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Table of Contents
HR100 – Overview of HR Management .................................................................................................. 1
HR100.1 – Organization .......................................................................................................................... 6
HR101 – Overview of Recruiting and Hiring .......................................................................................... 18
HR101.04 – Overview for DVM Hiring .................................................................................................. 21
HR101.1 – “On-Deck” Applicants .......................................................................................................... 22
HR102 – Ideal Candidate Descriptions for Each Position ...................................................................... 24
HR103 – Ads That Inspire the Right Candidates: ................................................................................... 42
HR104 – Channels for Advertisements ................................................................................................. 46
HR105 – Reviewing Grids of Job Advertisement Channels .................................................................... 50
HR106 - Resume and Application Screening ......................................................................................... 52
HR 106.2 - Application Tracking System (ATS) ...................................................................................... 55
HR107 - Hiring Seminars ....................................................................................................................... 59
HR108 – Short Interviews after Hiring Seminar .................................................................................... 64
HR108.1 – Thank You Letters for Those Not Selected ........................................................................... 65
HR108.2v – Pre-Selector Test ............................................................................................................... 66
HR109 – Long Interviews ...................................................................................................................... 68
HR110 – Candidate Grid ....................................................................................................................... 72
HR110.1 – Candidates Evaluation Summary ......................................................................................... 73
HR110.2 – Personality Tests ................................................................................................................. 74
HR111 – Reference Checks ................................................................................................................... 76
HR113 - Observation Interviews ........................................................................................................... 77
HR114 - Making Individualized Job Offers ............................................................................................ 81
HR115 – Background Checks ................................................................................................................ 83
HR116 – Pre-Employment Drug Testing ................................................................................................ 84
HR117 – Processing and Orientation .................................................................................................... 85
HR118 – Employee File Organization .................................................................................................... 86
HR201 – Training Process Overview ..................................................................................................... 91
HR201.1 - Training Packs ...................................................................................................................... 93
HR202 – Training System ...................................................................................................................... 95
HR202.1 – Employee Development Meetings (EDM’s) ....................................................................... 102
HR203 – Apprenticeships ................................................................................................................... 104
HR210 – Scheduling System ............................................................................................................... 106
HR301 – Corrections ........................................................................................................................... 117
HR302 – Communications by Management ........................................................................................ 120
HR303 – Problems Reported & Staff Autonomy ................................................................................. 124
HR305 - Evaluations of Staff ............................................................................................................... 127
HR310 – Procedures Writing .............................................................................................................. 133
HR320 – Emotional Intelligence (EI) Tips ............................................................................................ 137
HR401 – Resignations and Terminations ............................................................................................ 140
HR402 – Exit Interview Process .......................................................................................................... 142
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HR100 – Overview of HR Management
This manual is broken down into the four primary aspects of managing a team of great people:
1. Hiring (HR 100’s)
2. Training (HR 200’s)
3. Corrections (HR 300’s)
4. Resignations and terminations (HR 400’s)
If you do a GREAT job of the first step, hiring, you will have less to do on the other three. If you
do a great job in the first two steps, hiring and training, you will have a minimal amount of the
last two…..etc. etc.
If you do a POOR job of hiring you will find yourself very busy doing the other three. You will
have an understaffed or undertrained team. You will constantly be trying to catch up with
training and correcting staff. Because of both understaffing and undertraining you will have a
constant issue with resignations and terminations which will make the problem worse. It is a
vicious cycle. You will be constantly busy and overwhelmed with all four areas, hiring, training,
corrections, and resignations/terminations.
If you do any of these steps PARTIALLY you will find yourself doing more of the 3 step,
corrections. The problems you are correcting will often times be hidden. You will spend even
more time in trying to find out exactly what the CAUSE of the problem is. If you do not locate
the cause or incorrectly assess the situation you will be constantly being bombarded with new
So as you can see it is critical that, as a manager or executive, you constantly follow the
procedures listed in this manual exactly as they are written. Rarely there are times you can use
judgment to hire, train, or correct someone in a more efficient way, but ONLY with proper
judgment. Skipping steps because you are in a hurry, overwhelmed, or desperate leads to more
work in the long run in almost every situation. In any case where you feel the need to use this
judgment ALWAYS get written approval from your immediate supervisor. Two heads are better
than one!
You are not alone! As a manager, you should constantly be getting ideas from your colleagues
and supervisors. You should stay in constant communication with those BOTH immediately
above and below you. This positive communication is almost exclusively the cause of all HR
problems! You should easily be able to reach your supervisors. Your supervisor should know
you. Your juniors should be able to reach you. You should know those you manage well.
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Address all issues with good communication IMMEDIATELY! Ignored problems become much
bigger very quickly.
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Being a supervisor comes with at least 100 times more responsibilities. When there are
problems with your group YOU are responsible. You are 100% accountable for those below
you. If they make a mistake it’s your mistake. When they do something well THEY get the
credit and praise, not you.
YOU will have to fix problems! Being a manager is basically solving problems. It is important
that you know how. You must be able to both fix and PREVENT the problem. Without
preventing the problem permanently, you will eventually become overwhelmed with problems.
This is not fun! This PREVENTION step is critical and usually will take you 3-4 times longer with
the solution, sometimes 10 times longer. It’s worth it. It involves editing procedures,
corrections, more training, etc.
How do you know how to solve problems? How do you know exactly what the CAUSE of the
problem is? BE CURIOUS!! We call it pulling the string. PULL THE STRING. Without almost all
HR issues there is usually a much bigger underlying problem that was never addressed. You see
a tiny string (small problem). Pull that tiny string. It will turn into small rope, then a big rope,
then a cable, and then a huge cable. At the end of the huge cable is a big ugly monster!
Confront and kill that monster! Find out how he got there. Prevent ALL of his buddies from
EVER having the chance to show up there again.
With all this extra responsibility and problems why would anyone want to manage others?
FREEDOM!! Great management will create more time and more money for you. Time + Money
+ Health = Freedom. As a manager, all three of these are under your control. Weak or
ineffective managers may have 1 or 2 of these, not all 3….and they will not have freedom.
Poor management will cause you to have less time, less money, and less health….as a result less
freedom. Without freedom life is no fun.
All good managers also LOVE inspiring and helping others. This is probably the most important
part of our lives here on earth. It is awesome to see a happy competent group of people
working together for truly noble purpose. To lead that type of team is truly more rewarding
than doing only the work one person can do.
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Planning and Organization! Whether you are managing a group of doctors on specialized
surgeries or managing one small area of the hospital’s inventory you will NOT be successful
without great planning and METICULOUS organization.
As listed in our policies we have 3 top priorities….always and for all team members…in this
1. Patient Care
2. Client Service
3. Cleanliness and Organization
Numbers 1 and 2 above are critical for on-the-floor positions. They are typically well accepted
by all staff member and understood as important. They are relatively easy to measure
objectively also (# of client complaints, # of bad reviews, medical record reviews, patient
records, etc.)
