B edPo st i n g s
ISSUE 2 · MAR/APR 2017
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Several years ago, Tesla started a program (scheme) to
make chargers for electric cars available throughout the
country so their car owners could travel. They were trying
to space them around and were offering them to B&Bs,
inns, and hotels. 17 March, I contacted the man I dealt
with to get my charging units installed to ask if that
scheme was available in the UK. He responded:
EDITOR It’s good to hear from you. Yes, we do have another team
over in Europe that coordinates installations for the UK. If
KATHLEEN PANEK you happen to know innkeepers that are interested in
mag@bedposts.org.uk applying, they can do so via this link. Ben
BUSINESS NOTE: Refer to [your country's] electrical codes when
CLUB installing the Wall Connector. If in doubt, check with your
COMMITTEE local building electrical inspector. To determine the type
of electrical breaker you need, examine the distribution
Chairman: panel/circuit breaker box to identify the amperage
ROY McGREGOR available at the installation site. The Wall Connector has
club@bedposts.org.uk internal DIP switches that allow you to adjust its operating
01904 415522 current. ... For other regions [outside USA] use an
overcurrent protection.
DENNIS PEARSON I hope this will be useful to many of you as electric cars
are getting more popular. Tesla gave me BOTH the Tesla
Secretary: and the charger for all other electric cars. This is your
KATHLEEN PANEK chance to get ahead of the curve and beat hotels/motels
to the punch. Remember how
Committee Members: unimportant some considered wifi.
MIV HUGHES Keep sending your stories and photos
CAROLINE COTTON (highest resolution possible please) to
mag@bedposts.org.uk. Kathleen
PUBLISHER COVER & PAGE 6: Featured accommodation
- Heather about Old Store Guest House
Internet Results Ltd
Aston House PAGE 4: BedPosts Business Club Chairman's report
Bovingdon Heights - Roy focusses on the threat posed by Airbnb
Marlow, SL7 2JS
PAGE 8: Welcome to new members
01628 481711 - Both to BedPosts Business Club & The Forum
www.internet-results.ltd.uk PAGE 9: Letter from America - Kathleen whacks it to us
PAGE 10: My part of the world - Buxton
- Caroline on why Buxton gets 1,000,000 visitors a year
PAGE 12: Letters to the editor
- Keith explains how to use BedPosts to advantage
PAGE 14: Two delicious recipes
- Dani’s Baked Oatmeal & John’s Favorite Herb Bread
Roy McGregor, of Bull Lodge in York, has
been Chair of BedPosts Business Club for
three years. In this article for BedPostings
magazine he outlines some of the difficulties
facing the independent sector of our industry.
AIRBNB - A THREAT? problem on Airbnb, although we all see it
I started last issue talking about, as I see differently with our own businesses. Most
them, the three main problems facing our offer use of kitchen, laundry, etc. but with
B&B sector, namely, the expansion of the some it is only by arrangement. Everyone
budget hotels sector, Airbnb, and the large seems to make a cleaning charge - perhaps
Online Booking Agencies (OBAs). This we should as well! One place offered
issue I will cover Airbnb, an OBA but with continental breakfast for £6 each, another
it's own way of operating that has taken nice little earner. One former B&B with 5
many, many places by storm. It's part of bedrooms also offers rooms on a
the sharing economy - but what exactly houseboat moored near central York - that
does it share? Well, for a start it shares is a business! Now I know that B&Bs do
lots of our potential guests amongst its own use Airbnb but have to wonder how many
suppliers -there are around 52,500 of them Airbnb-only properties do not pay anything
in the U.K in terms of rates or business insurance.
