance itself from alleged FAITHS

posit these disciples commune too deeply with the Hegemon and unresolved war crimes attributed to EM mercs on Veskarian

and accidentally become incorporated into its psyche. soil. Occasionally, videos circulate showing black-clad figures THE
bearing the EM logo wielding destructive magic to obliterate MAGICAL
ELDRITCH GAMES LEAGUE Veskarium soldiers and bystanders alike. But the Silent War and GALAXY

Several companies in the Pact Worlds bring magical EM’s old board of directors are decades in the past, and the

competition, sports, and entertainment to the masses, company has endeavored to brush its old controversies

but few are as influential and economically powerful under the rug while reforming its reputation with

as the Eldritch Games League (also known as expanded services in civilian fields and ongoing

EGL or “The Eagle,” inspiring its phoenix-like assistance against the Swarm.

logo). The EGL is a media and merchandising The company hires out exceptional mages

conglomerate that scours the galaxy for exciting on contract, offering team packages that allow

magical sports events and competitions to clients to hire a coordinated group or whole

bring to viewers. League scouts periodically lurk squads of specialists for specific tasks. EM

20733921 in obscure worlds’ sports arenas to identify new competes fiercely against similar firms, offering 4431650

magical sports, often hiring whole communities “ethical but non‑ideological services,” a dig at

of established athletes to compete under years- outfits such as the Skyfire Legion. The company

long contracts with the EGL label. also uses its influence to bid low on government

The league owns various properties popular in contracts, and lobby for more privatization and free-

the Pact Worlds and beyond. The Chimerical Fighting market employment laws, a move that enhances its own

Championship (CFC), over-the-top wrestling mixed with business at the cost of small-time operators’ incomes.

illusion, broadcasts from Chroma on the Burning Archipelago. Thanks to this business activism, freelance adventurers

Summoner Showdown, part reality show and part battle royal have a complex relationship with EM, both considering it

with conjured beasts, transmits from Castrovel and Triaxus. a reliable patron while also coming to blows with EM agents

Bagthar’s Tower is a unique team-play escape-room and in the field when the firm attempts to snatch up contracts and

adventure simulator that uses myriad Pact Worlds sites. Spell objectives.

Bowl is a knockoff of the popular brutaris sport, played with GUARDIAN TREE
magic, hybrid tech, and magically augmented playing arenas.

For all its explosive action and spectacle, EGL prides itself Guardian Tree, a small, secretive group named after a symbol

on keeping its participants safe. The EGL charter doesn’t of the natural order, holds sacred its duty to locate and contain

allow the league to have interests in blood sports or prurient aberrant and dangerous magic, especially from outside the Pact

entertainment, and most EGL events have standards for ensuring Worlds, Veskarium, or Material Plane. This mandate focuses

clean fun and accessibility for viewers of all ages. In part, this on aberrations and Dark Tapestry beings, but it also includes

policy is a marketing angle to sell tickets, spin-off entertainment, any magical threats from menacing locales like Aucturn and

and merchandise to as wide an audience as possible, but it has its unknown stretches of the Vast. Guardian Tree originated

roots in the vision of the league’s original founders, who wanted shortly after the Gap, with its members believing the Gap

to depict magic as appealing and safe. represented some attack on reality’s fabric by Outer Gods.

The EGL is a public corporation responsible in part to Although founded on this unsubstantiated hypothesis, the

shareholders. Through the years, board members have argued group swiftly broadened its mission as it recruited from and

that eschewing violent and lascivious content runs counter to protected communities devastated by the ensuing chaos.

fiduciary responsibility. As EGL eyes the lucrative Veskarium Guardian Tree operations are divided into local branches,

markets, the pressure for violent content escalates, even as the commonly led by experienced diviners known as rootsages

company adheres to its founding values—at least for now. who monitor their respective branches’ missions and maintain

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supernatural sensors to track aberrant activity. Intense how best to preserve the galaxy’s natural beauty. Too often, the

recruitment standards discourage any but the most dedicated Guardian Tree advocates absolute destruction for compromised

disciples, all of whom are expected to serve the Guardian Tree environments rather than risking some abomination’s spread by

for life. Members most often patrol their branch’s territories, taking more targeted action.

