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Published by Derval Dally, 2017-06-07 14:35:41

UWI Brand Identity Guidelines

UWI Brand Identity Guidelines

Keywords: UWI Brand Identity Guidelines

Brand Identity

Updated: September 2016

Brand Identity Guidelines 1

Supporting The UWI Brand Identity

Our beloved UWI was not built to If we are to maintain our
serve itself; rather it was built and influential place as the leaders in
sustained in order to serve the the Caribbean higher education
people of the Caribbean. However, market, The UWI must tell its story
if we believe that we have a vital clearly, consistently and effectively.
role to play in the Caribbean We must promote a positive
region’s growth and development, image to our target audiences,
then our image must be managed stakeholders and the general
to communicate this mission. public.The success of this effort
depends on our willingness to
In this galloping global age, take the time to adhere to these
our UWI must more than ever guidelines.
function and operate as one, not
four separate universities, but one These standards and guidelines
indivisible academy. have been carefully considered
and approved by University
As we continue to expand and committees. We believe that
grow, the management of our they are flexible enough, yet
image will continue to be a key straightforward and easy to
responsibility. Currently, we are understand. If you are unsure about
in the process of putting The any of the guidelines, please clarify
University back together as your concerns with the Marketing
one entity - a task which places and Communications offices. We
considerable significance on also welcome your suggestions for
branding and image management. further improvements. We hope
that this manual will help to reduce
In this regard, I support my confusion, while maintaining a
predecessor and the Marketing clear and consistent brand identity
and Communications teams across our University.This, however,
that prepared these brand can only be achieved if each of us
guidelines. We must appreciate takes a vested interest in doing so
the importance of aggressively and I look forward to your support.
guarding our image and
reputation, by firstly establishing a Sincerely,
distinct, cohesive visual identity.

Any publications, stationery or Professor Sir Hilary Beckles
other items which bear The UWI’s
name and its coat of arms, must Vice-Chancellor
consistently reinforce our desired
image of excellence, relevance, high
academic standards and unity as a
Caribbean institution.

Brand Identity Guidelines 1


Message from the Vice-Chancellor.....................................1 Creative Elements
Advertising and promotions................................................51
Bringing The UWI Brand to Life Advertisements............................................................................ 52
Our Mission, Core values, Vision............................................5 Publications..................................................................................... 53
Our Brand, Promise, Attributes, Advertising/Publication Typefaces...................................55
Promotional Items......................................................................56
Creative Platform........................................................................8 Campus Signage..........................................................................58
Pennants & Banners...................................................................59
Visual Identity Guidelines Official Vehicles.............................................................................60
Why bother?...................................................................................11 Photography................................................................................... 61
The Coat of Arms.........................................................................12 PowerPoint Presentations......................................................64
The Logo elements....................................................................14
The Wordmark...............................................................................15 Editorial Style Guidelines
The Wordmark Typeface..........................................................16 Editorial Practices.........................................................................67
Alternative Logos.........................................................................17 Punctuation Guide.....................................................................72
Campus Sub-brands..................................................................18
Preferred Formats........................................................................23 Web Style Guidelines
Minimum Surrounding Space.............................................25 Why use Web Style Guidelines............................................79
Minimum Printable Size..........................................................26 Roles and Responsibilities......................................................80
Incorrect Usage............................................................................27 A Glossary of Key Terms and Titles....................................85
Colour Reproduction................................................................28 Web Site Design, Creation and Hosting........................85
Correct Colour Usage................................................................30 Web Site Template Structure................................................86
Watermark Usage........................................................................31 Structure of Official Pages......................................................91
Stationery......................................................................................... 32 Glossary............................................................................................. 92
Letterheads..................................................................................... 33 The UWI Coat of Arms and
Envelopes......................................................................................... 36 wordmark for the Web.........................................................93
Rubber Stamps.............................................................................37 Typography..................................................................................... 94
Callcards............................................................................................ 38 Web Content..................................................................................96
Compliments Slips......................................................................39 Web Content Accessibility.....................................................97
Memorandum Form..................................................................40 Promotional Websites............................................................ 100
Fax Cover Page..............................................................................41 Templates-driven Design.................................................... 100
News Releases...............................................................................42 Social media on Web sites.................................................. 101
Invitations......................................................................................... 43
E-mail and E-mail Signatures................................................44 Appendix A................................................................................... 104
Trademarks and Licensing Policy......................................45 Appendix B................................................................................... 108
Partnered Identity.......................................................................46
Campus Colour Palette............................................................48

2 Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Our Brand

Our brand is more
than our name, our
logo, our products
and services. Our
brand is our attitude,
our way of doing
things, of behaving, of
communicating. It is a
consistent expression
of who we are both
visually and verbally.

