B edPo st i n g s
AUG/OCT 2017
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EDITOR BedPosts wants to highlight the properties of our
members to show what is available for lodging right here
KATHLEEN PANEK – Shop Local as it were, supporting each other. Also a
mag@bedposts.org.uk member in the Peak District may not know what Devon is
like and what attractions and things to see and do are
BUSINESS there. This is the rationale for the Featured Inn and the
CLUB Regional sections of BedPosting.
We cannot do it without your help. YOU have to help by
Chairman: writing an article about your Accommodation and
ROY McGREGOR sending photos. YOU have to tell the rest of the UK (and a
club@bedposts.org.uk lot of USA) why they want to come to your area (and stay
01904 415522 at your Accommodation).
Treasurer: There was no input (sadly) so the last issue was all about
DENNIS PEARSON what your Editor knows – Gillum House and North-Central
West Virginia. Although I concentrated on my particular
Secretary: region, I am familiar with many things in my State
KATHLEEN PANEK (Exhibition Coal Mine, State Museum, covered bridges,
whitewater rafting, and more) because that is my job as
Committee Members: an innkeeper (in the States innkeeper = one who
GENE JEFFREY operates a B & B). It is my job to keep visitors spending
MIV HUGHES money in West Virginia as long as possible.
This issue is The U.K. Through the Eyes of a Yank. I spent
PUBLISHER a wonderful 14 days visiting England – I did not have time
to get to Scotland or Wales unfortunately. Perhaps next
Internet Results Ltd time. How many of you have visited Devonshire, Devon,
Aston House Windsor Castle, Chatsworth, Hidcote Gardens, Blenheim
Bovingdon Heights Palace, The Dome in Buxton, the villages of the
Marlow, SL7 2JS Cotswolds, Stratford-Upon-Avon, the villages used in the
filming of Midsomer Murders, Totnes, Exeter, Broadway,
01628 481711 Buxton, Harrogate, York, or Princes Risborough? In 2011,
admin@bedposts.org.uk I got to see the White Cliffs of Dover, Stonehenge,
www.internet-results.ltd.uk Canterbury Cathedral, and the sites of London (we were
there for a week).
We plan to have 4 to 6 issues of BedPostings each year.
Please do not wait for an invitation – we want YOUR
stories – your Accommodation and/or YOUR Region Send
to mag@bedposts.org.uk. We post the link to
Bedpostings on Facebook and your Editor sends the link
to many people in the USA, friends, family, and other
Come turn the pages to see what I saw in 2017, thanks to
my many friends in England.
COVER & PAGES 6-21: Feature
- England seen through eyes of a Yank
PAGES 4-5: BedPosts Business Club Chairman's report
- Roy calls for more involvement
PAGES 22-23: Life after B&B
- Tim & Sue provide relief management
Roy McGregor, of Bull Lodge in York, has been
Chair of BedPosts Business Club for three
years. In this article for BedPostings magazine
he writes about the various Club initiatives and
looks to the future.
BPBC - It's Your Club - Use It Or Lose It! members, so you may well know all about it
by the time that you read this! The cost of
This month, as of writing October '17, this trial will be split between Google and
marks the fourth birthday of BedPosts Club but will not cost you anything to
Business Club. At the Breakaway in Oxford participate in. If it works, we anticipate the
in January '13, the decision to start was Club funding further Adwords campaigns
made and agreed, in fact some people were for Club members.
giving us cheques for membership on the
spot. It was all very, very encouraging,
however after the euphoria of that first year
the reality has been different. Those who
know me would say that I am generally an
optimist, glass half-full type, and that makes
writing this a little difficult.
