THE UWI CHANCELLERY An indepth look into the issue
CELEBRATES A diamond among the
WORLD A list of all the offices that and what we can do in the
QUALITY DAY collections at the Cave Hill
form the Vice-Chancellery p.5 workplace p.15
Campus p.11
04 Foreword
05 We at Centre: Offices at the Vice
The Core of The UWI
THE 07 Tips on work - life balance
TEAM Simple tips you might consider that will help you juggle
EDITOR your personal and professional lives
Maurice D. Smith 0 8 Birthday Shoutouts
ASSISTANT EDITOR We celebrate our colleagues who work towards The
Lesia Sawyers UWI dream (January - June)
Adrian Green Enjoy the beauty of self
EDITORIAL TEAM 11 Special Collection: Owen S. Arthur
Ava-Loi Forbes A look into the collection of noted West Indian Prime
Gillian Weekes
Kay Thompson Minister
Keilah Mills
Lesia Sawyers 15 Sexual Harassment
Loreen Walker
Hot topic!
17 The UWI celebrates World Quality
Ayana Gloudon
Nadene Sherlock Day 2019
Rommel Carter Geared towards all UWI customers
19 Health Corner
Bringing Dengue Awareness
Welcome to the inaugural issue of VIV, an online newsletter produced on behalf of the Vice-Chancellery!
In choosing its name, the editorial team opted to connect with a construct that gave meaning to and refreshed
the corporate identity of the many administrative units located at the Regional Headquarters and across
the University that share a singular bond, that of, reporting to the Vice-Chancellor. VViIcVe-wCahsanucnealnleirmy.oTuhsalyt
selected given its Lsiagtninifidceannocteataisonthoefm‘coamgaiznignealiisvep’.rVepIaVreadlsobymseeannios rVaodicmesininisstirdaetitvhee, professional, technical,
for us has added
administrative and service staff whose creative skills are either dormant or yet undiscovered.
This biannual publication will highlight unique and interesting stories of our colleagues whether known or
unknown but whose contribution is nonetheless vital to the day to day operations of The University. VIV as
a digital medium will:
• help to lessen some divides and breakdown stereotypes;
• show you a different and lighter side of us;
• give much needed insight into policies and decisions of governing bodies; and
• inspire and encourage.
It would be remiss of me to not thank the editorial team for nurturing the vision to reality. Adrian Green, Ava-
Loi Forbes, Gillian Weekes, Kay Thompson, Keilah Mills, Lesia Sawyers and Loreen Walker are the “vivians”
whose wenoorkugthhitsoiss.pIutrisymouyaslionncgertehheoppaeththtaot fwuiltfihlleinvgeryyosusrupe uorfpVoIsVe ,hyeorue will find something elucidating and
potent at The University and beyond. Feel
free to share, and recommend any articles you like.
UMnaiuvreircseitDy .RSemgiistthr,aJrP&; Ed.D; CPFEd
Chief Administrative Officer
The Vice-Chancellery, as the core
of the The UWI system, comprises of
several offices which are spread across
four campuses and, as a result, the Vice-
Chancellery forms the link between the
Campus Administration and the regional
6 NEWSLETTER WE AT CENTRE (cont’d from p.5)
The Units/Departments within the Vice-Chancellery that provide a myriad of support to the University
Community are:
Centre for Reparation Research
Facilities Management Unit Caribbean Institute for Health Research
Faculty of Sport * Chronic Disease Research Centre
Institutional Advancement Division * Epidemiology Research Unit
Latin American Caribbean Centre * Sickle Cell Unit
Legal Unit * Tropical Metabolism Research Unit
Lumin Consulting
Office for Online Learning Institute for Sustainable Development
Office of Administration * Caribbean Sustainable Development Solutions
* University Archives Network
* University Museum * Centre for Environmental Management
Office of Finance * Disaster Risk Reduction Centre
Office of Global Affairs * Insitute for Hospitality and Tourism
Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies * Sustainable Policy Unit
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the University Chief Information Officer Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit
Office of the Vice-Chancellor Institute for Gender and Development Studies
Caribbean Quaterly Institute of Criminal Justice and Security
School for Graduate Studies and Research Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic
University Management Audit Department Research
University Office of Planning
Lesia Sawyers
Nowadays, for many of us, it seems like our jobs are
taking priority over everything else in our lives. The
need to succeed professionally now appears to be getting
the better of us and as such we seem to be forgetting
about our own welfare.