Our Mission Our BRAND

To advance education and create 5
knowledge through excellence in
teaching, research, innovation, public
service, intellectual leadership and
outreach in order to support the inclusive
(social, economic, political, cultural,
environmental) development of the
Caribbean region and beyond.

What does it mean?

To advance education: Provide
opportunities to the population of the
region and beyond for higher education
that fosters creative activity and notions
of shared community, enhanced social
and interpersonal relations, and critical
and creative thinking skills.

To create knowledge: Engage in research
that serves to: (i) create significant new
insights, (ii) explore and apply solutions
to priority national and regional
problems and challenges, (iii) exploit
developmental potential and competitive
advantages, (iv) position self and society
in a changing world order, and (v)
provide a sound basis for public policy
formulation and decision making.

To support inclusive development of
the Caribbean region and beyond:
Maintain a capacity to supply and
support a wide range of expert technical,
professional and advisory services to
meet the needs of national governments,
public and private sectors, and regional
and international institutions, and to
involve all stakeholders in the process;
and be a significant contributor to
global intellectual growth and human
development by producing scholarship
that harnesses the creative energies,
cultural diversity, social experiences,
biodiversity and other assets of the region
and beyond.

Source: STRIDE - The University of the West Indies Strategic Plan 2012-2017

Brand Identity Guidelines

Our Vision

By 2017, the University will be Innovative: Creation of new Committed to serving the diverse
globally recognised as a regionally knowledge and the ability to adapt people of the region and beyond:
integrated, innovative, internationally the University’s mission to changing A university whose graduates
competitive university, deeply environmental conditions and to are sought by national, regional
rooted in all aspects of Caribbean be prepared to reinvent curricula and global employers for their
development and committed to to better prepare students to knowledge, articulation and superior
serving the diverse people of the succeed in a global economy, as problem-solving and critical/
region and beyond. well as keeping pace with rapidly creative thinking skills. By 2017,
evolving technologies to ensure the University will be globally
What does it mean? sustainability. Innovation also recognised as a regionally integrated,
includes the products of research innovative, internationally
Globally recognised: A university for commercialisation and market competitive university, deeply
acknowledged by its peers in the readiness while at the same time rooted in all aspects of Caribbean
global higher education community assisting in the resolution of the development and committed to
as a leading contributor in research, development challenges of the serving the diverse people of the
teaching and learning, and region. region and beyond.
knowledge creation on Caribbean,
small state and developing country Internationally competitive: A
issues. Its global reach ensures university that is aligned with
partnerships and mutually beneficial international benchmarking and
relationships with international higher education industry standards
scholars; other universities, in research and undergraduate
governments and institutions; and postgraduate teaching and
international agencies; and public learning, with an increased focus
and private sectors worldwide. on educational outcomes in a
knowledge-based economy to attract
Regionally integrated: The UWI high-quality students and faculty.
is one of two regional universities
in the world, with campuses and Deeply rooted in all aspects
centres in sixteen English-speaking of Caribbean development: A
Caribbean countries. The University university that is responsive to
is dedicated to providing the highest regional and international needs
possible quality of education and while retaining a strong Caribbean
research while addressing the identity and operating as a well-
changing circumstances and needs integrated institution working
of the Caribbean region. As a model productively with all its stakeholders,
for regional cooperation, the UWI and an effective agent for political,
remains responsive to regional and social, cultural, environmental and
global developments. The UWI economic development.
is recognised as a fully integrated
regional university offering and
promoting student mobility, credit
transfer and the recognition of
qualifications to all regional and
international students. It sees the
whole university as being more
effective than the sum of the parts

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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Our Core Values Our BRAND

1. Integrity Accessibility: The UWI will
2. Intellectual freedom continue to serve Caribbean and
3. Excellence other deserving students who merit
4. Civic responsibility entrance. Educational access will
5. Accessibility continue to be expanded to reach
6. Diversity underserved populations in the
7. Equity region, through expanded outreach
and distance learning activities.

