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Published by felipe.ramos.nery, 2022-10-03 08:36:02

Rise of The Primarch

Rise of The Primarch




ADEPTUS ASTARTES AN AGE OF LEGENDS ....................................4

Roboute Guilliman Severus Agemman CHAPTER 1: ULTRAMAR DEFIANT..............6
Primarch of the Ultramarines Captain of the Ultramarines
1st Company CHAPTER 2: WAR STORM.............................36
Varro Tigurius
Chief Librarian of the Aldrik Voldus CHAPTER 3: RISE OF THE PRIMARCH.......62
Ultramarines Grand Master of the Grey
Knights 3rd Brotherhood CHAPTER 4: THE RULES ............................100
Marneus Calgar
Chapter Master of Cypher Echoes of War Missions ........................................................102
the Ultramarines Lord of the Fallen Echoes of War: Through the Flames...................................104
Echoes of War: The Battle of Guilliman’s Shrine ..............106
Cato Sicarius Amalrich Echoes of War: Macragge’s Honour....................................108
Captain of the Ultramarines Marshal of the Black Templars Echoes of War: The Final Bridge.........................................110
2nd Company Echoes of War: Amidst the Sea of Storms...........................112
Cataclysm of War Missions ...................................................114
HEROES OF THE IMPERIUM Cataclysm of War: To Bind the Storm.................................115
Cataclysm of War: Vagaries of the Warp .............................116
Belisarius Cawl Adronitus Cataclysm of War: Sanctuary from the Storm.....................117
Archmagos Dominus of Mars Shield-Captain of the Forces of the Adeptus Astartes.............................................118
Adeptus Custodes Datasheets..............................................................................119
Celestine Cypher ...................................................................................120
The Living Saint Kalim Varanor In Pursuit of the Fallen ........................................................121
Aquila Commander of the Fallen .....................................................................................122
Katarinya Greyfax Adeptus Custodes Fallen Champions.................................................................123
Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus Grand Master Voldus ............................................................124
Bulwark of Purity ..................................................................125
Yvraine AELDARI Grey Knights Appendix ........................................................126
Emissary of Ynnead Daemonic Adversaries ..........................................................127
Sylandri Veilwalker Roboute Guilliman ...............................................................128
The Visarch Shadowseer of the Veiled Path Triumvirate of the Primarch................................................130
Sword of Ynnead Victrix Guard.........................................................................131
Forces of the Ultramarines ..................................................132
AGENTS OF CHAOS Relics of Ultramar.................................................................133
Victrix Strike Force Detachment .........................................134
Magnus the Red Kairos Fateweaver Tactical Objectives ................................................................136
Daemon Primarch of the Oracle of Tzeentch
Thousand Sons WHAT’S NEXT?.............................................137
Bloodthirster of Khorne


Gathering Storm: Rise of the Primarch © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017.
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ISBN: 978-1-78572-593-7


It began as the full might of the 13th Black Crusade crashed against the Cadian
Gate. Hammered from orbit, betrayed from within, the outlying worlds of the
Cadian System fell. With every passing day hope dwindled, but the Imperial
defenders held their ground. Under the leadership of Lord Castellan Creed, Cadia
was standing firm as it always had, however the threat was greater than ever before.

As the conflict became increasingly desperate, heroes of the Imperium gathered
on Cadia. Space Marines from multiple Chapters lent their strength to the
defence, including the Black Templars of Marshal Amalrich, and the Imperial
Fists of Captain Garadon, who brought the star fort Phalanx into the war. Saint
Celestine swept down upon Cadia in its darkest hour, her miracles instilling faith
in its ragged protectors. Inquisitor Greyfax, long a prisoner of Trazyn the Infinite,
was released from captivity to lend her prodigious will and talents to the cause.

Yet the key to victory upon Cadia and beyond lay not in simple strength of arms,
a truth recognised only by Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl of the Adeptus
Mechanicus. Urged on by the Harlequin Sylandri Veilwalker, this ancient Martian
priest had unlocked the secrets of the black pylons that studded Cadia. Only now,
at this final juncture, did Cawl see that Abaddon’s Black Crusades had long been
seeking out and destroying pylons across the galaxy. With each such victory, the
Despoiler weakened the weave and weft of reality. Cawl had, in truth, been en
route to honour an ancient pact made with the Lord of Ultramar, but on Cadia he
saw a chance to reverse Abaddon’s work and even close the Eye of Terror forever.

It was not to be. Though the Emperor’s servants fought with dogged courage and
determination, Cawl’s works were undone, the pylons destroyed and Cadia dealt
a grievous death blow. The few remaining Imperial defenders were forced to flee,
and as they did so a great and terrible Warp rift yawned in their wake. Yet one
chance at salvation remained open to them: Cawl’s ancient pact, at the crux of
which was the mysterious artefact that he transported within an armoured auto-
reliquary. Declaring themselves the Celestinian Crusade in honour of the Living
Saint who still lit their way through the darkness, the surviving warriors of the
Imperium forged on, with the Despoiler hot on their heels.

At the same time, a cosmic upheaval rocked the very foundations of the Eldar race.
A new deity had awoken in the aether, known as Ynnead, the God of the Dead.
Upon the blood-soaked sands of the Dark City’s Crucibael arena, a gladiatrix
named Yvraine was chosen by this gestalt being to act as his prophet. Though beset
by both her own people and the daemonic servants of Slaanesh, Yvraine, aided
by the mysterious warrior known as the Visarch, successfully brought word of the
Whispering God’s awakening to Craftworld Biel-Tan. There, a great shattering
occurred, the craftworld undergoing a swift and terrible cycle of death and
rebirth that brought the Yncarne, avatar of Ynnead, into being. Some amongst the
Eldar race embraced the Ynnari belief that the cycle of death and rebirth would
be their salvation. Others rejected it as arrogant and dangerous in the extreme.
Yvraine pressed on regardless, seeking out the time-lost artefacts known as the
Croneswords and formulating a desperate plan to turn back the tides of Chaos.

It was this mission that brought Yvraine through the webway to the frozen moon
of Klaisus, leading an army of the Aeldari. They emerged from the moon’s
webway gate just in time to rescue the Celestinian Crusade from their pursuers.
Driving off the Black Legionnaires, the Ynnari negotiated common cause with
the Celestinians, agreeing to aid them in reaching the realm of Ultramar. Thus,
as Warp storms billowed and spread across the galaxy, the assembled pilgrims
hastened through the webway, bearing a thin sliver of hope between them.








- Roboute Guilliman, the Codex Astartes


High in the Atheron Mountains, by the deaths of their enemies and The Black Legionnaires did not
unearthly energies stirred. They weaving like dancers around the bolt panic at this sudden assault, as lesser
flowed in barely perceptible currents, shells that roared in their direction. warriors might have. Their numbers
whipping up dust and ash as they The Visarch skidded low, sliding were few, however, and their attackers
washed across a corpse-scattered under a thumping volley of fire to had the advantage of complete
plateau. Gradually they picked up ram his blade through a traitor’s surprise. Mass-reactive bolts blew a
pace, invisible forces tugging at the breastplate. Yvraine, meanwhile, leapt handful of Skitarii apart, and two
flames that licked from wrecked battle nimbly over a hail of shots, planting of the Visarch’s Incubi were beaten
tanks, and causing billowing smoke to one foot atop a Black Legionnaire’s down and bludgeoned to death
curl into sluggish vortices. A handful of bolter and vaulting over his head. The at close quarters. Yet between the
living warriors remained on that arid prophet of Ynnead swept her blade in flashing blades of the Celestinians
mountaintop, Chaos Space Marines a flashing arc, and her victim’s helm and the Ynnari – who seemed to move
clad in the brutal armour of the left his neck an instant before his with greater speed and skill by the
Black Legion. They stood amidst the form crumbled to glowing ash. moment – all but a few of the Black
mounded dead of recent battle, a few Legionnaires were swiftly cut down.
of their own fallen scattered amongst ‘SO TAINTED ARE THE ENEMIES OF
heaps of Ultramar Defence Auxilia. THE EMPEROR, SO CORRUPT, THAT The last of the traitors fell back in
The traitors checked handheld scrying THEY SEE NOT THE HORROR AND THE good order, determined to bear word
devices and raised spiked boltguns, MISERY OF THEIR OWN LIVES. TO SLAY of what they had seen to their masters.
panning their weapons as they sought SUCH DEBASED CREATURES MIGHT BE It was not to be; none escaped the
the source of the aetheric buildup. THOUGHT A MERCY, A BENEDICTION IN howling firestorm as the Knights
Harsh voices barked challenges BLOOD. BUT IT MUST NOT BE VIEWED braced their legs and let fly with
through fanged vox grills, while SO, FOR THE HERETIC, THE ALIEN AND gatling cannons and armour-piercing
sensors swept the cobalt-blue sky above THE TRAITOR DO NOT DESERVE SUCH missiles. Fire billowed, shrapnel flew,
and the hulking forms of mountains BLESSINGS. DEDICATE THEIR DEATHS, and the fleeing traitor marines were
that rose beyond the plateau’s edge. INSTEAD, TO THE MASTER OF MANKIND, reduced to bloody tatters.
Still no enemy revealed themselves. AND THINK NOT UPON THE FOES YOU
SLAUGHTER, EXCEPT TO TREAT THEM As quickly as it had begun, the one-
With sudden fury the building AS SACRIFICES TO HIS ETERNAL GLORY.’ sided battle was over. The Celestinians
energies roared, hurling Heretic and Ynnari were left standing
Astartes from their feet. The surging - Saint Celestine, Ruminations upon the amongst the freshly fallen dead with
power was dragged inwards to a tight Nature of Holy Vengeance their weapons smoking in their hands.
point, and there it coalesced into a Terse orders were given, warriors
towering structure. Tall and elegant, More warriors surged from thin jogging out to establish a bristling
the curved edifice shimmered into air to join the Ynnari charge. perimeter of guns around the webway
view as though it had stood atop Swift-footed Dire Avengers and portal. The Eldar and humans had
the mountain for a thousand years. klaive-wielding Incubi charged out fought together, yet they remained
The air swam around it, and from alongside bellowing Black Templars wary of one another, leaving tacit
within spat a hail of firepower. Roars Space Marines, their ingrained gaps between their formations as
of anger and pain rose from the hatred for each other put aside. they deployed.
traitors as monomolecular discs cut Marshal Amalrich and Inquisitor
through armour and shattered eye Greyfax stormed out of the webway Thus shielded, the leaders of
lenses. Blood sprayed dark across side by side, blades lashing out to the Ynnari and the Celestinians
sun-bleached stone. Severed limbs shed heretic blood once more. The gathered beneath the harsh blue sky.
encased in black armour clanged to winged figure of Saint Celestine Questions needed to be asked, and
the ground as ancient heretics were soared above them, her Geminae facts established. The Imperial vox
cut to pieces by the sudden firestorm. Superia leaping at her side with bolt channels were found to be thick with
pistols blazing. The Sisters of Our clipped exchanges between Space
As the Chaos Space Marines reeled, Martyred Lady followed them into Marine officers, Defence Auxilia
the Ynnari and Celestinians burst battle, guns flaring as they spat fire regiments, starship captains and
from the webway entrance. Yvraine at the traitorous foe. Behind them countless others. All were clearly
and the Visarch led a force much all came Belisarius Cawl, skittering engaged in fierce battle against Chaos
reduced; deeming it unwise to appear on his many mechanical legs as his forces, with dread names such as the
suddenly in the bounds of Ultramar at precious auto-reliquary trundled Black Legion, the Alpha Legion, the
the head of an entire warhost, many along behind him. Skitarii and Battle Iron Warriors and the Emperor’s
of their followers, guided by Eldrad Servitors advanced with him, and the Children ringing through the vox.
Ulthran and the Autarch Meliniel, ground shook at the tread of a pair Palls of smoke rose from horizon to
had departed on other crucial of towering House Taranis Knights horizon, while the skies above were
missions. The two remaining Eldar that brought up the rear. crisscrossed with contrails. Ultramar,
leaders sprinted across the plateau it appeared, was a realm plunged into
with breathtaking speed, empowered a desperate war for survival.


H ot winds hissed across the barren plateau, bearing the would have unsettled us. But it would, perhaps, have eased our
distant rattle of gunfire and thump of explosions to road. Where, then, do we stand? And how shall we proceed along
Greyfax’s ears. our appointed path?’

‘Macragge is invaded,’ she said dourly. ‘This is grave news.’ All looked to Yvraine. The Daughter of Shades made a show of
staring off to the far horizon, her Gyrinx winding around the train
‘You are labouring under a misapprehension,’ said Cawl. of her dress, rumbling a leonine growl.
‘According to my internal gyro-cartolog, we do not stand upon
the surface of Macragge. We are located one hundred and sixty ‘This is the world that your species calls Laphis, in the star
million miles spinward of our intended destination, allowing for system of Macragge,’ she said, her voice drifting around them like
variable positioning and empyric distort.’ cold mist. ‘In order to proceed, we need only locate representatives
of the Ultramarines present upon this world.’
‘Then where are we?’ demanded the Inquisitor, rounding upon
the tall xenos priestess standing nearby. Yvraine turned to ‘And what if they are disinclined to lend us their assistance?’
Greyfax with a cold, imperious look. The Ynnari leader lowered prodded Eleanor, one of Celestine’s Geminae Superia. ‘We walk
her blade with slow deliberation, her head cocked to one side with xenos at our side, and come uninvited to their world. Are
as though listening to something only she could hear. When they not as like to shoot us as to offer welcome?’
she spoke, her voice was cold as the grave, and Greyfax felt a
shiver at the faint, insectile susurrus that scratched behind the ‘That is your concern, not ours,’ replied Yvraine, her tone
alien’s words. dismissive. ‘These are your Emperor’s finest warriors, are they not?
Surely they have the mental discipline to discern friend from foe.’
‘Would you have been gladdened, mon-keigh, to find that my
people kept a hidden way upon the surface of one of your most ‘They have the mental discipline to remain wary of xenos
prized worlds? I think not.’ trickery,’ rumbled Amalrich. ‘And to suspect those who traffic
with such creatures.’
‘No,’ growled Marshal Amalrich, ‘we would not.’ The Black
Templar had been more grim than ever since the battle on ‘We pilgrims will convince them that our cause is holy and just,’
Klaisus. Greyfax knew that he had taken the fall of Cadia, and said Celestine forcefully, shooting a stern glance at the scowling
the subsequent alliance with the xenos, very badly. Marshal. ‘And that our alliance is an honest one. But not by
standing here and arguing. We must move at once, for darkness
‘The Marshal is right,’ said Saint Celestine. ‘Such knowledge draws close, and time grows short.’


I n the closing years of the 41st MASALI SYSTEM
Millennium, the stellar realm of (Three Planet System)
Ultramar came under sustained
attack from myriad foes. Menacing EUCLADUS MASALI
shapes stirred in the intergalactic (Star Fort) (Agri World)
void, the Tyranids of Hive Fleet
Leviathan drifting inexorably towards TARENTUS QUINTARN
Guilliman’s realm. The Arch-Arsonist (Agri World) (Agri World)
of Charadon, one of the greatest
Ork warlords in the galaxy, led a TARVAN
monstrous Waaagh! from his anarchic
domain with the intent of overrunning TALASSAR
the Ultramarines’ eastern defences. Yet
the greatest threat of them all was that MASALI
posed by the dark servants of Chaos.
A vast horde of traitors, renegades, (Fortress World)
mutants and madmen fell upon
Ultramar under the leadership of TALASA TERTIUS TALASA PRIME
the foul Daemon Prince M’kar the (Industrial World) (Deathwatch
Reborn. That invasion plunged
dozens of worlds into bloody battle, Training World)
war raging from Espandor and
Tarentus to oceanic Talassar. Yet DANARCH ULDREGOR
eventually, after long months of (Feudal World (Agri World)
sorrow, bloodshed and loss, the
Ultramarines prevailed. M’kar was Blockaded) TALASA SECUNDUS
defeated and his armies driven off, (Hive World)
pursued to the stellar void beyond the
bounds of Ultramar. TALASA SYSTEM

So began a period of rebuilding and
consolidation across Ultramar, as
Marneus Calgar and his Chapter led
their peoples’ efforts to shore up the
battered defences of their realm. It was
a period of repose and recovery that
was to be all too swiftly ended.

Acting upon the prophetic revelations
of the sorcerer Zaraphiston, Abaddon
the Despoiler hurled a fresh coalition
of Chaos warbands against the
defences of Ultramar. Though the
Despoiler himself was engaged in
the ongoing fighting around the
shattered Cadian Gate, his influence
as arch-champion of the Dark Gods
extended far. So it was that he was
able to muster a sizeable force of
warriors from the Black Legion,
the Iron Warriors, the Night Lords
and a number of other renegade
factions, and hurl them against
the worlds of Ultramar. While some
warbands struck at the outer systems
in an effort to tie up potential loyalist
reinforcements, the main traitor horde
rode the tempestuous currents of the
Warp straight into the Macragge
System itself. So began a desperate and
bloody invasion...


