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Published by Brett.Shone, 2022-06-12 14:58:07

Golden Corner Base JUNE 2022 Newsletter

Golden Corner Base JUNE 2022 Newsletter


Golden Corner Base

Issue 029


We Remember be surprised if we investigate. Not sure? Golden Corner Base remembers
See page 7 for a link that may help. the loss of submariners and
by The Editor boats…page 8
Be sure to watch out for the coming heat
Hello Shipmates, of summer. The forecast looks HOT. How many seas have you
Stay hydrated, wear protective clothing, sailed?…page 7
We welcome new shipmate Brian Morley limit your time in the sun. Don’t forget
to Golden Corner Base. Brian qualified about outdoor pets.
in 1985 on USS George C Marshall SSBN
654. Welcome aboard! Hope to see you this Wednesday….if you
can afford the gas.
Sadly, we say farewell to Bill Doe. See
the Commander’s notes on page 5 in Fair Winds & Calm Seas,
remembrance of Bill. Sailor, rest your
oars, we have the watch. Brett

The Tolling of the Boats at the Easley EDITOR
Library on Memorial Day turned out
quite nicely, with a small audience. Brett Shone, [email protected]
Despite the heat, we all survived. This
served as a suitable dry run for further
events of this type.

I was not able to get everything into this
newsletter that you all sent me. It will
make it into future issues.

Luis’s challenge remains tabled…. who
has sailed the most seas? We may each


Tolling of the Boats

Honoring our fallen submarine heroes  USS Bonefish (SS-223)  USS O-9 (SS-70)
is fundamental to our creed as
members of U.S. Submarine Veterans Lost on June 18, 1945 with the loss of 85 Lost on Jun 20, 1941 with the loss of 33
(USSVI), which is… men when sunk near Suzu Misaki. men when it foundered off Isle of
Winner of 3 Navy Unit Citations, Shoals, 15 miles from Portsmouth, NH.
“To perpetuate the memory of Bonefish was on her 8th war patrol.
our shipmates who gave their After sinking a passenger-cargoman,  USS Runner (SS-275)
lives in the pursuit of their duties Bonefish was subjected to a savage
while serving their country.” depth charge attack. Lost between June 26 & July 4th 1943
with the loss of 78 men. Runner was on
 USS Herring (SS-233)  USS S-27 (SS-132) her 3rd war patrol probably due to a
mine. Prior to her loss, she reported
Lost on June 1, 1944 with the loss of 83 Lost on June 19, 1942 when it grounded sinking a freighter and a passenger-
men near Matsuwa Island. Herring was off Amchitka Island. She was on the cargoman off the Kuriles. This boat's last
on her 8th war patrol and was surface in poor visibility, charging known ship sunk happened on June
conducting a surface attack when a batteries and drifted into the shoals. 26th, so she probably hit that mine on or
shore battery spotted her and made 2 When she could not be freed and started after that date but before July 4th, when
direct hits on her conning tower and listing, the captain got the entire crew to she was scheduled back at Midway.
causing her loss. Before being sunk, she shore (400 yards away) in relays using a
had sank a freighter and a passenger- 3-man rubber raft. The entire crew was
cargoman. Herring was the only US subsequently rescued.
submarine sunk by a land battery.

 USS R-12 (SS-89) R-12 (SS-89) in a harbor, during the 1920s or
early 1930s. Note the large "X" painted on this
Lost on June 12, 1943 with the loss of 42 submarine's fairwater. Photo courtesy of
men near Key West, FL during a practice USNHC photograph # NH 41517.
torpedo approach. The cause was
probably due to flooding through a
torpedo tube. The CO and 2 other men
on the bridge survived, as did 18 crew
members on liberty at the time of the

 USS Golet (SS-361)

Lost on June 14, 1944 with the loss of 82
men. On her 2nd war patrol, Golet was
apparently lost in battle with
antisubmarine forces north of Honshu.