Number 3 is often times hard to measure. Cleanliness and organization is critical for both on-
the-floor positions AND administrative positions. The problem is that each and every individual
in the organization has a different understanding of HOW clean and HOW organized. They also
have different understandings of how important it is. This third highest priority is also typically
the FIRST thing that gets dropped when people get busy, stressed, or tired. This is typically also
the main thing people will do the bare minimum to get. They usually try to get by doing just
UNDER what is expected on this. It becomes something that needs CONSTANT focus that can
by hourly or every 5 minutes.
Why? There are two primary reasons:
1. Clients judge us by our cleanliness (smell, hair in corners, pet hair, etc.) and
organization (wait time, neatness of reception area, having items they need in stock,
finding items needed quickly, etc.)
2. Lack of organization leads to TONS wasted time (clients and staff) and an overwhelmed
feeling. If we cannot find items or don’t know if/when they have been ordered we
waste time and energy to figure it out. This wasted time multiplied hourly and among
all positions it leads to HOURS of wasted time per day. If we eliminate this wasted time
everyone feels better.
As an administrator or manager organization and planning is CRITICAL. You must keep a clean
work area, files, etc. You must PLAN time for programs, meetings, action plans, etc. This
organized planning should also include time for surprises. If you are spending a lot time on
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surprises find out WHY. There is probably a problem with hiring, training, or corrections. Find
the CAUSE of the problem, fix it, and PREVENT it permanently.
Surprises with PEOPLE are typically from one of two main problems.
1. AGREEMENT: Team members must thoroughly understand and agree to exactly what is
expected of them! This agreement must be both verbal and in writing. Thorough
agreement will help everyone. There will be complete understanding of what needs to
be done, how it needs to be done, and the result expected.
2. CONTROL: The ability to control something is the ability to START, CHANGE, and STOP
something. Another word for this is TRAINING. For example, if a receptionist knows
exactly how to answer a phone, book an appointment correctly, and get the client to
show up as scheduled without needing help that receptionist has complete control over
booking appointments.
If that same receptionist had to ask which doctor to book with or needed her supervisor
to correct the appointment length she does NOT have control over booking the
appointment. She will SURPRISE her supervisor with questions all day long, every day!
Multiply this by 20 employees with many procedures not completely controlled by each
and you have a recipe for surprises all day long, even on your day off.
The answer? TRAIN (HR 200’s) or Correct (Re-train/HR 300’s)! Train with complete
agreement and complete control of each procedure, one at a time, and gradually you
will have less surprises! You will watch your team no longer need you. You can spend
your time making things better and focusing on the future. It is awesome!
As you can see it is critical to everyone’s quality of life that you do great HIRING, great
TRAINING, and great ORGANIZATION. When you are able to do these things well and regularly
you will spend very little time correcting, firing, or dealing with surprises. You will be able to
plan your time and have more freedom. You will be able to breathe.
1. Name the 4 main sections of this HR manual.
2. What happens if hiring is not good, but training and corrections are near perfect?
3. What is the importance of communication with those above you? Those below?
4. What are you primarily responsible for as a manager?
5. What do we mean when we say “pull the string”? What if we don’t?
6. Name the 3 top priorities of LVH. How is the 3 critical to your job?
7. The people may be “surprising” you too often with mistakes, questions, and approval. What
would be the two main reasons why? How do you fix it?
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HR100.1 – Organization
Result Statement: To keep the entire hospital METICULOUSLY ORGANIZED AT ALL TIMES.
Responsible Positions:
Owner: Owner office
Doctors: Personal area of associates’ office
ED: Personal office space and entire hospital by delegation
D of Admin: Personal office space and direct reports personal work spaces
Lead Receptionist: Entire reception and client waiting areas, check-out room, client
Lead Technician: Exam rooms, pharmacy, treatment, ICU, surgery, radiology
Kennel Manager: Staff Lounge, staff restroom, exterior (front, sides, back), storeroom,
Food prep, kennel, luxury boarding, bathing, grooming, and cat boarding.
Inventory Manager: Storeroom, all cabinets holding supplies or products (including
Standard: When thinking of organization on a scale of 1-10 we are shooting for a 10 all day
every day. Anything under a 9.5 is unacceptable! It will be obvious to EVERYONE (clients, staff,
vendors, applicants, etc.) that we live to a different standard on organization. We are WAAAAY
above average on this. An average level of organization is completely unacceptable in our
hospital. It is below our standard and will be fixed.
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Resources and Supplies Needed: This is one procedure that is constant, applies to EVERY
position, and ALL TIMES! For this reason, this is no specific supply, resource needed, or
checklist to assure it’s completed. It is simply how we operate. It is a state of mind.
In some positions actions taken for organization could be happening every 2 minutes for the
entire shift. For example, a treatment tech will have to organize samples and equipment back
to where everything belongs after patient and every procedure. (putting away trash, clippers,
blood samples, etc.)
In other positions this could be something is required every 30-60 minutes, like for the owner,
doctors, ED, and ED. In these cases, the individual will be organizing between each
project/patient, organizing when papers come in, when e-mails come in, etc.
Waiting until lunch or the end of each day to organize in UNACCEPTABLE. The idea is to keep
the hospital organized at ALL TIMES, not just when we leave. To have an organized hospital
when we leave is pointless. We need it organized while we are there and working.
This organization procedure applies to ELECTRONIC FILES EXACTLY THE SAME AS WITH
Why meticulously organized? Isn’t just organized enough?:
No. Behind patient care and client service there is NOTHING more important than keeping the
hospital clean and organized. The reasons why we need to be METICULOUSLY ORGANIZED AT
ALL TIMES are too many to list. The list below is not all inclusive but some of the primary
reasons why:
Pride: A meticulously organized hospital creates as sense of pride both clients and staff
Efficiency: A PROPERLY organized hospital saves us time. We can find things faster and
work faster
Great Staff Members: Great employees are attracted to an organized place to work.
Disorganized people prefer a mess and chaos…or don’t know how to keep organized.
Disorganized people HATE the idea of METICULOUS organization as a requirement. In
both cases it ATTRACTS the type of people we are looking for and REPELS those we are
not looking for.
More Clients: A meticulously organized practice creates shorter client wait times,
available products for their pets when needed, and ability to have a clear mind to make
decisions faster (clutter creates distractions and a cluttered mind).
Perception: Perception is reality! Clients judge us based on how organized we are, how
clean the hospital is, how long they wait, how much pride our staff has, etc., etc, etc.
They are not doctors and cannot easily judge the medical and surgical decisions we
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make (although we are the best at this too!). This perception also applies to all staff
members, even potential ones. Working in an organized environment creates a
perception that we are better.
Safety: Piles anywhere can fall off counters, be tripped over, fall on a patient, etc.