These seven core values serve as Diversity: The UWI will build a
the philosophical underpinning for community that fosters a climate
the UWI’s operations and provide which is open and welcoming
the foundation for moulding to diverse people, ideas and
and integrating activities of staff, perspectives; that promotes
students and alumni. constructive discourse on the nature
of diversity; and that engages faculty,
What does it mean? staff and students in activities that
promote the University’s core values.
Integrity: The UWI will perform
in an honest, reasonable and ethical Equity: The UWI will be an equal
manner, which will create a culture opportunity employer and partner
of trust evident in all university ensuring that social justice, respect
activities and decision making. and equity issues are resolved as they
relate to processes and challenges
Intellectual Freedom: The UWI will associated with employment,
be a strong defender of independent religion, age, ability, gender,
thought, freedom to explore ideas sexuality, race, ethnicity, the work
and freedom of expression. environment, class and any other
bases of inequality and inequity
Excellence: The UWI will serve our among employees and students.
internal stakeholders and public,
private and business communities by
delivering consistently high-quality
programmes, teaching, service,
outreach and scholarship.

Civic Responsibility: The UWI
will stimulate personal and social
awareness that will promote
commitment to service the needs
of all our stakeholders in the
region while upholding democratic
principles, Caribbean sovereignty,
environmental security and rule of

Brand Identity Guidelines 7

Our Brand Our
Our brand is more than our name, our logo, our products and services.
Our brand is our attitude, our way of doing things, of behaving, of The concept of creative
communicating. It is a consistent expression of who we are both visually consistency is what underpins
and orally. Our pride in The UWI brand is based on knowing that we the projection of the brand
are meeting the needs of Caribbean people and the region. promise. The development
of the creative platform
POruormBirsaend Our Brand begins with the question:
Attributes “what creative elements will
Our UWI promise is embedded best communicate our brand
in our commitment to serve Our brand attributes are the promise?” The Creative
the Caribbean and its higher words that we want our target Platform is the brand’s specific
education needs with pride and audiences to associate with The and own-able point of view
excellence. University of the West Indies. — its distinctive aesthetic —
We use these words and phrases giving the brand a defined
That Caribbean pride and to reinforce what we know to look and feel and providing
excellence is what we want to be true about UWI, and to help a bridge from promise to
communicate and what we want our constituents understand the consistent execution. It allows
people to think of when they see essence of our brand promise. for the creation of visual
our brand. This is what The UWI There a few words or phrases that and editorial messages that
brand is all about. form the bastions of The UWI leverage the unique benefits of
brand: UWI in a manner that appeals
We live The UWI promise by to our target audiences. These
striving to embody the core • Proud Caribbean/West Indian messages are communicated
values of our institution. But it Heritage/Tradition in a tone, manner, look and
is equally important to express feel that elevates the brand
the brand in all our different • Caribbean Integration promise consistently across all
communications, products and • Caribbean Excellence media.
Our creative platform consists
Our brand promise is directly of our:
linked to our mission, vision and • Visual Identity Guidelines
core values. • Creative Elements
• Editorial Style Guidelines
Following the guidelines outlined • Web Style Guidelines
in this manual is tangible way of
living The UWI promise.

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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:


Brand Identity Guidelines 9

An institution’s logo
is a precious thing
since it reflects
the image of the
institution. When
reproduced, the
University’s Coat
of Arms and name,
which reflects our
image, must be of
a consistent quality
and character.

10 Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Why bother with Visual Identity GUIDELINES
Visual Identity Guidelines?

UWI’s identity is expressed in its and reports, must be of a consistent regarding the usage and application
name and Coat of Arms. Like a quality and character in order to of the University’s official Coat of
national flag or religious icon, these accurately and honestly project how Arms and name. It replaces any
elements serve to encapsulate a sense we perceive ourselves and how we previously published official style
of belonging and purpose. They wish to be perceived. guidelines and should be a point of
also serve to represent consistent reference to all those involved in the
standards of quality and therefore The creation of these visual development of any material which
encourage loyalty among staff, identity standards is a critical bears the University’s Coat of Arms
students and all who interact with part of our overall branding and and name. This guide has tried to
the institution. image management programme. be thorough, but its authors could
Its widespread use across the not anticipate and address every
Our image must be clear. The University system is expected to single context in which the UWI
University’s Coat of Arms and name significantly minimize the misuse of Coat of Arms and name may be
reflect our image, and must be of a the University’s Coat of Arms, and used. If you have questions related
consistent quality and character. The in turn support a more consistent, to the use of the University’s Coat of
University’s Coat of Arms and name positive image and public perception Arms and name that have may not
must not be casually modified. of The University of the West Indies. been covered in this section, please
contact the University’s Marketing
Our communication material, from These easy-to-use standards provide and Communications Offices for
our advertising to our brochures clear guidance and graphic direction further advice.