What is in evidence is that we need to somehow create a
harmonious work-life balance, but how can we achieve
this as the word “balance” means different things to
everyone. Everyone’s work-life balance does not look
the same. We should create a work-life balance that best
suits us. That requires our stopping and evaluating our
needs with a view to better organize our time.
After accepting the fact that there is no “perfect”
work-life balance, here are some simple tips you might
consider that will help you juggle your personal and
professional lives:
• Practice good time management
• Set goals and plans
• Have structure in place
• Love your job
• Love your life
• Stay healthy
• Reward yourself
• Take holidays and long weekends
Adrian Green | Anthony Clayton JANUARY Birthday
Bronty Liverpool-WIlliams | Cassini Seetahak Shoutouts
Che Corbin | Christine Moseley-Barrett | Anthony Harriott
Cindy Archat | Howard Shand | Joan Boughton Hariharan Seetharaman
Lisa Cummins | Louri Clare | Marjorie Rose-Parkes Jacqueline Howell Nash | Kasiane Reid
Kay Thompson | Keriene Collins-Salmon
Maurice Iton | Nekesisha McDonald | Kimberly Robinson-Walcott | Leslie Brewster
Nichole Crosedale | Reanti Singh | Sadhana Lochan Linda Vidale-English | Lora Pilgrim | Loreen Walker
Stacey-Ann Rosales | Sue Barrett | Tenakay Daley Margaret Rowe-Hunter | Marjorie Henry-Beharie
Maureen James | Natasha Mortley | Norma Bennett
Tivia Collins | Tricia Basdeo Robert Landis | Sadie Morris | Samorae Campbell
Sophia Balfour | Stacy Waite |
Stephen McDonald | Vanessa Lyons
Adrian Brown | Anna Perkins
Celia Davidson-Francis | Christoper Thomas
Clara Grant | Denesha Bailey | Densil WIlliams
Florence Francis | Grace Jutan | Heron Plunkett
Kenesha Edwards-Walker | Sarnya Hylton
Simone Black | Stacy Richards-Kennedy
Yevett Thomas-Rodney | Nerys Rudder
Beverly Hunter | Charlene Riley
David Christian | Gabrielle Hemmings
Janet Grant | Jennifer Lovelace | Judith Nelson
Maurice Mason | Sherrifa Hinds
Verene Shepherd | Vitra Ramcharan
Anthony Fisher | Brigitte Collins
Diego Clarke Carolyn Hayle | Christine Marrett
Donna-Marie Morgan | June Wheatley Cynthia Meggoe-Ebanks | Ian Forest
Kamau Stewart | Leighton Duncan | Lesia Sawyers Ingrid Baker | Jenny Hainsley | Joneil Gyles
Kai-Saran Davis | Kamlini Dalipsingh | Keilah Mills
Lois Sr. Brice | Marcia Cockburn Laleta Davis-Mattis | Petagaye Allen
Marvette Facey-Thompson | Milton Dennis Tashfeen Ahmad | Victoria Rampersad
Pauline Moore | Shakira Maxwell | Sonia Hansel
Simone Ramsay-Knight
cultures; all beautiful and car accident is a new
all contributing greatly opportunity to evaluate,
to the montage we call as is education gained,
The UWI. But with that marriage, children,
Island Life group also are the uncles, broken relationships,
aunties, husbands, wives, loss of loved ones,
Nadine Sherlock mothers, fathers, children, failures, successes, travel,
friends and others; all experiences of natural
held dear by the villagers. disasters … and the list
Might I use my own goes on. Add your own
mother as an example? At experiences then look in
the end of her years, she the mirror and through
was somewhat frail, feeble the windows to your soul
and quite wrinkled. What and see how amazingly
you saw each time you beautiful you are!!! And
Beauty! Picture this… persons from within; a looked at her was obvious. this is not yet the finished
eyes… right shape and personality threaded with But quite surprisingly, product. Time also gives
colour, and set just right kindness, love, patience, those things were never us the opportunity to
in the face… perfectly gentleness, self-control, the main focus for the change things we do not
positioned in the head joy and with an inner throngs of persons who like in ourselves or to
together with lips, brows, goodness and peace. A visited and who came to sharpen areas of strength,
cheekbones and nose! person who is faithful, pay their final respects at or to develop totally new
Body proportions small who stands with you as her thanks giving service. areas. The possibilities
in ‘right’ places, soft or a friend through thick Who she was on the inside are endless!