though rootsages periodically encourage their agents to wander INTEGRATED FUTURE FRONT
the galaxy like knights errant, providing their order’s sanctuary

and purifying violence wherever needed. Those who wish to A loose democratic organization of mages, mostly precogs and

retire nonetheless maintain an advisory role, typically recruiting witchwarpers, the Integrated Future Front (IFF) uses magic to

and mentoring promising candidates. bring about a perfect future reality. Some misstep or unforeseen

Although Guardian Tree prefers to work within the law occurrence in a large-scale peace ritual hurled the founders’

and official authority, it doesn’t let such niceties stand in perceptions into another reality, where they glimpsed a glorious

its way. It cites past successes and specialized knowledge universe free of war, hunger, strife, or suffering. The insights

as incontestable credentials to justify intervention, and the were brief, yet the seers came away with clear revelations

decentralized leadership and minimal official dogma allow each regarding myriad places within the Pact Worlds and beyond. The

branch to develop its own rules and moral perspectives to guide unnamed participants recorded what they saw, compared notes,

its actions. The combination of decisive action, variable ethics, and compiled the Integrated Future Manifesto, a multimedia

and overlapping niches makes the Guardian Tree a difficult omnibus that chronicles the common vision,

neighbor for the Xenowardens, as the two organizations as notes disparities, and speculates on the

often collaborate against common enemies as they clash over meaning of all this information. Subsequent

visionaries have contributed their own

supernatural premonitions of this sacred

alternate reality, creating a bloated record

of what-ifs and apocrypha. Initially, the IFF

coalesced to record and understand these

divinations, functioning more as a social

club for conspiracy theorists than any

practical organization. Most members

are well-intentioned enthusiasts and

20733922 oddballs who digest the IFF’s theories

more as a hobby.

However, the movement

has developed a more fanatical

following with a more urgent goal

over the years: actualization. To these

adherents, Integrated Future Manifesto

isn’t a curiosity, but a roadmap. If the

discrepancies between the envisioned

universe and this mediocre reality can be

made identical, then all the utopian delights

from the desired universe will follow. For example,

if a vision showed a specific park in Castrovel

having purple grass rather than a green lawn,

then making that grass purple is one critical step

in the greater mission. As a result, IFF advocates

sometimes pull outwardly inane pranks, public

art projects, and community initiatives to realize

these more innocuous changes. However, where

the visions suggest that a world leader should

already be dead or a famous building should

face a different direction, the IFF sometimes

orchestrates heists and assassinations to

correct what they consider cosmic imbalances.

The decentralized nature of the IFF means some

criminal or terrorist acts might be attributable to this

group, which doesn’t aim to win hearts or minds, but

to create an idyllic future.


20733922 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431652 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022


ORDER OF THE GATE and more than a few souvenirs, yet the Scrutineers positively

One of principal Hellknight orders, the Order of the Gate seeks revel in thrill-seeking, with some critics considering them a

to prevent crime and other atrocities, especially those that death cult masquerading as an exploration guild. It’s true that

might sow further chaos and dissolution. The order operates many expeditions mounted under the Scrutineer banner fail OVERVIEW
from a base ship called Citadel Enferac, commanded by Lictor to return, driving profligate funerals where the dead receive

Dimurgsa “the Eye” Inoznid (LN male vesk precog), who took the organization’s highest awards. However, Scrutineers also

over after previous leadership perished in the Swarm War. Much maintain fantastic museums; they front and pay for their CLASSES

of the order’s work occurs in secret deep within this roving private halls, where they celebrate successes and lionize lost

fortress. Diviners and precogs, true adherents to the order and comrades. However, it’s what the Scrutineers find and choose GEAR
the virtue of law, use their magic to witness high crimes before not to display that worries some authorities.

they happen and analyze the possibilities and probabilities of The Scrutineers recruit primarily by invitation, with members

the predicted event. If warranted, authorities in the citadel approaching magical daredevils who have performed and SPELLS
dispatch a crimson-cloaked Hellknight team to prevent those survived some reckless feat of thaumaturgy. Truly driven

involved from carrying out the anticipated act. applicants sometimes contact the Scrutineers before attempting

