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If you are waiting for ECO 365 Final Exam then your wait is over. Studentwhiz is the correct path to buy online ECO 365 Final Exam entire course material and you can clear your doubts in regard of ECO 365 Final Exam Questions and take ECO 365 Final Exam answers free. For more info :

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ECO 365 Final Exam

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ECO 365 Week 1

ECO/365 - Week 1 - DQ 1 (2 Responses):

What is economics? Do not repeat what the text says; put it in
your own words. Why do we care? How will understanding
economics help you in your personal life, and in your business
life? Give some specific examples.

ECO/365 - Week 1 - DQ 2 (2 Responses):

What is the difference between a movement along and shift of
the demand curve? Show the impact on the equilibrium price
and quantity that result from;
(1) An increase in demand
(2) An increase in supply

(3) An increase in both supply and demand.
Give an example of the role of both supply and demand in
decision making.

ECO/365 - Week 1 - DQ 3 (2 Responses):

What is the definition of price elasticity of demand? Explain the
relationship between price elasticity and total revenue? How
does price elasticity of demand affect a firm’s pricing decisions?
How does the availability of substitutes affect price elasticity of
demand? Provide some examples.

ECO/365 - Week 1 – Complete:

DQ 1. What is economics? Do not repeat what the text says;
put it in your own words. Why do we care? How will
understanding economics help you in your personal life, and in
your business life? Give some specific examples.
DQ 2. What is the difference between a movement along and
shift of the demand curve? Show the impact on the equilibrium
price and quantity that result from;
(1) An increase in demand
(2) An increase in supply
(3) An increase in both supply and demand.

Give an example of the role of both supply and demand in
decision making.
DQ 3. What is the definition of price elasticity of demand?
Explain the relationship between price elasticity and total
revenue? How does price elasticity of demand affect a firm’s
pricing decisions? How does the availability of substitutes affect

price elasticity of demand? Provide some examples.

ECO 365 Week 2 :

ECO/365 - Week 2 - DQ 1 (2 Responses):

What is average productivity? What is marginal productivity?
Explain the relationship between marginal and average
productivity. What would happen to marginal and average
productivity if a technological innovation is introduced to the
production process? Provide an example.

ECO/365 - Week 2 - DQ 2 (2 Responses:

What is the law of diminishing marginal productivity? Give an
example from your workplace of the law of diminishing
marginal productivity? How might diminishing marginal
productivity impact the costs?

ECO/365 - Week 2 - DQ 3 (2 Responses):

Why is the demand of labor a derived demand? Explain the
shape of the supply of labor curve. What is the relationship
between productivity and the wages earned by an employee?
What are some factors that determine the level of your

ECO/365 - Week 2 - Supply and Demand

Individual Assignment

Complete the Supply and Demand Simulation located on the
student website.

Write 700 - 1,050-word paper of no more than summarizing the
content. Address the following:

· Identify two microeconomics and two macroeconomics
principles or concepts from the simulation. Explain why you
have categorized these principles or concepts as
macroeconomic or microeconomic.

· Identify at least one shift of the supply curve and one shift of
the demand curve in the simulation. What causes the shifts?

· For each shift, analyze how it would affect the equilibrium
price, quantity, and decision making.

· How may you apply what you learned about supply and
demand from the simulation to your workplace or your
understanding of a real-world product with which you are

· How do the concepts of microeconomics help you understand
the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand on the
equilibrium price and quantity?

· How do the concepts of macroeconomics help you
understand the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand
on the equilibrium price and quantity?

· Relating to the simulation, explain how the price elasticity of
demand affects a consumer’s purchasing and the firm’s pricing

ECO/365 - Week 2 - Production and Cost

Learning Team Reflection - Production and Cost Analysis
Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Include the
topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with,
and how the topics relate to your field.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.

ECO/365 - Week 2 – Complete:

DQ 1. What is average productivity? What is marginal
productivity? Explain the relationship between marginal and
average productivity. What would happen to marginal and
average productivity if a technological innovation is introduced
to the production process? Provide an example.

DQ 2. What is the law of diminishing marginal productivity?
Give an example from your workplace of the law of diminishing
marginal productivity? How might diminishing marginal
productivity impact the costs?

For more in ECO 365 week 2 complete

ECO 365 Week 3

ECO/365 - Week 3 - DQ 1 (2 Responses):

Briefly describe each of the four market structures. How would
you explain the differences among these market structures?
Identify which market structure your organization competes in
and why you think so. If you work in a government
organization, pick a private company you are familiar
with. Government is by definition a monopoly, and so not very

interesting in this context.

ECO/365 - Week 3 - DQ 2 (2 Responses):

What are some real-life examples of monopolistically
competitive, oligopoly, and monopoly markets? How do market
prices differ between perfectly and imperfectly competitive
markets? Will a monopoly always produce at a profit-
maximizing level of output? Explain your answer.

ECO/365 - Week 3 - Current Market Conditions
Competitive Analysis:

Learning Team - Current Market Conditions Competitive

Imagine you are part of a strategic planning group at a large
corporation that is considering developing a new proposed
product. The marketing director has asked your team to do a
competitive market analysis to determine the product’s
potential success. The analysis will focus on your primary
competitor in the product’s market.