A Good Example: YOUR individual level of organization provides an example for those
working with you or for you. This can work in either a positive or negative way. Imagine
you enjoy working in an organized environment and your boss calls into his/her
cluttered office full of piles for a meeting. Does this help or hurt their credibility in
whatever they wanted to talk about? Does the clutter and piles lead you to believe they
are interested in the best quality? Pride in their work? Ability to handle their job?
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What specifically does meticulous organization look like?
If 10 different people were asked to give examples of what METICULOUS organization looks like
we would likely get 10 different examples. So the lists below gives you some detailed examples
of what level of organization is REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES:
Examples of meticulous organization:
NOTHING on the floors (only exception is equipment, trash cans, and the labeled floor
areas in the storeroom)
Every cabinet and drawer has labeled areas for everything
The ONLY loose items on a desk are the items you are working on right then.
When finished working on something it is IMMEDIATELY put back in it’s labeled area.
Everything has a specifically labeled area where it lives (includes things that arrived and
still needs to be processed into one of the three categories: Action Items, References,
Drawers and cabinets have neatly organized items. Most have labeled places. ALL
hanging files are neatly labeled without papers sticking up or not able to fit.
There are no PILES!
Even items you don’t know what to do with right now has a place. For example, we
have a specifically labeled areas of products to be returned (improper shipment, expired
drugs), sample products, boxes for “to be processed” (for the constant flow of things
coming in), and “I don’t know’s” (a labeled area for things you don’t know what to do
with that we clean out daily after we find out).
Examples of NOT being meticulously organized:
Expired drugs that are to be shipped back are piled on a counter in the doctor’s office
Piles under the counter or desk (see above on how NOTHING goes on the floor)
Boxes of things on the floor we have to do something with later. This should be kept in
the “I don’t know’s” (see above) or in the “To be processed” area/box.
Piles on the desk or counter that are not be currently worked on. “Currently worked
on” means you are working on it RIGHT NOW. When done or moving on a different
project it filed away properly. You can only work on one thing at a time.
Supplies or products stacked on top of cabinets.
Supplies or products in an area labeled for something else.
Taking more than 1 minute to find a file (physical or electronic).
Taking more than 1 minutes to find a form to print.
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Office filing:
As discussed earlier we have specific system of organizing almost all office files. This system
will SAVE YOU TIME! It will also keep you having a clean desk and not having to remember a
million things to do. The key result of organization is YOUR MIND. If you are working on one
thing while you are thinking about many other things your mind is not clear. Good organization
should free up your mind and give you peace-of-mind.
Probably the most important part of organization is doing it DAILY and in most cases
throughout the day. If you do not organize and file throughout the day you will have clutter.
The clutter will lead to distractions, stress, and overwhelmed feelings. File and organize all day
every day!
In most all cases, a lack of organization is having lots of things coming in with no clear place to
keep them. There are FLOODS of things coming in all day long (even on while you are sleeping);
e-mails, papers, fliers, boxes, etc. This flood is never ending as long as we live!! People often
collect things from this flood in piles to remind them to deal with it later. The piles exist
because there is no clear place for keeping things. People are afraid that if they put it away
somewhere they may forget about it. Clutter in sight is clutter in your mind.
Everything that comes in with the flood waters must go into a series of neatly labeled
“collection buckets”. It works the same with our inventory and supplies that come in.
The organization system listed below allows you keep a clean desk and have only one thing out
at a time. It allows you to have a better focus and clear mind. It just feels better, WAY BETTER!
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So how can you manage to have a place for everything that comes in? How can you keep it off
of your desk until you are ready to COMPLETE it? Here is how:
Everything that comes in should go into a series of “collection buckets”. Everything should have
a place where it lives, even if you have to do something with it later. I almost every case things
that come into you fall into three categories. Here are the categories and what to do with each:
1. Trash: Many things simply need to be thrown away. Look at it. If you don’t need to do
anything with it and will not need it for reference later, throw it away. Throw it away
2. Reference Material: These are things you don’t have to “do” anything with now. You
may need it in the future in order to complete something. This stuff simply needs to be
filed away in a SEPARATE area of reference materials (a separate drawer or file box or
something). It must be filed neatly away in an appropriately labeled place. You must be
able to find it quickly and easily when you need reference material on a certain subject.
a. Example: On a Wednesday when you are processing the mail you receive a
pamphlet from the AAHA on current pay rates for vet staff with demographics
for Texas. You file it in a neatly labeled hanging file that reads “Pay for Staff”. Its
filed in your reference material drawer alphabetically with other reference
material. When it’s time to hire that new staff member or complete and
evaluation you pull it out in less than a minute to review the pay scales.
3. Things you need to “DO” something with (even if it’s later):
a. Two-minute Rule: If you can complete whatever it is DO IT NOW! Get it done
and put it way now. You should not have to look at it again. This includes e-
b. Something you have to “DO” later: File it away in the properly labeled “bucket”
or file. Do not pile it up on your desk! People that piles of things they are
“working on” are not usually well organized. They need these piles to remind
them what they need to do later. These piles or need to remember things
clutter their mind…and their desk.
Make sure you have an automatic way to be reminded to work on it later at the
appropriate time (your daily calendar or tickler file – see below).
Example: Every day the receptionists bring you the mail and put it on your desk.
They do it and different times each day. You are always working on something
else at that time. You grab the stack immediately. You put it in the expandable
hanging file folder labeled “Mail to be opened”. Your tickler file has separate
index card or separate peace of paper labeled “process the mail 8:30 AM”. After
you process the mail each day (at 8:30 AM based on your daily calendar) this
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card is always moved to the next scheduled day you are working in the tickler file
for that day. Mail is never piled up. Mail is never missed. You never have to
REMEMBER to go through the mail. Mail is not on your mind! A big portion of
your daily desk clutter is gone.
Example 2: Every day when you process the mail you find bills that need to be
scanned and sent to the bookkeeper. You only do this on Wednesdays and
Fridays. On Monday when you open a bill you put in the neatly labeled
expandable hanging file folder labeled “Bills to scan and send”. You have two
cards in your tickler file labeled “Scan and send all bills to bookkeeper 9 AM”.
These two cards are in the tickler file on every Wed. and Fri. You always
complete these once you start them. It’s quick and bills are always sent
promptly. More importantly bills are not on your mind! You don’t have to
REMEMBER to scan and send the bills.
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You should always try to COMPLETE one thing before you start the next. This is extremely
important. This way your mind is clear to be focusing only on the thing you are working on.
You will be faster and better with it….BUT there are many things that require many steps. It
could take days, weeks, or months to complete. What do you do with these things? How do ou
keep it somewhere OFF of your desk but don’t forget it? On a separate piece of paper attached
to the front of this “thing” write two things:
1. End result of what your work will be on this project.
2. The very next step you will take on it. The day and time you will start and complete this
next step.
You file this piece of paper in your tickler file for day you intend to start and complete this next
step. You file the stack of things you need to work on this project in a hanging file folder
labeled with the name of the project in alphabetical order on with your other files you WORK
on (not your reference area). When you complete this step you write on the front page what
the very next step is and when you will start and complete this step. You file this in your tickler
file and put it on your calendar.