The details of these divinations are kept a careful secret— a stunt, ensuring that the organization witnesses their bravery. FAITHS

especially vexing considering how accurate and far reaching XENOWARDENS THE
they can be compared to conventional magic, even if the order’s MAGICAL
foresight is hardly perfect. The Hellknights know the more Xenowardens protect the galactic natural order. Their appointed GALAXY
mysterious their methods, the more fearful the order appears
leader, Greenspeaker Alca Gabrio, leads the push to shield

to others. Even other Hellknight orders fear the arrival of planets from carelessness, colonization, greed, war, and other

agents from the Order of the Gate, which can herald a purge of factors. When that fails, the often zealous Xenowardens work

corruption within an order. to restore that which has been damaged or destroyed and,

Although the order operates with a grim evenhandedness, sometimes, castigate those responsible.

its mysterious techniques and unsolicited interventions cause Xenowarden leadership keeps watch for the discovery of

contention. Citizens and law-enforcement officials decry the new systems, expansion in known ones, and the movement of

order’s arrogation of this authority, insisting the Hellknights have bad actors, such as EJ Corp. Xenowardens use espionage, magic,

no right to act on the mere possibility of a crime. A few go so far and technology to maintain and distribute this intelligence,

as to say the order itself is criminal for punishing nonexistent usually under the purview of special operations units of the

20733923 transgressions. Criminal organizations that understand the Greenguards or Wildknights. 4431652

order’s motives and methods use creative measures to evade In various civilizations related to the Pact Worlds,

detection, magically segmenting plans among members so no Xenowardens keep watch, hoping to head off imbalance before

one has a full understanding of the big picture. Activists cite it occurs. When intervention or interdiction fails, they seek to

the order’s quelling of populist uprisings against tyranny as repair the damage. A division of the Xenowardens called the

examples of its lack of authority and true justice. Wildtenders has long existed in some form. It came into more

Order operatives have successfully disrupted terrorist cells organization and prominence as the Xenowardens worked to

and extensive criminal actions. Publicity after these successes restore flora, fauna, and habitats damaged during the Silent

has led some to see the Order of the Gate in a positive light. War. Wildtenders also helped repair environments wrecked

Media depicting order knights as uncanny heroes exists in during the battle against the Swarm, while other Xenowardens

several modes and networks, and the order receives a cut. supported and fought alongside allied forces in the fight against

These books and shows include darker Hellknight practices, the common enemy. The mandate of the Wildtenders has

such as using summoned devils as combatants, but they only expanded over the years, and now part of their tending involves

speculate about how the order comes to its conclusions. educational outreach and public works.

Conspiracy theories abound about extraplanar aid among Permanent enclaves of Xenowardens on various worlds

outside observers. Most conclude that the order relies on often fall under the Wildtenders’ authority. They engage

extraplanar entities (or one such entity) for its predictions, in positive nongovernmental action to show people how to

though whether those allies are fiends, celestials, or something joyfully live in accord and engaged with their biosphere. Magic

else entirely depends on the theorist’s biases. plays a role in these programs and services, with Xenowardens

SCRUTINEERS helping farmers and researchers, as well as people who want
to live in balance with nature. Through such social programs,

A Scrutineer might describe their group as a disparate crew the Xenowardens recruit members with promises of natural

of collectors, explorers, and investigators of the paranormal connection, exploration, and green magic and tech. Most

with a rich oral history and tradition that started centuries who learn magic or other skills from the Xenowardens start

ago. Their organization’s development parallels that of the their education in Wildtender communities. Wildtenders also

Starfinder Society, and at first glance, the Scrutineers seem facilitate Xenowarden economic power in the hybrid tech

a copycat operation that focuses more on magical discovery and biotech sectors. This situation allows Xenowardens to

than on the Society’s broader exploration agenda. Both foment social pressure for change, leveraging political capital

venture into the unknown and return with tales of derring-do (popularity) and commercial clout.

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Astronomical phenomena like black holes, wormholes, and dark matter
are largely the domain of science. Yet in sufficient quantities, magic
can influence or even create planets, suns, planetary systems, and
other cosmic bodies. Mages and scientists seek to explain these
astrometaphysical phenomena, yet magic defies physical law and
scientific principles, making this an ever-evolving field.