As before, I refer to my own city of York. I With almost all York listings on Airbnb
have no definitive figure for the current come reviews. I noticed plenty of reviews
number of B&Bs in York (well under 100?) for February, a number of those from
but indicated before
how that is declining. Asian/Chinese
However, looking at guests. Nice
Airbnb for rooms in business if you
York, there is loads of can get it, but they
choice in what is a have to be taking
relatively small area. There are around 300 trade from
listings for the city and maybe 20 or 30 for established B&Bs. It was amusing to read
the surrounding area. Most of the York one tetchy response to a less than
listings are for individual rooms or small complimentary review which asked "What
apartments, but some are for whole-house do you expect for £19 each? You wouldn't
lets or for rooms where all those available get a room in a hostel for that." That £19 -
in a house are for letting. On that basis, I one of the cheaper York rates - excluded
would estimate that Airbnb could have as the cleaning charge and the "Service
many bed-spaces, and probably more, in Charge" (Air's 12% commission), by the
York than the existing B&B sector. I can tell way, so is starting to creep up towards a
that a few are former B&Bs. An initial B&B shared bathroom rate without
thought, apart from surprise at the numbers breakfast in all likelihood. As an aside, I
and choice, is that many offerings are not wonder how many hosts avail themselves
en suite. This does not seem to be a of the chance to have an Airbnb algorithm
pricing their listing according to the season,
local competition and current demand? always be a demand for the 'traditional'
B&B, unfortunately it appears to be a
NO INVESTMENT IN LOCAL ECONOMY shrinking demand. Oh, and if the latest talk
Airbnb, along with the likes of Uber, has of a hotel tax* comes to anything, anywhere
expanded and taken over some cities, in the U.K., well it's not impossible that
occasionally leading to changes in local Airbnb properties might escape it.
laws. Such companies claim to invest in
local economies - in Airbnb's case without HOW IS YOUR AREA BEING AFFECTED?
spending a penny on infrastructure or At the end of my last article I asked for
buildings. It merely extracts a toll from feedback on how your area was being
travellers, using technology. Airbnb wants affected by the loss of B&Bs coupled with
to have it both ways because, as well as the growth of hotels. None so far, but I
being in the "sharing economy" Airbnb now await any with interest. Equally, how about
classes itself as part of the "circular some information on how Airbnb is growing
economy", in that it claims a green and affecting your area and business?
credential by virtue of providing Information is paramount, armed with it we
accommodation without building hotels! can go to councils and to government and
make a case for regulatory change. While
NO LEVEL PLAYING FIELD you are about it, also let your local MP
The main gripe that many of us will have know. Finally, any thoughts on how the
with Air is the lack of a level playing field B&B can compete with the Airbnb - write in
with all their 'partners' who are not please!
registered B&Bs. Now, business rates are
not currently much of an issue as most of Roy McGregor
us, I suspect, will be exempt and under the Chair, BedPosts Business Club
rates threshold. This does leave the other
factors of business insurance, fire regs WRITE TO ME
plus health and safety. Such matters roy.mcgregor@bedposts.org.uk
impose a time as well as a financial cost
and the suspicion must be that a large * Hotel Tax footnote
percentage of Airbnb properties do nothing,
or little, on these matters. Councils are increasingly talking about the
possibility of raising a local tax on hotel
WE'RE BEING SQUEEZED bedrooms in order to supplement their
Basically, our B&B sector is being depressed incomes. Meanwhile they are
squeezed. On one side is the seemingly being increasingly called upon to supply
ever-expanding chain hotel sector. On the extra services. Councils in Bath, Bristol,
other side is the Airbnb-backed sector, with North Somerset, South Gloucestershire,
low overheads and possibly a low Edinburgh and London have all raised this
contribution to the economy in terms of possibility and doubtless the idea will
rates and taxes. I am sure that there will spread. The government recently and
controversially got Surrey Council to ditch
the idea of a local referendum on an
increase in tax to pay for social care.
6 FEATURED ACCOMMODATION - Old Store Guest House, Chichester
In a bygone era this Georgian home
with beamed bedrooms served as a
point for the purchase of groceries.
Situated between Goodwood and
Chichester, West Sussex. Heather
Birchenough tells her story.
Fifteen years ago Patrick and I decided to local villages, which in turn served the
give up our jobs, as a teacher and a driving Goodwood Estate. The bread ovens remain
instructor, to buy and run a guest house. in our outhouse, and the delicatessen
How our lives have changed and developed shelves now hold the condiments in our
since then! We found a beautiful Georgian breakfast room. Each of the seven
house, built in 1795, on the edge of the bedrooms has its share of exposed wooden
Goodwood Estate near Chichester, West beams, and the top floor ceilings rise into
Sussex, and fell in love with it. the A frames that support the roofs. Every
room is different and has its own character
The house is built in the local vernacular and colour scheme, but each sports a
style, with brick on the “good side” and flint bright, modern shower room with a
on the other side. However, it is the powerful shower.
characterful flint side that everyone loves,
and where guests enter the house.