As soon as you have met the intended result (#1 above) you file the whole project away into
your reference area.
This keeps all projects that are “in progress” or completed out of sight and out of mind until you
NEED to have it on your mind and your desk. The key to this process is thinking about what you
intend to get as a result and what you will do next. This helps you to know when it’s done and
can file it away and forget it! It keeps you from having many different unfinished projects on
your desk and on your mind. It feels better.
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The following are the basics of filing and organizing:
1. Tickler File: All execs and owner keeps a Tickler file
of 43 hanging folders with one manila folder inside
each. Twelve are labeled for each month. Thirty-one
are labeled 1 through 31. The front file is todays
number date of the calendar month with the rest of
that month’s number following. After folder #31 is
NEXT month’s folder, followed by the days of THIS
month that have passed. After this. is the rest of the
months with the current month in the back.
You keep information and things you need to
complete on the folder day you plan to complete
them. The future months have the upcoming plans
for the month in the one folder.
Each day you come to work you empty out the current days folder into your inbox tray
kept on your desk and complete things one at a time not putting them off. You move
the empty day’s folder back to behind yesterdays.
If you find you cannot do everything you are probably doing someone else’s job or at
least part of it. You must have happy and competent people you supervise to avoid this.
It is critical that you check your tickler file DAILY and plan appropriately for what day is
best to do what.
2. Employee Files: Employee files are kept in the multi-fold red folders that is kept in the
exec and owner offices. Each employee file has individual tabs for EDM’s,
training/correction/evaluation documents, hiring documents, vacation/misc
forms….basically all documents that are signed.
I9 Binder: These forms must be in a separate file, not in the above binder.
Quizzes on procedures and other references pages used during training are NOT kept in
this binder. The policy sign-off pages ARE kept in the binder. These policy sign-off pages
are the proof the employee has been well-trained, knows what’s expected, and will do
it. The supervisor that did this training and signed the policy sign-off is responsible for
the employee doing it as expected.
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This binder is kept up to date DAILY WITHOUT FAIL. This is critical for legal reasons and
for us to easily find documents needed for training, etc.
The owner keeps the binder (in owner’s office in a drawer) for the ED. The ED keeps
files for the DMS and D of Admin, The DMS keeps files for the doctors and department
heads. The D of admin keeps the files for the rest of the staff….all of this is based on the
org board. All but the owner’s binder is kept in the exec office, NOT OUTSIDE OFFICE!!
Files needed for department heads and other on the floor stuff will be photo copied and
filed before taken outside the office.
3. Applicant Binder: We have a binder of applicants kept current DAILY with proper
sections for those in the various stages of hiring. Each section is labeled appropriately
with tabs.
Applicants with potential are printed and processed/organized appropriately in binder.
E-mail applicants with NO POTENTIAL are moved to a “declined” electronic folder and
not printed. This saves space and time. There are way more of these than any other.
4. Inventory Binders: We have four inventory binders all kept in the exec office except
when being currently used by the inventory manager:
a. Orders – This binder is kept organized HOURLY with orders that have been
b. Invoices – This is for invoices on received orders with documentation on each
showing the orders have been properly checked in with prices, expirations, etc.
c. Weekly Areas of Inventory: This is kept up to date all ALL TIMES showing clearly
that each area of the hospital has been counted properly, by the due date, and
inventory is updated.
d. Controlled Drug Invoices – This are for invoices on controlled drugs only.
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1. Why is organization important?
2. What would happen if we did NOT have this level of organization?
3. Give me examples of meticulous organization in your position or your area.
4. Give me example of NOT being meticulously organization in your area.
5. On a scale of 1-10 what are we shooting for with organization? What is the minimum
level accepted?
6. On a scale of 1-10 what level of organization do you have in your position? In your
7. If below the standard of 9.5 what are you going to do fix this?
8. WHEN can you assure to your supervisor the above will be done?
9. Note to trainer/supervisor: If your junior falls below the minimum level of organization
required. You can give appropriate notice but is acceptable to remove all clutter, put it
in a box, and lock it away. The employee can request any of the products back with at
least 72 hours written notice of exactly what they need.
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HR101 – Overview of Recruiting and Hiring
We ALWAYS hire more staff than we need in order to be able to plan for unexpected absences
(terminations, resignations, injuries) and planned absences (vacation, leave of absence, etc.). As a
result, we continue to interview, hire, and train for ALL on-the-floor positions even when we are fully
Definition of Full-Staffing as of JULY 13, 2015:
Number of FTE staff members on schedule and trained:
Receptionists: 4.5
Technicians: 3
TA’s: 3
Kennel: 3 (slow) 4 (busy)
Groomer: 1
Bather: 1
Minimum number of FTE staff members in the interview process (IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE):
Receptionists: 0.5
Technicians: 0.5
TA’s: 0.5
Kennel: 1
Groomer: 0.25
Bather: 0.5
The above numbers must be in place AT ALL TIMES in order to keep hospital appropriately staffed and
be ready for growth, unexpected absences, resignations, and termination. It is CRITICAL that we have a
full staff of happy and competent people with EXTRA applicants wanting to work here. The more great
applicants we have in the “batter’s box” the better. We can move these through even to fully trained
BEFORE having a spot on the schedule for them.
If we do not keep the above numbers in place we will have burned out staff, emergency absences we
cannot deal with, and poor customer service. The director of administration must be able determine
the cause and solution for not meeting the above. She/he must solve the problem within days.
In order to get qualified applicants to accept positions we routinely ask applicants what their primary
interests are in determining what helps them to choose a place (high quality DVM’s, vacation time,
hourly pay, benefits, etc.). We constantly work to provide the perks and pay that most general
applicants are looking for.
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In order to keep the above in place at all times and prevent stress for managers, staff, and clients we
MUST be getting at least 20 applicants per week in total for the positions of Reception, Tech, TA, and
THE MATH: Why 20 applicants per week?: We lose approximately 2 current staff/month and 4 on-deck/month.
About 75% of working interview applicants get hired (we need 8 W.I.’s/mo). About 80% of long interview
attendees get selected for working interviews (we need 10 L.I’s/mo). Only about 50% of the short interviews get
selected for long interviews (we need 10 S.I.’s/mo). Only about 42.5% of the invites to hiring seminars actually
show up (we need 47 invites to HS/mo). Only about 62.5% of those that apply get invites to the hiring seminars
(we need 75 applicants/mo)……Divide the 75/month by 4 wks/mo = ~19-20 applicants/week needed!
(6 / 75% / 80% / 50% / 42.5% / 62.5% = 75 applicants/month)…20 per week!