Morality has no intrinsic mass. However, rare expanses of space At the edges, chaos singularities cause a disintegration of order,

contain phenomena which mortals can only comprehend as including pranks, assertion of personal preferences, and the

moral singularities. Here, an alignment’s influence becomes so subtle twisting of orders. This situation can easily devolve into

dense that it forms a “black hole,” which disrupts, overwhelms divisiveness, rebellion, and selfishness. As the event horizon

and even absorbs other qualities and beliefs. These singularities approaches, disorder and whim reign, hygiene fades, devices

stem from no obvious origin, though many likely began with fail, and materials corrode as the laws of physics become

intrusion from some Outer Plane before gathering enough whimsically malleable. Crossing the event horizon causes the

errant sentimentality to become self-sustaining. Most such breakdown of all relationships, followed by the disintegration

singularities embody one alignment, but some mix several, of matter into a tempest of particles.

creating either a blend of two axes (like chaos and good) or Good
creating a self-loathing swirl of opposing ideals (like a good‑evil

singularity). These phenomena often create other cosmic Moving toward a black hole of goodness is characterized

bodies, such as eldritch clouds (page 153). by progressively selfless acts for increasingly trivial affairs.

Detecting these disturbances often requires a combination of Those who realize a problem exists have little trouble acting

magical and technological sensors, which puts crews without for everyone’s benefit. As the event horizon approaches, the

a magic officer at a disadvantage. Otherwise, a singularity crew becomes paralyzed with blissful altruism, each refusing

20733924 might be detected only through its effect on a starship’s to burden others with their troubles. Objects develop pleasant

crew, as the phenomenon draws its corresponding ethos to luminescence and seem to function with a reflexive helpfulness,

the surface of nearby creatures. This effect mounts until the although dangerous technologies like weapons might prove less

creatures reach the event horizon, where those who skirt that lethal or inflict pleasant outcomes when operated. Across the

edge often experience one of two results. Sometimes, the event horizon, everything bursts into radiance that becomes

creatures’ alignments irrevocably shift to match the singularity, only a harmonious vibration.

leading them to emerge as diehard adherents. Equally often, Evil
the phenomenon tears its corresponding aligned essence from

the affected creatures, leaving behind traumatized survivors Growing selfishness and cruelty mark the edge of an evil

whose new alignments represent the singularity’s opposite. singularity. This aberrant behavior starts passively, such as a

In this way, a good-aligned singularity might feast on mortals’ desire to get the better of others, gain status, or hoard resources,

goodwill, expelling only sadistic creatures who can no longer along with refusal to accept responsibility. This malevolence

comprehend kindness, while some evil singularities drain the grows into enjoying the suffering of others and unprovoked

cruelty from even the most cold-hearted scoundrel. Those who violence. The hue of objects takes on a grim aspect, and they

fully cross the event horizon almost always die, their matter gain harmful properties, such as sharper surfaces or features

transformed by the overwhelming ethical mass into raw with no purpose other than to cause harm. At the event horizon,

philosophical particles. matter often stretches into cold darkness and disintegrates into

Law dissonant tones before snuffing out.

When approaching a law singularity, crew members feel Neutral

themselves driven to fill their roles, get along, and obey rules, Neutral singularities can be the most dangerous; their proximity

even unspoken ones. Things get cleaned, put in order, and infuses sentient beings with apathy. The process starts with

repaired to standards. The first sign of something amiss comes disinterest and grows into passivity. Color fades from the

when even the unruliest crew members start playing by the environment, and objects slowly grow dull and difficult to

rules. As effects increase, repetitive or obsessive behaviors begin distinguish. Indifference in the crew gives way to lethargy

to emerge, and innovation decreases. As the event horizon of law and, finally, torpor. Crossing the event horizon traps all matter,

nears, objects shift to axiomatic forms, conforming to conceptual energy, and consciousness in stasis, typically freed only if the

ideals without changing function. Across the event horizon, cold singularity encounters another mass of aligned energy that can

order takes hold, manifested as a homogeneous subatomic soup. shake the millennia-frozen beings from their sleep.


20733924 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431654 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022








20733925 4431654

DRIFT THINNING magical phenomena, such as alignment singularities or planar
bubbles floating in the void. Near the outer edge, these clouds
Armadas often link starships and travel the Drift as a group, give way to interstellar space, but the farther one travels within,
ensuring the fleet arrives together for maximum impact. Such the more like another plane the region might become. Some of
mass jumps or arrivals can leave regions of scarred space in a these are perfectly habitable, with the plane’s native creatures
phenomenon called Drift thinning, which can spread from the not knowing they’ve been relocated. Permanent gates to other
initial damage to cover a vast region. The damage heals over planes might exist at eldritch clouds’ centers, with some portals
time, shrinking from the outer reaches inward. functioning as wormgates (page 155).