The Old Store was just that; the village These days I bake the bread in the kitchen,
store and bakery that served some of the using flour that has been milled at the
nearby Weald and Downland Open Air
FEATURED ACCOMMODATION - Old Store Guest House, Chichester 7
The smell of proving and Theatre. South of the city,
baking bread fills the house Chichester Harbour is an
and whets the appetite for extensive natural harbour with
breakfast, where we use as footpaths, boat trips and an
many local ingredients as array of visiting water birds.
we can source. To follow This adjoins the coast, with
the usual starters of fruit the lovely sweep of sand at
juice, cereals, porridge, West Wittering.
fruit, grapefruit and yogurt,
we serve the full English We live on the edge of the
breakfast, with alternative South Downs National Park,
dishes of smoked salmon an unspoilt area of hills and
and scrambled eggs on valleys with traditional
English muffins, or villages and pubs that
pancakes with bacon and specialise in serving tasty
maple syrup. This is food. As well as the Open Air
followed, of course, with Museum – one of our
that home baked bread, favourite places to visit –
accompanied by there are several stately
homemade jams and homes, including Petworth
marmalade, and washed Park, Parham House and
down with tea and coffee. Uppark, to while away an
afternoon in grand
We have made good surroundings.
friends amongst our
guests, who may stay with I often say that running a
us for a variety of reasons, guest house beats having to
some for business, some work, and I like the daily
for weddings and parties, commute; 20 seconds to get
some to visit friends and down the stairs from our flat
relations, and many who to the kitchen! Of course,
return to us time and time there is a lot of work involved,
again. from the laundering – we
wash and iron our linens
Living in such a beautiful ourselves – to the cooking
part of England, we play and shopping, maintaining our
host to many people who quarter acre garden, and the
come to Sussex to enjoy office work involved in
the culture, sea and running a business.
countryside. We live just
four miles from the centre But the best part of our lives
of Chichester, a gorgeous by far is welcoming our
Roman and Georgian guests, both new and
cathedral city filled with returning “old friends” from all
interesting little shops, around the world, and doing
alley ways and parks, and our very best to give them an
the world famous enjoyable and unique
Chichester Festival experience.
BedPosts Business Club
Keith Claire
MacDonald Jarmain
The Sanctuary, Wiltshire Post Office House, Northumberland
Gill Mike
Marshall Kelly
Penllys Bach, Powys Thorpe Cottage, Derbyshire
Jayne Clair
Rabone Barber
Home Farm House, Dorset The Coast Yard, West Sussex
Rookery Nook, Surrey
Maison Dieu, Kent
Alan David
Cusack Brown
Potter’s Cottage, Worcestershire Bryn Melwyn, Gwynedd
Our Editor, Kathleen Panek, gives us her insights into life
and events in USA. She focesses on Trump's policies on
immigration, controversial on both sides of the Atlantic.
She writes in her usual forthright way.
HOT TOPIC immigrants. I have seen videos of Paris
I thought I might give you some opinion and cities in Germany with riots and trash
from across the Pond about one of the ‘hot everywhere. I saw parts of Paris in 2011
button’ subjects around the world right and it was beautiful.
now. In the last issue, President Trump had
not had time to pass gas and the hounds PROTECTION OF OUR CITIZENS
were ripping at his throat. I wanted to do a I am not against immigration (except for
bit of ‘wait and see’. my Mother’s paternal side who arrived in
1639 (Worcester family), the rest came
WHERE I STAND through Ellis Island) and I am not against
To save time and effort, I will declare up any particular religion (although it seems
front, I am in the Trump Camp so far. that only one is out to play Henry the VIII or
Lewis Carroll’s Red Queen), but I DO want
IMMIGRATION POLICY my Government to do their due diligence
The big thing that seems to have people’s as laid out in our Constitution. The primary
shorts in a knot (other than the planned role is to protect the citizens. That means
repeal of Obamacare – another time with stop at the border those who are coming in
that one) is the Immigration Policy. with a history of anti-America.