USSVI NEWS 2. The Website Technical Team has done You may vote by USPS mail by filling in
amazing work and remained anonymous the ballot in the American Submariner.
6/1/2022: Website info until now – here are their names and You cannot vote by both methods; mail
Bases: and email. Your vote will not be counted.
Base Commanders,
Tim Carlisle, Commander, Mare Island No proxy voting is not allowed.
Please inform the member(s) of your Base
base responsible for base (new Bill Stuple, Treasurer Volunteer Base Dual-Base members may only vote for
members, change of officers, etc.) to the Gerry Smith, Wyoming Base the Regional Director of their Primary
USSVI National Website to send them by Vinny McCrum, Secretary Volunteer Base Base Region. ESR District 2 is in the
e-mail to our national officer manager Southeast Region.
Dennis Nardone in lieu of incorporating 3. We have the final backup received
them to our national website. In short yesterday from the site we have currently We were notified at the last Board
effect immediately only use our current been using. Please do not save or meeting that some ballots had already
national web for reference purposes only. anything to that site going forward as it been received. Hope these were not of
will not be brought over. Our National our District 2 members, as the ballots will
We have imported the final database from Commander emailed Base Commanders NOT be counted.
our current website and any items and Tools users concerning this
uploaded/updated from today forward will yesterday. We are leaving the site up Voting (email or mail) will begin at 0001
not be retained for later use. until our rebuilt old site is up June 15th on June 24th and will end at 2359 on
August 23, 2022. Mail-in ballots must be
A reconstituted version of our current 4. We are confident we will complete the received by August 23, 2022 to be
website is near completion, and everyone rebuilt rehosted site by June 15th. Prior to counted.
will be notified when it is complete and the proposed June 15th release of this
ready for use. This reconstituted site will site, it will have been tested by our Dates to remember:
be used in the interim between our website development team to find and
current website shutdown and the new eliminate any bugs. But as with any new Online ballot voting location will be
Blackbaud website becoming active. website development, some bugs may be emailed by June 23, 2022
missed. If discovered we are asking for
Regards and thank you for your membership assistance in bringing these Online and mail-in paper ballot Voting
cooperation, Wayne Standerfer to our attention by sending them to starts at 0001 on June 24, 2022
[email protected] .
USSVI N Online Voting ends at 2300 on August
5. Blackbaud database and website are 23, 2022
6/3/2022: New website proceeding nicely. Our scheduled go live
date is by the 3rd week of August. We Mail-in paper ballots must be received
Hello USSVI, will not shift over to the Blackbaud by August 23, 2022
website and database until then.
Here is the monthly for June: Election Results will be announced at the
6. We really appreciate all of the National Convention
1. I have completed providing website questions, positive comments, and
on Zoom – you can see two different patience you have all exhibited during this Thanks,
recordings below: transition and are grateful for that support.
Wayne E. Phillips (former USN TM2(SS)
Northeast Region Pride Runs Deep, Launcher Tech) Tim Carlisle USSVI ES2 District Commander (2017 -
Central Region 2022 USSVI National USSVI District Commander of the Year Election Voting Dates (2021-2022)
USSVI Denizens of the Deep Base
Kudos to Ron Martini for posting it on his Hopefully all of you have read your Commander (2021 - Present)
BBS site! American Submariner by now and know
all about this years National Election. Link to Previous American
Submariner Magazines:
This year a 3rd-Party website will be
doing our election; all members with email Past Issues:
will be given the log-in information via
email by June 24th. If you do not receive
this by then you may contact Tom Conlon
at [email protected] for the link.



USSVI ANNIVERSARY I am sad to report that William Leslie
Jack Jeffries 2007 Doe (known to us as Bill Doe) went
Tom Vaughan 2011 on Eternal Patrol June 8, 2022. The
funeral services will be at McDougald
GOLDEN CORNER BASE Funeral Home 2211N.Main Street,
ANNIVERSARY Anderson SC on June 23, 2022, at
Recruit a new base member for June! 1100 hours. Interment will be at the
M.J. Dolly Cooper Veteran Cemetery
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! in Anderson, South Carolina.
Dalton James 1928
Dave Rocheville 1940 Bill served from 1958 until 1978 in the
Paul Sandy 1941 US Submarine Service. He worked at
Jim Fuller 1953 the shipyard in Groton, Connecticut
Tom Vaughan 1954 after retiring from the Navy. He was
Luis Garcia1962 truly a submarine sailor. You can go
to the funeral home website for more

