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Published by lorraine.vandyk, 2022-01-27 15:54:15

Always Believe in Magic




The following are thanked for their financial contribution towards the cost of printing and publishing this book:

AC C E L E R AT E S P O RT Gary Grant
A N D E R S O N FA M I LY In memory of Jumbo
B U RG E R & WALLAC E Terry Wallace, Martin Burger & Pen Brower
Paul le Roux & Lindi Green
CAFÉ ROUX Louis de Waal
John Falconer
FORM-SCAFF Peter le Roux
FORSYTH & NASH Richard Neville
Rick, Simon, Chris & Peter
H AW FA M I LY Bob & Caroline Jones-Davies
Philip & Sue Kilroe
L I F E H E A LT H C A R E John Le Roux
Prof Sakkie Learmonth
ME AND MR BROWN Steve Taylor & Gerry Watt
M E D I C L I N I C, C O N STA N T I A B E R G Dugald Macdonald
Dan Green
N U R I C K FA M I LY Clive Lake
PERSONAL TRUST Graeme Montgomery
In memory of Ivan
SLUG & LETTUCE Keith Andrews, Dave Edgar, Andy Calmeyer
SPORTS SCIENCE INSTITUTE OF SA John Bester, Thando Gobe, Kristin van den Berg,
Khaya Sontsele, Malibuye Tom, June Forte etc.
U C T D EV E LO P M E N T & A LU M N I D E PA RT M E N T Keith Randall
V E R I TAS W E A LT H Greg Bax
ZANETTIN TRUST Morne du Plessis
Dave Steere
Dave & Joy Stewart
Russell Ally
Barry O’Mahony
Philip Kilroe


Francois Pienaar

Varsity Cup founder and Springbok legend

The Varsity Cup is the premier university rugby championship in the world. Therefore it gives me great
pleasure to introduce a book that charts one rugby team’s journey in this competition – from the early pool
matches to the dramatic final. Always believe in Magic is, to my knowledge, the first attempt by a South
African university rugby team to document their Varsity Cup campaign in such a form.

And I must say that the University of Cape Town Rugby Club has an excellent reason for writing this
book: Its spectacular victory in the 2014 final, which provided sporting drama at its very best.

It will be remembered as one of the greatest comebacks in the history of the game. The Ikey Tigers dis-
played unwavering determination and a remarkable ability to turn certain defeat into a last-minute victory.

I applaud their courageous performance all the more because I believe it reflected the true spirit of the
competition, which aims at encouraging students to play smart, exciting, running rugby with flair.

The Ikey Tigers have clawed their way into the very heart of the competition, abrasive and gutsy, beat-
ing the other South African Universities to bring the Varsity Cup to the Green Mile.

The 2014 Ikey Tigers and their coaching sta demonstrated an extraordinary team e ort in their cam-
paign and this book o ers a glimpse behind the scenes. This is a truly inspirational rugby story that will
appeal not only to those involved in the sport.



Kevin Musikanth is the story- Jonathan Kaplan draws on Prof Tim Noakes adds a sci-
teller who believes in fairytales. his extensive experience of entific dimension to the cam-
He takes the reader on the Ikey more than 20 years at the elite paign. He explains the mind-
Tigers’ epic Varsity Cup jour- level of the sport to supplement set of sportspeople, why some
ney, which he masterminded. As the story with a macro per- succeed and others don’t. His
UCT RFC Head Coach and Dir- spective. He o ers rugby ment- inspiring talks to the 2014 Ikey
ector of Rugby he has the insight orship, providing context and Tigers, which include examples
to reveal what happened behind big picture thinking. His role from various other sports, are
the scenes and, on occasion, is to introduce, comment and illuminating even to those who
spills some raw emotion. summarise. know nothing about rugby.

The three authors: (from left) Prof Tim Noakes, Kevin Musikanth and Jonathan Kaplan.