(Industrial World) (Mining World)

KONOR (Civilised World) (Cavern World/

Ship Yards)

(Adeptus Mechanicus
Asteroid Mining Outpost)








(Shrine World)

(Chapter Planet)

(Agri World)

(Death World)

(Hive World)

(Fortress World)



At Saint Celestine’s urging, the Those sounds grew suddenly louder as projectiles that ripped the wing from
crusade forces and their Ynnari allies the road wound around the towering the approaching Daemon Engine and
moved off through the Atheron flank of a sun-scorched mountain. sent it spinning down to detonate
Mountains. Events were moving Ahead, less than a mile distant, a against the mountainside. Another
quickly now, accelerating like a river ferrocrete bastion loomed over the of the roaring Heldrakes was blown
in full flood tide, and the pilgrims roadway, built into the mountainside apart as it banked around to attack
did not have the luxury of time. itself. The stylised U of the the pilgrims, while the third broke
Cadia had fallen, but worse – judging Ultramarines was embossed proudly off its attack and jetted away into the
from the ferocity with which he upon the structure’s flank, and twin hard blue skies, dwindling until it was
had pursued his broken foes, and Icarus arrays swivelled back and forth nothing more than a speck.
his knowledge of their intended atop its battlement, barrels pistoning
destination – the Despoiler knew as they hammered fire into the sky. The Knights stomped to a halt,
something of their mission. weapons ticking as they cooled,
The barrage of shots was aimed and the rest of the pilgrims quickly
From the heights of the plateau, a at a brood of Heldrake Daemon caught up to them. Moments later, the
broad, packed-earth roadway led Engines. The draconic war machines armoured portal set into the bastion’s
down the mountainside. Wide enough swooped and circled, diving down to feet hissed as its pressure-locks
for several Baneblades to pass side gout baleflame across the bastion’s disengaged. The heavy door swung
by side, the roadway angled steadily ramparts before soaring away again open and a trio of Ultramarines
downward between taller mountain with soul-chilling roars. battle-brothers emerged, bolters
peaks, and its entire length was raised. The Space Marines advanced,
lined with ancient stone supports. One of the Heldrakes broke off in pacing carefully forward with their
Atop these stood sombre statues of the direction of the pilgrims. Marshal weapons trained on the Ynnari.
robed figures with the unmistakably Amalrich was the first to react, yelling
oversized features of Space Marines. for everyone to spread out and run for Voice amplified by his vox grill, one
Lit braziers in the statues’ hands the cover of the Imperial bastion. of their number barked a challenge to
trailed streamers of incense, and the newcomers, asking who they were,
the allies saw heaps of devotional The Knights of House Taranis where they hailed from and why they
offerings and prayer papers piled at swiftly overtook them all, their pilots travelled in the company of xenos.
the effigies’ feet. spurring their mechanical steeds
into a loping run. The massive war The conversation that followed
As they travelled, the Celestinians and engines shook the ground as they was tense, but measured discipline
Ynnari kept their weapons ready and advanced, guns swivelling skywards prevailed. Perhaps if the allies had
their eyes fixed warily on the horizon. with ominous menace. One of the come to a world of a less rational or
They threaded their way between Knights bore an Icarus array atop its temperate Chapter, matters might
occasional wrecked tanks and broad carapace, and as the Heldrake have escalated towards violence.
scattered corpses, both of Defence swooped into range, the towering
Auxilia and traitorous cultists. The construct let fly. Gatling cannons and For the Ultramarines, the combined
bodies looked to have fallen a matter heavy stubbers joined the fusillade, presence of an Inquisitor and the
of hours earlier, their blood still filling the air with a storm of Living Saint – albeit appearing less
congealing around them and local than cordial towards one another –
insects only just beginning to settle, was enough to offset the presence
but the pilgrims saw no sign of living of the Eldar at their side. Saint
beings along their road, whether Celestine explained that their mission
friend or foe. was a divine pilgrimage ordained
by the Emperor himself, and that
Archmagos Cawl assured his Archmagos Cawl and his auto-
comrades that they were travelling reliquary must reach the Lord of
in a favourable direction, their Ultramar with all haste.
road carrying them towards a large
urban centre and – if his vox-thieves The Living Saint smiled in an entirely
and the local cartographia inloads unsurprised fashion when the
were accurate – the Ultramarines Ultramarines revealed that a flight of
fortification that watched over it. The Stormravens was even now en route to
extraordinary allies spoke little as their bastion. The gunships had been
they pressed on. They listened instead requested to provide air interdiction
to the sighing of the wind through against the packs of Heldrakes
the high places, the crunch of their harassing fortifications in this region.
footfalls on dry earth, and the distant However, two gunships could be
clangour of battle borne to them spared to transport the leaders of
through the thin mountain air. the Ynnari and Celestinians up to


the Strike Cruiser Sword of Honour, of Archmagos Cawl – was purged of >>>Message Fragment
which in turn could bear them on the mindshackle scarabs that had Commences.
to Macragge. The Ultramarines enforced her captivity. This process
explained that the Lord of Ultramar was effected over several days, and ‘…epeat, this is station
had, indeed, returned to the Fortress wracked the Inquisitor with terrible Dema, vox operator Naum
of Hera just days earlier. They would agonies as the invasive cyber-parasites Hestro transmitting
see Cawl and his allies there safely. were strained from her blood stream. over all channels. Our
Astropaths are dead.
While they awaited the inbound Despite the pain that she endured, Station Overseer Munce
gunships, the pilgrims split their Greyfax’s iron will never faltered, is dead. There’s… so
forces. All of the Ynnari, save Yvraine nor did she show any but the most many dead… anyone hears
and the Visarch, would return to the minor outward signs of pain. Instead, this message, I beg you,
webway portal, departing this world to she concentrated on keeping a wary carry it on to Segmentum
spread the word of Ynnead amongst eye on Saint Celestine. In private, Command. To Holy Terra
their people. Greyfax was beginning to suspect that herself. Throne, they
Celestine’s apparent divinity was more have to be warned…’
As a gesture of good will to their than a sham. She had seen the Living
hosts, Celestine asked the Battle Saint battle against arch-heretics and ********Message
Sisters of Our Martyred Lady to twisted traitors; she had seen her corruption // background
remain on Laphis. Along with the predict events about which she could sounds of gunfire,
Knights of House Taranis, they would not have known in advance; she had screaming voices //
place themselves at the disposal of the seen how the light of Celestine’s faith breaks to static
Ultramarines, and aid in the ongoing repelled the wicked and brought new approx 73 seconds
defence of the planet. strength to the righteous. // Message fragment
recommences, severe vocal
So it was that, as the Ultramarines Yet Greyfax was an Inquisitor of stress detected.
Stormravens burned hard for orbit the Ordo Hereticus, a witch finder
just minutes later, they bore a much- whose first duty was to doubt and to ‘…oh two hundred
reduced company up to the waiting suspect all that seemed fair in case seventeen sidereal, the
Strike Cruiser. From the Celestinians it concealed foulness at its heart. Astropaths complained of
came Greyfax, Amalrich and a In Greyfax’s long experience, true empyric disturbance. Our
handful of Black Templars, Celestine miracles were few and far between, instruments triangulated
and her Geminae Superia, and Cawl, and that which seemed a gift from the its source as quadrant
accompanied by Kataphron servitors Emperor was, more often than not, a eighty eight of the
and Skitarii. tainted temptation laid by the Gods Ocularis Terribus. By
of Chaos. Thus, even as the seeds of zero two hundred forty
The gunships docked with their hope grew in her heart that Celestine six, Immaterium flux
parent warship and, once they had might be uncorrupted, and even increased to magnitude
been formally introduced to the through her own agonies, Katarinya crimson, and the
cruiser’s captain, the allies were Greyfax kept watch over the Living Astropaths experienced
ushered into confinement quarters Saint, alert for the slightest hint waking visions of a black
under heavy guard. The Eldar of duplicity. stone hammer shattering
bristled at this treatment, as did a castle gate. Overseer
Marshal Amalrich and his men, but Amidst the enforced tedium, none Munce ordered the Geller
Saint Celestine pacified her comrades noticed when Yvraine beckoned Cawl generatorums roused.
once more with firm words of faith away into a recessed cargo bay in
and acceptance. which his auto-reliquary had been Emperor curse his soul,
stored. Beneath the mindless gaze he waited too long.
So began a grim and frustrating of Cawl’s Kataphron servitors, the
journey, trammelled in a spartan Emissary of Ynnead spoke earnestly The screams began at zero
suite of brushed steel chambers and with the Archmagos Dominus. three hundred. So many
corridors, watched constantly by silent voices. So much death.
Chapter helots armed with heavy The mysterious discussion waxed The Astropaths went
naval shotguns. long, Yvraine labouring to convince into terminal seizure,
the intractable Magos of certain hundreds of voices
Hours ran slowly into days. The unpalatable truths. Eventually, spilling from their
omnipresent rumble of the Cawl nodded his cowled head in mouths. We recorded what
ship’s engines, and the sluggish agreement, a single, curt gesture that we could, then gave them
stirring of artificial gravity and brought the clandestine meeting to the Emperor’s mercy.
recycled air, became simple facts an end. Satisfied, Yvraine swept away
of existence. The Visarch trained in a whirl of whispering skirts, leaving It was Cadia. Cadia is
endlessly, even deigning to spar the looming Archmagos Dominus gone. Broken in the
with Marshal Amalrich. Inquisitor to contemplate the ramifications of Despoiler’s fist. Without
Greyfax, meanwhile – with the aid their meeting. it, the Eye of Terror
is spilling forth,
overflowing reality. I
do not understand how,
or why, but it is so.
Our empyric augurs,
the audio-retrieval
from the Astropaths’
death screams… they
all confirm.

Again I beseech you, don’t
attempt rescue. We are
lost. When the Astropaths
died, something… else
came through to… wear
their skin. It is stalking
us. Hunting. We don’t
have long, but none of
that matters.

Only the warning matters.




At last, after days of realspace titanic fortification covering much Macragge turned slowly below them,
transit, the Sword of Honour reached of Magna Macragge Civitas, capital a vast orb of blue, white, green
Macragge’s orbital envelope. The of the Ultramarines Chapter planet. and grey. Closer, bedlam lit the
Celestinians and their allies were Regardless, the gunship pilots blackness. Lance beams stabbed
hurried through the ship’s corridors vowed to get their charges down and seared. Broken wrecks of once-
under armed escort. The Strike safely, and deliver them for their proud warships tumbled through the
Cruiser shook around them, the audience with the Lord of Ultramar. void, chunks of metal and globules
unmistakable shudder of gun Marneus Calgar had been alerted of of liquid spreading slowly away from
batteries discharging and void shields their coming via heavily encrypted their blazing carcasses. Entire wings
soaking up monumental kinetic vox communiqué, and awaited of Stormhawk Interceptors hurtled
impacts. As they boarded their their arrival with interest. This last through blizzards of flak fire to
Stormraven Gunships once more, the comment was delivered in a flat tone execute daring strafing runs upon
pilgrims saw through the embarkation which suggested that perhaps the lumbering Chaos Cruisers.
deck’s shimmering shields that Lord of Ultramar felt he had more
their craft was under heavy attack. pressing matters to attend to than From what sigils the pilgrims
The Stormraven pilots reported their mysterious, holy mission. could make out, it appeared that
that a sizeable Chaos armada was Abaddon’s Black Legion were
even now engaging the Ultramar Nonetheless, the Stormravens attacking Macragge in significant
Defence Fleet over Macragge, the lifted off with a scream of powerful numbers. Nor were they alone.
two factions’ lumbering battleships thrusters. With their passengers Spacecraft bearing the icons of the
and blade-fast escorts filling the void strapped in and Cawl’s auto-reliquary Iron Warriors, the Purge, the Night
with lance beams and torpedoes. The firmly secured, the pugnacious Lords and many more clove through
Chaos attack was focussed primarily gunships fired their ramjets and shot the gloom above the planet. Glinting
upon the Fortress of Hera itself, the out into the fire lit void of space. specks rained from their flanks,

swarms of Dreadclaw Drop Pods and Heldrakes and traitor fighter craft them, and the escorting Stormhawks
armoured attack craft arcing down on swarmed thick above the Fortress peeled off to intercept as the
invasion trajectories. of Hera, weaving at speed between metallic beasts tried to latch onto the
towering statues and monolithic diving gunships.
Accompanied by an escort squadron buildings to strafe the defenders,
of Stormhawks, the Ultramarines or dump tons of ordnance onto Surrounded by streams of cannon
gunships turned their noses ground targets. Explosions brought fire and tumbling comets of
downward and dived through the down colonnaded templums and metal and flame, the Stormravens
madness of battle. They hit Macragge’s looming hab-stacks throughout screamed onward. They plunged
upper atmosphere travelling at Magna Macragge Civitas, while the headlong through their comrades’
immense speeds, and flame washed Ultramarines’ withering return fire curtain of anti-aircraft fire, only the
across their hulls as they shuddered saw dozens of Chaos attack craft superhuman reflexes and skill of
and shook with the violence blown apart with every suicidal pass the Ultramarine pilots preventing
of re-entry. they made. Even as they fell, heretics their craft from being torn apart by
steered into the Ultramarines’ the countless threats through which
Watching through external pict defences, demolishing gun towers and they flew. The pilgrims clung onto
emitters, the Celestinians and Ynnari massacring warriors. their restraining straps for dear life
saw the flames flutter away. They as they were shaken violently back
were replaced by a dizzying vista The Stormravens sped downward, and forth while the gunships ran the
of towering mountains that grew making for the immense fortifications gauntlet of aerial approach to the
rapidly larger as the Stormravens that dominated the heart of the Fortress of Hera. Then, finally, the
hurtled downward. In the midst of city. A wave of renegade Drop Pods gunships decelerated, raising their
the mountain peaks sprawled an thundered around them, speeding noses and arcing gracefully into an
immense, fortified cityscape, lit from past like meteors and almost knocking armoured hangar set into the flanks
end to end by the muzzle flare of flak one transport from the sky. Wings of the edifice. At last, the Celestinians
batteries and missile silos all hurling tucked tight to their metallic bodies, and the Ynnari had reached
their wrath up into the skies. a pack of Heldrakes dropped behind their destination.

The pilgrims emerged from their
scorched, battered gunships into one
of the fortress’ many embarkation
hangars. They found themselves
surrounded by urgent bustle on
every side. Around the hangar
entrance, Chapter serfs crewed
thumping anti-aircraft cannons that
swivelled within gyroscopic cages
as they chased their targets across
the skies. Bulky servitors lumbered
back and forth, hauling carriages of
ammunition to keep the guns fed.
Further back within the hangar,
Stormtalon and Stormraven Gunships
were refuelling, re-arming and
undergoing swift binharic baptisms
beneath the ministrations of Chapter
Techmarines. Servo-arms whined.
Welding braziers sparked and flared.
The sound of rivet cannons buzzed
and thumped through the cavernous
chamber over the clipped voices of
Defence Auxilia and robed serfs.
Hundreds of men and women went
about their business within the
hangar, grim-faced and determined,
and this was but one chamber within
a fortress the size of a city.

Through the military bustle marched
a band of Chapter serfs, led by a
single Ultramarines battle-brother.
The warrior’s helm was white and
gold, and his armour bore numerous
oath papers and honour markings.
The helots who followed him bore
gilded autoguns and stern expressions
– the uniform tabards of several were
spattered with what looked like fresh
blood, and it was clear to all that
these soldiers had come directly from
the defence of the fortress’ walls.

