Growing into Fatherhood
Durante became a first-time dad three PAC heavily encourages partner
weeks ago. His partner, Tasha, told participation at appointments and in
Durante they were going to take classes parenting education. Fathers who have the
together at PAC to prepare for baby Dante's opportunity to see their baby in-utero
arrival. "When she told me, I thought that was through an ultrasound exam may become
actually very cool. I had never heard of a vested in their roles and prepared to
program like PAC's," he says. become an equal parenting partner. It is
important to embrace, educate, equip
Durante is a soft spoken guy who was a and empower dads to be fully present
little uncomfortable about the thought of for their partner and child.
attending new classes, but when he learned
there was an online option he decided to "I'm so glad I took the classes. There is a lot
give it a try. of stuff to being a dad that I no idea about."
Durante continues, "I also learned some of the
Engaging fathers is an increasingly things Tasha was going through during
important aspect of our work with clients. the pregnancy. Wow, I just had no idea,"
Studies show single parent homes (majority
single moms) can actually heighten risk for PAC is proud of Durante for stepping up as
substance abuse, depression and anxiety. Dante's dad. We continue to pray for more
Parenting decisions begin before the birth men to find their strength and take on their
of the child. God-given vocation as fathers.
"Through our prayers and through the intercession of St. Joseph, patron of fathers,
may fathers come to know the irreplaceable role they hold in the lives of their children,
and the responsibility they share in welcoming God's gift of new life.-"Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre
Photo credit:
From the desk of Lisa Regan,
PAC Executive Director
Dear Friends,
September for me has always been a month to mark beginnings and endings. A slow dial-down of
the dog days of summer. A new school year. An entrance into fall with a fresh outlook and renewed
vigor to tackle challenges ahead.
How proud we are of our clients who pick up their crosses - filled with hope and finding strength
they didn’t know they had. “I know you are coming to fulfill God’s plan,” our client, Gladys, said to her
unborn child. As Gladys says so appropriately, with God there is always possibility.
God is not only making things possible but opening new avenues to expand our reach into Atlanta’s most vulnerable areas.
Thanks to you, our third clinic is planned to open in just a few short weeks. Leaning into the heart of Atlanta, PAC is growing our
mission to support life and serve communities with the highest abortion rates in the state. The in-town clinic will serve
students, singles, and families of varying income levels and provide them with resources they need to support life, grow as
parents, heal from the past and claim their dignity through healthy sexual lifestyle. With God, all things are possible. And
you are the hands, feet and face of God, facilitating the extension of our work to protect life.
I pray you are able to join us in person on September 26 at the Georgia Aquarium for An Evening for Life Annual
Fundraising Event. Appropriately themed, Light Overcomes, we’ll have more stories of success and more exciting news to
share about our plans to expand our reach with life-affirming service.
Thank you for tackling the challenges with us. With God and all of you, all things are indeed possible.
For Life,
Lisa Regan, Executive Director
Expanding our Reach in the Heart of Atlanta
PAC has identified its next clinic location at 440 Ralph McGill Blvd. NE
on the eastside of the city of Atlanta. This facility, which served
previously as administrative and medical offices, is directly across the
street from Wellstar Atlanta Medical Center parking deck.
The building will serve as PAC’s third clinic, serving students, women 1 John 4:18-19
and families in the heart of Atlanta. The PAC leadership team and
Board of Directors targeted the in-town location for its third clinic on
the basis of several factors, including: proximity to university and
singles populations, resource needs for families of varying income
levels and Marta transit access. The Ralph McGill building is located
less than 1⁄2 mile to the Atlanta Beltline, a mile from the Georgia
State University Center and Ponce City Market, and a short walk to
Marta bus stops. In the coming weeks, PAC will provide further
updates on the refurbishment of the building and an anticipated
clinic opening date.
Clinic Updates
Something new at PAC: Traveling "Mary's Yes"
At the Annunciation, Mary said "yes" to the Angel This statue is lovingly called "Mary's Yes" by our staff in the PAC clinics.
Gabriel, who asked her to give birth to God’s son. Our lady reminds us that before we ever seek God, He is seeking us
She freely accepted God’s will in her life. and wants to initiate a conversation. Even when we are hesitant and
fearful as we try to understand God’s will in our life, God reminds us
of His love for us and that nothing is impossible with God in our lives.
Inspired by the Walking with Mom's In Need Archdiocesan initiative,
we have packed up "Mary's Yes" in her own special travel bag and
want to share her with the community. "Mary's Yes" is currently
looking for guardians to welcome her into their home or parish.
Similar to the way the Elijah Cup moves around the community, our
Blessed Mother will visit to inspire prayer about the sanctity of life.
When you bring the "Mary's Yes" statue home or to your parish, place
her in a place of prominence and pray with her. This can also be a
great time to talk with children about how all life is precious in God's
eyes and the importance of praying with Mary as an intercessor.
"Mary's Yes" comes with some suggested prayers and a visitation
book where you are invited to add your name and/or own special
prayer intentions so the next guardian can include them in their own.
Please contact PAC Outreach Manager, Betsy Gordon, to sign up
to be a "Mary's Yes" guardian: [email protected]
PATH program highlight
PATH programming offers retreats, Bible
studies, mentorship and aftercare focused
on spiritual healing for women and men
affected by an abortion experience.