Base Commander: Ed Evering I need to report more bad news.
Sr. Vice Commander: Wayne Norm Garrett’s Dad passed within the
Hensarling last week in Charleston, South
Secretary: David Rocheville Carolina. Norm’s dad was 97 and
Treasurer: Richard Franklin passed with his family around him
Chief Of The Boat: Tom Vaughan peacefully.
Chaplain: Wayne Hensarling
Eagle Scout Chair: Luis Garcia Dalton’s bride Kay suffered a fall and
Newsletter Editor: Brett Shone was hospitalized at Greenville
Librarian: Brett Shone Memorial. Dalton stated she is
recovering but will be in the hospital
about a week or so more.

The Base Float is in a shop in
Duncan, South Carolina undergoing a
refit to repair her nose cone. Also,
some repairs to the sail area are
being done as well. I hope the work
will be completed in the next two
weeks. Qualification for operators
should be done in the near term as
well. Anyone wishing to learn to
operate the float please let me know.

The Tolling of the Boat Ceremony at
Easley Library was a success with
the 1st time public performance. Wish
to thank Luis Garcia, Walker
Bousman and Brett Shone for the
effort to make this event happen.

Base Commander
Ed Evering


Base News… know as “What Shall We Do with the Reykjavík while stationed there on a
Drunken Sailor?” NATO mission.
From the COB….
The original music reportedly comes So what do you do with a drunken
WHAT CAN I DO NOW TO from an Irish tune called ‘Oró Sé do sailor?
PREPARE FOR BURIAL IN A Bheatha ‘Bhaile,’ which means “Óró,
NATIONAL CEMETARY? you are welcome home.” According to the song, there are
several things you can do with a
You should advise your family of your The song’s lore dates back to the drunken sailor: Shave his belly with a
wishes and where your discharge early 1800s, but references are scant. rusty razor, put him in a long boat ‘til
papers are kept. These papers are Its chorus, however, is referenced in he’s sober, stick him in the scupper
very important in establishing your some whaling ship records out of with a hosepipe on him, or put him in
eligibility. Upon request, VA will make New London, Connecticut, in 1839, the bed with the captain’s daughter.
eligibility determinations for burial in a according to Financial Times.
VA national cemetery in advance of Whether or not the U.S. Navy has
need. At the time of need your family It’s easy to understand why seafarers every utilized any of these methods of
would contact a funeral home who are so often associated with punishment is not known. However,
will assist them with making burial excessive spirit consumption. Before any captain who found a drunken
arrangements at the national filtration and modern-day water sailor in bed with his daughter is likely
cemetery. You may wish to make pre- storage aboard ships, it was much to turn to the bottle himself.
need arrangements with a funeral easier to keep alcohol as the main
home. source of potable liquid.

To schedule a burial: Fax all The U.S. Navy indeed had a long
discharge documentation to the history with drink on its vessels
National Cemetery Scheduling Office before its prohibition over 100 years
at 1-866-900-6417 and follow-up with ago.
a phone call to 1-800-535-1117.
On March 27, 1794, Congress
WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A enacted a daily drink ration, which
DRUNKEN SAILOR? THE HISTORY included “one half-pint of distilled
OF THE SEA SHANTY spirits” or “one quart of beer.”

The U.S. Navy has had a long After that, limits on alcohol increased
history with drink on its vessels until finally the U.S. Navy banned it
before its prohibition over 100 on July 1, 1914, under General Order
years ago. 99. The regulation stated, “The use or
introduction for drinking purposes of
By SARAH SICARD 5/31/2022 alcoholic liquors on board any naval
vessel, or within any navy yard or
There is something about sailing the station, is strictly prohibited, and
open seas that comes with the commanding officers will be held
stereotype of being a rum-soaked directly responsible for the
scalawag. enforcement of this order.”

One of the most popular sea shanties However, American sailors have had
of all time is that which we’ve come to dalliances with drunkenness since —
typically at port.