Announcing himself as Veteran
Sergeant Cassean, the Ultramarine
welcomed the Celestinians to the
Fortress of Hera. He took a moment
to nod respectfully to Marshal
Amalrich and his battle-brothers,
then requested that Cawl and his
companions follow. Cassean turned
briskly without waiting for an answer
and marched away across the hangar
floor. Left with little choice, the allies
followed the brusque sergeant as he
ascended a long, granite ramp and
led them into the corridors of the
Ultramarines fortress. They marched
along at a brisk pace, through grand
chambers of marble statuary and gilt
ornamentation, across railed walkways
hung with magnificent Ultramarines
banners, and across void-shielded

courtyards where battle-brothers Tigurius, and a Grey Knight whose In a clear voice, Cassean announced
blazed boltgun fire from the fire steps scrollwork chest plate announced him the pilgrims one by one. As the
above. The din of battle was never far as Grand Master Voldus. As Cassean sergeant finished speaking and
away. Thunderous explosions shook led the pilgrims around the table, the stepped back, an expectant hush
the walls around them from time to hubbub died away, all eyes turning fell. Explosions blossomed in the sky
time, causing dust to fall like snow toward the extraordinary group. outside. Gunships and Heldrakes raced
and electrosconces to flicker. past, the chatter of their guns muted by
Solemnly, the Chapter serfs moved aside the thick insulation of the strategium.
Making their way across an armaglass- and knelt with their heads bowed to the The huge strategium console continued
shielded sky bridge, the pilgrims Lord of Ultramar, forming a corridor to rattle and hum with flowing
got their first clear look out across through which the pilgrims advanced. As information. Finally, Calgar said that
the fortress proper. Towering they drew to a halt before Calgar and his he had no notion of who Belisarius
fortifications sprawled away in all assembled advisors, Marshal Amalrich Cawl might be, nor had he ever made
directions, their guns pouring fire too dropped to one knee with his sword any sort of pact with any priest of Mars.
into the sky and spitting death at held out before him, its point to the On Saint Celestine’s face there dawned
the foes that pressed close outside ground and his hands resting on its a look of calm revelation, but the rest of
the walls or landed within the cross guard. His battle-brothers followed the Celestinians turned their horrified
fortress’ grounds. The pilgrims his example, showing their absolute expressions upon the Archmagos in
saw Ultramarines Terminators respect for a hero of the Imperium. their midst. Yet Cawl’s next words
striding relentlessly along armoured Inquisitor Greyfax bowed deeply, as did caused greater consternation still, for
battlements, driving back jump pack Celestine and her Geminae Superia. he stated flatly that he had not come to
wearing traitors with storms of fire. Only Cawl and the Ynnari remained see Marneus Calgar. Cawl had travelled
They saw squadrons of anti-aircraft standing, impassive despite the gravitas across the galaxy to attend the Lord
tanks drawn up amidst ornamental of the moment. Behind them, Cawl’s of Ultramar, and now demanded to
gardens, launching missiles skyward auto-reliquary hissed and hummed, its be taken to him at once. The auto-
to blast plummeting Chaos assault mysterious contents still veiled by thick reliquary, he stated, must be delivered
craft from the air. In the distance, a armour plates. to the Shrine of Roboute Guilliman.
monstrous traitor Titan was framed by
the breach it had torn in the fortress’ THE HAND OF DRAIGO
outer curtain wall. The war engine’s
guns blazed like poisoned stars, and Grand Master Voldus had only recently been promoted to leadership of the Grey
its void shields flickered and burst Knights 3rd Brotherhood, a position that was rapidly becoming renowned as a
as the phenomenal firepower of the dangerous – perhaps even cursed – appointment. After a daemonic incursion
Ultramarines hammered into them. blighted the fortress world of Longhallow, the newly appointed Grand Master
Doriam Narathem led a substantial portion of his 3rd Brotherhood to defend
Hastened along by Sergeant Cassean, the planet. The mission was only his fourth as Grand Master, yet it was also to
the Celestinians and Ynnari climbed be his last. Launching a targeted strike onto the island fastness of Tolin’s Rock,
a statue-lined stairway of marble Grand Master Narathem and his battle-brothers attempted to save the precious
and brushed steel, passing a squad relics locked within the vaults of the isle’s cathedrum. They found themselves
of battle-scarred Ultramarines beset by hordes of Tzeentchian Daemons. As the fighting intensified, the
jogging the other way. At the vaults echoed to the fury of Grey Knights duelling with twisted, fire-spewing
stairway’s head, the party emerged abominations from beyond the veil. Grand Master Narathem fought alongside
into a broad circular chamber with a his most psychically gifted brothers, chief amongst these Brother Aldrik Voldus.
frescoed floor, and walls and ceiling Drawn to the beacon of their considerable empyric power, the hideous Lord
of void-shielded transparisteel. A of Change M’kachen burst from the Warp to attack. Narathem threw himself
massive bank of ornate consoles and valiantly against the Greater Daemon. Yet the fight was a trap; M’kachen had
holomaps dominated the chamber’s scried the strands of the future using an ancient ensorcelled orb, and now used
centre, servitors wired into its inset his stolen wisdom to wear down and slay Narathem. Seeing his master fall,
thrones and chattering binharic Brother Voldus unleashed a titanic psychic assault on the cackling Daemon.
cant back and forth to one another.
Dozens of robed functionaries, quill So pure and powerful was Narathem’s sacrifice and the psychic light of Voldus’
servitors, serfs and strategos talked mind in that moment that it guided Supreme Grand Master Kaldor Draigo
animatedly as they hurried around from the realm of Chaos. Surging into battle, the legendary warrior fought
the central hololith, which projected alongside Brother Voldus to drive M’kachen back into the Warp, the two
a real-time map of the entire complex forging their powers into a banishment of unstoppable force. In the wake of
into the air. Runes and signifiers the battle, Draigo himself appointed the humble Voldus to the rank of Grand
swarmed across it in such profusion Master, lauding his exceptional heroism and phenomenal psychic prowess.
that the Fortress of Hera appeared to Even as Draigo faded back into the Warp once more, Voldus swore an oath to
be caught up in a cyclone of data. live up to this great honour – one of which the self-deprecating hero did not
truly believe himself worthy. He strives towards this goal in every battle he
Stood before the display, faces set fights, offering prayers to the Emperor of Mankind for strength and guidance.
in frowns of concentration, were
Chapter Master Marneus Calgar, First
Captain Agemman, Chief Librarian


The outcry that followed Cawl’s restored, Agemman turned to Calgar clear indication that now was the time
demand was immediate and intense. and said in no uncertain terms that for the rulers of Ultramar to speak,
Marneus Calgar’s expression grew he did not trust these newcomers, and not their visitors.
thunderous as his advisors and nor the mysterious device they
serfs cried out in shock. Auto-quills brought with them. The First Captain All eyes rested upon Calgar as he
scratched a mad tattoo upon reams counselled that, with such immediate looked to Chief Librarian Tigurius for
of parchment as hooded scribes danger all around and a furious battle further counsel. Though not even the
frantically recorded every detail of to win, there was only one viable vigilant warriors of the Honour Guard
this dramatic moment. The pilgrims solution at this time. The pilgrims saw it, in that moment both Yvraine
exclaimed in anger and confusion, should be put into confinement, and the Visarch tensed themselves
Greyfax turning upon Cawl and and their mysterious package locked in preparation for battle, subtle
squaring up to the looming Magos as down in a stasis vault until its contents muscle contractions and minuscule
she barked a demand for immediate could be safely examined. As for the alterations in posture leaving the
explanation. Only the Ynnari seemed xenos, Agemman counselled that they Ynnari poised to fight their way out
unsurprised by this development, the be swiftly destroyed lest they pose a should matters turn against them.
Visarch standing statue still while threat to the safety of the Chapter
Yvraine wore a faint smile upon her Master or the Fortress of Hera. The Librarian remained silent for
alabaster features, as though enjoying several long heartbeats, his weathered
some private joke. Saint Celestine spoke up then, features contemplative. When he
attempting to explain the divine spoke, Tigurius’ voice was deep and
From amidst the tumult of voices, nature of her mission and the resonant, rich with power and wisdom.
Captain Agemman’s voice rose revelations she had received from the He reminded his Chapter Master that
in a vox-amplified boom. The Emperor. She found herself staring he had experienced troubling visions
Ultramarines First Captain issued into the muzzles of several Honour in the days leading up to the attack
a demand for calm, urging those Guard boltguns – not to mention upon Macragge. Tigurius had seen a
around him to remember where the condemnor stake launcher of flight of iron birds take wing from a
they stood and the conduct that Inquisitor Greyfax, whose puritan distant, crimson orb full of churning
was expected of them. As quiet was suspicions had been fired anew – a cogs. In the visions, those avian shapes

+++Astropathic Communiqué Received/ foretellers. One such divination has assure me that we shall reach Macragge
Interpreted+++ warned of a terrible threat to Ultramar. within days.

+++Origin: REDACTED+++ The Prognosticars speak of a darkness The threat that gathers around your
drawing nigh to the light of your stellar empire is one that my brothers and I are
+++Conduit: REDACTED+++ realm, and a black blade, inscribed with uniquely equipped to combat, and our
the infernal star of the Chaos Gods, strength is yours to ally to your own. I
+++Clearance Seal: Vermillion+++ thrust at a heart enthroned. Even as one would ask that you stand ready to receive
cavernous maw yawns wide, they say, us, and to factor our presence into the
LK//46//±*>> another set of jaws closes upon Macragge battle plans that you shall doubtless
KK(^^34343///0 and its sister worlds, ending their visions begin drawing up upon receiving
in a sea of blood. this missive.
Lord Calgar,
I know that you will consider news I am a simple warrior, Lord Calgar,
My name is Aldrik Voldus, and it is of such a threat with the greatest elevated to a position of responsibility
my honour to stand accountable as the seriousness, and I am sure that you that I never had ambitions to achieve,
Grand Master of the 3rd Brotherhood of will understand, also, why my order but I believe that I already have
the Emperor’s Grey Knights. I commend must look upon it with no less gravity. some understanding of the burden of
you on your recent victory against the Ultramar is a vital bulwark amidst the leadership you bear upon your own
invading armies of the Daemon M’kar; greater ramparts of the Imperium itself, shoulders. I would have you share that
it is with deep regret, however, that I and if it falls, the rest of the Emperor’s weight, for our only hope of the Imperium
bring you warning of further incursions domain will not be far behind. surviving the new age into which it is
to come. being plunged is if all of its guardians
My brothers and I cannot absent stand united.
It is a blessing of my Chapter that ourselves from this battlefield, lest we
our Prognosticar brothers are granted prove derelict in our duty. I and the The Emperor protects,
glimpses of the future, that they might entirety of the 3rd Brotherhood are,
better direct us in our perpetual war accordingly, en route to Ultramar, where Grand Master Aldrik Voldus,
against the forces of the Dark Gods. we will pledge ourselves to its defence.
As the Warp storms raging across the Though the Immaterium is much 3rd Grey Knights Brotherhood
galaxy have grown in number, intensity disturbed, and our passage has been
and scale, so too have the visions of our fraught with hazards, the Navigators


had soared through fire and shadow intelligence. Marneus Calgar wisdom of the Living Saint, at such
that spilled from a ruptured castle absorbed them all even as he listened a time as this, even if he had been
gate of vast size. They had clutched a to the pilgrims, issuing curt orders given precious little reason to trust
blazing sword in their jagged claws, where required and keeping one eye Archmagos Cawl.
and their wings had shone with holy always fixed upon the ever-shifting
light as they flew toward Ultramar. holomap that hung overhead. Had Agemman been a hot-tempered
Through the ruptured gateway had The Chapter Master wished to Space Wolf or relentlessly logical
been visible a staring, slit-pupilled eye, understand these strange visitors and Iron Hand, he might have contested
and as the birds neared Macragge, a the supposed pact they served, but he such a ruling. Instead, he accepted
giant maw full of blooded fangs had would not neglect the defence of his his lord’s judgement with stoicism.
yawned wide around them, ready to fortress while he did so. Belisarius Cawl went to speak, but
bite down with crushing force. Calgar forestalled him. The Chapter
Finally, Greyfax concluded their tale, Master gave his permission for the
The Chief Librarian had believed adding that she was empowered to Ynnari to accompany their allies, for it
that his visions concerned the fall act as the Emperor’s representative seemed clear to him that great events
of Cadia and the subsequent attack in this matter, and that she would were afoot that bore the hand of the
by the Black Legion upon Ultramar. gladly take responsibility for Cawl’s Emperor upon them. The presence
Certainly they had spurred the summary execution should he prove of the Ynnari could be no accident,
readying of the fortress’ defences, false. Calgar raised a hand to forestall and whatever the Emperor’s will was
and the sending of astropathic further comment, both from the in this matter, Marneus Calgar would
communiqués that had brought the pilgrims and from the frowning not be the one to contravene it.
Ultramar Defence Fleet back to the Captain Agemman. Then, in a sombre
Chapter planet at the critical moment. voice, Calgar pronounced his verdict. Wasting no time, the Lord of
Macragge issued his orders. He
Now, though, Tigurius declared The Chapter Master would permit charged Agemman to remain in the
himself convinced that the visions the Celestinians to bring their auto- strategium, taking personal command
pertained also to these travellers. reliquary to the Shrine of Guilliman, of the defence of the Fortress of
The Chief Librarian said that he was though they would do so under Hera. Tigurius and Voldus would
willing to vouch for their presence, heavy Ultramarines guard. Calgar accompany the pilgrims to the Shrine
even that of the mysterious Eldar, and said that while he understood and of Guilliman, as would a heavily
that he believed their arrival to be the welcomed Agemman’s prudent armed complement of Honour Guard,
Emperor’s will made manifest. counsel, they lived in unusual days. 3rd Company battle-brothers and
The worshippers of Chaos had set 1st Company Terminators. Should
Hushed whispers ran through the foot upon the bedrock of Macragge the Celestinians or xenos prove
strategium at this pronouncement, once again, while the Warp churned treacherous, they would not find
and Calgar nodded solemnly. Without to madness all around them. Calgar themselves short of executioners.
further comment, the Chapter Master judged that the foe had been aided
bade the Celestinians speak, and greatly by the supernatural beings Celestine spoke words of thanks to
explain their presence in their own they worshipped in this desperate Marneus Calgar, praising his sagacity.
words. Between them, Inquisitor endeavour. He would not turn his By comparison, Yvraine’s features
Greyfax, Marshal Amalrich and back upon the precognitive powers were inscrutable, while Cawl merely
Saint Celestine did as they were of his own Chief Librarian, or the seemed impatient, as though irritated
asked, relaying the bloody tale of by such petty wrangling and keen to
Cadia’s fall and their subsequent be about his business. As the pilgrims
flight. Even Yvraine of the Ynnari set off once more, Inquisitor Greyfax
deigned to speak a little, providing and Marshal Amalrich exchanged
a few, scant details that went some a loaded glance, before moving to
way toward explaining the aliens’ position themselves at the very rear of
presence amongst the group. The the motley procession with weapons
only one who refused to divulge ready. The Ultramarines would not be
further information was Belisarius the only ones to turn guns upon Cawl
Cawl; despite Marneus Calgar’s and his questionable choice of allies if
repeated questioning, the Archmagos their intentions should prove false.
would not elaborate upon what his
auto-reliquary contained, or what he Outside, the battle raged on as
expected to occur within the shrine. Macragge’s sun dipped slowly behind
the Hera’s Crown Mountains. Fire
While the pilgrims spoke their lit the twilight as wave upon wave
piece, the war raged on. Information of heretics plunged down from the
continued to stream in regarding firmament. As the pilgrims and their
troop deployments, attack and armed guards made for the Shrine
counter-attack patterns, enemy of Guilliman, the traitors without
drop sites, ammunition counts, and redoubled their efforts, the outcome
endless other articles of strategic of the battle hanging in the balance.



Entering the resting place of Roboute
Guilliman was like stepping into
some doleful warrior’s afterlife.
The chamber itself was enormous,
a vaulted sepulchre through which
a Warlord Titan could have strode
without hindrance. Marble columns
held aloft a ceiling of stained
armaglass and obsidian inlaid with
theldrite moonsilver. Guilliman’s
greatest deeds were depicted in
spectacular friezes and statuary,
arranged around the chamber and lit
artfully by flickering electrosconces
to lend the images the greatest
possible gravitas. Huge braziers
of devotional incense burned
throughout the shrine, lacing the air
with subtle scents, while from cherub-
visaged laud hailers spilled a steady
background murmur of martial arias
and reverent prayer.

Despite the grandeur of the shrine,
the pilgrims’ eyes were drawn to the
splendid figure enthroned within a
pool of stark white illumination at
one end of the chamber. There, upon
a throne of marble, gold and finely
worked adamantium, sat Roboute
Guilliman. Esoteric machineries
loomed over the Primarch’s throne,
thrumming and whispering as they
fed remarkable energies through
ribbed cables to enfold him in a
rippling stasis field. Guilliman sat
as though in repose, his eyes closed
and his blood glinting jewel-like in
a delicate necklace about his throat.
Guilliman wore his finely crafted
battle armour, still marred by the
damage it had sustained during his
final duel with the Daemon Primarch
Fulgrim. Across his knees was laid
a grand blade of prodigious size,
the sword of the Emperor himself.
Though the Primarch sat peacefully
upon his throne, the force of his
presence was palpable.