chiselled in right places, and thin, never failing, melded together with
male or female, beautiful! always encouraging. what was on the outside, So my beauties, take a
This differs in different Sounds familiar? You will and was processed good look at who you
parts of the world and probably recognise those throughout the years are today and enjoy the
varies according to the characteristics borrowed to produce a beautiful beauty of self. Walk
“eye of the beholder”1. from Galatians 5, verses soul who was loved and confidently for you are
22 and 23, in the Holy cherished. The good, the uniquely beautiful; a
The world has now begun Bible. And yes, though flaws, the experiences, composite of all that has
to accept ‘different- what is perceived to be the challenges faced, been, and a promise of all
from-the-norm’ as beauty can generally be the lessons learnt, the that is to come.
beauty. Increasingly we determined by what is relationships, life on a
find successful models seen on the outside and whole, had come together
with Dwarfism, Vitiligo, what is on the inside of to present to us a woman
prosthetic limbs, Downs a person, might I submit who had come through
Syndrome, Muscular to you that there could be ‘beautiful’! The great
Dystrophy, plus-size, a more true measure of thing about that process is
and the list goes on. But beauty. that beauty increases and
are they only beautiful changes, in nature and
because the world has Let me bring us back appearances, as the years
now accepted them home to The University progress.
as such? Weren’t they of the West Indies Might I therefore submit
beautiful before? Could (UWI). The UWI to you that time is the
it be that the “eye of the ‘Village’ encompasses an truest and greatest
beholder” was never a true archipelago of islands yardstick for measuring
yardstick for everyone, within the Caribbean, beauty. Who we are on
but instead only for each recently expanded to the inside and on the
specific ‘beholder’ for include Antigua and outside when the process
self-purposes such as Barbuda, and which starts, the package you
in choosing their own indeed has its reach across are given at birth, is
spouse? the world to countries not the only factor for
such as China and Africa. determining beauty. Each
Then there are those Beauty is commonplace stage of life gives us the
who say that beauty here. The villagers come opportunity for a new
goes beyond skin and in all shapes and sizes, evaluation. A disfiguring
who define a beautiful personalities, creeds and
1 Eye of the beholder – origin of the phrase ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’: First appeared in the 3rd century BC in Greek. The person who is widely credited
with coining the saying in its current form, however, is Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (née Hamilton), who wrote many books, often under the pseudonym of ‘The
Special Collection:
This collection, housed at the Sir Shridath Ramphal Building at Cave Hill, gives
one a rare opportunity to peruse the historical record of a life’s mission and
tracking a country’s progress over 13 years as the country’s Prime Minister
THE more vast than is the
OWEN S. already donated portion.
ARTHUR We were privileged to
SPECIAL see that he had even
COLLECTION understated the size of the
total collection.
Kay Thompson
Cabinet Papers
A feature on the Owen S its rendezvous with Professor Arthur shows
Arthur Special Collection On entering Professor democracy”. Campus Librarian a
(OASC) provides one Arthur’s UWI Office, one valued collection piece
with a rare opportunity is struck immediately Professor Arthur recalls in his home study
to peruse an archive with by the import of several that the press secretaries
a guide who knows the bound, neatly stacked of then US President Bill given by the late Cuban
material most intimately. and labelled blue volumes Clinton were sent to offer President, Fidel Castro.
Such an article can treat – the precise history of Prime Minister Arthur This painting has been
to the mind of the curator cabinet debates spanning any help that he might identified for donation
by first-hand account of 1994 to 2008. Professor need to write his speech – to The UWI Cave Hill
his process of assembling Arthur’s aim is to now part of the Collection. Campus in the second
an historical record of a ensure that these are as However, when they phase.
life’s mission and tracking searchable as possible, arrived to discuss what
a country’s progress over essential to any proponent he wanted to say, Prime
some 13 years as Prime of an evidence-based Minister Arthur showed
Minister. The Collection approach to practice. them his already prepared
is mostly documentary at The Collection contains speech and they asked
present, and also includes Professor Arthur’s policy themselves why they had
several paintings located defining and policy come in the first place.
at the official collections critiquing speeches as
site at the Sir Shridath Prime Minister, speeches
Ramphal Building at Cave that he would have penned
Hill, and prospectively at in his own inimitable style
Professor Arthur’s private for, as he declared, “My
study at his home. It speeches are to be heard
covers comprehensively and not read…you take
the entire period of the into account the persons
collector’s state leadership who are listening”.