Every user of these standards is a custodian of UWI’s visual image.
The UWI visual identity standards are based on the principles of:

Logo Consistency Consistency of Application Consistency of Quality
Maintaining logo elements, Maintaining logo placement and Ensuring that all uses of the UWI
typeface, colour, proportion, ‘clear prominence across all communications identity communicate a consistent
space’, and size guidelines. requiring use of the UWI identity. message of quality and excellence.

Brand Identity Guidelines 11

The Coat of Arms

The following description of the According to the College of Arms, The Coat of Arms may be used
University’s Coat of Arms is taken London (the British Imperial independently of The UWI
from the University Calendar: authority on heraldic devices), The wordmark only in official university
University College of the West Indies communications such as diplomas
“Forming the main background was granted the following Arms on and certificates. It is important to
of the shield is the sea represented July 18, 1949: note that most institutions of higher
by white and blue (three each) education have their own Coat of
wavy lines on which is the open Barry wavy of six Argent and Azure Arms. On their own, Coats of Arms
book; the upper part of the shield, an open Book proper bound Gules are largely indistinguishable from
the chief, is red with a Lion to garnished OR on a Chief of the third a one another and difficult to attribute
show the connection with the Lion passant guardant Erminois. to a particular institution. Hence, it
Crown, but the Lion is covered Crest: A Pelican proper is important to use The UWI Coat
with black spots. This is the Lion of Arms as part of the official UWI
borne by H.R.H. Princess Alice, (Grants 111.231) identity in all possible circumstances
Countess of Athlone, appointed to ensure its proper identification
by the King (George VI) to be The background of the main part of with the University. Usage of the
the first Chancellor, so that this the shield comprises six wavy stripes Coat of Arms without the wordmark
appointment is recorded forever of white and blue; the open book is should be limited.
in the Arms of the University. proper, in other words its natural
The Crest is the brown Pelican colours, although its binding is
which fishes in its prehistoric red (Gules) with gold/yellow (OR)
fashion along the coasts of all tooling; the top third (the Chief) is
the Caribbean lands: the pelican red and the lion is gold/yellow with
is a symbol of care for the young black ermine tail spots all over it.
because of the medieval, but
untrue, belief that it punctures Crest: A Pelican proper. The pelican
its breast to feed its young on its is painted as in nature. It is standing
blood. It is also used as crest by on a Crest Wreath, originally made
both Corpus Christi Colleges of of twisted silk to cover over the join
Oxford and Cambridge. of where the crest (made of wood
or boiled leather) meets the helmet
worn at a tournament. The silk is a
twist of the principal colours of the
shield, in this case: blue and white,
starting with white.

The Motto is
“Oriens Ex Occidente Lux”
(A light rising from the West)

12 Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:






Brand Identity Guidelines 13

Logo Elements

The UWI identity consists of two elements: the Coat of Arms and the Wordmark.

coat of arms

The UWI Coat of Arms should not be Efforts should be made not to and wordmark is fixed. (The spacing
manipulated in any way. The Coat of duplicate any of the individual between the two elements should not
Arms’proportions have been carefully identity elements manually. Use the be altered).
designed. Condensing, expanding, or electronic versions of the Coat of
skewing it damages its balance and Arms provided with this manual. The
degrades the Coat of Arms. spacing between the Coat of Arms

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The Wordmark Visual Identity GUIDELINES

The Coat of Arms should always be used in a combination with the wordmark. While the abbreviation of the University
name to “UWI” is permitted, it should be used only when the full University name is not necessary, such as for an
internal audience or when there is high familiarity with the “UWI” identity. When “UWI” is used it must appear in the
approved typeface TRAJAN BOLD.




Brand Identity Guidelines 15

The Wordmark Typeface

The UWI Coat of Arms should always be used in a combination with the wordmark. The wordmark must appear in
the approved typeface TRAJAN BOLD.


abcdefghijk lmn
opqrstu v w x yz

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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Alternate Logos Visual Identity GUIDELINES