Photos: Sponsorship 08
By kind permission photos are courtesy of the FNB Varsity Cup Foreword - Francois Pienaar 16
presented by Steinho International (credited in the photo 28
captions as SASPA), unless otherwise specified. 1 Warm-up 47
Photos without credit are private images by UCT RFC players, 2 Kick-o 60
management, family and supporters (here Melanie Salo deserves 3 “Individual Talent” – Ikeys vs Pukke (24-47) 72
a special mention). 4 “Friends & Family” – Maties vs Ikeys (16-33) 84
5 “Character” – NMMU vs Ikeys (13-26) 94
Front cover photo: 6 “Championship” – Ikeys vs Tuks (16-26) 106
Ikey Tigers celebrating their Varsity Cup victory against NWU-Pukke 7 “Attack Ikey Style” – UJ vs Ikeys (29-37) 116
in Potch, 7 April 2014, Photo: Mario van de Wall/SASPA 8 “Your Story” – Ikeys vs Shimlas (25-5)
9 “Pump” – Wits vs Ikeys (5-25) 143
Editor: Silke Colquhoun, [email protected] 10 “Truth” – Ikeys vs Maties (20-8) 148
Designer: Ryan Manning, [email protected] The Final 158
Published by UCT RFC: 11 Sourcing the Magic 170
UCT Rugby Football Club 12 The “Prof”-ecy 182
(Est 1882) 13 “All in” – Pukke vs Ikeys 190
Sports Centre, University of Cape Town 14 Seven Minutes of Mayhem
Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 15 Drinking the Cup 198
Tel: 021 650 5757 or 021 650 3562 16 Final Whistle 205
Fax: 021 650 5758 Appendix
Website: • The 2014 Ikey Champs
December 2014 • Prof’s UCT RFC Journey 2007-2014
ISBN Number: 978-0-620-63569-1



business, which had taken a back seat for too long. Bean in Constantia. The Varsity Cup was an ap- Our home ground: the magnificent Green Mile.
However, False Bay were not doing well and in pealing prospect. Besides being a national tour-
nament, it is also the breeding ground of future cess. I had got the job! I was, of course, overjoyed.
late 2012 I was asked to head up the club again to talent, with many a coach and player being spot- But there was one small problem: UCT were
regain promotion. I was happy to oblige because ted and then moving up to the highest level. Even
I realised that the goosebumps I used to get as a though rugby certainly wasn’t paying the bills, I now without a coach mid-season and wanted me
child watching rugby at Newlands had nothing to knew that my future was in the game. to start right away, but I was still the False Bay
do with a destiny as a player but rather as a coach. head coach. We were on a mission to win the
I saw Dobson’s call as a sign. I immediately league; I could not bail halfway through. Despite
False Bay were moving along nicely, with a sea- went to discuss this with my friend, Doc Gareth the incredible UCT opportunity, throwing in the
son that was mirroring 2009, and as we approached Jones, the chairman of False Bay. He encouraged False Bay towel and simply abandoning them was
the midway point the first, second and third team as me to apply, despite being worried about the Bay’s not an option for me.
well as the U20As were all topping the log. future should I get the job.
I prepared a timetable showing Greg and
It was around that time that John Dobson As luck would have it, UCT chairman Greg Gareth how I could do both: I would install a care-
called me. He said he felt that I was what UCT Fury called me after an extensive interview pro- taker head coach at Varsity – UCT playing veteran
needed. I agreed to meet informally at Mugg &