at the level of Prime
Minister. The Collection In noting that the Prime
both reflects (back) and Ministerial speeches
projects (forward) in that in the collection were
that all the items speak to indeed his – self-penned Historic original
periods that either record – Professor Arthur photographs linked to
significant history or recounted circumstances items already in the
foreshadow events, some surrounding some items. Special Collection at Cave
yet to come. Among the Collection, Hill are also earmarked.
his first public speech as For example, when
Prime Minister was at The Collection also President Bill Clinton
the United States White features photographs, visited Barbados in 1997,
House as Chairman paintings and he signed the Partnership
of CARICOM. He memorabilia that for Peace & Prosperity
recalls that he was provide additional (PP&P) 1997. Even
allotted 5 minutes on authentication for the more important than the
The OASC was presented international television. documentary elements, photographic evidence
to the Campus in The President of Haiti and vice versa. Paintings was the documentary
September 2018. had been overthrown and memorabilia are evidence in the collection
Professor Arthur notes and the recorded history among items that would that this agreement
that his contribution to in the Collection shows have been gifts to represented a milestone for
the Campus through the that Caribbean leaders Prime Minister Arthur, small-island developing
papers and paintings is at the time supported including, for example, states’ negotiations with
not yet complete, as his strengthening democratcy a large historically the US, achieved because
home library is indeed in Haiti as Haiti “deserved significant painting some Caribbean heads of
government (including
“Before I write, Prime Minister Arthur)
I read… resisted the Ship Rider
Agreement and had
I often read for refused to sign. This PP&P
3 weeks before is the only document for
partnership signed by
writing” a US President on the
insistence and initiative of
Caribbean Heads of State. Treasured moments of Barbados towards
The OASC also features and achievements
several seminal policy
papers that featured in
the development of trade
treaties, the deliberations
for the future of Small
Island Developing States,
policy briefs and the like.
policy formulation,
Professor Arthur affirms
Within the collection the value of a collection
there are several cherished as a foundation for
pieces but Professor research, hence for
Arthur highlighted practice: “Before I write,
specially The 2007 I read… I often read for
Bicentennial Wilberforce 3 weeks before writing”.
Lecture which he In commenting further
delivered at the University on the value of such a
of Hull to celebrate the collection, Professor
200th Anniversary to the Arthur notes that ordered
abolition of Slavery. Then documentation of
as now, including while historical records helps
currently doing research one to be able to “always
for the Government make the best decision
based on the information there is reference in SPECIAL COLLECTIONS
and guidance available at a the documents to the
given time”. Owing to the inclusion and work of AT CAVE HILL
importance of the Special a key supporter of the
Collection as a searchable opposing political party Kay Thompson
resource, he welcomes who was engaged as one of
and strongly urges further Prime Minister Arthur’s What makes a the Campus libraries and
assistance to have the economic advisers – Sir collection “Special”? archives are the repository
materials catalogued by Frank Alleyne. Professor for the archives of the
Library professionals. Arthur sees the Collection In order to be considered West Indies Federation,
Finally, the OSAC is as a continuation of a “special”, a library an institution that was
described by Professor philosophy of inclusion; collection must be pivotal in the development
Arthur as an account of the Cave Hill Campus, deemed a pool of of regional and national
lessons learnt in truly UWI, is rooted in service particularly significant political pursuits in the
authentic contexts as to the Caribbean and open value or importance in Caribbean.