We have never managed to get Of course, we never expected lots and lots
membership of the Club above the mid-30s of forum users to join the Club. What we
and it has hovered, as now, in the high 20's. hoped was that enough would join to help
We have tried to incentivise folk to join, finance publicity for both the Club and the
introducing added value benefits such as forum. We needed fifty and rising members
BeDS, a Book Direct & Save scheme, for that aim to start. With that thought at
BedSits, a business-sitting service at the the back of our minds, we introduced the
cost of expenses and recently started Thanking our Forces (ToF) promotion last
producing BedPostings Club magazine year, aided and inspired by our Club
(which you are now reading!) , in which Secretary Kathleen Panek from over in
Club members have the opportunity to West Virginia.
showcase and advertise their
accommodation to other members and the This had a quite modest start, with 30
wider world. In addition, John Gooding of properties taking part but we failed because
Internet Results and the founder of the of lack of publicity. However, this year it
BedPosts Forum has helped by giving Club became clear that very few Club, forum (and
members priority listing at the top of the non-BedPosts) members were either
BedPosts search results above those of interested or able this year, for whatever
forum members and other advertisers. We
realise that for many members what counts,
perhaps the only thing that counts, is a
return on their membership, i.e. business
from advertising. To that end, we are
introducing a new Club benefit, a free trial
of Google Adwords for a limited period
during the shoulder season. This will be
trialed very shortly with some Club
reason, to promote themselves, BedPosts We've been asking now for over a year, but
and the B&B industry, by providing one free as yet no one has responded. So I am
night's accommodation, so ToF has had to asking again. It usually doesn't take much
be abandoned for the time being. of your time; an online meeting for an hour
or so every two or three weeks on average
As well as inertia, there is now another plus any time you can give in helping on
problem facing BedPosts Business Club. any projects. Currently, we use Skype
Some of the committee will be retiring from which works reasonably well as a rule. The
the business next year. On this point the meetings are quite casual, some might say
current Club rules, establishing BPBC as too casual, down to the Chair of course, but
an unincorporated association, are clear: hopefully all would agree that they are also
you need to be an accommodation provider enjoyable and you get to see the face and
and officers - Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer voice behind the forum posting! The
and Secretary - may only serve in their scheduled time of the meeting is Thursday
posts for four years. Thus, following the at 3 p.m. Secretary Kathleen always makes
letter of the law the Club rules mean that all it even though Eastern Standard Time is six
but the Secretary should be/will be hours behind us! We also have an
ineligible to remain an Executive officer. Executive discussion board on the forum
There are three other committee members for committee members only.
one of whom is co-opted, namely John
Gooding. New, enthusiastic, blood is To be absolutely clear to you all - the
urgently needed! current committee has eight members and
Club rules mean that three of those must
While the Club committee is eternally stand down in the new year. Retirement will
grateful to all those who subscribe to Club also affect two of those three. You can read
membership - and who continue to the Club rules here or enter the address in
subscribe year after year - what we also your browser:
need is something over and above cash.
We need just a little effort and time from http://www.bedposts.org.uk/community/inde
more of you, getting involved in our x.php?/topic/1372-club-rules/
committee work or being prepared to be co-
opted for a specific project, such as that on Please seriously consider getting more
the Adwords or ToF schemes, recruiting involved; by helping, you help yourself and
new members or following up and you help all of us. Think also about what
persuading Club members to renew and might happen if you do not! So, (self)
above all bringing an impetus to what we nominations by return, thank you very much
do with fresh new ideas. indeed!
Those of you who read the subscription Roy McGregor
acknowledgement email from our Treasurer Chair, BedPosts Business Club
will already be aware of the request to roy.mcgregor@bedposts.org.uk
consider joining or helping the committee.
On 5 September 2017, I left the Gillum Then sleep was on the agenda as I was
House Bed & Breakfast in Shinnston, West about to start the last half of a walking tour
Virginia for the greatest adventure of my (I had already walked more in Finland than I
life. I had to leave a day earlier than had done in 5 years) of epic proportions.
planned thanks to an airline changing Marlow is approximately 34 miles from
arrival airports. Instead of parking free for a London and about 15 miles from Windsor
month (did I tell you I am a cheapskate?), I Castle. After a Full English breakfast, we
now had the choice of driving 2 hours to were off to Windsor. Just looking at the
Pittsburgh (and pay twice as much for a castle is awe inspiring.
plane ticket) and taking out a second
mortgage on my house to pay for parking
OR I could drive 5 hours to Chantilly,
Virginia near Dulles Airport in Washington,
D.C. and spend that extra plane fare cost
for a room at Comfort Suites to get free
parking for 21 days plus $10 per day over
the 21. With my car, it would be less than a
tank of gas to drive there – so that is what I
It also gave me the opportunity to have
dinner with friends that night and breakfast
with my #1 (firstborn) grandson the
morning of my departure (he is a graduate
student at George Washington University if
you will permit me bragging rights).
