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Dr Water Loo Product Proposal

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Published by lorraine.vandyk, 2020-10-06 03:52:32

Dr Water Loo Proposal

Dr Water Loo Product Proposal

Keywords: pit latrine,toilet,sanitization,africa,sewerage

Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Addressing Toilet, Pit Latrine & Septic Tank hygiene issues

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Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

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0P2age 04— SpreAadboouf tPOituTroBileutssin/eLsastrines in SSA
0P3age 05 — HazaArdbsout of Our Mission
0P4age 08— SeptOicuTraBnukssin- AesnsotSheervVicaerisation
0P5age 10— AddrOeussr iBngusthineePssroSbtleomry
0P6age 11— The POruorpEoxsterda SFoalcuitliotines
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P08age 13 — HowOthuer BTruesaitnmeesnstMWeosrskasge
0P9age 14— Value OPurorpBoussitiinoenss Message
0P9age 15—BibliogOrauprhByusiness Message

Dr Water L

02 Toilet / Pit Treatment

Pit Toilets | Latrines

World Health Organisation - Fact Sheet 3.4 – Pit Latrines

The pit latrine is a sanitation technology

The pit latrine is a sanitation technology that has been in use for a long time and the design has
evolved over time. The technology is used by majority of the people in SSA, while its use in the
urban areas is currently on the rise

Improved pit latrines are the most basic and inexpensive form of improved sanitation. They typically
consist of a pit—circular, rectangular, or square—dug in to the ground and covered with a concrete
slab or floor with a hole through which excreta falls. Unimproved pit latrines are those without
slabs or platforms.

Dr Water L 03
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Spread of

Pit Toilets / Latrines in SSA

CAnorepsotriamteatBerdo2ch.6ubreillDioensipgenoipsleBelasctkPaocpcuelasrsatnodimCrperaotviveed Tseamniptalatitoen. —EdvefirynoendeaLsikfeasciPlirtoiejsectthat
Bhyrogciehnuicrea.llIyncsleupdaerBatreochhuumreaDneesxicgrnetSaefrrvoicme,hAubmouatnUcso.nAtlascot.Inclu de Choose us Section and

[World Health Organization (WHO/UNICEF 2010)].

contact section two parts. Corporate Brochure Design is Best Popular and Creative
Approximately 1.77 billion people use pit latrines as their primary means of sanitation


Because of the increasing uses of both pit latrines and groundwater resources in low-income
countries, there is concern that pit latrines may cause human and ecological health impacts
associated with microbiological and chemical contamination of groundwater

CThoerpUonraitteedBNroactihounrse(UDNes),igthnroisugBhestht ePMopilulelanrnaiunmd DCerevaetloivpemTmeenptlaGtoe.alEsv, ehraysonsetLaikteasrget of
halving by 2015 the proportion of the population without sustainable access to improved
sanitation (WHO/UNICEF 2012c). To achieve this target, approximately 1 billion people in
urban areas and 900 million people in rural areas must gain access to improved sanitation
by 2015 over the baseline year, 1990 (WHO/UNICEF 2012c).

Pit Toilets / Latrines in SSA

Interestingly, there are no results when researching Risks associated with Pit Toilets, but…

Dr Water L04 Toilet/PitTreatment




INSECTS The smell and insect nuisance in pit latrines are closely associated.

The association arises because flies are attracted by the smell from the pits [18],

while volatile compounds from pit latrines function as pheromones to attract

gravid mosquitoes to suitable breeding sites [98–101]. Skatole (3-methylindole)

Indole 4-metylindole have been cited as the most active pheromones attracting

mosquitoes [102–105]. Unlike smell, studies characterising insects in pit latrines

have been undertaken. Adult and larvae of Chrysomyaputoria, Chrysomya

marginalis, Musca spp, Lucilia cuprina, Sarcophaga spp have been reported

[80–82]. SIrish, et al. [83] identified members of Psychodidae, Culicidae, Calliphoridae,

Syrphidae, Stratiomyidae, Sarcophagidae families from pit latrines in central Tanzania.