Alternate Logos • Is your faculty, department, centre, institute or unit
The UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark supersedes funded, in whole or part, by The University of the West
all logos and artwork created by various faculties, Indies? If yes, you will be asked to explain why the
departments, units and centres of the University, University’s overall identity and position would not be
and ideally should be the only symbol used on the diminished by a separation from the University’s brand
University’s print materials,websites,communications identity.
and other materials. Individual faculties, schools,
departments or offices should not create their own • Does including The University of the West Indies Coat of
logo or visual identity, nor should they alter the Arms/wordmark violate laws, contractual agreements or
wording, configuration or appearance of the UWI regulations imposed by an external agency?
wordmark. Doing so only diminishes the University’s
efforts to present a coordinated and professional • Does your programme involve other agencies or external
appearance and creates confusion in the public mind interests that would not be adequately represented by the
about whether an entity is part of The University of University’s Coat of Arms/wordmark?
the West Indies.
In deciding whether to approve your exemption, authorities
Requests for Exemptions will consider:
The UWI Coat of Arms and/or wordmark must be • Whether your group’s mission is consistent with, and
prominently placed on all printed materials, electronic
materials and websites created by or in support of UWI a part of, the University’s core mission.
entities. If there are extreme mitigating circumstances, • Whether your target audience(s) is/are the same as the
application can be made for an exemption from this
rule. Requests will be reviewed by the University and/ core University’s audience(s).
or Campus Marketing and Communications Offices • Whether public perception would clearly be enhanced
in collaboration with the Office of the University
Registrar, who is the final authority. Before applying by your unit’s separation from the University.
for exemption, consider these questions: • Whether your dean, director or department head

• Can your faculty, department, centre, institute supports your request to use a separate identity.
or unit use the UWI Coat of Arms/wordmark
with your name? If the answer is no, you will be To apply for an exemption from The University of the West
asked to explain how using the UWI Coat of Arms/ Indies Coat of Arms and/or wordmark policy, please send
wordmark with your name would substantially written requests to:
inhibit your faculty, department, unit, centre
programme or group from achieving its goals. University Marketing & Communications Office
The University of the West Indies
• Can you use the overall graphic look (i.e. photos, St. Augustine Campus,
design) of your marketing and communications Trinidad & Tobago
materials to project unique identity, while still West Indies
including the UWI Coat of Arms/wordmark? If the
answer is no, you will be asked to explain why using T: (868) 662-2002 ext. 84246 / 82316
the UWI Coat of Arms/wordmark will confuse F: (868) 645-6396
stakeholders and key audiences. E:

Brand Identity Guidelines 17

Campus Sub-Brands (continued)

A coordinated family of sub-brands is derived through an extension of the UWI identity.
Creating custom logos or identities for new sub-brands is discouraged.


When the country name and region are not necessary, such as for an internal audience,
they can be dropped from the identity

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Campus Sub-Brands (continued) Visual Identity GUIDELINES


Brand Identity Guidelines 19

Campus Sub-Brands (continued)


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Campus Sub-Brands (continued) Visual Identity GUIDELINES


Brand Identity Guidelines 21

Campus Sub-Brands (continued)


22 Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
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Preferred Formats Visual Identity GUIDELINES

There are preferred formats of the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark to be used.
The usage is determined on a case-by-case basis and influenced by space restrictions and other design considerations.




Brand Identity Guidelines 23

Preferred Formats (continued)

The abbreviation of the University name to “UWI” is permitted. It should be used only when the full University name
is not necessary, such as for an internal audience or when there is high familiarity with the “UWI” identity. When
“UWI” is used it must appear in the approved typeface TRAJAN BOLD.


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Minimum Surrounding Space Visual Identity GUIDELINES

A minimum amount of open space around the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark should always be maintained. This
allows the Coat of Arms and wordmark to function effectively without competing with other visual elements. (No
other elements should impede this highlighted area.)

Brand Identity Guidelines 25

Minimum Printable Size

The preferred minimum reproduction size for the UWI Coat of Arms is ¾”. However in certain limited and exceptional
circumstances, such as calling cards, a smaller reproduction size of ½” is applied.

smallest ½“
size limit


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Incorrect Usage Visual Identity GUIDELINES

Building a consistent visual identity for UWI requires a consistent usage pattern of the Coat of Arms and wordmark.
The Coat of Arms and wordmark should never be altered or re-designed to fit a given application.



Wordmark should not encircle Wordmark should not include

the Coat of Arms punctuations

Brand Identity Guidelines 27

Colour Reproduction

When using the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark in black and white applications in publications, the official grayscale
version is the preferred option. When using the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark in full colour applications in
publications, the official CMYK version is the preferred option.


The UWI Coat of Arms should never be printed in any other colours besides full colour, grayscale, black or white. If
a Line Art Coat of Arms is being used, it should not appear in any other colours outside of black or white, or reversed
out of a background. The word mark should also never appear in any other colour but black, white or reversed out of
a background.