Fast forward to 20 September, after a The interior is even more so but photos are
wonderful 2 weeks with my son, when I not permitted. Queen Mary’s Dollhouse
returned to Heathrow for 2 weeks in reminded me of the Colleen Moore
England. John Gooding of BedPosts and Dollhouse at the Field Museum in Chicago.
Internet Results was waiting for me at Colleen Moore was a silent movie star
Heathrow. On the way to Marlow, John whose friends did as was done for Queen
pointed out many villages and towns and Mary.
structures. I enjoy old architecture.
After an English sampler supper laid out by
his lovely wife, Angie, we went to the oldest
pub in Marlow – the Two Brewers.
That night we dined at the oldest Free
House in England, the Royal Standard in
Beaconsfield. I was told the difference
between a free house and a pub. A free
house is not tied to any brewery, they can
buy their beer from anyone. A pub is
usually associated with a particular
brewery. I also tasted the elegant beauty of
fish pie for the first Windsor, and the
time, as well as massive opulence of
ginger beer. Blenheim Palace.
Each had its own
The next morning, beauty and
Angie and I were off awesomeness.
for Blenheim Palace.
Blenheim Palace
I was blessed many does a wonderful job
years ago to learn of telling the story of
something from one Blenheim using the
of my husband’s art ghost of Grace
instructors to never Ridley, lady’s maid to
have preconceived Sarah Jennings
notions. It has Churchill, 1st
allowed me to Duchess of
appreciate the Marlborough to take
awesome beauty of a the visitor through
castle in Finland built Sarah’s overseeing
in the 1300s that was the building of
anything but opulent, Blenheim to her old
age and through the eras of pivotal Dukes Birthday Party (complete with delicious
and Duchesses. This photo captures Sarah hog roast), after being told all was under
as an old widow talking about her life now control, Mary and I did what good guests
and her reunion with Grace Ridley. should do – we got out of the way.
Wandering through the shops of Chipping
Campden, going to Hart’s where we lucked
into joining a group taking a tour of Hart’s
Silver Shop with the 3rd generation Mr.
Hart telling about the beginnings of the
shop. His nephew, the 4th generation, is
coming into the shop soon.
After the obligatory visit to the gift shop (I We were able to
purchased the books about each place I talk to one of the
visited) and lunch at the café, Angie and I silversmiths in the
took the scenic route to Chipping shop who showed
Campden and Mickleton to arrive at us a peppermill he
Brymbo B&B where I would spend the next had just finished
3 nights. It was difficult to say goodbye to making. He
Angie, I had enjoyed being with her and showed it to us
John. with the pride of a
craftsman glowing
I was impressed by how much farmland I from his face. He
saw between villages. Everything was so allowed me to take
neat and clean. And everyone seemed to a photo of him with
have a garden! The new structures fitted it.
nicely with the old. There was no jarring
ultra-modern structure to offend one’s Then it was on to Hidcote Gardens. This
sensibilities. was something I probably never would
I had met Gene and Barry Jeffrey when have done on my
they stopped in at Gillum House for a own. Thank you,
cuppa in 2014 to get my dues for BedPosts. Mary, for taking me
They were in the USA for a Morgans there. Each part of
Across America Tour. My husband talked the Gardens was
about his discussion with Barry until he more beautiful than
died. It was great to see their B & B – and it the one before it.
is the only time I know of that I would
literally bring the house down. The part of After lunch at the
the B & B where I stayed was scheduled for café, we were off to
demolition after I left. Broadway and
visiting more shops.