The pilgrims approached the
throne in reverent silence, their
Ultramarines escort marching
alongside them and Cawl’s auto-
reliquary at their rear. The group
drew to a halt near the foot of the
steps that led up to the Primarch,
where countless Ultramarines
had knelt in communion over the

millennia. Marneus Calgar moved audience’s features, Yvraine explained ADDENDA INQUISITORIA
forward to stand at the very base of with sharp impatience that such a
the steps, bowing his head reverently miracle could not be brought about ASTRAL MISSIVE
to his Primarch for a moment before without sacrifice. Cawl had laboured
turning to face the assembled long and hard to fulfil the Primarch’s (HARBINGER TRAGEDIUM)
pilgrims. The sounds of furious request, but without Ynnead’s aid,
battle were still audible, even in this the fruits of that labour would not <<Astropathic Intercept
sacred place, muffled and distant be enough. In order for Roboute // Blood Angels>>
but inescapable. Guilliman to live once more, first he
must die. Entry 1 – Sender:
Calgar drew a deep breath, and Blood Angels
then asked once more for Belisarius Where Cawl’s words had been met Librarian Asmasael.
Cawl to state his business here. The by shocked silence, Yvraine’s raised a Recipient: Unknown.
Chapter Master had indulged his storm. Calgar exclaimed his fury at
visitors thus far, but with a desperate such a notion, vowing that no xenos Dire omens and portents
battle raging outside his fortress’ witch would ever lay hand upon the abound [stop] Empyric
walls, he could offer them no more Primarch while he drew breath. energies around Hub Beta-
time or patience. Grand Master Voldus moved to stand Secundus excavation site
alongside Calgar, his expression increasing exponentially
Magos Cawl inclined his head, grim, and Greyfax and Marshal [stop] Amethal, all
and told an incredible tale. Cawl Amalrich followed his example. The of Diamor System in
explained that, in the years before surrounding Ultramarines raised jeopardy [stop] Request
Guilliman was mortally wounded, their weapons, pointing them at Cawl, advisory, reinforcement,
the Primarch had summoned him the Ynnari, even the hulking shape of transmission of message
into his confidence. Cawl’s mem- the auto-reliquary itself. They awaited to <redacted> [end]
engrams of that meeting were eroded only their master’s order to open fire.
and incomplete, but he believed Entry 2 – Sender:
that Guilliman had seen in him Yet others raised their voices in Unknown, origin point
the potential for great things. The support of this apparent insanity. Baal. Recipient:
Magos had been charged with a Cawl blurted loudly that he was Librarian Asmasael.
great labour by Roboute Guilliman, bound by the terms of his pact with
one for which he would be richly Guilliman, and that he must bring Report received [stop]
rewarded with information that it to completion. Saint Celestine too Tyranid presence
only a Primarch could provide. Cawl spoke up, imploring those around her increasing spinward
stated that he was not at liberty to have faith, and asserting that this [stop] Demonstrable and
to reveal the nature of his task, was, indeed, the will of the Emperor. increasing threat to
forestalling Calgar’s angry response Most unexpected of the proponents Baal System confirmed
by explaining that his labours had was Chief Librarian Tigurius, who [stop] No further
been divided into two distinct parts, strode, force staff ringing against the reinforcement available
and that he was here to deliver on stone floor, to stand alongside Magos [stop] Message relayed to
the first of those. He brought a Cawl. Tigurius spoke in a calm voice <redacted> [end]
magnificent new suit of armour fit that cut through the clamour, asking
for the Ultramarines Primarch, one Lord Calgar to trust his counsel and Entry 3 – Sender:
whose ancillary systems possessed the saying once more that he had seen Blood Angels
power to heal Guilliman’s grievous hints of this future in his visions. It Librarian Asmasael.
wounds. Stunned silence reigned at was a scene of anger and confusion, Recipient: Unknown.
this announcement. To bring back a but it was about to get worse.
living, breathing Primarch, to restore Understood [stop] Malefic
one of the Emperor’s greatest sons 21 manifestations spreading
to the Imperium in its hour of need; across planets Amethal,
such a notion filled the Imperial Tourmalid, Peridos [stop]
warriors with awed wonderment. Metalican forces overrun,
current strength approx
Yvraine spoke up, explaining her 27% [stop] The Cage
presence at this seminal moment. She is breaking, brother.
was the Emissary of Ynnead, the God Commend our souls to the
of the Dead, and her powers would Angel [end]
be vital to Guilliman’s restoration.
Reading the puzzlement on her Entry 4 – Sender:
Unknown, origin point
Baal. Recipient:
Librarian Asmasael.

Negative [stop] Splinter
Fleets encroaching
upon outer piquet
fleet elements [stop]
Successors still
gathering, interference
from shadow in the Warp
increasing [stop] You
are ordered to abandon
Amethal, salvage all
Imperial materiel, make
haste for Baal [end]

Entry 5 – Sender:
Unknown, origin point
Baal. Recipient:
Librarian Asmasael.

No response received to
previous message [stop]
Confirm receipt of new
orders [stop] Darkness
gathers, Brother. The
Angel has need of your
strength [end]


Before he began his conquest of the When the Emperor’s crusading
galaxy, the Emperor of Mankind forces reached Macragge, the son
created the Primarchs. Utilising was reunited with his true father.
incredible genetic sorcery, and the Guilliman was given charge of the
phenomenal power bound into his Ultramarines Legion, and wasted
own form, he forged twenty demigod no time in putting his stamp upon
sons. These were superlative warriors, them. In the conquests that followed,
strategists and leaders, the finest the Ultramarines became renowned
qualities of Humanity refined in the as exemplars of what it meant to be
crucible of science and magnified a Space Marine. Under Guilliman’s
through the lens of divinity. The leadership they became arguably
Emperor intended the Primarchs to the most strategically gifted and
stand at his side during the Great tactically balanced of all the Legions.
Crusade, each leading one of the Working on the basis of theoretical
twenty Space Marine Legions to glory situations and practical solutions, the
beyond imagination. Ultramarines fought with exceptional
efficiency. They drove the foes of
Before that plan could come to Humanity before them, their armies
pass, the Dark Gods of Chaos fighting like intricate and perfectly
intervened. They snatched up the tuned machines to swiftly and
nascent Primarchs and scattered decisively outmanoeuvre every foe.
them through the Warp, so that each
came to rest upon a different one of When the Horus Heresy set the galaxy
Humanity’s far-flung worlds. Some ablaze, Roboute Guilliman fought
say that it was at this time that the with loyalty and determination for the
Ruinous Powers left their mark upon Imperium that he believed in with all
the Emperor’s gene-sons, and that his heart. When he thought that the
this is why fully half of the Primarchs Emperor had fallen, the Primarch
betrayed their father and the established a new seat of power on
Imperium during the Horus Heresy. Macragge, planning to preserve
the Emperor’s secular purity within
Whatever the case, Roboute his own realm of Ultramar. When
Guilliman was not tainted in such Guilliman later learned that Terra
a fashion. The being that would still stood, he did everything in his
become the Primarch of the power to ensure that he and his loyal
Ultramarines Legion came to rest brothers could fight at their father’s
upon the feudal world of Macragge. side in the final battle against Horus.
There he was discovered, and Though his efforts benefitted many,
adopted, by a local warlord named Guilliman himself reached Terra too
Konor. Growing and developing at a late, a fact that would torture him for
superhuman rate, Konor’s adoptive decades to come.
son soon surpassed all those around
him, and came to be the greatest In the wake of the Horus Heresy,
warrior, strategist and statesman upon it was the Ultramarines Primarch
Macragge. After Konor was slain by who wrote and instituted the Codex
a treacherous ally, it was Guilliman Astartes. It was he, too, who took up
who avenged his father, before taking the Emperor’s burning blade and
upon himself the mantle of kingship. became Lord Commander of the
The entirety of Macragge was swiftly Imperium, serving amongst the High
unified beneath the banner of Lords of Terra. Finally, at the Battle
Roboute Guilliman, becoming a of Thessala, Guilliman was laid low
world of peace, civilisation, wisdom by his corrupt brother Fulgrim, who
and strength. Guilliman was a mortally wounded the Ultramarines
charismatic and gifted leader, beloved Primarch with his poisoned blade.
of his people and singularly capable So it was that the dying Roboute
of compartmentalising incredible Guilliman was placed into stasis in
quantities of information. He was an the Temple of Correction, enthroned
organiser, a logistician, one capable through the millennia until such
of turning the wildest theories into a time that one could come with
practical reality and rendering order the power to restore him to life
from Chaos. once more.


Amongst the storm of angry voices iron, the icons were festooned with Grand Master Voldus, too, moved to
and brandished weapons, Marneus macabre trophies and anointed in join the fight. He bit off orders into
Calgar’s vox chimed insistently in daemonic gore. Empyric energies his vox bead as he advanced, loosing
his ear. Angrily, the Chapter Master whirled around them, and reality rent shots from his storm bolter even as he
accepted the priority vox hail, but apart with the calamitous thunder of called in reinforcement from his Grey
his words of rebuke died on his teleportation flares. Knights battle-brothers. The Imperial
lips. Calgar’s voice boomed over the counter-attack met the Black Legion
commotion, his shout of warning As the surviving Raptors leapt clear, assault in the middle of the shrine
coming a split-second before the a hulking wedge of Black Legion with a rending crash of metal on
stained armaglass of the shrine’s Terminators appeared, dozens of metal, and blood fell like rain as the
ceiling exploded inward. elite killers clad in spiked and tusked two forces tore into one another.
Tactical Dreadnought armour.
Shattered crystal filled the air, All throughout the shrine, tales of
shards the size of storm shields With exemplary discipline, the heroism and sacrifice played out.
embedding themselves in walls, Ultramarines coolly shifted their Inquisitor Greyfax took a glancing
floor and armoured bodies. A huge aim. Bolts and blasts tore into the shot to her ribs in the opening
shape smashed through into the Black Legion Terminators, ringing moments of the fight. The bolt shell
shrine, a plummeting mass of blue from their armour with cacophonous dented her armour, driving the air
metal travelling at the speed of a fury. Yet these were chosen warriors from her lungs, but by the grace
runaway mag-train. Hurtling down imbued with the daemonic gifts of of the Emperor it didn’t detonate.
at an oblique angle, an Ultramarines the Dark Gods. Though several of the Greyfax, seeing black spots before her
Thunderhawk Gunship slammed massive Black Legionnaires stumbled eyes, dropped hastily into the cover
into the shrine’s floor and skidded or fell, the rest shrugged off the salvo of a marble pew only a few dozen feet
out of control. The aircraft was badly and began a grinding advance, firing from the base of Guilliman’s throne.
damaged, flames pouring from rents back as they came. Sucking down several deep breaths,
in its hull, one wing ripped away. It Greyfax leant around the edge of
slewed drunkenly across the shrine’s Marneus Calgar looked about himself the pew and fired off a tight burst of
floor, away from the pilgrims and aghast. The Shrine of Guilliman, shells from her condemnor boltgun.
their Ultramarines guards, ploughing the sacred heart of the Ultramarines The rounds roared across the shrine,
through a marble column and Chapter, had been profaned by punching into the faceplate of a Black
bringing it down in a thunderous the minions of Chaos. Already a Legion Raptor and blowing his helm
avalanche of precious stone. The thunderous gunfight was erupting, apart in a bloody spray.
Thunderhawk slammed into the Ultramarines hurling themselves into
shrine’s far wall, demolishing a statue cover, returning fire at their attackers Greyfax’s bionic eye switched
of Guilliman battling Alpharius, from behind columns and statuary. rapidly through multiple scrying
before listing onto its side with a It was clear to all that the enemy filters, collating tactical data and
deafening clang. were driving for the fallen Primarch, cogitating threat assessments at the
and Calgar was forcibly reminded speed of thought. To her fore, the
Even as the stricken vehicle was of the vision-blade warned of in Inquisitor saw Saint Celestine slicing
settling to a stop, its assault ramp Voldus’ astropathic communiqué. her way through the Black Legion
burst open with a shriek of torn Calgar was still deeply suspicious of Terminators, spinning and leaping
metal. Spilling from within came Cawl, the Ynnari and those who had through the air as she clove the
Chaos Space Marines in twisted accompanied them, yet here was a traitors apart with her blade. One
armour of black and gold, spiked threat far clearer and more diabolical of the Geminae Superia was badly
jump packs melded to their backs than them. With a stern demand that wounded, the armoured Seraphim
and deafening war cries ringing from his visitors refrain from acting until sprawled in a slick of blood. The other
their vox grills. he had the situation under control, was still fighting, emptying her bolt
the Chapter Master activated the pistol into the foe. Greyfax still did not
The Ultramarines responded with energy fields around his power fists, fully trust the Saint, but she could not
instant efficiency, bolters and assault known as the Gauntlets of Ultramar, fault the woman’s selflessness or skill.
cannons roaring to life. A hail of and strode into the fight.
shots ripped into the Black Legion Nearby, Marneus Calgar and Grand
Raptors, puffs of blood bursting from He was not alone. Turning from Master Voldus fought side by side,
their avian forms as they jerked and the shrine, Saint Celestine drew her weathering the thunderous blows
danced amidst the fusillade. Still the Ardent Blade. With a hymn of battle of their hulking enemies as they
Ultramarines weren’t quick enough upon her lips and her Geminae smashed and impaled one traitor
to prevent catastrophe. Screaming Superia at her side, the Living Saint after another. As Greyfax watched,
their defiance, a trio of Raptors leapt toward the foe. Amalrich did Voldus loosed a ruinous shock wave
jetted through the rain of fire to the same, bellowing oaths of hate as of psychic force from his outstretched
slam spiked icons into the temple’s he and his last few battle-brothers ran gauntlet, hurling a Chaos Terminator
floor. Tall spears of adamantium and headlong at the Black Legionnaires. through the air to demolish another


towering statue. Still the traitors chainswords and lashing lightning Librarian, Warp light glowing from
pressed forward, and as they did so claws reaping a tally of traitor lives. his eyes and weaving around his skull-
new warriors appeared to fill the One Black Templar fell to a chainfist’s topped stave. As Greyfax watched,
gaps in their ranks. Teleport energies swipe, but still his brothers fought on. several frothing Berzerkers charged
flared again, clearing to reveal a trio at Tigurius. The Librarian barked
of Terminator-armoured Black Legion Greyfax’s psyocculum chimed a a string of syllables that caused the
Sorcerers, flanked by monstrous warning as Warp energies built amidst Khorne-worshippers to implode
warriors of fleshmetal and living the battle. Following the device’s in a crumpled mass of flesh and
weaponry. At the same time, Dreadclaw quavering brass needle, the Inquisitor metal. Greyfax’s psyocculum burbled
Drop Pods plunged through the saw the trio of Black Legion Sorcerers confused readings as the life energies
shattered armaglass above, slamming with their staves raised, black fire of the three Berzerkers left their
into the ground behind the advancing boiling around them. Greyfax lined bodies but did not vanish altogether.
Black Legionnaires. From within up her condemnor and launched Ghost returns flickered around the
spilled more of Abaddon’s chosen a blessed silver stake at the nearest two Ynnari, and Greyfax’s suspicions
warriors, Heretic Astartes including Sorcerer. She cursed as the holy of the Eldar deepened as she realised
bellowing Khorne Berzerkers charging projectile impaled her target but did that they had – in some fashion that
forward to join the fray. not fell him, then she ducked down she did not yet comprehend – been
to reload as bolt shells blew craters empowered by the stolen animus.
The Ultramarines stood their in her cover. As she did so, Greyfax
ground, despite being increasingly saw that not all of the pilgrims, nor Greyfax pushed herself to her feet
outnumbered. Veterans rattled volleys indeed all of their hosts, had joined again, intending to dash across the
of fire into the advancing foe, ripping the fight. open ground and command Cawl to
Black Legionnaires off their feet cease in the name of the Holy Ordos.
or blasting them into glowing ash The Inquisitor swore again as she At that moment, a stitching line of
with bolts of plasma. Blue-armoured saw Cawl hunched, spider-like, over autocannon fire marched along the
Terminators duelled with their black- the controls of his auto-reliquary. top of the pew. Explosions of fire and
armoured counterparts, heavy flamers The Magos’ metallic fingers danced shrapnel burst around the Inquisitor,
spewing fire across adamantium and across runic keys, his mechadendrites hurling her from her feet. Greyfax
ceramite as power fists delivered slithering from one socket-port fired back at her attackers, lashing
crushing blows. Marshal Amalrich to another while the Ynnari and out with her telepathic powers as she
and his brothers hurled themselves in Skitarii stood guard over him. Beside did so, but she was – for the moment –
alongside the Ultramarines, howling them stood the Ultramarines Chief pinned in place.

M arneus Calgar swung his right gauntlet in a Primarch’s form in its metallic embrace. At the same moment, the
punishing arc, hammering it up through his xenos witch-priestess lunged with preternatural grace, evading
enemy’s guard and catching a Chaos Terminator whistling bolt shells as she raised her blade high.
square under the jaw. His enemy’s helm disappeared in a
blizzard of metal and blood, his corpse slamming down onto ‘No!’ bellowed Calgar, finding his voice. ‘I command you to stop!
its back with bone-breaking force. Before the traitor even hit the In the Emperor’s name, Brother Tigurius, stop them!’
ground, Calgar was already turning on the spot, both gauntlets
held out from his body and bolters thundering. The Chapter The Chapter Master’s dismay rose to new heights as Tigurius
Master revolved in a half circle, blazing rounds into the Black looked straight at him, and shook his head.
Legionnaires on every side and eviscerating another of them
with explosive shells. Blocking the return swipe of a crackling ‘Do it,’ shouted the Chief Librarian, blazing psychic energies
power mace, Calgar prepared to swing another titanic blow into into the foe that pressed close all around. ‘And may the Emperor
his enemies. Then he caught sight of movement at the base of condemn me if you have played me false, xenos.’
Guilliman’s throne, and cold horror clenched in his chest.
In desperation, Calgar raised his bolters and prepared to fire at
Calgar saw the Martian priest step back from his auto-reliquary the Eldar witch, but Yvraine’s blade fell lightning fast, hacking
with the air of one completing a satisfying task. The dome-shaped through the cabling that fed power to Guilliman’s stasis field.
device hummed forward, unfurling like the petals of some huge, Energies flared, and from within the closing arms of the auto-
carnivorous flower. The watching Chapter Master was at the reliquary, Calgar heard a rattling sigh that would haunt him
wrong angle to see inside the machine, but he had a fleeting until his dying day.
impression of glowing energies, unfurling mechadendrites,
clamping pincer-limbs and whirring bone-drills that filled him ‘What have you done?’ he roared, despair and fury blazing
with revulsion. through him like a firestorm. Fists clenched, Calgar turned upon
the traitors that had forced this terrible tragedy to come to pass,
The auto-reliquary was rising and stretching out, enfolding the and waded back into the fight with unstoppable fury.