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Colour Reproduction (continued) Visual Identity GUIDELINES

When using the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark in production of signage, screen printing jobs or on merchandise,
the official vector version is the preferred option. For flexibility, vector black and white, grayscale, spot and vector full
colour (CMYK) options are available.



With CMYK (also called process or four-colour printing) there is the possibility that colours can vary between print
houses and even between print runs, since the colour matching is based on the printer’s judgments. In contrast, spot
colour printing is more exacting and there is no variation in colours, since the pantones are pre-mixed specifically to
the set international reference codes.

Brand Identity Guidelines 29

Correct Colour Usage

In applying the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark to various situations, it will be necessary to make case-by-case
decisions regarding appropriateness of background colours. In general, a solid colour, a photograph, or a pattern with
sufficient contrast to the full colour or single colour version of the Coat of Arms and wordmark serve as the broad
guidelines for background selection. The selected background – whether solid colour, photo or patterned – should not
be visually conflicting. Rather, it should provide sufficient contrast to allow all elements of the UWI Coat of Arms to
be sufficiently recognizable. The examples below are meant to provide the necessary guidance in building consistency
in the use of backgrounds and colour treatments with the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark.




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Watermark Usage Visual Identity GUIDELINES

The UWI Coat of Arms can be used as a “watermark” background image only in certain limited instances, for example,
on invitations from the Offices of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor or Campus Principals only.

Brand Identity Guidelines 31


Everyday communications are an important tool in building the UWI brand identity. In most instances, UWI stationery
is a primary point of communication with various audiences. It is important that institutional stationery take on a
consistent identity.

Primary Stationery Typeface
ITC BOOKMAN is the primary UWI typeface. Consistent use of this typeface will reinforce the UWI identity.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

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Letterheads Visual Identity GUIDELINES

Dimensions: 8 ½” x 11” While it is strongly encouraged
(216mm x 279mm), which is a that official UWI stationery use
standard size for letterheads. the full colour version to maintain
the strongest visual impact, it is
Paper stock: White laid or acknowledged that in some cases it
white bond paper may be appropriate to use the more
economical black and white version.

11” H

8 ½”W


Brand Identity Guidelines 33

Letterheads (continued)

Continuation Sheets CONTINUATION SHEET
Continuation sheets should be plain
sheets of white laid or white bond

The type of paper used for the
continuation sheet should match the
paper used for the letterhead, i.e., a
white laid continuation sheet should
be used with a white laid letterhead.

There should be no type or design on
continuation sheets.

11” H

8 ½”W


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Letterheads: Special Cases Visual Identity GUIDELINES

A strong and consistent UWI
image requires that all audiences
clearly recognise communication
emanating from different areas of
the University as coming from UWI
in general. While different units
may feel the need to have their own
distinct identity, the University as a
whole benefits from the sharing of a
common and unified visual presence.
Developing individual identities
within the University community are
discouraged in most situations.

It is, however, acknowledged that
there will be special stationery cases
requiring the usage of the official
UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark in
addition to another logo that has an
established awareness and purpose
among a given target audience. The
example on this page serves as a guide
to maintain a consistent treatment of
these special cases while guaranteeing
that a strong and professional
University image is maintained.


Brand Identity Guidelines 35


Envelopes (letter-sized) Please refer to the minimum printable
Dimensions: 9 1/2” x 4 1/8” size guidelines on page 26.
(241mm x 105mm), which is a
standard size for envelopes. For other plain envelopes, i.e.
those that are not printed with the
Envelopes (other sizes) Coat of Arms and Wordmark, the
All other printed envelopes can Department or Office’s rubber stamp
follow the letter-sized envelope in should appear in the bottom, left
terms of design and layout, once the corner.
proportion of the Coat of Arms to
type is maintained.


8mm 4 1/8”

9 1/2”


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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Rubber Stamps Visual Identity GUIDELINES

Rubber Stamp 21mm (NOT ACTUAL SIZE) 11pt
with Coat of Arms 7pt
The UWI Coat of Arms should 97mm 7pt
always be used in a combination with
the wordmark. The wordmark must
appear in the approved typeface
TRAJAN BOLD. All type must
appear in the approved UWI typeface

Rubber Stamp 9pt 39mm
without Coat of Arms 9pt
All type must appear in the approved



Brand Identity Guidelines 37

Call cards

Specifications for all official University callcards are provided in the example below.
Users are advised to strictly adhere to these guidelines.