I had e-mailed Mary Marrow of Firs Cottage We were excellent
that I was sorry, but time and distance “window shoppers”
made it impossible to get to North Wales – who enjoyed the day.
so she came to Brymbo B & B.
Since Saturday was the night of Barry’s The Birthday Party was a total success.
The star of the show was delicious. I have
been to pig roasts by friends who were
from North I had brought
Carolina – they some West
split the pig and Virginia for
roast it in a pit and each of my
covering it, then hosts. I brought
turning it over 1-pound
hours later to packages of
roast the back of West Virginia
the pig. maple sugar,
each with
In addition to directions of
being a great how to
party, it was also a reconstitute it
fundraiser for a into 2 cups of
great cause. On 100% maple
the bar was a tub for donations to Air syrup. We took photos of each one for the
Ambulance. maple syrup people, Family Roots Farm in
Wellsburg, WV (my home territory). They
The next day, Mary are now posting on
left to visit another Facebook all the
friend in the places their maple
Cotswolds and I got sugar has gone to.
to spend the Since we forgot to do
afternoon talking with the photo at John’s
Gene and Barry’s house, we did that
neighbors and family photo at Blenheim
members that had not Palace (page 7).
had to leave right
after breakfast. (If Next came Brymbo
anyone knows where B&B.
a handbook or
manual for a Heritage Sunday morning,
replica Mercedes after their own
500k made in Miami chores were done,
around 1990 on a Sarah Bent and Lucy
Camaro chassis can King came over to
be found, please let Brymbo to chat with
us know). I got a Mary Marrow (who
scenic tour of the had returned to get
lovely Cotswolds as me), Gene, and me.
we took Gene’s Mother home Sunday We had a lovely chat about B & Bs and
evening. Bedposts until Mary and I had to leave for
our lunch engagement in Stratford-Upon-
One of the things I noticed and liked, was Avon.
that when “new” building were built, they
blended in with the old. There were no I enjoyed your roads (as a passenger since
ultra-modern buildings stuck in next to the we use opposite lanes). They were as
old. Kudos to whomever is responsible for narrow and twisty as our roads in West
that. Virginia. We are also starting to get
roundabouts – not sure I like those.
Stratford-Upon-Avon was very interesting. Thanks to John and Miv Hughes, this was
We walked around the old city, walked the only time I had to muscle my behemoth
along the Avon and watched a couple of overweight suitcase on a train. And I am
working boats.
pleased to
Unfortunately, say, there
there was no were lovely
play we were gentlemen
interested in who
seeing being muscled that
performed that sucker for
day. We did go me on and
to the gift shop off the
of the Royal trains. The
Shakespeare platform at
Company where Worcester
I found some children’s books of was
Shakespeare’s plays. We dined at the changed almost last minute from Platform 1
Garrick Inn, very nice and the food was – around the corner – to Platform 2 – up 2-
good. We spent the night at Applegarth Bed sets of stairs, across the tracks, and down
& Breakfast. We 2-sets of stairs. Thank you to the
took the photo of gentlemen who
Mary and her not only took it to
sugar by her car Platform 2, but
to show it was even put it on the
going to Wales. train for me.
Then it was time Another man on
for on to the the train took it off
next. Mary took for me (thankfully,
me to the I was on the
Worcester Shrub correct platform
Hill Station. I had for my next train)
decided driving and the gentleman
was NOT on the with the paddle
list for me. You and whistle put it
have excellent on the next train
train service in for me. At Exeter
England. St Davids, John
Although I and Miv Hughes
always had at were waiting
least one change (another
(and Buxton to passenger lifted
Harrogate two), I Heavy Harlow off
was always able the train and I
to make my could roll from
connecting train there) for me.
– even the time I had 9 minutes between From that point until my return to
trains. Heathrow, John Hughes took care of Heavy
Harlow, bless him.