75 app’s/mo 47 invites 20 show up 10 get long Int. 8 get Work Int = 6 hired/mo. (TO + OD TO)
100% 62.5% 42.5% 50% 80% = 8% are hired
1. Ideal Candidate Description for the Position.
2. Ad is written per position to inspire that ideal candidate
3. Ads are placed in proper channels.
4. Review effectiveness of those channels
5. Applicants ran through a funnel system to fill out online application, etc.
6. Print the following for qualified and promising candidates:
a. Resume and/or job application
b. Invitation page for Hiring Seminar – HR107
c. Short Interview Questions Page – HR108
d. Place all in one manila folder labeled with
i. (Position) Candidate
ii. Last Name, First Name
iii. Date
e. Keep one CURRENT file pocket with these folders of candidates for EACH POSITION
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Hiring Steps in Order:
1. Ads for routine on-the-floor positions are constantly kept running (two versions rotated)
a. TCVC Exception: This hospital does not routinely run employment ads, other than
website careers page.
2. Applicants called 48 hours prior to seminar (see hiring seminar procedure for location & times).
3. Scheduled for Hiring Seminar by invite only.
a. TCVC Exceptions:
i. This hospital does not conduct hiring seminars at the practice
ii. Applicants will need to attend hiring seminars in Frisco
4. 5-10 minute Short Interviews after for those still interested.
5. Candidate Grid
6. Pre-Selector Applicant Screening (Hirebox 30 Questionnaire: 7 minutes)
a. Sent the same night
b. Applicant given 24-hour deadline to complete.
7. Long Interview – Called to schedule within 24 hours of hiring seminar.
a. ED included on supervisor positions (when at the same hospital)
b. Department heads included for “on-the-floor” positions.
8. ATS (2 )
9. Pre-Hire Assessment: Personality Assessment Test (35 minutes)
10. Reference Checks
11. Observation Interview Scheduled (ED/direct supervisor present) within 24 hours (72 hours max).
a. TCVC Exceptions:
i. At this stage VPR submits all Qualified Applicants’ info to TCVC ED
ii. TCVC may schedule another interview in place of the observation interview.
iii. TCVC schedules their own observation interviews
12. ATS (3 )
13. Offer Letter in person (with ED) – contingent on passing background
14. Background Check & Drug Test
15. New Hire “Basic Training”
16. File each form with that candidate’s file.
17. Candidates Evaluation Summary (to compare all applicants)
18. Meeting with owner within 3 weeks of start date. Hiring and training documents are reviewed.
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HR101.04 – Overview for DVM Hiring
Result Statement: To ensure EXTREMELY efficient and effective recruitment of
veterinarians for all practices with matching vision and values.
Primary Responsible Position: VP of Recruiting
Participating Positions: Owners, Doctor Acquisition Specialist
Steps & Position Responsible: As of Feb. 2018. Positions responsible will change over time.
1. Ads, Letter & Email Campaigns: VP of Recruiting
2. Resume and Applicant Screening: Dr. Acquisition Specialist
3. First contact “Phone DVM’s Form”: Dr. Acquisition Specialist
4. Invite to Hiring Seminar/Interview: Dr. Acquisition Specialist
5. Forms: App, Resume, References VP of Recruiting
6. *Hiring Seminar: VP of Recruiting
7. *Short Interview: VP of Recruiting
8. Long Interview: Owner
9. Pre-Hire Assessment: VP of Recruiting
10. Reference Checks: VP of Recruiting
11. *Verbal Commitment: Dr. Acquisition Specialist
12. Observation interview: Owner
13. Decision by committee: ED, Owners, DAS, Associates
14. *LOI: Dr. Acquisition Specialist
15. Signed contract (24 hr deadline): Owner
16. “Thank You” or On-Deck letters: VP of Recruiting
* Steps 6, 7, 11, and 14 may be skipped in some cases.
Timing: All steps through acceptance can be completed in as few as 3 days if
needed. In most cases, the faster the better.
Certain steps may be combined for faster hiring using proper judgment.
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HR101.1 – “On-Deck” Applicants
Result Statement: To ensure great patient care, client service, and staff happiness by
ensuring we KEEP an abundance of desirable, pre-screened reserve
applicants to add to our current team or replace departing staff.
Primary Responsible Position: VP of Recruiting
Participating Positions: Owner and all other supervisors
Definition of “On-Deck”: An applicant that has passed through our interview process with us
wanting to hire that applicant, AND that applicant will accept a
position regardless of where they work or do not work now.
Why: Keeping at least 5 “on-deck” is critical for several reasons:
It allows us to quickly remove current incapable or unwilling
employees. We skip the search process and immediately replace.
It allows us to replace departing employees quickly, regardless how
much of a surprise their departure is.
It typically enhances performance or our current staff because they
know there are other desirable, heavily screen applicants that want
the same job. We will hire these applicants when the hospital
growth demands it or we have a vacancy.
As a result of the above it ultimately allows us to maintain great
patient care, client service, and staff happiness.
What to Do: Maintain enough new applicants weekly to ensure we KEEP AT LEAST 5
“on-deck” applicants for each of the four primary on-the-floor lay staff
positions (receptionists, technician, technician assistant, and
kennel/bather) for a minimum total of 20 on-deck applicants.
Send applicant the “We Want You” letter via email once it’s decided the
applicant is a good fit and we’re a good fit for the applicant. See “HR
Forms and Spreadsheets”
Call or email ALL on-deck applicants between the 25 - 1 and 12 - 15
of EVERY month to assure they still WANT to work for us and let them
know we’re actively looking for a position for them. The VP of
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Recruiting checklist reminds us to do this. A tickler file card is also in
place as a reminder.
Maintain a current and accurate list of at least 5 on-deck applicants for
each of the above 4 positions.
Drill/Quiz for “On-Deck Applicants”:
1. Explain the results statement in your own words.
2. How many on-deck applicants do we keep for what positions?
3. What happens if we didn’t do this? If had a staff member that
suddenly resigned without notice? If we needed to terminate a
current staff member today?
4. How often do you keep in touch with current on-deck applicants?
How will you remember?
5. Is it smart to keep MORE than 5 on-deck applicants for each
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HR102 – Ideal Candidate Descriptions for Each Position
We will be looking for the right person based on their personal VALUES and TONE, not skills. If they
have these things we can easily work on the skills. We hire based on the person, not on the resume’! If
they don’t have the right values or tone they are not going to match up with us. The individuals within
LVH will must match what the hospital stands for.
Look at our core values and branding statement. This is what we are looking for!
There are a few positions that will have a minimum set of skills needed (ED, Dir of Admin, Dept Head,
DVM’s). These are pretty obvious. Most all other skills can be trained before hitting the floor. Many
management skills can be trained on the job as the situations arise. These positions will take much
longer to be considered fully trained as they require much more personal judgment and times when
they have to go off-policy.
Ideal candidates for each position:
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Experience with customer service, ideally at least 1 year, would be helpful but not required. It is
also helpful if they have used AVImark but both of these can be taught. Education ideally should
be a high school diploma or higher. In some cases, even a high school student can be trained for
this position.
They must be able to work in AVImark and understand computer records in order to scan
records, attach files, attach pictures, review records, enter data, etc.