Today's Highlight:
PATH One-on-One Mentorship
The mentorship program may be the ideal place to
begin your healing journey.
A PATH mentor will provide a safe, confidential
place for listening, sharing and praying together.
The program lasts approximately seven weeks, at
which time options for your next steps will be
Fall classes starting soon
Fall Parenting Classes
Fridays @ 10:30 am
(beginning August 27, 2021)
ONLINE St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church
4633 Shiloh Rd. Cumming GA 30040
Fall Classes include: Faith Formation Center
All classes are free and open to anyone in the community.
Parenting 1 Mon @ 1:30 pm
Parenting 2 Thurs @ 4pm
Adding in-person class in October at our Forest Park clinic - Thurs 4pm ONLY.
Nurturing God's Way Tues @ 1:30pm
Courageous Women Thurs @ 11am
of the Bible
Class dates, links, subjects and times are listed on the
classroom calendar:
Don't miss out. REGISTER TODAY!
You are invited to
An Evening for Life
Annual Fundraising Event
to benefit Pregnancy Aid Clinic
at the Georgia Aquarium
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Light Overcomes
“the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
Why Do I Give?
Christine & Joe Trovato have supported PAC since 2011, when they learned
about the PAC mission as a table guest at a PAC fundraising event. They were so
moved that they knew they had to get involved. "We give to PAC because we are
called to protect God’s most vulnerable humans, the baby in the womb and
a mother during an unexpected pregnancy. We believe that PAC offers an
opportunity for mothers in need of support to witness God’s love - which
leads to their courageous choice of life."
Joe is a living example of a beautiful choice for life . When his mother found herself pregnant while already raising an
infant, going through emotional and physical struggles and without any support; she was encouraged by doctors
and social workers to terminate her pregnancy. Being raised Catholic, she knew that it was best to follow God's plan
and chose life for her unborn child. Joe says, "She chose ME and not the lies that she would be better off having an
abortion." He continues, "It's my personal mission to help women in unexpected pregnancies to understand that
this is a gift. This baby is a person that will bring so much joy and happiness into the world."
"We give because PAC is on the front line encouraging and providing a path
for moms. We will continue to support PAC as long as I breathe."
Not only have Christine & Joe personally (and professionally) been wonderful continuous financial supporters, but
Christine joined the PAC Board of Directors in 2019 and is currently serving as Vice Chairman. Her energy for the
mission and valuable time is such a gift to PAC.
Clare & Glen Schelhammer have supported PAC since 2015. "I attended the
grand opening of the Roswell clinic and was convinced I had to volunteer,"
says Clare. Her interior design background and her generous heart was
exactly what PAC needed in setting up the baby boutique in Roswell. Six years
later, she is still volunteering weekly to keep the boutique running smoothly
and looking beautiful.
Clare & Glen also financially support PAC by attending fundraising events and sharing the important mission of PAC
with their friends and family. Clare says, "We give because we strongly believe in the sanctity of life and the
pro-life cause."
Thanks to the following recent donors:
Thanks so much to local parishes hosting baby bottle fundraisers:
All Saints Catholic Church, Dunwoody GA St. Vincent de Paul
St. Brendan Catholic Church, Cumming GA Catholic Church
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Dallas GA
If you are interested in hosting a baby bottle drive, please go to:
or contact Linda Grace at [email protected]
Many thanks to all of our donors who hosted baby supply drives:
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church and School
Cathedral of Christ the King Vacation Bible School
Regina Caeli Academy
Queen of Angels Catholic School
Also, much gratitude goes out to:
Christ Child Society of Atlanta - monthly layettes
And all our donors who bring diapers, wipes and baby supplies by our clinics
Thank you Focus on the Family for a digital advertising matching
grant that allows us to reach clients where they are... on digital media.
Thank you to St. Peter Chanel Knights of Columbus
for volunteering your time to install our new signage, paint the posts
and mailbox at our Roswell clinic. It looks great!
Listen to Did you know that The Quest offers short reflections called Pro-Life Minutes?
Quite literally 60 seconds, these powerful moments are served up as reminders that
every life matters. Do you have a minute for God's message about the sanctity of
Reflections can be found here:
Pregnancy Aid Clinic
PO Box 92
Roswell, GA 30077
The mission of the Pregnancy Aid Clinic is to promote the sanctity of human life as recognized in the teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church. We accomplish this by empowering families in the greater Atlanta area to make healthy life
choices related to human sexuality by providing pregnancy confirmation and fertility awareness programs along with
pregnancy and parenting educational support.
"The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created
by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself.
Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for.”
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
Upcoming Events
Week of August 16 2021: Fall semester PAC classes begin
For more info:
End of August: Abortion Recovery Bible Studies (English & Spanish)
For more info contact: Liz Youngs, PATH Program Director 404.717.5557
September 26, 2021: AN EVENING FOR LIFE Annual Fundraising Event
For more info:
October 8-10, 2021 - Rachel's Vineyard Retreat
For more info contact: Liz Youngs, PATH Program Director 404.717.5557
September/October Scheduled Baby Bottle Drives include:
9/11 - 9/26: Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta
10/2 -10/17: Saint Peter Chanel Catholic Church, Roswell
10/2-10/24: Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Peachtree City
10/9-10/10: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Atlanta
10/9-10/10: Saint Philip Benizi Catholic Church, Jonesboro