DEVON: Exeter & Teignmouth 11
From Exeter St Davids, we strolled through Carveries look wonderful but one has a
Exeter to the river walk where we had tendency to overdo it soooo easily, so I
lunch at a café. DO NOT tell me American
portions are overly large! I had the
Ploughman’s Lunch – it was huge! Way
more than I could eat.
Then we toured decided to try their turkey, mushroom, and
the Custom spinach pie. It was wonderful and
House. It was thankfully a reasonable size portion. Since
quite interesting I really like lemon meringue pie, I had that
to read about all for dessert. Sorry, what they served was
the goods that NOT what I call a lemon meringue pie – it
traveled through was not as light as it should be.
As we had breakfast the next morning, I am
They are looking at the English Channel and notice
draining the there are palm trees in the garden! Palm
canal in one trees? Marilyn explained they get their air
area. There was currents from Africa.
nothing posted
to say what or
why, so I asked
one of the men
in a hardhat. He
told me they were going to lay new pipes,
but this was also to install some flood
control measures.
Then we
drove to
in Devon
where we
booked into
Moorings B
& B. We had
a cuppa and
chatted a bit
with our
before going
to the
Snuggery (a
carvery) for
12 DEVON: Totnes & Plymouth
It is said that Cromwell
and his Officers sat at
this table when passing
through during the Civil
War 1642-1651.
There is also a display of
the Mayor’s Robes in this
room. I took a photo of it
and sent to my Mayor as
he does not get to wear
anything like this even
for ceremonies. I will
have to remember to ask
him if he is disappointed
about that.
We wandered around Totnes, looking at After leaving the Guild
the shops and buildings. I spied some Hall, it started raining.
toy cars in the window of an antique We did not let that stop us.
shop, but it had a sign – Back in 10
minutes. We decided it was a good time We drove over to Plymouth Hoe. The
for a cup of tea and then perhaps the Mayflower set sail here with the Pilgrims
shop would be open. They were who settled Massachusetts. We walked
wonderful old wind-up race cars. I around the lighthouse (my knees do not
bought both for my #4 & #5 grandsons. go up that many steps).
Then we went to the Guild Hall. This
Guild Hall serves (and has served since
the late 1300s) as the Council Chambers
for Totnes. It interested me because I
am City Clerk of Shinnston, WV. My
Council does not have chairs this
elaborate (although theirs may be more
DEVON: Slapton Sands, Dartmouth, Kingswear & Exeter St Davids 13
We then drove to Slapston Sands We, being unfamiliar with the area,
where there is a tank on the beach had a bit of difficulty finding a
as a memorial to the practice restaurant. As John Hughes drove, I
landings that took place here before finally figured out how to pull up
D-Day in 1944. restaurants on Google Maps. We
found The Village Fish and Chips in
Teignmouth. It was delicious! Then it
was back to The Moorings.
Next morning after breakfast, it was
time to head back to Exeter St
Davids. On the way, we stopped in
Dawlish to walk along the river and
the Channel.
We had planned to have lunch at The
Start Bay Inn as Marilyn said they
had “the best” fish & chips.
Unfortunately they stopped serving
lunch about 15 minutes before we
got there. They were not serving
again for several hours.
So we drove to Dartmouth and took
the Dartmouth Lower Ferry to
Kingswear. This was the view on the
way to the ferry.
This was one of the black swans
swimming along in the river.
I even got a photo of a crashing
14 DEVON: Exeter
The vaulted ceilings, the
altars, the chapels and
memorials on the walls were
awesome – a word that came
to mind frequently on this
Now it was time to head to
the train station. Since I
would be ending my journey
at Ridgeway Lodge in Princes
Risborough, I packed
everything I would need for
the rest of the trip into my
carry-on bag and my
backpack (both of which were
“swag” from conferences).