The auto-reliquary engulfed Roboute
Guilliman and his throne entirely,
runic designators and auto-lumen
flickering in mesmerising patterns
across its surface. As though
spurred by the sight, the Black
Legionnaires redoubled the intensity
of their attack.

Bellowing war cries, the Black Legion
Terminators drove hard into their
foes. Marneus Calgar was pushed
back by his enemies, his battle plate
cracked by the crunching blow of
a power maul. Braving the Chapter
Master’s lashing gauntlets, a band of
traitor Terminators surrounded him
entirely so that their brethren could
break away towards the auto-reliquary.
Gunfire echoed thunderously around
the shrine as the traitors let fly into
Cawl’s unfolded device. Bolts and
shells alike exploded harmlessly as
they struck hardened void shielding,
unable to punch through the
Archmagos’ data-wards to damage the
device behind.

The last of the Raptors formed into
a single talon and bounded across
the shrine. Their jump packs howled,
and terrifying screams burst from
their vox grills. They were met by a
thin line of Ultramarines Veterans,
the loyal marines abandoning cover
to interpose themselves between the
Chaos assault troops and Guilliman’s
throne with bolters blazing. Several
Raptors fell, but the Ultramarines
paid for their bravery as the enemy’s
Obliterators opened fire. Plasma
blasts and lascannon beams smashed
the Veterans from their feet, reducing
chest cavities to blackened craters and
helmed heads to scatters of ash.

The Sorcerers leading the attack
drew deep upon the energies of the
Warp, risking damnation in their
haste to break through. Two of the
psychically empowered warriors
unleashed a storm of crackling black
lightning at Grand Master Voldus,
driving the Grey Knight to one knee
with their combined fury. The Grey
Knight’s eyes glowed and the runes
on his armour shimmered with power
as he roared counter-incantations.
Meanwhile, the last of the Sorcerers
stormed toward the Primarch’s
throne, arms raised above his head
and voice booming from his vox
grill. As the Sorcerer chanted, so
the Temple of Correction began to

shudder and shake. Pillars split from dived alongside them, jaw cannons ADDENDA INQUISITORIA
bottom to top, chunks of marble the chattering to tear a path through
size of Drop Pods shearing off to Ultramarines interceptors and ASTRAL MISSIVE
crash down into the fight. Gaping gunships. More than one of the
rents yawned wide in the floor, plummeting Daemon Engines (BESTIALIS AGGRESSOR)
swallowing warriors from both sides, hurled itself into flak fire, compelled
and the frescoed ceiling became to self-sacrifice in order to shield <<cf:// Thraka,
webbed with cracks. the Dreadclaws from harm. Thus Ghazghkull Mag Uruk>>
protected, all ten pods flashed down
Realising that the Sorcerer was through the sundered dome of the <<dt:// Sightings and
attempting to bring one end of Shrine of Guilliman, touching down Falsehoods>>
the shrine down upon Guilliman’s amidst billowing clouds of smoke and
throne, Tigurius brandished his staff sulphurous flame. My Lady Inquisitor,
and focussed his psychic energies
to unmake the Chaos worshipper’s As one, the Dreadclaws irised open to I have compiled a
incantation. Yet the Chief Librarian’s disgorge squad after squad of heretical chronicle of sightings
concentration was shattered as a killers. An entire traitor warband and reports. I must
fresh wave of Khorne Berzerkers surged into battle, the Talons of the stress to you once again
hurled themselves at him. Tigurius Despoiler deployed en masse to sweep that the full body of
frantically parried one roaring away all resistance in the shrine. It accounts rune-locked
chainaxe after another with his staff, was a force whose combined strength within this dataslate
cursing as he felt the powers of the could subdue worlds, one hundred make for impossible
empyrean draining away from his super-human murderers, fresh and reading. You of all
touch. The Ynnari were suddenly ready for battle. The Black Legion people must surely be
there beside him, fighting with reinforcements struck the Imperial aware of the malefic
blistering speed. Never had Tigurius defence like a battering ram. dissonance plaguing
seen living creatures move with such communication. They say
swiftness and grace, Yvraine and the Ultramarines Veterans and Honour that the storms rage
Visarch blurring through the air and Guard fell as they were riddled with from Oberica to the
leaving greyed-out after-images in overwhelming bolt fire. Courageous Eastern Fringe, and with
their wake as they ruthlessly laid the Terminators crumpled, even their every convulsion of the
Berzerkers low. potent armour unable to withstand Immaterium, messages
the hammering volleys of bolter, will be interrupted,
All across the shaking temple, the melta and plasma fire that engulfed reports conflated, and
dwindling forces of the Imperium them. Marneus Calgar roared in errors made. It is simply
fought like lions to hold back their defiance as he was borne to the impossible that the Beast
foes. Celestine still hacked and ground by a surging mass of foes of Armageddon could
cut, span and leapt, leaving a trail that swung, stabbed and stamped be sighted in so many
of slain Black Legionnaires in her at him. Marshal Amalrich and his localities at once!
wake. Archmagos Cawl sent blasts brothers charged down the mound of
of searing energy ripping through corpses rather than be caught in the To suggest that he has
the Chaos ranks while intoning open by the foe’s massed firepower, progressed so quickly
binharic psalms to fortify his allies’ determined to hack down as many of from one Segmentum to the
weapons and wargear. Marshal their tainted kin as they could before next? To claim that he
Amalrich, accompanied now by just they were slain. Saint Celestine, too, leads a fleet in excess
two remaining Sword Brethren, swooped down upon the mass of of five million warships,
fought tirelessly atop a heap of Black foes. Her remaining sister had been or that ‘leering Orkoid
Legion corpses. Teleport energies smashed from the air by a plasma faces manifest in the
flared once more and a squad of blast, and even the Saint herself was void, avidly watching
Grey Knight Paladins flashed into now fighting one handed, her left their progress’?
being, bolstering their Grand Master’s arm hanging broken at her side. Still Nonsense! It cannot have
psychic defences with their own. she sang out a hymn to the Emperor, been the same Ork that
determined to meet death with words led the attack upon the
For a moment the battle hung in of purity and hope on her lips. Drakenfyr System, and
the balance. Then a second flight overran the Chapter
of Dreadclaw Drop Pods began Everywhere the massed Chaos planet of the Knights
their descent upon the shrine, worshippers pressed forward, Obstinate. Those actions
fires billowing around their hulls engulfing the shrinking islands of were divided, as best we
as they fell. No scattered handful Imperial resistance, while sorcerous can tell, by mere weeks!
of reinforcements was this, but a energies continued to tear at the Valion’s Tear? Red Reach?
pinpoint attack wave of ten armoured shrine itself. Not a single defender Modexia? To claim that
pods, held in reserve by the masters took a step backward, but it was one mindless brute was
of the Chaos invasion and hurled in clear that their lives could now be responsible for all of
to strike the killing blow. Heldrakes measured in minutes at most. these Imperial defeats
is, at best, deluded

Thus I urge you once more
to discard this needless
investigation and to
concentrate your efforts
upon those threats that
we know to be real.

But of course, I do so
only with the greatest
respect, my Lady

Your servant,

Arch-Scrivener First
Class and Etchmaster of
the Gilded Quill,

Allouicious Dunt



The foremost Black Legionnaires look of such murderous intensity that First to die was the Sorcerer whose
were mere yards away from the foot even the loyalists within the shrine powers had shaken the temple to
of Guilliman’s throne when the quailed to see it. its foundations. Guilliman raised
rune-panels on Cawl’s auto-reliquary his mighty gauntlet, the Hand of
flickered from red to green. A single It was as though a spell had settled Dominion, and a storm of armour-
chime sounded, a clear, pure note over the shrine. Though outside the piercing fire erupted from beneath it
that cut through the clangour like din of war thundered on, within that to rip the tainted psyker to pieces.
a knife. The Archmagos himself, echoing chamber friend and foe alike
fighting back to back with the stared awestruck at the legendary Next to fall were the remaining
Ynnari and Chief Librarian Tigurius, figure reborn in their midst. An Black Legion Berzerkers. Following
emitted an uncharacteristic blurt of incoherent scream of rage shattered their comrade’s example, they flung
binharic triumph. The next moment, the silence, a single Khorne Berzerker themselves screaming at the reborn
the outstretched armatures of the charging headlong through the Primarch. Like their fellow, they were
auto-reliquary folded back with stunned combatants to launch himself reduced to so much armoured meat,
a gaseous hiss to reveal a sight of in a flying leap at the Primarch. smashed from the air with terrifying
breathtaking splendour. Guilliman moved with such blistering speed. Guilliman was running now,
speed that the Ynnari themselves storming forward through the hail
Where before Roboute Guilliman would have struggled to match it. His of bolts and shells unleashed by the
had sat, a pale, stasis-locked revenant, burning blade drew a pyrotechnic arc Black Legionnaires. Rounds exploded
now the Primarch stood awake, alert through the air as it swung, bisecting against the Primarch’s armour, but
and very much alive. His presence was the Khorne Berzerker at the waist none could pierce its inviolable plates.
immense, dominant as a thunderhead and hurling his severed halves to
suddenly filling the shrine with its the ground. As he crashed into the front ranks of
crushing pressure. Guilliman was clad Black Legionnaires, Guilliman let out
in a magnificent new suit of armour, As the Chaos worshipper’s armoured a building roar of pure, undiluted
an ornate masterwork that had corpse crashed to the floor, the fury. The Primarch’s first blow threw
travelled all the way from the forges spell was broken. With a great howl a Black Legionnaire high into the air,
of Mars within Cawl’s auto-reliquary. of hate, the Black Legion warriors blood streaming behind the corpse in
In one hand the Ultramarines surged towards Roboute Guilliman. a red trail. His second strike smashed
Primarch held the blade of the Wordlessly, the noble demigod strode a traitor Terminator into a bronze
Emperor, lit now from hilt to tip with to meet them, and the carnage and marble column with enough
leaping flames, and in his eyes was a truly began. force to drive the Chaos worshipper

S aint Celestine looked upon the towering form of the Snarling, a Black Legionnaire lunged at Celestine with a
Primarch reborn, and knew the abiding satisfaction of serrated blade in hand. Presumably he thought her distracted
her faith being borne out once more. A son of the God in her moment of sublime gratitude, but he could not have been
Emperor himself, a demigod of battle to lead the Imperium more mistaken. With the fires of faith searing through her veins,
out of the darkness that, with each passing day, seemed more Celestine turned the golden radiance of her gaze upon the heretic
certain to engulf it entirely. In what greater endeavour could and smiled beatifically as she felt her broken arm heal itself anew.
she have played a part? What single event could possibly be more The Ardent Blade came up in a single, swift movement and ran
important than the manifestation of this breathtaking miracle? the Heretic Astartes through.
Humbly, Celestine offered up her profound thanks to the Emperor
for permitting her to be a part of such a wondrous thing. Even as her assailant fell back with blood gushing from his
mouth, the Saint launched herself skyward and soared across the
Around her, the battle still raged, yet every aspect of the conflict shrine. She alighted beside Inquisitor Greyfax, who was stood
had changed for Celestine in that singular moment of rebirth. atop a sarcophagus pouring bolter fire into the heretics massed on
The strewn corpses of Imperial warriors were no longer a tragic every side.
waste, but instead the fallen bodies of martyrs whose sacrifice
would be immortalised forever. The traitorous killers filling the ‘I erred,’ shouted Greyfax over the roar of her bolter. ‘And I shall
shrine were no longer hated despoilers, but instead merely the do penance. You truly are an instrument of the Emperor’s will.’
first of an endless tally of heretics that Guilliman would lay low.
Her own hurts no longer mattered, whether the physical wounds ‘Vigilance is not a sin, Katarinya Greyfax,’ replied Celestine,
to her own body or the spiritual rents opened by the deaths of her slashing her blade through the enemies before her. ‘You serve Him
Geminae Superia. as surely as I.’

‘Thank you,’ intoned Celestine, a single golden tear rolling down ‘Indeed,’ said Greyfax with a curt nod. ‘Then let us serve him
her cheek as she turned her face to the heavens. ‘Thank you, my together, as true warriors of faith.’ With that, she raised her blade
Emperor. He is a blessing we do not deserve.’ and lunged into the foe, Celestine leaping at her side.


clean through it, and out the other expression was graven granite and Calgar stirred, one eye opening to
side. A spiked power fist swung for frozen hate, a mask of vengeful anger look up at the Primarch reborn.
Guilliman’s chest, only to be lopped that had endured millennia. Satisfied that his scion lived,
from its wielder’s arm before the Guilliman pressed on, leaving the
blow could land. Guilliman’s return For Guilliman, his last memory was fallen Chapter Master to stare in
swing parted his attacker’s head a desperate battle against a tainted disbelief at his resurrected gene-sire.
from his shoulders, cauterising the brother, a fraternal contest of godlike
stump of the traitor’s neck as the strength and barbed, hateful taunts Across the chamber, Grand Master
body crumpled to the floor. On it – then poison and pain beyond Voldus and his Paladins were driving
went, the Primarch moving with such endurance. Now he found himself the surviving Chaos Sorcerers back.
speed that even the heretics’ super- in strange surroundings, facing a The heretics were powerful psykers
human reactions couldn’t save them. twisted horde of creatures that were both, but neither could hold a
None could match Guilliman. None nightmarish parodies of the Adeptus candle to Voldus’ preeminent power.
could even come close, and the few Astartes ideal. Surrounded by a crackling vortex of
opponents that landed lucky blows empyric energies, the Grand Master
found their weapons turned aside by Not that his apparent allies struck strode through the dark flames
the Primarch’s masterwork armour. Guilliman as much more familiar, and molten lightnings conjured
but he could at least detect who in by his foes. Propelled as much by
As the Black Legion hurled this vast sepulchre was tainted by thought as by his steely sinews,
themselves towards the towering Chaos and who was not. For now, Voldus’ lightning-wreathed hammer
warrior in their midst, so the pressure that was enough. The Primarch swung in an unstoppable arc and
lessened upon the surviving loyalists compartmentalised his questions for slammed into the helm of the closest
in the shrine. Full of vengeance, later, and concentrated solely on the Sorcerer. Ceramite, flesh and bone
inspired by the spectacle of the battle at hand. exploded in a crackling spray, and
Primarch, the last of the Celestinians the traitor toppled backwards as a
and their allies threw themselves back The Black Legionnaires continued headless corpse.
into the fight with renewed vigour. to hurl themselves at the reborn
Lord of Ultramar, clearly willing to The last of the heretic leaders lost
As Guilliman cleared the foes from sustain any amount of casualties if his nerve, barking orders at his
around the foot of his throne, it meant laying Guilliman low. Yet underlings to cover his retreat from
Tigurius, Cawl and the Ynnari they were laughably outmatched in the shrine. The Sorcerer turned,
followed him into the gap. Yvraine almost every regard. Sweeping the lumbering in his Terminator
blurred through the air, felling a Emperor’s sword in wide arcs, firing armour, and found himself face
Chaos Space Marine before cart off hammering volleys from the Hand to face with Roboute Guilliman.
wheeling between two more and of Dominion, the Primarch reaped a Screaming witch-light rushed in as
leaving them as crumbling statues bloody tally as he drove the traitors the Sorcerer attempted to conjure a
of dust and ash. A traitor raised his back. As they retreated, so the prone potent curse. Before he could even
plasma gun to blast the whirling form of Marneus Calgar was revealed, spit the jagged syllables to unleash
priestess, only for the Visarch’s sword his armour cracked and his face his power, the Sorcerer was hoisted
to lop his arms off at the elbows. The beaten bloody. Guilliman paused for bodily off the ground, Guilliman’s
champion of Ynnead reversed his grip a moment in his rampage, looking Hand of Dominion clamped firmly
on his blade, ramming it through down upon this fallen son with an around the traitor’s gorget. In a
his victim’s helm before basking in unreadable expression on his face. breathtaking display of strength, the
the escaping energies of the Chaos Primarch lifted his foe high into the
Marine’s corrupted soul. air, Guilliman’s face a cold mask of
disgust. The Sorcerer made a last,
Tigurius released a thunderous croaking attempt to speak before the
barrage of psychic energies, thumping Emperor’s Sword slammed through
tectonic shock waves that hurled the traitor’s midriff, and ripped
Heretic Astartes from their feet and it swiftly upward. Ancient armour
shattered their armour like porcelain. and corrupt flesh parted as easily
The Chief Librarian felt Guilliman’s as silk, and the Sorcerer’s innards
gaze upon him then, for just a spilled out in a rush to splatter upon
heartbeat. The Primarch’s appraising the flagstones.
stare seemed to strip Tigurius down
to his soul. Then Guilliman stormed Leaderless, reaped like corn by the
on through the enemy ranks. seemingly unstoppable Primarch
and his allies, the last of the Black
With every blow, the Primarch of Legionnaires turned and fled. Not a
the Ultramarines sent mutated single one of them would escape the
corpses tumbling through the air. His Fortress of Hera alive.