Personal qualities are most important here. Receptionists must be outgoing, friendly, and
helpful. They must be able to communicate in a very friendly and upbeat manner even while
multi-tasking or handling multiple phone lines. They should be able to properly respond to
upset or difficult clients without antagonism or anger. They must remain calm under pressure.
Where working: Receptionist candidates are typically working in other vet practices now or
possibly in dental offices, orthodontic offices, etc. They can also be found as current clients of
ours now.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: He or she is looking for specifically a vet hospital so that they can
see pets and help people. They usually are not overly interested or knowledgeable in exact
reasons or types of specific procedures the vets do. Often times it is better if they DO NOT.
Why they will like our receptionist position: Candidates will be attracted to Legacy Vet because
we have a caring family atmosphere, nice clients, clean modern facility, and organized
records/computer system.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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The ideal candidate will have a groomer license and at least one year experience. They should have
better than average communication skills and proven record of grooms beyond basic expectations of
The groomers should be happy to work a schedule that is planned in advance. They should be excited
about a production based pay. They should also be extremely welling to follow Legacy Veterinary
procedures as written.
Where working: Candidates are typically working in other grooming facilities or vet practices
now. They also may be found in grooming schools nearing graduation.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice. The soon-to-be
graduating groomers may be located farther away, possibly even out of state and interested in
living in our area.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: He or she is looking for specifically a high quality organized place
with support so they do not have to do all of the bathing, checking in, etc. They often times do
not like the way the other places are ran or do not feel appreciated. They are highly focused the
emotional FEELINGS of the job rather than the specs. They need to be attracted by the
emotions. The pay, schedule, etc. needs to be discussed as a side note after they are interested.
If the logistics are discussed first they are often turned off as they are highly creative people and
not overly interested or educated in business practices.
Why they will like our groomer position: Candidates will be attracted to Legacy Vet because we
have a caring family atmosphere, clean modern facility, and an undisturbed place to practice
their ART without drama or details. They prefer to not be overly focused on procedures or
systems. They systems need to be presented almost as second nature and simply part of their
environment rather than steps they have to memorize.
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Experience as a technician or tech assistant for at least 6 month minimum, preferably over a year. The
ideal candidate should be able to place catheters, entubate all animals, monitor and induce anesthesia,
give injectable medications, and do all general treatments for animals. They have basic understandings
of common medication, diets, and diagnostics in order to be able to properly communicate with clients.
It is not required but if they have certifications with CVA, CVT, or LVT we will know they have a minimum
knowledge and skill base.
The ideal candidate should be honest, very hard working, and dedicating in assuring pets get the BEST
care. They should be enthusiastic about following orders from vets. They all should be able to lift 50
lbs. They should be willing to learn procedures a different way and willing to accept changes to
Where working: Candidates are typically working in other vet practices now or possibly
graduated from a technical school. They are often friends or contacts of our current vets and
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: He or she is looking for specifically a vet hospital so that they can
help vets practice high quality medicine. They are usually interested in seeing cool medical
cases or emergencies. They are highly focused on the technical aspects. They want to see
themselves working with complicated equipment and drugs. The ideal tech will truly appreciate
the systems and consistency of all staff including doctors.
Why they will like our technician position: Candidates will be attracted to Legacy Vet because
we have a caring family atmosphere, nice clients, great doctors, and highly technical procedures.
They will also like the thought of learning more technical procedures. They will like to feel
needed in emergencies and critical cases. They want to feel extremely competent in anesthesia,
drugs, machines, etc.
They will like working with a family-type group of vets, techs, and TA’s.
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Tech Assistants:
Experience is not required for this position. The primary requirement of this position is
COMMUNCATION. They must be able to clearly communicate instructions and answer questions from
clients with confidence. They should be willing to learn and be happy spending time with clients helping
them to help their pets.
They must be understanding about owner’s questions and wait times. The must truly care about both
pets and people.
Where working: Candidates are typically working in other vet practices now or possibly in a
kennel position looking to move up. Many TA’s can also be found in high schools and college
students that are fast learners.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: Often times the TA’s are looking for a job with the opportunity
for growth. They want this job to be a stepping stone towards being a tech. They want to learn
and be confident in helping techs and doctors. They need to be great communicators
Why they will like our TA position: Candidates will be attracted to Legacy Vet because we have
a caring family atmosphere, nice clients, clean modern facility, and organized records/computer
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
They will like that the get to WITNESS neat procedures and saving pet’s lives.
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Kennel Attendants:
No experience is necessary. The candidate should be willing to work hard, keep the kennel clean and
organized. They should be VERY willing and able to follow simple directions as trained. They should
have a basic understanding of animal behavior. They should have some basic animal skills, even if it has
been with pets at home.
It is best if they have aspirations in moving up within our organization.
Where working: Candidates can be found almost anywhere. They typically want to simply work
with animals. They can be any age from high school to seniors. Typically they cannot stay in the
position for many years as they are using this position to get back on their feet or until they
move up.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They want to see a clean, organized kennel area with clear
procedures of how the job is done. They should almost never go off-procedure. They will like
they that they get to work directly with pets in a fun way watching the behavior of the pets.
Why they will like our position: They will like that there is room for promotion and clear
expectations of the job. They will LOVE that they sometimes will be asked to step up and help
the techs and TA’s. This is their chance to prove themselves.
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Client Coordinator:
Experience in customer service and proper communication is a must for this position. They should have
GREAT communication skills in dealing with all types of people. They should be excited about TALKING
to people with the goal of getting pets the pets the best care. They should be good listeners and able to
communicate their message in clear, SHORT, easy-to-understand language.
Ideally this individual would have worked previously as a technician but now prefers the more client
communication part. They should enjoy talking on the phone.
The must also be very organized and able to work alone. Ideally they would have an understanding of
sales, e-mail marketing, and dealing with upset customers.
Where working: These candidates are typically working in a vet practice as a tech or
receptionist for more than 10 years. They are usually not overly interested in working directly
with holding pets any longer. They have done it so long they want to more of a communication
role. They often times are tired of the hectic pace and difficult pets. They now want to talk to
clients about the experiences they have had and seen over the many years. They like helping
clients to get their pets care or convince clients to get great services who would have otherwise
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will love the organized way we operate. They will like our
reputation as the BEST.
Why they will like our position: They will love that this is a unique position not typically present
in other clinics. They will like that they can talk to clients and help pets without all of the
physical labor. They should like seeing stats and the overall results of their efforts.
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Associate DVM’s:
A minimum of 1 year experience in private practice is a must. Our vets must be great at positive
communication with both staff and clients. They must be dedicated in acting as an advocate for the pets
by working towards getting the pets the BEST care possible.
The vets must be open to looking at stats and understanding how it pertains to their position. They
should be service-oriented in understanding the importance of having happy clients with very short to
no wait times.
Where working: Associate candidates are working in private practice most of the time in the
DFW area but could be working anywhere in the country.