part of a vulnerable but to the world, hence, he
inherently resilient region notes, the ideal entity to an historical or cultural Since January 2018,
of small-island developing carry forward this legacy sense; as representing a Cave Hill has also held
states. The importance to strengthen knowledge repository of knowledge the Documents and
of documentation and transparency of our that is critical to Microfiche Guides of
(hence the genesis of journey as a Barbadian understanding an era or the only Revolutionary
strategic “collecting”) and Caribbean nation. the substantial work of Government in the
was emphasized for him an icon; and/or as rare Commonwealth
in what he describes Folders of Papers and and irreplaceable. Across Caribbean, the
candidly as perhaps Reports The UWI there are several People’s Revolutionary
“more difficult than such collections, many of Government of
being PM”, when he was Documents, Treatises, which will be featured in Grenada. This singular
Director of Economics etc this newsletter over time. gift was by generous
at a Bauxite entity in For the Cave Hill Campus donation from Dr John
Jamaica prior to his tenure Collection of Cabinet alone, many such Special Cotman of Howard
as Prime Minister. The Papers, 1997 - 2008 Collections already University. Among the
required accuracy and exist, with others being Cave Hill collections
specificity for forecasting imminent as donations as well, the papers of
and predicting trends to the work and mission the Commonwealth
daily to make reports of the Campus, The UWI Caribbean’s first woman
and life/business altering and the regional legacy. Prime Minister, Dame
decisions was invaluable Eugenia Charles, and
training for the role of What kinds of Barbados’ first woman
Prime Minister. Special Collections Governor General, Dame
UWI Cave Hill as does Cave Hill have? Nita Barrow, were both
Collection as a Repository designated part of the
for Inclusion: In this UNESCO Memory of the
Collection, on economic Pro Vice-Chancellor and World Register in 2009.
matters for example, Principal of the Cave Hill In addition, several papers
one sees evidence of Campus, Professor V. of George Lamming,
what Prime Minister Eudine Barriteau notes Richard B. Moore and
Arthur calls one of his that the Cave Hill Campus Keith Patchett are held at
most valuable lessons: has built a credible Cave Hill.
“that tribalism can special collection of the
destroy a country”. This papers of exceptional
understanding led him to Barbadian, Caribbean
develop and implement a and international citizens.
philosophy characterized In July 2019, for example,
by the Politics of the Campus acquired the
Inclusion, and helped papers of His Excellency,
him to understand the National Hero, Errol
true import of strategic Walton Barrow. Further,
collection. Therefore,
Loreen Walker
Sexual Harassment has being February 21, 2019. whether it is recurrent ii. submissiontosuch
always been and will The preamble to the policy behaviour or a single conduct is made either
continue to be a ‘hot states that The UWI is incident and is made by explicitly or implicitly
topic’. Many countries “an equal opportunity any person, who knows a term or condition of
have promulgated institution” and that or ought reasonably to an individual’s personal
legislation to deal with “sexual harassment … is have known that such safety, employment
the issue. Jamaica, in expressly prohibited and behaviour is unwanted by status, academic status
July 2019, tabled the will not be tolerated.” the person to whom the or academic achievement
Sexual Harassment Bill conduct is directed; and and certification; or
in Parliament. Many What is sexual where:
institutions, including The harassment? i. such conduct has iii. rejection of such
UWI, have put in place the purpose or effect of: conduct by an individual
an internal mechanism Sexual harassment is a. i n t e r f e r i n g is used as the basis for
dealing with the issue. defined in the policy as: with an individual’s adverse personal safety,
That mechanism is “a form of misconduct personal safety, employment, or academic
contained in the Sexual which includes sexual work or academic achievement and
Harassment Policy and advances, requests for performance; or certification decisions
Procedures. sexual favours, and other b. creating an affecting such individual.”
The policy has been in similar verbal, non-verbal intimidating, hostile
effect from 2004 and has or physical conduct of a or offensive living,
been revised on several sexual nature or based on working or academic
occasions, the last time sex, including same sex, environment; or
“a form of
which includes
sexual advances,
requests for
sexual favours,
and other similar
verbal, non-
verbal or physical
conduct of a
sexual nature or
based on sex”
WHO CAN MAKE A dealt with by mediation2 At the discretion of the
COMPLAINT? and conciliation3 with complainant, mediation
the agreement of the and conciliation can
Any member of the respondent. remain off-record.
University community It should be noted that
who believes that sexual DISCIPLINARY a complainant who
harassment has occurred HEARING opted for mediation and
may report it to a Sexual conciliation may change
Harassment Advisor Where the complainant her/his mind at any time
(‘SHA’)1 or directly to the decides to proceed with the during that process and
Campus Registrar. The complaint, a disciplinary request a disciplinary
person who makes the hearing will be held hearing.
report does not have to be pursuant to Ordinance 8
the person who suffered or the relevant Collective
the harassment. It should Bargaining Agreement FALSE COMPLAINT/
be noted that a report that for ATS staff4 or The VICTIMISATION
is made anonymously will Code of Principles and
not trigger any action Responsibilities for Under the policy,
under the policy. Students depending on knowingly making a
the parties involved. false sexual harassment
Although it is not stated There is a right of appeal complaint may constitute
in the policy, Centre against the decision of the misconduct. Victimising
staff should be able to disciplinary proceeding. or retaliating against a
make reports directly to complainant or a witness
the University Registrar MEDIATION AND in a sexual harassment
especially since no SHA CONCILIATION proceeding constitutes
has been designated for Where the option misconduct. These
the Centre. of mediation and actions will attract
conciliation is selected, disciplinary proceedings.