The UWI Coat of Arms should always be used in a combination with the wordmark. The wordmark must appear in the
approved typeface TRAJAN BOLD. All other type must appear in the approved UWI typeface ITC BOOKMAN.

Dimensions: 3 1/2” x 2 1/8” (89mm x 52mm)
Card stock: White card stock 300 gsm.

Allow 5mm of white space all around the card from the edge.

10pt 2 1/8”





3 1/2”

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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Compliments Slips Visual Identity GUIDELINES

Specifications for all official University compliments slips are provided in the example below.
Users are advised to strictly adhere to these guidelines.
The UWI Coat of Arms should always be used in a combination with the wordmark. The wordmark must appear in the
approved typeface TRAJAN BOLD. All other type must appear in the approved UWI typeface ITC BOOKMAN.
Dimensions: 5” x 4” (127mm x 102mm)
Paper stock: White laid or white bond paper






Brand Identity Guidelines 39

Memorandum Forms

Dimensions: 8 ½” x 11” (216mm x 279mm)
Paper stock: White laid or white bond paper

8 ½”W

appears 78mm from “DATE” and
the top of the page SUBJECT” starts
and is 14pt bold 90 mm from the
top of the page
11” H and is 10 mm from
left margin and
10pt normal

Memorandum Continuation Sheet

40 Continuation Sheets
Continuation sheets should be plain sheets of white laid or white bond paper.
The type of paper used for the continuation sheet should match the paper
used for the memorandum, i.e. a white laid continuation sheet should be
used with a white laid memorandum. There should be no type or design on
continuation sheets.

Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Fax Cover Page Visual Identity GUIDELINES

Dimensions: 8 ½” x 11” (216mm x 279mm)
Paper stock: White bond paper
Fax cover pages have the same format as letterheads with the fax headings included as shown in the example below.

appears 78 mm from “DATE:” and “NO
the top edge of the OF PAGES (including
page, in 14 pt., bold. cover sheet):” appear
“TO:”, 90 mm from the top
“ORGANISATION:”, edge of the page and
“PHONE NO:” and 126 mm from the
“FAX NO” follow 90 left edge of the page
mm from the top in 10 pt, normal.
edge of the page and
10 mm from the left “MESSAGE:”
edge of the page, in appears 125 mm
10 pt., normal. from the top edge
of the page, in 14 pt,
8 ½”W bold.

(NOT ACTUAL SIZE) “If this message
appears to be
please telephone
the sender
appears bottom,
centre of the page,
262 mm from the
top edge of the page,
in 9pt., normal.

Brand Identity Guidelines 41

News Releases

Dimensions: 8 ½” x 11” (216mm x 279mm).
Paper stock: White bond paper

11” H

8 ½”W

42 Continuation Sheets
Continuation sheets should be plain sheets of white, bond paper.

News Release Continuation Sheet

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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Invitations Visual Identity GUIDELINES

The sample invitation below serves as a guide to the layout of a typical formal invitation.
The University name must always appear in the approved UWI typeface TRAJAN BOLD.
The font used for other information appearing on the invitation and the general graphic treatment of the invitation is
left to the discretion of the Department or Office issuing the invitation.

7” H

5” W

Brand Identity Guidelines 43

E-mail and E-mail Signatures

The following are recommended Mrs. Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill
guidelines for e-mail signatures for staff University and Campus Director - Marketing & Communications
e-mail accounts. The Marketing & Communications Office
The University of the West Indies
Employee’s full name St. Augustine Campus
(BOLD/CAPS LOWER CASE) Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
T: 868-662-2002 ext 2315, 2324
Employee’s job title F: 868-645-6396 or 868-662-3858
Office attached E:
Find us on
The University of the West Indies Website:
(BOLD/ALL CAPS) Facebook:
Campus location Twitter:
Country, West Indies
(BOLD/LOWER CASE) CONFIDENTIALITY: This email (including any attachments) may contain
confidential, proprietary and/or privileged information. Any duplication,
T: (country code) – number copying, distribution, dissemination, transmission, disclosure or use in any
F: (country code) – number manner of this email (including any attachments) without the authorisation
E: official uwi email address of the sender is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email (including any
(NORMAL/CAPS LOWER CASE) attachments) in error, please notify the sender and delete this email (including
any attachments) from your system. Thank you.
CONFIDENTIALITY: This email NOTE: It is recommended that staff refrain
(including any attachments) may from the use of quotes or epigraphs in order
contain confidential, proprietary and/or to avoid the potential confusion of external
privileged information. Any duplication, audiences assuming a particular statement
copying, distribution, dissemination, represents the University’s official slogan,
transmission, disclosure or use in any ideology, or brand promise.
manner of this email (including any
attachments) without the authorisation
of the sender is strictly prohibited. If
you receive this email (including any
attachments) in error, please notify the
sender and delete this email (including
any attachments) from your system.
Thank you.


