By:Ammar Basyir bin A Baruwi
is one of
place to
I want to
Polish Boy Shaker Lemon Pie
Sausage Sandwich The ingredients of Shaker
that consists of a Lemon
link Pie is lemon,white sugar and
of kielbasa sausage eggs.It also call as Ohio
Lemon Pie
placed in a bun,
and covered with a Buckeyes
layer of french made from a peanut
fries, a layer butter fudge partially
of barbecue dipped in chocolate to
sauce and a layer leave a circle of peanut
of coleslaw.
butter visible.
Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Hocking Hills State Park Amish Country
Referred to as the Rock Hall, is A state park in the Hocking Hills region. The second-largest community
of Amish in the world, with in 2021 an
a museum and hall of fame. The museum Within the park are over 25 miles (40 km)
estimated 80,240 members.It also
documents the history of rock music and of hiking trails, rock formations, waterfalls, highest concentration of Amish in any
US county.The Amish make up half the
the artists, producers, engineers, and other and recess caves. The park contains seven
population of Holmes County
notable figures who have influenced its separate hiking areas to Whispering Cave.
How to reach Ohio
There are 4 ways to go to Ohio:
• by plane By plane you can enter Ohio on main
• by car airport in Ohio that’s call John Glenn
• by train
• by bus Columbus International
Airport.Amstrak Station is main
train station in Ohio.It has many route
like Cleveland,Lakewood and
Shaker Heights.Lastly,we can enter
Ohio by bus.The main bus station in
Ohio is Columbus Bus Station.
Ohio has many interesting place to
visit.Here are normal in Ohio and not
danger as say in social media to make
some funny memes.Some Ohio culture are
very fun and doesn’t boring at
all.Beautiful scenery in some places in Ohio
that gives you a soothing feeling.
Thank you for