Self-Pay Early Out Patient Recoveries
Enhance the Patient Experience & Increase Self-Pay Payments with
Patient-Focused Center Technology
Reduce bad debt referrals, In consumer-driven healthcare, patient satisfaction is vital at every point of
improve patient satisfaction, interaction. That’s why we put the patient experience back into the revenue
& increase reimbursement cycle. Through an industry-leading combination of patient-focused contact
from self-pay patients. center technology and patient-friendly representatives, we increase self-pay
reimbursement rates while creating a positive patient experience.
“The quality of service that we
shown to our patients made
Convergent a natural choice ▪ 30 years of technology investment in world-class telecommunications and
for our self-pay receivables.”
workforce management systems now customized to the healthcare
Director, Patient Financial Services environment.
A Midwest Healthcare System ▪ Our ability to contact your patients quickly enhances satisfaction with
“Our primary focus is to help our increased communication from our patient-friendly representatives.
clients improve their financial
position from the very start, while DIGITAL PATIENT EXPERIENCE
strengthening relationships with
patients, physicians, and the ▪ Mobile payment portal
available 24/7/365 to
Mike Meyer, CEO patients with immediate
access, at their convenience,
Convergent Revenue Cycle Management through any mobile device.
Convergent Revenue Cycle Management ▪ View statements
13575 Heathcote Blvd., Suite 300 ▪ Make payment and/or
Gainesville, VA 20155
(404) 849-5514 payment arrangements
▪ Enhanced patient communications
▪ As part of our 5-star Client Advocacy Program, you receive a team of
dedicated patient advocates, along with an operations manager, to
ensure you receive the attention you need. Ongoing education,
performance reporting, and account support are always a single call away!