Standing in front of the train
station was a Bobby. My
youngest daughter is a
policeman in the City of
Chicago. We were not racing
for the train, so I asked him if
When we got to Exeter, we had time to go I could get a photo with him.
to the Cathedral. Beautiful! I visited many
churches in Finland and in England, Each Then he surprised me!
was beautiful in its own way. I am making He said I should wear the helmet. I was
a CD of all the churches for the pastor of totally surprised. It was cool! Miv took
the Methodist Church I go to when I go. I the photo for me.
also photographed the organs for our
Caroline Cotton of Nine Green Lane in
Buxton met me at the station. Later
Caroline, Rupert, and I walked to the
Titanic Pub for supper. Did I mention that
I really like fish & chips? Next morning
we went to the Buxton Tram. That is
where I took the Buxton photo of the WV
maple sugar.
I texted the photo to my daughter. She
sent back a “lol”.
Before I left the States, I had checked
with my cell company about phone while
I was in Europe. I was surprised to
discover I had “Global Roaming” with my
package. This meant I had unlimited text
and data everywhere (found it did
not work in Sweden nor Estonia
however), but phone calls would
be 20 cents per minute. I was
able to keep in contact with
friends, family, and the City in the
States s well as keep my friends
in England appraised of my
status with the trains. Yes, I did
make all my connections.
The train stations were all very
nice. They were clean and
attractive. I took this photo from
my seat as the train to Buxton
stopped in Stoke-on-Trent.
16 DERBYSHIRE: Buxton to Bakewell
We boarded the Tram at the Opera It rained a little, but that did not dampen
House. It is being renovated so we the pleasure of Buxton.
could not see much of it inside.
Another interesting stop was St. Ann’s
Church. Originally, St. Peter’s, when the
town grew in population and wealth,
this church was deemed not
sophisticated enough. A new Church
was built more “downtown” and it was
named St. Peter’s. This Church was
renamed, St. Ann’s.
Rupert pointed out something that is We also stopped at the Dome –
becoming rare – a post box. So of unfortunately, none of my photos
course I had to take a photo. convey the awesomeness of the interior
of that building.
When we got back to the B & B, Rupert
stayed to welcome in-coming guests.
Caroline took me to Chatsworth.
Although not on the scale of Blenheim
Palace, Chatsworth is beautiful and
opulent in a way of its own. Chatsworth
was acquired by the 1st Duke of
Devonshire in 1549.
When we visited, there was a display of
fashion at Chatsworth through the
generations. Costumes worn at a Ball –
the costumes worn were to depict an
historic person or character. The
wedding dresses of the ladies of the
Cavendish family. Many other historic
things were on display.
DERBYSHIRE: Chatsworth in Bakewell 17
My starter was Gin & tonic salmon.
Although I took photos of most of my
meals (they were all luscious), I am just
going to show this tea.
Displays are arranged to create a flow of This carnivore had the Coronation chicken,
the people touring. One must walk through ham & tomato, and egg mayonnaise
the rooms downstairs to come around to sandwiches and tartlets.
the side of the display cases and then up
the stairs. At the top of these stairs
After the tour of the house (and yes, just as
with Blenheim Palace, the family lives part
of the time in one wing of the house),
Caroline had a treat for me. We had a
champagne Afternoon Tea.
Caroline had a vegetarian selection.
Everything tasted as good as it looked.
They also had quite a list of teas to choose
from. I honestly do not remember which
tea Caroline chose, but there was only one
possible choice for me.
I HAD to see what it looked and tasted like.
18 DERBYSHIRE: Bolehill Farm at Bakewell
Chatsworth House Special Afternoon After we left Chatsworth, Caroline
“Pimms” Tea! It was an iced tea, but and I stopped in at Bolehill Farm to
it was the description that hooked visit Chris and Shirley Swaap.
me. Black tea infused with cucumber,
fresh strawberries and served with a
sprig of mint. AND it was the
Chatsworth House Special!
The best was yet to come! The Chris showed us the cottage that had
scones with jam and clotted cream been “treed”. It is beautiful. I do not
and cakes. know how they can bear to leave that
gorgeous view. Best to them in the
next phase of their lives. Although
more rolling than my West Virginia
hills, it reminded me of home with
the vistas and green fields (even in
your hills, you have more “flat” land
than we do).