First of all, this is NOT a total ban – it is a Immigration should be a wish to assimilate
90-day ban while vetting is done. No one and become part of the new Country. I only
objected when in 2011 Obama did a 6- ask that if you do not want to be an
month ban on immigrants from Iraq due to American, stay in a country that suits who
2 Iraqi infiltrators discovered in the State of and what you are. Do not come to MY
Kentucky (a State that borders West Country and try to make it into what you
Virginia). left. If you want that kind of life – stay
My grandson was active duty Navy and is THERE'S NO ONE-SIZE FITS ALL POLICY
now in Navy Reserves and my youngest So far, I am quite satisfied with the
daughter is a policeman in Chicago. I do immigration policies. I am aware that no
not want a repeat performance of what matter what policy is put in place,
happened to a soldier in England courtesy someone’s ‘ox will be gored’, but there is
of one of the immigrants there. no policy instituted anywhere that is going
to be a one-size fits all.
I have seen photos and videos of the WRITE TO ME
immigrants leaving the boats – I did not Feel free to give an answer to
see families, I did not see women and mag@BedPosts.org.uk (and please do not
children, and I did not see old people. It
was many, many young men. Reminded me be shy). Subject Letter to the Editor,
of a rag-tag army, not beleaguered
please, and your letter will be printed in the
next issue.
Caroline Cotton of 9 Green Lane has been living in Buxton for
18 years. She moved there from the West Country after falling
in love with the Peak District. She says it's a great place to live
and couldn't imagine living anywhere else now.
Buxton is a market town in Derbyshire, the built a great many important buildings. He
most central county in England. It is also is most remembered now for his marriage
England’s highest market town at some 980 to Geogiana Spencer, a relation of Princess
feet above sea level. Buxton is often Diana. Georgiana was a dazzling society
described as ‘The Gateway to the Peak figure whose unhappy marriage to the
District National Park’, being situated in the Duke led her to adventures which
borough of High Peak which is itself scandalised society. Uncanny parallels
surrounded by the Peak District National with her descendant Diana. Nevertheless,
Park, the oldest national park in Britain. the beautiful buildings the Duke
Due to its high elevation, Buxton has its commissioned for Buxton leave an
own micro-climate and is frequently 2° enduring legacy. Most notable, the famous
cooler than nearby towns and villages. Crescent, was designed as a Spa Hotel.
Built between 1780 and 1784, it put Buxton
The Romans created a settlement in on the map as ‘The Bath of the North’, the
Buxton. Little remains of Roman Buxton journey to the original Bath (another
now, apart from a section of what is known Roman Spa town) in Somerset then taking
as Roman Road, a cobbled street. some three days from Derbyshire. The
Duke decided Buxton could rival anything
Thanks to the geothermal spring in the Bath had to offer.
town, Buxton has long been a magnet for
visitors wishing to take advantage of the The Spa Hotel became a massive success
healing qualities of the water. One famous so the Duke then built riding stables to
regular visitor was Mary Queen of Scots accommodate the horses and carriages of
who came to enjoy a respite from her the gentry flocking to Buxton. Completed
captivity by her cousin Queen
Elizabeth I, and to seek in 1789, the stables were
treatment for her arthritis. The eventually converted into a
Old Hall hotel in Buxton, which charity hospital for the ‘sick
lays claim to being the oldest poor’. A large dome was
hotel in England, played host constructed to cover the
to Mary though the original building, now known as The
building no longer exists, the current Devonshire Dome. At the time
building dating from 1670. Mary’s last visit it was the largest unsupported dome in the
to Buxton was in 1584, she had a world, larger than St Paul’s, St Peter’s
premonition she would not return. The Old Basilica in Rome and the Pantheon.
