Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Apprentice Name: Kieran Sapak
Employer: Frome Community College
Qualification: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecom Professionals
Level: 2
Unit Number & Title: 101 Health and Safety in ICT
Description of Activity Undertaken (Please Be As Specific As Possible)
1 Comply with relevant health and safety procedures.
Assessment criteria (to which the activity provides evidence)
1.1 – 1.3
Questions and Answers
1.1 Identify relevant organisational health and safety procedures.
1.2 Identify available sources of health and safety information.
1.3 Demonstrate how relevant health and safety procedures have been followed.
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Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Apprentice Name: Kieran Sapak
Employer: Frome Community College
Level: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecom
Unit Number & Title: 117 Security of ICT Systems
Description of Activity Undertaken (Please Be As Specific As Possible)
1 Know the particular threats to an IT system and its data with specified methods and
procedures for protecting it
2 Comply with relevant security requirements to protect an IT system and its data
Assessment criteria (to which the activity provides evidence)
1.1– 1.4
2.1 –2.2
Questions and Answers
1.1 Describe specified data protection methods, such as
– malware detection software (anti-virus, anti spyware etc)
– internet security suites (firewall, malware detection, anti-phishing and spam filters)
– use and protection of passwords or access codes
– backup and storage.
1.2 Describe specified methods of providing physical security for ICT systems:
– access control devices (eg locks, biometric controls, CCTV)
– limiting visibility of data (eg by positioning of monitors, using encryption)
– shielding (eg cable screening, Faraday cages)
1.3 Describe relevant organisational security procedures
Questions and Answers
1.4 Describe the type of security breaches that can occur in IT systems, such as:
– unauthorised use of a system without damage to data
– unauthorised removal or copying of data or code from a system
– damage to or destruction of physical system assets and environment
– damage to or destruction of data or code inside or outside the system
– preventing normal use of a system (eg denial of service attack).
2.1 Use specified security tools to identify and prevent breaches of security:
– internal system tools (eg passwords, anti-virus software, firewalls and encryption
– external tools (eg access control devices)
2.2 Comply with organisational security procedures.
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Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Apprentice Name: Kieran Sapak
Employer: Frome Community College
Qualification: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecom Professionals
Level: 2
Unit Number & Title: 202 Develop Own Effectiveness and Professionalism
Description of Activity Undertaken (Please Be As Specific As Possible)
1 Develop own personal and professional skills.
2 Work as a member of a team to achieve defined goals and implement agreed plans.
3 Understand what is meant by professional practice.
4 Know the legislative environment relating to IT activities.
5 Improve personal effectiveness.
Assessment criteria (to which the activity provides evidence)
1.1 – 1.2
2.1 – 2.5
3.1 – 3.2
5.1 – 5.4
Questions and Answers
1.1 Obtain and review feedback from others on performance.
1.2 Agree personal goals and participate in development activities to meet them.
Questions and Answers
2.1 Effectively manage own time
2.2 Recognise and respect diversity, individual differences and perspectives
2.3 Accept and provide feedback in a constructive and considerate manner
2.4 Understand the responsibilities of colleagues
2.5 Identify obstacles to effective teamwork
3.1 Identify the implications, and applicability for IT professionals of:
– Data Protection Act
– Computer Misuse Act
3.2 List the professional bodies for IT
4.2 Identify the impact on an IT organisation of legislation covering:
– processing of financial transactions
– health and safety
– privacy, confidentiality and security
– copyright and intellectual property rights.
5.1 List the aims and objectives of the organisation
5.2 State the organisation’s brand or image
5.3 Identify the organisation’s structure, roles and responsibilities
5.4 Identify potential improvements to working practices
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Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Apprentice Name: Kieran Sapak
Employer: Frome Community College
Qualification: Diploma in Professional Competence for IT and Telecom Professionals
Level: 2
Unit Number & Title: 203 Customer Care in ICT
Description of Activity Undertaken (Please Be As Specific As Possible)
1 Know how to provide customer care by establishing customer relationship.
2 Provide customer care by establishing customer relationships
Assessment criteria (to which the activity provides evidence)
1.1 – 1.4
2.1 – 2.6
Questions and Answers
1.1 Describe the uses of interpersonal communication techniques such as:
– verbal (eg intonation, tone and feedback (sometimes referred to as verbal attends) and
non-verbal techniques (eg smiling while talking on the phone, body language)
– attentive listening (i.e. difference between hearing and listening)
– positive and negative language
– active listening (eg summarising, paraphrasing, body language)
– listening barriers (eg background noise, distractions, lack of concentration)
– types of question (eg open, closed and probing).
1.2 Describe the relevant parts of the organisational requirements for customer care
– customer service procedures (eg how to log customer information, how to initiate service
calls, how to complete a sale)
– authorisation procedures (eg how to confirm caller identity, how to validate requests)
– escalation, resolution and complaint handling
– quality assurance procedures
– compliance with relevant legislation and regulations (eg data protection, financial
– maintenance and communication of organisational brand or image
– organisational aims and objectives