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Published by shubhamkasar2996, 2019-05-17 00:57:29



Infinitech Training Institute

Branch: Mulund & Vile Parle
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Contact Us: 9619 404 225 , 9619 404 202


Course Name:

Codeignitor Course
( SMS Portal With SMS API Integration )
(With Jquery , AJAX and Angular JS)


30 Hours


Course Details As Following

Code Igniter Framework Training

CodeIgniter is open souce PHP Framework.
What is CodeIgniter?
Simple and elegant framework to create any web applications
from scratch. Best Documentation with superb explained PHP
Why CodeIgniter?
light weight and Cool performance Small footprint
Almost zero configuration framework.
Where You can get it?
You can download at
When CodeIgniter framework is needed?
For exceptional performance.
For broad compatibility with standard .

Do not require templating language (although a template parser is
optionally available if you desire one)


Less complexity, simple solutions
Introduction to CodeIgniter Framework
CodeIgniter: Download and Installation Process

CodeIgniter Framework (MVC Architecture based) Course will
enable you to build your own applications with less time with
advance level OOPS programming in PHP.

CodeIgniter PHP framework is a PHP web application
development framework based on the MVC (Model-View-
Controller) .

CodeIgniter framework will allow us to generate business logic,
application logic and visual presentation in less time. It separates
data from application logic and visual presentation.
There are a number of benefits of CodeIgniter course like you can
develop php website with best framework for php where you will
get amazing performance, required no configuration, doesn't have
to stick with the normal coding rules and many more.


All PHP framework CodeIgniter Course attendees must have basic
knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP Programming and


Course Features:
Module I:
 PHP OOPS Concept
 PHP OOPS Class
 PHP OOPS Object and Class
 PHP OOPS Access specifiers ( Private , protected and public
 PHP OOPS Types of members and scope of members
 PHP OOPS constructor and destructor
 PHP OOPS encapsulation
 PHP OOPS $this inbuilt object of class
 PHP OOPS parent , this , static , final , abstract ,

new keywords with example

 PHP OOPS inheritance , multilevel inheritance
 PHP OOPS function overloading and function overriding
 PHP OOPS scope resolution operator (::)


Module II:

 PHP OOPS based MVC Architecture
 Advantage of MVC Architecture over basic programming

 Programming and time efficiency over normal

programming method
 Difference Between Module , view and controller

How Module , view and controller work together

 Business logic , application logic and layout presentation
with the help of MVC architecture

Module III:

 CodeIgniter Framework download and installation
 CodeIgniter Folder structure
 CodeIgniter User Guide
 CodeIgniter System folder to understand inbuilt libraries

and helpers


 CodeIgniter Application folder to understand model
view and controller structure

 Code Igniter URLs and usage in project
 CodeIgniter URL structure with controller , function and parameter

CodeIgniter Controllers

 Create your first controller and access with autoload concept
 CodeIgniter Reserved keywords and Names
 CodeIgniter Views
 Create your first view and access with controller
 CodeIgniter Models Create your first model and access with controller
 CodeIgniter inbuilt Helpers and User Defined Helpers Create Your

own defined Helpers in application folder

 CodeIgniter inbuilt Libraries and User Defined Libraries Create Your
own defined libraries in application folder

 Usage of CI_Model and CI_Controller from Core controller in system

 CodeIgniter base_url() function to access codeigniter folder structure

 CodeIgniter inbuilt constants like APPPATH , BASEPATH to access


 Structure post and get method concept in CodeIgniter

 Use of post() and get() using inbuilt object input CodeIgniter

 CodeIgniter Creating Your Own Libraries and Helpers
 CodeIgniter URI Routing
 CodeIgniter Alternative PHP Syntax
 CodeIgniter Auto-loading Resources
 CodeIgniter Common Functions

Module IV :

 Creating SMS Portal Application with CodeIgniter
 SMS Portal ( SMS API Integration ) with Code Igniter
 CodeIgniter SMS Portal with database design and

database normalization
 Creating and Sending Parameters Between Controller and View in

 Getting Parameters From GET and POST method
 Setting Database Configuration in CodeIgniter


 CodeIgniter database.php with mysqli class and using persistence
connect concept

 Preparing Database
 Showing Simple All Data
 Showing Simple One Data
 Choosing a Data From GET
  Learn CodeIgniter Framework Form Creating Skeleton
 File Structure
 Creating Layout Code
 Creating Menu Library
 Putting Text at Header and Footer
 Centralizing $data
 Adding CSS , jquery and javascript

Creating Form HTML
 Creating Beautiful Form Code
 CodeIgniter HTML Style


 Preparing Table at Database
 Creating Insert Data
 Creating List Data Use Table Library
 Creating Table List Without Table Library
 Using URL Helper
 Showing Single Data for Form Edit Something Happen With Form

Parameters Updating Data
 Deleting Data
 CodeIgniter Active Record Class for insert , delete , update and

select queries
 CodeIgniter Active Record Class for Method Chaining-

 CodeIgniter validation class for client side and server side

 CodeIgniter with Jquery and ajax to process CRUD Operation
 CodeIgniter with regular expression

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 CodeIgniter with inbuilt form validation concept
 Entire CRUD (create , read , update and delete process with

CodeIgniter and MVC architecture)
 CodeIgniter Captcha image verification for registration process
 CodeIgniter session class to maintain and use session concept
 CodeIgniter with encryption key concept for session CodeIgniter

Email class for email system

CodeIgniter inbuilt class in depth:
Config Class
Email Class
Encryption Class
Form Validation Class
HTML Table Class
Input Class
Javascript Class
Session Class
URI Class
Database Class
Javascript Class

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CodeIgniter inbuilt Helper in depth:

Array Helper
Directory Helper
Email Helper
Form Helper
HTML Helper
String Helper
Text Helper
URL Helper

CodeIgniter with Ajax Basics

HTTP Request and Response Fundamentals
The XMLHttpRequest Object
XMLHttpRequest Methods
XMLHttpRequest Properties
Cross-Browser Usage
Sending a Request to the Server
Basic Ajax Example
Bringing in the Ajax: GET vs. POST
Passing Values
Client-Driven Communication, Server-Side Processing
Basic Examples
Expanding and Contracting Content
Form Validation
Tool Tips

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CodeIgniter with jQuery Basics with Example & Selectors

About jQuery How jQuery
jQuery: The Basics
Launching Code and Complete Examples Using selectors and
Basics & Hierarchy
Basic, Content, Visibility, Attribute & Child Filters
Forms & Form Filters

CodeIgniter with Angular JS

Angular JS Directives , Inbuilt Objects and functions
 ng-app
 ng-repeat
 ng-show
 ng-hide
 ng-controller
 ng-if
 ng-disabled
 ng-init
 ng-bind
 ng-blur
 ng-change
 ng-dblclick ng-keyup
 ng-mouseover
 variables, object and array in angular js

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 angular expression to show data
 $scope glue Object
 $http Object
 Post() method
 Get() method
 Each loop in angular js
 User defined directives
 Angular JS Filters
 Angular JS Modules
 Angular JS Data Binding
 Angular JS Controllers


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