Hall displays a facsimile of a message she
engraved on a window pane of the original The Crescent itself ceased to be a hotel,
hotel: ‘Buxton, whose warm waters have eventually being closed off to the public
made thy name famous, perchance I shall and allowed to fall into disrepair. It is now
visit thee no more-Farewell’ being restored back to its former glory as it
is being converted into a five-star hotel
Buxton enjoyed a Renaissance in Georgian which will once again offer the spa
times when the Fifth Duke of Devonshire treatments for which Buxton was once so
famous. Buxton looks set for yet another
revival with the imminent re-opening of the The clothes contained the fleas which
Crescent as a full spa hotel. caused the spread of the disease. The
villagers started coming down with the
Another building of note is the Frank plague and the decision was made to
Matcham designed Edwardian
Opera House, host to many isolate themselves to prevent
musical events including the the spread to neighbouring
famous Buxton Opera Festival communities. Many books and
which takes place every year in plays have been written about
July. It is run in tandem with this. Their sacrifice meant the
the increasingly popular Buxton north of England was spared
Festival Fringe, an opportunity for from the plague. What befell
performers to show-case their talents with Eyam has helped modern researchers to
amateur performances in comedy, music better understand the disease. The
and drama. descendants of some of the surviving
villagers still live in the village and DNA
Every town and village in Derbyshire has testing has shown there is, in some people,
its own Well Dressing, where local wells a natural immunity to the bacterial
and springs are dressed with displays infection that caused the plague.
made of floral materials set into damp clay
to create a mosaic picture, generally on a The Peak District attracts many outdoor
religious theme or to commemorate an enthusiasts with breath taking scenery,
important event. The custom is hiking, and cycling trails. Buxton has its
all but unique to Derbyshire and it
is thought to date back to pagan own show cave, Poole’s Cavern.
times where thanks would be Said to be named after an outlaw
made for the supply of water. by the name of Poole, who had
Buxton has its Well Dressing made it his home according to old
Festival in July with three wells accounts. Famous visitors to the
being decorated at different cave included poor Mary Queen
locations. The best known is St of Scots, Daniel Dafoe (who was
Anne’s well, where the warm not impressed) and Charles
Buxton water comes out straight from the Cotton, who named it one of his
spring. The wells are blessed and there is Seven Wonders of the Peak.
a parade through the town accompanied by Many archaeological finds have been made
a Well Dressing Queen, her attendants and in the cave dating back over 2000 years to
a brass band. Quite a spectacle for visitors the Iron Age.
to the town.
Buxton attracts in the region of 1 million
There are countless beautiful small villages visitors each year, and it is the main centre
within a short distance from Buxton which for overnight stays in the Peak District
are well worth a visit, with their typical overall, accounting an estimated 64% of
Derbyshire limestone cottages and houses. total bed space for the area. With a
One of particular note and fame is the fantastic variety of restaurants from Thai,
‘Plague Village’ of Eyam. In 1665, a tailor Greek, Spanish, Nepalese, good old pub
living in the village had a box of clothing grub and more, the visitor to Buxton really
delivered from London to copy the latest is spoilt for choice. With Chatsworth
fashions. This was, when the Black Death, House, Lyme Park and Haddon Hall only
or bubonic plague, was raging in the city. twelve miles away, and many National
Trust properties nearby, it is easy to see
why Buxton is a popular choice.
We received one Letter to the Editor for this issue. As promised it is
printed in its entirety.
Dear Editor, e.g. the customer fills in a simple form:
We were attracted to Bedposts for two
(1) that it is a group of individuals and
businesses with their own personalities,
but also with a shared purpose
(2) we would still be in control of the ....and we receive the email almost
bookings, and not be yet another individual immediately
business that's been "assimilated by the
borg" (Bookings.com, Trip Advisor, Last
Minute, etc). For each and every Bedposts
booking, 100% of that is coming to us,
there is no middle-man taking a slice of the
It's simple to add the "booking widget" as
a small block of javascript to the existing
website home page. Each Bedposts
member will have an ID which makes the
results unique to each member's B&B
The results?
Does it work?
Yes, and it works well. We've been tracking
where each of our bookings comes from.
Last year, since we started using the
Bedposts booking scheme, a satisfying
30% came through that, and it's about 35%
so far this year.
The result (as seen by potential customers) The online calendar is simple to use as
looks clean and simple as well. well. We've made updating it part of our
normal routine when guest make a
We receive a personalised and informative booking, and takes about 10 seconds to
email for each enquiry. use it.
with a cold beer (hey, it was a hot day). Just
using a tablet, we were able to respond to
email enquiries, use the Bedposts calendar
to check our existing bookings, and add
new bookings as they came in.