WHAT IS THE both parties are entitled A sexual harassment
PROCEDURE? to choose the mediator complaint under the
On receipt of a sexual who can be from The policy does not preclude
harassment complaint, UWI or not. The parties legal action before the
the Registrar or SHA is can also ask The UWI to courts and vice versa.
required to forward it choose the mediator. The
together with a copy of mediator may proceed CONSULT YOUR SHA
the policy immediately in one of two ways - she/ Finally, the policy
to the respondent and he may seek to facilitate encourages members of
request a response in a resolution of the the University community
writing within 10 days. matter or after reviewing who needs assistance,
A copy of the respondent’s the evidence, may advice or counselling
response is forwarded on recommend conciliation in relation to sexual
receipt to the complainant with the agreement of the harassment to consult
who decides whether to complainant. the SHA on Campus or at
continue with or drop The mediator can Centre.
the complaint. The recommend mentoring
complainant can also opt and/or counselling for
instead to have the matter one or both parties.
1 A Sexual Harassment Advisor is a person designated by the University or the Campus to manage the policy and the procedures thereunder. An SHA should be
designated at each campus and at Centre. To ascertain the specific duties of the SHA, please consult the policy.
2 This is defined in the policy as “a confidential and voluntary process aimed at arriving at a mutually agreed settlement at which the parties are facilitated by a
person certified for this purpose, whether from the University or externally.”
3 This is defined in the policy as “the settlement of the issue usually after the parties have undergone mediation.”
4 Administrative, Technical and Support staff.
A look back at The UWI Quality Day activities.
The University of the West • transformative development as all aspects of its educational
Indies (The UWI) is committed of students and staff; and provision (quality assurance).
to striving for excellence in • adherence to high standards, It also explains how it enhances
teaching, research, innovation, including internal and the quality of its academic
public service, intellectual external customer service and non-academic outputs
leadership, outreach, standards.1 and educational provision
governance and administration. The Quality Policy of The (quality enhancement). The
In seeking to achieve these University of the West Indies Quality Policy supports the
goals the University is guided establishes the University’s achievement of The UWI’s
by five interrelated dimensions approach to Quality Mission and Vision. It also
of quality. These are: Management. It sets out the facilitates its continuing
• fitness of purpose; methods by which The UWI institutional and programme
• fitness for purpose; assures its stakeholders of the accreditation.2
• value for money; high quality of its academic and
non-academic outputs, as well
1 The UWI Quality Policy, page 1. Retrieved from https://www.uwi.edu/quality/docs/TheUWIQualityPolicy.pdf
2 The UWI Quality Policy, page 2. Retrieved from https://www.uwi.edu/quality/docs/TheUWIQualityPolicy.pdf
The UWI Quality Policy
Quiz Competition
Quality Assurance workshop at Cave Hill Campus
Professor Clive Landis, Pro Vice-Chancellor
and Chair of the Board for Undergraduate
Studies (BUS) speaking at the Quality
Assurance staff training at The UWI’s
newest campus – Five Islands in Antigua
and Barbuda
Professor Stafford Griffith, Pro Vice-
Chancellor and Principal, UWI Five Islands
(standing) engages workshop participants.
Professor Dale Webber, Pro
Vice-Chancellor and Principal,
UWI Mona shows off his
quality drumming talents
The audience gets interactive at
Mona’s quality day event
Professor Indar Ramnarine, Deputy Principal
and Chair of The St. Augustine Campus Quality
Management Team engages visitors at the
Campus Quality Booth
“Quality” is the talking point at
the St. Augustine Campus
Screenshots from Open
Campus’ Facebook Live Session:
“Quality Special Collection”
The UWI Quality Policy Crossword Puzzle
12 3 45 6
7 8
11 12 13 14
15 16
17 20
21 22 25
23 24
28 29
4. The QP applies to all _______. 1. One of the terms of reference of the University QMT.
7. Medium/long term benefits derived from outputs. 2. The QP applies to all employed at or contracted to The UWI.
8. The policy was approved by what committee? (hint: acronym) 3. Short term/immediate results of an activity.
10. Ability to define objectives that are relevant to its stakeholders’s 5. How many positions serve on the University QMT.