For example, U.S. sailors stationed in
Japan were also banned from
drinking in the country, on- or off-
base, after a sailor was arrested on
suspicion of drunken driving on the
island of Okinawa in 2016.
Restrictions were eased shortly after,
limiting drinking to on-base only.

In Iceland in 2018, a couple thousand
U.S. sailors and Marines drank the
entire beer supply of the capital city of


PREPPING YOUR PROPERTY FOR 6. Keep all expensive and
THE SUMMER favored possessions off the
floor and away from low
1. Have an emergency kit with ground in case of flooding.
these items you probably Keep them in the highest part
already have in your home: of the home preferably.
flashlight(s), battery powered
weather radio, extra batteries 7. Invest in storm windows.
to fit each electronic 8. Keep all patio furniture, grills,
(including cell phone), non-
perishable foods (canned etc. in doors before a
goods and dry foods), lots of summer storm hits. Do not
bottled water, can opener, forget to park your vehicles in
first aid kit (with a the garage!
disinfectant), fire 9. If your town is evacuating
extinguisher, blankets, extra due to a hurricane, secure
clothes, sturdy shoes or and board up windows and
boots, clock or watch, whistle any openings of your home.
to signal for help, important 10. Finally, take those summer
personal items (eyeglasses, storm warnings and alerts
prescriptions, etc.), and seriously, especially tornado
paper documents such as and hurricane warnings!
birth certificates, social Tornadoes and hurricanes
security cards, and other can lead to total property loss
significant legal papers. and even death.

2. Know the safest structure of And, from Luis….
your home to go to during a
severe storm such as a How many seas have you sailed?
basement, underground
cellar, or even the most inner Ever wonder how many seas you
part of your home away from have sailed? Do we know who in the
windows. base has sailed the most seas?
Send me a list of all the seas you
3. Get routine maintenance on have sailed.
your roof and the foundation!
Cracks in the roof are the The map pictured below may help….
number one leading cause to or go this link:
flooding damage.
4. Cut down any unwanted
trees or limbs and get your
trees trimmed before summer
storm season. Trees and
branches can fall on your
property and damage the
siding or windows due to
those powerful 100 mph
thunderstorm winds.

5. Contact your insurance
company to be more familiar
with your policy. Most home
insurers do not cover flooding


Tolling of the Boats By Walker Bousman
Ceremony on Memorial Day
in Easley…. Yesterday, Memorial Day 5/30/2022,
our USSVI Base (United States
Submarine Veterans Inc, Golden
Corner Base
VI ) did a Tolling of the Boats
Ceremony. This is something many of
our USSVI Bases do on Memorial
Day, this was our 1st time, and it
certainly won't be the last.

Our base is centered in a small town,
and we had our ceremony at our town
library at a memorial for Army
Captain Kimberly Hampton, which we
all felt was a very appropriate
location, the helicopter at the
memorial is the type Captain
Kimberly Hampton was flying when
she gave her life.

Please check this reference for her

Tolling of the Boats is to honor our
Submarines/Submarine Brothers who
have been lost from the inception of
our US Submarine Service in 1900.

Our lost shipmates are a small group
of the many lives lost among our
fellow service members in the
Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines/Coast
Guard. We also honored the loss of
members of our USSVI Submarine

Our small crowd included fellow
Golden Corner Base
members/family/friends as well as
someone who came to visit the
Captain Kimberly Hampton Memorial
and stayed on to enjoy the activities.

I'll post a few pictures as well as
some videos, you may have to turn
up the volume a bit to listen.

Yes, a few tears were shed....


you crossed a

Share your

This Ain’t No
Shit….Sub Stories
and History

The world’s only recorded
accident between a car and a
submarine. A Volvo PV544
crashed into a docked sub in
Lysekil, Sweden on the 19th of
August 1961.


Support official base "Bringing friendships to veterans in hospice care"
Upstate-Carolina Adaptive Golf


SUBMARINES IN THE full crew change while at sea that
concluded May 24, 2022.