Where living: Most applicants within 1 hour of hospital or in the same region of the country.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: Trained support staff, organized system that will allow them to
practice BEST MEDICINE and SURGERY. They will like the growth of the clinic, the state of the
are facility, new equipment and the Frisco area.
Why they will like our associate position: They will primarily like the lay staff being trained to do
everything outside of the DVM license requirements. This will allow them to use their DVM
degree all day long and see more patients. This will result in more pay.
They will like the general procedures to create order while also having freedom to practice as
they see fit. They will also like that other doctors have the same philosophies of medicine and
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Lead Tech:
In addition to having better than average technical skills and knowledge the lead tech must have an
understanding of how to LEAD people. They also must be willing to learn how the stats reflect the
results of their position.
They must NOT be acting as a dictator or “boss”, but as a supporter in training and corrections for their
juniors. They must be good listeners while still having very high expectations from their area and
juniors. They must be ENTHUSIASTIC about getting others to be better in their jobs.
Where working: They are most likely already working for us and are very good at
communication skills both with clients and fellow staff. They may also be working at a multi-
doctor practice locally.
Where living: Within a 30 minute commute
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will like our quality level of medicine and doctors that follow
similar procedures. They will like the consistency of our procedures and the equipment. They
will like the building.
Why they will like our position: They will like the structure of our appointments and surgeries.
They will like our focus on quality care. They will like that the tech, TA’s and receptionists get
along with each other.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Lead Receptionist:
The lead receptionist must have proven positive customer service experience. As with the other
department heads they must be enthusiastic about LEADING others rather than acting as their boss.
They must be able to look at problems as a challenge in how they can be solved and prevented long
They must have an understanding of stats and how the results of their juniors will be shown in stats.
They must have accountability for the performance of their juniors. The primary role of this positon is
training and corrections for the receptionists in order to get appointments booked.
Where working: They are likely already working for us and will be promoted from within.
Where living: Within a 30 minute commute
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will like the separate check-in/out and duties listed out.
They will like the organization of the reception area. They will like that their job involves work
with PEOPLE and pets.
Why they will like our lead receptionist position: They will like feeling like a leader to the
reception area in order to keep it easy and smoothly flowing with clients. They will like the
organization of the paperless records, monthly duties listed and clear training guidelines for
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Kennel Manager:
As with other department heads the kennel manager must be a leader rather than a “boss”. They must
be accountable for the results of their juniors and how it is reflected in stats. The must be able to look
at problems as opportunities to prevent long term.
They must be enthusiastic about keeping their area clean and organized. They must be able to keep
their juniors tightly adhered to procedures with their training and corrections. They must have above
average expectations for their juniors.
Where working: He or she will be promoted from within or working as a current kennel
manager at a local kennel
Where living: Within 30 minutes of the hospital
Why they will like Legacy Vet: The clean organized kennel with clear boarder med sheets,
guidelines for training kennel attendants, and focus on the pets.
Why they will like our position: They should like training people and scheduling based on the
needs of the hospital. They should like to opportunity to have input on our numbers and
keeping kennel revenue up.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Director of Admin:
They must have experience with hiring, training, and corrections of employees. They must also have
strong organizational skills. The individual must primarily know how to make others feel motivated and
willing to strive to be better. They must also have customer experience with all types of people.
This candidate must have basic experience with bookkeeping and reporting.
As with all executive level positions they must be willing to learn and understand stats in multiple areas
and how systems and management of people affect those stats. They must have accountability for
Where working: Promoted from within or a great organized manager of a smaller practice or
lead receptionist of a bigger practice. They will be good with employee relations
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: The will like the team approach to management, the professional
bookkeeping and programs for internal marketing via client coordinator.
Why they will like our position: They will like HR and working with people to make them better.
They will like interviewing and reviewing candidates for employment. They are extremely
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Director of Medical Services:
This individual must have proven experience of being the “go-to” person “on the floor” of a vet hospital.
They could have had experience either has a tech or receptionist but must be THE person everyone
gravitates to when they need to know what to do NOW.
This person must enjoy multi-tasking and staying busy.
Where working: They are best promoted from within. They are working here and are either a
tech or receptionist or both. They are the “GO TO” person for everything day to day. Everyone
looks to them for answers and help.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will like the opportunity to be the quarterback for the
operations. They will like looking at patient and client flow with some management time off the
floor to improve the operations.
Why they will like our position: They will like being able to the glue between all the different
day-to-day departments.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Director of Public Contact:
This individual must have experience in customer service, at least 2 years with a proven ability to attract
people. They must have a strong background in MS Word, Excel, and understanding of
Their personality should be extremely outgoing but also professional. The ideal candidate will make all
that talks to him/her feel very welcomed. They must make individuals feel like they are heard.
They should be interested in social media, websites, and search engines. They should also be
enthusiastic about how their pay can be affected by their efforts in promoting Legacy Veterinary
Hospital to the outside world. They should enjoy planning events and visiting with people. They should
be the life of the party.
Where working: Either a mom that has marketing experience. They may be a client. They may
also be an current team member that loves social media and promotions.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will like the family atmosphere and welcoming
environment. They will like our innovative ideas towards growth.
Why they will like our position: They will like how they can help legacy vet by working on things
outside of legacy vet.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Inventory Manager:
Experience is not necessary in this area. We often promote from within as this is a part time position.
The individual must have an interest in keeping things organized. They must be good with numbers.
They should have a very strong knowledge with AVImark.
Where working: Promoted from within. Loves organization and numbers.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will like our team atmosphere and organization.
Why they will like our position: Candidates will be attracted to Legacy Vet because we have a
caring family atmosphere, nice clients, clean modern facility, and organized records/computer
system. They will like the computerized inventory system.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Marketing Agent:
This individual should have a strong background in SEO, websites, pet portals, veterinary software,
online forms, etc. This is an outside vendor that is capable of analyzing the coordination of multiple
external lines out and the associated ROI for each. They should understand outside veterinary vendors
so that decisions can be efficiently made on intelligent marketing and PR.
Where working: anywhere in the country
Where living: anywhere in the US.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: Innovative attitudes towards trying new things with marketing.
Focus on extreme growth of new clients.
Why they will like our position: They will like the control over all marketing and analyzing what
works best.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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IT Professional:
This vendor must have experience with networks, phones, and security systems/camera’s. They should
be able easily explain and understand how to proactively keep all technology running and preventing
any problems. They should be trustworthy to have a key to the building with an alarm code. They must
be willing to work after hours when needed. They must be able to be reached at almost all times and
have someone else available when they are not.
This vendor should be receptive to concerns from all staff and have an organized plan for maintenance
and improvement of all IT systems. They must be able to show true estimated costs of something
BEFORE any work is done. They must be willing to quickly correct bugs/errors in things they had planned
Where working: With other companies similar to ours.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: Open to getting the BEST with IT systems. Room for growth and
innovation of systems.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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Quality Control Officer:
This individual should be a veterinary technician strongly interested in the highest quality patient care.