To the senses, Drift thinning manifests as off-white, Primal magical energy and matter can also comprise eldritch
ephemeral threads that phase in and out of the area, creating clouds. These areas often contain readily morphic mass that
a faint visual static, whereas sensors detect Drift thinning as reshapes to suit the will of sapient beings, sometimes even
an electromagnetic effect. In some cases, Drift thinning inhibits responding to stray emotions and unconscious fancies. As
Drift travel or causes Drift engines to break, as if the plane itself a result, ideas, dreams, nightmares, and random spell effects
can sense something wrong and bars access. In lesser examples, can manifest in some such regions, including on structures and
the phenomenon can extend Drift travel times into and out of within starships traveling through such clouds. Raw eldritch
the region, or cause starships to exit unexpectedly. clouds, including some that leaked from the First World, are also
magically shapable, reacting strongly to magic abilities, items,
Mystics of Triune once petitioned their patron for an and spells used within them. Magic used in eldritch clouds can
explanation of Drift thinning, and the All Code’s response was have unexpected and sometimes disastrous effects, replicating
simply, “Reported Defect>> Intended Effect==1.” the effects of a wonder grenade (Armory 127).

ELDRITCH CLOUDS The magical material in raw eldritch clouds can be harvested,
often being refined into spell components or rare parts for
Extraplanar materials—especially from elemental planes or hybrid items. While lucrative, this mining is dangerous work
energy planes—sometimes leak into outer space on the Material that’s only recently become well-known thanks to the popular
Plane. These clusters of matter follow Material Plane physical docudrama Mystical Miners, which plays up the unpredictable
laws, forming nebulae or accretion disks in larger quantities. An perils of extracting the increasingly expensive matter.
accretion disk might surround a normal astronomical object and
react to its gravity. Other disks or clouds collect around other

MAGICAL PHENOMENA 153 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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4431655 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022 20733926

INTERGALACTIC VOID Over a decade ago, the Starfinder Society located a metastar

Travel between galaxies would take such extraordinary time in the Vast. Named the Locus, this metastar bathes its odd

and technology that no substantial and successful forays are planetary system in energies giving rise to improbable life and

well-known, though many explorers have tried and turned physical formations. Several years ago, a scientific venture

back. The experience is often etched into these intrepid established a space station in the Locus system to study it,

souls, leaving them traumatized. Many exhibit paranoia, with known as Locus-1.

interviews eliciting references to “the voices” and “the eyes.” NULL-SPACE BREACHES
Recordings brought back rarely show evidence of these entities,

but witnesses insist they’ve captured a sound or image of Civilizations have long used magically harnessed

things they have a hard time describing. The consensus that extradimensional space to handle storage needs. Null-space

exists among survivors’ descriptions is some aberrant force hybrid technology recently made this magic more accessible

drove them back and might even prey on those who venture and stable, making it harder to catastrophically breach.

too far. The survivors often retire to star systems close to the But, especially in older devices, null-space technologies can

galactic core—especially tidally locked worlds’ sunward sides— eventually degrade and fail, causing their extradimensional

endeavoring to escape whatever lies beyond. spaces to explode. Philosophers once thought contents from

LIVING WORLDS burst extradimensional spaces spewed into the Astral Plane.
That’s true, but the vicissitudes of magic mean other outcomes

Beings the size and shape of other astronomical objects like are possible. Breaches can open reciprocal holes in any

planetoids or gas giants often have magical origins. Evolution plane, catapulting troves of stored items (some ancient) into

rarely applies to such a being. Instead, each has a unique origin bizarre places. Beings lost in these extradimensional mishaps

rooted in events such as divine intervention, remarkable feats commonly perish, sometimes resulting in spontaneously

of hybrid macroengineering, or spontaneous formation, with animated undead that haunt these lost hoards. Creatures

most not knowing their own origins. that survive the event might be truly powerful or experience

Some living worlds have only a reactive consciousness, magical mutations from their journeys.

while others are more aware with power that rivals demigods. Usually, null-space failures cause a brief pop before

Arquand, a sentient world in the Vast, supports flora and fauna reality seals the wound. Some breaks, however, especially

that are extensions of its planetary awareness. The planet reacts for larger null-space containers, steadily grow rather than

to the unconscious needs, thoughts, dreams, and desires of its close. Such breaches can stretch wide enough for starships