Some types of mosquitoes especially Culex quinquefasciatus and species of Anopheles are

known to breed in wet pits. By eliminating the active pheromones compounds in the gases

emitted from pit latrines, the insect nuisance can be mitigated Hazard: Insects




• Small amounts of excreta can carry enough germs to pass on a disease to someone else.
• EvCeonripfowraterBoror cfohoudretDasetseisgnanisdBloesotkPsocpleualanr, iatnmdaCyrehaatviveeeTneomugphlagtee.rmEvseirnyiotntoe Lpiakses oPnroaject
disease to anyone who swallows it.
• Although the faecal sludge contained in the pit undergoes some degradation with time, a pit
toilet is not designed specifically to reduce pathogen concentrations, but to collect faecal
material and limit human and environmental exposure.
• Pathogen reduction can occur within the confines of the pit, in the surrounding unsaturated
soil, or in the surrounding saturated soil.
• Residence time in the pit is believed to have the largest impact on pathogen reduction given the
reality of unfavorable temperature and moisture levels existing in the pit.
• Faecal sludge from pit toilets in many cases needs to be emptied, and the emptying process can
pose a risk to human health even after long-term storage.
• Of particular concern is exposure to helminths, specifically Ascaris.



In the countries where pit latrines are prevalent, > 2billion people depend on
groundwater for their primary drinking water supply.

Accordingly, there is a growing need to understand
how pit latrines may adversely impact groundwater
quality and human health.


Biggest Hazard


Dr Water L 07
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Toilet and hygiene
conditions in
Refugee Camps are

Septic Tanks


" It is estimated that in the USA only
40% of existing septic tank
systems function correctly
(Canter & Knox, 1986).

" Unfortunately no statistics are
available for South Africa

Dr Water L08 Toilet/PitTreatment

Septic Tanks


The most common symptoms of septic tank malfunctioning:
• Water and sewage from toilets, drains, and sinks are backing up into the home.
• Bathtubs, showers, and sinks drain very slowly.
• Gurgling sounds in the plumbing system.
• Standing water or damp spots near the septic tank or drain field.
• Bad odors around the septic tank or drain field.
• Bright green, spongy lush grass over the septic tank or drain field, even during dry weather.
• Algal blooms in nearby ponds or lakes.
• High levels of nitrates or coliform bacteria in waterwells.

Causes of Septic tank problems:
• Pipe from the house to the tank is clogged.
• Inlet baffle to tank is blocked.
• Outlet baffle or effluent filter is clogged.
• Drain field has failed.

Sewage problems resulting in
" Health hazards
" Embarrassment
" Environmental degradation

Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Efforts to


For some institutions, this has become a burning issue, however, the sheer scale of the
number of people, linked to the costs associated with the various solutions, creates a
formidable barrier



One of the key ways to stop the spread of disease is to promote and practise good hygiene.
Even where there is excellent sanitation, disease will spread rapidly if hygiene is poor.
Three key hygiene behaviours can do the most to prevent the spread of disease :
• Safer disposal of faeces : all faeces, but particularly those of young children and babies,
and of ill people, should be carefully and quickly disposed of.
• Hand washing : if people wash their hands regularly with soap and water, particularly after
defecating, after handling babies' faeces, before feeding and eating, and before preparing
food, the germs on their hands are removed or killed.
• Maintaining drinking water free from faecal contamination : the source of water must be
kept clean, and in the home water must be stored in a clean covered container to prevent
faecal contamination.

Are these three prerequisites possible in most places
where pit latrines are being used..?

h ps:// on_health/emergencies/fs3_1/en/

Dr Water L

1020 Toilet / Pit Treatment

The Proposed Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Product 11


Dr Water Loo Toilet | Pit Latrine Treatment

- 2 pills (1 Treatment) weekly for toilets / pit latrines
- 4 pills (2 Treatments) weekly for septic tanks larger than 2000 liters
- Easy to use : Just drop in toilet / latrine
- Sanitises and refresh the toilet / latrine
- The breaking down of sewerage is done through natural

digestion by microorganisms.
- Solids are broken down to water. This water can be used as

grey water
- Contains no chemical substances
- Not harmful to humans , animals , plants or fish

Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

The Human


The benefits of a toilet are not only health-related – the pride, dignity and convenience they bring
are more important in convincing people to use them.
Shockingly, a billion people, or nearly 14% of the
world's population, have to defecate in the open.
This basic affront to human dignity
affects women and girls the most,
not just because it contributes
to ill-health, but also in terms of
safety and missed schooling.