Keith and Rebecca Macdonald
The Sanctuary
Ogbourne St. George, SN8 1SQ
Anecdotal evidence: Just last week, we www.the-sanctuary.biz
took a long weekend break of our own. We T: 01672 841473
were sitting on the waterfront in Barcelona, M: 07850 325344
Get More Business
Since installing my Tesla and universal chargers, I have had 4 room nights booked – the
4th being 2 April when Canadian Tesla owners called from the road – plus a lady from our
State Capital has stopped in twice for a $15 “top-off” (a “fill-up” takes about 4 hours with
a Tesla charger) since she is usually here for just a couple hours. As electric cars
become more prevalent, I expect to see a lot more business from them – I am ahead of
the trend, thanks to Tesla who paid for it. - Ed.
Dani’s Baked Oatmeal • Mix all the other ingredients in a large
bowl. MIX – do not beat.
Editor, Kathleen, shares one of her recipes • Put the oatmeal mixture in the loaf pan on
with us. top of the mixed berries.
• (This can then be put in the fridge until
• ½ cup butter, melted morning for baking.)
• 2 eggs • Bake for 30 to 40
• 3 cups Quick Oats (oatmeal) minutes.
• Vanilla • Place a platter over the
• ½ cup brown sugar loaf pan, hold the platter
• 1 cup milk and the loaf pan with pot
• 2 teaspoons baking powder holders and flip the baked
• ½ bag frozen berries oatmeal onto the platter
(like an upside-down
Method pineapple cake).
• Spray a loaf pan with no-stick spray. • I top with fresh red raspberries just prior
• Pre-heat oven to 350 F. to serving.
• Put the mixed frozen berries in the bottom • Slice and serve with vanilla yogurt on the
of the loaf pan. (I put blackberries and side.
blueberries in the bottom of the loaf pan.)
John’s Favorite Herb Bread • Let it “proof” (meaning let it sit for 5 min.
to see if the yeast is clumping.
Publisher's note. John is Kathleen's • Add the shortening, herbs, and half the
husband who recently
passed away flour.
• Beat with a spoon (or use
Ingredients your mixer on medium speed
• 1 ¼ cup warm water (hot for 2 minutes.).
water from tap) • Add the remaining flour and
• 2 Tablespoons soft mix with a spoon.
shortening (or unsweetened • Cover with a clean cloth and
applesauce for fat-free) let raise in a warm place until
• 2 Tablespoons sugar double in bulk (about 30
• 1 Tablespoon caraway seeds minutes).
• 1 teaspoon dried sage (if using fresh 1 • Stir batter down by beating with the
Tablespoon minced) spoon (about 25 strokes).
• 1 teaspoon parsley flakes (if using fresh 1 • Spread evenly in a 9 x 5 bread pan
Tablespoon minced) sprayed with non-stick.
• 1 package active dry yeast • Smooth top with floured hand.
• 3 cups all-purpose flour • Cover and let raise (30 to 40 min).
• ½ teaspoons nutmeg • Pre-heat oven to 375F.
• Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until browned.
Method • Remove from pan immediately and cool
• In a medium bowl, put warm water and on a rack.
sprinkle yeast and sugar on the water. • This recipe doubles or triples.
Discounted credit and debit card processing
BedPosts scheme
BedPosts and Accept Cards Ltd work together to provide members with
preferential rates for taking payments by Credit/Debit Card and
comprehensive advice on all areas of card processing.
Don't yet take credit/debit cards? Here are some arguments for doing so:
• Most people expect them to be accepted
• You'll lose less on no-shows
• Easier to take deposits from foreign guests
Accept Cards have access to the lowest
processing rates through their independent
relationships with the UK's card processing
banks and as a result of this new
partnership Accept Cards and BedPosts are
pleased to confirm the following preferential
terms for members:
BedPosts Offer for all face-to-face and
telephone transactions:
• Account Set Up Fee: FREE
• Visa Personal Credit Card Transaction 0.74%
• MasterCard Personal Credit Card Transaction 0.74%
• Visa Debit Card Transaction 0.34%
• MasterCard Debit Card Transaction 0.34%
• Business, International, Premium Credit Cards 1.81%
• Minimum Monthly Service Charge £15.00
• Monthly PCI DSS Fee £3.90 per Legal Entity
Write to cards@bedposts.org.uk. A consultant from Accept Cards, a
subsidiary of UPG plc, will get in touch to discuss your requirements,
terminal rental options and potential financial savings over your current
Click to email: cards@bedposts.org.uk