20733926 life forms, which can have dire consequences for visitors. Those to enter by mistake, depositing travelers into another plane

who mistreat Arquand’s flora and fauna often perish when the or allowing that plane’s residents to stumble through in the

surviving organisms develop new abilities to counteract the opposite direction.

mistreatment and seek revenge. PARANORMAL TRAVELERS
Dornola, a rogue world that travels the Vast with a Drift

beacon in tow, is sapient. Stellar motes (like those that Like comets made of crystallized magic rather than ice, a

accompany solarians) travel her atmosphere and sustain surface paranormal traveler is visible as a glowing object that gains a

life. Despite lacking sapient life, she understands the nature of tail in the ionizing solar winds of a star. Paranormal travelers

the strange, minuscule beings that visit her in their starfaring orbit other astronomical objects, bringing waves of psychic

vessels, and she periodically shares telepathic wisdom. She resonance or magical energy with them. Some function as

tolerates no injury and can quickly annihilate rude or aggressive permanent phantasmic transitory bursts (page 155), while

creatures through a variety of supernatural powers. others bathe worlds in magic or specific forms of eldritch

METASTARS energy. A potent paranormal traveler moving close enough to
a world can temporarily raise the world’s magic level or change

Many astrometaphysical phenomena form from the the emotions of everyone there.

uncontrolled expulsion of planar material. When the outward Paranormal travelers’ origins are somewhat murky, with

force of these extrusions or explosions diminishes, Material most seeming to form from immense psychic or magical

Plane physics take over, causing the most massive ejecta to events. The death of a planet might form such an object as the

eventually collapse and trigger spontaneous fusion, birthing emotions of its dying lifeforms congeal into this hurtling body

a metastar. that carries despair and necromancy wherever it flies. Planet- or

Raw magic, primal elements, astral material, and similar system-wide joy can create the opposite, a traveler that uplifts

matter can collapse in this way. These metastars don’t perform and inspires it passes. A traveler might also form if one plane

standard atomic fusion but instead compress, warp, and leaks into another, evoking the nature of the plane much like an

transform quintessence into various phases and forms, releasing alignment singularity or eldritch cloud.

light and magical radiation in the process. Scholars have Paranormal travelers can display mysterious attractions,

recorded brightly boiling stars of eldritch water, ectoplasmic briefly adjusting their orbits to approach or evade other magical

ethereal ghost stars, astral stars of burning silver mist, and concentrations with similar essences. Mysteriously, most return

many other variations. These can attract and support equally to their normal orbit after this detour, as if their curiosities have

strange planets, astronomical objects, and even life. been sated.


20733926 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431656 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022


PHANTASMIC TRANSITORY BURSTS known wormgates lead to transitive planes such as the Ethereal

Across the galaxy, millions of magical incidents happen every Plane, Astral Plane, and Shadow Plane.

second, from two errant spells colliding in deep space to a Astral Space OVERVIEW
technomancer lighting a candle with token spell. Especially
powerful rituals and events can create ripples in the background Passing through an Astral wormgate is like entering a diffuse

radiation of magic that permeates the galaxy. These ripples planetary atmosphere, except the pilot decides the direction of

usually dissipate harmlessly but can meet and merge to form gravitational pull. Starships can’t enter the Drift from the Astral CLASSES

lasting storms of magical energy. Plane, and any point of interest might be years of conventional-

Thanks to the gulfs of space between astronomical objects, thruster travel away from known Astral wormgates. Psychic GEAR
these phantasmic transitory bursts (PTBs) rarely impact storms, or so-called silver squalls, are a threat to space travelers

anything of consequence. When they do, they can cause that shields and reinforced hulls do little to mitigate.

massive and irreversible changes or damage. Some of these Astral wormgates provide access to mindscapes, calved bits SPELLS
manifest as psychic storms that inflict pain on intelligent beings of various realities, demiplanes, and other objects or creatures

or outright kill telepathically capable creatures. Other times, floating on Astral currents. Among these is the rogue planetoid