By the time reinforcements reached Chapter Master’s leave to assume full predicting every move his enemies
the Temple of Correction, the command of the Ultramarines at that made and countering before they had
fighting was done. Every single time. Calgar shrugged off his battle- even thought to act.
Ultramarine who rushed into that brothers and, grimacing in pain, knelt
vaulted space dropped to their knees before his gene-sire. He matched By the time the Primarch and his
in worshipful awe at the sight of their Guilliman’s solemnity as he offered coterie strode out to lead the fight
Primarch reborn. unending fealty to the Primarch, in person, the Chaos attackers were
and bequeathed full control of the reeling in disarray. The attack led
Calm now, Roboute Guilliman Chapter to him in perpetuity. by Guilliman into the heart of their
took charge of his warriors. He lines was like a final bolt round
asked no questions, save those of a Like an impresario settling before placed between the eyes of a wounded
purely strategic nature. He made his instrument, Guilliman spread enemy. Black Legionnaires, Iron
no reference to the circumstances his hands upon the strategium Warriors, Alpha Legion and Night
of his rebirth, his long repose, or table and took a deep breath before Lords – all were hurled back from
the strangers that he found himself beginning to command. With the walls. Traitor Titans toppled like
surrounded by, and none dared raise his every utterance, the invaders’ vast, flaming trees to smash down
such matters with him. The Primarch plight became more apparent. The in ruin. Just three hours after his
would doubtless seek answers, but Primarch’s strategic acumen, his resurrection, Roboute Guilliman
caught between wonder and a kind tactical genius and miraculous mental concluded the wholesale purge of
of overawed fear, the Ultramarines, acuity were unmatched. The leaders Chaos invaders from the Fortress of
the Celestinians, and even the Ynnari of the Ultramarines looked on in Hera, and confidently proclaimed the
kept their own counsel. Besides, war amazement as Guilliman marshalled Ultramarines’ stronghold secure.
still raged outside the shrine. the defenders like regicide pieces,
drinking in reams of strategic data There now came a time where breath
News of the Primarch’s rise spread and issuing a steady stream of orders could be drawn, and stock taken.
like wildfire through the Fortress of that turned one fight after another Even as lumbering servitors and serf
Hera. It was proclaimed from every in the defenders’ favour. Calgar and work gangs laboured to shore up the
vox speaker, shouted from every his lieutenants had executed a super- fortress’ battered defences, Guilliman
rampart, and broadcast from the human campaign of defiance against summoned a select company to
vocal emitters of countless cyber- the invaders, but the Primarch was attend him in the Chapter Master’s
cherubim that fluttered through the operating on a different mental plane. sanctum. This had long been the
cauldron of war. Guilliman ensured domain and throne room of Marneus
that it was so, for he understood At Guilliman’s command, thunderous Calgar. Now it would become the
well that his living presence would overlapping firestorms and interlaced sanctum of the Primarch himself,
embolden his armies and cow webs of interceptor strikes cleared the and it was here that he was formally
his enemies. Ultramarines and airspace over the Fortress of Hera. invested as Lord of Ultramar and
Ultramar Defence Auxilia alike No longer threatened from above, master of the Ultramarines once
knew first bewilderment, then Ultramarines reserves and vast numbers more. Calgar, Tigurius, Agemman
newfound strength as they processed of Defence Auxilia flowed into the and their closest lieutenants were
this incredible news. The Chaos fight in masterful deployment patterns. present for Guilliman’s elevation, as
worshippers, by comparison, faltered Feints, ambushes, false retreats and were representative brothers from
in their attack. Even the most feared sudden, overwhelming counter-attacks every company of the Chapter. The
of their champions were eclipsed by ripped through the Chaos forces and Celestinians, too, attended Guilliman’s
the martial glory of a living, breathing drove them from within the fortress’ formal coronation, the Saint herself
Primarch, and ripples of unease grounds. Guilliman wielded hundreds ceremonially bestowing her blessings
spread through the heretic throng at of thousands of warriors at once, upon the Primarch. Even the Ynnari
the thought of facing him. watched from the sidelines as this
momentous event occurred; they lurked
Guilliman made straight for the amongst the shadows, a silent and
fortress’ strategium, and – in a staunchly unremarked-upon presence
dramatically charged moment whose expressions remained cold
that would become enshrined and watchful.
in statuary – formally accepted
command of the defence from First As the ceremony concluded,
Captain Agemman. Lord Calgar Guilliman rose and addressed the
stood at his Primarch’s side during assembly. There was much to be done,
this exchange, sorely wounded and and countless questions to which the
supported by two Honour Guards, Primarch required answers. Before he
yet determined to be present all could act further, Roboute Guilliman
the same. Guilliman showed his needed to know everything that had
nobility by humbly requesting the occurred during his long absence.






- Lorgar Aurelian


The Warp is, in many ways, a mirror eight Imperial worlds at once. Amidst Magnus, by comparison, gave a
of reality. Like a dark and fathomless the rising flames of their genocide, booming laugh of utter delight. Like
pool, its surface ripples with the champions of Khorne both mortal a fortune teller who flips their final
impact of momentous events, or and daemonic witnessed visions of tarot card and gains sudden insight,
great outbursts of passion and their furious deity, raging against the Crimson King saw now before him
emotion. The resurrection of Roboute Guilliman’s return. His apoplectic paths of glorious fate, where before
Guilliman sent bow waves rolling bellows rang as thunder through the had been a wilderness of confusion.
outward through the Immaterium, skies of the dying planets, and Warp Magnus began to issue orders, his
racing tsunamis of turmoil that did storms shuddered into being through words bursting forth as swarms of
not go unnoticed. rents in reality as though the Blood crystalline insects. They flitted away
God was hacking at the stars with his to marshal the thrallbands of his
One by one, the champions of the ruinous blade. The servants of the once proud Legion, the Thousand
Dark Gods of Chaos became aware other Dark Gods might try to corrupt Sons. Already, the cyclopean Daemon
of the returned Primarch. Reclining Guilliman, to mislead or despoil Primarch had revenged himself upon
amidst an endless banquet of souls, him. Yet Khorne’s servants knew one hated foe of old, setting the
Fulgrim pouted in displeasure as that their master had no patience Fenris System alight in the fires of
Daemon imps whispered the news for such things. Instead, they fell to retribution. Now, he saw a chance to
into his ear. The Daemon Primarch battle amongst each other, warring punish another.
of the Emperor’s Children bestirred for the right to hunt down the reborn
himself from his velvet throne, Primarch and claim his skull. So the might of the Warp began to
vowing to the depraved god Slaanesh gather, coiling and writhing like
that this time, he would ensure Other dark lords, too, saw the glowing a serpents’ nest. Traitor warbands
Guilliman’s eternal fall from grace. beacon of Guilliman’s rebirth from rode the dark tides of the empyrean
afar and began to marshal their
In hidden fanes and crystalline forces accordingly. Forewarned by
mazes, the greatest Daemons of the prophetic visions of Zaraphiston,
Tzeentch watched as the weft and Abaddon the Despoiler had fashioned
weave of fate rippled and changed a loose alliance of traitor warbands
with the implications of Guilliman’s to strike Guilliman down before his
return. Reading their master’s resurrection could occur. It was this
will in the shattered facets of the that had spurred the sudden, frenzied
future, each set itself to the task of invasion of Ultramar, but – even with
tainting, tempting or destroying the the aid of a sizeable force of Black
Ultramarines Primarch in a myriad of Legionnaires – Abaddon’s vassal
subtly varied fashions. warlords had failed in their initial
gambit. Furious, Abaddon summoned
Deep within the noisome swamps of and bound the Lord of Change Kairos
Nurgle’s Garden, a conclave of Great Fateweaver, sending him winging his
Unclean Ones listened indulgently way across the galaxy to gather fresh
to the frantic babbling of messenger forces against the Primarch.
flies. They leered in delight, bile and
maggots slopping down their festering Upon far-flung hell worlds, Magnus
chins. A Primarch! One untouched the Red and the Death Lord
and untainted by any of Nurgle’s Mortarion received word of their
brothers. Their pestilential master brother’s awakening. Their reactions
would no doubt value such a prize were as different as fire and ice.
most highly. Perhaps, they chortled Mortarion raged, a cold and virulent
mockingly, they might even arrange a storm of anger whirling around him
final reconciliation between the bitter until its echoes in realspace seeded
Mortarion and his brother. Such an seven new and terrible plagues upon
opportunity had not presented itself luckless Imperial worlds. Mired amid
in thousands of years, and the Great plans that were nearing fruition,
Unclean Ones hummed a cheerful the Daemon Primarch of the Death
ditty as they began to concoct a Guard could not yet act to strike at
sickness fit for a demigod. Guilliman. Instead, as he stared with
glowing eyes across the mist-wreathed
Elsewhere in the galaxy, the Mendox parade grounds of his Plague Planet,
Cataclysm was coming to its hideous and the massed ranks of Death Guard
conclusion. Along a war front that there assembled, Mortarion vowed
spanned entire star systems, the that he would render Guilliman and
champions of Khorne burned eighty- his empire to rot soon enough.


toward Ultramar, howling with naked Within the Warp, wars ended even as Nurgle, even as the Plague God’s
bloodlust and swearing vows to strike fresh ones began. Daemonic legions infamous Sluggardhost came
Guilliman down in the name of the were pulled away from nightmarish squirming through the brimstone
Ruinous Powers. battlefields and hurled through caverns beneath Khorne’s Ironfire
breaches in the veil of reality, charged Bastion. Soon enough, fresh wars
Swathes of the galaxy were already with hunting down and putting an raged throughout the domains of the
riven with Warp storms that had end to the reborn Primarch. Yet the Chaos Gods, their eternal rivalries
spilled through the Cadian Gate servants of the Dark Gods are ever stoked by the momentous events,
with all the ferocity of Old Night, or opportunists, and believed that this yet still a portion of their attentions
been unleashed by the shattering of moment of distraction could be used were focused upon the fate of
Biel-Tan. Now those tempests spread to strike at their respective master’s Roboute Guilliman, and upon their
further, as the Primordial Annihilator rivals amongst the Chaos pantheon. worshipper’s schemes to lay him low.
turned its full attentions upon
realspace. Screaming maws burst Mounted upon a cogwork scorpion As for the Primarch himself,
open between the stars, horrifyingly the size of a city, Khorne’s blood Guilliman was, as yet, unaware of the
immense, yawning gulfs ringed by legions drove headlong into the daemonic madness that his return
mountainous fangs and coiling, winding edges of the Crystal had spurred. This was a mercy,
ectoplasmic tentacles. Dozens of Labyrinth, swarms of flame-belching for the Lord of Ultramar already
worlds were plunged into darkness Tzeentchian Daemons pouring out had a crushing weight of questions
and terror as time shattered apart to meet them like insects defending and shock to deal with. Everything
around them, and the energies of their kicked hive. At the same time, Guilliman knew was gone, replaced
the Immaterium burst their banks to Slaanesh’s cavalcade of hedonism by the madness and horror of a future
flood into realspace. hacked its way into the Garden of he had tried so desperately to prevent.


R oboute Guilliman settled Slain alien beasts, executed heretic bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is
heavily into his new throne. despots, worlds saved and worlds burned. driven not by reason and hope but by
The Primarch had despatched The Chapter’s proud iconography was fear, hate and ignorance. Better that
all of his attendants and advisors, even much in evidence, but so was the aquila we had all burned in the fires of Horus’
sending his Honour Guard to wait of the Imperium and there, presiding over ambition than live to see this.’
outside the sanctum. At last he could several of the heraldic designs, a figure
allow a little of his sorrow, trauma and with throne and halo who must surely be Even as he said it, Guilliman heard
pain to show, and Guilliman let his the Emperor. the lie in his words. Amongst his
mask drop with a sigh of relief. Whatever brothers, none had been more idealistic
had been done to him to bring him back, ‘We failed, father,’ said Guilliman, his than Roboute Guilliman. None had
it had left the Primarch with a constant, words tired and leaden with sorrow. ‘You envisioned a brighter future, not just for
gnawing ache that radiated from deep failed your sons, and we, in our turn, Mankind but also for the warriors of the
within. He suspected that pain would failed you. And now, to compound our Legiones Astartes. That flame of hope
never leave him. arrogance and vainglory, we have failed had been a part of him for as long as he
all of them, too. Did Horus not say that had lived. Even now, as it was smothered
Physical hurts were the least of you sought godhood? He built a rebellion by darkness and woe, Guilliman realised
Guilliman’s troubles. One by one, upon that claim. How he would gloat, to that his flame endured.
the Primarch had spoken with each see the Imperium now.’
of the Celestinians, the lords of the ‘There’s hope still,’ he told himself,
Ultramarines, and even Yvraine of the Anger surged through the Lord of turning back to the window and placing
Ynnari. Days had been spent in deep, Ultramar, and he clenched his fists with one armoured palm against it. He stared
earnest conversation, Guilliman using the effort of self-restraint. He imagined out at the work gangs, labouring to repair
every iota of his statesman’s guile to set destroying this chamber, tearing it apart the damage of war, and the Ultramarines
his guests at ease, to tease from them and hurling its wreckage around like stood proud and determined upon the
as much information as he could, and a wild beast. He dared not, lest these ramparts. They had been born into
to hide his reactions to their words. strangers in his Chapter’s livery see this dark millennium, and had known
Guilliman had thanked each of his through his facade. Though he wrestled nothing but the hardship, suffering and
visitors for their insights and their service with despair, the Primarch knew that despair of unending conflict. Yet still
to the Imperium, inwardly assessing each he could not let his weakness show. they struggled on unbowed, despite the
of his guests and showing them whatever Calgar, Tigurius, Agemman, all the countless enemies ranged against them.
aspect of his personality was surest to others – they looked at him as though he Guilliman had seen a better age, one of
render them sympathetic and voluble. were the Emperor himself. Guilliman was hope and triumph. What right had he, a
painfully aware of his symbolic quality, superhuman son of the Emperor himself,
Though he had not shown it, each fresh and of how desperate and dark the hour to show any less strength and courage
revelation struck the Primarch like a had become. He must show nothing but than his followers born in darkness?
cannon shell. He was exhausted from strength to his gene-sons, lest his despair
staving off bewilderment and horror, taint their hearts, too. Guilliman had seen what Humanity
hollowed out by pain. Guilliman groaned could achieve. Moreover, he knew what
and placed his head in his hands, his ‘And yet, would it really matter,’ he fruits Cawl’s labours had borne beneath
new suit of armour hissing and humming sighed, turning his back on the banners the surface of Mars. He believed that a
with the motion. and pacing across the chamber to stare better future for the Imperium was still
through a stained glass window. Out possible. But only if those who tormented
‘Millennia have passed,’ he murmured, there, across the war-torn immensity of Mankind were first defeated.
unsure to whom he spoke. He knew only the Fortress of Hera, Guilliman saw the
that he had to vocalise his situation before sweeping bulwark where his old chambers ‘All of this misery,’ said Guilliman. ‘All
it drove him mad. Not for the first time had once been. They had belonged to of this suffering and pain. It is not the
since his return, Guilliman wished for his father, even before him. He had laid doing of Humanity, but of those who have
one of his brothers to speak with. They, at his plans there, spoken to his brothers, betrayed us. Too long have the pawns
least, might have understood. laughed and raged and – on one occasion of Chaos dictated our species’ fate. That
– almost died. Now they were gone, must end.’
‘Thousands of years,’ he said. ‘And look buried beneath ugly agglomerations of
what has become of them. Of us. Idolatry. buttressing and gun batteries. It was apt, Guilliman felt new strength fill him.
Ignorance. Suffering and squalor, in the he thought bitterly. Inspired by it, the Primarch took his pain,
name of a god who never desired the title’. and his desolation, and locked them
Guilliman’s anger spilled over, and he away deep within his mind. But his rage
Guilliman shook his head and stood, span on his heel, staring up at the woven he kept. That, he would have use for.
pacing across the Chapter Master’s Emperor with accusing eyes.
sanctum to stare up at the banners Later there would be time to mourn, to
hanging on the western wall. Each ‘Why do I still live,’ he snarled. ‘What reason, to plan anew. Now was the time
was the height of an Imperial Knight, more do you want from me? I gave to fight, and to make his father’s enemies
a cascade of masterfully woven cloth everything I had to you, to them. Look pay for every horror they had inflicted
depicting the glories of the Ultramarines. what they’ve made of our dream. This upon the Imperium.



