B obs Horrible
B y Ashton MacKenzie
Bob, a simple man, never really had that many different
clothes, so he was about the same each day. He looked
different here and there. He always liked working. It was
something to do, so he worked and liked his job, and his
friends were nice.They hung out a lot in and out of work.
They had a small group of friends but they were good
friends. I tell you this because he’s the main character.
Don't you want some background on him? I would. But
today it was not the greatest of all days it was a bad day.
In early morning Bob woke up to look at his alarm clock to
see it was 5:00 and his job is in Canada.
Bob was tumbling out of bed because Bob is
supposed to be at work at 5:30, Bob usually wakes up at
4:00 AM, pretty early if you ask
me! He gets up and gets ready
really fast then books it to the
kitchen and makes a messy
sandwich and goes out the door
running with a sandwich in hand
and Bob was off to his car and
started to head to work.
Bob is driving down the
highway when he got two flat tires. Bob kept driving and all
of a sudden his car shut
down. Bob got out and
checked the engine.It had
smoke coming out all over
the place, and Bob had
nothing to fix, it so he
grabbed all his stuff and
began to walk. Bob felt bad
because he knew he was going to be late.
A few minutes later, a car came by. The car stopped
beside Bob, the window went down slowly.The windows
were tinted, so you couldn’t see in it when the window was
down Bob could barely see the man. It was so dark the
man said, “I will give you a ride if you have money” in a
deep voice. Then Bob said “no”. After Bob said no the
window went up and the man left.
So Bob kept walking. It was 5:20 AM. Then the other
car came. This time it was a different car and man. The
man asked Bob if he needed help Bob said, “yes,” and
said that he worked at Walmart, and it was 20 miles back
because the car came from the place Bob was going. So
Bob got in the car and the man began to go back.
After 20 minutes, the car stopped in front of Bob's
work and Bob thanked the man and then ran into work and
went to his boss because when you are late you have to
check in with your boss at this Walmart. Bob's boss said,
“You are late”.Bob said ,”Yes,” and explained what had
happened and his boss was ok with it.
So Bob worked for the rest of the day and at the end
of the day he walked to his car and called a tow truck and
got it to a repair shop and had his car fixed. Headed home
and went to sleep, and he did the same the next day.