PTBs form eddies that warp magic unpredictably or impose a Yulgamot, the roving home metropolis of sapient astral natives FAITHS

consistent effect on local spellcasting, lasting anywhere from called shulsagas. Yulgamot is a place of trade and safety

minutes to years. that defies the plane’s timelessness, allowing non-natives to THE
The Arcanamirium maintains records of starships, planets, stay there without suffering retroactive time upon entering MAGICAL
another plane. In addition, Yulgamot is an excellent location GALAXY
and stars being rendered invisible, asteroids being terraformed

by unseen forces, starships teleporting without warning, and to hire shulsaga guides and shuttles, many of the latter being

even the spontaneous disintegration of moons. One such burst equipped with psychic engines that can cover astonishing astral

reanimated a city’s dead; another created a region of dead magic distances when piloted by a powerful mind. Shulsagas move

in Near Space; and another still caused active spells to manifest Yulgamot deftly along astral currents, and they show up near

physical bodies and walk around as mindless facsimiles of life. known astral wormgates on a predictable schedule.

These records show the aftermath of a PTB can be worse than Ethereal Space
the event, despite the initial effect being temporary.

PTBs are easy to spot—they’re usually luminous waves. Starships entering the Ethereal Plane accumulate ethereal

They’re equally easy to detect with sensors as electromagnetic matter as they travel, gradually slowing a vessel like barnacles

20733927 anomalies, especially with the divinatory aid of a magic officer. on a ship’s hull. Rumors exist of ancient ether ships that 4431656

These phenomena move quickly and can be large enough that could traverse the etheric void using wholly magical engines

they’re hard to avoid once detected, though some magically without amassing this ectoplasm, but such vessels appear

sophisticated civilizations have ritual protections against such rarely and often vanish before they can be properly studied

errant magic. Growing research has attempted to divert or by Pact Worlds engineers. Ethereal travel doesn’t often appeal

control PTBs, though these experiments are extremely risky. to explorers, yet it offers one major advantage: stealth. As a

WORMGATES transitive plane overlapping the Material Plane, ethereal beings
can see faint reflections of the Material Plane’s inhabitants

For reasons still being studied, some gravitational singularities, and features, all while being intangible and invisible. Heavy

or black holes, slowly consume raw magical energy. This gravity wells, force effects, and dense magical phenomena can

process erodes the singularity’s ties to the Negative Energy extend across the planar boundary, and several starships have

Plane, causing the black hole to instead attach to a different infamously been sucked into cross-planar black holes they

plane. Like a wormhole that connects two points on the Material thought they could avoid.

Plane, a wormgate, as these phenomena are called, connects Thankfully for explorers, a wormgate to the Ethereal Plane

two planes. It’s possible that some connect to alternate versions causes islands of matter to coalesce in the nearby aether. A

of the current reality or to different multiverses entirely. common practice is to enter briefly, disembark, explore nearby

Wormgate stability varies. A chaotic release or influx of structures, and then leave. Many of the denizens of the Ethereal

magical force can cause rapid and erratic changes to a gate’s Plane are hostile, malevolent, or both, and sapient beings among

size, shape, and position. Some wormgates spontaneously these threats find the islands near wormgates attractive, too.

collapse into black holes. Others become stable enough to Shadow Space
support research stations, regular navigation, and trade hubs

that serve both sides. In any case, a wormgate typically lacks The Shadow Plane is a gloomy mirror of the Material Plane,

the matter-crushing forces of the parent singularity, allowing containing murky, distorted, or shadowy counterparts of its

most starships to survive the passage. sister plane’s contents. Travel through the Shadow Plane

Discovering a stable wormgate to an alternate reality, rich tends to bend space, allowing for swift passage, though

with new research and resources, is the dream of many scientists longer trips are far more efficient when using a shadow engine

and entrepreneurs, but most of these cosmic structures punch (Starship Operations Manual 11). Travel in shadow space is

into familiar planes of existence. The Far Portal, near the Pact risky, from will‑sapping nebulae to leaks of negative energy

Worlds sun, is a wormgate that leads to the Plane of Fire. Other called voidboils.