Four days and nights after his orbital batteries. Soon enough, ruby ASTROPATHIC INTERCEPT
coronation, Roboute Guilliman columns of light were spearing up
emerged from seclusion. In his into the heavens to drive the Chaos (MALEFICUS EXACTIS)
absence, Lord Calgar had continued warships out of their geosynchronous
to lead the fight, ignoring his orbits above the Ultramarines <<sub ref::: White Scars//
injuries as he coordinated the Fortress Monastery. sub ref::: Red Corsairs//
Ultramarines war effort. Now, sub ref::: Chogoris>>
though, Calgar willingly ceded This was only the beginning. Led
control of the campaign to his gene- by the famed tank commander Hear us, brother. The
sire. Recognising the vastly capable Antaro Chronus, roaring columns Great Hunt falters.
Chapter Master for the asset he of Ultramarines armour swept The lair of the Khans
was, Guilliman kept Calgar close at the traitor battle groups from the is beset, and you are
hand in the battles that followed, Magletine Highlands, and drove called home. Abandon
and asked his counsel constantly. their survivors into the storm-tossed your quarry, Kor’sarro
Brother Librarian Tigurius, too, Pharamis Ocean. Grand Master Khan, for your people
swiftly became a trusted advisor, Voldus and his 3rd Brotherhood lent have need of your wisdom
the Primarch accepting that in this their might to the reconquest when and strength.
darker age, the trappings and powers they spearheaded the strike against
of the Librarius had – by necessity the corrupted city of Collosae. Here The Maelstrom’s wrath
– also become darker. In a move the silver-armoured Daemon hunters grows greater by the day.
that surprised many, Guilliman also fought a cat-and-mouse battle with Like a storm cloud that
included Voldus, Cawl, Celestine cruel bands of Night Lords, who races swiftly from the
and Inquisitor Greyfax amongst had veiled the city in an unnatural distant horizon to darken
his coterie of lieutenants. The gloom. The traitors were eventually the skies above, the Warp
Primarch sought the insights of every driven out, and a mysterious blood rift has billowed and
arm of the Imperial war machine, ritual halted before it could come to swollen until it seems
recognising that in unity lay strength. fruition, though the entire city had it will blot out the
subsequently to be levelled from orbit stars. Chogoris writhes
With his advisors at his side, and the for fear of its Chaos taint. at its touch. Grasslands
unbowed might of the Ultramarines burn. Beasts run wild,
at his disposal, Guilliman began the Guilliman led attacks against or turn to monstrous,
reconquest of his homeworld. Wider Valmari, Mount Tarphus and the deformed things.
galactic matters would have to wait; snowy Gallinus Pass, emerging
Macragge was still beset from every triumphant at every turn. The From the heart of that
side, and if the Chapter planet fell, Ultramarines swept all before them, storm has the enemy come,
then even the resurrected Primarch combining their exceptional skill turncoats and renegades
would surely be dragged down by the and discipline with the visionary marching beneath the
tide of foes. battle plans of their Primarch banners of the Tyrant
into an unstoppable whole. The of Badab.
The war for Macragge lasted a little Ultramar Defence Auxilia followed
over a month, and its pace was up each new conquest, digging in The tribes of the plains
blistering. Roboute Guilliman was and fortifying in great number so have suffered beneath
a force of nature, an unstoppable that any attempts by the forces of their tainted claws. They
avatar of the Emperor’s will who Chaos to counter-attack were met by have built mountains
drove his enemies before him overwhelming resistance. Though of the dead, ritual
like cattle. First came a series of the Heretic Astartes fought furiously, ziggurats of corpse flesh
lightning-fast offensives to clear and inflicted sore losses upon the dedicated to their Dark
the Valley of Laponis and the loyalists, they simply could not match Gods. We know not what
partially ruined city of Magna the strategic acumen of Roboute goal they work toward,
Civitas. Batteries of Iron Warriors Guilliman, and one Chaos warband but they are surely close
siege guns were overrun. The semi- after another was defeated. Even to its completion, and we
sentient artillery engines were those who fled Macragge found no who remain are too few to
blown apart by melta charges, their haven in the void, for their invasion hunt them all.
whip-fisted overseers executed with craft had been surrounded and
swift efficiency. Chanting masses reduced to burning scrap by the Holding actions.
of Chaos Cultists were surrounded Ultramar Defence Fleet. Ambushes. Feigned flight
inside gilded domes and soaring hab- and sudden strikes. The
blocks, before being systematically Finally, after long weeks of vicious Great Khan would be proud
cut apart. Agemman, Celestine battle and a vast toll of the dead, of the fight that we have
and Greyfax led pinpoint strikes the world of Macragge was liberated fought, brother. But we
to take back the city’s primary once more. cannot prevail alone,
that much now becomes
clear. Thus do we cry for
aid, from yourself and
from those Khans whose
hunts have born them far
across the stars into the
lairs of the myriad foe.
No prey, nor matter of
honour, is as important
as this fight.

You must come, now, while
there is still time, and
slay them all in the
name of the Great Khan.
Their insults shall not
go unpunished.



The first steps had been taken upon others joined the growing throng, Mere days after victory was declared,
the road of reconquest. Macragge kneeling before the Primarch and a grand triumph swept up from the
was free of Chaos taint. Guilliman swearing allegiance to him. Titan Gate to the very steps of the
wished to press on, consumed by his Fortress of Hera. Thousands of war
desire to drive the Ruinous Powers While the armies of the Ultramar engines and millions of warriors
from Ultramar. However, those he Reconquest were gathering, a presented their colours and raised
led needed time to regroup and further opportunity presented itself. cheers and horn blasts to the
consolidate. Countless wounded It was the Arch-Consul of Magna skies. A seething sea of the city’s
required attention. Hundreds of war Civitas – the closest Ultramar had residents packed the crater-pocked
machines needed repair. to a conventional Governor – who processionals and plazas to watch the
suggested that a grand victory proceedings, and voices beyond count
Guilliman was wise enough to give parade could be held, and its majesty rang out as one to cry Guilliman’s
his followers the time they needed. recorded on pict casts to be sent far praise in a single deafening roar.
Meanwhile, Imperial reinforcements and wide through the Imperium.
gathered around Macragge. Braving The Consul said that people needed Stood upon a marble-columned
the Warp storms raging through the light of hope in this dark hour, a platform with his closest lieutenants
local space, Space Marine craft shining example of victory to renew at his side, the Primarch dutifully
by the dozen assembled above their faith not just in the Emperor, presented the most magnificent
the Ultramarines home world. but in Guilliman reborn. spectacle he could for the assembled
Delegations from many Primogenitor masses. The Arch-Consul himself
Chapters had ploughed through the The Primarch acceded to this presented Guilliman with a
empyrean, risking terrible danger to demand, though it sat ill with his stunningly wrought laurel wreath
see for themselves that the Primarch bleak inner mood. Guilliman saw the crafted in gold, urging the Primarch
had returned. Novamarines, Sons of wisdom in it, but he accepted such to don the gilded crown at once.
Orar, Genesis Chapter and countless aggrandisement only grudgingly. The moment Guilliman did so, he

found his mind filled with thoughts a command for the Arch-Consul to animus in the amulet that his servant
of future glories. This paltry triumph be restrained. It was Grand Master wore, and confessed disappointment
would be nothing compared to Voldus who grabbed the robed that Guilliman had rejected his gift,
the breathtaking spectacle of his dignitary, and as his blessed gauntlets the Crown of Glories. Many heroes
galactic conquest. The Primarch’s touched the man’s flesh it sizzled and great and pure had fallen to the
armies would be beyond number, crisped. The din of the triumph was trinket’s blandishments, and Fulgrim
their adoration for their heroic lord colossal, an ocean swell of noise that had hoped that he could corrupt
so great that they would die for hid the Arch-Consul’s shrieks as the Guilliman in the same fashion. Yet the
him gladly. Planets, systems, whole illusions that veiled him were unmade. Slaaneshi Prince assured his brother
segmentums would be renamed in that this was but the first of endless
honour of he who had liberated Guilliman and his lieutenants recoiled temptations that Guilliman would have
them, and the whipped dogs of Chaos at the misshapen mutant thing that to face. Laughing cruelly, he taunted
would flee before him like the curs was revealed. Bulbous and deformed, that the Lord of Ultramar would never
they were. Statues would be raised to the keening, fleshy abomination be able to trust any feeling of triumph
commemorate Guilliman’s majesty, wore a glowing amulet about its or self-satisfaction again.
and eventually even the Golden neck on a thong of human skin. As
Throne of Terra itself would be his to Guilliman stared in disgust at this Disgusted, Guilliman drove his sword
mount. The Emperor’s most loyal son cursed fetish, he heard a susurration through the amulet and into the
deserved no less an inheritance, and hissing within his mind that he hideous creature that bore it, silencing
he would have his due. had not heard since that fateful the voice of the damned brother
encounter on Thessala. In mocking who had laid him low millennia
It was this last thought that wrenched tones, Fulgrim welcomed Guilliman past. Yet as the triumph rumbled on,
Guilliman from the wreath’s insidious back to his beloved Imperium. The Fulgrim’s words continued to echo in
curse. With a gasp, he tore the gilded Daemon Primarch revealed that he Guilliman’s mind. They would do so
crown from his head and bellowed had concealed a fragment of his own for many days to come.


As the armies of reconquest bulkheads and servitor guns. At the treachery from his foes, however, and
gathered upon Macragge, so ever same time a new war room was built. now revealed his own masterstroke
more Imperial forces came seeking This was the Strategium Ultra, from as a second, reserve fleet of swift
the Primarch. Some, like the Dark where Guilliman’s reconquest could Strike Cruisers and frigates swept
Angels and the Raven Guard, sent be plotted, tracked and coordinated. in from behind Laphis’ third moon,
small delegations to determine Aurora. At the same time, elite
the veracity of this miracle. Others When finally the armies of strike units containing Ultramarines
came in hope and celebration, reconquest were ready to set out, Techmarines dropped onto Laphis’
bands of Space Wolves, White Roboute Guilliman led them into surface and succeeded in awakening
Scars, Black Templars and others battle with something akin to the world’s battered orbital defence
hastening to the Primarch’s side. relief. After the endless infighting grid. Caught from three sides,
A glorious moment came to pass and bureaucracy of this turgid the Alpha Legion warships were
when the Black Templars made new Imperium, the thought of a torn apart, left as a belt of drifting
planetfall, for they were reunited with battlefield seemed almost welcoming. wreckage above the shrine world.
Marshal Amalrich, who alone of his
brotherhood had survived the battle Guilliman began with the Macragge Through such heroic actions was
in Guilliman’s shrine. Taking one System itself, several of whose worlds the Macragge System made secure,
look at the zealous light in Amalrich’s were beset by the forces of Chaos. A allowing the armies of reconquest to
eyes, the Black Templars Chaplains warband of Iron Warriors known as sweep on towards the neighbouring
declared him touched by the hand the Bitter Sons had invaded the hive systems that made up the realm
of the Emperor. The Marshal was world of Ardium, conquering one of Ultramar. That stellar domain
brought aboard the Strike Cruiser of the planet’s three subterranean had once comprised five hundred
Scourge of Heretics, and girded with the hives and fortifying its winding worlds, before Lord Guilliman had
armour and the Black Blade of the tunnel networks. Linking up with the granted many their own sovereignty.
Emperor’s Champion. surviving Auxilia garrisons of hives All such treatises the Primarch now
Geodrane and Tarnis, Guilliman declared null and void. In such grim
Others, too, came to Ultramar led elements of the Ultramarines and desperate times, he would see
upon the insistence of their seers, 4th and 6th Companies through a his personal empire forged anew, for
Astropaths, soothsayers and lords. subterranean hellscape to assault in this, as in all things, Guilliman
Battleships of the Imperial Navy, Hive Magmaria. The fighting desired strength through unity.
regal Barons of Imperial-aligned was savage in the extreme, the
Knight worlds, fleets of warships from outnumbered Iron Warriors clinging Onward through shuddering Warp
the Adeptus Mechanicus and their tenaciously to their defences until the storms and traitor hosts swept the
Titan Legions, processions from the last man. Corpses choked entire mag- armies of Ultramar. Not once did
Adeptus Administratum; all came to tunnels, and blood filled the under- they falter. Iron Hands fought
offer fealty to the Primarch. sump until it overflowed through the alongside Praetors of Orpheus
hive’s drainage grilles. In the end, on Talasa Secundus. Dark Angels
A grotesque cyber-synod of the Guilliman and his gore-drenched went to war beside Titans of the
Adeptus Ministorum descended upon followers emerged victorious. Legio Fulminari to liberate Ischara.
the Fortress of Hera and insisted The chanting processions of the
upon first confirming, and then The shrine world of Laphis became Cult Mechanicus fought shoulder
proclaiming, Guilliman’s alleged the site of the liberation’s greatest to shoulder with Novamarines
divinity. The Primarch agreed to naval engagement when the Ultramar and Battle Sisters of the Order of
such beatification only after Celestine Defence Fleet engaged the ships of the Ebon Chalice against mutant
and Greyfax impressed upon him just the Alpha Legion blockading the hordes on the killing fields of Konor
how powerful the Ecclesiarchy were. planet. Marneus Calgar commanded Prime. Unified and elevated by the
Better to have them as a firebrand the offensive, seated in the captain’s leadership of Roboute Guilliman,
ally than an obstreperous foe. throne aboard the ancient flagship their war efforts coordinated with
Macragge’s Honour. The Ultramarines clockwork precision from the
Before his departure from the vessels swept in through the Strategium Ultra on Macragge, the
fortress, Guilliman had one more void with their guns thundering, armies of reconquest overcame Warp
order of business. He decreed that successfully driving back those Alpha storms, traitor armies, and even
now was an age of wrath and war, Legion craft engaged in surface daemonic incursions in their battle
in which learning and lore must be bombardment. Triumph turned to drive the ravagers of Chaos from
set aside. The Primarch shocked his to horror when a flotilla of fleeing ever more worlds. Yet still the fight
Chapter by ordering the great Library Imperial bulk carriers were revealed ground on, weeks becoming months,
of Ptolemy barred to all comers on to be crewed by Alpha Legion for Ultramar is a vast realm and its
pain of death. Every last tome, every cultists. Packed with explosives, the numerous invaders, the fires of their
lingering, dangerous secret contained lumbering haulers ploughed into old hatred stoked, were obstinate.
within that ancient repository the Ultramarines ships and crippled The Long War raged, worlds burned,
was locked behind adamantium several. Lord Calgar had expected and blood stained the stars.