They should have a knowledge of how patients should be treated with veterinary care, drugs, and
procedures. They should be able to easily recognize when a patient’s treatment could have been better.
They also have to strongly understand how some patient care procedures would not warrant the cost
(booties in surgery, ultrasound machine in house, etc.). Their ideas should be geared towards
preventing or solving a true problem with patient care.
They should be very interested in the technical delivery of services. They should enjoy learning about
patient care.
The second priority is client service. They need to fully understand how we can have double checks and
surveys to create the absolute best experience for every client every time consistently.
Often times this position is held from above by the director of medical services.
Where working: Promoted from within as a tech or held from above by the DMS.
Where living: They are currently living within a 30 minute drive of our practice.
Why they will like Legacy Vet: They will like that we analyze ways to make things better for pets.
They will like that they can suggest ways to improve care. They will like learning.
Why they will like our position: They will like that in the past they have had concerns but now
those concerns are heard and addressed. If feasible their suggestions will be implemented.
They will be attracted to the job because of the clear outlines of the job that makes it easy for
them to complete which as a result gives them time to bond with clients and see happy pets.
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HR103 – Ads That Inspire the Right Candidates:
Results Statement: Because the people in our organization are the most valuable asset we
are constantly searching for great people do join us. Everything we do
starts with the right people. We place ads that inspire the right people,
the people we can help while we help them.
Primary Responsible Position: VP of Recruiting
Ads That Never End: We CONSTANTLY keep ads out and interview for the following positions:
Tech Assistants
Kennel Attendants
EXCEPTION: Town and Country Vet Clinics wants NO
EMPLOYMENTS ADS placed routinely anywhere until they ask.
Position-Specific Ads: “Indeed is really a great tool when you are extremely specific. It
operates as a search engine, so if you go generic, it will be a waste of
money!” – Patrick Valtin (May 2018)
Hire the best NOW! With the above positions if we find the IDEAL candidate we hire them
NOW regardless of our needs!! They will help us and we can use them!
With these ideal candidates, we can work with executives to find a spot
for them. With our level of growth, we will soon need them anyway.
DO NOT let ideal candidates get away!!
Number of Ads: There should be 2 ads per position listed above. The ads will rotate
every 2 weeks (every other Friday) so that only one version of the ad is
up at a time. This will prevent possible applicants from passing over our
ad because they have read it before.
Temporary Ads: For all other positions, we advertise as needed when positions need to
be filled or soon will be.
Key Inspiring words & phrases: “We are different! Our hospital is clean, comfortable, and smells good.
It does not look or feel like a hospital. We treat our clients and each
other like family. Our doctors are very nice to staff and clients.”
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“We manage with a common sense, straight-forward approach. We
have thorough and easy training programs for all positions. You will feel
comfortable, confident, and happy before starting in your position.”
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means, nor transmitted, nor translated into machine language without written permission.
Key Priorities of Vet Ads: The following is an ordered list of things that most inspire our
current associates from 2017. The order is from most
important to least important. These are thing things we should
be emphasizing in the ads and interview process, in this order.
i. Highest Quality Medicine
ii. Highly trained support staff
iii. Clients Friendly and trusting
iv. Less weekends and evening shifts
v. Equipment that is State-of-the-Art
vi. Above average pay per hours worked
vii. Flexible or rotating schedule
viii. Personal time off
ix. Meticulously clean and organized
x. CE Allowance
xi. Supervising and Training Others
How to Post Ads:
1. To find any ad go to “HR Manual” “HR Forms and
2. Find the appropriate ad. Open it.
3. Edit the YELLOW highlighted areas to make them current and
effective for our needs.
4. Highlight the entire Document. Control “C” (Copy)
5. Go to the ad channel or location and Control “V” (Paste)
6. You may need edit the logo or leave it off depending on the site.
7. There is NO NEED TO SAVE the document. We update the
yellow highlighted areas on the master copy.
8. If there are changes needed on any ad, edit the ad and send to
ED for approval.
9. ED will approve and send to owner for final approval
10. Owner will update the master copy and send back/post/print
where appropriate.
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Ads located on “HR Forms and Spreadsheets”:
Ad for Executive Director
Ad for Associate Vets
o Full-Time
o Part-Time
o Part-Time and Full-Time
o Overnights and Evenings PT and FT
Email Ad for Associate Vets from Dr. Julius
Ad for Receptionists
Ad for Technicians
Ad for Technicians (Tech schools)
Ad for Tech Assistants
Ad for Vet Assistants (Tech Assistants)
Ad for Kennel Attendants and Bathers
Ad for Client Coordinator
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means, nor transmitted, nor translated into machine language without written permission.
HR104 – Channels for Advertisements
Results Statement: We keep ads going for tech, receptionist, tech assistant, groomer,
bather, and kennel attendant at all times.
Primary Responsible Position: VP of Recruiting
When: Ads are removed/changed and replaced EVERY Friday afternoon. This
allows the ad to be at the top of the list every Saturday morning with
most people are looking at them. Schedule time to respond to all
weekend responses Monday between 9 AM and 12 PM.
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Where: Ads will be placed and maintained with the above listed text on the
following locations. We may sometimes try different verbiage,
channels, or titles as ADDITIONAL or PILOT/TEST ADS to see if we get
better results. Pilots that have proven to be better will REPLACE or ADD
to our current ads:
1. Google Adwords Generic Ad: “It can be effective IF you have a
continuous need to hire people. You can then create an AD that
send people to your landing page which contains the various open
positions. So it would be kind of a generic campaign, pushing your
employer's branding. Remember, Google Adwords need to lead the
interested people to a strong landing page. In this case it should be
your career landing page .
Suggestion: you might want to add a dedicated landing page
"Careers" on your website. As it is today, it is in your "About us"
page, so it loses its visibility. You want the career page to appear as
a dedicated landing page on google search!!! :)” – Patrick Valtin
2. Receptionists:
a. (Placed or revised every Friday)
b. Craigslist ONLY if emergency or not enough via Indeed.
3. Technicians
a. Penn Foster (Permanent ad-doesn’t require a re-post)
b. No Fail Hiring (Ads placed on Indeed, etc by No Fail)
c. Cedar Valley College
Stacy Gregoire, LVT (instructor of veterinary technology)
Cedar Valley College
Veterinary Technology
3030 N. Dallas Ave. Suite M123B
Lancaster, TX 75134
877-353-3482 or 972-860-8101
Monica Fann at [email protected] (director of careers program – coordinates
4. Technician Assistants:
a. No Fail Hiring (Ads placed on Indeed, etc by No Fail)
b. Cedar Valley College
5. Kennel/Bather
a. Craigslist ($__/month) – Replace every month on the first of
each month
b. (If not getting 30 applicants/month through
Craigslist. Placed or revised every other Friday)
6. Groomer: Ads only placed when position needs filled.
a. (Placed or revised every Friday)
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b. Craigslist (If not getting enough applicants from Indeed.
Placed or revised every Friday)
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