Over an extremely MEETING PROF NOAKES Prof Tim Noakes in his o ce at the Sports Sci-
busy 10-week-period ence Institute. Note the empty wall space next
The first person I went to see was Prof Tim to the 2011 Ikey jersey. (Photo: Silke Colquhoun)
I was involved in Noakes. He made time in his busy schedule and
32 rugby matches, our meeting turned out to be possibly the most Prof had a di erent view. He told me that he
often three in one day. important 45 minutes that I have ever spent with had a good feeling about 2014. He also predicted
anyone in my life. that we would be one of the most successful teams
JJ Gagiano – while finishing o my head coaching that UCT had ever had. Those words stuck with
duties at False Bay until the last league match. On the wall behind his desk was a framed me as I walked out of his o ce. Prof kept telling
UCT jersey of the team that won the 2011 Varsity me: “When we win, you will realise this to be true.”
Both chairmen agreed. It was the right thing Cup. Prof had been involved in UCT rugby for He kept saying that we would win the Varsity Cup
to do, even if it meant me changing club clothes many years and the university and its sport were competition. His reasoning was simple: we would
in my car and moving from practice to practice. close to his heart. He was involved in all sports be the most prepared, the most intelligent and the
Over an extremely busy 10-week-period I was in- at the highest level, playing a role in our victori- most di erent team, with the most love for one an-
volved in 32 rugby matches, often three in one day. ous World Cup rugby teams of 1995 and 2007 as other, and above all, we would firmly believe that
I was also director of rugby coaching at Wynberg well as in numerous other sporting teams. It was, we could win. He insisted that with enough pre-
Boys’ High School as well as assistant coach to the however, the UCT jersey that received his highest paration and belief we would be champions.
Emerging WP men’s team. It was a manic time for recognition as it looked over him while he worked.
me, but I was happy. This stuck with me. It showed how very import- What Prof didn’t see as I walked out of his
ant the Varsity Cup is to UCT and its role-players.
Fortunately no sides were compromised. It was Sadly, the Ikeys were not doing well in this regard.
pleasing to see UCT end a credible third on the log.
Wynberg and Emerging WP only lost one match I asked Prof whether he would be willing to
respectively and, most importantly, I managed to mentor the team, be part of the coaching sta and
be involved in an unbeaten run with False Bay since help UCT win the Varsity Cup. It seemed an am-
my UCT appointment. I could bid farewell know- bitious goal when my brief from the committee
ing that I had followed through with the players. was mostly geared at survival: “Just don’t end last,
avoid the relegation playo .” But Prof agreed to
After very little sleep and complete exhaustion, the mentorship role.
I ended up in hospital on the day following my last
game in charge of False Bay (my 84th). I had a severe 2014 was a relegation year, which meant that
temperature and borderline pneumonia. While I the team coming last would be immediately releg-
was in bed recovering, I plotted a method for UCT ated while the second last team had to play a pro-
to take on the universities around the country. I motion/relegation match on final day to decide
wondered where I could draw inspiration for a team their Varsity Cup future. This particular fate had
that, once again, was tipped to be relegated. happened to UCT in 2012, the year after we had
won the competition. However, the following year,
in 2013, UCT repeated its poor performance and
ended up second last again, having only won one
game (against Wits).

This meant that in two years since winning the
Varsity Cup, the Ikey Tigers had only managed to
narrowly win two matches out of 14, ending sev-
enth out of eight two years in a row. The pressure
was on.


This is an epic story that reaches beyond rugby, a story of possibility and never giving up,
of team spirit and self-belief. It’s the story behind arguably the greatest rugby comeback of all time.

With eight minutes remaining in the 2014 Varsity Cup final, the University of Cape Town
trailed NWU-Pukke by 18 points. All was lost. Or was it?

In this look behind the scenes, three influential figures write about the ups and downs,
the joy and sorrow during the Ikey Tigers’ inspiring journey to the final and how the team

eventually triumphed – in keeping with the campaign motto

“Always believe in magic”.

“One of the best rugby games I have ever watched!! Hats off to Ikey Tigers. Unbelievable!!” Gio Aplon

“Quite simply the most amazing comeback of all time” Bob Skinstad

“So proud of the Ikey Tigers” Helen Zille

“WOW! I cried and am not ashamed of it! Absolutely mental, so incredibly proud!” JJ Gagiano

Kevin Musikanth is the man who head-coached the Ikey Tigers to their fairytale victory in the 2014 Varsity Cup.
As the new UCT Director of Rugby and Head Coach, he was the driver behind the campaign to win the Cup, heading
up the 13-strong management team that included the likes of Kaplan and ex-Bok Hanyani Shimange. He progressed
through the ranks of club coaching and became one of False Bay RFC’s most successful coaches since the 1972 Grand
Challenge victory.
Jonathan Kaplan is the most experienced match official in the history of rugby. He has refereed 70 Test matches, 107 Super
Rugby encounters and 161 Currie Cup matches. He officiated at four World Cup tournaments. His career culminated when he
took charge of the 2013 Currie Cup Final at Newlands between Western Province and the Sharks. Kaplan graduated from UCT
with a BSocSci in economics and psychology. He returned to his alma mater where, as the new assistant coach for player
technical development, strategic thinking and referee matters, he became deeply involved in the Ikey Tigers’ 2014 campaign.
Prof Tim Noakes is South Africa’s internationally recognised Professor of Exercise and Sports Science, based at the Univer-
sity of Cape Town. He is the author of hugely successful books, notably The Lore of Running and more recently The Real Meal
Revolution as a co-author. He has been involved in several UCT rugby campaigns. In 2014, he renewed his mentorship of the
Ikey Tigers, working closely with the coaches on mental preparation and helping to strengthen the mindset of the players
and management. He was an instrumental part of the team that brought the Varsity Cup home.

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