It was during the seventh month of Primarch arrived upon Ravishol ignore his followers’ plight if he could
the campaign to reconquer Ultramar expecting nothing but sadness and heal them.
that the first cases of a mysterious horror. Guilliman’s shock, therefore,
new sickness were reported. was as great as anyone’s when instead Days became weeks, during which
Throughout the Drohl, Talassar and he brought a miracle. the Weeping continued to spread
Parmenio Systems, Ultramar Defence and – worse still – recur at sites that
Auxilia found themselves weeping Braving the hammering flak screens the Primarch had already cleared.
uncontrollably. In the midst of battle, of the Iron Warriors encampments Without Guilliman’s peerless genius
warriors were blinded by endless on the circuit-plains, Guilliman had the reconquest began to suffer,
streams of viscous, stinking tears that his Thunderhawk deliver him to the the Chaos forces overturning
gummed their eyes open and soon fortified Imperial encampment in the Imperial victories in the Veridian
turned them red raw. Overcome by Soldermask Valley. Over the thunder and Tarvan systems. All the while,
sorrow, sufferers wailed and wept for of the encampment’s servitor guns the dreadful Warp storms that had
days on end. In the worst cases, the – busy keeping the enemy Daemon riven Ultramar and its surroundings
so called Weepers were permanently Engines at bay – Guilliman ordered worsened further. Soon, whispered
blinded as their infected eyeballs the camp’s Ultramarine commander the Navigators, the empire of the
festered and rotted from their skulls. to lead him to the sick. There were Ultramarines might be cut off from
several thousand of them in this the wider galaxy altogether.
The disease, soon named the Sorrow, encampment alone, tank crews,
or the Weeping Plague, spread with artillerymen and infantry soldiers It was Grand Master Voldus who
alarming rapidity. Its vector was trammelled for their own protection finally confronted Guilliman. In a
believed to be an infestation of tiny, within huge prefab sheds. From heated argument, during which the
biting mites that were found amidst outside, the muffled cacophony of the Grand Master dared the Primarch’s
rations, squirming inside uniforms Weepers’ lamentation was unsettling wrath, he forced Guilliman to
and ammunition packs, and even even for Roboute Guilliman, yet as acknowledge that which he already
spilled from the pages of opened the shed’s armoured doors swung knew. Weeks of labour had been for
Imperial Primers. Nothing stopped open, the sobbing slowly died away. nought. Guilliman was not healing
the mites from multiplying, and no One by one, the stricken Auxilia his subjects, for such was not his
sanitary measure could long keep rose from their sick beds, blinking in gift. In the Weeping Plague, Voldus
them out. The siege of Leotold’s Keep amazement with eyes that could see recognised all the hallmarks of
collapsed thanks to the pernicious once more. Even those who had lost Nurgle. Most likely, the Plague God
influence of the Sorrow, while the their sight altogether subsided with was simply withdrawing his dubious
previously devastating Ravishol sighs of relief, knowing their first true blessings from his victims upon
offensive ground to a halt as its sleep in weeks. None could explain Guilliman’s arrival, then gleefully
human soldiery were reduced to how, but Guilliman’s presence had restoring them once the Primarch
blinded, wailing revenants. healed the Weepers. had moved on. The Lord of Ultramar
was playing into the Plague God’s
Roboute Guilliman hastened to The same thing occurred in three hands, his desire to save his people
Talassar, leaving the war in the more encampments along the perverted into a never-ending trap of
Prandium System to the command offensive’s stalled front. Wherever entropy and despair.
of Chief Librarian Tigurius and Roboute Guilliman walked, the
Inquisitor Greyfax. Guilliman knew Sorrow was driven out and the mites Though furious, Guilliman accepted
that only mortal soldiery had been that spread it died until they piled Voldus’ wisdom. Further, he saw that
afflicted with the Weeping – no up in black drifts. The medicae and Nurgle’s desire had been to trap him
warrior of the Adeptus Astartes or Apothecaries were at a loss, but the within his own realm, and to keep
tech-thrall of the Mechanicus had Ecclesiarchy were quick to declare him from the wider galactic stage.
fallen prey to the sickness as yet. the phenomenon miraculous. It was The Primarch realised then that his
Furthermore, though they were not the Emperor’s mercy, they bellowed, desire for completeness, for a neat
absolutely immune, only a very few brandishing their aquilas, and it solution and an unsullied Ultramar
cases had been reported amongst the shone from His son as healing light. was, in itself, an echo of mistakes he
ranks of the Adepta Sororitas. Some had made long ago. Nurgle did not
ascribed this to the presence of the So began long weeks of relentless wish Guilliman to leave Ultramar
Saint amongst the reconquest forces, pilgrimage for Guilliman, as he because there, the Primarch could be
but more believed that it was the rushed from one site of sickness to contained like a wasp in a bottle. But
enduring faith of the Battle Sisters another. The Primarch knew that this war did not belong to Ultramar
that protected them from sickness. while he was engaged in healing his alone – it was a war for the entire
followers, his attentions were drawn Imperium. Guilliman saw that he
Whatever the truth, Guilliman did away from the wider war. Yet of all could waste no more time focussing
not fear the terrible disease, but the Emperor’s sons, Guilliman was solely upon his own empire. He must
was instead far more concerned for perhaps the most human, and his tend, instead, to his father’s.
the fate of his mortal soldiery. The compassion would not allow him to


With a heavy heart, Roboute Nurgle to tempt and trick him their command could provide the
Guilliman stopped his efforts to end had shown Guilliman that his Primarch would be gladly given.
the Weeping Plague, instead charging resurrection had drawn the eyes of Guilliman gratefully accepted all
his Apothecaries and Chaplains with the Ruinous Powers. offers of aid before commanding
finding a spiritual cure for what was Marneus Calgar, Chief Librarian
clearly a spiritual affliction. The war across Ultramar was Tigurius and Captain Agemman to
still ongoing, however, and with remain and lead the reconquest of
The Primarch announced his Guilliman leaving, it would require Ultramar.
intention to set out upon a great strategically gifted warriors to keep
journey. Once before, when pushing the forces of Chaos back. The Ynnari, meanwhile, chose this
the Dark Gods had threatened As such, Guilliman gathered a select moment to depart. The Eldar had
the Imperium of Mankind, the force of battle-brothers from the their own wars to fight, and had
Primarch of the Ultramarines 1st, 2nd and 3rd Companies of the already lingered overlong amidst
had reached Terra too late to do Ultramarines to accompany him human affairs. Though Cadia
his duty. He would not make that to Terra, and gave the honour of had fallen, worlds still remained
mistake again. Guilliman intended their command to Captain Cato upon which the black pylons stood
to journey to Terra, to kneel at the Sicarius. He further requested that strong. It was to these that the
foot of the Golden Throne and ask Grand Master Voldus and the Grey Ynnari would now attend, directing
his father for guidance. Knights of the 3rd Brotherhood those of their race who would listen
join their crusade. Others pledged to defend them.
Conscious of the worsening Warp their aid to the Primarch’s
storms lashing the space lanes of cause, including the assembled The Celestinian Crusade had come
Ultramar, Guilliman announced strength of the Primogenitors, and to its end. In its place, the Terran
his intention to make for Terra as Emperor’s Champion Amalrich Crusade would begin. Mere days
soon as a suitable force could be and his Black Templars brethren. after Guilliman made known his
assembled. The Primarch would not The Saint, the Inquisitor and the intentions, the Imperial fleet set
travel alone; the galaxy had become Archmagos Dominus accompanied out, engines burning hot as they
a dark and dangerous place, while the Primarch also – whatever aid began the long journey to the
the attempts by Slaanesh and they or the military forces under cradle of Mankind.

The audience chamber was empty but for ‘It is a debt I’m sure won’t be forgotten,’ at this. ‘But I suspect that our newfound
Yvraine, the Visarch, and Guilliman. In said the Primarch. ‘Before you depart, understanding is of more value to my
a matter of hours, the Terran Crusade tell me this. Cawl may have fashioned father’s realm than my own satisfaction.
would depart Macragge, yet the Primarch the armour that I wear, but it was not And that those answers would not
had found a few moments to speak to the he alone who ensured my resurrection, come easily.’
Ynnari leaders alone. Even after weeks of was it?’
mutually fruitful alliance, most warriors Yvraine inclined her head, while the
would have been cautious of standing Yvraine smiled demurely. ‘His technology Visarch silently eased his hand away
alone in the presence of two such sinister would have healed your physical from the hilt of his blade.
and powerful xenos. Guilliman was not wounds, Roboute, but you and I know
most warriors. that the worst damage had been done ‘Thus, instead, I shall simply wish you
to your soul. So no, Primarch; it is by victory in your ongoing battles against
‘It will be a long and dangerous journey,’ the grace of Ynnead that you stand once our mutual foes.’
said Yvraine. ‘The galaxy grows darker more amongst the living. If you wish to
by the day. Have a care, Primarch. You remain, however, I would caution you ‘May you walk with fortune, Roboute
may have cheated death once, but you are against removing your war-plate. Not Guilliman,’ said Yvraine. ‘And know
not invincible.’ that you could easily do so.’ that we shall stand together in battle
again, before whatever end befalls us.’
Guilliman nodded solemnly. ‘Can I say A flicker passed across Guilliman’s
nothing that will convince you to join us features at this, a faint ghost of pain well The Visarch offered an elaborate warrior’s
on our road? I have come to value the hidden, swiftly replaced by a stony mask salute to Guilliman, who nodded curtly
strength of you and your warriors greatly of duty. in return before the Eldar turned and
these past weeks.’ swept gracefully from the chamber.
‘I could press you for greater insights
‘You cannot,’ Yvraine replied. ‘Already into the powers that brought me back, ‘No doubt we will,’ murmured the
we have given you the gift of rebirth, not and assurances against any taint in Primarch thoughtfully, watching the
to mention a number of our peoples’ lives. their nature,’ said Guilliman, noting enigmatic xenos withdraw. ‘As long as it
Is that not enough?’ how the Ynnari stiffened their postures serves your needs...’



The Warp churned. It roiled and Every time the fleet dropped out inactivity and agitation. A constant
raged. Temporal rip tides and squalls of Warp space, Guilliman had his state of high alert was required fleet-
of insanity wrenched and battered Astropaths comb the darkness of wide, for at any moment they might
at Guilliman’s fleet. Whirlpools of the void, seeking to ensnare every come under sudden attack. Yet for
arrogance; frenetic storms of anger fragment of information he could all their constant training, drilling,
and lust; becalming straits of misery about the state of the Imperium. patrolling and waiting, still nothing
circled by hungry daemonic entities; occurred. Even amongst the super-
all had to be braved as the crusade ‘THE WARP IS OUR GREATEST GIFT, AND human warriors of the Adeptus
pushed on. ALSO OUR GREATEST THREAT. IT IS CURSE Astartes, tempers frayed and inaction
AND BOON, HOPE AND TERROR, A RAGING chafed. For the thousands of helots,
On the pleas of their Navigators, INFERNO THROUGH WHICH WE MUST naval armsmen and chapter serfs
the ships’ captains dared only short PLUNGE, OR ELSE BE LOST.’ who crewed and garrisoned the
jumps through the Warp. These quick vast warships, the constant state of
and terrifying sprints ended – more - Navigator D’Halnari readiness inevitably took its toll. The
often than not – in frantic crash- expectation of danger became the
dives into realspace as the dangers With the Immaterium in turmoil, norm, to the point that laxness crept
became too great. Several craft were those astropathic communiqués that in and awareness slipped.
lost, and many captains beseeched made it through were jumbled, and
Saint Celestine for her blessings to nightmarish to interpret. What news When at last the fleet was threatened,
safeguard their passage. The Pride of the crusade fleet managed to gather it came so suddenly that even
Hera suffered a Geller field breach was uniformly dire, and left all who the Adeptus Astartes and Cult
that saw the slouching Daemons of heard them cold with dread. Mechanicus were caught off guard.
the Plague God spill like animate The Terran Crusade had reached
pus through its corridors. Inquisitor Whole systems were being ravaged the trailing edges of the Maelstrom,
Greyfax rallied a force of Adepta by unnatural phenomena, daemonic and had found it swollen with
Sororitas and Praetors of Orpheus incursions and plagues of mutation. fearsome new power. The fleet’s
Space Marines to fight back against the Psykers proliferated, bringing with Navigators moaned and screamed,
monstrous creatures. Cleansing flame them horrific manifestations and describing something akin to an
and sanctified bolts were used to drive outbursts of terror and madness. endless, impossibly immense tornado
the daemonic infestation back deck by Loyal populations rose up as thundering in the Warp. Where safe
deck, forcing them away from the life howling mobs of mad-eyed cultists. channels should have existed, the
support systems that they had sought to Entire armies of xenos, saturated billowing fringes of the Maelstrom
befoul with spores and infectious filth. in the energies of the Warp, fought had consumed all. Even the light of
Greyfax herself ended the incursion alongside Daemons to bring death to the Astronomican became faltering
in a swift duel with the bloated plague the worlds of the Imperium. Star forts and nigh impossible to see.
Daemon that led the invasion, leaping cried out for help, their corridors
from a gantry down onto the thing’s prowled by unnatural Warp entities Fearing for the safety of their
Nurgling-borne throne and slaying the that preyed upon their garrisons. brutalised craft, the fleet’s captains
abomination with a single blow. Imperial fleets and convoys flung ordered immediate translation to
distress calls into the empyrean as realspace. One by one, the Imperial
Despite many such horrors, and an they were dragged light-years off warships tore through the meniscus
ever increasing toll of lives lost, none course, or were beset by terrifying of reality, streamers of glowing
in the Terran Crusade so much as empyric predators. ectoplasm trailing from their hulls
spoke of turning back. They braved the as they plunged back into the
Warp storms at the behest of a living Those who knew of such things could cold darkness of the void. Yet the
Primarch, on a mission to holy Terra not help but draw parallels with the thunderous shuddering on board
itself. Those who quailed in the face of rumoured terrors of Old Night, and each craft continued, intensifying
such a momentous calling would surely with the Age of Strife, but none – not violently as impacts flared upon
be damned. even Guilliman – dared air such a void shields and smashed through
thought aloud. armoured hulls.
Guilliman travelled aboard his
Chapter’s ancient flagship, Macragge’s Despite the lethal roiling of the Warp, The Hawk Lords frigate Wings of
Honour, a craft that – unlike so much the Terran Crusade forged onward. Glory was ripped apart by a string of
around him – provided the Primarch For the soldiery aboard the ships, the punishing explosions before its crew
with a welcome haven of familiarity. weeks crawled past in an agony of even knew who or what was attacking
He had hoped that the Warp storms them. An Ultramarines Strike
around Ultramar were sent to entrap Cruiser, Primarch’s Wrath, sustained
him. As the crusade fleet travelled ever crippling damage after colliding with
further from the his realm, and the the White Consuls Cruiser Hope and
storms continued to rage, the Primarch Fire as both ships attempted blind
was disabused of this hopeful notion. evasive manoeuvres.


Frantic orders filled the vox net and With little choice, the Imperials >>>LOCALITUM BELLICOS:
echoed through cavernous ships’ fought as best they could in their ARMAGEDDON SECUNDUS
bridges as furious captains attempted scattered dispersal. Torpedoes
to establish the nature of the threat. fired from launch tubes, streaking >>>AUTOMATED ALERT BEACON
Had the fleet dropped out of the through the void to blast ragged DELTA-DELTA-RHO
Warp and straight into an asteroid holes in heretic warships. Fighter
field? Had they, by some horrible squadrons scrambled, jetting out into >>>CLARION PEAL AWOKEN
chance, emerged into the midst of a the darkness like swarming insects.
hostile foe? Lance arrays spat ruby light, and gun >>>MALEFIC MANIFESTATION
decks thundered as the Imperial ships DETECTED 011100010101100
As auspexes awoke and observation frantically attempted to fight free of
decks were unshrouded, the bleak their ambushing foes. ––––
truth became clear. The scattered
ships of the Terran Crusade had Yet the Imperial craft were taking –––
indeed exited the Immaterium a terrible hammering, void shields
straight into the thundering guns of collapsing and ruptured decks ––
an enemy armada, but it looked as venting screaming crewmen into
though this was no accident of chance. space. Engines flared out and died –
under volley after volley of macro
Arrayed in perfect ambush formations shells, while rune-inscribed torpedoes Input> Empyric augurs
were dozens of traitor warships swept in to fill loyalist bridges and registering exponential
bearing baroque and ancient magazines with Warpflame. energy increase –
markings upon their hulls. The Armageddon southern
loyalists realised that a vast fleet of Guilliman issued a steady stream polar region
the Thousand Sons surrounded them, of orders to his captains, doing
deployed as though they had known everything in his power to gather Observation> Warp
precisely where and when the Imperial his ships and fight back. Inwardly anomalies manifesting
forces would emerge from the Warp. he raged, both at his fallen through coordinates
brother’s deviousness and his own 124/33-863/22
At the heart of the enemy hung a failure to foresee the ambush. By
strange craft of surpassing immensity. comparison, Magnus watched with Input> Greenskin
Only Guilliman truly understood amused satisfaction from the grand ‘Bloodjaw Offensive’
its appearance, recognising a vast observation gallery aboard his entering 7th day of
silver facsimile of the Great Pyramid pyramidal flagship. successive fighting in
of Tizca. That cyclopean crystal this region
structure had once stood as the He had fashioned the vast craft,
crowning glory in the Thousand Sons named Tizca’s Revenge, using the Query> Correlation?
capital city, upon their homeworld of plundered resources of an Imperial
Prospero. Now it was resurrected in world and the nameless energies Query> Previous
this monstrously magnified new form. of the Warp. Now he conjured experiential data
those empyric powers again, for an available within
Vast as a planetoid, bristling with gun altogether different purpose. A cabal sacrosanct data-stacks?
decks of baffling shape and function, of powerful Sorcerers stood around
and boasting an immense red crystal Magnus, chanting ominous words as Action> Interrogating….
eye upon one flank, the insane he raised his arms high and cried out
structure was clearly both flagship in stentorian tones. Action> Interrogating….
and star fort for the enemy fleet.
Guilliman knew his brothers well, and The Crimson King called and the Action> Interrogating….
here, in this grandiose war engine, he Warp answered, coiling tendrils
saw all the hallmarks of the Daemon of power coalescing to surround Exception> [DATA
Primarch Magnus the Red. Guilliman’s battered fleet. Magnus REDACTED]
judged the damage done to be
To the loyalist fleet’s rear loomed sufficient. He had no desire to kill Exception> [VERMILLION
the squirming spiral arms of the his resurrected brother. Not yet, CLEARANCE DEMANDED –
Maelstrom, a towering wall of anyway. Thus, with a final booming UNAVAILABLE]
unnatural energies and whirling incantation, Magnus completed his
sorcery that promised madness and spell. The empyric tendrils clamped Action> Interrogation
death. To their fore was the titanic tight around the ships of the Terran abandoned
pyramid of Magnus, its attendant Crusade and, with a vast convulsive
warships already pummelling wrench, dragged them deep into the Action> Clarion Peal
Guilliman’s armada. raging heart of the Maelstrom. repeating – vigilance
subroutines auto-
sanctified – missive
caution lodged with
Armageddon High Command

Observation> Malefic
increasing – full Warp
breach imminent…

Observation> Malefic
increasing – full Warp
breach imminent…

Observation> Malefic
increasing – full Warp
breach imminent…


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