The Colombian navy Type 209 This previously uncommon underway Alabama is one of eight Ohio-class
class diesel-electric attack change of crew demonstrates how ballistic missile submarines
submarine ARC Tayrona (S29) the Navy and its strategic forces have homeported at Naval Base Kitsap-
conducted a routine port visit at Naval evolved to think, act, and operate Bangor and the eighth U.S. Navy ship
Station Mayport, Florida, May 31, differently in order to meet deterrent to bear the name. The class is
2022. mission tasking while simultaneously designed for extended, undetectable
executing necessary ship lifecycle deterrent patrols and as a launch
Tayrona is scheduled to participate in events. platform for intercontinental ballistic
the Carrier Strike Group 10 missiles.
Composite Training Unit exercise “This event demonstrated our ability
(COMPTUEX). to completely change out the crew of Navy commissions USS
an SSBN at sea and in a location of Oregon (SSN 793)
USS Alabama Conducts our choosing,” said Rear Adm. Robert
Crew Change at Sea M. Gaucher, commander Submarine 28 May 2022
Group 9 and Task Group 114.3. “The From Submarine Readiness
UNITED STATES readiness and flexibility we Squadron (SRS) 32
05.24.2022 demonstrated today adds another GROTON, Connecticut – The Navy
Story by Petty Officer 1st Class Brian layer of uncertainty to adversary commissioned the fast-attack
Reynolds efforts to monitor our SSBN force, submarine USS Oregon (SSN 793) in
Commander, Submarine Group Nine and continues to send a strong a traditional ceremony held Saturday,
NAVAL BASE KITSAP-BANGOR, message to our adversaries that May 28, at Naval Submarine Base
Wash. (May 24, 2022) – The Ohio- ‘Today is not the day.’” New London.
class ballistic missile submarine USS
Alabama (SSBN 731) conducted a Each ballistic missile submarine has
two crews, a blue crew and a gold
crew, which alternate manning.
Previously, the crews would alternate
and resupply between patrols while in
port. The ability to change crews
while underway adds a new dynamic
of flexibility and sustainability while
the submarine is executing their

“This provides an opportunity to keep
the nuclear deterrent at sea
survivable by exchanging the crews
and replenishing the ship’s supplies
in any port or location across the
world,” said Capt. Kelly Laing,
director of maritime operations at
Commander, Task Group 114.3. “Our
SSBNs are no longer tied to their
homeport of record or another naval
port to keep them at sea, ensuring
that we are always executing the
deterrent mission for the U.S. and our