The next morning it was time to head
back to the train station. I had 2 train
changes to get to Harrogate – Buxton
to Manchester to Leeds to Harrogate.
I had purchased an 8-day flex ticket
to experience your train system.
The only stressful time I had with the to get “the good stuff”.
train system, other than that first
platform change, was a 9 minute We visited several shops looking for
window for a train change – I made it a map of England. Even Visit
with time to spare. Harrogate did not have a map of
England. I wanted to trace where I
Kim Wilson was at the Harrogate went with a highlighter. There were
Station to greet me. We walked to the maps of a lot of countries – but no
Camberley House via the butcher England (only regional maps).
shop to pick up her order. We used Seemed strange to not have maps of
to have butcher shops. There are still one’s own Country. I enjoyed walking
butchers (besides at the grocery), Harrogate and seeing all the shops
but they are usually out in the available.
country, not in town. Now is the busy
season for WV butchers as it is This was an interesting building -
currently bow season for deer and
gun season starts in 3 weeks. The
first week of gun season (the week of
Thanksgiving) is Bucks Only and
even the schools close – students,
teachers, bus drivers are all out
hunting and not in school). Our
“downtown” in the USA is usually
retail, offices, banks, with a few
restaurants thrown in. Before heading to the train station,
we took the photo of Kim with her
I had targeted Harrogate as my maple sugar for my maple syrup
shopping place. It was my next to people.
last stopping point so I would not
have to carry extra weight all that
Kim took me to flea markets (those
were like our antique malls here,
small booths in a large building(s).
Flea markets here are open air
booths with some good stuff and a
lot of “maybe” stuff. We have a flea
market on Saturday mornings at the
Drive-in and I have a friend who is
part of “the flashlight brigade” – they
go when the vendors are setting up
20 DERBYSHIRE: Bolehill Farm at Bakewell
My next stop was York. We only had a church at one time, the stained
a few hours so there was not time to glass windows were beautiful.
go to Bull Lodge. Roy and Dennis
took me to see York Minster. We
walked from the station to the Wall
and through it to see a lovely view of
the York Minster in the distance.
On the way back to the York Station,
we found a Visit York sign with the
Minster as a backdrop for the photo
with the maple sugar.
It was explained that minster meant
mission in the beginning. It took 50
years to build the present Cathedral.
It is a beautiful Church. I saw a lot of
scaffolding at various structures
throughout this trip. It was good to
see preservation and restoration
being done on these architectural
After touring the Minster and making It felt like a scene from a movie as
the obligatory stop in the gift shop the train pulled out and Roy and
for the book, we walked through the Dennis stood on the platform waving
narrow streets to a café for lunch goodbye. Thank you, Gentlemen, it is
and conversation. It is hard for this a scene I will always treasure.
one to walk (huff-puff) and talk at the
same time. The café must have been
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE: Princes Risborough; then home to USA 21
I was now about to be reunited with to the Bell for lunch. I asked Miv what
my behemoth suitcase. John Hughes an Eton Mess was. She told me and
was waiting at the Princes warned I should order it with my
Risborough station. Miv had supper lunch. After
ready for us and after some catching some of the
up conversation, it was off to bed. enormous
We get many BBC programs on PBS meals, I
here and one of my favorites is decided to
Midsomer Murders. Miv & John took wait until
me to the 2 villages where a lot of the after I had my
filming is done, Haddonham and meal. But
Thane. Miv fed the ducks at they were out
Haddonham as did a little boy there of it! Miv was
with his Mum. kind enough
to make Eton
Mess for me
that evening.
After lunch more Charity Shops (you
have more of them than we do). In
Princes Risborough, I saw the
neatest bike rack. I took a photo
which I have given to my City
Manager to possibly do here.
We stopped in and had tea and
flapjack with Sue Soar of Long
Credon Manor.