MAGICAL PHENOMENA 155 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022

4431657 4431657
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Abadar 100 operative (class) 28–29

Accelsys 120 alternate class features 28

archetype 40–41 operative exploits 29

armor upgrades 55 specializations 28–29

artifacts 56–57 Oras 111

Asmodeus 120 Outer Gods 128

Besmara 101 Parallel Truths 134

biohacker (class) 18–19 Pharasma 112

alternate class features 18 philosophies 132–137

fields of study 18 precog 8–17

theorems 18–19 anchors 11–12

Cavrabon 121 archetype options 15

Cayden Cailean 121 class builds 16–17

Cycle 132 class graft 15

Damoritosh 102 temporal anomalies 12–15

deities 99–131 Prophecies of Kalistrade 135

ancestral deities 124–127 ritual spellcasting 88–93

favored weapons 99 rituals 91–93

outsider deities 130–131 Sarenrae 113

Desna 103 school specialist (archetype) 40–41

Devourer 104 schools 144–147

Eldest 129 Singularitism 136

Eloritu 105 solarian (class) 30–31

envoy (class) 20–21 alternate class features 30
20–21 solarian revelations 30–31

alternate class features

expertise talents 21 soldier (class) 32–33

magical improvisations 21 fighting styles 32–33

factions 148–151 gear boosts 33

feat 99 Song of Silence 137

Gap Recollective 133 spells 60–87

hybrid items 44–47 spell lists 60–67

Hylax 106 Talavet 114

Ibra 107 technomancer (class) 34–35

Iomedae 108 alternate class features 34–35

Kadrical 122 cache hacks 35

Lamashtu 122 magic hacks 35

Lambatuin 123 Triune 115

Lao Shu Po 109 Urgathoa 116

magic items 48–53 vanguard (class) 36–37

magical phenomena 152–155 alternate class features 36

mechanic (class) 22–23 aspects 36–37

alternate class features 22–23 disciplines 37

mechanic tricks 23 weapons 33

mystic (class) 24–25 weapon fusions 54–55

connections 24–25 Weydan 117

epiphanies 25 witchwarper (class) 38–39

nanocyte 26–27 alternate class feature 38

alternate class features 26 paradigm shifts 38–39

nanocyte faculty 26–27 Yaraesa 118

nanocyte knacks 27 Zon-Kuthon 119

Nyarlathotep 110 Zyphus 123


20733928 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022

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PAIZO INC. Sales Manager • Cosmo Eisele OVERVIEW
Vice President of Marketing & Licensing • Jim Butler
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Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn Marketing Coordinator • Leah Beckleman
Director of Visual Design • Sarah E. Robinson Marketing and Media Manager • Aaron Shanks GEAR
Director of Game Development • Adam Daigle Organized Play Manager • Tonya Woldridge
Development Managers • Jason Keeley, Ron Lundeen, and Linda Zayas-Palmer Organized Play Associate • Alex Speidel SPELLS
Developers • Eleanor Ferron, Thurston Hillman, Luis Loza, Patrick Renie, and Accountant • William Jorenby
Accounting & AP Specialist • Eric Powell FAITHS
Jason Tondro Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim THE
Starfinder Lead Designer • Joe Pasini Director of Technology • Rei Ko
Starfinder Senior Developer • John Compton Front End Engineering Lead • Andrew White MAGICAL
Organized Play Line Developers • Jenny Jarzabski and Mike Kimmel Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter GALAXY
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice Starfinder Galactic Magic © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele,

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20733930 4431659






© 2021, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of
Paizo Inc.; Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, and Starfinder Roleplaying Game are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
158 20733930
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4431660 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022



Put the science in science GEAR
fantasy with this all-new
rulebook of cutting edge SPELLS
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army of nanites with the FAITHS
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choose from a huge array
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options for every class!

20733931 4431660


© 2021, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of
Paizo Inc.; Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, and Starfinder Roleplaying Game are trademarks of Paizo Inc. 159

THE MAGICAL GALAXY #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022


4431661 #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022


20733932 4431661


The Starfinder Galaxy Exploration
Manual is the ultimate guide to
exploring the galaxy for players and
GMs! The book includes new rules for

every class, a robust PC background
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system, and quick guidelines for

developing infinite worlds that put
galactic command at your fingertips
in the newest hardcover rules
resource for the Starfinder RPG!

FAITHS© 2021, Paizo Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of
160Paizo Inc.; Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, and Starfinder Roleplaying Game are trademarks of Paizo Inc. #36691483, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Feb 14, 2022


Unravel the eldritch mysteries of the galaxy with Starfinder
Galactic Magic! This book demystifies Starfinder’s magical
possibilities, providing your characters fantastic abilities to
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D Discoveries about the galaxy’s most powerful mystical forces,
from alignment singularities and metastars to deities and the
boons they offer!

D A study of eldritch secrets and everyday arcana alike, including
how a magic user navigates society and the organizations that
might support and oppose them.

Printed in China. PZO7118

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