“Oregonians are deeply honored that 2021 and 2022 to celebrate the traditional order to “man our ship and
the 20th Virginia-class submarine will milestones retroactively. bring her to life,” after which Oregon’s
bear the name of our state,” said Sailors ceremonially ran aboard the
Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon, the SSN 793 is the third U.S. Navy ship submarine.
ceremony’s keynote speaker. launched to bear the name Oregon,
but first in more than a century. The Fast-attack submarines are multi-
The Memorial Day Weekend event first, named after the Oregon Territory mission platforms enabling five of the
for USS Oregon – the second of the before Oregon became a state, was a six Navy maritime strategy core
Block IV Virginia-class subs – brigantine in service from 1841-1845. capabilities – sea control, power
represented the first in-person The second was an Indiana-class projection, forward presence,
submarine commissioning ceremony battleship commissioned in 1896 and maritime security and deterrence.
since the commissioning of the USS ultimately decommissioned for the They are designed to excel in anti-
South Dakota (SSN 790) on Feb. 2, final time in 1919. submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare,
2019. strike warfare, special operations,
“As we commission Oregon today, intelligence, surveillance and
“This is the first in-person the torch is passed from our storied reconnaissance, irregular warfare and
commissioning ceremony of a naval history to the present,” said mine warfare. Fast-attack submarines
submarine in more than three years, Ross. “First a brig bearing the name project power ashore with special
and that’s a long time to delay Oregon served as an exploration operations forces and Tomahawk
celebrations like this one,” Tommy vessel in the mid-19th century, and cruise missiles in the prevention or
Ross, performing the duties of later as an Indiana-class battleship, preparation of regional crises.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Oregon served in the Spanish-
Research, Development and American War and helped destroy “Oregon and the other Virginia-class
Acquisition, told the assembled (famed Spanish Adm. Pascual submarines will not only sustain, but
audience Saturday, adding: “As we Cervera y Topete’s) fleet. Today, exploit our edge in undersea
honor the fallen this Memorial Day Oregon breaks her flag again and warfare,” said Adm. Frank Caldwell,
Weekend, I’d also like to remember returns to sea, reborn as an director of the Naval Nuclear
the many service members who extraordinarily capable fast-attack Propulsion Program, at the Saturday
made the ultimate sacrifice to keep submarine.” ceremony. “Soon Oregon will employ
this great nation free.” her stealth, her flexibility, her superior
USS Oregon is 377 feet long, has a firepower and her endurance to travel
Because of restrictions on large 34-foot beam and is able to dive to silently throughout the world’s oceans
gatherings in response to the COVID- depths greater than 800 feet and undetected, collecting intelligence,
19 pandemic, the 2020 operate at speeds in excess of 25 preparing for battle and – if necessary
commissionings of USS Vermont knots. She has a crew of nearly 140 – striking from the deep swiftly
(SSN 792) and USS Delaware (SSN Navy personnel. without warning to answer the
791) were completed administratively, nation’s call.”
with ceremonies held at later dates in “The passion, grit and enthusiasm of
Oregon’s crew has carried the ship to Block IV Virginia-class submarines
sea and were vital to the completion incorporate design changes focused
of construction and testing,” said on reduced total ownership cost. By
Cmdr. Lacy Lodmell, commanding making these smaller-scale design
officer of USS Oregon. “I have been changes to increase the component-
deeply honored to see you grow into level lifecycle of the submarine, the
a team that is ready to undertake any Navy will increase the periodicity
mission we are assigned. This is between depot maintenance
without a doubt the finest crew I have availabilities and increase the number
ever had the pleasure to serve with.” of deployments.

The submarine Oregon was
previously christened in a traditional
ceremony at General Dynamics
Corp.’s Electric Boat shipyard in
Groton, Connecticut, on Oct. 5, 2019.

Dana L. Richardson, the wife of
former Chief of Naval Operations
Adm. John Richardson, is the ship
sponsor. During Saturday’s
commissioning event, Dana
Richardson gave the crew the


Blocks I-III Virginia-class submarines Today in Naval
are planned to undergo four depot History
maintenance availabilities and
conduct 14 deployments. Block IV 1942
design changes are intended to
reduce planned availabilities by one USS Swordfish (SS 193) sinks
to three, and increase deployments to Japanese freighter Burma Maru
15. northwest of Pulo Wai in the Gulf of
Other speakers at the commissioning
ceremony included Kevin Graney,
president of General Dynamics
Corp.’s Electric Boat shipyard, as well
as U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal and
U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney of
Connecticut. The master of
ceremonies was Lt. Cmdr. Collin
Hedges, executive officer of the USS

Midway Recognition

HICKAM (June 7, 2022) --
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S.
Pacific Fleet, Force Master Chief
Jason Avin from Long Island, N.Y.
addresses Sailors assigned to
Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
during a Battle of Midway recognition
ceremony at the USS Parche
Submarine Park and Memorial at
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,
June 7. The Battle of Midway, fought
over and near the Midway atoll,
approximately 1,500 nautical miles
northwest of Hawaii, represents the
strategic high water mark and turning
point of the Pacific war.