Select a potential competitive organization and a product in
that organization

For more:

ECO/365 - Week 3 - Market Structure:

Learning Team Reflection - Market Structure
Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Include the
topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with,
and how the topics relate to your field.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.

ECO/365 - Week 3 – Complete:

DQ 1. Briefly describe each of the four market structures. How
would you explain the differences among these market
structures? Identify which market structure your organization
competes in and why you think so. If you work in a government
organization, pick a private company you are familiar
with. Government is by definition a monopoly, and so not very
interesting in this context.
DQ 2. What are some real-life examples of monopolistically
competitive, oligopoly, and monopoly markets? How do market
prices differ between perfectly and imperfectly competitive
markets? Will a monopoly always produce at a profit-
maximizing level of output? Explain your answer.

ECO 365 Week 4

ECO/365 - Week 4 - DQ 1 (2 Responses):

What is an externality? Are they always negative? Provide
examples. How does an externality affect the market outcome?
What is a Market Failure? Is it possible for a government’s
solution to a market failure to actually worsen the failure?
Explain your answer.

ECO/365 - Week 4 - DQ 2 (2 Responses):

What are the differences among horizontal, vertical, and
conglomerate mergers? What does the U.S. government hope
to achieve through the use of its antitrust policy? How do the
resolutions of the IBM®, AT&T®, and Microsoft® antitrust cases
differ? How does international competition affect domestic
antirust policy?

ECO/365 - Week 4 - DQ 3 (2 Responses):

What is the cost/benefit approach that a typical economist
takes to analyze regulations? What are the goals of taxation?
How are economic policies impacted by politics, and how
politics make a positive or a negative contribution to economic
policy? How does antitrust policy and regulation affect
economic welfare?

ECO/365 - Week 4 - Differentiating Between
Market Structures:

Differentiating Between Market Structures

For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:
Option 1: Differentiating Between Market Structures in Kudler
Option 2: Differentiating Between Market Structures in an
Organization of Your Choice
Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material:
Differentiating Between Market Structures located on the
student website and select one option to complete the

ECO/365 - Week 4 - Public Policy in

Public Policy in Economics

Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Include the
topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with,
and how the topics relate to your field.

Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.

ECO/365 - Week 4 – Complete:

DQ 1. What is an externality? Are they always negative?
Provide examples. How does an externality affect the market
outcome? What is a Market Failure? Is it possible for a
government’s solution to a market failure to actually worsen the
failure? Explain your answer.

DQ 2. What are the differences among horizontal, vertical, and
conglomerate mergers? What does the U.S. government hope to
achieve through the use of its antitrust policy? How do the
resolutions of the IBM®, AT&T®, and Microsoft® antitrust
cases differ? How does international competition affect domestic
antirust policy?

ECO 365 Week 5

ECO/365 - Week 5 - DQ 1 (2 Responses) :

What are the impacts of innovation and technology on the cost
of production? How does technology affect market structure
and real-world competition? Which market structure is best
suited for technological innovation? Explain your answer. How
have technological innovations affected your organization?

ECO/365 - Week 5 - DQ 2 (2 Responses):

What factors influence a firm’s competitive strategies? How
does global economic competition impact the price elasticity in
the domestic market and decisions related to the strategy a
firm uses to compete? Why do most economists oppose trade
restrictions? Who have been the winners and losers as a result
of NAFTA? Explain your answer.

ECO/365 - Week 5 - DQ 3 (2 Responses):

How do you define social diversity and business ethics? How
has a more diversified labor force affected the corporate
structure and the economy? What are some potential
roadblocks, ethical or otherwise, in promoting a diverse
workplace? Explain your answer.

ECO/365 - Week 5 - Competitive Strategies
and Government Policies:

Learning Team - Competitive Strategies and Government
Management has recognized the effect of changes in the real-
world competitive environment and government policies on
other industries and anticipates similar events occurring in their
industry, so they ask you for a report considering the following
Write 1,400 – 1,750-word paper of no more than in which you
describe how each of the following are or potentially will affect
your industry or one with which you are familiar:
FOR MORE: Competitive Strategies and Government Policies

ECO/365 - Week 5 - Global Competition:

Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Include the
topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with,
and how the topics relate to your field.

Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.

ECO/365 - Week 5 – Complete:

DQ 1. What are the impacts of innovation and technology on
the cost of production? How does technology affect market
structure and real-world competition? Which market structure
is best suited for technological innovation? Explain your
answer. How have technological innovations affected your

DQ 2. What factors influence a firm’s competitive strategies?
How does global economic competition impact the price
elasticity in the domestic market and decisions related to the
strategy a firm uses to compete? Why do most economists
oppose trade restrictions? Who have been the winners and
losers as a result of NAFTA? Explain your answer.


ECO 365 Final Exam & Knowledge Check

ECO 365 Week 1 Knowledge Check
ECO 365 Week 2 Knowledge Check
ECO 365 Week 3 Knowledge Check
ECO 365 Week 4 Knowledge Check
ECO 365 Week 5 Knowledge Check
ECO 365 Final Exam (Latest)
ECO 365 Final Exam (August 2015)

ACC 291 Final Exam
MKT 578 Final Exam
QNT 561 Final Exam

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