44 Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Trademarks and Licensing Policy Visual Identity GUIDELINES

It is important that the University maintains control over the use of its trademarks and, where appropriate, achieves
revenue from licensing their use. Unauthorized use of the UWI trademarks is prohibited. To pursue licensing, or to
obtain advice on trademark use, contact the Legal Unit or Marketing and Communications Offices.

Brand Identity Guidelines 45

Partnered Identity

From time to time the University may Placement Minimum size
enter into various partnerships with Where the UWI Coat of Arms and While the UWI Coat of Arms and
other businesses and organizations, and wordmark appear in conjunction with wordmark may be resized to suit varied
as part of the partnership, businesses another logo, the preferred placement applications, the proportions must
and organizations may be allowed for the UWI Coat of Arms and be maintained. For legibility in print
limited usage of the UWI Coat of Arms wordmark is top, left with partnered applications, it is recommended that
and wordmark in promotional and identity or logo on the top, right. the Coat of Arms never be  reproduced
communication material. However, where there may be height or smaller than ¾” in height, as discussed
other design constraints, the UWI Coat on page 26 of this manual. Legibility
Businesses, organizations or institutions of Arms and wordmark may adopt must also be maintained for Web
using the UWI Coat of Arms and alternative positioning arrangements. applications.
wordmark, must abide by ALL the e.g.such as where the UWI Coat of Arms
guidelines outlined in this manual. appears alongside the Coat of Arms Preferred colour options
Special attention should however, be of countries. In such cases, Country Full colour CMYK and Vector versions
placed on the following: Coat of Arms takes precedence. The of the UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark
critical factor in these circumstances are available. Alternate grayscale, black
Appropriate prominence is to maintain the standards regarding & white versions, or reversed out of
When displayed in association with minimum surrounding space, as black or another colour are also allowed
another logo,the UWI Coat of Arms and discussed on page 25 of this manual as discussed on pages 28-30 of this
wordmark should be given appropriate manual. Please note that the UWI Coat
prominence. A partner’s logo should Minimum Surrounding space of Arms should not be printed in any
never be more prominent than the Minimum surrounding space require- other colour(s) besides full colour, or
UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark. ments for the UWI Coat of Arms and black and white. Any deviations to this
Colour, shape and boldness should be wordmark must be observed, as dis- rule must be approved by University
taken into account when considering cussed on page 25 of this manual. No Marketing & Communications or the
the size of the UWI Coat of Arms and other graphic elements, such as text relevant Campus Principal, Registrar
wordmark in relation to a partner. and images should appear in this area. and/orMarketingandCommunications

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T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

Partnered Identity (continued)

Logo options Size and placement of UWI logo
The UWI Coat of Arms and wordmark relative to role in an event
should always be used in a combination
with the wordmark in the approved 1. If UWI is the lead sponsor or
typeface TRAJAN BOLD. Usage of the lead organisation: its logo should
Coat of Arms without the wordmark have more prominence than other
is restricted and such applications partners.
must be approved by the Office of the
University Registrar or the University’s 2. If UWI is one of two or more equal
Marketing & Communications Offices co-sponsors: the logos ought to
acting on behalf of the Office of the appear at the same size and share
University Registrar. equidistant placement.

Formal agreement and approvals It is recommended that the University
Where the UWI Coat of Arms and Marketing & Communications be
wordmark is to appear in conjunction consulted early in process to ensure
with another logo, it must be subject proper logo usage.
to formal agreement and approval by
the Office of the University Registrar
or the University’s Marketing &
Communications Offices acting on
behalf of the Office of the University

Variations to these guidelines can only
be authorized by the Office of the
University Registrar.

Brand Identity Guidelines 47

Campus Colour Palette

These supporting colours are to be used separately or in conjunction as the official UWI colours.

cave hill campus mona campus

pantone pantone
130c 185c

open campus st. augustine campus

pantone pantone
144c 300c

48 Need additional information? Contact: University Marketing & Communications
T: (868) 662-2002 ext.82315 / 82324 • E:

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