SUBMARINES IN THE president of General Dynamics And while it will carry a majority of
Electric Boat in the company the United States deployed
NEWS statement covering the ceremony. nuclear arsenal, it will also retain
the potent anti-ship and anti-
A Class of Its Own: New U.S. “These submarines are critical for submarine capabilities that other
Navy Submarine Will Be the our national defense, and will submarines have. “In addition to
World's Stealthiest embody the commitment to its complement of missiles, the
excellence our shipbuilders bring submarine will be armed with Mk
to their work each and every day.” 48 torpedoes and will feature
superior acoustic performance
General Electric explained that
and state-of-the-art sensors to
The Columbia-class will replace initial Columbia-class designs make it the most capable and
the U.S. Navy’s Cold War-era “began in 2007 when the Navy quiet submarine ever built,” the
Ohio-class boomers—they’ll also approached Electric Boat to assist company noted.
be the quietest, deadliest in the conceptual design of a Though the USS District of
submarines in existence. replacement for the aging Ohio Columbia is “scheduled for
class, which entered service in the delivery in 2027 and expected to
June 6, 2022 by Caleb Larson early 1980s. The Columbia class begin its first deployment in 2030,”
The National Interest of 12 ships will carry 16 missiles the class “is expected to have a
each, which in total will represent service life into the 2080s.” And,
The Columbia-class will replace approximately 70 percent of the once in service, the Columbia-
the U.S. Navy’s Cold War-era country’s nuclear arsenal.” It class will be the world’s stealthiest
Ohio-class boomers — they’ll also added that “submarines are the and most potent class of
be the quietest, deadliest stealthiest and most survivable of submarines the world has ever
submarines in existence. the nation’s nuclear triad of land, seen.
air and sea-based nuclear
General Dynamics Electric Boat, weapons.”
the United States legendary ship-
builder, laid the keel of the future The USS District of Columbia will
USS District of Columbia, SSBN be the largest submarine ever in
826, and the first of the United service with the United States
States Navy’s Columbia-class Navy. It will also be the most
ballistic missiles submarines. The capable, as “its reactor will not
event took place at General require refueling during the
Electric’s shipyard at Quonset lifetime of planned service making
Point, Rhode Island. the ship more cost-effective to
operate and maximizing its time
The Columbia-class is the United on deployment.”
States Navy’s newest class of
submarines and will number
twelve hulls in total. They will
replace the U.S. Navy’s fourteen
Ohio-class ballistic missile
submarines that carry the sea-
based component of the United
States’ nuclear triad.

“With the Columbia-class
program, the Navy has entrusted
Electric Boat to deliver the next
sixty years of nuclear deterrence
for our nation, continuing the
company’s legacy of delivering
the finest, most technically
advanced submarines in the
world,” said Kevin Graney,


Changes to federal loan members, they make up a significant forgiveness, and too many do not
forgiveness program will portion of program recipients. receive credit for years of payments
benefit troops, vets and DoD Officials said at least 17,000 current they made because of complicated
workers troops will benefit from the new eligibility rules, servicing errors or
rules, but the number could be much other technicalities,” they said in a
From Fleet Reserve Association higher as staff combs through statement. Department leaders also
various loan accounts to see how promised to devote extra attention
Tens of thousands of troops, many of the estimated 550,000 to members of the military.
veterans and civilian defense borrowers expected to benefit had Starting in 2022, staff will match
workers will see large federal loan some military service. department data with other federal
debts reduced or erased under Under current rules, loan forgiveness databases to ensure that all federal
changes to the Public Service Loan recipients must either work full-time workers (including troops)
Forgiveness program recently at a government job — federal, automatically qualify for the debt
announced. The move comes amid state, local and military posts are all relief. That means those individuals
criticism of the program — designed included — or a not-for-profit, non- could see their debts suddenly
to provide financial relief to federal partisan organization such as the erased, without any work on their
workers who make regular payments Peace Corps. It covers individuals part.
on their federal loans — for being too who have direct loans or previously “Military service members and other
cumbersome and unforgiving consolidated federal student loans federal employees devote
instead of being a benefit of public and have been paying down the debt themselves to serving the United
service. for the last 10 years. States, and we should make it as
The rationale behind the program is easy as possible for them to get
In response, the Department of to give those public servants [financial relief],” the department
Education announced changes to financial relief, rather than force announcement stated.
“restore the promise” of the them to leave those public service The changes also include broadening
program and “make it easier for jobs to erase their debts. the types of federal loans previously
members of the military to get credit But in the past, rules surrounding eligible for forgiveness and relaxing
toward forgiveness while they those repayments required strict strict monthly repayment rules.
serve.” monthly guidelines and only covered Until now, roughly 16,000 individuals
certain types of loans. Earlier this have qualified for the Public Service
While the loan forgiveness program week, 60 Minutes profiled multiple Loan Forgiveness program since it
is not solely focused on service service members who paid back tens was launched in 2007.
of thousands of dollars From Fleet Education Department officials said
Reserve Association over a decade, about 22,000 individuals are
only to discover at the end that their expected to benefit from the
loan forgiveness applications had changes immediately, erasing about
been rejected on technicalities. $1.74 billion in debt. Another 27,000
Education Department officials will need to certify their employment
Wednesday’s announcement is to get immediate relief. The new
designed to prevent that from rules will be in effect through
happening again. October 2022, under emergency
“These changes are important steps provisions. However, officials are
toward a better and stronger PSLF expected to codify many of the
program, one that will move away changes over the coming year.
from the current situation in which
too few borrowers receive