Around half the girls in sub-Saharan
Africa who drop out of primary school

do so because of poor water and
sanitation facilities.

It is a basic human right, even a Constitutional right, to live with dignity, of which the most basic is
to be able to"go to the toilet" without fear, disdain or trepidation.
But as we've seen, the facts tell a story of how that is not happening.

0122 Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

How the


• The breaking down of sewerage is done through natural digestion by micro-organisms.
• Where there is not enough of the correct type of micro-organisms present, sewerage waste
takes a long time to decompose. This situation creates bad odours and an unhealthy
environment where disease can possibly come from. It is very important to have the micro-
organisms present, in large enough quantities, to decompose sewerage waste fast, safely & effectively.

• This is the process which is used in a septic tank or pit toilet, where there is no oxygen present.
Unfortunately the absence of oxygen results in the typical (very) bad odour or smell, and slow
decomposition of the sewerage.
• To make process in the septic tank or pit toilet more efficient,
• The following three steps need to be taken:
• Put the correct types of micro-organisms into the tank or pit

• Put oxygen into the system to support the "correct" micro-organisms to suppress bad odours and
digest the waste quicker.
• Stimulate the "correct" micro-organisms so that they can multiply faster and grow strong colonies
• The two tablets in the Dr. Water Loo treatment do this in the following way:
• The white and blue tablet supplies the correct mix of micro-organisms plus the oxygen
for the micro-organismsto function properly. The micro-organisms have been sourced from
undisturbed sites with naturally occurring species and the oxygen comes from peroxides.
• The solid brown tablet supplies the stimulants (organic compounds) and energy (carbohydrates)
needed by the microorganisms to grow fast and multiply to accelerate the digestion process.
• In a closed septic tank system or a pit toilet the user needs to open the sachet and drop both tablets
into the system in a single treatment.

• This needs to be done every five to seven days, depending on the size of the tank and how often it is used.
• If the system is overloaded with very bad smells, a double treatment (two sachets) can be used in the
beginning. Then use a single treatment (one white plus one brown tablet) once every 5 to 7 days, as
needed when the odour starts to return.
• The micro-organisms, oxygen source and the stimulants for the micro-organisms in Dr. Water Loo tablets are
completely natural and are extracted from natural sources. The micro-organisms, the oxygen ingredients and the
stimulants in the tablets have absolutely no danger to humans, animals, fish or insects.




Removes all health risks Leaves toilets odourless Clean toilet does not
attract any insects

Very cost-effective Improves and protects No deaths due to
and safe solution the environment pathogenic causes / fumes

Provides the means through which toilets / latrines can be sanitised -
"it can be done in private - convenient,

healthy and with dignity for any individual.”

0124 Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Dr Water Loo


Are pit latrines in urban areas of Sub-Saharan Africa
performing? A review of usage, filling, insects and odour 86/s12889-016-2772-z#Tab4
Guidelines for the Use of Septic Tank Systems in the
South African Coastal Zone _REPORT.pdf
Global Water Pathogen Project Pit Toilets
Pit Latrines and Their Impacts on Groundwater Quality: lets,exposure%20to%20helminths%2C%20specifically%2
A Systematic Review 0Ascaris.
Sewage, septic tanks and social inequalities

Press Release: UNICEF: Without toilets, childhood is
even riskier due to malnutrition and-social-inequalities
WHO Fact sheet 3.1: Excreta disposal options

WHO Fact Sheet 3.4: Pit Latrines

Dr Water L 15
Toilet / Pit Treatment

Contact Witthh UUss::

+27 (0) 79 675 0777 iynofuor@mdarwil lgoooe.csotmo here 2yo7uFrraedndcrhesSst,here
Morningside, Gauteng,
2196, SA

Dr Water L
Toilet / Pit Treatment

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