After supper, it was time to repack
the behemoth and go to bed. I set the
alarm for 5:30 for John and Miv to
From there, we went to the Market. take me back to Heathrow for my
While Miv bought produce, I 9:40 flight home.
wandered through the stalls and then
to the Charity Shops (I found some I have so many to thank for such a
Christmas for sons!). Then it was on wonderful time. The trip of a lifetime!
Tim & Susan are the Good House Keepers. It is a business idea born
out of their own experience of the difficulties in finding someone to take
care of their business when they needed to get away. This is their story.
After pursuing our own individual careers booking channels – communicating with
for many years and with the children prospective guests, looking after them,
through school, we wanted to spend more taking their money (nicely!), handling their
time together. feedback – using TripAdvisor to your
advantage – and getting them to come
So, in 2000 we decided to leave the back. All that before you’ve cooked a
corporate world, give back our company breakfast or made a bed. Meanwhile you
cars and combine our skills
in running a business of our have installed and tested
own. Our respective the fire alarm system,
backgrounds had taught us written your safety policy
all the foundation skills of and Emergency Plan, hosted
business: the importance of the HSE food hygiene
teamwork; that your inspectors and gained your
business is only as good as Visit England stars.
your people; the significance
of customer satisfaction; So, folks, if you’re thinking
where attention to detail of leaving the B&B business,
pays dividends; that people remember you have a huge
buy from people, whatever wealth of knowledge and
the product ....and so with all experience and it shouldn’t
that, a sense of humour and a good dollop be wasted! For a start you
of common sense, we were ready for a new could be coaching someone else who is
experience. thinking of starting out. That was our first
idea. B&B owners who have gone down
We opened our B&B in Cornwall in the this road have written some excellent
Spring 2000. It was a new venture, so as guides to the business. We decided that we
well as refurbishing the property, we had to weren’t ready to write, so in 2005 ….
create a website, open a bank account,
commission an accountant, take out an We bought a hotel instead! Then came the
insurance policy, sign up to several HR challenge of running a staff of 25 souls;
advertising sites, join the AA and the local running a 40 cover restaurant and
tourism association and open accounts managing a ‘brigade’ of chefs; recruiting
with principal suppliers etc etc……… and training; payroll; grievances; sickness;
leave; employment law and even bigger
This will all be familiar stuff to BedPosts accounts, bigger suppliers and maintaining
members but rehearsal of these a much bigger Victorian mansion. But in
prerequisites is a useful illustration of the essence it was still running a B&B – just
wide field of expertise that every bigger. We certainly couldn’t have done it
successful B&B owner will have mastered without our B&B experience.
even in the early stages of setting up their
business. Then there is the task of actually How often during those years did we wish
running the show. That means selling the for the chance to take a break, to be able to
rooms – by website, by telephone, through drive away, knowing that our business was
in safe hands, to allow us to concentrate on
our own agenda, to recharge our energy while they are away
bank and refresh our sense of humour, and for their repeat
while being confident that our guests were business (all our
being properly looked after and that our clients have come
precious business was being run back for more!), we
effectively. We know from our own are kept pretty
experience, when dealing with a family busy. With more
crisis or other personal emergency in mid- than 500 relief
season, having a back-up management management
team to rely on is an invaluable days in total under
contingency. our belts we feel
proud to have lead the way in introducing
So the idea of Good House Keepers was this service to the UK market. Personalised
born … wouldn’t it be good if! relief management is becoming very
It’s now four years since our GHK website
went live! Thanks to all our brilliant clients Have a look at our website. It explains our
who have entrusted us with their business methodology – how it works; what we do;
what it costs; how to book. If you needed
any confirmation that this is a service
worth considering, the feedback on our
Portfolio page and Blog demonstrates that
the system works.
That’s “The Good Housekeepers”. That’s
“Life after B&B”. Tim and Susan Langdon
The Good House Keepers
BedPosts offers this article as an informational article for innkeepers regarding services
available. It is not to be construed as a recommendation. Articles of services beneficial
to Accommodation Providers are welcomed. Send to mag@bedposts.org.uk