VA research will bring For example, evidence has shown
precision medicine to mental that a particular gene metabolizes
health commonly prescribed opioids. The
identification of this gene can help
If you’ve ever needed to change shape decisions about medications,
medication – maybe because of a dosage and addressing any adverse
side effect or because it just wasn’t effects.
working for you – you know that trial To make the leap from the science
and error is often used to identify the lab to the doctor’s office, VA will
best treatment, especially for mental conduct research on the use of a
health conditions. specific type of genetic testing,
called pharmacogenetics, to identify
That practice may soon be a thing of pain medications that may work
the past with recent advances in better, which is particularly
precision medicine, sometimes important for Veterans experiencing
called “personalized medicine,” in opioid use disorder.
which disease prevention and Turning research findings into
medical treatment are tailored to an clinical care for Veterans
individual’s clinical, lifestyle and VA has the opportunity to research
genetic information. brain and mental health biomarkers
among Veterans, thanks to the
While precision medicine has been Commander John Scott Hannon
used in physical health care for some Veterans Mental Health Care
time, precision medicine for mental Improvement Act of 2019. VA’s
health care is in its infancy. Office of Research and Development
and its Office of Mental Health and
Historically, medications have been Suicide Prevention launched the
prescribed for the “average” patient, precision mental health initiative in
a person of average age, weight, April.
metabolism and other traits. But
that one-size-fits-all method doesn’t
work for everyone, which has left
prescribers casting about for a
medication that helps after the most
commonly used one has failed.

Precision medicine determines
which meds most likely to work

Precision medicine, however, takes
the patient’s genes, environment
and lifestyle into account to
determine which medicines are most
likely to work.


underwater battle unlike any that’s been MOVIE HIGHLIGHT
fought before, one that could engulf the
world in war—and bring him face-to-face
with his nemesis.



Terminal Run Dark Waters: An Insider's Account of The Command (formerly Kursk)
by Michael DiMercurio the NR-1, The Cold War's Undercover PG-13 | 1 hr 57 min |
Nuclear Sub Action,Adventure, Drama
Goodreads: 4.09 · 228 ratings by Lee Vyborny, Don Davis
IMDb: 6.6/10 Reviews: 19K
One ship could revolutionize submarine Goodreads: 4.17 · 129 ratings
warfare as we know it: the USS Snarc. A The 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster
robotic combat sub carrying no crew, the A former crewmember offers a detailed is followed by governmental negligence.
Snarc has proven unbeatable in sea trials. description of the U.S. Navy's top-secret, As the sailors fight for survival, their
And now it has fallen into the hands of an four-hundred-ton submarine, an families desperately battle political
unseen enemy. expensive, dangerous vessel with a obstacles and impossible odds to save
custom-built miniature nuclear reactor them.
The Snarc’s first casualty: the nuclear designed as a secret weapon during the
sub carrying the son of former admiral Cold War. Reprint. 25,000 first printing.
Michael Pacino. The only man who can
match wits with the Snarc, Pacino
reenters the game in a high-tech




Saint Lucia
50th Anniversary of the End of World War II
May 8, 1995
Set of four, one stamp depicts a German U-boat off the island.



Experimental Submarine NR-1
Wood carving to scale
Author unknown

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