6. Dimensions of quality.
needs and pursuant to its mission. 9. The UWI QP establishes the University Approach on _____.
13. Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Improvement. 11. The Quality Management Team ____ and coordinates its quality
15. Acronym for 3 executive managers that serve on the University’s QMT.
17. Implementation of training support. management processes.
19. The UWI is committed to striving for ______. 12. Five year duration of this plan
20. The UWI QP facilitates its continuing institutional and programme _____. 13. Quality Policy (hint: acronym)
21. The UWI QMS is predicated on The UWI definition of ____ and the 14. The University of the West Indies
16. First in the Quality Cycle
implementation of The UWI QMF. 18. Policy approved in what month?
24. Day of launch of The UWI. 22. Departments, Institutes, Schools, Centres, Units and Sites
26. Ability to demonstrate efficient and effective use of its human, 23. Quality Management Framework (hint: acronym)
25. The Policy applies ___ to the University’s academic/non-academic
physical, technological, information and financial resources.
27. Supports the work of both BUS and the BGS&R (hint: acronym). operations
28. The QP supports the achievement of The UWI’s Mission and ____.
29. “the student is central to the mission of the University ’ (hint: A rule)
Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/505499769549523/photos/a.505811749518325/832131656886331/?type=3&theater
The UWI Quality Policy Crossword Puzzle Answers
Complete the crossword puzzle below. For assistance visit The UWI Quality Policy (http://uwi.edu/quality/docs/TheUWIQualityPolicy.pdf).
1m 2s 3o 4s 5t a 6f f
7o u t c o m e s 8u f g p c w i
na 9q t ev
i 10f i t n e s s o f p u r p o s e le
tf au v
o 11o 12s 13q u a l i t y c y c l e 14t
r 15p v c t p is h
er t e 16p
r 17c a p a c i t y b u i l d i n g u l
18f s t m wa
19e x c e l l e n c e 20a c c r e d i t a t i o n
beg n n
rsi 21q u a l i t y 22d i
u c 23q g 24n i n e t 25e e n
a p m e s qg
r 26v a l u e f o r m o n e y c u
y a e u 27q a u
28v i s i o n 29o r d i n a n c e s l
Across Created using the Crossword Maker on TheTeachersCorner.net
4. The QP applies to all _______. (staff) Down
7. Medium/long term benefits derived from outputs (outcomes)
8. The policy was approved by what committee? (hint: acronym) (ufgpc) 1. One of the terms of reference of the University QMT (monitor)
10. Ability to define objectives that are relevant to its stakeholders's 2. The QP applies to all employed at or contracted to The UWI (staff)
needs and pursuant to its mission. (fitnessofpurpose) 3. Short term/immediate results of an activity (outputs)
13. Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Improvement 5. How many positions serve on the University QMT (twelve)
(qualitycycle) 6. Dimensions of quality (five)
15. Acronym for 3 executive managers that serve on the University's 9. The UWI QP establishes the University Approach on _____.
QMT (pvc) (qualitymanagement)
17. Implementation of training support (capacitybuilding) 11. The Quality Management Team ____ and coordinates its quality
19. The UWI is committed to striving for ______. (excellence) management processes. (oversees)
20. The UWI QP facilitates its continuing institutional and programme 12. Five year duration of this plan (strategicplan)
_____. (accreditation) 13. Quality Policy (acronym) (qp)
21. The UWI QMS is predicated on The UWI definition of ____ and the 14. The University of the West Indies (theuwi)
implementation of The UWI QMF. (quality) 16. First in the Quality Cycle (planning)
24. Day of launch of The UWI (nineteen) 18. Policy approved in what month? (february)
26. Ability to demonstrate efficient and effective use of its human, 22. Departments, Institutes, Schools, Centres, Units and Sites (discus)
physical, technological, information and financial resources 23. Quality Management Framework (acronym) (qmf)
(valueformoney) 25. The Policy applies ___ to the University’s academic/non-academic
27. Supports the work of both BUS and the BGS&R... (acronym) (qau) operations (equally)
28. The QP supports the achievement of The UWI’s Mission and ____.
29. “the student is central to the mission of the University...' (Hint: A rule)
NEWSLETTER ISSUE #1 | January 2020
Call for Contributions Email us at Office of Administration
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